Alyssa Milano’s First Time (celeb fanfic)

I had just returned home from a long day on the set of Who’s the
Boss? and was looking forward to nothing more than a relaxing weekend
at home. My folks and kid brother had left for the weekend to visit
some relatives and I hadn’t gone as there was a chance I’d have
some re-shoots to do on Saturday.

I went straight up to my room and threw my stuff on the ottoman near my
bed. I fell back on the bed and reveled in the quiet. I started to go
over my day in my head and found myself fixating on the big young hunk,
Mark, who was guest-starring on the show for a story-arc as my
character’s latest love interest.

I thought I heard a noise and quickly rose to my knees on the bed. In
from the hallway came Mark from the show. He must have followed me
home! We had flirted a little on the set but nothing really came of it,
or so I thought at the time.

Frozen with shock by the presence of the intruder I could only stare
blankly as he slowly approached me with surprisingly calm smile on his
face. Kneeling on the edge of the bed I looked up into the kind green
eyes of the large and looming presence approaching me; he must have
stood nearly six feet three inches tall and weighed around 230 pounds
or so. He certainly dwarfed my 5’1″, 105 pound frame.

He placed his massive hands on my shoulders and drew me toward him as
he bent down and placed a passionate kiss on my trembling lips. I
surprised myself by returning the kiss with equal passion. After about
a minute or two of this his lips moved down my neck and over my
collarbone; that move always got to me. He undid first one, then two
buttons on the tight and form-fitting flannel “work shirt” I was
wearing. For some reason I didn’t try to stop him as he did this then
slowly kissed his way down my chest to my cleavage.

Suddenly he pulled the tight-fitting shirt about halfway down my arms
with a quick jerk. The fit was snug enough that I couldn’t wiggle it
back up my arms from behind me and couldn’t slip out of it to free my
arms because the tight cuffs were buttoned; my arms were pinned behind

Mark then unbuttoned the shirt the rest of the way and pushed the shirt
off my shoulders (though it was still doing an excellent job of
restraining my arms). What a day to not wear a bra; I was essentially
naked from the waist up. Mark began kissing and sucking my tits. It
actually felt great but I wasn’t about to give him the satisfaction
of even one moan of pleasure if I could help it. Unfortunately my body
was betraying me; my nipples quickly became engorged and erect and
stood out fat on the tips of my heaving breasts.

Seeing my bullet-hard nips pointing up at him encouraged Mark to gently
nudge me backward onto the bed. With my arms pinned behind me by tight
top I could do nothing buy fall back onto the mound of pink pillows
behind me. I struggled to right myself but couldn’t as I had no
leverage. He grabbed my ankles and slid me toward the foot of the bed.
He then unbuttoned my skin-tight jeans and laboriously began to peel
them down my trembling legs. He left my tennies on and pulled the jeans
inside out over my shoes with the zippered cuffs still snugly above my

His next move was to peel off his t-shirt exposing his well-muscled
torso to me. He then kicked off his shoes and took off his jeans and
shorts in one motion; it was then that I saw how big he was. His
semi-erect penis was bobbing out in front of him and it looked to be
anywhere from about nine to eleven inches long and really thick. I was
still a virgin but had fooled around in other ways with a couple of my
boyfriends, hand-jobs blow jobs and the like, but the biggest erection
I had ever seen was maybe a little under seven inches long and not
nearly as thick as Mark’s.

I was still in denial about what was about to happen until Mark pushed
me back up the bed and crawled between my denim-shackled legs, his now
fully-erect rod pointing straight at me. He grabbed my thin cotton
panties with one large hand on each hip of the garment and pulled them
apart with little effort. My virgin channel was now exposed. I could
feel his erect rod and large heavy ball sac rub up against my vaginal
lips through the fine brown hairs covering them. As he began to kiss me
again I could feel his tool rubbing up and down against the length of
my labia. My body was once again betraying me as I felt a slowly
increasing trickle of lubricants oozing out of me; preparing my untried
tunnel for the experience that I hadn’t sought out yet surprisingly
was doing little if anything to resist.

I found myself wriggling and writhing beneath him as all this was
happening. To this day I’m not sure if I was doing this to escape or
to increase the friction that was getting me all wet downstairs. My
clitoris was fully erect by now and all the rubbing against it by
Mark’s iron-hard rod brought me to the most intense orgasm I had ever
experienced. If it hadn’t been for the denim stretching from ankle to
ankle I may actually have bucked him off myself.

After I had caught my breath I felt something large and blunt nudging
against my crotch, trying to find my entrance. I raised my head briefly
and looked past my rising and falling boobs and saw his enormous rod
probing my labia. Fully engorged he seemed more huge than before,
nearly a foot long from my vantage point. Without warning the
plumb-shaped head began to squeeze between my outer lips and through
slow but steady force managed to wedge their way inside of me. The pain
was intense but bearable. I felt his cock-head snug up against my
hymen. For a moment I thought he was going to pull out when he felt it
and I slow felt the monster backtrack.

It wasn’t to be. His head withdrew halfway out my cunt lips then with
the full weight of this Adonis behind it Mark’s tool plunged
forcefully through my virgin barrier and halfway into my cunt. I
screamed to wake the dead but with nobody home and no neighbors close
by I doubt anybody heard anything. Back he pulled that monstrous tool
until its tip was back between my lips and then another violent thrust
drove his spike within a few inches of being completely buried within

I was moaning and writhing beneath him which must have turned him on
because he began to thrust rhythmically in and out of me, slowly at
first then faster and faster. I found myself unconsciously arching my
back to take even more of him inside of me. Then I realized that I was
working my pussy muscles within my tight little cunt and massaging the
hot fleshy invader within me. We were thrusting back and forth at each
other with all the strength we had. Mark would occasionally bend down
to lick and suck my tits; nipples now almost painfully stiff atop
red-flushed breasts covered with a sheen of sweat.

Faster and faster, deeper and deeper he went until I felt his fat know
pushing against my cervix. There was sill a couple of inches of his rod
outside of me and he seemed determined to bury his massive tool inside
my tiny frame. Harder and harder until with a sudden yelp of pain I
felt him push into my womb and felt his tight balls mash against my
ass. This triggered an incredibly violent orgasm within me as I bounced
around on the bed beneath him. My interior muscles were working him
over good and this triggered his orgasm.

With one final powerful thrust Mark drove in to such a depth that if
felt like he was trying to stuff his balls into my over-stuffed cunt. I
felt a torrent of hot cum shoot out of his rod as the huge shaft jerked
and twitched deeper inside me than I thought any boy could ever go.
This felt like it went on for several minutes before he drew his
softening cock out of my grasping pussy. Copious amounts of our
commingled juices oozed out of me as I lay there in the afterglow.

As Mark pulled my shirt and jeans all the way off allowing me freedom
of movement finally, rather than attacking him for his advances or
running away, I slowly reached out and began stroking his penis trying
to get it back into “fighting trim” again. This was just too good
to pass up.