A guy signs up with a company that provides sperm for couples in need

I was broke, in college and looking for something,
anything to cure my financial ailment. The ad I found
was strange.

“Young males wanted, Specialty taste club catering to
the unusual, Excellent pay, flexible hours, no selling.
Call for personal interview.”

The no selling part got my attention. It seemed like
all the ad’s that talk of flexible hours really mean
door to door sales. I tried it a few times, wasted a
lot of time and never made any money.

When I called the number I was greeted by a nice female
voice. She asked me the regular questions, how old was
I, was I working and so forth. She informed me that
since this was a specialty taste club she had to ask
some health related questions.

She asked questions like I was applying for health
insurance or something. I must have answered them the
way she wanted because she set me up for an interview
with Mrs. Issues for the next day.

The offices were not far from where I lived, and since
it was a nice day I walked the six blocks to the
office. Even if the day was not so nice I still would
have walked. I sold my car last week to pay the rent.

Mrs. Issacs appeared to be in her fifties, she wasn’t
taller then five feet and a little on the plump side,
if anything she looked like a younger Dr. Ruth
Westhimer. You know the one that appears on talk shows
and writes books about human sexuality.

I was asked the standard barrage of questions with a
lot of the questions relating to my health. Mrs. Issacs
said that I might qualify as a candidate but before we
could continue the interview I had to sign some kind of
nondisclosure form.

I needed money and didn’t spend much time reading the
document, I just signed on the dotted line. Mrs. Issacs
seemed to be studying me as she moved back.

“Robert, we pay exceptionally well. We have young men
your age making two and three thousand a week for only
a few hours work. We represent La Societe de la Essonce
de L’home. In English that means the Society for the
essence of man. Our clients are known only to us and
they have one common desire, they enjoy the taste of
young sperm.”

“If we accept you as one of our taste providers and if
you accept our terms, then you will receive $500 for
every controlled ejaculation administered at our
facility. We provide clean fresh sperm to those who
have a fetish for sperm and can pay our price. We
provide an environment where their identity remains
known only to us, you will never know the identity of
the sperm taster.

“Our clients are both male and female; however you will
never know which one takes your sperm. Sometimes we
allow the taster to receive the sperm direct, other
times we take your sperm and offer it to them in either
a wine glass or a shot glass. If this does not offend
you and you want to continue, please come with me.”

I was dumbfounded, they were going to pay me for my
cum, I followed, I needed $500. Hell I paid to have my
cum sucked. (Once I was so horny, and this black girl
offered to blow me for twenty bucks.)

She led me into this room that looked like a doctors
examining room. There was one of those examination
tables with the extra braces like the ones the doctors
use on women to check their pussies.

In a mater of fact tone Mrs. Issacs told me that I was
going to be examined, to strip and lay on the
examination table. The setting was so doctor like I
complied without much thought. When I was positioned on
the examining table she spread my legs and put them in
the stirrups that they use on women.

Here I was stark assed naked, on my back on an
examination table, my legs were spread like a woman who
was going to get her pussy inspected. Mrs. Issacs told
me to relax, that before I could be employed that a
sperm sample had to be sampled.

Mrs. Isaac’s explained that when they took sperm from
me that I would be completely spent. They used the
method developed by Washington University to extract
the maximum sperm in one ejaculation.

My dick was soft, this all seemed so sexless and
clinical, I couldn’t figure out how I was going to cum
for Mrs. Issacs in this sanitized environment.

She continued to explain that the institute employed
very talented people that knew how to manipulate a man
to ejaculation.

She showed me a thing that looked like a six inch
finger made of rubber. “This,” she said, “we will
insert several inches into your rectum. It produces a
small current and it also has special sensors that give
us a clear indication when you will ejaculate. The
current is designed to stimulate your prostrate and by
controlling the current we can control the moment of
ejaculation and increase the quantity of ejaculate.”

She inserted the thing up may ass then attached two
electrodes to my nut sack explaining that these will
also send a small current and assist the device in my
ass for the ejaculation control. the combination of
these devices would cause me to ejaculate almost all
available sperm and give me in return a satisfying

My dick was limp, all this technical stuff and the
thing in my ass and the wires attached to my nuts. I
was beginning to think that this was not going to be
fun, but I needed the money.

She went to the interphone and called some name,
foreign sounding, to come to the examination room. In
walked the woman, six feet tall and at least three
hundred pounds. She was introduced to me as Yvonne and
that she was going to be my stroker.

If my soft-on was soft before it certainly shriveled up
more at the sight of Yvonne. When Mrs. Issacs told me
about talented people to masturbate me I expected some
cute eighteen or nineteen year old naked goddess
stroking my dick. This six foot Yvonne was at least
sixty years old, a grandmother for Christ sakes.

