Girlfriend’s Mother Part 1

I received an email one day that both confused and excited me. There was no subject line in the header but I could see that if had come from my then girlfriend’s mother. I didn’t really understand why she would be emailing me, we were no on the best of terms, but I opened it […]

Taj’s Tasty Tush

Taj is my nephew, my older brother Jermaine’s son, so I’ve known him all his life. At the time everything happened, he had just turned seven, having just finished the first grade, while I had just turned seventeen, having just finished the eleventh grade. I was still very much in the closet about my sexuality […]

My Mom’s old friend from college comes to stay with us

I was just waking up, after a long night of studying. I could hear my Mom, yell something down the stairs. I rolled out of bed. I barely got a pair of boxers on and a t-shirt before my Mom opened my bed room door. “Morning.” She said. I smiled. My hands were in my […]

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