The hottest HOTWIFE

The alarm clock on the nightstand started ringing at seven o’clock, as usual, and Bonnie Evans reached over sleepily and turned it off. Norman, her husband of almost three years, hadn’t even heard it, and he slept on, curled on his side under a mound of blankets with his back to Bonnie. She looked at him thoughtfully for a moment before moving to wake him for work.

That she’d awakened with a feverish itch — more of a tingling, actually — deep in her cunt, did not surprise her in the least. Her hairy cunt was dripping wet the crotch of her filmy blue panties already soaked with warm, oily moisture. She was as horny for the feel of a man’s hard cock as she could ever remember being. To Norman, she knew, it would make no difference at all.
Norman had shied away from making love to her for over a month now, his excuse always that he was too tired or not in the mood. His eyes would always look away from her when she pressed him on it, and then — to her constant chagrin — he would quickly change the subject with a nervous laugh.

Bonnie could well understand at least part of the problem. Norman was being overworked at the tire store he managed in town, and he usually got home dead tired. Business was bad, and the worse it got, the harder he worked. Bonnie could hardly hold that against him, but for him to be too exhausted to even climb on top of her once in the last month was just too much for her to bear.

It wasn’t as if she was ugly, because she was anything but that. At twenty-two, she was probably the best-looking woman in all of Carter, Illinois — at least, Norman had always told her that when they were first married. Her hair was long and lustrous, pitch black and silky, and it hung almost to her slender waist. Her deep-blue eyes only made her already pretty face seem even prettier. And her body — slim, but round and firm in the right places — got glances and whistles of approval wherever she went.

And so, every time Norman ignored her when she stood nude before him and offered herself, it crushed her with disappointment. Only two years alder than she was, he was hardly an old man, and it didn’t seem fair to Bonnie that their sex life was already heading for the downhill slopes.

He was still lying there sound asleep, and she reached over and shook his shoulder gently.

“Time to get up, Norman,” she said quietly.

“Hmmm? Oh… what time is it?”

“After seven,” Bonnie said, sitting up.

When he still made no move to get up, she slid in under the blankets and pressed herself against his lean frames Norman settled back into the curve of her body, trying to stay comfortable, jet at the same time trying to rouse himself.

With her hand, Bonnie stroked across his chest and then slowly trailed down over his flat, hard stomach. He snuggled back into her even more, his back and ass tight against her warmth, and then Bonnie slid her hand under the front of his shorts.

Norman stiffened with surprise when Bonnie’s fingers encircled his long cock, his breath catching in his throat.

Pulling at her husband’s prick, Bonnie could think only of how much the feel of his meat in her hand excited her, could think only of somehow getting it stiff and then buried inside of her slippery snatch. Her hand trembled while she played with him, her fingers squeezing and then letting go, again and again as she tried to make his cock stand on its own.

Without saying a word, Norman just lay there. If the feel of Bonnie’s warm hand on his prick was exciting him at all, he gave no indication of it. His prick throbbed every now and then, but it seemed to Bonnie it would take more than merely her hand to make it harden.

“Norman,” she breathed hotly. “Would you like me to suck you? Would you like me to put your cock in my mouth? Hmmmm? My pussy’s sopping wet, Norman. If your dick gets stiff, it’ll slide right in… I want it, Norman, I want your cock in me.”

She was ready to duck her head under the blankets, when he finally said, “I’ve got to get going, or I’ll be late.”

Bonnie, her hand still tight around his mostly indifferent cock, shook her head disgustedly and let him go. Nothing had changed.

Rolling over on her other side, she pulled the covers up around her face and buried her head in the pillow. A tear trickled from one eye, but she didn’t even bother wiping it off. As far as Bonnie was concerned, Norman could go jack himself off.

It was sometime after noon before Bonnie woke up again. She tossed and turned for a while, not particularly anxious to get out of bed even though she was wide awake. Thoughts of Norman and of their disintegrating love life filled her mind, her need for a really good hump making her loins ache with a dull throb.

Finally, she pushed her panties down to her knees and — still under the covers — began squeezing and poking at her hot cunt with her fingers. Her entire body trembled as she took the swollen lips of her snatch in her fingers and spread them slowly apart. With a lone fingertip, she probed up into her tight cunt, working the finger in and out and trembling even more as she pushed her finger all the way into herself.

The fingers of her other hand busied themselves with her tingling pink clit, massaging it and squeezing the glistening flesh that surrounded its exquisite sensitivity.

Bonnie was soon breathing heavily, and her body was damp with sweat. She spread her knees as wide as she could, raising her bare ass up off the bed slightly and shoving her finger still deeper into her quivering cunt. Her eyes were closed, and she was licking at the corner of her mouth with the tip of her tongue, her expression intense as she hurried herself to the climax she needed so badly.

Under the covers, her firm tits were rising and falling more quickly as her breathing got steadily more uneven. She could feel her large nipples hardening, the rubbery points of them poking against the sheet and throbbing with her mounting excitement.

