What Goes Around, Cums Around

Persuasive by nature and devilishly curious, young Liza, convinced her cousin Kellye to have sex with her, one night while they both slept over their grandparent’s house. Liza discovered several of grandfather’s pornographic magazines, underneath the bathroom sink. She managed to sneak a couple them using a large, hardcover children’s book. She transported them unsuspectingly […]

Straight she took my cock in her mouth and started giving me blowjob

After that adventure vinod had called kanti and asked permission if they can join us for more games. We welcomed the idea and informed the dates which will be convenient to both of us. So, they planned accordingly and visited our town. Vinod and Madhu arrived at our town in afternoon and stayed at kanti`s […]

She sucks magnificently !

“Beatrice Dalrymple, just what do you think you are you doing to that poor young man?” Eleanor demanded from the doorway. Corky’s prick was still pulsing inside Beatrice’s bottom, having just deposited his tribute therein. Beatrice, for her part, was forestalled from her imminent climax by her mother’s exquisitely ill-timed interruption. Corky fought down the […]

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