Mrs Harrison Restrains FemDom

I noticed a substantial change in Edward’s behaviour immediately following
my allowing him relief. For the rest of the weekend I was not the centre of
his attention and he was surly, sullen and resentful, sometimes angry. I
noted this `post-orgasm behaviour’ for future reference, ignored him and
simply enjoyed the rest of weekend, shopping with friends, enjoying a
scrumptious lunch before a fashion show and collapsing into my bed at the
end of the day.

As I lay on my bed, gazing at the ceiling while Edward snored in the study,
I reviewed the last few weeks in my mind. These weeks had, without a doubt,
been the most erotic, loving and satisfying of our relationship with this
weekend being the most disappointing. Never mind, I told myself, nature will
take its course and he will be interested in me again very soon. Smiling to
myself, I picked up my book (I was re-reading `Wuthering Heights’) and read
until I was sleepy and fell into a deep restful sleep.

Monday morning was always very busy for me with partnership meetings and
client conferences so I left for the office rather early and ate breakfast
with Wendy, my assistant as we organised the rest of the week.

It was a harrowing day and it was quite late when I arrived home. I took my
shoes off and crept into the flat in my stocking feet to be greeted by the
sound of Edward’s snores resounding from the study. Tired, I undressed and
collapsed into bed, not bothering with my book and fell into a deep sleep.

When I awoke I strained to hear any sound of Edward but the flat was silent
and there wasn’t a tray with a rose or a cup of tea next to my bed. Sighing,
I packed my briefcase and rushed out the door to work.

That evening Edward was waiting for me when I entered the flat. “Hello,
darling,” I said brightly but he glowered at me in return. Like that is it,
I thought, placing my briefcase on the table.

“Julia,” he said firmly. “We must talk.”

“Of course,” I said, arranging myself on the sofa, watching him pace up and
down like a caged animal.

“Julia,” he said quickly. “You must take this thing off me.”

“Must I?”

“A joke is a joke.”

“It’s not a joke, darling,” I said calmly. “Let me remind you that you did
betray me, betrayed my trust with your affair with Amanda.”

“I said I was sorry!”

“Tell me, darling,” I said slowly. “Why do you want it off if you’re not
going to have further affairs?”

“I can’t stand the frustration,” he said hoarsely. “And I want to make love
to you. It’s not fair. If you’re not going to take it off, I’ll go to a
locksmith and get it cut off!”

“That could be rather embarrassing, darling,” I cautioned.

“I don’t care!”

I stood up and slipped my arms around his waist. “Darling, if you do that,
we will have no trust left at all. Do you want that?”

His handsome brow furrowed as he looked down at me. “The frustration builds
up,” he whined. “I need relief.”

“Of course,” I soothed. “But relief with me, not Amanda or some other woman.
Or,” I added, “not with yourself in the bathroom.” He had the good grace to
blush at that. He looked gorgeous with that guilty look on his big face so I
stood on tiptoes and kissed him. “Darling, let’s leave it on until Saturday
night and then we’ll have a special night.”

His eyes lit up. “Special?”

“Yes,” I promised. “Really special.”

He nodded slowly. “All right. Until Saturday night.”

“Good, I’ll arrange for the key to be delivered. Now,” I said breaking away
from him, “I’m going to run a bath, unpack and relax in the tub for a

Later, he arrived in the bedroom naked and I found the sight of his
confinement to be so arousing. As he laboured at my pussy with his loving
tongue, I idly ran my fingers through his beautiful hair as I considered my
plan. It took a while but he finally took me over the edge with the skills
he had learned over the past few weeks and I cried out as I pushed against
his soft lips.

Looking up at me with those big beautiful eyes and his face slick with my
juices, he looked so earnest that my heart went out to him. “Was that nice?”
he asked eagerly.

