The Barnyard Orgy

Reverend James Walker had been the minister in the rural community of
Woods Fork for the past six years, and both he and his wife, Abby, were
highly thought of by the congregation. Standing on the church steps
talking to some of his church members, one Sunday after the services
were over, he was finding it very difficult to concentrate on the
conversation. Pretty little Marci Wilks was standing with the morning sun behind her,
and her sexy young figure was deliciously silhouetted through the thin
material of her Sunday dress. The outline of the youngster’s shapely
legs was making the man’s cock throb wildly in his pants. Reverend Walker had enjoyed sexual favors with many of the more
attractive women in his flock, but the one girl he wanted to fuck most
of all was this cute youngster. The man knew it was mad to want to fuck
this teenager, but he’d been secretly lusting for her cunt ever since
she first reached puberty. Reverend Walker was finding it very difficult to concentrate on the
conversation as he watched Marci standing with her big brother, Kirk.
The two young people were obviously waiting for their father to bring
the car around from the parking area behind the church. They lived with
their widowed dad on a small farm, and he always brought his son and
daughter to church with him on Sundays. When old man Wilks finally drove away with Marci and her brother, the
reverend was suddenly conscious of Laverne Crain chattering next to
him. “You must read it,” he heard her say. “I’ve never been so upset in my
life.” “Read what?” he muttered, embarrassed that he hadn’t been listening. “I’ve already told you,” she said in an exasperated voice. “It’s that
letter I found in my husband’s coat.” “Where is he today?” “That’s just it,” she continued with tears in her eyes. “He’s out of
town, and I think he’s with another woman.” “Oh, Laverne,” he scoffed. “Frank would never do anything like that.” “I didn’t think he would either,” she half-sobbed. “But that was before
I found this letter.” “Are you sure it’s not just your imagination?” he asked. “You’re a
young and attractive woman. I can’t believe Frank would cheat on you.” “Oh, Reverend Walker.” She began openly sobbing. “I need your help.” “In what way?” “I want you to read the letter and advise me what to do.” “Do you have it with you?” he asked. “No,” she answered, dabbing a handkerchief to her eyes. “It’s home, but
I wondered if you could stop by the house this afternoon.” “I really don’t know,” he said, hesitatingly. “I have several things to
take care of.” “Please,” she whispered. “It will only take a few minutes.” “Okay,” he finally agreed. “I’ll stop by around three o’clock.” Later that afternoon, when Laverne opened the door for him, the
reverend was a bit shocked by her appearance. The woman was a very
attractive person in her early thirties who habitually wore severe
clothes and tied her red hair on top of her head, but this afternoon
she was wearing a soft, green robe with her long red hair falling down
around her shoulders. “Thank you for coming, Reverend,” she said, leading him into the living
room. “I just hope I can be of some help,” he murmured as she handed him the
letter. Reading it, the man was thoroughly shocked by its contents. It was
obviously from a woman to Laverne’s husband, and it unashamedly
referred to the intimacies they were enjoying, including oral sex. “Whew!” gasped the reverend as he handed the letter back to her. “They
must have had quite a party.” “Reverend!” she snapped. “Don’t be so flippant about this.” “I don’t mean to be flippant,” he explained. “I’m just shocked.” “Imagine what a slut she must be to indulge in oral sex with him,” she
went on, wringing her hands in disdain. “Well, I wouldn’t go so far as to say that,” said the reverend. “Sexual
mores have changed in the past few years, and these things are more or
less accepted today.” “Are you condoning them?” she screamed, her eyes flashing with anger. “No,” he calmly answered. “But I’m not condemning them either.” “I can’t believe you,” she whispered, her body trembling as she stepped
in front of him. “You’re a man of God, and you’re condoning their
filthy behavior.” “I’m a minister,” he softly said. “I’m not the judge.” “YOU FILTHY BEAST!” she screamed, hysterically slapping him across the
face. Momentarily stunned from the unexpected blow, he grabbed the
woman’s shoulders and began shaking her. “I hate you!” she sobbed, unaware that the front of her gown had fallen
open from the wild activity. “That’s quite a set of tits,” he commented, boldly staring at her
deliciously exposed nipples. “My God!” she gasped, pulling the front of her gown together. “You’re
no better than my filthy husband!” “Laverne,” he said in a cold, steely voice. “No wonder your husband had
gone to another woman.” “What do you mean?” “You’re a beautiful person,” he answered. “But you’re the coldest bitch
I’ve ever met.” “You’re nothing but a filthy pig!” “Laverne,” he sighed. “Have you ever really let yourself go with your
husband?” “That’s none of your damned business!” she snapped. “Maybe not,” laughed the man. “But there’s nothing wrong with you that
a good hot fuck wouldn’t cure.” “Let go of me!” hissed the beautiful redhead, trying to twist away from
his grip. “You need a big, hard cock in your cunt,” he sarcastically announced.
“A nice, big, thick prick that would twist around deep in your pussy, a
nice, big cock that would fuck in and out … in and out until you were
screaming with ecstasy. Yes, you need a big swollen boner that could
fill your juicy little cunt with jizz.” As disgusting as he sounded, Laverne found that his lewd descriptions
were faintly exciting her. The possessive way he was holding her, and
his obscene, but vivid descriptions of sex were bringing exciting
tingles to her pussy.
“Let go of me!” she sobbed, trying to push him away as a warm glow
began faintly burning in her pussy. Suddenly excited by a strange, burning fire in her eyes, the reverend
grasped her waist, pulling her soft, warm body up tightly against him. “NO!” she shrieked, feeling his hard prick pressing against her through
his pants. The front of her gown had opened, and Laverne could feel her pussy hair
rubbing against the material of his trousers. She knew this was all
wrong, but she suddenly felt a strange excitement, realizing that only
his pants separated his throbbing cock from her cunt. “Feel it?” he panted. “Can you feel that big, hard prick? God, how I
want to fuck your cute little pussy.” “You filthy asshole!” she panted, trying to push him away. “Stop, being a fool,” he whispered. “You know you’d love to have this
hot, live cock stuffed up your cunt.” “Please let me go,” she sobbed, his obscene words starting to arouse
her in spite of her disgust for him. Ignoring her pleading, the reverend thrust his hands through the front
of her gown and, reaching around, grasped the soft cheeks of her ass,
pulling her squirming cunt up tighter against his throbbing hard-on. “No! No!” squealed Laverne, pounding his chest with her clenched fists.
“Stop it! You’ve got to stop it!” Trembling violently, the lovely redhead could feel his hands massaging
and kneading her deliciously bare ass while his fingers goosed into the
soft fleshy crack between her asscheeks. A hot, damp helplessness began
flowing through her body as the hard bulge in the front of his pants
continued rotating suggestively against her warm, naked pussy. Laverne knew this was wrong, but when he lowered his mouth down toward
her, she raised her lovely face and offered him her softly parted lips.
With their tongues entwined in a deep kiss, Laverne began passionately
grinding her pussy against his throbbing hard-on. “Feel my cock, honey,” he panted hotly into her mouth. “Take my cock.” As if she’d completely lost her own will, Laverne obediently reached
down and lovingly caressed his big prick through the front of his
pants. “Now that’s better,” he whispered, picking her up and carrying her over
to the couch. With all resistance gone, the beautiful redhead closed
her eyes and lay her head back as his fingers crept deliciously up
between her thighs. With her gown completely open in front, the
minister stared excitedly at her slippery little cunt that was so
provocatively exposed between her slightly parted legs. The juicy, pink
lips of her pussy were swollen with lust, little drops of oily cunt
juice glistening on her slick, soft flesh. Her quivering pussy was a
sight to behold, deliciously exposed in the soft nest of her fiery-red
pussy hair. Her hot, fleshy little cunt was quivering with excitement
as the warm pussy juices of her womanhood oozed out, trickling down
between the soft cheeks of her ass. Trembling with lust, he gently parted her thighs and lowered his face
into the fragrant warmth of her musky crotch. “Ooooooh!” she squealed, experiencing the feel of a tongue on her cunt
for the first time in her life. “What are you doing?” “Licking your juicy little cunt,” he whispered. “That’s awfully naughty,” she said, giggling. “But it sure feels good.” Having never experienced anything like this with her husband, the feel
of the reverend’s tongue on her clit was almost blowing the beautiful
woman’s mind. She’d always thought oral sex was filthy and disgusting,
but having her cunt licked was the most heavenly thing she’d ever
experienced. “Oh, Jesus, Reverend!” she squealed, writhing wildly around on the
sofa. “I’ve never felt anything so good in my life.” Clutching her lurching hips, the man tried to hold her still as he
pressed his face deeper into the hot, moist fragrance of her oozing
pussy. His experienced tongue lapped deliciously around the slick, soft
ridges of her cunt walls. Her warm, tangy pussy juices flowed over his
tongue, filling his mouth with the heavenly flavor of her hotly aroused
cunt. Twisting his face from side to side like a rutting animal, he
forced his tongue deeper and deeper into her juicy pussy while his
upper lip continued deliciously teasing her lust-swollen clitty. “Oh, fuck!” she cried, using four letter words for the first time in
her life. “I can’t stand much more of this! Oh, shit, it feels so
fuckin’ good!” Having never experienced such intense joy in her life, Laverne was
pinching and squeezing her own swollen nipples, completely crazed by
the man’s sucking, slurping mouth. “Suck, honey, suck!” she squealed, frantically pounding the cushions
with her clenched fists. “Oh, fuck, it’s so shittin’ good! So good!
SUCK! SUCK! SUCK!” Laverne had lost all contact with reality and was conscious of
absolutely nothing except these agonizingly delicious sensations that
were screaming through her pleasure-racked body. As the mind-blowing
ecstasy mounted, her long red hair flailed wildly around her
beautifully flushed face. “Shit, Rev!” screamed the half-crazed woman, pushing down on the back
of his head, pressing his face deeper into her spit-soaked crotch. “I’m
coming … coming! Oh, sweet fuckin’ Jesus, how I’m coming … COMING
… COMMMMIIIINNNGGG!” Her quivering body twisted and jerked through her frantic orgasm. It
was several minutes before she started to recover from her wild climax. “God!” she whispered a few moments later. “I guess you were right. That
was the first time I’ve ever really let myself go.” “I’m glad,” said the reverend, “because we’re just getting started.” “Oh, good,” she giggled, looking down at the big hard-on bulging out in
the front of his pants. “Because I sure need that big fuckin’ cock in
my horny little cunt.” When the reverend stood up and began removing his clothes, Laverne
slipped out of her gown and lay back bare-assed naked on the couch. As
he rapidly disrobed, the preacher couldn’t keep his eyes off of her
naked, squirming body. “Oh, Reverend,” she whispered in an awed voice when he finally dropped
his shorts, revealing the big lusty prick thrusting up from between his
legs. Except for her husband’s cock, this was the only other cock she’d
ever seen, and she was completely fascinated by the sight. As he moved
toward the couch, she had a strange and urgent desire to lick his big
shiny cock-head. Years ago, when her husband had asked her to suck him
off, she’d been highly pissed off, but today she had a strong urge to
taste this big blue-veined prick. When he was standing beside the sofa, the beautiful redhead reached out
and lovingly grasped his throbbing cock-shaft in her soft hand,
tenderly drawing him toward her. The feel of his big meaty prick
throbbing hotly in her hand only added to her mounting lust. Gently
running her fingers up and down the thick length of his swollen cock,
she lovingly explored every sinewy bump and pulsing vein on his
magnificent boner. Excitedly squeezing the big gnarly hard-on, Laverne
could distinctly feel the hot blood pumping through the distended veins
just beneath his tightly stretched cock-skin. Clutching the thick base of his rigid prick-shaft, Laverne lowered her
head and lightly ran the tip of her tongue across the shiny, hard
surface of his big cock-head. The aroma of his prick was strong but
exciting, and she found the taste extremely stimulating. Clutching tightly to the base of his boner, Laverne began passionately
licking the entire surface of his hard, spongy cock-head. When her
swirling tongue came in contact with the sensitive underside of his big
dome-shaped prick-head, she felt his body tremble with pleasure.
Realizing that she’d discovered an erotic nerve center, she began
teasing his cock with feathery-light kisses. Finally deciding to leave
that sensitive area for a moment, she began licking up and down the
entire length of his quivering prick-shaft. When his thick cock was completely soaked with her hot, wet spit, she
moved her sucking mouth down into the hairy tangle of his swollen
balls. Wildly stimulated by the musky aroma and taste of his sac, she
began playfully sucking his balls in and out of her hot, slurping
mouth. She suddenly wondered why she’d never done anything like this to her
husband. She realized how much the reverend was enjoying her tongue,
and she wondered if Frank would be in bed with another woman now if she
had paid more attention to his sexual needs. Finally sliding her lips back up along the underside of the man’s big,
tasty prick, Laverne opened her mouth and closed her hot, juicy lips
down over his throbbing cock-head. “Jesus Christ!” whimpered the man, unable to believe that Laverne was
catching on so rapidly. With her passionately ovalled lips sucking and pulling so sensuously on
the man’s prick, she was thrilled that a cock could taste so delicious.
The way his thick prick filled her mouth was absolutely fantastic, and
she was becoming more aroused by the second as her tongue swirled
lovingly around the bloated head of his prick. Moving her slippery lips up and down over his spit-drenched boner, the
beautiful redhead could feel his bloated cock-head nudging at the back
of her throat. With each plunge of her bobbing head, she was taking
more and more of his wonderful prick into her mouth. Feeling how the
minister’s legs were trembling with joy, the aroused woman sucked even
harder on his throbbing cock. “Oh, shit!” he gasped when Laverne momentarily removed her mouth to
take a deep breath of air. “Don’t stop now, honey! For Christ’s sake,
don’t stop! I’m ready to shoot my wad!” Thrilled at the prospect of tasting a man’s hot cum for the first time
in her life, the woman sucked faster and harder on his bursting prick-
shaft, anxious to feel his cock-cream squirting into her mouth. Almost out of his mind from the intense pleasure he was feeling, he
curled his fingers into her long red hair, pressing her mouth down
tighter over his lurching prick-pole. “Oh, fuck!” he suddenly gasped, drilling his exploding prick deeper
into her throat. “Here comes the jizz!” The inexperienced woman wasn’t prepared for the flood of hot cum that
suddenly exploded from the end of his cock-head. The startled redhead
had to swallow rapidly as the first gush was followed by spurt after
spurt of his thick fuck-cream. Though the salty, bitter-sweet taste of
his cock-juice was a new experience for Laverne, she found the flavor
and texture extremely exciting. She continued sucking passionately on
his spurting prick, not wanting to waste a single drop of this tasty
fluid. It wasn’t until she’d sucked the very last drop of jizz from his slowly
shrinking cock that his trembling legs finally buckled and he dropped
onto the sofa with her. “Jesus Christ, that was good!” he whispered a few moments later as he
slowly recovered from his tumultuous climax. “I’m glad,” she cried, happy that he had enjoyed it so much. Curling up in his arms, Laverne began caressing his limp, wet prick and
within a matter of a very few minutes, his cock began throbbing back to
life in her fingers. Wanting to get his cock fully erect again as soon
as possible, she leaned down and began once more sucking on his prick-
shaft while the man’s fingers lovingly goosed into the wiggly flesh
between her soft asscheeks. Her smooth, bare ass quivered with delight
as he lightly trailed the tip of his finger around the sensitive ring
of her little, puckered asshole. “Okay, Reverend,” she excitedly whispered, releasing his hard cock from
her mouth when his prick was fully erect again. “Now I need a hot
fuck.” Rolling onto her back as the man crawled up between her open thighs,
Laverne could feel the hot head of his prick brushing against the
creamy flesh of her soft inner thighs. Reaching down, she grasped the
thick base of his cock-shaft and guided his cock-head toward her
slippery pussy. “Oh, baby!” she panted, grinding her hot, sopping cunt up against his
big cock-head. “Give it to me, honey! Give it all to me!” Feeling her hot, juicy cunt-lips closing around the end of his hard
cock-head, the preacher gave a lunge and drove the entire length of his
boner into her pussy with one thrilling stroke. “EEEEEEEEEEEGGGHHH!” the wildly aroused woman shrieked with delight as
his thick prick plunged into her hungry cunt. She screwed her juicy
crotch up tighter around the base of his cock-shaft when she felt his
warm, lusty balls nestle in the soft, wide crevice between her creamy
asscheeks. After two or three initial thrusts, the man began fucking into her with
long, deep rhythmic strokes. Sexually alive for the first time in her
life, she was thoroughly enjoying every cunt-filled second of her hot
fuck. With her arms and legs wrapped passionately around him, Laverne
could feel his big, hairy chest rub deliciously against her tits as he
lustily fucked on and on and on. “Oh, Rev!” she squealed, pounding her bare heels against his back.
“Fuck me harder, honey! Oh, shit, it feels so fucking, fucking good!” As they frantically increased the tempo of their wild fucking, the man
could feel that familiar buzzing in his balls that signaled the
approach of a seething climax. “Oh, shit!” Laverne screamed, frantically throwing the back of her
knees over his shoulders, exposing the whole furry length of her open
cunt to his fucking cock. “I’M COMING … COMING!” Feeling his own ejaculation about to explode, the man began fucking
harder and deeper, the top ridge of his stiff boner slithering
deliciously against her tingling clitty. “OOOOOOOOH, JESUS!” she screamed, her orgasm becoming more intense as
his hot fuck-cream began gushing into her belly. “SQUIRT, BABY! CREAM
ME! I’M COMING ALL OVER YOUR BEAUTIFUL BIG COCK!” Shuddering violently, Laverne writhed her cum-filled cunt up tighter
around the base of his spurting shaft as the man filled her glowing
pussy to overflowing with his thick jizz. This was the first total
orgasm the beautiful woman had ever experienced. Chapter 2
Reverend Walker’s wife, Abby, was an exceptionally attractive brunette
in her late thirties, but she was a complete opposite to her husband.
