A guy gets really lucky when the husband in swinging couple decides to give his gorgeous 21 year old wife

Just another shitty day is paradise. I walked along the
beach at Waikiki on that beautiful Sunday afternoon. It
was the last year 18 year olds could drink in Hawaii
and my usual watering hole was the best place out of
the sun. Great bar, it was under the swimming pool at
the Outrigger Hotel. All those healthy young girls. And
after a few beers, they loved to swim in front of the
three large pool windows and show the cheering crowd a
little tit and ass. Sometimes a bit of pussy. Good
clean fun.

So I stopped for a cold beer and to check out the show.
I was 35 years old then, married but enjoyed an
occasional lady visitor to the Islands. Davy’s was
jammed. My usual spot, the regular’s end of the bar was
full but there were two seats open in the middle right
in front of the center window to the pool. The noise
was deafening.

Everyone was on their feet cheering for the girl in the
pool. I finally got Bono attention, forget the beer and
ordered a full bottle of champagne. Ice in the popcorn
bucket, bottle in the ice, and a glass in my hand, I
turned my attention to the girl in the pool.

She was stunning. About 21 or so, with long blond hair
streaming behind her as she swam underwater in front of
the pool window. Her breasts were perfect. Not massive
but a good C cup. Mouth watering pink nipple erect in
the cool water. And as she displayed them to the crowd
in the bar, she gently rubbed her hands over her flat
belly, her slender waist, up her sides and caressed her
lovely tits and held them up for all to see.

Every minute or so she would surface for air and her
upper body would no longer be visible but those lovely
legs would move seductively. And what an ass. Just the
right amount of chunk under her bikini bottom. You know
how a great looking ass tucks under with a little
crease as if made to hold in your hands. Well she had
it. After ten or so minutes of showing off her body,
well all but her pussy and great ass.

Then she moved her right hand down her body, down her
belly and into her bikini bottom to her pussy. The bar
got almost quite with anticipation. I could clearly see
her middle finger slide into her pussy with only that
thin, translucent white material blocking my view. But
not for long. She slowly slid her bottoms off then
stroked her tits with her left hand as she masturbated
with her right. The lips grew larger and opened as her
fingers moved between them. And as she slipped her
middle finger inside, the bar exploded.

People went wild and I just stared. Just that quick, it
was over.

A couple of guys ran out of the bar. Jumped in the pool
and started trying to grab. Not what she had in mind so
on went the bottoms and the top. She left the pool.
Somebody always has to screw things up. So I drank my
champagne and read my book.

Maybe ten minutes later, I turned, a bit annoyed at
first, as a wet body brushed by me and occupied the bar
stool next to me. She smiled, said Hi and asked if I
liked her little show. When I was able to get my mouth
working again, I told her I love it. That she was quite
a lady and I was sorry the guys in the pool ended it
for me. She smiled. Then laughed and her whole face lit
up. She was absolutely beautiful.

She was Kimberley, I was George and old enough to be
her father. About that time, drinks arrived from all
over the bar. Followed by guys from all over the bar.
But she drank my champagne. Sent them all back to there
places in the bar a spoke to me. I was in heaven. She
asked if I could find her bag she left on the floor. I
did. Black cloth bag and from it she took her jewelry
to put on. Earrings, rings, bracelets. Not cheap stuff.
Not moderate stuff. Good stuff. All together I say
$15,000 at least.

And she just left it on the floor of the bar. Also out
of the bag came a mirror, eye makeup, etc. We talked
for more than an hour while she did her eyes and face.
Kim took shorts and a tank top from the bag and went to
the ladies room to change. I learned she was one day
over 21, from Palm Springs, her family had money and
she did whatever she wanted. I was soon to learn a lot

When she returned, she stopped to talk to a man my age
three stools away. After a short conversation, he left
the bar and she came back to me. The champagne was
almost gone. Kim asked me to walk with her to her
hotel. The Royal Hawaiian. Said some of the guys in the
place were still bothering her. I smelled a rat. What
would she want with me and who was that other man. But
why would anyone with that kind of jewelry try to roll

Had to go with her. You gotta take your best shot and
this was too good to pass up. We stopped for coffee and
she told me what she wanted. Could not believe what she
said. The other man was her husband. He was 40 and she
21. She married at 18. He was rich. He picked her off
the streets as a 16 year old runaway. For her 21st
birthday, she could pick a man to join them. She had
brought girls to bed for him. And today she would fuck
and suck use both.