I was ready to get off of the table and pull that thing
out of my ass and get the hell out of there. Mrs.
Issacs must have anticipated this because no sooner had
the thought crossed my mind when she said. “If you want
to make money, stay put young man.”

Well I needed the money, so I stayed put. Yvonne took a
bottle off of the shelf that said Lubricant, on it and
approached my dick. She took my limp dick and spread
the stuff around my flaccid shaft. I looked at her fat
hand as it encircled my shaft.

Now I have been stroked before, I have stroked myself
many times, but this was something else. When Yvonne
took my shaft she moved my dick in such a way that it
grew rapidly. She had a way of pacing her strokes,
stopping for a second to allow my dick to pulsate a few
times and then continue in a varying rhythm that seemed
to match my dicks every need. I couldn’t believe that
this over sized, overweight sixty year old bag was so
good at what she was doing.

Mrs. Issacs said that Yvonne had been stroking dicks
since she was thirteen. She was one of the best in the
world and that often they used her to get off some of
the male patrons while they were tasting sperm.

I almost forgot that this whole exercise was for sperm
tasting. Hell, call it cum sucking. I didn’t want to
sound as technical as Mrs. Issacs.

Then I felt it, Mrs. Issacs must be turning up the
voltage. The twinge was unmistakable and my dick must
have gained strength. I felt my ass pulsate and I felt
my climax coming on real good. Mrs. Issacs approached
my dick holding a glass. Then it came. My dick started
shooting into the glass. I kept shooting and shooting,
more then I ever have in my live. When I was done, Mrs.
Issacs took the glass with my cum in it and held it up
to the light studying it. She said the color looked
good. she then smelled it and remarked that the smell
was good also.

There right in front of my eyes she took the glass to
her mouth and started sucking my cum, she swirled it
around like a gourmet wine taster. When she seemed
satisfied she spit out what she had in her mouth into
the washbasin. She offered the glass to Yvonne who did
the same. Yvonne said that it was good, but a little on
the watery side. Mrs. Issacs turned to me and said that
my ejaculate was acceptable, a little on the watery
side but that a proper diet would take care of that.

Yvonne pulled down one side of her top exposing a
rather large, not bad looking tit with real puffy and
elongated nipple and proceeded to squeeze it. Jets of
tit milk squirted into my cum glass and when the
mixture seemed to be about half and half she put her
tit back into her dress. Mrs. Issacs produced an bottle
of Crown Royal and poured some into the glass and
stirred it, mixing my cum, Yvonne’s tit milk and Crown

They both tasted it but didn’t spit this time. they
seemed to really enjoy the mixture. Mrs. Issacs offered
me the remaining contents of the glass asking if I
would like a taste. I politely refused. Even though the
concoction seemed interesting, I was not into tasting
my own cum, even when mixed with Crown Royal.

Between them they finished off the glass licking off
every trace of the mixture and obviously enjoying it.

Mrs. Issacs asked me if I felt drained and I admitted
that I did. I have had more intense orgasms but none
that has ever lasted as long as this one did. I was
most surprised at the amount of cum I produced.

The but thing was taken out of my ass and the nut
electrodes were removed from my nut sack. I was asked
to get dressed and accompany Mrs. Issacs on a tour of
the facility.

There were several examination rooms like the one I was
in and there were some rooms that had a lower
examination table with couches at the examination end.
Mrs. Issacs explained that the guests for cum tasting
were both male and female ranging in all ages. The
patrons were wealthy and often in the social limelight
of the community. therefore I would always be
blindfolded and that a cotton sack would be placed over
my head during an ejaculation session. This was to
prevent me from ever recognizing and knowing who the
patron was and similarly to prevent the patron from
knowing who I was.

Depending on the food that I eat, my cum would have a
different taste. There were going to be times that I
would be required to eat certain food in order to bring
out certain flavors in my cum. I was not to have sex so
as to avoid possible contamination. Extra masturbation
or sex would lower my sperm production and I was
informed that to maintain my employment I was to
ejaculate only in their controlled environment.

I was introduced to several of the other strokers,
those whose job it was to get me off. Not one of the
strokers looked less the forty and some even looked
older then Yvonne. I was assured that they were hired
for their talent and not their looks. Besides while in
a session I would not be able to see them anyway. I was
afraid to ask if there were any male strokers, but
decided that I Didn’t want to know as I wouldn’t see
them anyway.