I smiled down at him. “Very nice, dearest,” I said softly. “Very nice
indeed.” He crawled up the bed, kissed me deeply and, when I broke the kiss,
I saw that his captive cock looked red and painful within the metal tube.
Playfully, I lightly caressed his balls and he groaned softly. “Saturday
night,” I promised as I lay in his strong arms and we fell into sleep.

Wendy protested when I told her to cancel the morning’s appointments but I
was adamant and rushed out to see Jasmine first thing. She listened to me,
smoking a cigarette and sipping her coffee. “Are you sure, Mrs Harrison?”

“Quite sure,” I said firmly. “Can it be done by Saturday?”

She nodded slowly. “We have his measurements and the tube won’t be a problem
or the locking ring.” Jasmine stubbed her cigarette out and looked at me for
a moment. “You really like this, don’t you?”

Blushing slightly, I kept my head up as I looked at her. “It’s the best
thing for him,” I said quietly as I picked up my bulging handbag.

“And for you,” Jasmine said shrewdly. “It must be bloody good for you.”

The day merged into a long series of meetings and I attended netball
practise that night so I didn’t see Edward at all Wednesday. I was in Court
Thursday morning and was eating a sandwich at lunchtime when my mobile phone
rang. .

“Hi Julia, this is Amanada.”

“Hello Amanada. It’s terribly nice to hear from you,” I said politely.

“You ok?” Amanda got straight to the point in that blunt Australian way.

“Of course,” I replied. “It’s been a busy week and, of course, I’m tired,” I
added but she cut me off.

“Yeah, yeah. Listen,” she said urgently. “Have you heard from Edward today?”

“No,” I said reluctantly. “I haven’t.”

“Thought so. He jumped down my throat yesterday, accused me of teasing him.”

“Were you?” I asked pointedly.

“Well, maybe I was but since you told me about the chastity belt thingy,
I’ve had a little bit of fun. I didn’t realise he was so sensitive.”

“Apparently,” I said, “regular orgasms are very important to men.”

“Suppose so. Anyway, he shouted at me.”

“Shouted at you?” I said surprised. “That’s not very polite.”

“Tell me about it! He really snapped, said he was going to get it taken off
and shouted, `Julia can’t control me!’ And then he stormed out. Can he get
it off?” she asked.

“I don’t know,” I said slowly. “Jasmine told me it was the best available
and was especially made for him. It is made of metal and I would think
cutting it would hurt his, you know, thing.”

“For God sakes Julia,” Amada sounded exasperated. “Can’t you say cock?”

“Of course,” I said regally. “If I choose to.”

“What are you going to do?”

“I don’t know,” I said woodenly. “Wait, I suppose to see if he can get it
off. The only way is to cut the padlock. I thought he would wait until
Saturday evening.”

“Saturday? Why Saturday?”

“No reason,” I said airily, glossing over the subject.

“How about lunch tomorrow?”

“A perfect idea. See you then.”

The flat was empty when I arrived home that night and I spent the evening
trying to concentrate on my book. Sighing, I switched off the light and
settled down to sleep. Later, I heard the front door open, a few noises
caused by a clumsy Edward and, soon, loud snoring from the study.

He was spread out over the sofa bed in the study, snoring away when I looked
in on him before I left for the office. The bedclothes were scattered and as
he sprawled naked across the bed, I was happy to see the chastity device
remained around his genitals. A messenger delivered a special parcel to my
office mid morning and I slipped it into my briefcase before heading off to
lunch with Amanda.

“Has he said anything?” Amanda asked.

“Not really.”

“Men don’t talk that much.”

“I know what you mean,” I said, glancing at the silent mobile phone lying on
the top of my handbag.

“What are you going to do?”

I shrugged. “Go back home and see what he wants to do.”

Amanda reached across the table and held my hand. “I’m sure he went after as
many women as possible when he got the chastity belt off. Can you handle

“I’ve had to before,” I said and Amanda, flinching, removed her hand.
“Amanda,” I said gently. “I wasn’t being mean. I’ve accepted that you slept
with him and, if you hadn’t, I wouldn’t have thought of the chastity device
and had the most exciting two weeks of my life. So, thank you,” I said
stroking her hand.