While the preacher had been into the pants of most of the desirable
women in the parish, Abby was very straight-laced and proper. On the
rare occasions when she had sex with her husband, it had to be under
the covers and with the lights out. She considered it very improper for
him to see her nude body. Because of her wishes, sex was only performed
in the missionary position, and never on Sundays. In spite of her sexual hang-ups, Abby Walker was a kind and generous
woman. Whenever anyone was in trouble, she was always the first to
offer her help. Highly respected in the community, she made an ideal
preacher’s wife. On the Sunday afternoon while the reverend was lustily sucking and
fucking Laverne Crain, Abby was home preparing a cold supper they could
have after the evening services. While she was busily working, she
suddenly recalled that she hadn’t seen Mae Langford in church this
morning. Mae was a rather voluptuous middle-aged blonde who lived alone
with her big collie dog. She had been deserted by her husband a few
years ago, and Abby always worried about the lonesome woman. Wondering
what had happened, the reverend’s wife decided that she would stop by
Mae’s house tonight after church if the woman didn’t come to the
evening services. When Mae didn’t show up that evening, Abby walked to her place after
the services were over. Walking around the side of Mae’s house, toward the front door, Abby noticed the light on and the shade up in the
woman’s bedroom. Casually glancing in the window as she passed, Abby almost fainted when
she saw Mae spread out naked on the bed. The woman was on her back with
her legs wide apart and a large pillow stuffed under her ass. She was
frenziedly pulling and twisting her big, swollen nipples as her huge
furry collie hungrily licked her cunt. Abby’s gaze was next drawn to the enormous erection thrusting out from
beneath the dog’s furry belly. The woman stood completely stunned as
she watched the collie’s pink tongue lapping a frothy, wet path up and
down between Mae’s wantonly spread thighs. The obviously aroused dog
was whimpering excitedly as he hungrily licked his mistress’ hotly
oozing slit. Abby could plainly see that the woman’s gold-fringed pussy
was swollen with desire, drops of creamy, hot cunt juice glistening
against the slick pink tissues. “Oh, yes, Scotty,” the voluptuous blonde was softly moaning as the dog
drilled his tongue between her widely spread legs, licking and lapping
up the sweet nectar of her pussy. Slurping up the horny cunt juices
from her feverishly aroused slit, the well-trained animal was obviously
half-crazed by the erotic taste of Mae’s overheated cunt. Still shocked as she silently watched them, Abby could tell that Mae’s
collie wasn’t licking her pussy for the first time. It was more than
obvious that the animal had gone down on her cunt many times before. “Oh, sweet, Scotty,” the depraved blonde was moaning. “Lick me good,
honey! Make me come!” Nearly out of her mind from the intense pleasure she was feeling, Mae
was writhing all over the bed as the dog hungrily slurped on her hot,
open cunt. “Oh, shit, Scotty!” she squealed, pinching her nipples harder. “It
feels so fuckin’ good, honey!” Twisting his face from side to side, the long-nosed collie drilled his
tongue even deeper into the hot depths of her slippery cunt, his snout
deliciously rubbing against her erect clitty. “Oh, shit, baby!” the naked blonde sobbed, curling her fingers into his
long, furry coat. “I can’t stand much more, Scotty! It feels so fuckin’
good!” Hearing the dog whimpering with excitement, Abby could see that he was
reveling in the taste and aroma of Mae’s heated pussy. Unaware that she was being watched, Mae was writhing around on the bed
in a wanton state of total ecstasy. Men had been sucking and fucking
her since she was a teenager but none had ever given her the pleasure
she got from her beautiful collie. Her husband had left her when he
discovered she was having sex with the animal, but she didn’t give a
shit because Scotty was a better lover than any man. “Oh, Scotty!” she panted. “That feels so shittin’ good, baby!” As the heavenly pleasure increased in her writhing pussy, Mae was
excitedly squeezing her deliciously naked thighs against her dog’s
face. No longer caring about anything but his fantastic tongue, Mae was
wantonly enjoying the agonizingly beautiful sensations that were
burning through every part of her body. “Oh, Jesus, I’m coming!” she suddenly squealed, throwing her wide-
spread legs into the air. “I’m coming, Scotty! Oh, fuck, how I’m coming
… COMING … COMMMMIIIIINNNNGGGG!” The woman’s voluptuous body wrenched and twisted through the heavenly
climax, and when her orgasm finally ended, Mae slumped back on the bed. “Oh, you sweet fucker,” she sighed a few moments later when Scotty
pulled his juice-drenched face out of her steaming cunt. “You sure know
how to make mama happy.” Watching through the window, Abby was shaking like a leaf. As filthy
and depraved as the whole thing was, she was finding the disgraceful
scene strangely fascinating. The woman couldn’t understand why, but
there was an odd, tingling sensation between her legs that she’d never
felt before. Abby knew it was sinful for her to be watching anything so filthy and
evil, but she couldn’t seem to tear herself away from the sight.
Watching as Mae slowly recovered from her intense orgasm, she was a bit
surprised when the naked blonde scooped the big, shaggy collie up into
her arms. With the animal on his back and his head resting between the
woman’s big tits, Abby could see his bright-red boner sticking up under
his furry belly. Abby could feel her heart pounding in her throat as she watched Mae’s
hand move slowly down over the collie’s stomach until her fingers found
his hard cock. The reverend’s wife watched breathlessly as the
voluptuous blonde’s long, tapered fingers fondled and stroked the
throbbing hardness of his slippery, hard prick. Abby could hardly believe her eyes when Mae suddenly lowered her head
and lightly licked her tongue across the tip of his cock. Whispering
something to the dog that Abby couldn’t hear, the depraved blonde took
his cock-shaft in her fingers, then holding his prick straight up, she
began hungrily licking the cock-head. Momentarily deserting the end of his prick, Mae began licking up and
down the slimy length of his long, red cock-shaft, deliciously
saturating his prick with her bubbling spit. The animal was soon
shaking violently in the woman’s arms as she lowered her head further
and began licking around his furry balls. Enjoying the texture of his
cum-swollen ball-sac, Mae began sucking his balls in and out of her
mouth. When she finally had his balls thoroughly drenched, Mae lovingly
nibbled back up along the sensitive underside of his slippery, wet
cock-shaft. Then, opening her mouth wide, she took the head of his
hotly oozing cock into her mouth. Watching through the window, Abby felt a hot, itching sensation in her
cunt. She knew it was sinful to touch herself down there, but she just
had to scratch her pussy to make the itch go away. Raising her skirt,
the woman wormed a finger up through the leg opening of her panties and
began lightly scratching her pussy. Unable to believe what was happening, she saw Mae start pumping her
lips up and down over Scotty’s hard boner. With each plunge of her
head, the depraved blonde was taking more and more of the dog’s prick
into her throat. Suddenly seeing a rivulet of slimy cum oozing out from between Mae’s
cock-squeezing lips as the collie began jerking and whimpering, Abby
realized the dog was coming in her mouth. Horrified at what was
happening, she saw Mae smack her lips and wipe her mouth with the back
of her hand when Scotty pulled his limp wet cock out. Thinking the obscene performance was over, Abby was just about to leave
when she saw that the dog suddenly had another horrendous hard-on as he
stood with his paws on the edge of the bed barking at Mae. “Now what’s the matter?” giggled the blonde as she reached under the
dog’s belly and tickled his brand-new erection. “I’ll bet you want a
fuck.” Excitedly listening and watching, Abby continued scratching her pussy
as that itching sensation seemed to increase between her legs. Unable
to believe what was happening, the reverend’s wife just stared open-
mouthed as Mae got up on her hands and knees. “Come on, Scotty,” the wanton blonde whispered back over her shoulder,
wriggling her creamy bare ass around in front of the whimpering
collie’s nose. “Now give me a nice, hot fuck.” Knowing what was going to happen, the well-trained animal began
excitedly sniffing and licking around her ass and pussy. “That’s it, Scotty,” she sighed. “Just stuff your cock into my hot
little cunt.” Having done this hundreds of times over the years, the beautiful collie
threw his forepaws up over her shoulders and drilled the entire length
of his shiny, red cock into the naked slut’s horny cunt. “EEEEEEEGGGHHH!” Mae shrieked in ecstasy, feeling his fantastic prick
spearing into her pussy. The itching in Abby’s cunt was increasing with every passing moment.
Seeing the dog bury his long, hard cock into Mae’s blond-fringed cunt
seemed to make her pussy itch even more. Abby was slowly discovering
that the itch wasn’t altogether too unpleasant. She was also finding
that the brisker she rubbed her cunt, the better her pussy felt. As
disgusting as the whole thing was, Abby was strangely intrigued at the
way this beautiful dog was wildly humping over the kneeling blonde’s
naked body. She couldn’t understand how Mae could support the animal’s
weight on her back, but she was doing it and obviously enjoying the
fuck. “Oh, sweet Scotty!” the woman was whimpering as she felt her dog’s
canine prick fucking in and out of her sizzling pussy. Writhing in
ecstasy, her hot, juicy cunt flesh was squeezing deliciously around his
hard cock-shaft, bringing more and more joy to her overheated pussy. “Oh, sweet pissin’ Jesus!” gasped Mae as the collie’s wildly fucking
prick stimulated every nerve ending in her hotly sizzling cunt.
Shivering with rapture as she knelt beneath him, a heavenly ecstasy was
rippling through Mae’s pussy as her wonderful pet feverishly fucked
into her. As always happened when Scotty fucked her, the intense
pleasure seemed to increase as the aroused animal quickened the tempo.
Tonight the rapture was intensifying so rapidly that Mae was almost on
the verge of losing her mind. “Oh, shit! Oh, shit!” she cried as her fantastic collie fucked deeper
and faster, bringing her more joy than she had ever experienced with
him. Tonight he was giving her the fuck of fucks. “OH, SWEET FUCKIN’ SCOTTY!” screamed the feverishly aroused blonde as
the animal deliciously reamed out her juicy hot fuckhole. Kneeling with her head down, Mae could look back between her legs and
see his wondrous cock fucking in and out of her hotly clasping pussy.
Crazed with the joy of this heavenly animal-fuck she was getting, the
perverted blonde was slamming her creamy-white ass back to meet every
thundering thrust of her dog’s hotly pistoning boner. “Oh, fuck!” she cried, feeling the rapture of his long, red prick
fucking deep into her seething cunt. “Fuck me harder, Scotty! Fuck me
harder!” On and on they fucked, Mae violently thrusting her ass back to better
receive every hard thrust of the dog while the reverend’s wife
excitedly watched them through the window. Having accidentally
discovered the joys of her clit for the first time, Abby was vigorously
fingering her pussy as she stared at Scotty’s long cock fucking in and
out of the blonde’s hotly oozing cunt. The reverend’s wife no longer
gave a shit whether it was sinful or not to play with her hot little
pussy. She’d never enjoyed anything so much in her life, and being
fucked by a dog didn’t seem as depraved to her as it had a little while
ago. Excitedly fingering her tingling clit as she watched, Abby began
wondering how a dog’s hot, hard cock would feel in her own pussy. “EEEEEEEGGGHHH!” she heard Mae scream as the relentless fucking
continued. The feel of his super-hard boner fucking in and out of her writhing
slit was almost blowing Mae’s mind. The voluptuous blonde’s sizzling-
hot cunt was sucking passionately on the collie’s slippery, juice-
slickened prick-shaft as he fucked in and out of her lust-swollen cunt.
Her face was a mask of the fiery passions that were flooding through
her steaming pussy, and she was aware of nothing else in the world
except this big shaft of canine-cock that fucked so deliciously into
her writhing cunt. Watching them, Abby was feverishly finger-fucking herself, almost able
to feel that beautiful big dog-cock in her own overheated cunt. She no
longer gave a shit whether messing around with her pussy was evil or
not. It felt fantastic, and from now on she was going to play with her
cunt as often as she wished. She would even let a dog fuck her if she
could find one that knew how to fuck. Listening to the dull thud of
Scotty’s furry belly slapping against Mae’s soft ass as he fucked into
her was driving Abby wild. “Oh, sweet doggy!” she heard the blonde squeal in ecstasy. “I love that
beautiful fuckin’ cock of yours.” The feel of his super-hard prick fucking in and out of her writhing
cunt was almost blowing Mae’s mind. “Shit, Scotty!” she squealed as the intense pleasure increased in her
pussy. “I love your cock, you sweet fucker!” She could feel every ridge and sinew on the animal’s deliciously hard
dog-prick rubbing against every tingling nerve end in her hotly
squeezing cunt. The rock-hardness of his heavenly cock was fucking
deeply into the magical hotness of her squeezing fuck-hole, reaming out
big globs of slippery cunt juices from deep in her pussy. “THAT’S IT, YOU BIG-COCKED DARLING!” she cried, almost hysterical from
the intense pleasure she was feeling. “KEEP THAT BIG COCK FUCKIN’!” The animal was thrusting his long prick-shaft into her with rapid,
cunt-splitting strokes, each quick thrust bringing her closer to a
climax. “That’s it!” she screamed when the hot gush of his dog-cum into her
cunt triggered her orgasm. “CREAM ME GOOD, BABY! I’M COMING … COMING
… COMMMMIIIINNNNGGGG!” Watching through the window as the blonde climaxed all around her dog’s
spurting prick, Abby began rubbing her clit more vigorously. Trembling
with excitement, she leaned back against the building to support
herself as she feverishly rubbed her clitty until she, too, exploded
into a wild orgasm. Chapter 3
When Abby awakened the next morning, she was filled with shame. As soon
as the reverend left the house, she knelt by the bed and tearfully
prayed for over an hour, begging forgiveness for her evil sinning.
Accompanying her husband to church the following Sunday, she was still
filled with guilt and remorse. After the services that day, Reverend Walker once more excitedly
watched little Marci Wilks and her brother get into their father’s car
for the ride out to their farm. The reverend couldn’t understand why,
but he seemed to get a hard-on every time he saw the cute, blonde
youngster. Driving home with her dad and brother, Marci’s mind was on a
conversation she had had with her friend Joyce Gibson before church
this morning. Joyce had excitedly told her about sucking off her older
cousin last night. “Did it taste icky?” Marci had wanted to know. “Shit, no,” her friend had giggled. “It’s sorta slippery, but it has a
neat flavor.” “What does a cock feel like,” was Marci’s next question, starting to
get all hot and itchy between her legs as she listened to Joyce. “Haven’t you ever played with a guy’s prick?” “You know I haven’t,” Marci said and giggled. “You’re missing a lot,” her friend had sighed. “I just love hard
cocks.” “What do they feel like?” “Well.” Joyce had paused, a warm glow in her eyes. “It’s sorta hard to
explain. It feels a bit like soft, wet velvet stretched over a big hot
pipe, except there’s a hard, rubbery feeling to it, and it jerks and
throbs in your hand.” Thinking about cocks now, as she was riding home from church, Marci was
feeling all hot and sticky between her legs. “And nothing feels better than a hard cock in your cunt,” Joyce had
said with a dreamy expression on her face. “I’d be afraid to let a guy fuck me,” Marci had admitted. “Why?” “I dunno. It sounds sorta scary.” “Then suck him off,” her friend had suggested. “How do I do that?” “It’s sorta like jacking him off, only you use your mouth.” “That doesn’t tell me much,” Marci had complained. “I don’t know
anything about jacking off either.” “Why don’t you get Kirk to teach you,” Joyce had suggested, referring
to Marci’s older brother. Now, riding home next to her big brother in the car, Marci suddenly
wondered if he might let her mess around with his prick. That night when her father drove in to attend the evening services at
the church, Marci plopped herself out on a deeply cushioned chair in
the living room, her shapely young legs spread out in front of her.
Thinking about the exciting conversation with Joyce this afternoon, her
finger was absently tracing tiny circles around her navel that was
deliciously exposed between her cut-offs and the halter that covered
her firm young breasts. Sitting there with a dreamy expression in her
eyes, she was a picture of innocent beauty, but her hot little pussy
was burning with passion. She was acutely aware of her brother sitting across the room, intently
reading a sports magazine. Kirk’s biggest interest was athletics, and
next fall, as a senior, he would be captain of the high school football
team. Looking at her handsome brother, Marci could understand why Joyce
had suggested him as her teacher. Staring over at Kirk, she suddenly
wondered if he would let her jack him off. He’d always treated her as
his pesky little sister, but maybe she could change his mind this
evening. As the burning between her legs increased, Marci walked across the room
and sat down on the floor in front of him. “Kirk,” she said when he paid no attention to her. “Bug off, Sis,” he muttered, not taking his eyes away from the
magazine. “I’m trying to read.” “Kirk,” she continued after a few moments of silence. “Do you like me?” “Of course I do,” he said, looking at her for the first time. “Why do
you ask such a dumb question?” “Well,” she began slowly. “Will you show me your … er … th-thing?” “What thing?” he asked, turning his attention back to the magazine. “You know,” she said, hesitating. “Your thing … your prick.” “What?” he gasped. “Please, Kirk,” she whispered. “Have you lost your mind?” he asked in a stunned voice. “Please, Kirk,” she begged, her little pussy getting hotter by the
second. “Just let me see it.” “My God!” he gasped. “I can’t believe you!” “Please?” she persisted, reaching for his zipper. “Stop that!” he shouted, roughly pushing her hand away. “Why the hell
do you want to see my prick?” “Because I’ve never seen one!” she shouted back at him. “You’re not supposed to see one,” he snapped, pushing her hand away
again. “Damn you!” she shouted, her eyes blazing with frustrated anger. “If
you won’t, I’ll get some of your friends to show me their cocks!” “You wouldn’t dare!” he gasped. “I sure would,” his little sister hissed, reaching for his zipper
again. “And you know they’d be more than happy to let me play with
their pricks. Knowing that she was right, he just stared at her with disbelief as she
opened his fly. While he sat in stunned silence, she reached in and
gently withdrew his soft, limp cock, staring with awe at the warm prick
in her trembling hands. In spite of the circumstances, the soft touch of her fingers on his
prick sent a warm, tingling glow through his cock. The exciting feeling between her legs increased as Marci felt his
prick-shaft begin to swell and throb in her hand. Staring in complete
fascination, she watched his swelling purple cock-head start protruding
from his foreskin. Gently squeezing his prick, she couldn’t believe how
big his cock was getting. “No, Sis, this isn’t right,” he weakly whispered as her hand began
moving up and down the length of his fully erect cock. The young girl had never been so excited in her life, and she was
finding it difficult to breathe as her fingers explored every bump and
vein on his big blood-engorged prick. Slowly skimming the soft foreskin
up and down over his throbbing cock-shaft, she rubbed his deliciously
hot cock-head against her soft, warm cheeks, up through her hair, under
her chin and lightly across her moistly parted lips as his body
trembled and lurched with ecstasy. “Oh, God, Sis!” he whispered, completely surrendering to her loving
caresses when she momentarily released his tingling boner from her
fingers. “Don’t stop honey … don’t stop!” Grasping his prick more firmly in her trembling hand, she was shocked
at the expression on her brother’s face. His mouth was gaping open,
with his lips drawn back from his teeth while his glazed eyes rolled up
crazily toward the ceiling. A feeling of triumph surged through her body when Marci realized how
easy it was to control a man’s emotions through the manipulation of his
cock. She couldn’t believe the intense power she had over his body as
she rapidly learned how to please him. The faster she stroked his cock,
the wilder he shivered and lurched, and when she slowed down the
action, he moaned and begged for more. This was the first time in years
that her big brother hadn’t dominated her. “Please don’t stop, Sis!” he groaned when she again momentarily
released his prick. “Oh, God, honey, don’t stop! Please don’t stop!” Kirk thought he would lose his mind with ecstasy as she brought him
close to a climax time after time, only to let him slip back and
skillfully bring him up again. “Oh, God, honey, that feels so good!” he moaned as her gentle fingers
continued deliciously stroking the length of his throbbing cock-shaft. As his body began lurching more violently, Marci began instinctively
moving her hand more rapidly up and down over his big, straining prick.