Bonnie kept touching at her quivering clit with her fingertips, pulling at the fleshy pink nub and making it quiver all the more. She squeezed it and teased it and nudged it and tickled it, playing with her clit until she was groaning softly and shaking uncontrollably. The lush wetness of her cunt oozed out of her, seeping down between the warm cheeks of her ass and forming an ever-widening wet spot on the bed.

The whole area of her hairy crotch was alive with sensation, her pink snatch brimming with oily juices and her bare inner thighs trembling wildly.

She worked her finger deeper and deeper into the tight hole of her cunt, stabbing it into herself and moaning with the delicious sensations it sent coursing through her quaking loins. Her clit was pulsing feverishly, and she knew that any moment the searing blast of her orgasm would overwhelm her, and she would be gasping with pleasure.

She tried to spread her knees still wider, but found she was being binded by her panties. With her fingers still working furiously in her dripping snatch, she kicked her legs, her damp ass squirming as she tried to get her panties down. They slid down around her ankles finally, her wet pussy gaping open when she spread her legs until her knees were flat against the bed.

Bonnie worked two more fingers into her hot snatch just as the first tremors of her climax shook her, her mouth opening in a silent groan when the full impact of pleasure she knew so well slammed into her.

She tensed as waves of shuddering delight spasmed through her snatch, her ass raising higher off the bed and her thighs straining taut. Every muscle in her sweat-slickened body tightened, and she groaned and gasped until she was hoarse.

Finally, with a sharp little cry, she dropped back onto the bed, lying there gulping air and trying to catch her breath.

Around four o’clock there was a knock at the door. Bonnie still hadn’t bothered getting dressed, and she pulled a short terry cloth robe on and went to answer it.

Gary, the paperboy, stood on the porch, and he said, “I’m collecting for the paper, Mrs. Evans. It’s a dollar eighty for two weeks.”

“Come on in,” Bonnie said, and smiled at him, clutching her robe around her otherwise naked body. “Close the door, and I’ll see if I can find my purse.”

Gary came in and sat down on the couch. He was tall for his years, a lanky boy with blond hair and large, almost too-curious brown eyes. He seemed to be taking a more than casual interest in Bonnie’s bare legs, although be was trying not to be too obvious about it.

She could tell she was exciting him, and for some reason, she found herself going out of her way to arouse him even more. Bending to pick up her purse, she was aware that the edge of the robe she ware inched up to show Gary the backs of her thighs right up to her bare ass. She stood there for a minute, rummaging through her purse, to let him get a really good look.

When she turned around to him again, be quickly glanced away. She took the chance to stare at his crotch, the bulge under his jeans throbbing and growing larger by the second. Before he could stand, she was over sitting on the couch beside him.

Setting the two dollars on the coffee table, she scooted close to him and said, “Gary, what’s that in your pocket! It looks like it’s alive or something. What is it?”

The young paperboy blushed bright red, his eyes cast downward as he stammered his answer. “It’s — uh — I’d better be going…”

“Don’t be in such a hurry,” Bonnie giggled, leaning over him so that she was actually pressed into his shoulder. She let her robe fall, open, her bare tits jiggling free as the robe parted all the way to her dimpled knees.

Gary merely stared at her, his mouth agape and his eyes wide.

Bonnie giggled again and reached for his crotch.

She squeezed the bulge in his pants, feeling his throbbing cock as it jerked to stand up. Gary just kept staring at her, his throat making funny noises each time be swallowed loudly.

“Tell me what this is in your pocket,” Bonnie persisted, her small hand still squeezing and puffing at his rigid prick. “It’s really jumping around a lot, whatever it is.”

It was obvious he wasn’t sure if she was serious or just teasing him, and he blurted out, “It’s my dick, Mrs. Evans.”

“Really?” Bonnie reacted with mock surprise.

And without another word, she unzipped him and reached into his pants.

Gary started when she pulled his hard cock out in the open, his expression showing clearly his utter amazement. He watched as she held it tightly, Bonnie now swallowing as loudly as he was.

“What a hard little cock you have, Gary,” she said. She ran her fingers all over it, marveling at the way it twitched and jerked. The stiff shaft of it was pulsing, the smooth, fleshy head of it swollen and red. “Can I kiss it?”

“Oh…” Gary started, his eyes darting to her heavy tits and the hairy bush that covered her cunt. He was so nervous he was trembling, and Bonnie thought he might bolt and run any second.

Without waiting for the answer stuck in his throat, she leaned over and touched her moist lips to the very tip of his upright cock. Her tongue darted out and licked wetly all over his cock-head, his reaction to gasp with the feel of it.

“Mrs. Evans, I…”

But Bonnie was too busy to pay him any mind, her hand squeezing his rigid prick and her mouth kissing and sucking it. She worked her tongue all around the bulbous tip of it, her tonguetip toying with the little slit at the end of it.

It had been so long since she’d tasted a man’s stiff prick that she was devouring it, her lips and tongue and even her teeth working to suck it into her throat. She was sucking it as hard as she could, her head bobbing as she blew him.

