Girlfriend Becomes Obeying Slave

Reinhardt eyed the woman in front of him. She was much
shorter than his girlfriend, whom he had been
cohabiting with for over for years. She laid her back
on the bed and was an attractive Brunette at her mid
20s, and was probably Eastern European too.

“Now I want you to turn around and lie face down,”
Reinhardt ordering the young prostitute.

“Yes sir,” the prostitute meekly replied.

The prostitute turned her body and face around and laid
face down on the bed.

She was perfect for this, Reinhardt thought.

Reinhardt often hired prostitutes such as these and
mainly for two things: their hair colour and for anal
sex, which his girlfriend denied him for so long.

Reinhardt was tall at 6’6; as muscular as an athlete,
35 years of age, cropped blond hair, striking blue
eyes, pale as a Raphaelite and had short temper too.

The prostitute gulped. She knew and heard from all the
other girls what Reinhardt was like. Very rough.
Uncaring. Insensitive. But not just the way he treated
the hookers but also that her pimp did say tat he had
seen him beat up other people (and local clients) many
times outside on the streets her pimp said that the
“other guy” looked scared before and after he got
totally bashed up by Reinhardt.

Reinhardt walked to the open box that was next to the
bed. He took out the things he needed and used them to
tie up the prostitute’s wrists and ankles to the posts
of that bed. He had also taken out a ball gag and
roughly placed it on the prostitute’s mouth and tied it
around the back of her head really rough.

“There. Now you look nice and lovely,” Reinhardt
patting her ass really hard. The prostitute breathed
heavily under her ball gag. If she had not been a
prostitute, she would not have allowed herself to be on
this situation but life was just cruel.

The prostitute was all tied up spread-eagled but faced

Reinhardt started stripping off his clothes, climbed
the bed and laid his humongous frightening body over
the more fragile looking prostitute.

Reinhardt roughly thrust his cock into the prostitute’s
sensitive asshole. The prostitute jerked her tied-up
body and tears instantly flowed down her eyes. She was
in extreme tormenting pain.

“That’s right bitch. I got you for an hour and for an
hour, I will call you Margot,” Reinhardt pulling at her
short brown hair, then licking her cheek sadistically.

With one hard thrust up her asshole, the prostitute’s
mind was sent into extreme agony, as her body was
enduring the beginning of an hour’s worth of pain.


The prostitute was still tied up, sobering as she faced
the bed.

Reinhardt’s sperm was oozing out of her bruised
reddened up ass.

The room door was open and Reinhardt paid the pimp,
just outside the doorway.

“I really did a job at her,” Reinhardt looking at what
he had done to the prostitute. Her ass cheeks looked
really roughed up.

“She’ll be alright. I mean I am ok with you bruising up
their asses since you pay a good deal of money whenever
you come here. You always want Brunette or even pay
extra for any of the girls to have their hair dyed just
for the day they have to meet you and having your way
with them,” the pimp counting his Euro bills.

“What is gonna happen with her?” Reinhardt asked.

“Oh just a good bubble bath will ease up that bruised
asshole of hers,” the pimp chuckled.

As Reinhardt started walking away, the pimp called out
to him.

“Guess this Margot is some bitch who has done you a lot
of wrong huh.”

Reinhardt ignored the pimp .Reinhardt had anal sex with
other female friends of his but he really wanted to
have it with the one woman he loved and if he could not
have it with her, he would hire hookers and pay them a
lot of money just to let him indulge in his fantasy,
that he is not fucking their assholes but that of the
woman he truly loved. As for the pain he caused them,
he did not care since it was not Margot he was hurting
but these bitches.



“So where we am I meeting up with you all tomorrow?”
Margot asked Reinhardt, as they both lied under the
blanket in their bed.

“At TGIF (Thank God It’s Friday) at eight sharp,”
Reinhardt had his arm around Margot.

Thursday night was Reinhardt’s 36th birthday and all
their friends were going to be there. Margot was going
to meet up with all of them straight from work.

“You know which TGIF right?” Reinhardt started fondling
with Margot’s hair.

“I know which one,” Margot starred back at him in that

Margot was as attractive and as Brunette as her Persian
mother (her father was German); 33 years of age, bit
more tanned, had brown-green eyes, slim, 6’2 and was
also Reinhardt’s partner (and love of his life).

“You sure you don’t want me to get you anything for
your birthday?” Margot asked.

