A Picnic to Remember

This happened about 4 months ago when Deb and I decided to go on a
picnic at a local state park about 30 miles from our house. We go on
several picnics each year and we always have fun. We usually take
along luncheon meats, crackers, cheese, pickles and some sort of
drinks. Deb usually tries to indulge my request on how she should
dress when we go on these picnics. On this trip to the park, I had
asked Deb to wear a loose fitting blouse and her short jean skirt that
buttoned down the front and comfortable shoes and that was all. Much
to pleasure, she did as I requested.

On the drive to the park, Deb opened up a couple of the bottom buttons
of her skirt and the top two buttons of her blouse as to show me more
of her lovely body. The road to the park is a busy highway with lots
of large trucks traveling it, so you have to be careful not to cause
too much attention or you could have a pile up of trucks. Deb sat
there as I drove with most of her breasts in full view to any truckers
that just happened to look down as they passed our car. She also had a
large portion of her thighs exposed as well. If she had undone one
more button of her skirt, her naked pussy would have been in full view
as well. The drive takes about 30 minutes and that gives us a chance
to talk to each other about what we would like to do while we are at
the park. Little did I know at the time, that Deb had already made her
plans and they were firmly planted in her mind.

We arrived at the lookout point in the park and, since it was a
weekday, the park was fairly empty. That was good and also it was bad,
since I enjoy the chance of someone catching a glimpse of Deb in all
her glory. We got out of the car at the lookout site and walked over
to look at the view. While we were standing there, I held Deb in front
of me next to the rail, with my arms rapped around her to show her my
love for her. While standing there and talking, I started to undo the
rest of the buttons on her blouse and reached inside to play with her
beautiful 42D breasts. Deb didn’t resist my advances since she was
sure no one was around. I kept playing with her breasts and ever so
gently squeezed each of her nipples that were already erect from being
exposed to the open air. Her nipples were standing straight out just
like I love them to and I was getting such a hard-on, knowing that she
was standing there with both of her breasts exposed in broad-daylight.

After standing there a while enjoying the view and the feel, I decided
to push a little more. I walked back to the car and retrieved my
camera that I had brought with us. I raised the camera and had Deb
turn to face me and when she turned around holding her blouse closed I
asked her to flash me and she quickly opened her blouse showing me and
the camera both of her lovely breasts. I quickly took the picture and
she closed her blouse. Just at that time a car passed by on the road
and if they only knew what they had missed by three seconds, they
would have had a fit.

There was a picnic table a few feet away and I asked Deb to sit on the
table and show me her lovely bald pussy. She walked over and sat on
the top of the table and proceeded to spread her legs wide apart. She
slowly raised her skirt up to her waist and gave me the shot of a
lifetime. There was the most beautiful naked pussy that I’ve ever
seen, wide open and the lips all pink and wet. I guess this was
getting her excited also. I took a couple of pictures and we left the
lookout site and proceeded to find a place for our picnic.

We drove around the park until we found the right spot for our
adventure. There was this one table overlooking the lake from a cliff
and that is where we decided to stop. We unpacked the car of all the
food and a couple of sheets and set up our picnic site. All this time,
Deb still hadn’t re-buttoned her blouse so that whenever she bent over
her breasts were on full display. We sat and had our picnic lunch and
continued our conversation about being nude in public. Deb told me
that it was scary and at the same time exciting. Just knowing that we
could get away with it made it fun. I guess if we ever get caught she
might feel different but for right now I’m just going to enjoy it
while I can.

After we had eaten and relaxed with our conversation, it was time to
continue to have fun. I started kissing Deb on her neck and mouth and
slowly worked my way down to each breast. Taking my time to make sure
I gave each breast equal amount of attention. Deb was starting to
really get excited, and I could tell by the way she began unbuttoning
the rest of her skirt. I wasn’t long before there was only one button
holding the skirt together and that one was the top one. I laid Deb
down on the top of the picnic table and continued my advances. I
gently massaged her legs and inner thighs and slowly began to kiss my
way up from her knees to her hot, wet pussy. As soon as my tongue made
contact with her clit, she began to push her hips up so her clit would
be easier to reach. All the time this was going on, if someone had
walked up, we wouldn’t have noticed cause we were so involved with our

I had Deb right where I wanted her and I couldn’t have been happier.
We were in love and that was all that counted. It wasn’t long before
Deb was on the verge of her first orgasm. She started moaning and
raising her hips to the tongue lashing she was receiving. She exploded
with such force that I thought that I would get my neck broken. After
she had regained her composure, she suggested that we move the car up
to where the restrooms were so she could wash up. We pulled the car
up to the site near the restrooms and after Deb returned from taking
care of herself, we continued our little adventure.