Crazed with the wild excitement, she could feel her hot cunt juices
oozing out into her panties. She was pumping faster and faster while
her brother lurched and moaned on the chair. Kirk could feel an
explosive orgasm building up deep in his balls. He felt as if his
blistering prick was burning as his jism started its fiery journey up
through the tingling length of his cock. “OH, SIS!” he shouted in ecstasy as the thick hot cum gushed out from
his big prick-head, splattering against her startled face. Thrilled by
what was happening, she continued pumping frenziedly on his spurting
prick until the last bit of jizz dribbled out. Finally releasing her brother’s rapidly shrinking prick, she began
wiping her cum-drenched face with the back of her hand. When she drew her hand across her mouth, she was delightfully pleased
with the slightly salty, bitter-sweet taste of his jizz, remembering
that Joyce had told her how good cum tasted. Kirk was completely exhausted, his eyes closed and head thrown against
the back of the chair as he slowly recovered from his intense climax.
With his burning lust now relieved, he suddenly felt terribly ashamed
for allowing his little sister to jack him off. Unable to look her in
the eye, he stood up and closed his zipper. Still not saying a word to
her, he walked upstairs to his room. When he’d gone, Marci just sat on the floor for several minutes, trying
to sort her thoughts out. It had been a traumatic experience for the
young girl, yet jacking her brother off had been the most exciting
thing that had ever happened to her. Finally pulling her cut-offs down,
she lustily finger-fucked herself to a wonderful orgasm before going to
bed. Unable to sleep, she lay tossing and turning for hours. She was finally
almost ready to fall asleep when she heard her bedroom door open. “Who’s there?” she whispered. “It’s me,” she heard her brother answer as he closed the door behind
him and walked over to the side of her bed. “What do you want?” asked Marci turning on the bedside lamp. “Well,” he nervously began, “I was wondering if you’d like to jack me
off again?” “Sure!” she squealed, throwing back the covers. “If you’ll play with my
pussy while I’m jacking you off.” Marci was completely naked, and Kirk just stared numbly at her firm
young tits with the hard pink nipples standing up so deliciously erect.
Her youthful body tapered down to her slim waist and then flared gently
out again at her softly rounded hips. Her shapely little legs were
slightly parted, exposing her smooth inner thighs that led up to her
delicious little gold-fringed pussy. “Take your stupid shorts off,” she commanded as he stood there staring
at her. An exciting tingle rippled through her pussy when he dropped his
shorts. Earlier in the evening she’d only seen his prick through his
open fly, but now she was staring at a man’s balls for the first time
in her life. Her unbelieving eyes focused on his hairy sac that swung
lewdly between his muscular legs. The sight of his long, hard cock-
shaft thrusting up from his mass of curly pubic hair made the juices
flow hotly from between her legs. Crawling into bed, Kirk drew his little sister’s soft, warm body up
against him, covering her moistly parted lips with his mouth as they
rubbed their hips against each other. He slowly moved his hand down
over the smooth flesh of her back until he had her soft, wiggly
asscheeks gripped in his palm, and, as he pulled her sweet, naked body
closer to him, Marci could feel his throbbing cock burning against her
quivering belly. Finally releasing her cute ass, Kirk trailed his hand around her body
until it was resting between her smooth inner thighs. Trembling with
lust, he let his fingers slowly wander up until they brushed against
the hot, juicy opening of her little virginal cunt. “Ooooooooooh!” Marci excitedly whimpered when his finger gently moved
up and down along the edges of her soft, wet pussy-lips. Dipping his
finger into her creaming cunt, he slowly moved the tip of his digit up
toward her erect little clitty. “Oh, Kirk,” she whimpered, covering his mouth with her warm, moist
lips. “That feels so neat.” Kirk had fucked his share of the girls in town, and he expertly
massaged his little sister’s clit until she was squealing with joy.
Deciding to give her even more pleasure, he began plunging his thick
middle finger in and out of her little juice-drenched cunt, making
certain to brush his finger against her clit with each inward thrust.
The ecstasy was almost more than she could stand, and with every thrust
of his plunging finger, he was carrying the squealing youngster to new
heights of blissful joy. “Oh, Kirk!” she cried, wildly rotating her slippery cunt around his
thrusting finger. “Go faster, honey! Don’t stop! I’m almost there!” His wildly aroused little sister let out another squeal of joy when her
body suddenly exploded into a bone-rattling orgasm, the first climax
she’d ever had without using her own hands. She kept coming for what
seemed hours to her, and when she finally stopped, she gave him a deep,
tongue-sucking kiss. Finally opening her eyes, she was once more aware of the big, hard
boner that was throbbing up from between his legs. “Kirk,” she whispered as she began sliding his velvety foreskin up and
down over his throbbing cock-shaft. “Would you like me to suck you
off?” “What do you know about blow-jobs?” he asked in a shocked voice. “Joyce told me.” “Your friend with the big tits?” “That’s the one,” she said, still lovingly stroking his tingling boner. “Does she suck guys off?” “Sure,” said Marci, “and she loves to fuck, too.” “Can you fix me up with her?” “I’m sure I can,” Marci promised, lowering her face down toward her
brother’s hard cock. Slowly and gently, she pulled his foreskin back until his big, purple
cock-head was deliciously revealed. She heard her brother let out a
soft moan when she enveloped his sensitive prick-head with her warm,
moist mouth. “Oh, shit, Sis!” he whispered as she began sucking gently on his
delicious prick. “That feels so fuckin’ good!” Moving her mouth up and down over his straining cock, she began a slow
sucking action that had him writhing all over the bed. Her head was
soon bobbing faster and faster as she sucked more passionately on his
big delicious prick. Kirk’s entire muscular body was trembling and
jerking from the heavenly sensations being induced by the sweet, soft
mouth of his little cock-sucking sister. He could feel his climax building deep in his balls, and, as his orgasm
drew closer, he unconsciously grabbed the girl’s head and shoved her
sucking mouth down tighter over his throbbing cock-shaft. “JESUS CHRIST!” he roared as he started shooting his wad. Marci’s entire body shivered with delight when his hot cum started
gushing into her mouth. Not wanting to miss a drop of his delicious
fuck-cream, she desperately sucked and swallowed until she’d drawn
every bit of cum out of his slowly shrinking prick. When Marci had
licked and washed his limp cock completely clean, Kirk kissed her
softly on her lips and left the room. Chapter 4
From that night on, Kirk was finger-fucking his little sister two or
three times a day while she was sucking him off. “Kirk,” Marci whispered to him one afternoon when she was up on his bed
with him. “You’ve fucked lots of girls, haven’t you?” “I’ve had a few.” “Is fucking fun?” “Of course it is.” “Would I be fun to fuck?” “Shit, yes,” he said, grinning. “Then will you fuck me?” she excitedly asked, her eyes glowing with
lust. “I wish I could,” he sighed. “But that would be impossible.” “Why?” “Because you’re my sister.” “So what,” giggled Marci. “I’ve got a cunt, and you’ve got a cock.
Isn’t that all fucking takes?” “It’s not that simple,” he explained. “Fucking your own sister is
incest.” “I know that,” she pouted. “But I want to be fucked.” “Then start out the way I began fucking,” Kirk advised. “How was that?” “My first piece of ass was with one of our nanny goats,” he laughingly
explained. “Are you shittin’ me?” gasped the startled youngster. “Hell, no,” her brother replied. “They’re fun to fuck. I still fuck a
goat once in a while when no one is around.” “Are you suggesting that I let a goddamn smelly goat fuck me?” “Why not,” he asked. “They have nice, hard cocks, and that’s all
fucking takes.” “I think you’re bullshittin me,” complained Marci, brushing her long
blonde hair back from her face. “Have you really fucked a goat?” “Yes, Marci,” he answered, looking the youngster straight in the eyes.
“I’ve fucked goats, and I think it’s fun.” “Will you let me watch you?” “When?” “Right now,” she said quickly. “Dad’s gone into town and so no one else
is here but us.” “Okay,” he agreed, thinking it would be fun to fuck a hot, juicy goat
right in front of his little sister. Taking Marci’s hand, Kirk led her out behind the barn where the goats
were kept. “Which is your favorite piece of ass?” giggled Marci when they were in
the enclosure with the animals. “That one,” said her big brother, pointing to a brown and white nanny
goat. “She’s got a hot little pussy.” “Now what happens?” giggled Marci, still unable to believe her big
brother was going to fuck a stupid goat. “You’ll see,” he answered, lowering his zipper and whipping his thick,
limp cock out. Flipping his prick around with his fingers, Kirk stepped
in front of the brown and white animal who began excitedly pawing the
ground with her hooves as she sniffed. “Holy shit!” exclaimed Marci when the nanny goat’s thick, wet tongue
began licking her brother’s soft prick. “That’s a good girl,” she heard Kirk softly whisper as he unbuckled his
belt and dropped his jeans and shorts down around his ankles. Marci excitedly watched as the goat lovingly licked his balls as well
as his rapidly swelling cock. When his prick had reached a throbbing
erection, the animal’s tongue was feverishly licking up and down the
meaty length of his cock. “God, what a cock-sucker!” cried Marci, feeling the hot juices leaking
out from between her legs as she watched the goat eagerly going down on
her big brother. When the goat had licked Kirk’s cock to a throbbing hardness, the youth
gently turned the animal around so he could invade her juicy cunt from
the rear. Having been fucked by Kirk often enough to know what was
coming, the goat was trembling with delicious expectation. Watching her brother guiding his bloated cock-head toward the animal’s
pink, wet pussy, Marci was surprised at how much the animal’s cunt
resembled her own. Excitedly rubbing her hot little pussy through the
material of her tight jeans, Marci could see her brother’s deliciously
naked tool slipping in between the shivering, goat’s pink cunt-lips. “Oh, fuck, she’s nice and hot today!” panted Kirk as he felt the
scalding slickness of the animal’s slippery pussy walls closing around
his tingling boner. Seeing how the excited goat was backing up against her brother, Marci
realized the horny animal was trying to work even more of his prick
into her sizzling cunt. “Jesus, Kirk!” Marci exclaimed to her brother. “She really digs your
cock.” “You’re not shittin,” he groaned. “This stupid goat loves to be
fucked.” After a short pause, Kirk partially withdrew his hard boner and began
fucking into the bleating animal with long, rhythmic thrusts. “Fuck her good, honey!” his excited sister cheered him on. The feel of Kirk’s big, human cock fucking in and out of her snug
little cunt was driving the horny goat wild. The animal’s entire body
was tingling from the delicious bigness of his hard prick. Marci had never seen anything so erotic as her brother fucking his
thick, slippery cock in and out of the goat’s girl-like pussy.
Naturally the youngster had never seen anyone fucking before, and this
lewd action was almost blowing her mind. At first Marci had wondered how her brother could possibly enjoy
fucking a goat, but seeing the ecstasy on his face, she realized how
much pleasure he was getting from the goat-fuck. “That’s it, Kirk!” the little blonde squealed with joy. “Just fuck her
silly!” Wishing her big brother’s cock was zipping in and out of her hot little
cunt, Marci was vigorously rubbing her pussy through the material of
her jeans. Becoming more aroused by the second, the youngster pulled
her zipper down and wormed her finger through the leg opening of her
panties, drilling it into the slick hotness of her itching, dripping
little cunt. Excitedly rubbing her erect clitty, Marci stared at her
brother’s hard cock fucking in and out of the goat’s juicy cunt. “Oh, yes, Kirk!” she squealed. “Fuck her good!” Excitedly watching, Marci could see that her brother was fucking the
wild-eyed goat for all he was worth, his panting mouth gaping open as
he stared crazily ahead of him. She could see the juicy pink lips of
the animal’s frothy pussy sucking and pulling on the slippery length of
his thick prick as he wildly fucked in and out of her steaming pussy.
His virile young cock-shaft was glistening with the creamy juice that
was oozing out from between the goat’s squeezing cunt-lips. Frantically fingering her own swollen clitty, Marci was staring at the
goat’s juicy little cunt as the goat-pussy squeezed and sucked on her
brother’s hard boner. The goat’s pussy-lips had swollen and turned a
dark pink from the delicious friction of his torrid cock. “Fuck her good, honey!” cried Marci. “Just fuck her tail off!” The horny goat was slamming her haunches back against Kirk, trying to
get even more of his big, human cock into her cunt. The animal was
bleating loudly with joy as the young man fucked his prick deeper and
deeper into her sizzling little goat-cunt. “FUCK HER HARDER, HONEY!” Marci hysterically cried as her handsome big
brother’s hard cock fucked in and out of the animal’s hot pussy. “FUCK
HER GOOD!” With her naughty fingers clawing at her throbbing clit, Marci was every
bit as aroused as her feverishly fucking brother. “Holy shit!” Kirk shouted. “This is fantastic!” Marci was wantonly rubbing her hard little tits through the material of
her T-shirt with one hand while she frenziedly fingered her clit with
the other. Already on the verge of blowing her mind with excitement,
the sound of her brother’s juice-slickened prick slamming noisily into
the goat’s scalding cunt was almost more than Marci could take. “OH, SHIT!” Kirk suddenly cried at the top of his lungs. “I’M CREAMIN’
HER, SIS! I’M COMIN’ IN THE FUCKIN’ GOAT’S CUNT! YEEEEAAAOOOWWW!” When her brother had finally emptied the last of his hot load into the
animal’s cum-drenched pussy, he pulled his limp, wet cock out of her
cunt. “Oh, Kirk, honey,” his sister sobbed. “I wanta be fucked, too.” “Then try this beauty,” he suggested, patting the back of a handsome,
big billy goat that was standing next to him. “How do I get him hard?” she excitedly asked as she quickly pulled off
her jeans and panties. “The same way you get me hard,” explained her brother. “Suck on his
prick.” Too aroused to care whether it was an animal or not, Marci rolled onto
her back beneath his belly. Curling her fingers around his cock-shaft,
the beautiful, young blonde raised her head and slipped his cock-head
into her mouth. Locking her soft lips tightly around his prick, she
could feel his tasty cock swelling rapidly as she sucked. In less than
a minute the handsome billy goat had a horrendous boner. “Okay, honey,” she giggled as she released his hard cock from her mouth
and crawled out from under him. “Now it’s time to fuck.” Crouching on her hands and knees, the horny youngster began wriggling
her sweet young ass around in front of his nose. “Can you show the dumb bastard what to do?” she complained to her
brother as the goat sniffed and licked at her bare ass without trying
to mount her. “Come on, goat,” urged Kirk, lifting the animal up onto his sister’s
back. “Fuck her hot little cunt.” When the stupid goat didn’t move, Kirk gently grasped the animal’s hard
cock and brushed his sensitive prick-head between Marci’s hotly oozing
cunt-lips. “Come on, dummy,” he whispered. “Stick, your cock in her.” Feeling the heavenly heat of Marci’s juicy cunt against his throbbing
hard-on, the big billy goat instinctively lunged forward. “OOOOOOH! EEEEEEGGGHHH!” the youngster screamed when the animal’s hard
cock speared through her hymen. “There goes my cherry!” The momentary pain only lasted briefly, and once his prick was buried
in the snug confines of her cute little unused pussy, she felt a
deliciously warm glow spread throughout her body. With his horns held high and his brown eyes glazed with lust, the
handsome, big billy goat began fucking his cock into her with blinding
speed. “OOOOOH, SHIT!” little Marci squealed with joy as the lusting animal
further increased the tempo of his rapid thrusts. The blonde’s sweet young tits were jiggling like crazy as the big goat
fucked her crouching body. He was practically knocking the breath out
of her every time his hard boner fucked into her cunt. “YES! YES!” the girl squealed. “FUCK MY CUNT!” Excitedly watching, Kirk could see how much his little sister was
enjoying her first fuck even if it was with a goat. Her pretty little
face was distorted with lust as she wantonly slammed her cute little
ass back to meet every deep plunge of the animal’s prick. Helplessly
aroused by the delicious friction of the handsome billy goat’s hard
boner, Marci was creaming all over the slimy length of his bright-red
goat-cock, making his prick glisten obscenely with her slippery
wetness. “OH, YOU SWEET FUCKIN’ GOAT!” she screamed. “This feels so fuckin’
good!” The horny youngster’s face was glowing with excitement as she eagerly
took the hard, rapid strokes of the animal’s fucking boner. The hard
meat of his thoroughly aroused cock was pumping the hot juices right
out of her sizzling pussy, the thick cream splattering all over the
goat’s shaggy belly. “Oh, so good … so good!” she moaned. The goat’s hips were moving at a blinding speed as he excitedly fucked
his throbbing boner into the slick hotness of the teenager’s little,
gold-fringed cunt. There was almost a lusting grin on the face of the
bearded animal as he feverishly fucked into the hotly writhing
youngster. Watching the goat and his little sister, Kirk was more excited than
he’d ever been. Nothing had ever turned him on so much in his life. “OH, YOU SWEET GOAT!” cried Marci. “FUCK ME FASTER, HONEY!” With the screaming ecstasy still mounting in her fiery cunt, the
insanely aroused blonde was slamming her ass back even harder to take
the full thrust of his plunging cock. “FUCK, GOAT, FUCK!” she screamed at the top of her lungs. This was a scene that Kirk would never forget. Holding his horns high,
the magnificent billy goat was humping into Kirk’s sister with a savage
powerfulness, rocking her beautiful young body, making her firm tits
bounce beneath her with joy. Marci was in a state of unequaled ecstasy,
and her big brother could clearly see how much she was enjoying
herself. Her pretty face was twisted into a wicked grin of lust as she
slammed her sweet cunt back around his wildly fucking cock. “EEEEEGGGHHH!” she shrieked in wanton delight. “FUCK IT TO ME, YOU
SWEET GOAT!” Excitedly watching, Kirk couldn’t take his gaze away from his little
sister’s pussy. The pretty blonde’s face was glowing with sexual bliss,
squealing with rapture as she took the repeated thrusts of the animal’s
hard goat-prick. The goat’s hips were twitching and jerking with a
blinding speed as he feverishly fucked into the slippery slickness of
her hot little virginal cunt. “Oh, sweet pissin’ Jesus!” she squealed with delight, raising her
deliciously ravaged ass higher to give the wildly fucking goat even
easier access to her overheated pussy. “FUCK, GOAT, FUCK!” Little Marci’s beautiful young body was being thoroughly fucked by the
rampaging animal’s steel-hard boner. The machine-gun rapidity of the
goat’s deep thrusts was almost more than the writhing blonde could
stand. The wanton joy built and built in her seething loins as his
blood-red cock streaked in and out of her juicy cunt. “Oh, you beautiful goat,” she moaned. “Make me come! MAKE ME COME!” Feeling herself rushing toward a traumatic orgasm, the beautiful
youngster braced her hands against the ground as she slammed her cunt
back around the hard, slippery length of the goat’s plunging cock. “OOOOOOOH!” she suddenly squealed. “I’M COMING … COMING!” Marci’s orgasmic juices began swirling hotly around the throbbing
length of the goat’s prick as her cunt muscles involuntarily contracted
around his hard cock-shaft. Then, right in the middle of her bell-
ringing climax, she felt his hot, wet cum gushing into her well-fucked
cunt. When the exhausted animal finally pulled his limp prick out of the
youngster’s spunk-filled pussy, Kirk took his sister’s hands and helped
the pretty little girl to her feet. “Well?” he asked. “How did you like your first fuck?” “It was just fantastic,” she sighed wearily as she felt the goat’s
slimy spunk leaking out from between her swollen pussy-lips. Chapter 5
A few Sundays later, the reverend asked Marci if she could stay after
the services and help him make arrangements for the upcoming church
picnic. When he promised her father that he would drive her home after
they were finished, the girl was more than willing to stay. Reverend
Walker had earlier appointed Marci as chairman of the young people’s
committee just so he could find excuses to be with her. They’d been working alone in the church for about an hour when he sent
her downstairs to the Sunday school room to get some papers he’d left
on the desk. Only moments after she’d gone, the reverend heard a loud
crashing sound followed by a scream. Rushing to the top of the stairs, he looked down and saw Marci sprawled
out where she’d tripped and fallen. “Are you all right?” he asked when he got to the bottom of the steps. “I don’t know,” she answered as the reverend helped her to her feet.