“Well there is only one thing I actually want from
you,” Reinhardt smiled under that darkness.

Margot knew what it was but she had never done it
before, thinking how painful and degrading it would be.

“Oh please can we get off that subject. I mean I would
have sex with you but not that. That would be like
asking me to have sex with a dog or something,” Margot
upset that he still wanted it after all these years.

Reinhardt angrily let go of Margot and turned around,
facing the other side of the bed.

Margot went over to him and started patting his back,
knowing that she had made him upset.

“I love you Reinhardt. You know that,” Margot was
trying to be as loving, fearing that their relationship
could come to an end for something as stupid as anal
sex. They broke up once because of it but neither of
them could live without the other and so got back
together again, and also decided to live together.

“What is it with you? What’s your problem? I love you
and would do anything for you and yet you won’t let me
just have it, at least even once,” Reinhardt was really

Reinhardt got up from the bed and walked towards the
bedroom door.

“Because I don’t want to have your dick up my ass. It’s
painful and degrading,” Margot cried.

“You are so arrogant and proud. I am your boyfriend and
you are letting your ego get in the way. I love you. I
am not doing this to say that I am in charge. You think
if I did it with you that I would just do it without
taking your comfort into account while I do it.”
Reinhardt started bitching up.

Reinhardt opened the bedroom door, walked out the
bedroom, closed it behind him and switched on the
hallway light.

I don’t want to have anything up my ass, Margot

“You know many of the other women let their partners
fuck them up the ass. Why not you? I mean it is normal
and people regularly do it” Reinhardt called out from
outside the bedroom door.

Margot heard footsteps heading away from the door.

Margot laid inside her bedroom, in that darkness.

I don’t want to lose you again, Margot panicked in her
head. But anal sex was something else. She had never
done it and some of her girlfriends told her about
their “painful” experience.


Margot was still stuck inside her office. She was doing
some paper work until she heard someone knocking on her
office door.

“Come in,” Margot not turning her eyes away from her
paper work.

The door opened. There was a young office girl with
short Blonde hair and a pixie look.

“Afternoon Rosaline. What is up?” Margot looking now to
the doorway.

“Bad news. Boss is having a long meeting in about
twenty minutes,” Rosaline sighed.

“Meeting?” Margot was both curious and afraid.

“It’s about retrenchment,” Rosaline cried.

Margot gulped. She knew that the credit crunch that the
world was facing affected every major company on Earth
and that people were getting fried left and right. She
prayed that she was not going to be one of them.



Reinhardt was sat down with four guys and six ladies.
All of them friends of both Reinhardt and Margot.

“Hey Hardt it’s already eight. Better give her a call,”
one of the guys suggested, as he looked at his

“Yeah better do that,” Reinhardt agreeing in annoyance.

Reinhardt took out his I Phone and started ringing
Margot’s cell phone number.


Margot opened her car door with her car key and got
inside. She put on her seatbelt and started the car
engine. The car engine started humming. She saw the
time on the car.

Oh shit, Margot thought. She just remembered to be at
TGIF. By 8PM. If it had not been for this serious
meeting, Margot would have been there much earlier. For
her man’s birthday.

The meeting was so long and all of them had to turn
their cell phones off.

One the bright side she still had a job. Some of her
friends were unlucky, as they got laid off work,
joining thousands of unemployed Europeans. She then
took out her cell phone and saw that 3 missed calls.
All from Reinhardt.

Shit, Margot thought.

She tried ringing Reinhardt’s cell phone. He wasn’t
picking it up.

He must be mad at me, Margot thought.

Margot drove out of the car park and headed straight
for TGIF. By the time she got there, she parked her car
and walked inside TGIF. Once inside, she tried spotting
for Reinhardt or any of their other friends. She saw
none of them.

A waitress dressed in TGIF working uniform approached

“Excuse me ma’am, are you waiting to be seated?” the
waitress asked Margot.

“Actually I am two hours late. My name is Margot and I
am supposed to meet my boyfriend and our friends here,”
Margot sighed.

“Your boyfriend’s name is Reinhardt?” the waitress

“Why yes,” Margot started smiling.

“Afraid they left about an hour ago. I was the waitress
who served them and (the waitress took out a note) and
he told me to give this to you in case you came,” the
waitress handed Margot a note.

Margot took the note and read it.


Margot started breathing very heavily.