Gary sat stock still for several moments, his breathing getting steadily quicker, and then he reached out cautiously with one hand and touched Bonnie’s thigh.

She giggled, nodding her head for him to go ahead, to do with her body as be pleased, and he traced his hand up along her slender middle and cupped one firm tit. He squeezed it, watching as her nipple distended. Soon he was cupping and squeezing both of her round tits, fondling them, caressing them and tugging at her nipples with his fingertips.

Bonnie kept sucking his cock, her tongue lapping wetly at it and her hand gripping it tightly and moving up and down. She wanted him to come wanted him to squirt his thick sperm into her mouth so she could taste it, could swallow it. She was urging him on with her mouth and her hand, urging him to spurt his cum against her flicking tongue.

Gary trembled with an involuntary shiver, and he pushed his hips up, shoving his solid rod of meat even deeper into Bonnie’s mouth. She kept bobbing her head as fast as she could, her lips tight around his twitching prick and her hand jacking him off still faster.

With her free hand, she managed to get his pants down enough so she could touch his balk. She cupped the warm sac they hung in, squeezing them aid feeling them bob any from her fingers. Gary shivered again, and Bonnie only sucked him off all the harder.

Her hot tongue made wet, lapping circles on the head of his throbbing cock, her hand squeezing his cock-shaft so tightly it was jerking all over the place.

The paperboy’s hands touched Bonnie’s body everywhere they could reach, squeezing her tits, her bare thighs, her rubbery ass. He got one hand in between her legs, and she spread them for him, her breath catching short when his fingers found the slippery wetness of her cunt.

He moved his fingers in and out of her tight snatch, probing into her heat and making her squirm.

Bonnie felt his stiff cock jerk wildly in her mouth, and then he groaned with another wild shiver. His cock jerked once more and was suddenly filling her mouth with warm, sticky liquid.

She sacked his trick and jacked him off, swallowing his spurting cum as quickly as it throbbed out of his cock. She kept gulping it down and trying to suck even more from him, her hand working frantically.

Gary finally exhaled loudly and shuddered all over, his jerking prick shooting the last of his cum down Bonnie’s throat.

Bonnie swallowed it all. Then she sat up with a giggle and wiped her mouth off with the back of her hand. Her eyes were bright with excitement, and her hairy pussy was tingling and slick with her warm lubrication.

Gary lay with his head thrown back and his mouth open, his breathing harsh. His eyes were glazed over, and sweat beaded his forehead.

“Was that the first time you ever had your cock sucked on?” Bonnie asked impishly.

He only nodded with a smile.

“Come on in the bedroom, and I’ll show you the rest,” she smiled, taking his hand in hers. “By the time I’m through with you, you’ll know everything you need to know.”

She led him into the bedroom and then quickly undressed him. He seemed shy, standing there naked in front of her, but he got over it quickly enough when she peeled off her robe and lay down.

Bonnie opened her legs for him, her bare ass on the edge of the bed and her fret on the floor.

“Take a good look,” she said. “And when you’ve looked enough, kiss it and lick it and suck it.”

Gary got down on his knees between her legs. With his hands, he spread her damp thighs, his eyes directly on the pink slash of her wet cunt.

“Mrs. Evans, I’ve never licked a woman’s pussy before,” he said nervously. “I — uh — I don’t really know how to go about it.”

She giggled softly, her bare tits jiggling, and said, “Just kin it all over, and I’ll let you know how you’re doing. Go ahead, don’t be afraid of it.”

He still seemed hesitant, his eyes taking in the area where her hairy, pink snatch joined the rubbery checks of her round little. His lips were dry, and he seemed to be trembling again.

Bonnie’s anticipation was so great that she couldn’t wait another second to feel his mouth between her legs. Sitting up slightly, she reached down and duped her hands behind his head, pulling him forward so that his face was crushed into her warm crotch. She felt the slippery lips of her wet cunt part as his tongue speared in between them, his entire face wallowing in her slick wetness.

She kept pulling his face even tighter into her dripping crotch, moving his head up and don and back and forth so that his tongue was licking her all over. He darted his tongue up into her juicy cunt as far as he could push it, lapping into her glistening cunt-hole and making her shudder.

“That’s it, Gary,” she gasped. “You’re doing fine. OH! Lick it harder, lick my pussy harder. Keep moving your tongue up and down like that. OH GOD! Suck on it. Suck my cunt up near the top where my clit is. Suck it! OHHHH!”

It was unlikely he knew what or where her clit might be, but he sucked the entire top portion of her hot snatch into his mouth, his tongue darting wildly at the mouthful of cunt he had.

Bonnie gasped with the flames his tongue sent licking through her each time it lapped over her quivering clit, her bare inner thighs quaking with passion. He had his face buried in the lush heat of her snatch, and his checks and chin were drenched with her hot juices.

With her hands still behind his head, she pulled him still tighter to the juncture of her thighs. She held him there, shuddering all the while with the fire his lips and tongue were building in the juicy depths of her sapping cunt. Her squirming body was already slick with sweat, and her snatch kept oozing her oily lubrication and quivering wildly.

