Slave Raiders

Ragnor put down his empty cup with a thud. “I really don’t think he’s coming,” he said. “He’ll be here”, Kalhune replied. “I know he will.” “He was meant to be here yesterday!” Ragnor retorted. “How much longer do you want to wait?” Then he turned to a passing slave-waitress, “more beer please.” “Yes Master,” […]

Silky Kitty’s sex story

Like a lonely spectre, she haunted the club. Her pixyish, mischievous smile belied the sadness she kept carefully walled up inside. It was pain that few could see and no one would share. The outer façade was girlish, and playful. The inner soul was wounded and dying. She struggled to hold this illusion out front, […]

What Goes Around, Cums Around

Persuasive by nature and devilishly curious, young Liza, convinced her cousin Kellye to have sex with her, one night while they both slept over their grandparent’s house. Liza discovered several of grandfather’s pornographic magazines, underneath the bathroom sink. She managed to sneak a couple them using a large, hardcover children’s book. She transported them unsuspectingly […]

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