He is mad at me, Margot panicked. Her heart started
beating really quick. She was afraid of this. She was
afraid that they might break up. Again.

“I got to go,” Margot telling the waitress and walked
out TGIF.

Margot walked to where her car was parked. She
remembered which of their friends were there tonight.

Margot called one female friend up. That friend’s name
was Angela.

“Hey Margot is everything ok. You didn’t show up?”
Angela picking up and answering from the other side of
the line.

“We had a serious meeting. I had turn off my cell phone
and many people at work were being laid off, because of
this credit crunch. I am so sorry that I didn’t come. I
really am. I tried calling Reinhardt but he wouldn’t
pick up. I know he is mad at me. It’s his birthday and
I didn’t show up. He even left a note for me. Angela I
am scared,” Margot started crying and panicking.

“Margot I know. Listen. Come over to my place first
before you head home. There are some things I need to
tell you,” Angela trying to be a friend.

“You…you need something to tell me??” Margot was
getting more worried.

“Come here first. I’ll see you soon. Bye,” Angela hung

This is not good, Margot panicked.

Margot got inside her car and drove all the way to
Angela’s place.


Margot was sat down in Angela’s couch, drinking hot
coffee. Angela lived with three other ladies but at the
moment none of the others were at home.

“Margot. Tonight Reinhardt lost it. You know that he
has such a short temper at times and could be a bully
towards other people and get into fights. Well tonight
he bashed up Walter and Gulcan,” Angela warned.

“What??” Margot was surprised.

Walter and Gulcan were among two of the guys who
attended tonight’s birthday gathering.

“He called Gulcan a fucking Turk and told him to fuck
off back to Turkey. Walter tried stopping him but he
was too tall for him and he beat him up. I mean all
they said was that something serious must have come up
and he was saying that there was no way you could be
doing this to him. He was really angry you didn’t show
up tonight. But he had really lost it this time. I had
never seen him so angry before and never so
frightening. Maybe you should spend the night here,”
Angela suggested.

“Angela. I am going to have to see him sometime. He’s
my partner and…” Margot cried.

“…and he might beat you up. I am so afraid for anyone
who is going to see him right now. Especially you,”
Angela interrupted.

“I got to go,” Margot got up.

“Please stay here. I don’t want him to hurt you,”
Angela begged.

“I love him and he loves me. He’ll never hurt me,”
Margot sounding so defiant.

“Oh yeah you go on ahead. You guys are so perfect for
each other. You’re just as arrogant as he is you know
that. Proud. Defiant,” Angela being emotional and

Angela was right. Margot was arrogant and very proud.
She also had to have things her way, like her man at

Margot left Angela’s and got inside her own car,
reviving the car engine. As the car started humming,
Margot drove away from Angela’s and towards hers.

As Margot was driving on the road, she knew that she
had to explain everything to Reinhardt. Why she was
late. How sorry she was that she couldn’t make it. She
loved him and nothing was going to change that.

She was sure that he loved her just as much and that
she was not going to end up like Walter or Gulcan.

She finally arrived at her apartment block’s car park,
parked her car and got out. She saw his car.

He’s here, Margot thought.

She took the lift to the 4th floor and once there, she
walked towards her apartment door.

By the time she reached the apartment door, she noticed
that the door was not fully close. She pushed the door

The lounge lights were still close and so she turned
them on. But as she turned them on, she gasped in

Oh my God, she panicked.

The TV screen was smashed. Two of the wooden chairs
from the dining table were smashed up on top of the
dining table itself. She saw broken glasses pieces

“Sweetheart, are you alright?” Margot called out.

She passed by the kitchen hallway and she saw smashed
plate and cup pieces on the kitchen tiled floor.

He really has lost it, Margot thought. She even thought
that he may have even been drunk.

Margot walked towards the bathroom and she saw the
lights open.

“Honey, are you here?” Margot called out.

She saw Reinhardt still dressed in his clothes, lying
and soaking himself inside the bath tub, filled with

“I can explain everything,” Margot kneeling just right
beside the bath tub, putting her hand on Reinhardt’s

Margot felt so guilty and was about to cry.

Reinhardt gave her a strange crazy look.

“Do I know you??” Reinhardt sounded drunk.

“I can explain everything. I know you’re so angry with
me and I am really sorry about not answering your
calls,” Margot trying to clarify but she could see that
he was not really fully paying attention.