Bonnie’s clit was swollen and distended, and Gary’s tonguetip found it easily, his instincts telling him that this was the most highly sensitive spot on her entire body. He concentrated on the pink stub of it, licking it and sucking on it at the same time.

Bonnie groaned and clamped her full thighs tightly to his face, her wiggling ass raising up off the bed as she tried to push her cunt into his mouth. She worked her hips up and down, grinding her slippery snatch against his face, and he responded by sucking her throbbing clit feverishly.

It was obvious he needed no further encouragement, so Bonnie let go of his head and slid her hands up along her body until she was cupping her tits. She started squeezing them, fondling herself and trembling as her nipples distended to taut erection.

Gary, meanwhile, was going crazy down between her damp thighs. His tongue worked into and over every pink little fold of her wet snatch, his lips sucking at her quivering flesh until she was moaning and squirming her bare ass on the bed.

The lanky paperboy was doing everything he could to make Bonnie come, his face burrowing into her gaping snatch and his tongue and lips working furiously. He kissed and sucked her hot pussy all over, his lips smacking noisily, and then, when she was almost ready to get her nut, he shoved two of his fingers straight up her tight cunt. “OHHH GOD!” Bonnie gurgled in her throat, her muscles straining and jerking. “You’re turning me inside out with your tongue and fingers. OHHH GODDAMN!”

Her breath was coming in gasping heaves, her thighs tensing and untensing as he ate her out and fingerfucked her at the same time. His long fingers were jabbing all the way up inside of her, pushing aside the slippery muscles of her throbbing cunt and sliding in and out. He kept sucking on her wildly tingling clit, his lips enclosing the fleshy nub as his tonguetip flicked back and forth across it.

“Don’t stop!” Bonnie breathed hotly. “Suck my cunt right down your throat! It feels so good having you eat my snatch, it feels so good. OHHH! OHHHH GOD! Suck it, kiss it, lick it! OHHH! Keep eating me out! Shove your fingers deeper in my cunt, deeper!”

She thrashed on the bed, her legs quaking uncontrollably. Her long black hair tossed back and forth, and she kept brushing it away from her face. She was jerking her bare hips up and down, working her juicy pussy against his mouth, the young boy all the while sucking her swollen clit as hard as possible.

“OHHH GOD, OHHHH GOD!” She could feel her tight cunt beginning to spasm, her pink cunt-walls dosing in on one another. “I’m going to come. OHHH! My cunt’s on fire. OHHHH! OHHHH! Suck my cunt hard… harder! Keep sucking it! I’m so close to coming. I’m going to come! OHHHH!”

She wailed with a long, drawn-out sob, her hot thighs clamped so tight to Gary’s face she was smothering him.

Tie only pressed his mouth tighter to her spasming snatch, sucking the trembling lips, of her pussy completely into his mouth and giving her exactly what she wanted. His tongue kept lapping all over her climaxing cunt, probing into it as she groaned again and again.

Bonnie stretched her shaking legs out until her toes spread slowly apart, her muscles straining as her body was racked with pleasure so intense it was indescribable.

After moaning and jerking through one shattering orgasm after another, she sagged back with a broken whimper, her legs going slack and her head lolling from side to side.

Gary exhaled loudly, and then he stood up, his cock now standing as straight as he was. He just stood there, his face slick with her moisture, watching Bonnie to see what she’d do next.

Bonnie opened her eyes finally and smiled up at him.

“Well,” she giggled, “I see you’re nice and hard again. Can you figure out what to do with it?”

“Heck, yes!” he laughed, any shyness on his part now gone. “Get up on the bed, and I’ll fuck your brains out.”

“Confident little bastard, aren’t you?”

“I try to be,” he laughed again.

Bonnie reached out and took his rigid prick in her hand. It twitched under her warm fingers, stiffening even straighter in the air. She scooted fully onto the bed and pulled Gary on top of her. With her knees raised and her legs spread wide, she groaned when he put his weight fully on her. She guided his throbbing prick into the wet mouth of her hot cunt, running the smooth head of it up and down along her slippery cunt-lips.

Gary pushed forward with his hips, his arms around her slender waist as he tried to push his cock up her snatch. He managed to wedge the full tip and about two inches of his thick cock into her, Bonnie’s fingers releasing him when he pushed his stiff meat even deeper.

She got her hands around his ass and pulled him into the we her thighs formed, her ass raising up so she could take his prick as deep in her tight snatch as possible.

A raged moan escaped her lips when his cock slid fully into her hot cunt. It was the only cock she’d ever had in her besides Norman’s, and she shivered with the feel of her pussy contracting wetly around it.

“God, is that tight!” Gary said shakily. “It’s even wetter and hotter than your mouth. Even just laying here, it feels like your cunt’s sucking me off.”

“Start pumping, and it’ll feel even better,” Bonnie breathed, already beginning to work her hips up and down. She spread her thighs as wide as she could, and with her hands cupping his ass, started pulling him along.