Now I had read Playboy and Penthouse but who would ever
believe… So we finished our coffee and went to meet
Carl. Kimberley and Carl and I had cocktails and snacks
on the lawn of the Royal Hawaiian Hotel as the sun
dropped low in the sky. They had a small suite. A
bedroom with a king size bed; living room with three
chairs, a couch and dining area; and bathroom with
large tub.

There was food on the table and good champagne. We
drank and got to know each other. Nice people.
Kimberley went to the bedroom. Thirty minute later she
was back with her hair up, in sexy black dress, high
heels and stockings. Carl and I looked like afternoon
at the club. She was Manhattan at night. I went to the
bathroom for a quick shower. Got to wash the eatable
parts. Came back to the smell of fine Hawaiian.

Carl’s turn in the shower. I smoked some Hawaiian for
the first time in years. Kimberley and I danced. She
molded her body to mine. Her tits pressing my chest.
Her hips… her pussy warm through her dress against my
groin. I was hard. Her hand on the back of my neck and
her mouth reaching my cheek. “We have all night. All
the time we need to enjoy each other, George.”

Kimberley’s tongue explored my mouth. And mine hers.
Her hands moved over my back. Alone the side of my
legs. Up the front of my legs and over my chest. Her
ass fit my hands. I could feel the top of her stockings
and rim of a garter belt. I felt no panties. Her lips
were in my ear, “I love the feel of air on my pussy.”

We kissed more. Carl came back. I tried to pull back
from Kimberley but she held me. Danced me to the chair
next to the couch. Carl passed me a joint as
Kimberley’s lips worked on my chest. She went to her
knees. Drew my hands to her tits and press her face
against my hard cock trapped in my pants. Carl passed
the joint back to me. I took a hit and Kimberley hands
opened my belt. Unhooked my pants and opened my fly.

Carl took the roach and handed a full glass of
champagne to me. As I sipped the bubbly and rolled her
nipple between my thumb and forefinger of my other
hand, I felt the warmth of Kim’s breath on the head of
my dick. Her lips nibbled at the ridge of cock-flesh
around my cock. I had to sit down. And I did. But I
held on to that lovely tit.

Kim removed my socks and pants. She stood, took a hit
and a sip. Off came the dress. I was right. Heels,
black stockings, garter belt, pussy and ass. She sat on
the floor between my legs, leaned down to nibble and
licked my balls. Carl moved across from me and moved
Kimberley so she was on hands and knees. Then opened
wide. Went down on me until my cock was deep in her
throat, closed her wet lips tight and sucked as she
slowly slid my dick out. This girl could suck cock.

Carl ate Kimberley’s pussy and asshole from behind as
she licked my dick, ball, under the balls. She lifted
my legs over the arm of the chair and rimmed my
asshole. I could feel her nose at the base of my balls
while her tongue went around and around and finally
inside my shitter. Carl said, “George. Come taste this

I didn’t want to move but he was my host and she was
his wife. I got up but Carl told her to stay put. We
sat on the floor behind this great looking young lady
on all fours. We play with and examined both pussy and
ass. Drank, smoked, and discussed the pink color. The
erect clit. The wet, opened lips and smooth, hot
texture of the cunt flesh inside. The brown wrinkled
look of Kimberley asshole. He licked her clit as I ate
her tight rear shoot. Then we changed places. She must
have come two or three times. Her asshole would spasm
on my finger or tongue. Carl was ready for more and so
was I.

He moved to her head and slid his cock down her throat.
“Fuck her George. Fuck her like a dog. Her asshole is
mine, don’t fuck that. Just put a finger up her ass as
you fuck that pussy. Right Kimberley. Ask George to
fuck you.”

“Oh God! Please fuck my pussy George. Do it now!” she

She was hot, wet, and tight. I road that pussy hard.
She met every thrust open with hips rolled up and ass
pressed back to give me maximum penetration. Carl
pulled his cock from Kim’s mouth. “Kimberley. Does your
asshole want a finger. Ask nice.”

“Please put a finger up my ass. Fuck my pussy and
finger fuck my ass. Please George.”

