My Mother, MY COUSIN, and ME

My cousin, Tim, and I room together at our Prep school, and
thanks to hanging around with him I’ve had some wild experiences
with a lot of girls, and even some women. But this last summer
vacation, I had experiences that I never thought would have been

It all began on a Friday night at a dull party put on by
Tim’s parents. The people there were all family and friends of
our folks, and my evening started out really dull. Thanks to my
cousin, however, it didn’t stay dull for long.

First, Tim told me he was horny, and that one of the
middle-aged women at the party would be a cinch piece of ass. He
said her husband wasn’t with her that night, and that if he could
maneuver her away from the party he’d get a little pussy for
sure. Then he told me to play along with him because no one
would think a thing about it if the woman left with me.

He grinned and walked away, leaving me wondering what the
hell I had to do with the woman’s leaving. Then he asked my
busty mother if she’d like to go to a drive-in movie with us!

For sure, my mother isn’t the drive-in movie type, but she
was a little tipsy from drinking and that night she told my
cousin she was bored and wouldn’t mind going with us. As my
cousin sneaked a look at her big tits, I knew what his idea of
fun was going to be, and I had a little trouble swallowing.

She said, “Well since your dad’s off to a business
convention for a week, I ought to be entitled to some fun too, so
let’s go. I haven’t been to a drive-in since I used to go with
your dad,” and she turned a little red. “I really used to like
them,” and she blushing even more.

I went nuts with questions. What could my mother and father
have possibly done at the drive-in? Does Tim really think my
mother would be a cinch piece of ass? Is he really going to try
to fuck her? And was he going to try it in front of me? And was
she really saying yes, she’d go with us?

I don’t blame my cousin for wanting to fuck her, you
understand. My mother is a really great looking woman, all my
friends always kept telling me how lucky I was to have such a
knock-out mom, but all I knew was she still told me what to do
all the time. Her good looks never helped me get away with any-

I had absolutely never thought of my mom as a sex object
before. The thing is, I just didn’t think it could be done.
I’d never thought of her as a woman who could be laid. In fact,
I’d always said when they use the word “prude,” they were thinking
about Mother. She acts like a real tight-ass, and the whole time
I was growing up I wouldn’t have been surprised to find out that
my sisters and I were all adopted and that Mother was still a

As we left the party that night and headed for my cousin’s
camper van, I took a good look at my Mother, and I have to admit,
I liked what I saw. She was wearing a fairly short skirt and high
heels, with dark stockings that looked great on her long, firm
legs. She was also wearing a tight, low-cut blouse that
emphasized her breasts and believe me, my Mother’s knockers don’t
need to be emphasized. The way those tight jugs of hers jiggle
and bounce would draw attention if she were wearing a burlap

As I think about it now, looking back over the years, my Mother
has always been sort of silly and flirty and not herself when my
handsome cousin was around, but I never once thought a thing
about it. Even when she giggled and rubbed against him when we
left the party that night I still didn’t see it. I mean, who’d
ever figure his own mother to be turned on by one of her nephews?
Especially when your mother is such a prude. I mean really!

My surprises continued when we arrived at the drive-in.
First, my smooth-talking cousin talked Mother into sitting
between us on the small couch in the rear of his camper-van.
Then he talked her into drinking some beer with us. She was
already more than a bit gone and this would really do her in.

We waited for the movie to begin, and as we sat in the back
of the van and talked and drank, I thought mom was becoming a
little careless with her skirt. She was definitely showing a lot
more of her ivory, stocking-clad thighs than she should be. I
noticed my cousin eyeing her legs and brushing his hand up
against her knees every time he had the chance.

But, nice leg-show or not, it was my Mother’s fucking tits
that really had his attention. He watched them jiggle and bounce
whenever she moved, and he could barely take his eyes off them
even though he obviously liked her legs too.

It was really a crazy situation. My Mother was getting giggly,
and my cousin was telling her how beautiful and sexy she was.
Meanwhile, I was nervous as hell, just trying to figure out what
was happening here. Then my cousin leaned over and planted a
kiss right on my mother’s lips!

At first she gasped and gurgled and half-yelped, and I
thought I was going to have to pull my cousin away from her and
smack him or something. But then she suddenly quit complaining
and began kissing him back. Her arms slid around his neck as she
did, and I didn’t know what the hell to do. I didn’t want to
watch what was happening, but yet I couldn’t tear my eyes away.

As he kissed her, I could see that my cousin’s hand was
inching closer and closer to my mother’s awesome breasts. Then
he got a huge handful of one of them and squeezed and fondled it
to beat hell, before she finally jerked away from him and planted
herself firmly in my arms.

“Looks like it’s your turn,” my cousin said to me with a
laugh. “Or are you afraid to kiss your own mama that way?”

I didn’t know what to do, but I figured my mother was safer
in my arms than in a guy’s that was doing his best to fuck her.
Then she looked up at me and moved her face closer to mine. What
did she want? Did she want me to kiss her? I didn’t think, I
just acted and I put my mouth on hers.