“Jesus Julia,” she said roughly. “You are just too fucking nice sometimes.”

“Amanda,” I said primly. “We must work on your vocabulary.”

I wandered home late and was disappointed to find the flat empty again.
Edward was obviously drinking somewhere and, perhaps, out with another
women. Despite myself, I had a little cry as I sat on the edge of my bed and
wondered about the future of our marriage. It was obvious that Edward could
not control himself, a few days without orgasms drove him crazy, and it was
also obvious that he would find another woman to satisfy him sooner or

The realisation that our plans for building a future had dissipated sent me
sobbing into the bathroom. Life had been sublimely sweet for two weeks and
devastatingly terrible immediately afterwards.

I cried myself to sleep but was woken by Edward’s clumsy entrance once again
and, as I lay in the dark listening to the noises of his stumbling through
the flat, punctuated by loud body noises, I resolved to go through with my
plan. I had no choice.

After preparing the bedroom, I slipped out for the morning and made some
important purchases. After a leisurely browse through the shops and a light
lunch, I returned home mid afternoon. A delicious tingle of anticipation ran
through me as I stepped out of the cab in front of the flat. I had been
thinking about this moment all morning and wondering how I should play it so
I was very nervous.

I put the key in the lock, took a deep breath and pushed the door open.
“Hello,” I called brightly as I shut the door, placing my parcels on the
hall table. He was there in a moment and my heart pounded as he loomed above

“Hello,” he said and enveloped me in his arms and we kissed sharply. Edward
was dressed in his favourite tweed jacket, a blue shirt and casual slacks
and his familiar `Edward’ smell surrounded me.

“Mmm,” I said after we had kissed. “I haven’t seen you for a while.”

“No,” he said staring down at me with a stern look on his face.

“Anything wrong, darling?” I asked, looking up at him. “Here we are and it’s

“You’ve been shopping, I see,” he said coldly, ignoring my Saturday comment.
“I’ve been shopping as well.”

“Oh?” I asked, trying to keep a bright tone in my voice.

“Yes,” he said with a short nasty laugh. “I purchased some specialist tools.
Bolt cutters.”

My heart fell. “I see. When did you do that?”

“This morning.” He pulled the chastity device from his jacket pocket and
threw it nonchalantly on the coffee table. “I don’t think we need this now.”
He took my hand and pulled me next to him on the sofa, forcibly kissing me
until I pushed him away.

“Don’t be so rough, darling,” I said, concerned with the cold look in his
eyes as we sat close.

He laughed. “You did say it was Saturday,” he snapped, pulling me close and
kissed me again. Crushed against him, I felt his hard cock pushing against
me. Holding me with one hand, he unzipped his pants with the other and I
found myself staring at his throbbing hard cock protruding from his open

“It’s Saturday,” he said thickly. “Suck it,” he ordered.

Resentment bubbled within me and I was determined that I wasn’t going to be
forced to do anything. I snuggled close to him, my lips against his ear as
my fingers lightly feathered his straining cock. I was rewarded with his
breathing deepening and becoming ragged so I knew he was very close after a
week without relief. “You want to me suck it, darling?” I breathed sensually
into his ear while my fingers encircled his pulsing cock.

“Yes,” he croaked. “Yes.”

I wasn’t going to do anything of the sort! Perversely, I determined I
wouldn’t obviously masturbate him either so I just squeezed his cock slowly
and regularly without moving up and down. “So big, darling. So hard,” I
whispered into his ear, he groaned loudly and I felt his cock start to pulse
as he trembled and grunted.

