Lesbian Captain’s Orders

The pirates took over the convict ship on her sixth day out of Dartmouth, bound for Virginia. Under cover of darkness, they came alongside and had disposed of the captain and crew before the few passengers on board were awake enough to know what was going on. Then, as the convicts were freed to join […]

Laura My office sex slave

Laura’s situation was a little unique. She shared an office with me, and like it or not I got to be very familiar with the nuances of her life, mainly from phone calls and the like that she made, and listening to her talk to people that happened by. That, in addition to what she […]

Door to door (M/F, flash)

The Jehovah’s Witnesses of porn. Kenny pushed his straw colored bangs from his eyes and stuck a finger into the collar of his shirt, trying to loosen his tie some. It was a hot July day; too hot really, to be walking around in a suit, but he had to look respectable. After taking a […]

Mini Mind’s Eye (Dream Fant.)

I spotted her walking towards me, first intermittently amongst pedestrians moving in both directions on the busy sidewalk. I was sipping a cappuccino in my favorite sidewalk cafe, which with its raised deck afforded me a commanding view of the bustling crowd. Like always, when a goddess graces our earthly domain, there’s a charismatic glow […]

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