“My leg hurts. “Where?” “Right here,” she answered, rubbing the back of her thigh. “You’ve probably pulled a muscle,” said the man, putting his arm around
her. “Let’s go over here where I can check it.” Holding onto him as he grasped her around the waist, the girl hobbled
across the room to a cot that was sometimes used for the children’s
naps. “Now just lay down here,” he said. When Marci was spread out on her tummy, the preacher raised her skirt
up and began rubbing the back of her leg. “Oh, that’s where it hurts,” she gasped when his fingers pressed
against a muscle up on the inside of her inner thigh. “I can feel a knot there,” he said. “I think a massage will probably
loosen it.” Spread out flat on her belly with her head resting on her arms, Marci
began relaxing as the minister’s strong fingers gently rubbed and
massaged the sore muscle. She was finding it a bit exciting to feel the
handsome, older man’s hands rubbing the inside of her bare thigh. No
one except her big brother had ever touched her this intimately, and
she was thoroughly enjoying the erotic feel of his fingers teasing
around only inches from her horny little pussy. “Mmmmmmm,” she contentedly crooned. “That feels better.” Reverend Walker had never been so excited in his life. He’d been
lusting over this sweet young child for a long time, and, now, he was
staring at her cute little panty-clad ass as he caressed the soft flesh
of her inner thigh. Continuing to massage her vibrant young flesh, he moved his hands
higher until he was able to slip his fingertips up under the leg
openings of her wispy little panties. Still gently rubbing, he was soon
goosing his fingers around in the soft, warm meat between her
deliciously rounded asscheeks. “Oh, Reverend Walker,” she whispered, thoroughly enjoying the erotic
touch of his fingers on her bare ass. “That’s sure starting to make me
feel better.” “I’m glad,” he said. “But I’m afraid I’ll have to remove your panties
to do this right.” “That’s okay,” she answered, considering preachers the same as doctors
when it came to undressing in front of them. After all, a man of God
wouldn’t have any evil thoughts. By the time he had exposed her sweet bare ass to his lecherous eyes,
the reverend’s big cock was throbbing wildly in his pants. The feel of
her naked flesh against his gently kneading hands was driving him
crazy. Marci knew deep in her heart that it wasn’t necessary for the preacher
to play with her bare ass, but it felt so good she didn’t want to stop
him. “Now turn over,” he whispered to her a few minutes later. “Why?” “So I can massage the front of your thigh,” he explained. “This muscle
pull is a bit more extensive than I first thought.” Marci hesitated at first, but then she decided it would be fun to show
him her naked pussy. Only her brother had ever seen her cunt before,
and she suddenly wanted the handsome preacher to see her pussy, too. “Okay,” she agreed, rolling over onto her back. The man almost shot off in his pants as he gazed between her
deliciously bare thighs at the soft triangle of golden cunt hair that
surrounded her pink little pussy. The sight of her sweet pussy cream
glistening on the moist lips of her cunt was enough to blow his mind. “You’re going to feel so much better,” he whispered, tenderly parting
her juicy cunt-lips with his thumbs. Marci knew she should stop him, but it was so exciting to feel the
handsome man touching her naked pussy. A bit apprehensive, yet
trembling with excitement, she closed her big blue eyes as his feverish
fingers began probing around her wetly pulsing cunt. Her entire young
body lurched slightly when his stiff middle finger wormed its way
between the hot slick folds of her young pussy-lips. “Oooooooh,” she softly moaned when he slipped his invading digit in and
found the hard bud of her shiny little clit. With his prick throbbing wildly in his pants, he began tenderly
stroking her tingling clit, feeling her pussy wildly pulsating under
his touch. Marci knew she should stop the man before things went too far, but she
had no will to stop him. She just loved that intense pleasure between
her legs, and, after all, letting him play with her pussy wasn’t the
same as fucking. Feeling his hot breath on her twat, the beautiful youngster opened her
eyes and raised her head to see the man lowering his face down toward
her feverishly hot little cunt. “Oooooooooh!” she gasped when the tip of his tongue flicked out and
wedged into her juice-slickened pussy between her frothy cunt-lips. Her
entire young body shivered when his long, moist tongue began licking in
little circles around the hard nub of her tingling clitty. Her smooth,
naked thighs jerked violently as he sent jolt after jolt of heavenly
ecstasy charging through her deliciously young body. Finally removing his tongue from her throbbing clit, he plunged his
tongue through the open petals of her cunt-lips, hungrily licking up
the sweet fresh pussy juices from deep in her hotly aroused cunt.
Digging her fingers into his thick head of hair, she moaned with
delight as her young body writhed and quivered with excitement. Momentarily taking his mouth from her tasty little pussy, the man stood
up and removed her dress as she just lay smiling at him. Not wearing a
bra, the beautiful young blonde was suddenly completely naked. Once more lowering his face into her deliciously scented crotch, he
began pinching and squeezing her deliciously swollen nipples as he
fucked his tongue deeper and deeper into the youngster’s hot little
teen-aged pussy. Squealing in ecstasy, the girl squeezed her soft young thighs against
his juice-drenched face. “Oh, God!” she whimpered, grinding her steaming crotch up more tightly
against his slavering mouth. Unable to control himself any longer, the insanely aroused reverend
quickly stood up and removed every stitch of his clothes. “What are you doing?” she gasped, shocked at the size of his big, naked
boner. His cock was almost twice the size of her brother’s prick. “We’re gonna fuck!” he gasped, throwing himself onto the cot with her. “NO WE’RE NOT!” she shouted, unable to believe this man of God would do
such a thing. The horny girl always loved it when her brother finger-fucked her, and
she had enjoyed herself the time the billy goat fucked her, but she
didn’t want the preacher to shove his big goddamned cock into her
little, practically virginal cunt. “Please don’t,” she whimpered as he began forcing her thighs apart with
his hands. “My little cunt is too small for your big prick.” “Don’t worry,” he panted. “It’ll stretch.” “NO!” “Shut up, you lousy little prick-teaser!” he roared. “When you let a
man lick your pussy, you’re just asking to be fucked!” “NO!” she shrieked, struggling desperately as he forced himself between
her legs. Cruelly twisting her hair, the wildly aroused man nudged the head of
his prick against her little pussy opening and gave a hard thrust,
driving almost half the length of his thick cock into her painfully
stretched cunt. “AAAAAAAUUUGGG! EEEEEEGGG!” she shrieked in agony as he forced his big
invading cock-shaft deeper into her little hole. Ignoring her screams, he sadistically fucked his lust-thickened, hard
prick even deeper into her cunt. “OOOOOOOH!” she shrieked, frantically pushing at his body with her
hands, desperately trying to dislodge the huge cock that was buried
deep in her belly. “I can’t take it! Please pull it out! You’re ripping
me apart!” As he continued forcing his thick cock even deeper into her little
teen-aged pussy, Marci suddenly felt a curious mixture of both pain and
pleasure. The sensation started almost imperceptibly at first, but from
somewhere deep in her cunt she felt a strange wave of rapture building
with an increasing intensity throughout her body. Feeling his thick, hard prick fucking harder and deeper into her pussy,
the girl’s body began responding, and she suddenly found herself moving
in unison with him. Clinging passionately to the fucking preacher, she
was soon bucking wildly beneath him, slamming her aroused cunt up to
receive every lusty stroke of his big, pistoning cock. “Oooooooh, yes … yes!” she whimpered, wantonly grinding her naked
young cunt up against his fucking prick. With the initial pain now
completely gone, her only thought was to get as much of his cock as
possible into her hungrily clasping cunt. Hearing her desperate cries for more, the man began fucking into her
with a renewed vigor, each long, hard thrust bringing squeals of
delight from the beautiful little blonde’s baby-soft lips. “Ooooooh, shit!” she squealed, feverishly writhing her pussy up around
his thick plunging cock-shaft. “Fuck it to me, honey!” Staring down between their legs as he fucked into her, the preacher was
excitedly watching his hard cock fucking in and out of her furry little
pussy. He had never seen anything as erotic as the sight of his big,
blue-veined boner coated with her slippery cunt cream. He was
completely fascinated by the sight of her soft, pink pussy-lips
clinging moistly to his thick cock as his prick-shaft moved in and out.
Thoroughly enjoying the delicious tightness of the young girl’s hot
little cunt, he slowly pulled back until only the bloated head of his
cock remained in the juicy folds of her feverishly sucking cunt-lips.
Then, pausing briefly, he slammed violently forward, driving his hard
tingling prick back into her juicy little cunt. “Oh, shit!” she whimpered, lovingly squeezing his big, lusty balls as
his thick, hard cock fucked in and out through her hot little cunt
tunnel. Squealing with joy, the pretty teenager’s breath was coming in
short, hot gasps as the sizzling fire between her legs increased. The wildly aroused reverend rapidly increased the tempo of his powerful
strokes until he was fucking into her little pussy with the ferocity of
an enraged bull. Even more aroused than he was, Marci was fucking back
at him with a crazed urgency, her little overheated cunt spiraling up
and down the length of his slippery, cream-coated cock-shaft. As the
man of God mercilessly fucked into her, Marci was passionately
responding to his heavenly assault, slamming her sizzling pussy up to
meet every powerful thrust. Marci had never dreamed that fucking could bring such an intense
ecstasy to her entire body. The lovely girl’s big brother was always
fingering her cunt, but she’d never experienced anything like this.
Aflame with a burning lust, Marci was aware of nothing but the joy of
their lewdly fucking bodies as her insanely aroused pussy squeezed and
sucked on his plunging cock. The preacher, too, was aware of nothing but the delicious hotness of
her tight little cunt as her insanely aroused body writhed beneath him. “Oh, you sweet baby!” he panted, passionately fucking his big prick
into the very depths of her squirming pussy. “This is really fucking!” “Oh, God, Reverend Walker,” she excitedly whimpered. “Jesus, how I love
this big cock of yours.” The soft, pink walls of her hotly grasping cunt seemed to be sucking
his hard prick deeper and deeper into her writhing pussy. The
deliciously obscene sound of his big balls slapping lewdly against her
sweet young ass was adding to the intense joy she was experiencing.
Passionately fucking her hot cunt up around his plunging cock, Marci
was taking more and more of his tool into her little overheated
fuckhole. The man could feel his cum screaming to be discharged from his aching
balls as he violently fucked into her, and he realized he couldn’t hold
back his fiery stream of cum much longer. Feeling his climax drawing
nearer and nearer, each hard deep thrust of his cock brought more
squeals of ecstasy from the writhing youngster beneath him. “OH, SHIT!” Marci squealed with joy. “FUCK IT TO ME, HONEY! FUCK IT TO
ME!” Aware that they were both on the verge of climaxing, the preacher began
fucking into her for all he was worth, hoping to bring her off before
he shot his wad. “Oh, Reverend Walker!” she suddenly squealed, feeling the top ridge of
his thick boner vibrating wildly against her swollen clit. “You’re
gonna make me come!” Wanting to give the lovely young girl as much pleasure as possible, the
man pounded even deeper and harder into her writhing cunt. Completely
lost in the wild frenzy of her very first human fuck, Marci wildly
slammed her juicy little cunt up to meet every plunge of his fucking
prick. Never had the cute little youngster felt the intense ecstasy she
was experiencing now. “Oh, shit, Reverend!” she squealed, biting her pearly teeth into his
broad shoulder. “Fuck it to me, honey! Fuck me harder!” The man was almost out of his mind from the delicious sensation that
was streaking up and down the length of his tingling cock-shaft. He’d
never found another cunt that felt as good as this cute little teen-
aged pussy. The ecstasy streaking up and down the thick length of his
prick as he fucked in and out of her sucking, milking cunt was almost
enough to blow his mind. Savagely fucking into her pussy like a wild
animal, the man could tell from the way Marci was jerking and twisting
her hot cunt around the length of his cock that she was rapidly
approaching an orgasm. “YES! YES!” squealed the beautiful little blonde, feeling her climax
building up in her loins. On the verge of hysteria, she wildly rotated
her hotly clinging pussy around the hard thickness of his wonderful
boner. Feeling the hot cum churning around in his balls, the man feverishly
fucked into her little teen-aged pussy, anxious to shoot his hot load
into the youngster’s writhing cunt. “OOOOOOOH, YES!” she shrieked as the first tremors of her orgasm began
streaking through her body. “FUCK ME! FUCK ME HARDER! I’M COMING …
COMING!” Lurching and bucking wildly beneath him, Marci was practically out of
her mind from the intense ecstasy she was feeling. “FUCK! FUCK!” screamed the youngster, wrapping her arms and legs more
tightly around his fucking body. “I’M COMMIIINNNGGGG!” Feeling her hot orgasmic juices flowing around his tingling prick, the
man suddenly blasted a sizzling stream of swirling cum into her little
spasming cunt. “OOOOOH, YES!” Marci squealed at the top of her lungs. “SQUIRT, BABY!
SQUIRT! I’M COMING ALL OVER YOUR BEAUTIFUL BIG COCK!” Their two wildly fucking bodies writhed frantically together as he
pumped her juicy cunt full of his scalding cum. Chapter 6
As the days passed, the reverend’s wife couldn’t seem to get Mae
Langford and her big collie out of her mind. As filthy and disgusting
as the whole thing had been, Abby got all hot and itchy between her
legs every time she thought about seeing Mae and her dog fucking. She
knew dog-fucking was horrible, but the dog’s big, red cock was always
in the back of her thoughts. Filled with curiosity when Mae didn’t show up for the Wednesday evening
services, Abby slipped out of the church and walked over to the woman’s
house. Seeing the shade up and the light on in Mae’s bedroom as they
had been before, Abby once again peered through the window. A hot tingle streaked through Abby’s cunt when she saw Mae spread out
nakedly on the bed again. The woman’s ass was perched on the very edge
of the bed as she lay back with her widely spread legs hanging over.
Standing between her thighs with his hind feet on the floor and his
forepaws up over Mae’s shoulders, the big collie was feverishly fucking
into her from above. The sight of that slippery red cock fucking in and out of the woman’s
pussy again was enough to blow Abby’s mind. Panting excitedly, the
collie’s tongue was hanging out as he fucked into her cunt with deep,
rapid thrusts. Abby could see how hard and long the dog-cock was as
Scotty worked his prick in and out through the slick flesh of the
perverted woman’s hotly creaming pussy. The sight of Mae’s hungry cunt-
lips sucking and pulling on the animal’s hard dog-cock was further
arousing the reverend’s wife. She could hear the blonde slut breathing heavily as her well-trained
collie fucked his rigid prick in and out of her cunt like a burning
sword. Watching the dog fuck on top as Mae lay on her back, Abby could
see Scotty’s big furry chest rubbing back and forth over Mae’s tingling
tits. As the bestial fucking continued, the dog began slamming into her
pussy with harder, faster strokes. “That’s it, Scotty!” Mae cried. “Fuck me good, you sweet doggy!” Watching the dog’s big, red boner fucking into Mae’s hungrily devouring
cunt, Abby could see little beads of pussy juice glistening on the
soft, pink flesh of her slippery, wet cunt-lips. A little trickle of
hot pussy cream was being forced out between Mae’s hotly sucking cunt-
lips by the pressure of the animal’s fucking prick. Abby excitedly watched the rivulet of juice dribbling down over the
lusty blonde’s softly rounded ass. The deliciously lewd sound of the
dog’s hard cock squashing and slurping into the woman’s hotly sucking
cunt was driving Abby wild. She could vicariously feel every thrust of
the animal’s hard cock into her own hotly dripping slit. The reverend’s wife stared with fascination at Mae’s pleasure-ridden
face. The woman’s head was thrown back, her long blonde hair cascading
over the bed as her glazed eyes stared insanely at the ceiling. Mae’s
mouth was open, her tongue hanging out like a bitch in heat as she
moaned and groaned in ecstasy. Abby could almost feel the joy that was
etched on the depraved woman’s face. Watching the erotic scene, Abby had unconsciously reached up under her
skirt and was frantically finger-fucking herself. “Oh, Scotty, baby!” she heard Mae moan. “You big-cocked beauty!” By now, Abby was almost insane with excitement. She was rubbing her
tingling clit with a blinding speed as she vicariously felt every
sensation that was streaking through Mae’s hotly sucking cunt. She
could almost feel the animal’s long, red prick fucking deep into her
own juice-drenched pussy. “FUCK, SCOTTY, FUCK!” Mae screamed as she writhed beneath the animal’s
wildly thrusting body. Watching the woman getting fucked by her big
collie dog was the most exciting thing that Abby had ever witnessed.
