Hypno-Twist Lesbians

Tom stood there, shocked right down to his toes. They were ignoring him – completely ignoring him! “Aardvark!” he said again, almost shouting this time. As before, all three beautiful girls – big blonde Aisha, the petite Japanese girl Mai, and tall, slender Roseanne – paid him absolutely no attention. “What the hell is going […]

Walking the dog

We were up early the following morning. It was one of those rare bright winter days where there is no wind and the world looks made anew under its carpet of shimmering frost. The sky was an achingly blue vault with the only clouds a couple of puffs left over from God’s cigar. It isn’t […]

Slave Raiders

Ragnor put down his empty cup with a thud. “I really don’t think he’s coming,” he said. “He’ll be here”, Kalhune replied. “I know he will.” “He was meant to be here yesterday!” Ragnor retorted. “How much longer do you want to wait?” Then he turned to a passing slave-waitress, “more beer please.” “Yes Master,” […]

Fulfilled cunt

I tried to hide in the shadows as I made my way down the dark street, nighttime coming much to fast, and me with really no place to go. My mom was drunk, again. I hated it when she started drinking because I could do nothing right. Her boyfriend was looking at me like I […]

Hard threesome with Carla and Erin

Erin and Carla shared a flat; they had been best friends for years and had traveled the world backpacking together. Single and carefree, they would be out raging most nights of the week, never afraid to be brazen or overly sexy in their outfits. The two blonds cut quite a delectable picture when they entered […]

Story of two chicks and me

I was at home and with snow falling outside I put on a hoddy and fired up my rig. I logged online and started to download my emails, dam 600+ emails, and 99% spam, ack! I noticed that my friend Samantha was online in AIM so I sent her a “heyzxa…” She replied and we […]

Breast Pumping and Driving

Reckless Driving – adapted from another story… A new mother’s attempt to pump while driving leads to an encounter with police. How many new mothers have been faced with the difficult challenge of wanting to breastfeed, but had a job that just didn’t work in their favor? Susan Thurman faced the same problem, but she […]

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