Gary’s hips moved up and down, and his stiff cock slid in and out of her wetly gripping snatch, slowly at first, then gradually quickening.

Bonnie hooked her heels behind his knees, her hot thighs clamped to the outsides of his. She squirmed beneath him with a jerky, undulating wiggle, her legs pumping and her ass starting to bounce round.

“Give me all of your prick,” she hissed between clenched teeth, her bare tits pressed almost flat against his chest. “Shove your cock up me, and make me come. Make me come! Ohhh, it feels so good getting fucked again. I love fucking, I just love it! OHHH! Ram your cock deeper in my snatch. Ram it up me, Gary, ram it up me as far as it’ll reach. OHHH! Fuck me! Fuck the shit out of me! OHHH GOD! I love the fed of your prick going in and out of my cunt. I love it! OHHHH GOD, GOD, GOD… OHHHH!”

The boy hammered his cock into the very depths of her juicy snatch, ramming it up her and letting her feel every inch of it. His arms hugged her still tighter, squeezing Bonnie until he was crushing the breath out of her.

“Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me!” Bonnie gasped. “Fuck me harder! OHHHH! Your cock feels so damn good in my cunt! OHHHHH!”

Her ass and hips and thighs worked frantically, her tight cunt oozing wetness and sucking at his pistoning cock-shaft.

Gary slammed his prick up her yet harder, driving it into her slippery snatch and filling her with wildly pleasurable sensation. She still hung on to his churning ass with both hands, and she pulled him into her crotch still faster and harder.

Her pumping grew steadily more urgent, her breath coming hot and fast. Soaking with sweat even to the roots of her hair, she writhed and squirmed mindlessly beneath him, taking his stroking cock as deep as she could get it in her snatch and wanting it even deeper.

With one hand, she reached between his legs from behind and squeezed the fleshy pouch his balls hung in. Gary jerked on top of her, his breathing as rough as hers, and he shoved his throbbing prick still harder into her, glutting her cunt with hardness and making her cry out.

“OH! It’s so good,” she moaned. “OH GOD! It’s so good! Fuck me, fuck me faster. OHHH! Don’t stop fucking me. Don’t stop! OHHH! OHHHH GODDAMN! Hump the hell out of me. Keep ramming your hard cock up my cunt! Harder! Ram your cock up me harder! OHHHH! Hold me tight! Hold me tight, and keep fucking my ass off! OHHH GOD, I LOVE IT! OH, YOU’RE FUCKING ME TO DEATH! OHHHH!”

They were locked together in an embrace of wanton lust, both pumping yet more frantically with each shuddering thrust of the young boy’s jerking cock.

Her snatch welling over with slick moisture, Bonnie worked her, sweaty ass up and down with a frenzy. She kept pushing her hips up and grinding her sopping crotch into the base of his battering prick, her tingling clit being squeezed flat and pummeled with fiery sensation.

The wildly delicious tremors of pleasure coursing through her loins made her shake all over, the smooth muscles in her jerking legs tightening and her back beginning to arch upward. Her round little belly was pressed into his, her heels digging into the backs of his legs as she tried to spread her knees wider.

Gary’s twitching cock pounded into her slippery cunt furiously, his thrusts getting more brutal with each pistoning stroke. He fucked her with a savageness that bordered on violence, his stiff prick slamming harder and still harder into her and reaming out her juicy snatch.

“Fuck me flat into the bed!” Bonnie managed to groan. “Fuck me faster! OHHHH! OHHH! OHHHH! My cunt’s ready to catch fire! Shove your cock deeper! Deeper! OHHH! God, I’m going to come any second. I’m going to come like crazy! OHHH! I can feel it! OHHH! I’m going to… come! OHHH! OH-H-H-H-H!”

She snapped taut with a broken gasp, her cries of delight piercing the air as her climax jolted every bone and muscle in her body. Then she jerked and was suddenly alive with animation, her thighs straining and her hands clutching blindly at Gary’s ass and balls and the undersides of his churning legs.

The boy’s prick jerked even stiffer than it already was, and then he started shooting his wad. His thick sperm squirted up into Bonnie’s wet cunt in erratic streams, gushing into her and filling her with hot liquid. He pumped as hard as he could, stabbing his spurting cock up her and shooting her pussy full of cum.

“I can feel you coming in me!” she rasped. “I can feet your cum squirting into my cunt! OHHH! Fill me with it, fill me up with your cum! Empty your nuts in my cunt! OHHHH GODDAMN, IT FEELS SO GOOD!”

She writhed and bucked and lurched beneath him until he finally stopped pumping. Then he went limp on top of her, his throbbing cock still imbedded in her wet and cum-filled snatch. With his face tight into the warmth of her neck, he murmured, “Mrs. Evans, if I was older, I’d make you run away with me. I mean it.”

“Gary,” she smiled, “if you were older, I’d go with you.”

From where he stood on the back porch, Jerry Hershall had seen everything that had gone on between Bonnie Evans and her young paperboy. He’d watched through the partially open bedroom window, gaping as Bonnie had first had the boy eat her pussy and then had let him screw her.