I was asked if I objected to on occasion shooting my
load directly into a mouth since some of the patrons
wanted their cum straight from the tap. I would be
stroked to the essential moment where the patrons mouth
would then take over. Since both men and women were
patrons, on occasion I would ejaculate into a mans
mouth. However since I would be blindfolded I would
never know the difference and I was assured that a mans
mouth felt exactly like a woman’s.

I was told that on occasion electrodes would also be
placed on my nipples as the cum produced had a
different flavor when produced with this extra
electrical stimulation. As to pay I was to receive $500
for each normal ejaculation and $800 for an oral
ejaculation. If I found myself uncontrollably horny I
was to come by anytime and allow one of the
professional strokes to relieve my pressure. I would
receive no pay for this, however the cum produced would
be theirs.

There would also be the occasional medical examination
by a doctor to make certain that my health was good and
the cum produced safe for their patrons. If I agreed to
these conditions I was welcome to enter employment. I
would be available on a call on a pre-appointment
basis. If I failed to show up at a designated time I
would be let go. Reliability was essential.

Mrs. Isaacs’ then invited me to observe a ejaculation
that was in progress. We were permitted to enter the
room and take a seat behind the patrons. Being behind
the patrons I would not be able to see the faces of the
cum recipients. This particular client required that
the future ejaculator be present to observe and be
prepared for his turn to participate. Basically
somewhere along the line I was going to be a cum
provider for this patron.

The room we entered was the largest yet, There was a
guy on a examination table in the same position I was
in a short time ago. He was wearing a hood, there were
electrodes attached to his nipples and balls and he had
one of those things inserted up his ass.

Off to the side and alongside his body was a designated
stroker who looked to be rather cute and in her
thirties. She was slow stroking his erect circumcised
member. Between his legs observing the stroking was a
well dressed lady with lightly graying hair and next to
her was a naked boy who looked like he was in his early
teens. They had their backs to us and we took a seat in
the observation chairs that appeared to have been
strategically placed.

As the stroker was stroking the guy on the table the
Lady was stroking the teen. the teen had one of those
things in his ass as well, but his nuts were free. The
lady had her other hand grasping his nuts and pulling
down on the sack with each upstroke of her other hand.

I was actually getting a hard-on watching this. This
did not go unnoticed my Mrs. Issacs who simply reached
over and undid my fly to allow my dick to spring loose
and into her hand. She gave it about three strokes then
I felt her mouth engulf my now raging hard-on.

I was fascinated watching the action in front of me and
Mrs. Issacs’ mouth felt real good on my dick.

The designated stroker was speeding up and I noticed
her turn a dial on a machine that was next to the
examination table. I figured that must be the electrode
control. No sooner had she turned the dial then the guy
on the table stiffened up. The Lady took her hand off
of the boys genitals and placed it on his head forcing
him down on the guys, dick. It was obvious that the guy
on the table was only seconds from shooting. The warm
mouth on his dick was the final straw that caused his
hips to lurch up and shoot.

He was shooting right into the boys mouth with the lady
holding the guys dick and forcing the kids head down on
the shaft. I heard the kid start to gag and saw some
cum leak out of his mouth. If the guy on the table was
cumming like I did a little while ago there was no way
that kid was going to be able to swallow or hold that
amount. The lady must have known that to because she
pulled the kids head of the dick and put her own mouth
over it to receive the remainder of the load.

The lady milked the dick dry while the boy with his
share of the load just watched. I couldn’t see how much
of the load was on his face or running down his chin
because his back was still towards me. There had to be
some gobs on his face just.

When the lady finished milking the dick she gestured to
the professional stroker to turn on the electricity on
the unit controlling the insert in the kids ass. I saw
him jerk as the voltage hit his prostrate and quick as
a flash the lady had his dick in her mouth. She was
getting her second taste of cum, this time from the

Mrs. Issacs’ oral manipulation on my shaft was taking
effect, I could actually smell the cum in the room,
somehow this triggered me off and I blew a load into
this fifty year old woman mouth. She obviously was
extremely experienced because I felt her throat swallow
as fast as I was shooting.

When she let my dick slip out of her mouth she had me
look at her face as she opened her mouth to let me see
some of my reaming cum sticking to her tongue. She
swirled her tongue around ad I saw her swallow the

The Boy and Lady still had their backs to us as we made
our way out of the room. Mrs. Issacs inquired as to my
liking of her talent as a cocksuctress. She explained
that on occasion she indulges in her tastes as to cum,
for free of course. She explained that the lady we
watched was very high in the social position in the
community and that she loved teaching and having
younger people experience the taste of cum. Sometimes
she brings a girl and sometimes a boy, but always it is
someone different. My appointment as cum provider was
set up for the following day.

I knew that I was going to enjoy this job and was
looking forward to my first assignment.