Tell me what you want – Anal sex

It had never been a plan, so much as a fantasy he had. John had been dating Sonya for 3 months. He’d taken her virginity after 3 weeks, and they had been active ever since. He enjoyed being with her immensely, enjoyed showing her new things, doing things no one had done to her before. […]

For every absolutely gorgeous piece of ass in the world, there is some guy who is sick and tired of fucking her

Simone came to live was us – my wife Tabitha, my fifteen-year-old step-daughter Tina, and myself — about a month ago. She is the step-daughter of my wife’s twin sister, Tawny. That sister, a single mother, is doing a year in prison for check fraud, and we’re taking her step-daughter in with us until she […]

The XxX Deleted Scene: Lucy

Trapped with her worse nightmare. Trapped with the Hulk. Fear did not come easily to Natasha. Raised as a assassin and a spy when she was just a child and later recruited into S.H.I.E.L.D., she had seen and done far too much to succumb to fear. But the Hulk… When Agent Caulson had informed her […]

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