Deliberately, I released his cock, refusing to milk him and stood, looking
down as he spurted over his trousers, his face red and contorted. “Oh dear,
you’ve come. What a disappointment,” I pouted. “I was so looking forward to
feeling you inside me.” I was rewarded with a desperate and embarrassed look
on his rugged face. “Perhaps later? I’ll have a long luxurious bath while
I’m waiting for you to get hard again.” I felt his eyes on me as I gathered
my parcels and walked to the bedroom. “Your trousers are all sticky,
darling. You’d better change them.”

I thought I handled that rather `sticky’ situation quite well, I smiled to
myself as I luxuriated in the steaming bath. Of course, I had taken the
precaution of locking the doors so Edward couldn’t burst in. It wasn’t the
time nor appropriate for him to see me naked.

During my shopping trip, I had invested in a rather expensive bra and panty
set with matching garter belt. It was made from black lace and accentuated
my largish breasts and my intimate mound through the woven lace and
strategically placed embroidered flowers. The outfit with shimmering black
stockings looked very sexy and very, very wicked. Edward will be very
pleased, I smiled to myself as I took a great deal of time completing my
face. Dabbing perfume between my breasts, on my neck, stomach and groin, I
knew an aromatic trail would follow me wherever I went and would heighten
Edward’s straining senses.

Choosing a long sleeved black cocktail dress with a round neck, I slipped it
on and zipped it up. Although it had a gathered waist, I snapped a wide belt
around my waist to accentuate my waist and hips and so I could fold the
dress under the belt so the hem was much shorter than I would normally wear.

Gold necklace, earrings and evening bag along with high heel shoes completed
the picture. Examining myself critically in the long mirror, I was satisfied
with the sexy creature that coolly smiled back. Let’s see if Edward still
has that leg fetish Amanda described.

The last thing was to make sure my arrangements for the bed were still in
place and that I had my other utensils secreted in my bag. All was ready
and, nearly two hours after I had left Edward, I was ready to return. I
paused and looked at myself again in the mirror. Was this the same woman
who, four weeks ago would never have had thoughts like those that run
through my mind now? That woman would have sucked his miserable cock to save
the peace but I did not! This woman will have control of our lives once
again and not be subject to a hormone driven, out of control man!

He was seated on the sofa, newspapers scattered over the coffee table and a
full glass of what was probably whisky and soda, his favourite drink. Night
was falling and the lights were on, casting a warm mellow glow over the
room. Edward had changed his trousers and his mouth fell open as I made my
entrance, walking like the goddess I felt I was.

I sat next to him on the sofa, leaning into his muscular body so my perfume
would waft around his nostrils and crossed my legs, making sure he caught a
glimpse of thigh in the black nylon. “That looks nice,” I said, smiling at
the drink. “Whisky?”

“Yes,” he stammered. “Would you like one?”

“A very weak gin and tonic for me, thank you darling.” I smiled to myself
when he had to slyly adjust the front of his trousers before walking off to
the study to make my drink. Quickly, I took a small envelope from my purse
and emptied the contents into his glass, swirling the glass around until all
the powder had dissolved.

“Here you are,” he said on his return, handing me the glass. “You look
wonderful. Are we going out for dinner?” he asked, hungrily running his eyes
over my legs.

“Later,” I said airily and patted the sofa. “Sit next to me, darling.” He
quickly sat down and I leaned against him, letting my hem rise to my
stocking tops so his eyes could zero in on the dark nylon against my bare
white skin. “Oh,” I said in a teasing voice, “you like my new stockings?”

“Yes,” he said hoarsely, licking his lips and I smiled down at the bulge in
his pants.

“So I see.” I raised my glass. “To us,” I said and drained the contents.

“Us,” he echoed and swallowed half the glass.

“Can’t keep up with me, darling?” I teased and he quickly drained his glass.
Snuggling up to him I whispered sensuously near his ear, “Would you like to
see what else I purchased?” He nodded, eyes darting up and down my body but
always resting on my exposed stockings. “Just boring old underwear, darling.
Are you sure you would like to see it? Trouble is,” I added innocently, “I’m
wearing it.”