She made a pleasant little sound of surprise, and then
damned if she didn’t kiss me back the same way she’d been kissing
Tim. Her mouth opened and mine opened, and I was thinking what
an incredible thing it was to be doing this with the old prude.
Then I noticed that my cousin was boldly unbuttoning her blouse
as I kissed her, and I just about shit.

He got away with getting her blouse wide open all the way
down to her waist before she even seemed to notice what he was
doing, and at that point she pulled her mouth away from mine.
She looked really sexy then, even though she was my mom, with her
hair tousled, her brassiere-clad breasts exposed, and her waist
showing in her opened blouse.

She grew really indignant then, and told Tim in no uncertain
terms what she thought of his actions. But I noticed that she
didn’t do a thing about buttoning her blouse back up, even while
she was raising hell. And all the time she was bitching, I was
seeing so much of her cleavage that I was having trouble keeping
my cock from bursting my pants. She might be my mother but my
cock didn’t care one damn bit. Seeing the way her tits
overflowed her brassiere was one hell of an erotic sight!

Tim just laughed at her as she gave him hell, offered her
another beer and told her she was fun to tease. The next thing I
knew he’d not only sweet-talked Mother out of being upset, but
she was giggling and letting him kiss her again and her blouse
was still wide open.

Then, as they giggled and smooched, my cousin slid his hands
behind her, caught her brassiere snaps, and undid them. Mother
squealed again and jerked away from him and wound up in my arms
again in the process, but it was me that stifled her complaints
with a kiss that time, and I have to admit I was excited and
nervous. She whimpered a little and complained to me about what
he’d done to her, but she soon stopped complaining and snuggled
in for still more heavy smooching.

The scene was way beyond my wildest dreams. This was my own
mother I was kissing in the back of my cousin’s van, and not only
did she forget about her unsnapped brassiere, but she began
darting her tongue in and out of my mouth as I kissed her. Then
I saw my cousin was fondling her legs as my mother and I necked,
and that he was easing her skirt higher up her voluptuous thighs.

As we kissed, one of Mother’s arms moved from around my
neck, and then went around it again. Then she repeated the
process with her other arm, and I wondered what she was doing.
Then I saw my cousin’s hands on her bare shoulders and knew he’d
been the one who’d moved her arms and he’d taken her blouse all
the way off of her. She hadn’t resisted.

When I saw her blouse on the floor of the camper I almost
choked. What the hell would the old man do if he saw what was
happening? Here was my prudish mother at a drive-in movie — her
skirt was almost all the way up to her delectable ass. Her
blouse was completely off her, and, judging from the look on my
cousin’s face as he looked at her tits, she was about to lose her
brassiere too.

My cock got harder at the thought of those sweet melons
being exposed. I told myself I couldn’t think those kinds of
thoughts about my own mother, but I still thought them anyway.
Then my cousin made a smooth move with his hands and Mother
gasped, and I knew it had happened.

I looked down, and sure as hell, my mother’s brassiere was
on the floor of the camper, too. Her firm breasts were
completely exposed.

As I stared at my mother’s breasts, with their erect
nipples, I began to groan, too, because those sweet jugs could be
featured in any tit magazine in the world. They were award-
winning tits that belonged in our collection of “Double-D” videos
back at school. Those afternoons at the gym had really paid off
as she looked like a young girl rather than a 37 year old mother.
My mother at that!

Some people will say that I should have tried to stop
things. After all, this was my prim and proper mother that my
cousin was undressing. I even thought about that — as I reached
for her gorgeous breasts, unable to resist copping a feel of
those lovely melons. Then I touched the firmness of her tit-
flesh and the stiffness of her erect nipples and she moaned in
response to my fingers, and I totally forgot about stopping

Mother moaned something about wanting to go home as I
gleefully fondled her tits, but there wasn’t any conviction in
her tone at all, and I knew she didn’t mean a word of it.

Then I saw Tim’s hands moving on her legs. I kept up my
movement on her breasts and heard her moan softly. She arched
her back to move them tighter into my hands. She didn’t seem to
notice Tim’s hands as they slowly moved under her skirt.

From her lack of resistance as he slid his hands over her
hips, I knew that I’d soon be seeing more than her thighs and
tits, and I was all for it. I saw the skirt move up her thighs
until her panties were exposed and Tim’s hand was moving to cover
her pubic area.

Suddenly her hips jumped and she pleaded, “Please, please
stop now. I… I… You can’t do this, Timmy,” and she tried to
get up. As her legs moved apart Tim’s hand slid between her
thighs and began to move on her cunt. I once again began to
fondle her breasts and pull on her nipples. Her face was tense
and although she still was trying to get up, I could feel her
resistance weaken.