Jerry was the milkman, and he decided right on the spot — while the throbbing erection he had was still straining to burst from his pants — that tomorrow he would pay more than merely a friendly visit on Mrs. Bonnie Evans when he delivered the milk.


When Norman got home from work at six o’clock, Bonnie was ready for him. Feeling some guilt about her afternoon of sexual antics with Gary she went out of her way to make Norman happy. The dinner she fixed for him was excellent, and — even though he didn’t seem particularly appreciative of it — she smiled often and tried to be as friendly as possible.

She brought him beer while he sat and watched television — his favorite activity when he wasn’t working late — and then, after the sun went down, she slipped into the bedroom when he wasn’t looking.

Closing the door quietly behind her, Bonnie quickly got undressed. She had decided earlier that Norman was going to hump her tonight whether he liked it or not, and she was going to make the offering of herself as attractive and provocative as she could.

She combed and brushed her silky-soft black hair out, giving a quick shake of her pretty head when she was through to give her hair a casual, tousled look. Then she perfumed herself, dabbing with a fingertip on her throat, her firm breasts, her thighs and, finally on her cunt itself. Going through her dresser, she found the negligee and panties she wanted — the ones she’d ordered from Frederick’s of Hollywood through the mail in her first year of marriage. The sheer see-through nightie and lacy crotchless panda had been merely a novelty then. Now they might or might not make all the difference in saving her crumbling relationship with Norman.

When Bonnie sauntered back out into the living room and perched on the arm of Norman’s chair with a saucy smile, she was a vision of sensual delight.

He looked up with surprise, his eyes traveling over her. Her round tits were high and firm under the filmy negligee, her dark nipples almost poking through it. The ruffled hem of the nightie ended right at the edge of her clinging panties, and her curly cunt-hair was clearly visible, peeking through the slitted panties and already wetly matted.

“What’s this?” Norman asked with a nervous hugh.

“It’s your wife,” Bonnie smiled. “And your wife wants a piece of ass, if that’s the way you say it. Anyway, how about it, lover?”

“Well…” he swallowed, settling back into the overstuffed chair and turning his head away, “I’m really kind of beat right this minute, Bonnie. Why don’t we wait awhile?”

“Sure,” she giggled, having no intention of waiting. She tossed her bare legs over his lap and slid down so her rubbery ass was wedged into his crotch. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she pulled him to her, her mouth covering his in a fiercely passionate kiss.

Norman resisted at first, but then the heat other ripe body and the sweet taste of her mouth pressed to his got through to him. He relaxed with a quiet sigh, his tongue darting out to meet hers, and his hand crept up and squeezed one of her heavy tits through the silky nightie.

Bonnie trembled with the feel of his hand on her flesh after all these weeks. With a soft sucking sound, she pulled her mouth from his and kissed him playfully on the tip of the nose. She could feel his cock already stiffening under his pants and poking her in the ass, his breathing suddenly quick and uneven.

“You’re making me tingle all over,” she whispered with a trace of huskiness in her voice. “I love it when you squeeze my tits.”

He stroked and fondled her tits with both hands, his fingers pulling at her puckered nipples and making them swell into rubbery hardness.

With a fluid motion, Bonnie raised herself and came down facing him with her bare knees on each side of his hips. She squatted over his lap with her tits almost right in his face, and then she reached down and pulled the hem of her sheer negligee up to her chin.

Her perfectly round tits swayed gently back and forth, the tips of them blushed scarlet red and throbbing with her anticipation.

Norman cupped both of her full tits in his hands again, at the same time leaning forward and sucking one firm nipple into his mouth. He teased at it with his tongue, still sucking it with his lips until it hardened even more.

She shivered as Norman sucked and kissed at her bare tits and nipples, her excitement rising and her hairy snatch filling with slick moisture. With one hand still holding her nightie up, she reached down with the other and quickly unbuckled Norman’s belt.

Then she unzipped him and tried to get his pants down out of the way. To her surprise, Norman actually helped her, raising himself up and pushing at his pants and shorts with both hands while his mouth still sucked feverishly on her tits.

His big cock was as hard as a rock, and it jerked straight up, the thick shaft of it quivering wildly.

Bonnie couldn’t take her eyes off it, just the sight of it stiff and ready making her pussy tingle all the more. With her hand, she took his rigid cock and managed to push just the swollen head of it through the opening of her crotchless panties and into her slick cunt.

Norman groaned when Bonnie sat down slowly on his upright prick, his throbbing meat sliding up into his pretty wife’s tight cunt. His expression indicated the way it felt, his eyes already glazed with lust and his mouth hanging open.

Bonnie took his cock all the way up into her slippery snatch, trembling as it cased into her and lodged tightly. When she had it fully encased in her lush warmth, she relaxed with a little sigh, the feel of his jerking hardness buried in her cunt making her moan with unrestrained pleasure.

“It’s so big, Norman, your cock’s so damn big!” she kept saying over and over, overjoyed that they were performing once again as man and wife. “I can feel it throbbing way up in my pussy. Fuck me with your big prick, Norman, fuck me and make me come!”