Vigorously fingering her own cunt, the preacher’s wife stared in total
fascination at the sex-crazed woman. Mae’s head was lolling wildly back
and forth, mouth open and lips drawn back over her teeth as she
frantically ground her cunt around the dog’s rapidly fucking cock. Abby was shaking with excitement as she watched Scotty wildly fucking
his cock in and out of the screaming woman’s feverishly hot pussy. “Oh, Christ!” squealed Mae as the big collie further increased the
speed of his lightning-fast thrusts. “You sweet fuckin’ dog!” Each time he jerked his cock back, Abby could see Mae’s pink cunt-lips
grasping after his prick, and when he fucked his cock back in, her
pussy-lips swallowed his prick in with a delicious slurping sound. The night echoed with the sounds of her cunt juices squashing around
his glistening prick-shaft. “Oh, you sweet fucker!” Mae screamed with delight. As always, the feel of her dog’s big, red cock slithering against the
sizzling walls of her deliciously tingling cunt was driving the blonde
crazy. The grasping lips of her steaming pussy were squeezing and
sucking on the entire hard length of his fantastic dog-prick. “That’s it, sweet doggy!” sobbed Mae. “Fuck it to me, baby!” The feel of his furry chest rubbing against her big, bare tits was
almost as thrilling as the hard cock between her legs. “GODDAMN, THAT’S GOOD!” she screamed. The sight of Mae being fucked by the beautiful big collie was the most
erotic thing Abby had ever seen. Frantically fingering her own hotly
oozing cunt, she stared as if hypnotized by the woman’s deliciously
swollen nipples rubbing around in Scotty’s long thick coat. She
couldn’t keep her gaze away from Mae’s shapely legs as the beautiful
beast lustily fucked his cock into the juicy pussy between the woman’s
legs. “YES! YES, SCOTTY!” screamed the near-hysterical blonde as the
frenziedly aroused collie once more speeded the tempo of his fucking as
he neared a jizz-shooting climax. “FUCK IT TO ME, BABY! GIVE MOTHER A
BIG HOT LOAD!” Abby was almost out of her mind with excitement as she watched Scotty
fucking into the blonde on the bed. Staring at the golden pussy hairs
around Mae’s pink cunt-lips as the dog’s shiny red cock fucked in and
out, Abby was frantically fingering her own dripping pussy. The entire
surface of the animal’s plunging boner was thickly coated with Mae’s
creamy cunt juices. “Come on, Scotty!” the feverishly aroused woman shouted beneath the
fucking dog. “Finish me off, baby! Make me come!” On the verge of coming, the aroused dog fucked his long, red boner into
her cunt at an ever-increasing speed. “That’s it, sweetie!” the blonde squealed with delight. “Faster, baby!
FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!” Completely out of her mind with excitement, Abby was clawing at her
inflamed snatch with both hands. The expression of ecstasy on Mae’s
sex-crazed face was the most exciting thing the reverend’s wife had
ever seen. Abby could vicariously feel every deep thrust of the dog’s
cock in her own empty cunt. The loud slurping sound of his hard boner
fucking into the juicy meat of Mae’s pussy was almost blowing Abby’s
mind. “That’s it, Scotty!” Mae screamed. “I’m almost there!” Mae’s long blonde hair flailed wildly around her face as her head
rolled from side to side on the bed. Her mouth hung open, eyes squeezed
shut and her nails clawed into the bedding. “FILL MY CUNT, BABY!” she shrieked. “SQUIRT, DOGGY, SQUIRT! I’M COMING
… COMMMIIINNGGG!” Just as the lurching woman exploded into her tumultuous orgasm, she
felt her dog’s hot jizz gushing into her convulsing cunt. “Oh, yes, sweet doggy,” she moaned. “That’s the way to fill a cunt.” When the dog finally pulled his limp prick out of her cum-drenched
pussy, Mae’s face was aglow with rapture. “I guess you wanta take a piss,” Mae said a few minutes later as she
slowly got up from the bed. Not bothering to put a robe on, the woman
walked to the back door and let the dog out. As if in a trance, Abby Walker slowly walked over to where the big dog
was pissing against a tree. When the dog had finished, she stooped down
and gently petted his head. “Nice doggy,” Abby whispered, her entire
body trembling with excitement. Still petting the animal, she moved her hand down around his side and
under his belly until her quivering fingers found the furry sheath that
protected his prick. Tenderly squeezing and caressing his prick-shaft,
she could feel his cock starting to swell again inside. Moments later, she was rewarded when the shiny, red prick-head came
into view as the animal started getting a second hard-on from her lewd
caresses. When the big animal’s cock was once more completely hard, she
began lustily stroking his prick. Because his rigid boner was thickly
coated with Mae’s slippery juices, Abby found the slick, hot texture of
his cock extremely erotic. Squatting in front of the animal as she excitedly stroked his fantastic
boner, she was suddenly aware of his cold nose rooting around between
her thighs. Feeling his hot breath through the thin material of her
panties, the hopelessly aroused woman stood up and removed them. In her heart, Abby knew she was doing a depraved and sinful thing, but
she forced herself to lie down on the lawn with her thighs parted and
skirt pulled up so the dog could get at her naked pussy. “Oooooooh!” she squealed when Scotty suddenly swiped his hot, wet
tongue up along the juicy length of her oozing cunt-lips. Remembering how she’d watched the dog doing this to Mae the other
night, she felt delicious sparks streaking from her hot cunt up to
every part of her body as his tongue made slurping contact with her
sensitive clit. Thrilled by this heavenly new sensation, she began frantically rubbing
her hot, wet cunt up against his face. Squealing with uncontrolled
excitement, the reverend’s wife grasped the collie’s beautiful head and
shoved his mouth down harder against her steaming pussy. “Oh, yes!” she whimpered, spreading her thighs farther apart, making
her juicy cunt even more accessible to the dog’s hotly lapping tongue.
“It feels so fuckin’ good!” The wildly aroused animal licked urgently on her smoldering pussy,
lapping up the tasty fuck liquids as they flowed up from the depths of
her hot, slick pussy. Plunging his long tongue even deeper into her
steamy cunt, the big collie soon had her writhing around on the lawn in
a feverish frenzy. “Oh, you sweet fuckin’ dog!” she squealed with rapture, excitedly
writhing her juicy cunt up against his face as Scotty’s long, wet
tongue swirled deeper and deeper into the tasty depths of her
overheated cunt. The woman was almost hysterical, and her breathless squeals filled the
night with passion. Grasping at the dog’s head, she feverishly pushed
his mouth down tighter against her open cunt while the joys of her very
first tongue-fuck filled her pussy with excruciating pleasure. “Oooooooh … ahhhhhhh!” whimpered the reverend’s wife, hotly writhing
her dripping cunt around the dog’s fucking tongue. Abby was completely overwhelmed by these wild new sensations. The
uncontrollable lust built up faster as she excitedly pulled her knees
back to give the dog even easier access to her hotly bubbling cunt. The woman fully realized she was committing a depraved act, yet she’d
never experienced such intense ecstasy in her life. Nothing else seemed
to matter except her rapidly approaching climax that was only seconds
away. She frantically strained her cunt up, trying to get a bit more of
his heavenly tongue into her steaming pussy. The intense pleasure between her legs grew and grew until nothing else
mattered in her life but the electrifying sparks of sensation that were
exploding throughout her body. “Ooooooooooh, sweet Jesus!” sobbed the reverend’s wife as the intense
ecstasy increased. Whimpering and twisting his head from side to side, the big shaggy
collie was thrusting his tongue still deeper into the woman’s frothy
pussy. The animal was frantically lapping and licking against her
sensitive cunt walls. Abby had never experienced anything as wonderful
as this big thick tongue that was deliciously reaming out her hot
pussy. Twisting his nose back and forth, the dog was burrowing deeper and
deeper into her juice-slickened cunt, his long, pink tongue drilling
into the heated depths of her writhing pussy. “Oh, God!” Abby screamed with elation when the top of his wet nose
rubbed deliciously against her sensitive clit. “Oh, you sweet doggy!” Abby was just on the verge of coming when the dog suddenly pulled his
face out from between her legs and began humping his hard cock against
her leg. Realizing the animal was anxious to fuck her, she quickly
scrambled to her hands and knees, deliciously exposing her bare ass to
him as she pulled her skirt up higher above her hips. The collie began sniffing around her cunt with his wet nose, his bone-
hard cock throbbing out from under his furry belly. With an excited
whimper, the huge dog suddenly jumped up and threw his front paws over
her shoulders, driving the full length of his fiery-red cock into her
waiting cunt. Pinned down under the animal’s weight, Abby was soon
groaning in ecstasy as his slippery cock-shaft rapidly fucked in and
out of her hotly bubbling pussy-hole. As the deliciously wild sensations mounted in her sizzling cunt, the
reverend’s wife braced her hands more firmly on the ground to support
the crazed dog’s weight. “Jesus Christ!” she squealed, thrusting her creamy-white ass up to give
the excited dog easier access to her slippery cunt. “Just fuck it to
me, baby!” The woman’s entire body was charged with electricity as the animal’s
super-hard boner vibrated hotly against her swollen clit. The machine-
gun rapidity of the dog’s thrusts was bringing her such intense ecstasy
that Abby was almost out of her mind. “It’s so good!” she squealed. “Oh, Scotty, you’re so fuckin’ hard,
honey!” Feeling the woman’s scalding pussy cream flowing around his long, red
cock, the big collie began fucking deeper and faster. Having absolutely
no conception of self-control, the feverishly aroused beast almost
knocked Abby off her knees with every savage thrust of his cock. The woman fucked back at him with a blinding joy as his hard dog-prick
drilled deeply into her, deliciously stimulating every square inch of
her sucking, grasping cunt. “Ooooooooooh, yes!” she ecstatically moaned, creaming all over his
blood-red prick as she shook and wriggled her ass for him. “That’s the
way, Scotty! Fuck it to me!” Kneeling, with her pretty asscheeks high in the air, Abby’s entire body
tingled with ecstasy as the animal’s powerful hips frenziedly drilled
his fantastic boner in and out of her drooling pussy-hole. The usually
sexually cold bitch was half-crazed from the unbelievable rapture she
was feeling. The deliciously erotic sound of the animal’s long, red
cock slurping in and cut between her legs was absolutely blowing her
mind. “Oh, shit, Scotty!” she wailed. “I love it! LOVE IT!” Abby Walker had never enjoyed anything so much in her life. Each lusty
thrust of the dog’s cock was carrying her to new heights of ecstasy.
With an insane grin on her flushed face, Abby’s eyes rolled wildly
around in her head as she frantically clawed at the lawn with her
fingers. “Harder, doggy, harder!” she chanted. “Fuck me harder!” Abby couldn’t get over how good her cunt felt to be fucked by this
magnificent animal’s long, red prick. Her cunt felt raw, numb and
tingly, bringing her an ecstasy beyond description. The slippery walls
of her pussy were afire from the heavenly friction of his fantastic
cock-shaft. She rushed toward a screaming climax. “OH, FUCK!” she suddenly shrieked, writhing her exploding cunt back
around the animal’s wildly thrusting prick. “I’M COMING … COMING! OH,
FUCK, HOW I’M COMING!” Shivering from head to toe as her inflamed pussy began convulsing
around the length of his cock, Abby was swept up into the wildest
orgasm she’d ever had. The ecstasy was further intensified when she
felt the animal’s hot, slippery dog-jism gushing out of his prick. “YES, SCOTTY!” she shrieked as the collie’s hot cum shot up into her
sizzling pussy-hole. “CREAM ME GOOD, YOU SWEET FUCKER!” Collapsing under the dog’s weight, Abby could hear Mae calling to her
pet from the back door. There was a broad smile of contentment on the
reverend’s wife’s face as she watched the exhausted dog slowly wander
back to the house. Chapter 7
After church the following Sunday, Reverend Walker once more asked
Marci to stay and work on the plans for the upcoming picnic. Anxious to
be fucked by his big man-sized cock again, the cute youngster readily
agreed. “Well,” said the reverend when the last of the congregation had gone.
“I guess we better get busy.” “Yeah,” she agreed. “Let’s go downstairs and get busy on that cot.” “You naughty little girl,” he scolded. “You’re acting like you want to
fuck.” “You better believe it!” she exclaimed, taking his hand to lead him
downstairs. “I guess we might as well get undressed,” suggested the reverend when
they were standing by the cot. “Good thinking, Rev,” she agreed, kicking off her shoes. Within a matter of a few seconds, they were both stark naked. Marci
could feel the hot juices boiling out of her horny little cunt as she
stared at his deliciously swollen boner again. “Get on the cot,” she whispered. “I can’t wait any longer.” As the reverend lay on his back with his hands behind his head, Marci
straddled his chest, and, with a knee folded on either side of his
head, she began grinding her oozing pussy down against his mouth. “Now eat me,” she playfully teased. She was thrilled with the heat of his panting breath on her wetly
dripping cunt as she writhed her pussy up against his mouth. “Kiss it,” she whispered. “Kiss my naughty little pussy.” His face suddenly buried in the fragrant softness of her oozing cunt,
he was completely enraptured by the fluffy texture of the youngster’s
pussy curls against his face as he sucked on her fragrantly scented
cunt. The slippery hotness of her steaming cunt flesh was enough to
blow his mind as he excitedly worked his lips up and down over her
widely spread cunt. “Oh, sweet Reverend,” she whimpered as he teasingly scattered hot, wet
kisses all around the wiggly lips of her juicy cunt. She could feel the heavenly warmth radiating from between her legs to
every part of her body as she excitedly listened to the obscenely moist
sounds of his mouth sucking hungrily on her tasty cunt. Delicious
sensations were building and building in her pussy as she felt his
thick tongue teasing her quivering clit. Sitting on his face with her
wet, open pussy against his mouth, she was feeling an intense joy she’d
never experienced before. With his prick throbbing wildly between his legs, he thrust his tongue
deeper into the girl’s hot, slippery cunt, forcing soft squeals of
pleasure from deep in her throat. “Mmmmmmm, yes!” whimpered Marci, squeezing her soft, naked thighs
tighter against his face as her hot cunt juices flowed down into his
mouth. She was wildly sloshing her sopping pussy all around his face as
he flicked his tongue even deeper into the fiery depths of her hot,
slick pussy-hole. The intense pleasure between her legs built and built until she was
aware of nothing but the flaming sparks of ecstasy that were charging
throughout her body. Feeling a beautiful warmth deep in her cunt, the
youngster’s stomach muscles tightened for a brief period, then,
momentarily unable to breathe, she seemed to freeze. Suddenly she
exploded. “OH, SWEET SUCKIN’ JESUS!” she shrieked. “I’M COMING … COMING!” A delicious, thick stream of her hot orgasmic juices flowed down into
his mouth as he plunged his tongue deeper and deeper into her gushing
cunt. He could feel his cock throbbing with a huge hard-on as her
oozing pussy soaked his face with her hot fuck-cream. “Oh, Reverend,” she whispered a few minutes later as she lay in his
arms. “That was so wonderful.” “It sure was,” he answered. Pressing her softly parted lips to his, she could feel the man’s
deliciously swollen boner burning against her belly. He held her
tightly against him while his fingers goosed around in the soft wiggly
crack between her sweet young asscheeks. “Oh, you naughty man,” she teased when the tip of his finger began
probing around her cute little puckered asshole. “That feels so good.” “Do you really like that?” asked the depraved reverend as he lewdly
wormed his fingertip into the youngster’s hot, tight asshole. “God, yes,” she panted. “I love it.” With his lusty cock throbbing
wildly against the youngster’s belly, he shoved the entire length of
his finger into her asshole. “Does that still feel good?” he excitedly asked. “Fuck, yes,” she giggled. “Now stick two fingers up my ass.” Quickly complying, he drilled a second finger into her deliciously hot
little ass. “Have you ever ass-fucked a girl?” she suddenly asked. “No,” was his honest answer. “But I’ve always wanted to.” “Do you wanta try mine for size?” “Are you serious?” “Sure,” she assured him. “I think it would be fun.” “Aren’t you afraid my cock will hurt you?’ he asked. “We can always stop if it does.” “Okay,” he agreed. “This is something I’ve wanted to do for a long
time.” “Good!” exclaimed the youngster. “I’m ready whenever you are.” Scrambling up onto her hands and knees, the beautiful young girl began
waving her soft, bare ass around in the air as the reverend knelt
behind her. “Be gentle,” she whispered back over her shoulder, feeling him resting
the long, thick underside of his throbbing cock-shaft between the
fleshy cheeks of her deliciously warm little ass. Wanting to reassure her, he reached around and gently cupped a tit in
each hand. “Oooooh, yes,” she breathlessly whimpered, feeling his fingers
manipulating her big lust-swollen nipples, filling her trembling body
with renewed passion. With the warm flesh of her soft asscheeks pressed
against his cock, she shivered with excitement as he continued
massaging and kneading her firm young tits with his tender hands. “Mmmmmm,” she softly moaned with anticipation, feeling the hot
thickness of his hard prick throbbing against her quivering asscheeks.
His incredibly smooth cock-head slipped up and down in the soft crevice
between her wiggly asscheeks. With the naked length of his bloated cock throbbing against the smooth,
warm flesh of her quivering ass, he lovingly jiggled and caressed her
lush tits in his hands as the deliciously resilient flesh rippled
between his fingers. “Oh, Reverend,” she whimpered. “Stick that big beauty up my ass, but,
please, try not to hurt me.” When the cute youngster reached back and parted her asscheeks with her
trembling fingers, the man released her tits and stared excitedly at
the pinkness of her little puckered asshole. Pressing his thumb against
the tight opening, he gently rotated his thumb until it suddenly
plopped through her tiny asshole. “Oooooooh!” the cute blonde squealed with delight. Feeling the girl’s slick, hot asshole squeezing against his thumb, the
reverend excitedly plunged the full length of his thumb in and began
screwing his digit around in the slippery depths of her hot, buttery
asshole. “Oh,” she giggled. “That feels funny, but I like it.” Another soft moan escaped her lips when he pulled his thumb out and
drilled his long middle finger all the way up her ass. “Oooooooh, yes!” she squealed with delight, wriggling her ass around
his deeply embedded finger. “I love it … love it!” After screwing his finger around, trying to relax and enlarge the tiny
opening for his cock, he pulled his finger out and firmly grasped her
hips. Her deliciously rounded ass looked so young and inviting,
gleaming under the soft light coming through the basement window.
