Violent sex at the gift shop

It’s been another busy day at my shop again and I am looking forward to
getting some things done after I close. There are about 3 groups of people
browsing and I don’t mind that I may be staying open longer than the next 15
minutes I have left. I usually close at 5 but I could never ‘shoo’ people
away while they are looking.
As I stand by my colorcopy machine, making a run of 15 copies for a
browsing customer, I hear the door open for yet more customers. I look up
to see who it may be but do not notice any one there. A couple in the
nautical section look like they need some help and I offer my assistance.
Helping them pick out things to add to a shelf they have found I notice a
scruffy, but nice looking, man looking near the front of the shop. He was
obviously the last to come in.
Ringing up the couples nautical items and the color copies for the elderly
woman whom has waited patiently, I finish the sales and offer to help the
three young girls that say they are only looking. Just as I opted to ask
the gentleman if he needed help the phone rang. I hate solicitors as much
as anyone and I tried to be polite as I hear the girls leave and the door
bell ring behind them. The solicitor isn’t taking no for an answer yet I
protested and asked to be removed from their calling list before I simply
hung up.
I looked to where I last saw the man and he was gone. I was sure I only
noticed the three girls leave so I took a walk around the shop to see if I
could help speed up his browsing. Looking into the little room of bird
houses . . . he was not there. I walked to the front . . . and still no
one. Turning my OPEN signs to CLOSED I walked to the back of my shop. The
middle room was empty so I continued to the next little room filled with my
Christmas items. Noticing a few snowmen out of place (they were laying face
down on the floor – obviously fallen from a shelf above) I picked them up
and placed them back were they had belonged.
A hand wrapped around my mouth as a strong arm wrapped around my waist.
Gripping me close to him, he whispered, “Sh . . . Don’t make a sound . . .
you need this as much as I want to give it to you.” I began to shake though
he held me tight. He dragged me to the door of the room and flipped the
light off. I didn’t know what to do. All I could think of was to let him
do what he wanted so that he would leave. Give him what he wants and maybe
he won’t hurt me.
Was that a familiar warmth coming from between my legs? Was this really
what I had fantasized about? Could he tell my chest was heaving in
anticipation? He broke my thoughts, “I have been watching you. I now you
stay here alone after you close. I had several chances by your car. I have
waited in the alley watching you fumble with your keys, balancing your
briefcase and purse. (His hand moved from around my waist to my breasts) I
bet you would have loved for me to have come up behind you yesterday when
you were wearing that long skirt. I was so ready to grab you, Lift that
skirt and just shove my cock in you. Pound you as you would try to pull your
self into your car for safety. (I could feel his cock hard in his loose
dark sweatpants) but now we’re here and I can’t wait any longer to fuck you.
I promise not to hurt you . . . but you have to cooperate. (I tried to shake
my head to agree) Get on your knees Rachel.”
I was amazed that he knew my name and I complied as he instructed. Without
letting me go he got down with me. Not letting go of my mouth he moved his
hand from my breast to my jeans. Unbuttoning and unzipping them he slipped
his hot hand in to find that I was not only with out underwear but my pussy
was very wet. He began mumbling as his hand over my mouth loosened, “Mmmm .
. . ooo . . . you really do want this … do you promise not to scream for
help … promise me not to make a sound Rachel.” I nodded obediently and
muffled a “ah huh” as his hand dragged from my lips to my neck across my
shoulder down the back of my blouse to my jeans. I didn’t know what to do.
I wanted to scream, I wanted to cry, I wanted to moan, yet I let him slide
my pants down to my knees. The cool air against my exposed ass made me
squirm. My hands began to shake and I bent down to lay on my elbows,
covering my face into the plush burgundy carpet.

His hands softly caressed my ass. I could hear him cooing, licking his
lips, and breathing heavier. Both of his thumbs slid down the crack of my
ass as I felt his cock pump against my thigh. I gasped as his hands held my
thighs when he shoved his rock hard cock deep inside my pussy. I didn’t
want him to hear – I didn’t want to enjoy this so much – I didn’t protest
against every inch he slowly forced into me yet we both broke the silence
with a deep moan of erotic pleasure. As his fingers found my clit his voice
drifted over my back, “I knew you would love this … O you’re so fucking
hot … I love your sweet wet pussy. I cant believe I waited so long to do
this. I could have done this months ago.”