“Yes, I’d like to see it” he croaked and I stood, took his hand and led him
into the bedroom. Standing next to the bed, I kissed him and gently stroked
his cock through his pants.

“Why don’t you get comfortable, very comfortable,” I said, winking, “and
I’ll show you.” He undressed in a flurry of activity until he stood naked
with his rampant cock bobbing in front of him. “Relax on the bed, darling,”
I cooed. “And I’ll put on a little show for you.”

He stretched naked on the bed and I sat delicately on the edge, my hand
lightly caressing his cock. “You’re so hard, darling,” I said wantonly and
he looked at me with heavy lidded eyes, his head lolling on the pillow.
“Scrunch down,” I said, “so I can suck you,” I whispered and he moved down
so he was lying on the bed. I gripped his hard cock with my left hand and
suddenly looked at Edward with feigned concern in my voice. “Are you all
right, darling?”

His eyes were very heavy. “My eyes are a little funny, Julia. I’m very
tired,” he slurred and I rested my hand on his forehead.

“Take a little nap, darling,” I soothed as I stroked his closed eyes. “Just
a little rest. We have all night. It’s Saturday night.” Pausing, I released
his cock and waited for a reaction. Edward breathed deeply and so evenly it
was obvious he was falling into a drugged sleep. Smiling, I watched his cock
relax and start to shrink a sure sign he was no longer interested in sex
and, now, asleep.

Quickly and efficiently, I moved to each of the corners of the bed in turn,
retrieved the secreted manacles and chains, and chained his wrists and
ankles to the bed. Returning from the kitchen with some ice, I tenderly
applied it to his cock and balls to speed up the shrinkage. He didn’t move a
muscle during any of this, just breathed deeply.

With a silent flourish, I retrieved the new chastity belt and locking key
from my purse. This was a unique design in two parts, the first a solid
metal tube in which I slowly inserted his now flaccid cock with one half of
the locking ring attached and, of course, the other part of the locking
ring. The ring fitted between his balls and his body and was, I noticed as I
joined the two pieces together, reasonably tight. Using the special locking
key, I adjusted the countersunk locking screws and the whole device was
locked shut, confining his penis to its permanent position downward over his

The locking key could be dismantled into three pieces and I secreted them in
three separate lipstick tubes bought especially for the purpose and placed
in plain vision on my dressing table. So obvious, they will be invisible,
especially since he won’t know what it is he’s looking for.

He was still asleep and I went into the other room to make another, this
time stronger, gin and tonic. Returning, I sat in a chair and watched my
captured husband sleep. The sight of his muscular body stretched out and
tied to the bed and the chastity device imprisoning his cock was so arousing
that I found my fingers stealing up my skirt. Sighing a little, I settled
back in the chair, let my legs fall apart and slid the hem of my dress up.
While my husband slept, my fingers slid into my panties and lightly caressed
my pouting pussy with deliciously tender touches as I revelled in my new
found power and determination.

I teased myself for sometime, keeping myself close to the first wave as I
stroked my tender and sensitive skin. Suddenly, he groaned and tried to roll
over so I stopped my caresses, adjusted my clothes and waited, calmly
sipping my drink.

It took another ten minutes or so but he finally blinked his eyes and was
fully awake. Smiling at him, I watched his expression carefully as his eyes
quickly took in the situation. Those eyes widened when he saw what I had
done to his cock and he quickly tested the manacles that held him
spreadeagled on the bed. Finally, he slumped back onto the bed and turned
his wide eyes to me. For a moment, I thought I saw fear in those beautiful

“Julia,” he said thickly. “What is going on? Release me, please,” he added
more firmly and I slowly shook my head.

“No, darling. Not just yet.” I took a sip of my drink and recrossed my legs,
noting with satisfaction that his eyes were drawn to that action. ” We must
have a little talk.” I stood over him, looking up and down that wonderful
body of his. “I am quite disappointed in your behaviour,” I said calmly.
“Firstly, you have a sordid affair with your assistant.”

