Hard fucking in Rock City

Rock City was not a really good idea, but I guess all in all it worked
out okay. It was a joint idea that David and I had, to run a disco in an
outlying small town on the weekends. It worked okay, but we never any
money at it. The perks were good, though.

She was there the very first night we opened. Over the next few weeks,
she came in earlier and earlier and stayed later and later. Always alone,
and always taking every opportunity to talk to me, sometimes to the point
of staying behind the console with me all evening. After the second time
she did that, I told her that I would leave her a pass at the door to get
in free. After all, if all she was going to do was help me, she shouldn’t
have to pay for the dance. She was thrilled. The next week she was there
when I got there and helped me set up. It was odd that she did that,
because I always got there about four hours early to get things set up,
then I left to go eat and came back in time to open. I guess she had
figured out how long it took me to get there from the City.

In any event, she helped me unload the car and set things up, and it
went quickly since I had help. I opened up the storeroom in the back of
the hall to start getting the lights out. It was full of stuff from the
bowling alley, and there were old chairs and couches in there from the
lounge. I left the door open and went to the game room out front to get us
both a coke. When I came back, she was looking for me. I handed her a
coke and went into the storeroom. “Break time”, I said, and sat down on an
old couch. She sat down next to me, very close. The door to the storeroom
was open, but the outer door was closed. The game room would not open for
three hours at least, so we were alone.

We drank our cokes and made small talk for a while. She was squirming a
lot and moving ever so much closer. I sat my coke down and put my arm
around her shoulder. She looked at me silently, so I leaned over and
kissed her. Things heated up quickly from there. My hands roamed freely
over her body, massaging her tits and eventually dropping down to the hem
of her skirt. My fingers traced a path up her leg toward her pussy. Her
legs were together, but they opened slightly as I got higher, giving me
just enough room to feel her moist panties with a couple of fingers. I
kissed her hard and kept one hand busy on her breast. She gradually opened
her legs wider, giving me access, and soon I was able to move her panties
aside and finger her pussy ever so slightly.

Her breathing was becoming harder and raspy, and I could detect her
muscles tightening and relaxing throughout her body. I massaged her clit
for a while, then moved my hand a bit lower and slipped a finger inside her
pussy lips. She was soaking wet, and my finger slid into her easily, held
back only by the awkward position we were in. Since I could not fully
finger fuck her, I moved my fingers back to her clit and concentrated my
efforts there. There was no question about when she climaxed. She tensed,
then shook gently, holding her breath all the while. I could tell that her
orgasm was a powerful one.

Taking advantage of the moment, I laid her back on the couch, raising
her skirt in one fluid movement. I immediately moved my hand back to her
pussy, and continued to hold the crotch aside and massage her clit. I
changed my position and continued to massage her clit, while at the same
time moving closer to kiss her. While she was distracted, I used my free
hand to open my pants and take my dick and balls out. My dick was so hard
it actually hurt. I kept up everything I was doing to her, and moved into
position without really attracting her notice. I moved the head of my dick
to within an inch of her pussy, then moved my hand from her clit to her
hole and began to finger fuck her pussy. She was extremely wet, and I made
sure to spread her juices around on her pussy lips.

I moved back to her clit, and, still kissing her, guided my dick to her
hole with my free hand. When my dick touched her pussy lips, she really
didn’t notice, but as I moved it around a bit to get the alignment I
needed, she stiffened and began to struggle a little, trying to talk while
I was kissing her. I felt the head of my dick slip inside her pussy lips,
and a lowered my weight against her, forcing it inside. I felt a slight
pause at one point, but it was not enough to stop my dick. In a couple of
strokes, I was buried inside her up to the balls, with the head of my dick
against her cervix. I paused for a moment to gain my composure, then
withdrew and began to fuck her slowly and deeply. She was extremely tight,
and I was on the verge of coming by the fourth stroke. I held back,
continuing to fuck her, gaining in both speed and intensity.

She was struggling some, but not enough to be a definitive “No”, so I
continued. I still had not broken our kiss. As I fucked her harder and
harder, I could detect the signs of her approaching orgasm, so I increased
my speed and force. She began to come, almost going into convulsions, and
that was all it took to make it impossible for me to hold back any longer.
I buried my dick inside her up to the hilt as the first shot of my come
went into her. I paused for a split second, then started fucking in and
out of her again, sending another shot of come inside her each time my
balls flopped against her ass. It was a very intense come for me, and I
shot an amazing amount of come in her, flooding her insides. I was still
coming in her, and could already feel it leaking out of her pussy. She
just could not hold the quantity of come I was sending inside her. Shot
followed shot into her until I had no more in me to give her. Only then
did I break the kiss, but I left my dick inside her soaking in the heat and
juices that we had created. Amazingly, I was still semi hard.

“I shouldn’t have let you do that,” she said, “but I wanted you to.”