Finally with a deep sigh she relaxed back into the seat.
Tim’s hands were now free to roam all over her thighs and one
moved into her panties. I was shaking with excitement and
disbelief. My cock was so hard I could hardly stand it. I
thought I was going to cum right then.

Sure as hell my cousin was soon pulling Mother’s panties
down around her ankles, and both of us were ignoring her weak,
moaning protests.

“Wow, look at that cunt,” my cousin said, as he eased Mother
onto her back on the couch. “She doesn’t have a hair on it! She
shaves it! That’s the sweetest, sexiest pussy I ever saw in my

I captured a nipple in my mouth and looked down at her cunt
as I did it, and I saw that he was right. My mother’s thick lips
were as smooth as a young girl’s. Her excitement showed as they
glistened in the reflected light from the slick moisture covering

Mother groaned as we admired her snatch, but she didn’t once
make a move to cover herself. As I mouthed her big nipple, her
moans of lusty pleasure drove me wild.

“Oh, don’t suck on my breast, dear,” she whimpered, “Oh…
don’t touch me like that… Oh myyyy!”

“See,” my cousin said, as he slid two fingers into Mother’s
snatch, “I told you she’d be a cinch to fuck.”

“Oh, don’t talk like that,” Mother groaned. “We have to
stop doing this. This has gone way too far. I’m a lady…”

“Bullshit, Mother,” I interrupted, pinching her nipples as
my cousin moved between her thighs with his stiff cock in his
fist. “If you were any hornier, you’d explode.”

“OOOhhh,” she wailed. “Ohhhhhhh… he’s putting it in me.
Oh, Tim’s fucking meeeeee. Oh Honey, you won’t tell on me, will
you? Please don’t tell your father. OOOhhh, this naughty boy is
doooooing it to meeee! Ohhh yes, it feels good, I like it.
OOOhhh yessssss! Fuck me, Timmy!””

It was wild to watch Mother get fucked. She was sprawled on
that cheap couch with her legs spread, and bouncing and wiggling
her ass and squealing with delight. I almost went crazy at the
sight. I got so turned on watching my mother being humped that I
had my own cock in my hand and was whacking away at it before I
even realized what I was doing.

My cousin moved into her and then back. I could see his
hard cock move slowly in and out. She now had her arms tight
around my head keeping me at her breasts as he rammed his cock in
and out of her.

She moaned into my ear “Oh, this is so naughty. I can’t
stop you terrible boys, but please be nice and don’t tell your
father and I will let you do this to me — this once. It feels
sooo good and I will be nice to you both, just don’t stop.”

Tim was now moving faster and with a surge into her he gave
a yell and blew his nuts. Mother hadn’t started her own climax

He pulled his shrinking, dripping prick out of Mother’s
pussy and sort of flopped over onto his back, and then I did
something I never thought I would do. I looked at my mother
lying there with her eyes closed and her thighs open, and I
looked at her naked, slippery cunt and those bare beautiful tits,
and I just couldn’t help myself. I rolled between her legs and
slid my peter into her snatch before she even knew what was going

Mother squealed as I stuck it in her, and her eyes popped
open. And she really squealed when she realized her little boy
had turned things into a gang-bang and became a motherfucker in
the process.

“OOOooh God,” she said, “you shouldn’t be doing this with
me… please just hold me. You can feel me if you want but don’t
do this, its toooo wrong. You shouldn’t be in me, Dear!”

I was way too horny to pay attention to her pleading, and as
I moved in her, her pussy responded and her attitude improved
tremendously. It only took a couple of minutes of hard fucking
to get Mother frantically wiggling her ass and french-kissing me
and blubbering about how great it was. And the more I pronged
her the wilder she became.

It was so great, sliding my prick in and out of her slick
cunt. The lack of hair made it so much smoother and I could
watch as my cock was sliding in and out of her pussy. The fat
lips would pull out as I moved back then pull together and I once
again moved back into that warm, slick cunt. I was using her
tits as hand holds for leverage.

She had now put her hands over mine and encouraged me on,
saying, “Oh please, keep doing that, Oh harder, yes.. yes, that’s
so good, I love what you are doing to me and how you are making
me feel. You are such a loving son.” Her hips were now moving
up to meet mine on every stroke and I could hardly control

“Go on, Fuck me… ohh yesss… do it to meee. I am so

I plowed into her harder and faster, my cock slamming into
her juicy pussy, filling it, pushing into her cervix at the end
of every stroke. The tight clasping lips and the pressure of her
cervix finally overcame my ability to hold back. At the very
end, I swear we even had the van rocking. I felt the cum
starting at my toes, and when I went off I had a tit in each
hand, and my mother was going off with a scream at the same time.

It was a mind blowing experience. Knowing I’d just fucked
my supposedly prudish mother to a frenzied climax in the back of
a van at a drive-in was a real trip in itself.

As I got up and got dressed, I noticed mom had passed out
from all the excitement and beer which she was totally unused to.

When we got home my cousin and I put her to bed after first
cleaning her up and then even put her nightgown on.