His pace stayed slow and I could feel my chest heave more. I expected him
to pound his cock in me to fuck the shit out of me though he kept himself
sliding in slowly and pulling out even slower. My moans became deeper and
louder as I tried not to buck for more. I was sure he could tell how much I
was enjoying him, how much I loved it, how much I wanted more. I opened my
eyes to see nothing more than the snowmen and Santa’s watching us. Staring
at this act of lust we entertained them with. All filled with happy little
seasonal smiles as I broke my silence, “O my gawd … yes … O … please
… MMMM … OOO … (he pumped his cock hard and fast, just for a few
moments) … OOOOH … GAAAWD YYYESSS … fuck me … please … (i quieted
my moans) … O yes … mmmmm … please”
His hands left my clit and messaged my ass. The pleasure of his controlled
in-slowly and out-even-slower rhythm was stung by him slapping a cheek of my
ass. **SLAP!** rang through the small room. My body jerked as I brought
myself up onto my hands to be more on all fours. Another echo hit the walls
**SLAP!** as he used the other hand on the other cheek. He knew my scream
was that of full pleasure and not of any fear. I couldn’t help myself from
bucking for more. He knew more than I wanted to admit, “Your so close
Rachel. Your about to cum all over my cock. O ya … close your eyes and
I’ll make you cum so fucking hard right now baby.”
As if I was engulfed in water his voice seemed to flood my body. I closed
my eyes as my legs shook. I moaned knowing how right his words were, “MMMM
… fuck me … O gawd yes … fuck me … make me cum … OOO … MMMM”
**SLAP!** **SLAP!** **SLAP!** on my ass as he pounded his cock as hard and
fast as he could into my pussy. His balls slammed against my clit with
every stroke he gave me. I gripped the carpet as my tits bounced within my
bra with his fast pace.
“Dam it Fin! you were suppose to blindfold her!”
I hadn’t heard the front door open and now remembered that I had not locked
it. Opening my eyes I whipped my head around and seen a man standing in the
door way. I heard my abductor say as he kept up without loosing his rhythm,
“Shut up and get your cock in her mouth she’s cumming!” The other stranger
came to me and grabbed my hair as he pulled down his sweatpants revealing a
healthy hard cock. The drool I had kept between my lips dripped down his
shaft as he slipped into my starving mouth. Sucking him as he fucked my
face I reached up to his ass and pressed two fingers under his balls,
against the base of his cock. He stopped shoving his cock between my lips
and held the muscle in my mouth as I held him in place to suck on him more.
“O dam. That’s it baby take that cock.”
The one behind me didn’t let up and held me by my hips. Pounding his cock
into my pussy we all could hear my wetness slosh over his cock. My ass in
the air, my tits bouncing around my chest, my hands now around his ass, as
my lips wrapped around his cock, I continued to cum. Moaning across the
head of the cock in my mouth I could feel Fin’s cock forcing the cum out of
me. My legs quaked in their weakness. In gushes my orgasm flooded his
cock. Pounding his abs against my ass as I cam. I closed my eyes and
screamed with a cock deep in my throat and the other deep in my pussy.
My pussy couldn’t stop from spasming as the minutes stood still. I
couldn’t stop cumming nor did I want to. Fucking me harder as I came even
more. Wave upon wave of cum seemed to crash between us all. As I slowly
came down from my orgasm the two men pulled out from their holes and jacked
their cum onto the shirt on my back. The man I had sucked off held my head
down to the floor as his cum joined Fin’s.
We all stayed where we were panting to catch our breaths. The one at my
head spoke first, “Now ya just keep those hot lips of yours there on the
floor and we will leave ya without hurtin ya.” The other patted my ass
softly as he spoke, “If you don’t report this we’ll do this again with you,
but if you tell any one at all we’ll be back to hurt you instead. Go ahead
Joe, I’m right behind you.”
As I stayed crouched on the floor the two men left. I quickly removed my
shirt and sat up. I went to the bathroom and splashed some cold water on my
face. Putting on a sweater I kept for the cold afternoons I walked to the
front to lock my door. Just as I turned the key, two officers were walking
up with what seemed to be the two men that had just left. I let the four
men in.
The officer holding Fin spoke, “Sorry to bother you ma’am. We caught these
two guys running out of your store and thought it best we make sure all is
The officer holding Joe said, “Ya, we thought something might have been
wrong with the way they were running out of here.” I blushed with a smile,
“Not at all officers. (I gave Fin a wink) They were just late for something
I am sure. And they are always welcome to stop in any time at all. (My
next wink went to Joe) And maybe next time they will get to enjoy an even
better shopping experience than they did today.”
The officers let the men go and all left without another word. I locked my
door to prepare to leave for home. Keeping my eyes open as I walked to my
car and found a note on my windshield that read,
A smile filled my lips as I unlocked my car. I couldn’t wait to work late
again. I just couldn’t wait.