Linda again made me horny, knowing that my sperm was still inside her pussy

It was yet another of those strange nights that Allan was so good at
getting me into. This particular night, it was me and Allan, Chuck, Mike,
Sandy, and Linda. Linda was under age, but was staying the night with
Sandy, so we had to bring her along. We had been to Doc Hollidays before,
but usually it was me and Allan, sometimes with Sandy, or me and Chuck.
Never before as a group. We managed to get Linda in without any problem by
slipping her through in the middle of the pack. We got a table at the edge
of the dance floor and ordered a couple of pitchers of beer.

When they closed, we all ended up back at Mike’s place, which was in a
triplex shared by myself, Mike, and Connie. Mike’s place was in the
middle. It was about four AM when everybody had finally filtered out. I
had spent most of that time outside talking to Leslie and getting to know
her better. I set up a date with her for the following Tuesday night to go
to the Rhinestone with me. I don’t know when Sandy and Allen left,

When Leslie had gone, I went into Mike’s apartment to see who was still
around. Everybody had been in Mike’s place drinking all the time I was
outside with Leslie. I was pretty much sober by this time. When I walked
in, I saw Linda passed out on Mike’s couch, in a sitting position no less.
I made a quick tour of the place, and found no one else. I figured that
Sandy and Allen had gone home and couldn’t wake Linda up enough to make it
up the hill and didn’t want to try to carry her, so they left her there. I
looked out in the back yard and saw Mike about halfway down the hill in the
backyard passed out on the grass. I figured it was time for me to head
home and get some sleep too. I thought about bringing Mike inside, but
then just said the hell with it. It was warm and dry, so I decided to just
leave him there.

I went back into the living room heading for the front door and looked
at Linda sitting on the couch. She was really out of it. I guess being
underage she really wasn’t accustomed to drinking, and she had been
drinking pretty steadily for at about eight or ten hours. She would be in
rough condition that afternoon when she woke up. I started to walk on by,
but paused for a moment. I decided that a little feel here and there
wouldn’t hurt anything, so I went over and sat on the couch next to her. I
reached over and unsnapped the first two snaps of her cowboy shirt and put
my hand inside, feeling her tit through her bra. It was nice sized, and
easily overflowed my palm. With a little effort, I was able to get my hand
inside her bra enough to reach her nipple with my fingertips. It was small
and firm, and stiffened noticeably when I rubbed it between my fingertips.
I took my hand away and fastened her shirt again.

I dropped my hand to her lap and placed it on her crotch. I could feel
her warmth even through the cloth of her jeans and panties. Her jeans were
tight enough that I could almost make out the outline of her slit. I
rubbed her there as best I could, but her position and tight clothing
didn’t allow much latitude. I thought about opening her jeans, but her
position would make that difficult, and I was not sure how much access that
would give me since they were so tight. Besides, I’d never be able to get
them fastened again.

I was to the point that I either had to give up or make some drastic
action. Being a bit muddle headed from all the drinking, but still sober
enough to act, I picked her up and carried her to Mike’s bedroom and laid
her down on the bed. The bed had not been made, so the sheet was
uncovered, and the blanket and bedspread were on the floor. Once I had her
there, I took her boots off (with some difficulty, I might add….). If
that wasn’t enough to wake her up, nothing would be.

I unsnapped the snaps on her shirt one by one until they were all
opened, then managed to get her shirt off of her by taking one arm out of
the sleeve, and rolling her on her side to get the other one out. While
she was on her side, I unsnapped her bra, then rolled her onto her back
again. It was a simple matter then to remove her bra completely. I only
paused long enough to take a quick look before moving to her jeans.
Getting the belt loose was easy, but unsnapping them wasn’t. Getting the
zipper down was no easy trick in itself. Once all that was done, they were
loose enough that I was able to get them down and off pretty easily. She
was now down to only her panties, which were removed very quickly.

There was just enough light coming in through the window to give me a
good view. She was built better than I had thought. My hands and fingers
explored her body, lingering more in some places than in others. I opened
her legs wide to give me access and began to slowly manipulate her clit.
She made no physical reaction other than to moisten up her hole, and she
made not a single sound. I slipped my finger inside her pussy and began to
finger fuck her, gently at first, then more insistently. My dick was
amazingly hard, and I knew I had to fuck her. I turned my attention away
from her for a moment, long enough to unfasten my pants, then I joined her
on the bed. I got into position immediately, and guided my rock hard dick
to her opening. Surprisingly, I slid in easily, up to my nuts on the first

Her pussy was firm. Not overly tight, yet not loose, either. I think
she had the potential to be a really fantastic fuck if she was involved in
it. Right now, though, she was just a dead fuck. Still, I didn’t care. I
was horny enough for the both of us, so her involvement (or lack thereof)
really didn’t matter. I was just basically using her pussy to jack off

Since I didn’t have to worry about whether she came or not, I
concentrated on satisfying myself. When I started to come in her, it was
long and hard, and amazingly intense. I literally flooded her pussy with
sperm, completely emptying my nuts deep inside her pussy. When I had
finished, she was far to wet and sloppy for me to even be able to keep my
dick inside her. I got up and fastened my pants again, then looked down at

My sperm was overflowing out of her pussy and gathering in a puddle on
the sheet between her legs. It was only then that I began to think about
what to do next. There was no way I could dress her again, even if I
wanted to. If I left her there nude, she was sure to question it, and what
if she woke up and found herself lying in a puddle of sperm? Surely she
would know that she had been fucked. I had no answers and was too tired to
worry about it anyway. I covered her up with a sheet and went home to my
apartment and to bed.

It was almost noon when I woke up, and it was late afternoon before
Sandy, Allan, and Linda came down to my place. Just seeing Linda again
made me horny, knowing that my sperm was still inside her pussy. She said
nothing about the night before, and as far as I know she never did. I
guess she might have suspected who had fucked her, but even if she did
there was no way for her to know. It was even possible that she never
realized that she had been fucked, but somehow I doubted that.