“Julia,” he burst out. “I told you I was sorry!”

“Don’t interrupt me again, Edward,” I snapped and he shrank back into the
pillow. “Firstly,” I repeated, “you betrayed my trust with that affair.
Secondly, you broke our agreement to wait until tonight and thirdly, I was
not impressed with your behaviour after your relief last week and your
aggression tonight which, I might say, verged on rape.” I sat on the edge of
the bed, unlocked one of his arms and dropped the other keys on his naked
chest. “Release yourself, then come to the sitting room where I will tell
you my plans.”

Seated on the sofa, sipping my drink, I watched Edward sheepishly stumble
out, still naked and he started to sit next to me. “No,” I snapped. “You
don’t deserve to sit next to me!” Shamefaced, he sat on the ottoman in front
of me. “You will have noticed your new chastity device, darling,” I said
softly. “It’s made of a light but very hard metal which will defeat, I’m
told, all manual cutting devices. Those four special screws that are
recessed fasten it. You need a special locking tool to release them,
darling,” I said softly, enjoying the range of emotions flicker across his
handsome face, the last being defeat.

“Any attempt to use other devices or to accidentally turn the screws the
wrong way will result in the screws snapping off and the leaving the device
permanently attached. I’m also told if that happens, only industrial cutting
torches will remove it but that action will leave you with some intense
burns in a sensitive area.”

“Julia,” he croaked and then, said nothing more as he hung his head.

“If we are to continue our relationship darling,” I said. “I’m afraid you
have to be controlled until I can grow to trust you once again. You are so
much nicer to me when you are controlled and we are so happy.” His head
remained low so I continued in a firmer voice. “The other alternative is
divorce.” His head jerked up sharply at that. “Yes, divorce,” I repeated.
“Our relationship will be over. I will remove the device once the
appropriate papers have been lodged with the courts.”

His eyes glistened as he studied me and my heart pounded. I loved him so
much but I wanted more from our relationship and if I couldn’t receive more,
the relationship would be over.

“I don’t want a divorce, Julia,” he whispered.

“Neither do I, darling,” I replied and waited, my heart pounding.

“How long will it have to stay on?”

“I don’t know,” I said truthfully.

“Will I, you know,” he tailed off, his head hanging once again.

“Get relief,” He nodded. “Yes, when I decide your behaviour has improved but
it will be a maximum of once a week. I promise I will think up interesting
ways for you,” I added, smiling.

We waited in silence until he finally nodded. “All right,” he said in a low

“All right what, darling?” I prodded.

“You can control me.” Elation rippled through me.

“No temper tantrums? ” He shook his head. “And you won’t try to hurt me? You
are so much bigger than me.”

Anguish flooded his face. “I would never hurt you, Julia!”

I reached out and patted him tenderly on the cheek. “I know, darling. Though
I was frightened earlier.” I leaned back in the chair. “Come here, darling,”
I said gesturing at the floor in front of me and he slid to his knees. “I
never did show you my new panties, did I?” I teased softly and he shook his
head, hypnotised by my parting legs. “Look,” I said softly as I slid the
dress up, revealing my stocking tops and my black lace panties which were, I
must admit, quite wet.

His cock was fully enclosed in the new tube so I could not see the results
of my teasing but by the expression on his face, I knew the answer. “Does it
hurt?” I asked softly, and he nodded. “Poor baby,” I whispered, guiding his
defeated face to my wet panties.

My fingers locked behind his head as I moved his willing face against my
panties, his nose smothered in my wetness. I revelled in my power, my
success and my feminine being and I rushed to an instant but powerful
orgasm, a wave I rode with glee as enthusiastically as I rode Edward’s face.

Finally, I pushed him away and stretched with my arms wide, enjoying the
moment. My controlled husband lay naked at my feet and we had the rest of
the evening, the rest of our lives. I smiled with satisfaction. Saturday
night had, indeed become a very special night, a special beginning.