Spreading the cheeks of her sweet ass apart with his fingers, the man
excitedly gazed at the small opening he was about to fuck. Not certain
how to enter her tight little asshole without hurting her, he eased the
throbbing head of his prick up against the puckered opening, and then,
grasping her hips firmly, he gently pushed forward. Shoving against
her, the slippery cock-juice that was oozing out from the tip of his
prick seemed to lubricate the tight opening as his throbbing boner
started sliding into her asshole. “Oh, Reverend,” whimpered Marci when his big, bloated cock-head slipped
into her tight, virginal asshole. “Your big prick feels fantastic in my
ass.” As anxious as he was to ram the full length of his cock all the way
into her tight little ass, he remained exceptionally patient, working
his cock in an inch at a time until his prick was finally almost all
the way in. “Ooooooh, that’s so good,” she whispered, when the full length of his
ass-splitting cock was completely buried to the hilt in the slippery
hotness of her tight little asshole. “Your cock feels so good in my
ass.” “Doesn’t it hurt?” he asked. “A little bit,” she admitted. “But I love it.” After letting his hard prick luxuriate in the delicious tightness of
her squeezing asshole for a few unforgettable seconds, he slowly
withdrew his cock until only his bloated prick-head remained inside the
clenched ring of her asshole. Then, taking a deep breath, he drilled
the entire length of his hard boner back into her tight, slippery
asshole with one deep lunge, forcing squeals of joy from her
passionately parted lips. “Wait a second,” gasped the beautiful youngster when he violently
rammed his cock back in again. “That sorta hurts. You’re gonna have to
take it easy until I get used to that big bastard in my ass.” With every inch of his throbbing prick lodged deep in the slippery
hotness of her deliciously stretched asshole and his cum-bloated balls
resting against the hot wetness of her oozing cunt, he paused to allow
the youngster’s little asshole to adjust to the bigness of his prick.
The backs of her softly rounded legs were pressed warmly against the
front of his muscular thighs as he held her firmly against him, letting
his throbbing cock-shaft soak in the squeezing heat of her tight little
asshole. After letting his wildly tingling boner simmer in her cute little
asshole for several heavenly moments, and, feeling her ass muscles
starting to relax, he slowly pulled back, feeling her hot asshole
clasping and clinging passionately to the thickness of his hard cock.
Then pausing for just a split second, he once more drilled the length
of his prick back into her helplessly impaled asshole with one lusty
thrust. “Ooooooh, Reverend!” she squealed with unrestrained joy. “That’s the
way to fuck an asshole! Now just fuck me to death!” With the discomfort completely gone, Marci joyously felt him fuck his
hard cock into her asshole again and again, each wild plunge bringing
her more pleasure than the last. The intense ecstasy in her burning ass
kept increasing as the thickness of his plunging boner rubbed and
massaged against the sensitive flesh of her tight asshole. She could
feel the softly ridged tissues of his gnarly shaft as his cock plunged
in and out through the slippery meat of her hotly aroused asshole. Now his slippery prick was slithering in and out easily, and, from the
churning in his balls, the man knew he’d soon be shooting his hot load
up her ass. The thought of blasting into her asshole seemed to further
arouse him. Kneeling obscenely beneath the reverend’s wildly fucking body, Marci
was shuddering from the ecstasy that was flowing through her. The
beautiful little blonde could feel the feverish pleasure building up in
her burning asshole as she excitedly waited to feel his swirling cum
gush into her ass. “Oh, you sweet ass-fucker!” she cried. “Fuck me harder, Rev! FUCK ME
HARDER!” Urged on by the beautiful little girl’s frenzied squeals, the man began
fucking his hard cock even deeper into her deliciously tight little
ass. She frantically ground her deeply impaled asshole back around his
thrusting prick. “Oh, Jesus, Rev!” she squealed on the verge of hysteria. “Fuck me
good!” God, their hot ass-fuck was so wonderful! Each and every backward
thrust of her horny ass brought her more and more pleasure, and Marci
couldn’t seem to get enough of his wonderful cock in her ass. “Oh, sweet Reverend!” she squealed, frenziedly grinding her cock-
stuffed ass around his wildly pumping prick. “Give me more … more!” As the intense pleasure mounted in her deliciously sodomized body, she
excitedly raised her squirming ass, offering even more of her slippery
asshole for their mutual enjoyment. Writhing hotly beneath him, the
beautiful girl was almost out of her mind from the intense ecstasy she
was feeling. Knowing that the big-cocked reverend was about to shoot his hot load up
her ass, she wildly bucked back against him, trying to work even more
of his swollen prick into her fiery asshole while her sweet young tits
bounced crazily beneath her. “Oh, yes!” she squealed with joy. “Fuck my asshole, Rev! Fuck me to
death!” The man’s face was glazed with lust as he watched his thick cock
disappearing and reappearing in and out of the youngster’s hot little
ass. He was fucking into her asshole with all his power, his eyes
rolling crazily in his head as he felt the velvety-smooth walls of her
tight young ass suck and squeeze against the thick, sensitive length of
his magnificent hard-on. Snorting like a wild stallion, the reverend
held tightly to her hips as he fucked deeper and harder into the
forbidden depths of her little adolescent asshole. “Oh, Rev, it feels so shittin’ good!” Marci squealed as the
unbelievable pleasure in her hot ass increased, the heavenly thickness
of his big rod massaging and rubbing against the sensitive flesh of her
asshole until the youngster thought she’d lose her mind from the
delicious friction. Marci could even feel the softly ridged flesh of
her ass passage clinging hotly and moistly to his massive cock as he
fucked in and out of her deliciously tingling asshole. “COME ON, REV!” she screamed. “FUCK ME HARDER!” Kneeling beneath the wildly humping preacher, Marci’s entire body was
aflame with the ecstasy that was flowing through her. Her deliciously
moist lips were hanging open as wave after wave of perverted pleasure
flooded through her naked body. The squealing youngster could feel the
intense ecstasy mounting in her little, sodomized asshole, and she
momentarily wondered if she might actually reach an orgasm in this
unnatural form of fucking. “Yes, Rev!” she whimpered. “Fuck it to me, honey!” The turned-on youngster was aware of nothing else in the world except
this fantastic ass-fuck she was getting. His horrendously big cock was
almost splitting her open, yet she was loving every ass-stretching
moment of their fuck. Every throbbing inch of hot cock-meat that he was
stuffing up the youngster’s tingling ass was bringing her nothing but
undreamed of joy. “FUCK IT TO ME!” she screamed, driven almost insane by his fantastic
cock. Urged on by her depraved squeals, the preacher fucked his thick boner
even deeper into the cute little girl’s scalding ass. She violently
writhed her blistering asshole around his hard prick. Each backward
thrust of her hot little ass was bringing more and more pleasure to her
deliciously sodomized asshole. “Oh, fuck it to me, Rev!” squealed Marci. “FUCK MY ASS!” Part of the intense pleasure she was feeling was from the knowledge
that she was performing such a depraved act, and the wickedness of
their ass-fuck added immensely to the fun. Never had she experienced
such intense ecstasy. “GODDAMN!” she shrieked. “SHOOT ME THE JUICE!” Marci had thought it was nonsense when she’d once read that some women
were capable of reaching orgasm with ass-fucking, but now she felt that
might even happen to her.
“Jesus!” the man panted to the youngster. “I think I’m gonna shoot my
wad, honey! I don’t think I can hold back much longer!” “Fantastic!” she cried, wriggling her hot asshole more feverishly
around his aching cock. “Shoot it to me, Rev! I think I’m gonna come,
too!” Bucking beneath him like a wild bitch in heat, Marci was rushing toward
a mind-blowing climax. “Here it comes!” shouted the reverend, fucking his prick deeper and
harder into her deliciously burning asshole. “Here comes my jizz!” “Cream me good!” screamed the half-crazed youngster. “Fill my ass!” As his wild orgasm exploded in her, Marci’s entire body began
shuddering and jerking from the intense ecstasy. “OH, SWEET FUCKIN’ JESUS!” she shrieked at the top of her lungs. “I’M
COMING, REV! I’M COMING!” Then she felt his big purple cock-head shoot a thick stream of cum deep
into her ass. “Holy shit!” she exclaimed, falling flat on her belly as he continued
pumping her ass full of jism. “Goddamn!” he exclaimed a few moments later after finally pulling his
limp, wet prick out of her cock-stretched asshole. “That was some wild
fuck.” “It sure was,” she agreed. “And we’re gonna have a lot more before this
afternoon is over!” Chapter 8
The following morning, Abby Walker slept in late which was very rare.
The reverend was an early riser who always ate a hearty breakfast, and
Abby was ordinarily up preparing it for him shortly after sunrise. On
this day, however, her husband had left early to drive over to
Hanksville where he had a breakfast appointment with another minister. Feeling lazy, and with nothing urgent to be done, she was lounging
around in bed with her thoughts on Mae Langford’s big collie dog. She
hadn’t been able to think about much of anything else since the
beautiful animal had fucked her the other night. Spread out on her back without anything on, the sexually aroused woman
was idly fondling her big, full tits. She rarely let the reverend touch
them, but she was rather enjoying the feel of them against her own
fingers this morning. Thinking about the dog’s long, red prick, her
swollen nipples were taut with desire as she teased them with her
fingers, making them stand out even more erect. As the moist heat
increased between her legs, Abby continued slowly rubbing her tits
until her deliciously hard nipples were aching with desire. Excitedly squirming around on her back as she caressed her tits, she
spread her thighs and casually moved her other hand down to the hair-
fringed lips of her hotly oozing pussy. Shivering with excitement, she
probed her finger against the soft, hot flesh of her slippery cunt-hole
that the dog had fucked last Wednesday night. Staring down over her quivering belly, the woman lazily watched her
fingers tenderly part the slippery lips of her hotly leaking cunt. With
her head thrown back against the pillow, the reverend’s feverishly
aroused wife teased her middle finger along the moist furrow until her
finger slipped into her deliciously slippery pussy. Tenderly stroking
the throbbing hardness of her sensitive clit, she felt her clit swell
to a tingling erection. Closing her eyes, the woman began lazily playing with her obscenely
dripping cunt, her soft, bare ass wriggling all over the bed as she
wantonly screwed her finger around deep in her steaming pussy. Her
other hand fondled her tits, her fingers naughtily rolling and pinching
the turgid flesh of her erect nipples. Thinking about how the dog had
fucked his hard cock in and out of her cunt, Abby was becoming more
aroused with every passing second. The woman’s fingers were soon plunging madly in and out of her steaming
pussy as she feverishly stroked herself into a writhing passion. Her
creamy ass was squirming around wildly on the bed as she wantonly
ground her seething pussy up around her plunging finger. Unable to get
the dog’s big, red cock out of her mind, Abby’s finger was fucking in
and out of her pussy at a blinding speed. Panting heavily as the
ecstasy in her cunt increased, the half-crazed woman was fucking her
finger deeper and deeper into her scalding pussy, the intense pleasure
becoming almost more than she could stand. Abby was almost on the verge of reaching a climax when the doorbell
rang. Slipping into a robe, she hurried downstairs to answer the bell.
Opening the door, she was surprised to see Mae Langford standing on the
front porch with her collie on a leash. “Oh, Abby,” the woman blurted. “Would you mind taking care of Scotty
for a few days?” “Certainly not,” murmured the reverend’s wife, her pussy tingling with
delight. “It would be a pleasure.” “I have to go to the city to take care of my sister who is ill,”
explained Mae. “And she lives in a small apartment where pets aren’t
allowed.” “Well, you have nothing to worry about,” Abby assured her. “I’ll take
good care of him for you.” The moment Mae was gone, Abby hurried up to her room with the dog. “Okay, Scotty,” she whispered, spreading herself out naked on the bed.
“Start lickin’, you sweet cunt-lapper.” Without a moment’s hesitation, the dog leaped onto the bed and burrowed
his nose into her smoldering cunt. “Mmmmmmmm,” she softly crooned when the animal’s long, hot tongue
snaked out and swiped up along the length of her hotly oozing pussy.
The intense ecstasy of the tongue-fuck sent delicious chills racing up
and down her spine. She let out another soft moan of delight when the
beautiful, big collie again swiped his tongue over her juicy cunt,
sending more heavenly sensations streaking through her body. Lewdly
spreading her legs farther apart for the animal, she felt his magical
tongue wetly licking from her asshole to her belly as he deliciously
ran his mouth over the flowering lips of her obscenely exposed cunt. “Oh, yes, Scotty,” the woman whimpered. “Lick me good, you beautiful
thing.” The animal’s long, pink tongue wormed in between the woman’s hair-
fringed cunt-lips, sinking deep into her helplessly aroused pussy-hole.
Abby whimpered with joy as Scotty’s tongue drilled in deep between her
wantonly spread legs, reaching up inside her tasty cunt. “Oh, sweet Scotty,” she passionately sobbed as the big collie
feverishly licked into the hot depths of her deliciously open pussy. Thankful that Mae had left this magnificent animal with her, Abby
whimpered with delight as his long thick tongue licked her into a
writhing frenzy. She knew in her heart that God would never forgive her
for committing such a depraved act, but she had never enjoyed anything
so much in her life. Drawing her knees back, the reverend’s hopelessly aroused wife grabbed
the dog’s ears and pulled his panting snout deeper into the slippery
hotness of her scalding cunt. Whimpering softly, the animal drilled his
long tongue even deeper into the slick, hot passage of the woman’s
deliciously ravaged pussy-hole. “Oh, yes, Scotty!” she moaned with joy as the feverishly aroused animal
lapped and licked hungrily into her heated cunt. “That’s the way to eat
pussy.” Glancing down as the animal continued devouring her cunt, Abby suddenly
saw his long, red cock thrusting out from the furry sheath just in
front of his big, dangling balls. His long, pointed dog-prick was red
and slippery with drops of thick juices oozing out from the cock-head. “Oh, Scotty,” she softly whispered to him as the animal hungrily licked
her cunt. “Are you gonna fuck me with that beautiful, big boner?” The reverend’s wife had been thinking about nothing except this dog’s
hard cock since he fucked her last Wednesday night, and now here his
prick was, right in front of her again. “Are you ready to fuck?” she softly crooned as the aroused animal
continued lapping at her pussy. The sight of his long cock was getting her more and more excited, and
she could hardly wait to feel his prick stuffed up between her legs.
Unable to control her depraved desires any longer, the woman pushed
Scotty’s face away from her pussy and quickly got up on her hands and
knees. “Come on, Scotty,” she whispered, waving her bare ass in front of his
nose. “Wanta fuck my hot pussy?” As the animal sat on his haunches directly behind her, Abby reached
back between her legs and gently grasped his slippery red cock and
guided the prick-head toward her open cunt. “Nice doggy,” whispered the woman. “Are you gonna give me a nice hot
fuck?” Letting out an excited whimper, the beautiful big collie suddenly
mounted the woman, drilling the full length of his blood-red cock into
her pussy with one hard thrust. “OH, YES!” she squealed with joy when she felt the animal’s fantastic
boner fucking into her hotly sizzling cunt. Crouched on her hands and knees under the animal’s weight, Abby moaned
with rapture as his long, slippery cock-shaft fucked in and out of her
tingling pussy-hole. “Oh, shit, Scotty!” she excitedly whimpered. “Your prick feels so
fucking good!” Like a bitch in heat, the reverend’s wife kept her creamy ass high in
the air, giving the dog plenty of access to her juicy, hot pussy. Whimpering with joy, Scotty fucked his hard, red boner deeper and
deeper into the woman’s hot, slick pussy. The animal’s furry hips were
just a tan blur as he feverishly fucked his hard prick in and out of
her sopping-wet cunt-hole with the speed of a machine gun. Hunched on her hands and knees beneath the rapidly fucking animal,
Abby’s mouth gaped open as she stared blindly ahead. “YES! YES!” the woman squealed with joy as the big collie increased the
tempo of his rapid fucking. Now, fucking into her as only a dog can fuck, Scotty’s cock zipped in
and out at dizzying speed. His hotly dripping tongue drooled all over
the woman’s naked back. Abby’s big, full tits jiggled and bounced
wildly beneath her as the animal violently rocked her obscenely
crouched body around on the bed. He was almost knocking the breath out
of her with each deep thrust.
“That’s it, you sweet bastard!” she cried. “Just fuck it to me, baby!” The woman’s usually attractive face was distorted with lust, her tongue
lolling out just like the dog’s as she frenziedly slammed her creamy
ass back to meet every deliciously deep plunge of his cock. Almost out
of her mind from the red-hot friction of the animal’s wildly fucking
prick, the hopelessly aroused woman was creaming all over the slippery
length of his cock-shaft, making his prick glisten with her oozing
wetness. “OH, FUCK, DOGGY, FUCK!” she screamed. “Give me more of that beautiful
cock!” The depraved woman’s face was flushed with excitement as she eagerly
took the hard rapid strokes of Scotty’s wildly fucking boner. The
animal’s long, red cock was pumping the slippery juices right out of
her cunt, the sticky discharge splattering all over his furry belly. “Ooooooh, it’s so good … so good!” she whimpered. Like any other dog, there wasn’t anything slow or gentle about the way
he was fucking her. As far as Scotty was concerned, this was just
another bitch with a hole to be filled. Because he usually had to fight
off other dogs to get a piece of ass, nature had taught him to fuck a
cunt as fast as possible before another dog took it away from him. The handsome animal was fucking into her with a powerful savageness,
rocking her naked body all over the bed, making her full-blown tits
bounce and jiggle with joy. Puffing and blowing beneath the feverishly
humping beast, the breath was being almost knocked out of her every
time he fucked his hard prick into her sizzling pussy-hole. The room
was filled with the obscenely squishy sound of his blood-red cock
reaming the hot juices right out of her cunt. The reverend’s wife had never experienced such rapturous ecstasy. Her
face was twisted into an evil grin of lust, her tongue lolling out just
like any other bitch in heat. Rhythmically slamming her ass back to
meet his forward thrusts, Abby’s cunt was tingling from the red-hot
friction as the animal fucked her pussy. “EEEEEEGGGHHH!” she wantonly shrieked in the privacy of her room. “FUCK
IT TO ME, YOU SWEET DOGGY!” The wildly screaming woman was flushed with sexual bliss, squealing
hysterically as she took the repeated thrusts of the animal’s heavenly
boner. “THAT’S IT, SCOTTY!” she cried, clawing at the sheet beneath her.