Margot left the bath room.

Tonight Margot decided that she was going to sleep in
the guest room and wake up a little bit earlier. She
didn’t expect him to show up for work tomorrow and so
she was going to leave him a note, explaining what
happened that night, how sorry she was about the whole
thing, how much she loved him and also that she was
going to make him some breakfast or brunch and that
it’ll be in the oven.


Margot was working all day inside her office. As she
continued working she thought of taking a small break.
She took out her cell phone and she saw that she had a
text message. She opened it up. It was from Reinhardt.
She read it.

The message said I READ YOUR LETTER.

Margot sighed.

He read it, Margot told herself.

By the time it was 6PM, she left work and headed
straight for home. She really needed to see Reinhardt.
She really needed to be with Reinhardt. On the way home
she bought some Chinese takeaway for the two of them as
she was not going to cook tonight.

Margot finally got home and when she opened the
apartment door with her set of key, Reinhardt was sat
on the couch.

“Hi. How is everything? I bought us some Chinese,”
Margot telling him.

Reinhardt stared at Margot. She noticed that the lounge
floor looked clean but the smashed TV was still there.

Margot closed the apartment front door behind her.

Reinhardt gave her a cold stare.

“You know I didn’t do this in purpose. It just happened
and I wished I could have been there. I really feel
upset about all this,” Margot walked towards Reinhardt
and placed the food on the dining table.

“I love you,” Margot being sincere and emotional.

“I know you’re scared of me. Maybe Angela or one of the
other girls told you that Reinhardt had been a bad boy
the other night. At least I cleaned up the mess I
created,” Reinhardt being sarcastic.

Reinhardt was no idiot and figured that since he did
not answer his I Phone, she must have called up the
rest, asking what had gone on during her absence.

Margot walked towards Reinhardt.

“Scared of you. I love you. Why the hell would you say
such a thing??? Do you know that what you are saying
hurts, ” Margot was upset at the comment.

Reinhardt got up and strongly gripped her arms.

“Because you think I am going to hurt you. Well if you
feel hurt you deserve it,” Reinhardt shaking her very
aggressively and very emotionally.

“I am sorry that I did not attend my beloved’s thirty-
sixth birthday.

I know my presence there meant a lot to you but these
things happen. I could have been fired from work. Look
do you want to punish me or beat me? Is that it? I love
you. If you want to hit me go ahead. I’d rather you hit
me than losing you. Let’s have sex ok. You can tie me
up and fuck me as if I am just a whore,” Margot crying.

Margot started weeping, mostly out of guilt. And that
she as also afraid that something as stupid as this
could mean the end of their relationship. To make
matters worse, they have been arguing a lot lately for
the last couple of weeks over many issues.

Reinhardt looked like he was going to lose control and
beat her up but instead he lets go of her and starts
smashing his fists against the wall.

Reinhardt stopped hitting the walls and started crying.
Margot walked up to him and put her arms on his back.

“It’s ok. You have the right to be angry,” Margot
comforted him.

Reinhardt turned around and forced his lips on hers,
kissing her firmly. Reinhardt started hugging her and
also started crying, with real sincere tears.

“Why didn’t you show up? You know my world ended,”
Reinhardt letting it all go.

Margot hugged him back.

“It’s ok sweetheart. Let’s just kiss and make up. How
about we sit down and eat dinner together. We’ll talk
about all this and how I can make it all up to you,”
Margot still hugging him and moving her arms around his

Margot emptied some of the Chinese takeaway meals onto
two plates and they both sat down and ate on the couch.

Margot did not want to lose him and before they ate,
she said to him, “Look. I know how to make it up to
you. I’ll tell you after dinner,” Margot told

Reinhardt started smiling.

“Ok,” Reinhardt smiled.

Margot already thought of how she could make up for not
having shown up at TGIF and this was her way of saying
how far she was willing to go to say how sorry she
really was and that she would do anything to not have
their relationship end.

After they both finished dinner, Margot picked up their
plates and washed them on the kitchen sink. As Margot
was washing the plates, Reinhardt came up to her.

“Thanks for the takeaway Marge,” Reinhardt started
playing with her short brown hair. “Listen I was
thinking of making us coffee? Do you want one?”
Reinhardt asked her lovingly.

“Yes please,” Margot was smiling back at him.

