(Shemale x Male) A wanderlust stricken Elf discovers something completely new

Scar delicately dipped his hands into the waters of the quiet, slow-flowing stream, cupping and raising his them to his lips to draw in a cold and refreshing sip of water, splashing the rest across the soft features of his face to revitalise him after a long day scouting out the city before him. He […]

Donna Got What She Needed

My wife, Donna was all a man could ever want. Successful at her work, a good wife, and excellent mother. Unfortunately, I could sense that sexually, she was frustrated. As beautiful as the first day I saw her, Donna had that kind of beauty that everyone noticed. Donna was concerned with her weight but it […]

Kinky Black Mother 2.

Charline Sutter liked to drive her powder-blue sports car, liked the way it snugly hugged the road no matter how torturously bent or curved it became, no matter what shape or line it took. She enjoyed, too, the feeling of power as she carefully steered and shifted gears of the sleek little car as she […]

Kinky Black Mother 1.

Charline Sutter threw back the covers and crawled out of bed, careful not wake her still-sleeping husband, Dan. She stood still for a moment, smoothing her hands down over the lush curves of her voluptuous coffee-colored body, along her full, firm hips and downwards along the womanly curves of her outer thighs. Yes, she told […]

Curve Patrol

I exited the bathroom still wet from a long soak in the tub. With my terry robe wrapped tightly around me, I stalked toward the kitchen on the hunt for a giant mug of hot chocolate. A triple latte espresso would have been better, but it was nine at night and I’d had a long […]

The carpenter’s cock

Jake’s balls had collapsed, but unlike her dog, his cock had not begun to droop. The sight of this voluptuous girl with his jism all over her face and tits was inspirational, keeping his prick stiff. He shook his prick in her face, spraying a few more drops from his fuck-knob. Barbara licked his cockhead, […]

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