“THAT’S THE WAY TO FUCK A CUNT!” Thoroughly enjoying the hot slickness of Abby’s juicy pussy-hole, there
was almost a grin on the dog’s face. His white teeth gleaming with joy,
the animal’s long, red tongue was hanging farther out, dripping more
and more moisture onto her back. His hips were jerking with a blinding
speed as he savagely fucked into the slippery hotness of her heavenly
cunt. The fucking was becoming obscenely noisy as the dog’s long cock
continued reaming out the depraved woman’s hotly oozing pussy. Abby was
almost out of her mind with ecstasy as she rapidly approached her
climax. “Oh, sweet Jesus!” she whimpered, raising her deliciously ravaged ass a
bit higher to give her canine lover even better access to her tingling
cunt. “I love that goddamn cock!” The depraved woman’s entire naked body was suddenly sparkling with an
even more intense ecstasy as his steel-hard prick-shaft began vibrating
against her clit. The machine-gun rapidity of the animal’s strokes,
combined with the scalding heat of his long, red cock was carrying the
reverend’s wife to new heights of sexual rapture. Crazed with lust, the dog was fucking even more violently into the
delicious hotness of her juicy cunt, spurred on by the animal instinct
to shoot off his wad. “YES! YES!” squealed the woman. “FUCK THAT HOT CUNT!” Excitedly anticipating each thrust, Abby was whimpering little
obscenities as she rapidly thrust her ass back to meet his deep, hard
plunges. With Scotty’s furry paws wrapped around her waist, the naked
woman was wantonly undulating her bare ass in tight little circles
while the feverishly aroused collie continued fucking into her juicy
cunt from the rear. “Oh, Scotty!” she whimpered, her face glowing with rapture from this
fuck that she needed and wanted so badly. “I just love your nice, long
prick.” The well-fucked woman’s dangling tits were jiggling deliciously beneath
her, swinging to the rhythm of the dog’s rapid thrusts. “OH, FUCK IT!” she cried out as Scotty’s blazing dog-cock fucked in and
out of her lust-slickened pussy-hole. “FUCK IT TO ME!” Almost out of her mind from the overwhelming pleasure she was feeling,
the woman’s wantonly kneeling body swayed obscenely under the animal’s
pounding thrusts. “FUCK! FUCK!” she screamed at the dog, wanting him to fuck her deeper
and faster. “FUCK THAT CUNT, BABY!” Remembering how good she had felt when Scotty shot his hot load into
her cunt the other night, Abby could hardly wait for him to come in her
again. “FUCK! FUCK!” she kept screaming, thrilled that she was once more being
savagely fucked by this magnificent animal. Almost out of her mind from the glorious rapture she was feeling, the
depraved woman wantonly writhed her feverishly hot cunt back around the
throbbing length of Scotty’s fucking cock. Squeals of prurient delight
were emanating from Abby’s parched throat as she writhed beneath the
collie’s big body. Her hair was hanging down over her beautiful,
flushed face as she knelt beneath the wildly thrusting animal. “Oh, sweet doggy!” she mindlessly whimpered. “Fuck that cunt!” Feeling an orgasm building deep in her pussy, the depraved bitch
screwed her cunt back hotly around the animal’s blistering dog-prick.
Panting heavily as he deeply fucked into her, the huge animal’s tongue
lolled out of his mouth, still dribbling spit all over the depraved
woman’s back. “OH, SHIT!” she suddenly screamed, writhing back against the feverishly
humping dog when she felt his scalding-hot cum gushing into her cunt.
“THAT’S IT, BABY! CREAM ME GOOD! SHOOT THAT JUICE!” Starting her own orgasm, the nearly hysterical woman’s cunt began
convulsing wildly around the dog’s obscenely spurting cock. “SQUIRT, BABY, SQUIRT!” she insanely squealed with joy. “I’M COMING
WITH YOU!” It was the most wonderful thing that had ever happened to the woman,
and when the dog finally stopped filling her spasming pussy with his
slippery jizz, he pulled his limp, red prick out of her cunt. “Oh, Scotty,” she whispered, collapsing on the bed. “I sure hope Mae
leaves you with me for a long time.” Chapter 9
After dinner that night, Reverend Walker kept watching his wife through
the corner of his eye. There was a radiant glow in her smile that he
hadn’t seen for years, and he couldn’t understand what had brought it
on. The reverend had always known that his wife was attractive and had
an extremely nice figure, but tonight she looked absolutely beautiful. As the evening dragged on, he felt a tingling in his cock whenever he
looked at her. By the time they were ready for bed, Reverend Walker had
a horrendous hard-on. As they walked up the stairs to their bedroom
together, the man was dying to fuck her. He realized Abby wasn’t very enthusiastic about sex, but she would
occasionally agree to fuck, and he fervently hoped this would be one of
the times. He wished she would suck his cock like Marci did, but he
knew that would be out of the question with his wife. He would be lucky
to just get a piece of ass in the proper missionary position. Lying in bed, waiting for his wife while she discreetly disrobed and
put on her nightie in the privacy of a closet, he wondered if her pussy
would taste as sweet as Marci’s. Of course, he realized she’d never
allow him to eat her cunt. Shortly after they were first married, he’d
asked her to suck his cock, but she’d raised so much hell about it that
he never mentioned cock-sucking again. That was the one thing that bothered him about their marriage–the dull
routine of the same missionary position. God, how he wished they could
put a little variety into their bedroom games. Because of the boredom,
he’d turned more and more to other women for his sexual release, but
tonight he was extremely excited by her. When she finally crawled into bed with him, the reverend drew her into
his arms. As he pressed his lips to hers, Abby was a bit surprised
because he seldom kissed her anymore. The feel of his hard cock
throbbing against her through the material of her nightie seemed to
faintly excite her. Three wild fucks with the dog today had left her in
a rather horny mood. “James,” she softly whispered to her husband. “Do you want to make love
tonight?” “I sure do,” he answered, still hoping that she might give him a blow-
job someday. Moving under the covers, Abby squirmed around until she
had her nightie off. “It’s sure been a long time,” said the reverend as he got out of bed
and removed his pajamas. “Oh, honey,” she whispered, noticing how big his cock looked as he got
back into bed. “Your thing looks larger than usual.” “It’s the same old prick,” he said bluntly as she lowered her head to
get a better look at his cock. “Look at that,” she said, momentarily resting her face on his belly.
“It’s getting bigger.” Suddenly feeling the heat of her breath on his cock as she studied the
length of his prickshaft, the man seemed to lose his mind. Trembling
like a leaf, he began pressing on the back of her head, hoping she
would take his tingling cock-head into her mouth. “Oh, God!” he blurted, giving her head a gentle nudge. “Please lick the
end of my prick.” “WHAT?” she gasped, springing up to a sitting position. “Please suck my cock.” he begged, his entire body shaking with lust. “You fuckin’ asshole!” she shouted at him. “Get away from me!” “What the hell’s bugging you?” he roared back at her. “Other wives suck
their husbands off.” “Bullshit!” she screamed at him. “Only sluts and whores would do
anything that filthy and depraved.” “Goddamn it!” he shouted, his entire body shaking with both rage and
lust. “Suck me off!” “Get away from me, you filthy beast!” she screamed, clawing at his face
with her nails. “Don’t you ever come near me again!” Roughly grabbing the woman, he threw her down on her back and straddled
her chest, his big hard prick pointing right at her mouth. “Now suck it!” he shouted, his ass pressing down on her full tits. “I won’t do it, you filthy pig!” she spat at him. “I said suck it!” he shouted again. “No, you rotten bastard!” Grabbing her long hair in his hand, he began pulling and twisting it
until the frightened woman was afraid he’d pull her hair out by the
roots. “EEEEEEEEGGGHHH!” she screamed from the searing pain. The usually gentle man would never dream of inflicting this cruelty on
her in his right mind, but tonight he’d lost all control of himself.
The years of pent-up frustration had exploded, turning him into a wild
animal. Afraid he might even kill her in his deranged state of mind, she
helplessly grasped the thick base of his wildly throbbing prick-shaft
and brushed his big cock-head across her half-parted lips. Closing her
eyes so she wouldn’t have to took at his prick, her trembling hand
guided his huge cock into her mouth. At first he sat perfectly still on her squashed tits, enjoying the
sight of his thick prick embedded between his wife’s ovalled lips.
Holding her head in his hands, he began moving her head up and down so
her slippery mouth would slide back and forth over his sensitive cock-
shaft. His entire body began trembling from the feel of her warm, wet
tongue and lips working on his spit-coated prick. As the excitement
mounted in his cock, he suddenly thrust his hips forward, drilling his
big boner further into her mouth, forcing her head back down on the
pillow. Abby almost gagged as his thick, oozing prick-head pressed against the
back of her throat, but, afraid he would inflict more pain on her, she
continued valiantly sucking on his hard cock. “That’s the way,” he panted, pumping his gnarly prick in and out of her
mouth. “See how much fun cock-sucking is.” God, how she hated this vile, disgusting man! She couldn’t believe this
was the same gentle husband she’d lived with for so many years. “Now that wasn’t so bad, was it?” he said, an evil grin on his face as
he pulled his wet prick out of her mouth. “Now I’ll give you that hot
fuck you wanted so badly.” “No, James,” she whispered, tears welling up in her eyes. “I don’t want
you to ever touch me again. From now on you can pay whores to do those
filthy things to you.” “That’s okay with me,” he said, leering at her as he moved down and
roughly parted her thighs. “But I’m going to give you one last fuck to
remember me by.” “Please don’t,” she sobbed as he guided his pulsing cock-head up
against her numb cunt-lips. “I’m too dry in there! I can’t take it!” He was panting and snorting like a wild bull as his big body moved over
hers. Feeling the head of his prick pressing between her dry cunt-lips,
she closed her eyes and bit her lips to keep from screaming. “Here it comes,” he panted, “and you better not give me any more shit!” “No, James!” she pleaded, tears running down her cheeks. “Please
don’t!” A searing pain streaked through her entire body as his hard boner
knifed up into her dry pussy. The woman had never felt such intense
discomfort in her life. “STOP!” she shrieked. “You’re killing me!” Ignoring her squeals, he kept pushing until he’d forced every inch of
his steel-hard cock into her dry, burning cunt. “Goddamn you!” she sobbed, feeling the thick length of his swollen cock
lodged in her pussy. “I hate you!” In spite of the pain and her revulsion for him, the feel of a big cock
in her cunt started her juices flowing. The pain had completely
vanished, and, when he began slowly fucking his prick in and out, Abby
could feel her tight inner flesh becoming warm and slippery. Against
her will, the woman’s body started responding to his deep thrusts. “Does my cock feel good now?” he whispered to her as he rhythmically
fucked his big prick in and out of her rapidly responding cunt. “No!” she snapped. Abby didn’t want to admit it to him, but, as her hot juices began
flowing around his thick boner, a delicious rapture spread throughout
her body. “Mmmmmmmmm … ooooooo … mmmmmmmmm,” she mewled, no longer able to
hide her burning ecstasy from him. “Do you still think I’m a filthy pig?” he panted as he increased the
tempo of his thrusts. “God, no,” she whispered, every last vestige of her hate completely
gone. “I love your prick. With his wonderful cock plunging deeper into her hotly creaming pussy-
hole, she was clinging tightly to him, squealing from the intense joy
he was bringing her. As her juices poured more profusely, his prick was
slithering much more easily in and out of her slippery cunt, each
thrust pounding her ass deeper into the mattress. Lost in his wild lust, the reverend was frenziedly fucking into his
wife, aware of nothing but the incredible pleasure that was streaking
up and down the tingling length of his hard cock. Pounding his thick
prick into her pussy for all he was worth, he was sending shivers of
unbelievable ecstasy flooding through his wife’s naked flesh, sending
waves of rapturous delight washing through her writhing cunt. No longer feeling the shame and disgust that she’d felt earlier when he
forced her to suck on his cock, Abby was now thoroughly enjoying
herself. “Oh, shit, honey!” she excitedly whimpered. “This feels so good!” Becoming more heatedly aroused with every hard thrust of her husband’s
thick prick, Abby wrapped her deliciously naked legs tightly around his
lurching body. Sobbing with delight, she feverishly ground her sopping
pussy up around his throbbing boner, trying desperately to get more and
more of his bloated cock into her steaming cunt-hole. “Oh, God, darling,” she sobbed, pulling his face down to hers, slipping
her tongue into his panting mouth. With their lips welded passionately
together, the woman sensually explored his mouth with her tongue. She hadn’t been very interested in fucking, but, now, writhing and
bucking beneath him, she couldn’t seem to get enough of the man’s cock.
Her flaming lust increased with each heavenly thrust of his big boner. “FUCK HARDER!” she screamed. “JUST FUCK ME TO DEATH!” More sexually aroused than he’d been in years, the reverend quickly
increased the tempo and depths of his fucking. “OOOOOOOH, YES!” squealed Abby, thoroughly enjoying the way he was
fucking his hard cock into her. Her hot, tingling pussy hungrily
welcomed every mighty plunge of his rampaging boner. She couldn’t
remember when her husband had ever fucked her with such fervor and
authority. Clinging passionately to him, Abby was almost hysterical
with joy. She bucked and churned beneath him. “Jesus Christ, honey!” he gasped. “I’ve never seen you like this
before.” “That’s because you’ve never fucked me like this before,” she gasped. As the reverend increased the tempo of their fuck, he began driving his
cock even deeper into his wife’s hotly sucking pussy. Abby could feel
her hot slick cunt expanding and contracting wildly around the
thickness of his big, plunging cock. Violently slamming her hips up to
meet his delicious thrusts, Abby’s seething cunt was gulping hungrily
on his bloated cock-head. The woman’s slippery, oily juices were
creaming all over his well-lubricated prick-shaft as they frenziedly
fucked each other. “Harder!” she shouted. “I’m almost there!” The burning pleasure in her fiery pussy was almost blowing the woman’s
mind as they passionately fucked themselves into a wild delirium. Abby
felt that if the intense rapture increased anymore, she would literally
explode. Yet, as she desperately clung to him, the ecstasy mounted and
mounted. “OH, FUCK HONEY!” she screamed. “FUCK IT TO ME! FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!” The
glorious feeling of his thick cock fucking in and out of her overheated
cunt was almost unbelievable. Screaming little unintelligible
obscenities, Abby’s lovely face was distorted with passion while her
head flopped crazily from side to side on the pillow. Her eyes stared
sightlessly at the ceiling, her face a hedonistic mask of lust as she
writhed and bucked beneath her wildly fucking husband. Abby was reaching a point where she didn’t think she could stand
another second of this agonizing rapture, yet she was screaming for
more. “FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!” she chanted, wildly slamming her pussy up to get
the deepest penetration from every stroke of his big, blistering prick. Aware that he was rapidly approaching a climax, the man was speeding
the tempo of his violent fucking, trying to bring her off before he
shot his hot load into her. “YES! YES!” she screamed. “MAKE ME COME, BABY! MAKE ME COME! I’M ALMOST
THERE … ALMOST THERE!” Abby’s body was filled with a heat she had never experienced before. It
felt as if every nerve in her wildly lurching body was on fire. The
unbelievable ecstasy burning between her legs and through her body was
beyond description. “Ooooooooh!” she mewled, clutching him tighter in her arms. “That feels
so fuckin’ good!” The reverend began slamming his cock into her with longer, harder
strokes. “That’s it, honey!” she sobbed. “Fuck me good!” Reaching down and grasping her ass, he pulled her cunt up tighter
around his thrusting cock. Clutching her wiggly asscheeks in his palms,
he began slamming his cock up her hot, slippery pussy passage at an
even faster pace. As he drove his cock-shaft in and out, he goosed his fingers into the
soft crack between her soft, round asscheeks. “Oooooooh, Christ!” she squealed with joy when one of his probing
fingers brushed across her puckered asshole. Encouraged by her squeals of delight, he plunged his finger deep into
her ass. “Oh, yes, honey!” she squealed, lifting her asscheeks off the bed. “All
the way, baby! Ram your finger all the way up my asshole!” Plunging his finger in, the reverend couldn’t believe that his
puritanical wife was behaving like this. Her lovely face was distorted
with passion, and her shapely legs were kicking frantically in the air
as his lewdly embedded finger lifted her ass to better receive every
thrust of his fucking cock. Abby suddenly wondered what her husband would say if he knew a big
collie dog had been fucking into this same cunt only a few hours ago.
