Pool Table For Three

Becky had tried on at least six different outfits, clothes were strewn all over her bed, she stared at her closet and sighed deeply “what am I going to wear?” she muttered. She had just had a long shower and shaved her pussy, she was feeling quite horny and excited about the evening ahead. Her […]

Lesbian Mom story

Mom had been going out with Ken for over two years when things started to go wrong. I could tell Mom was upset, and she tended to pay attention to the phone a lot even though Ken never called. Finally Mom heard that Ken was dating a woman in her early twenties named Darla. To […]

Glory’s Friday Night Suck

I grew up with a “family name” in a famous North Shore Massachusetts community, famous for large houses and lots of money. My mother was incredibly beautiful and my father came from Several Generations Of Money. My mother was famous for her charity work and my father was secretly famous for his many extramarital affairs. […]

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