I wet my finger in her pussy. Bottomed out my cock at
the very bottom of her cunt. On the backstroke,
inserted one wet social finger all the way up that
brown, wrinkled hole. Rotated the finger so as to press
on the cervix, the hard knot at the back of the pussy.
And I fucked her. Carl fucked her face in perfect time.
Kimberley asshole started to pulse on my finger. Her
pussy squeeze. Drew my hard cock down and down to the

My dick grew large and harder. And the more I swelled
the harder, hotter, wetter, deeper, tighter that pussy
sucked my cock. Carl took full strokes in her mouth. I
lost it right then. My body took over. My arm went
around her hips, lifted her body to mine. My finger
deep in her bowel. My dick locked full in her, I grew
to maximum size and rigidity. My whole body orgasmed.

Mind, body, and soul in the steel hard flesh I had in
her body. Time stopped. No breath was drawn. Carl
thrust to her face. I reached the top. My dick
exploded, pumping my jizz deep into Kimberley. Her body
didn’t just receive my cum. She drew it out of me.

I exploded. She imploded. Over and over. At least ten
shots. I took my finger from her ass. Lifted her hips
to stay deep inside. I Saw Carl go stiff, holding HER
head full down, and pump his cum into her body. Every
time Kimberley gagged from the size and depth of Carl,
her throat gripped tighter. And he would pump again. I
stroked her clit with my finger on each of Carl’s cum
shots. I was deep inside her. My body having after
shocks as Kimberley continued to climax. And then it
was over.

Carl fell back into the chair. Kim’s hips sunk to the
floor. I rode her down. One finger still on her clit.
Just being still. I slid my other arm up so I could
hold one breast in my hand. I gently, slowly eased my
cock from her pussy and rotated that finger lightly
around her clit. I was almost out when Kim jumped. Her
ass flared up, pussy gripped and I came again. Grabbed
hips, positioned ass and pussy just right got it again.

We were all spent.

Carl lay back in the chair. Kim on the floor in front,
face in his lap, head of his dick resting in her mouth.
She was on her side. I lay behind her like a spoon,
soaking inside her pussy, holding her tits. And after a
bit, we moved. Kim to the bathroom and back with two
warm washcloths. Cleaned both our organs and went to

Carl joined her and I had another joint. Great sex. Got
to have been on my top ten orgasm list. And yet I’m
still almost hard. Kimberley came back in. Said Carl
was almost out. Be snoring in a minute. Opened the
couch into a bed. I lay down on my face, to tired to
move much less shower. Kim came back with warm wet
towel and a dry one. Said Carl was cutting ZZZ.

Still on my face with my leg apart, Kim washed my ass
and inside my legs. Turned me over, arms over my head
and washed under my armpits. Kissed my lips and told me
not to move. Back with a rinsed towel, she finished my
sponge bath with special attention balls and cock. And
I’m half hard again. Kim left for the bathroom and
probable bed. Back on my belly, spread eagle, fresh air
on the back of my balls, half hard in the mattress.

I dozed thinking of my luck. Wife and kid on the
mainland. Meeting Kimberley and Carl, mostly Kimberley.
Dozing for a while. A hour more or less. I felt her
presents before she spoke. “Awake?”


“Can’t sleep?”

“Dozing. Afterglow.”

“Don’t turn over. You look comfy face down, spread

“I am.”

“Thanks for a great birthday.”

“Thank you! Your birthday. I got the present. Pleasure
with a beautiful 21 year old lady.”

I feel her get up from the chair near the bed. Then the
foot of the bed moved as she sat down between my feet.
One hand on each of my calves.

“Don’t talk. Be Still.”

I did what she said. Her hands slid up the inside of my
upper legs. She pushed my legs further apart. And her
hands spread the cheeks of my ass. Kimberley tongue
lightly flicked, first the hairs, then the skin just
behind my balls. Finger tips lightly moving over back
and hips. Down the outside and up the inside of my
legs. Kim mouth and wet tongue are everywhere. Around
my balls back to my asshole, up the crease.

I don’t know how long it continued. I guess I drifted
lost in sensation. But now I need more. As I turn over,
her mouth engulfed me. We moved to 69 on our sides. The
taste and touch of her firm, young flesh is
intoxicating. I use all I knew. Mouth, lips, finger on
her womanhood. And I give a soft, whimpering kind of
shaking and quite orgasm. As she moved away, I roll on
my back. Kim knelt between my legs. I cupped one breast
in each hand and got a blow-job from a lady who wanted
me to come in her mouth.

“Good night Kimberley.”

“Good night George.”