Maureen awoke with a start. Two fingers of her left hand were buried in her own cunt, and her right hand was wrapped around Eddie Dale’s soft cock. A smile spread across her beautiful face as she remembered the orgy party the night before and the wild fucking Eddie had given her when they got […]

Present for teacher

“God, you’re beautiful, Miriam,” Roger Trenton said in hushed awe as he stood near the lovely blonde woman. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known.” “Nonsense,” Miriam Dodge softly giggled. “I’m a thirty-four year old English teacher past her prime. Flattery will get you nowhere, Roger.” “You know you’re every bit as youthful looking […]

She is a woman dedicated to becoming a sexually liberated soul

Ann sat back on the church pew and relaxed. Church pews were good sellers, people liked to put them on their front porches, and Ann and Tom had just bought two dozen of them to sell to the customers they hoped to attract to their new shop. Tom had driven the pick-up to get the […]

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