Taking a deep breath, Norman started pumping his hips up and down from underneath. His huge cock slid in and out of Bonnie’s wet snatch and gorged her with sensation, his hands going around her bouncing ass and squeezing her through her panties.

Bonnie let go of the hem of her negligee and put her arms around Norman’s neck, her tin jiggling with her jerky motion and brushing against Norman’s face. Then, reaching down, she lifted her nightie again.

Her tits were damp with sweat, and Norman began kissing and sucking them once again, his enthusiasm for her sleek flesh so great that he didn’t even notice when she dropped the front of the negligee over his bead so he was under it. He kept sucking wildly at her distended nipples, working at them — first one, and then the other — with his tongue and nibbling lightly with his teeth.

The shudders racing through Bonnie’s entire body made her groan again and again, her sweaty us bouncing in his lap as she took his stiff cock as deeply as possible into her hot cunt.

“Fuck me!” she whimpered. “Shove your cock up my snatch as hard as you can I love the feel of it ramming up me. I love it! Fuck me harder… harder! OHHH GOD! Deeper, shove your cock deeper! OHHH! Keep sucking my tits and squeezing my ass and reaming me out with your hard prick! OHHHH! OHHHH GOD! I LOVE IT!”

She squirmed up and down frantically, impaling herself on his standing cock and groaning still louder as it cleaved into her.

The juncture of their frenzied humping was sopping wet, Bonnie’s hot juices flowing from her snatch and drenching both their crctches with oily liquid. Her knees were digging into the chair, and her bare thighs were spreading wider across his lap, her wriggling bottom slapping into the upper parts of his legs as she pumped still more urgently.

Norman, for all his seeming reluctance when they’d started, squeezed her ass and pulled her along at a feverish pace. Then he let go of her for a second and dug his fingertips in under the elastic legbands of her wetly clinging panties, his hands sliding in until he was cupping the bare cheeks of her warm ass.

Her arms still tight around his neck, Bonnie brought herself down on his solid prick with all her might, her body jerking as his stiff meat speared up into her tight cunt.

She could feel her thighs trembling uncontrollably. Her long hair flying all around as she bounced up and down, Bonnie gulped air hungrily and kept pumping.

“Fuck the hell out of me!” she gasped, her wiggling ass jerking back and forth as she worked to take his prick still deeper in her cunt. “It’s so good having your cock in my cunt. Hun me with it! Hurt me! Ram it up my snatch and let me feel it jabbing in! OHHH! Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me! OHHHH! Suck me ’til I can’t move! Fuck me! OHHHH! OHHHH JESUS CHRIST! I can’t stand it, it’s so good! Keep fucking me with your stiff cock, keep fucking the piss out of me! OHHH! OHHH! OHHHH!”

The muscles in her legs knotted up, but she didn’t even notice. She kept slamming herself down on his prick and taking his meat deep in her snatch, her broken groans changing gradually into sharp little cries.

Norman suddenly tensed beneath her, and then he jerked his ass up out of the chair with a quiet gasp. His cock quivered and started shooting off, his cum shooting straight up Bonnie’s cunt in wet streams.

Bonnie hung onto him with her arms tight around his neck, her ass and thighs pumping furiously to take his spurting prick still deeper into her snatch.

Re kept squirting his sticky jism up into the pink depths of her slick cunt-hole, his hips churning while all the sperm in his nuts poured out of the throbbing end of his cock. He gave a couple of more quick pumps with his hips and then sank back into the chair with a weary moan.

“I didn’t come!” Bonnie wailed when she felt hit drained prick slide wetly out of her trembling cunt. “Norman, don’t stop yet… I didn’t get to come!”

“I’m sorry,” be gulped. “I’m finished, Son. God, that was really a good fuck.”

“For you maybe! My pussy’s ready to explode. Norman, come on… I need to cum. At least eat me!”

“Be reasonable,” he said. “I don’t want a mouthful of my own corn. Why don’t you just fingerfuck yourself?”

She glared at him for a moment, tears starting to form in her eyes, and then she jumped off him.

“Nonnan, you’re the most selfish son of a bitch I’ve ever met!” A moment later she ran to the bathroom and locked the door behind her.

With the door secured against her own husband and tern rolling down her checks Bonnie leaned over and turned the water on in the tub. She adjusted it to the way she liked it, then straightened and tossed her nightie off. Stepping out of her panties, she threw them with the negligee and then climbed into the bathtub.

She stood there for several seconds, the water swirling around her feet, and a wet mixture of her hot juices and Norman’s thick cum oozed from her cunt and ran down the bare insides of her thighs.

When most of it had drained out of her snatch, she sat down, scooting her bottom forward until the stream of warm water was directly on her trembling elk. Spreading her legs and raising them, she braced her feet high on the tiled wall.

Bonnie lay there supported by her elbows and forearms, her thighs already beginning to quiver as the caressing force of the water spilled down on her hairy cunt.