As she raced closer and closer toward a climax, she suddenly felt as if
every nerve in her body was centered around her cunt. “Oh, sweetheart!” she sobbed as she began riding his wonderful prick
over the crest of a wondrous orgasm. “Oh, sweet darling, I’m coming …
COMING … COMMMMIIIIINNNNNGGGG!” Later, as they both sprawled out naked on the bed, Abby was filled with
the warmest afterglow that she had ever experienced. Glancing down, she
suddenly noticed that his limp prick was starting to swell again. When
his cock had reached a full erection, Abby decided it was probably only
fair that she should start sucking him off if blow-jobs meant so much
to him. “What are you doing?” he gasped when his wife lowered her face down
toward his new boner. “I’m gonna suck you off,” she whispered, gently taking his big, stiff
cock in her hand. Tenderly holding his prick, she could feel the hot
blood pumping through the extended veins of his magnificent cock. Recalling that his cock had tasted rather pleasant when her husband
forced his prick into her mouth a little while ago, she lightly flicked
the tip of her tongue across his cockhead. Clutching the base of his
thick prick-shaft, Abby began greedily licking on the big mushroom-
shaped cock-head. When her hot, wet tongue made contact with the
sensitive underside of his prick-head, she felt him lurch with
excitement. Realizing that she’d discovered an erotic nerve center,
Abby continued nibbling at the area with a feather-light pressure that
was driving him wild. Momentarily deserting the super-sensitive nerve center, she began
licking up and down the entire length of his hard cock-shaft. His thick
cock was saturated with her hot, wet spit. The reverend’s legs were
trembling with excitement as the horny woman’s tongue continued
hungrily licking the entire underside of his throbbing prick. He could
hardly control his shaking legs when her hot mouth and tongue reached
his lusty balls. Thrilled with the exciting taste and aroma of his ball-sac, Abby was
soon sucking her husband’s balls in and out of her slurping mouth. The
crinkly texture of the skin around his ball-sac felt erotic against her
lips. Finally sliding her lips back up along the underside of his hard,
glistening cock-shaft, she opened her lips wide and took the shiny
prick-head deep into her eager mouth. “Oh, my God!” gasped the reverend as her soft, tender lips closed
tightly around the tasty head of his cock. Sucking deeply, her tongue licking rapidly around the base of his
prick-head, Abby began pumping her leeching lips up and down over his
cock-head. With each plunge of her head, she was taking more and more
of his big prick into her mouth. “Holy shit!” he sobbed in a shaken voice. “Don’t stop, honey! Just keep
suckin’!” Frantically curling his fingers into her long hair, he forced her mouth
down farther over his trembling cock. “Here it comes!” he shouted. Abby was not prepared for the huge hot stream of cum that suddenly
exploded out of his throbbing cockhead. She had to swallow rapidly as
his jerking prick continued filling her mouth with fuck-cream. Though
the bitter-sweet taste of his jizz was new to Abby, she found the taste
strangely exciting. She frantically sucked on his spurting cock, not
wanting to miss a single drop of this new taste treat. Chapter 10
The next day, Reverend Walker had to drive out to Marci’s farm to pick
up a list that she had prepared for the picnic, and he took Abby with
him for the drive. While her husband and the girl were going over some
of the details, Abby decided to take a walk out by the barn. The woman had just walked around the corner of the building when she
saw Marci’s big brother, Kirk. His pants and shorts were down around
his ankles and he was trying to insert his hard cock into a nanny
goat’s cunt. Completely stunned, she just stared at them, unable to
speak or move. From the way the goat was excitedly trembling as she
patiently waited, it was obvious that Kirk had fucked her many times
before. Bent over behind the animal, Kirk was probing his cock-head
against the soft flesh of her open cunt. Unable to believe what she was seeing, Abby stared wide eyed as she
watched the boy’s hard prick slowly slipping through the juicy opening
of the nanny goat’s pussy. There was a wild grin of ecstasy on the
young man’s face as he worked his naked cock into the warm slickness of
the goat’s hot cunt-hole. Watching how the animal was rearing back against him, trying to get
more cock into her cunt, Abby could see how much the goat wanted to
fuck. When the young farm boy had the entire throbbing length of his
hard boner completely buried in the heavenly hotness of the goat’s
pussy, he began fucking his cock in and out. The glazed expression in
the bleating animal’s eyes told Abby how much she was thoroughly
enjoying the fuck. Having loved Scotty’s dog-cock so much, Abby could understand how much
fun Kirk was having as he quickened his thrusts. There was something
about sex with an animal that was absolutely fantastic. Watching the
young man’s hard cock fucking in and out between the goat’s juicy cunt-
lips was driving Abby wild. Turned on by the sight of Kirk’s juice-
slickened boner fucking into the animal’s steaming pussy, Abby raised
her skirt and began finger-fucking her pussy through the leg opening of
her panties. Each time he slammed his naked prick in, Abby could see a
hot stream of slippery cunt juice oozing out from between the goat’s
cock-squeezing pussy-lips. Bleating excitedly, the feverishly aroused goat was slamming her hot
cunt back around the boy’s plunging prick while Kirk fucked his cock
deeper and deeper into her sizzling pussy-hole. Wildly fingering her
deliciously erect clit, Abby stared at the goat’s pink pussy as her
cunt-lips grasped and sucked on Kirk’s slashing prick. Seeing the way the goat was writhing and twisting under the fucking
youth, the reverend’s wife could tell how much the goat was enjoying
the fuck. Staring excitedly, Abby held her skirt up with one hand while
she wildly fingered her clit with the other. The sight of Kirk’s hard
cock fucking noisily into the animal’s slippery cunt was almost blowing
her mind. Kirk was almost on the verge of shooting his hot load into the goat’s
deliciously hot cunt when he glanced up and saw the reverend’s wife
watching him, feverishly finger-fucking herself. “Don’t stop!” shouted Abby when she saw the embarrassed youth start to
pull his cock out. “Keep fucking! I wanta watch!” Anxious to blast off his big load of jizz, the young man resumed his
frantic fucking. “That’s it, Kirk!” the preacher’s wife cheered him on. “Make her come!” Suddenly hearing a snorting sound, Abby glanced to her left and saw a
beautiful young horse excitedly pawing at the ground with his front
hoofs. The sight and odor of Kirk fucking the goat must have turned the
stallion on because he had a horrendous hard-on. His big magenta-
colored cock was deliciously long and thick as his prick throbbed out
from beneath the brown horse’s smooth belly. Instantly recalling how good Scotty’s dog-prick had felt in her cunt,
Abby suddenly wondered how this big beauty of a cock would feel. As if
in a daze, she slowly walked over to where the beautiful steed was
excitedly pawing the ground. Standing next to the magnificent beast,
Abby instinctively reached under his belly, her fingers seeking his
big, swollen balls. She could feel his entire body trembling as she
lightly caressed his cum-filled balls. “Goddamn,” she giggled to the horse. “You’re really hung.” Tenderly stroking his balls, the reverend’s wife stared excitedly at
his deliciously big boner. Still fondling his balls with one hand, she
used the fingers of the other to rub the hard slippery surface of his
throbbing cockshaft. As she stroked his prick a bit more vigorously, she suddenly noticed a
big, bubbling drop of cum fluid oozing out from the tip of his big
cock. Kneeling below his belly, the reverend’s depraved wife swiped her
hot, wet tongue across the head of the horse’s prick, making the
magnificent steed whinny with excitement. Thrilled with the taste of
his milky discharge, she clutched the thick, meaty base of his
cockshaft in both hands and rubbed the head of his prick against her
soft cheeks and neck. Taking a deep breath, she began licking the
sensitive tip of his massive boner, and from the way he was trembling,
she could tell how much the big stud was enjoying her tongue. Becoming hornier by the second, she was soon slurping noisily on the
horse’s hard, thick cock while her feverishly lapping tongue soaked the
head of his prick with spit. More aroused than she had ever been in her
life, she passionately worked her lips and tongue back along the
sensitive underside of his heavenly boner until the full length of his
cock was completely soaked. Whinnying excitedly, the beautiful brown stallion began pawing the
ground more urgently with his hoofs. Taking another deep breath, Abby then opened her mouth as wide as
possible and wrapped her juicy lips around his bloated cock-head.
Little beads of perspiration were standing out on her upper lip as her
grasping mouth deliciously sucked and pulled on his magnificent boner. Momentarily releasing his swollen prickhead from her mouth, the
reverend’s wife once more started licking her hot, wet tongue up and
down the entire length of his cockshaft. The whinnying stallion lurched
wildly as Abby continued fondling his balls while she licked his tasty
cock. Finally deciding to rest for a minute, the woman slowly stood up to
catch her breath. She was barely on her feet when the animal suddenly
lowered his head and pushed his muzzle up under her dress, nuzzling his
nose in between her naked legs. Anxious to feel his big tongue on her
pussy Abby quickly pulled up her skirt and dropped her panties. “Oh, my God!” she sobbed as the wildly aroused steed began licking her
steamy cunt with his magnificent big, wet tongue. Trembling so strongly that her legs could hardly support her, Abby
suddenly noticed a bale of hay next to the fence. Knowing the horny
horse would follow her, she moved over and spread herself out on the
bale, her legs spread wide so that the horse’s tongue could get at her
cunt. “Ooooooh, yes,” she moaned in ecstasy as the magnificent stallion began
passionately licking her hotly oozing cunt. “God, Mrs. Walker,” gasped Kirk who’d finished fucking the goat. “That
sonovabitch sure digs your pussy.” “And I sure dig his tongue,” she replied with a giggle. The way the big stud’s rough tongue was licking around her pussy was
the most exciting thing Abby had ever felt. She was almost out of her
mind with ecstasy as his thick, moist tongue continued licking and
lapping her frothy, hot cunt. Finally pulling his head out from between her widely splayed thighs,
the horse began moving up over her body with a leg on each side of the
bale. It wasn’t until she felt his huge cockhead probing against her
cunt that she knew what he had in mind. “Goddamn!” gasped Kirk. “I think the silly bastard wants to fuck you!” “I know he does,” Abby grinned. “That big cock will split you open,” said Kirk. “Shall I pull him
away?” “No thanks,” she giggled. “Cunts are made to stretch.” “Do you want him to fuck you?” gasped Kirk in an unbelieving voice. “Fuck, yes!” she excitedly answered. “That’s a real cock.” Trembling with anticipation, the reverend’s wife reached up and took
the horse’s throbbing boner in both hands. With her legs spread wide
apart she began rubbing his enormously swollen cock-head between her
hotly leaking pussy-lips. “Okay, baby,” she softly whispered. “Now start fuckin’.” As if he understood what she said, the powerful stallion suddenly
reared back and drilled his cock into her with one thunderous thrust. “EEEEEEGGGGHHHH!” she screamed with both shock and ecstasy. Just before he entered her, Abby had momentarily wondered if fucking a
horse might be painful, but her elastic pussy had deliciously stretched
to take the stud’s big prick, and now she felt nothing but an ecstatic
glow in her cunt-hole. “Oh, sweet fuckin’ Jesus!” She smiled at wide-eyed Kirk as the bigness
of this horse-boner plowed deeper and deeper into the hot slick depths
of her juicy cunt tunnel. “This is a real cock!” Her entire body began tingling with rapture when the gallant steed
started fiercely fucking his massive prick in and out of her juicy
pussy. “Holy piss!” she exclaimed as her snug cunt sheath sucked on the hot
thickness of his wildly fucking cock. “This has gotta be the greatest
cock in the world!” “Does it hurt at all?” Kirk excitedly asked. “Fuck, no! His prick feels fantastic!” The woman’s body gyrated madly beneath the feverishly fucking stallion
as she spiraled her hungry cunt up and down over the slippery length of
his thrusting cock. Her creamy, bare ass was writhing shamelessly on
the bale of hay as the screaming pleasure intensified in her pussy. The
depraved woman’s eyes were aflame with her prurient passions as
uncontrollable lust raged through her helplessly aroused body. Her
sizzling cunt was clasping obscenely to the long thickness of his
slippery horse-cock. “OH, SWEET PISSIN’ CHRIST!” she screamed. “FUCK IT! FUCK THAT CUNT!” Shrieking obscenities to the magnificent stallion, she grabbed and
squeezed his big, lusty balls. Abby was so involved in her depraved
animal-fuck that she didn’t notice her husband and Marci when they came
around the corner of the barn. “My God!” Reverend Walker gasped to Kirk. “What the hell’s going on
here!” “It looks like fuckin’ to me,” Kirk said smugly. “Or it could be a rodeo,” Marci added. “Except the horse is riding the
person.” “Oh, you sweet fuckin’ bastard!” they heard Abby cry as the horse
quickened the tempo of his long, deep thrusts. “I’ve never felt
anything so shittin’ good in my life!” The thick meatiness of the big stud’s fantastic cock was carrying the
writhing woman to new heights of ecstasy as his prick drilled deeper
and deeper into her deliciously stretched pussy. “Ooooooooh!” she moaned in ecstasy, an unbelievable joy sweeping
through her body as the magnificent steed continued fucking his prick
in and out. The thickness of his plunging boner rubbing against the
sensitive flesh of her deliciously stretched cunt walls was enough to
blow her mind. “Are you okay?” Marci excitedly asked as she knelt down to get a better
view of the woman’s incredibly stretched cunt. “Fuck, yes!” cried Abby. “You ought to try him! I’ve never felt
anything so shittin’ good in my life!” On and on they fucked until the reverend’s wife was nearly hysterical. “YES! YES!” she suddenly screamed, feeling the animal once more
quickening his thrusts as he rapidly approached his climax. “FUCK IT TO
ME!” Frantically scratching the horse’s sleek belly as she wantonly waved
her legs around, Abby could feel an orgasm building up deep in her
“FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!” she chanted. Again and again the magnificent stallion fucked into her. Little Marci
moved closer to get a better look. As the ecstasy increased in Abby’s
loins, she felt the stud’s legs jerking and trembling spasmodically,
and she realized he was about to shoot his load. “FUCK, BABY, FUCK!” she cried. “CREAM MY CUNT, YOU BIG BEAUTY!” Frantically thrusting her hips up off the bale, Abby was taking more
and more of the beautiful steed’s cock. Her legs waving crazily in the
air, the wantonly aroused woman was screaming out a torrent of
obscenities as the wildly snorting stallion fucked deeper and harder
into her deliciously stretched cunt. “OH, SHIT!” she suddenly cried at the top of her lungs. “HERE I COME!
OH, SHIT, I’M COMING … COMMMIINNNGGG!” As the depraved woman exploded into her mind-blowing orgasm, she could
feel the beautiful steed’s thick horse-cum gushing into her cock-
squeezing cunt. His massive discharge seemed to never end as his jizz
gushed into her writhing belly like water out of a fire hose. Writhing
through the most intense orgasm she’d ever had, the nearly hysterical
woman could feel her cunt fill to overflowing. Then the cum started
oozing back out from between her cock-grasping cunt-lips. When the animal finally pulled his long, fat prick out, he slowly
backed away from the bale. “Goddamn, look at that,” Marci panted, excitedly staring at the thick
coat of cum and cunt juice that covered his half-hard cock. Then, unable to control her lust any longer, the horny little blonde
grasped his prick in both hands and began wildly licking the slippery
juices from his cock-shaft. The magnificent animal had just shot his
wad, but, as the cute, young girl passionately tongued his prick, his
body began jerking excitedly. Feeling the beautiful stallion’s cock
starting to expand, little Marci began sucking harder, anxious to feel
his prick in her own horny pussy. As his big magenta-colored cock
continued to swell, the cute blonde deliciously teased his balls with
her fingers. Trembling with excitement, Marci ran her soft, moist lips
and tongue all up and down his prick-shaft, impatiently trying to get
his cock hard again. With the minister, his wife and her brother all
watching, Marci was completely lost in her lust. Not giving a shit what
they thought about her, the only thing that mattered was getting this
horse’s cock hard again. She could feel the hot wetness increasing
between her legs, and she could hardly wait to have her sizzling pussy
hosed out by the cock of this beautiful stallion. Passionately mouthing the animal’s prick, the cute little youngster was
playfully teasing his balls with her fingers. Tenderly fondling his
smooth ball-sac, she continued running her warm, wet tongue up and down
his slippery cock. Getting hotter by the second, Marci could feel the slippery juices
leaking out from between her little gold-fringed pussy-lips. She
deliciously sucked and slurped on the horse’s rapidly swelling cock.
Having never been so completely aroused in her life, Marci could hardly
wait to feel his massive boner in her cunt. “Oh, shit!” exclaimed her brother who was excitedly watching. “He’s got
another hard-on.” “I know,” gasped Marci as she removed her mouth from his cock and
rapidly stripped. “Now I hope he’ll fuck me.” “He will,” Abby assured her when she saw the animal trying to lick
Marci’s cunt. “Just spread out on that bale of hay. He’s more than
ready now.” The moment Marci was positioned on the bale, the big horse moved his
body over hers. “Nice horsy,” Marci whispered, grasping his thick cock and brushing the
head of his prick against her slippery cunt-lips. “Are you gonna give
me a nice hot fuck?” A delicious ripple raced down her spine when she felt the stud’s big,
swollen cock-head part the juicy lips of her pussy. Further aroused by
the thrilling size of his magnificent prick, the youngster could hardly
control herself as she felt his cock slowly entering her juicy cunt. A
delicious ecstasy swept through her body when his wonderful, big boner
sank into her little deliciously stretched pussy-hole. “Oh, shit,” she whispered, a dreamy expression glowing on her face as
his long, thick cock slowly filled her horny cunt. “Now just fuck me
silly, you big beauty.” When the big, brown stallion began fucking his throbbing cock-shaft in
and out between the youngster’s wantonly spread legs, she was thrilled
at the way his thick prick pressed out against the tight walls of her
incredibly stretched pussy. Her thick, bubbling cunt juices soon had
the magnificent stud’s steel-hard cock all slick and slippery as his
prick squished noisily in and out of her frothy young pussy. Writhing beneath the beautiful horse, the horny little blonde’s cunt
muscles were sucking and pulling hotly around the entire thick length
of his plunging cock-shaft. Squirming and twisting around on the hay,
Marci couldn’t seem to get enough of the horse’s big, fourteen-inch
cock as the magnificent prick plunged in and out of her little
deliciously impaled pussy. “OH, YES!” she frenziedly squealed at the top of her lungs. “THAT’S THE
WAY TO FUCK A HOT LITTLE CUNT!” The beautiful blonde had never enjoyed a fuck as much as this fuck. Her
deliciously stretched pussy loved every deep plunge of the snorting
stallion’s thrusting boner. The fantastic horse-fuck was bringing her
more unadulterated joy than she had ever felt in her life. Gripping the
bale of hay beneath her, Marci feverishly thrust her hips up to meet
every deep plunge of his cock. “Holy piss!” she whimpered. “This feels so fuckin’ good!” Marci suddenly felt the horse’s big cock swelling even thicker as he
quickened the tempo of his thrusts. Aware that the wildly aroused
stallion was about to shoot his load, the horny youngster planted her
feet flat on the bale of hay and ground her cunt up around his
thrusting boner. “FUCK! FUCK! FUCK!” she shouted, her big, blue eyes rolling crazily
YOUR WONDERFUL COCK!” Her fantastic climax was further enhanced when she felt a torrent of
horse-jizz gushing into her cunt. “JUICE ME, BABY!” she shouted in ecstasy. “I’M COMING! I’M COMING!” The big, trembling stud continued fucking until he had emptied the very
last of his animal-spunk into the youngster’s hot little pussy. “Goddamn,” said her brother when the horse finally pulled his thick,
limp prick out of her pussy. “I guess you’ll never be satisfied with
the goat again.” “Yeah,” sighed the reverend. “I guess you’re finished with me, too.” “Not on your life!” cried Marci as she winked at Abby. “We’re both
ready for you guys right now.” “That’s right,” the reverend’s wife agreed wantonly. “I’m ready to fuck
all afternoon.”