Bonnie’s Anal Accident

My girlfriend Bonnie was quite sexually experienced already at 18 (same age as me at the time), but she’d never tried anal. I was just coming off a relationship where the girl would let me finger and eat her ass as much as I wanted, but she never would let my dick get close to […]

The Gangbang Scholarship

I looked at the two applicants as they walked in. Both of them were a bit intimidated by the wealth used to furnish a simple office. The floor was a lush red carpet and the furnishings were Old English. My chair had a high back that looked vaguely like a throne. The desk in front […]

Taj’s Tasty Tush

Taj is my nephew, my older brother Jermaine’s son, so I’ve known him all his life. At the time everything happened, he had just turned seven, having just finished the first grade, while I had just turned seventeen, having just finished the eleventh grade. I was still very much in the closet about my sexuality […]

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