The Wheel of the Seasons (mf, hist,rom)

It was Imbolc when first I saw Rhiannon Goch – Rhiannon the Red -named for the flame of her hair and the fire that was in her. The snow lay thick that year and we struggled up to the Druid’s Ring that crowned the hill above the village. We were warm enough when the fire […]

Blanket Memories

He couldn’t keep the image out of his mind, no matter how hard he tried. When he had found the blanket tucked away in the closet, the images of her had come flooding back. All he could do was lean against the wall and let the memories, the tears, come rushing back. It definitely wasn’t […]

My sexdiary

Yumi was the wife of a friend. Once, I joked that the sound of her name embodied the both of us – you know: you, me – but she looked back at me as if she didn’t understand. Of course she couldn’t, for I had fallen deeply and secretly in love with her. The things […]