In the photo studio

I’m taking some more photographs of you in my studio
where my
assistant, Duke, is arranging various props and set pieces.
He’s a young
man in his early twenties, handsome and eager to learn the
You’re dressed in a blouse and wrap-around skirt. As he
works around you,
setting things up, I notice you watching him closely, then I
see you bend over
slightly to let your breasts brush lightly against his arm.
When he looks up
at you, you give him a smile, pouting your lips in a
seductive way.
Then, a few moments later, I just happen to see you
enticing him a bit
by pulling up your skirt and showing him some of your long
naked leg.
Hesitantly, he reaches out to touch you and you slap his
hand away.
Obviously you’re being a flirt and a tease, and I
decide I’d better teach
you a lesson…
The next set of photos will include shotson a
Victorian-styled daybed
with thin, iron railings.
I decide that something doesn’t look right as I gaze
through the
viewfinder, and I go to you, take one of your hands and put
it on the railing.
Then, before you realize what has happened, I flick a
handcuff around your
wrist and lock it in. The other end snaps into place around
the railing.
“What are you doing!?” you exclaim and bring the
other hand over to
try and free yourself. But I grab that hand, too, pull it
back and snap a
handcuff around the wrist, then attach it to the opposite
railing so that you lie
T-shaped sideways on the bed, the lower portion of your body
off the edge, with your feet on the floor.
“You’ve been a bad girl, Kristy,” I say to you
quietly as I begin to undo
the buttons of your blouse one at a time, slowly. “You’ve
been teasing Duke,
getting him hot and horny, then turning him away…That’s
really not nice, you
“But, but—” you begin. “What are you going to do
to me?” There’s a
slight quaver in your voice, more of excitement than fear.
“You’ll see,” I reply as the last button comes
undone and I part the two
halves of your blouse to reveal your firm breasts with their
hard, pink
nipples. I take the teats between my fingers and thumbs,
rub them gently but
firmly. You moan and squirm on the bed as you feel a shock
travel from
your buds to your groin. You struggle, but you realize you
can’t get free.
Now I unfasten your skirt, pull it away. Already
your panties are wet
with dew and I slip them down your legs.
“Duke, come here,” I call out. A moment later, my
assistanrt appears.
“Take your clothes off.”
He looks at me, a surprised look on his face, but he
quickly gets out of
his clothes. Naked he stands before you, his cock already
hard and
“Go ahead,” i say to him. “Take her.”
Wide-eyed, you stare at me.
“I’m just going to enjoy the show,” I say simply.
As Duke moves
towards you, I unfasten my pants and push them and my shorts
to the floor,
step out of them. I pull off my shirt. I take hold of my
own cock, begin to rub
the skin back and forth as I was Duke move between your
legs. he lifts up
your hips and without any sort of foreplay, thrusts himself
into you. Within a
minute or two of quick stabs, he suddenly pulls out of you,
grasps his cock
and jerks it quickly, shooting his warm seed onto your
You groan with disappointment at the quickness of it
all, desiring
more, but with a finaly grin of thanks at me, he leaves.
I move to you, still fingering my cock, stand
between your legs.
“You want more?” I inquire.
“Yes…” you whisper.
“Are you going to tease us again?”
You shake your head, but I know full well that you
will. but it doesn’t
matter. I like being turned on by you.
“All right then.” That said, I sit on the floor
between your legs, pick up
your thighs and rest them on my shoulders.
Slowly, I begin to lick my way up the inside of your
thigh, tasting the
bittersweet saltiness of your sweat, then up further till I
inhale the heady and
stimulating muskiness of your sex. My tongue maneuvers its
way back and
forth along your labia, curling around your clitoris,
stabbing every so slightly
into the entrance of your cunt, tasting your juices. You
struggle against the
cuffs, but they hold you securely.
Now I lift your hips more, thrusting my hot tongue
deep into your hole.
You cry out, begging for more. I slide my tongue back and
forth, then run it
down to your anus, probe the puckered hole with quick light
thrusts and
circling licks. You bounce on the bed as I move back to
your clitoris,
rubbing it, sucking it, nibbling it with my tongue and teeth
and lips until you
can stand it no more. You gasp aloud, calling out in
ecstasy as waves of
delicious sensations ripple through your body and my tongue
thrusts deep
into the very core of your sex, entering, retreating,
until, exhausted, you
moan for me to stop…..