After Reinhardt finished making them coffee, they both
were leaning against the kitchen counters and faced
each other.

“Reinhardt I love you with all my heart. I am so sorry
that I didn’t show up yesterday. I don’t want to lose
you…again. I will do everything to ensure that we
don’t break up again,” Margot looked at him

Reinhardt held his cup and just stared at her. Margot
put her cup down by the counter.

“You always wanted to have sex with me. Well I owe it
to you. Yes I will have sex with you,” Margot looked at
him emotionally.

Reinhardt put his cup down, being a bit confused.

“I…I don’t understand what you mean. We always have
sex. Every night,” Reinhardt was puzzled.

“What I mean to say Reinhardt is that I am offering
myself to you. I am offering my ass to you,” Margot
sighed…in defeat.

“Wh-what??” Reinhardt started getting excited. He was
not sure if she said what he thought she had just said.

She realised that she had just made his night and his
dreams come true as this was what he had always wanted.

From her.

That he was finally going to fuck Margot in the ass.

“Yes Reinhardt. You can fuck me in the ass. You can put
your dick up my ass,” Margot giving herself away but
her eyes looked partly reluctant.

Reinhardt could see it in her eyes.

“But you really don’t want to. I can see it in your
eyes. You are scared… that I am going to hurt you,”
Reinhardt looking at her.

He gave her that look that he was a kid that had his
candy taken away from him.

“Yes I am scared. But this is what you want,” Margot

“You are offering your ass to me but this is not
something you really want to do,” Reinhardt sounding

Margot walked to Reinhardt, putting her arms around him
and looking him up in the eye.

“No I am yours. I am giving myself to you heart and
soul. But not tonight. I have never done this before
and I still have to go to work tomorrow so you can fuck
my ass tomorrow night. I mean if my ass soars, I won’t
be able to go to work,” Margot cried.

Reinhardt started laughing in a friendly way.

“Ok I understand that you think you’ll get sick and
your ass will hurt and your entire body. I’m ok with us
having anal sex tomorrow night. How about for the whole
weekend. Just to show that you really are sorry,”
Reinhardt pushing his luck and being kinky at the same

Margot did not like the idea that her ass was going to
get fucked for not just one night but two. She did owe
it to him and so…

“Ok sweetheart. My ass is yours tomorrow night and on
Saturday night. I’m all yours. I won’t complain. You
will have my full cooperation,” Margot looking at him

Reinhardt was over-excited with joy that he hugged her
really lovingly and excitedly, kissing her on her head
and saying, “You have no idea how happy you have made
me. You are finally giving me something that I have
always wanted for a long time.”

Yeah. At the price of my own comfort, Margot thought.

That same night they had sex. Reinhardt was fucking
Margot’s cunt really hard and really fast. She was
screaming and sweating at the same time. He was fucking
her cunt and also was sucking very hard on both her

As Reinhardt was on top of her and both his hands
pinning down her wrists in that darkness, he started
saying something to her, “Margot. Since tomorrow night
is the big night for me, and your birthday present to
me, I was thinking that tomorrow you don’t drive to
work and that I’ll drive you to work and pick you at
the same time too. This is what I also want and you
will be making it up to me if you let me drive you and
pick you up too.”

Margot didn’t like the idea as if she drove in her own
car, she could take her sweet little time tomorrow
night before she submitted being his personal willing
sex slave.

But she had to make him happy now, even if it meant
that this was going to start feeling like a master-and-
slave relationship.

“If that is what you want,” Margot looking up to him.

“That is what I want. Hell yeah,” Reinhardt thrusting
his cock deep into her pussy, making her scream and

After they had finished having sex, Reinhardt hugged
Margot under that blanket very protectively.

“I’m glad you’re my girl who’ll do anything for her
man,” Reinhardt was excited.

What choice do I have? Margot thought.

“I wish it was Friday night already,” Reinhardt
breathed very heavily.

It was bets not to think about tomorrow night as once
it’s there, she had to endure whatever it was he was
going to make her endure.


Margot got inside Reinhardt’s car by the passenger’s
side. Reinhardt got inside the driver’s seat. Reinhardt
looked at her and smiled.

“I really am so excited about tonight,” Reinhardt
smiling at her and then kissed her on the cheek.

“Yeah,” Margot sounding that she was still willing to
go through with it and that this was something new,
trying not to think how painful it might be.

Reinhardt drove off.