The water splashing against her crotch made it tingle all over, the sensitive lips of her snatch open and throbbing with the tremors coursing through her naked loins. She reached up with both hands and started cupping and squeezing her firm tits, her taut nipples hardening even more than they already were.

She trembled more by the second and kept trying to spread her thighs still wider. Her slick juices flowed from her cunt, and the water kept washing them away and carrying them down the drain.

The fire building between her legs got more and more intense, and she was soon groaning and squirming her bare ass round in the tub. Lying back until her hair was dipping into the water almost all the way, she slid her hands down over her slim waist and hips and gave the firm cheeks of her ass a quick squeeze. Then she took her slippery cunt-lips in her fingertips and spread them apart, holding them open.

The stream of water gushed straight up her pink snatch, the main force of it still centered on her quivering elk and driving her wild with pleasure.

She worked first one finger, and then another, slowly up into her tight cunt. The slick muscles of her pulsating snatch gripped them warmly, tugging at them as she worked her fingers in and out.

Fingering herself until her breathing was ragged and her forehead was dotted with sweat, she pushed her fingers as far up her cunt as she could get them and wriggled them around. Her clit tingled and throbbed wildly, and the longer she sat under the water, the better it felt.

While she was fingerfucking her snatch, she started jabbing her thumb at her clit, touching it every few seconds and sending shuddering spasms through her entire body. Her mind was filled with every indecent thing she could think of, vivid pictures of her sucking a man’s cock or having it mm up her asshole running through her thoughts.

The more obscene her fantasies became, the harder and deeper she shoved her fingers up her cunt, her thumb the whole while pressing and squeezing her clit until she was ready to cry out.

Still working on her hairy cunt with one hand, she moved her other, hand down and touched at her puckered asshole with a fingertip. It throbbed at her touch, contracting and then opening wetly, and she began pushing her finger up her ass.

Bonnie’s thighs shook, and her tits jiggled up and down with her heavy breathing, her nipples so swollen and distended she thought they’d burst. She had two fingers deep in her snatch and another jammed up her asshole, the pleasure she was giving herself building to a fever pitch.

The water cascading down on her clit was making her moan with delight, the hair covering her crotch dripping wet and matted back out of the way.

She kept fingering her pussy and her asshole, her entire body quaking as she neared the orgasm she wanted so desperately. Her juicy cunt was slick with her seeping juices and getting slicker, her tight cunt-hole grabbing wetly at her fingers as she worked them in and out.

When the staggering climax she worked towards smacked into her, Bonnie groaned as if she’d been kicked in the side, her ass twisting and squirming and sending water flying everywhere.

Her fingers worked faster still, stabbing up into her spasming cunt and asshole with a fury while her thumb squeezed her pink clit flat. She kept groaning and splashing water, her cunt-spasms shaking her to pieces.

The pleasure rippling outward from her climaxing cunt took her breath away, her gasping cries of ecstasy so loud she was afraid Norman would hear them.

Her snatch and asshole clenched wetly around her fingers one last time, and then the shivering tremors of her orgasm slowly faded away. She relaxed with a home moan, her body settling back into the tub as she stretched the knots out of her legs.

Norman was suddenly pounding on the door.

“Bonnie, are you all right?” he yelled. “Goddamn it, Bonnie, are you all right in there? Bonnie!?”

“I’m fine,” she called out finally, thinking bitterly to herself that it was no thanks to him that she was.


The next afternoon, Bonnie felt surprisingly good — better, in fact, than she had in weeks. She hummed to herself as she cleaned the house, her mind occupied with thoughts of the screwing Norman had finally given her the night before. True, she reflected, he hadn’t really satisfied her — he hadn’t even seemed concerned about it — but at least they’d had sex together. That was certainly an improvement, considering the last month.

She worked in frayed jeans and a halter top, her hair fastened into a long pony tail with a red rubber band. She vacuumed and dusted and waxed and mopped, all the energy she’d been channeling into worry over her sex life now directed toward her housework. It was a relief to her that she and Norman were slowly working things out between them, and — always the optimist — she was eagerly looking forward to tonight.

Bonnie finished, and then she sat down on the couch with a tired sigh. She was exhausted, but the house was now spotless for when Norman got home.

Someone knocked on the front door, and Bonnie got up to answer it. She thought it might be Val, the divorcee who lived down the street and sometimes stopped by to talk, or even possibly Gary, stopping by for a romantic of their last feverish encounter.

So, she was surprised when she opened the door, and found the milkman, Jerry Hershall, standing there with a sheepish look on his face.

“Hi, Jerry,” she nodded with a smile, wondering what he wanted. That he was hand-delivering the milk to her seemed a bit odd. “Is there anything the matter? Is my bill behind again?”

“No, it’s nothing like that,” he said. He glanced up and down the block nervously, almost as if looking to see if anyone were watching. Finally, he said, “Mrs. Evans — uh — I — uh — that is…”

He stood there getting more and more flustered, his swarthy complexion turning red as he blushed for reasons Bonnie couldn’t quite figure out. He was only as tall as she was, but he was built so solidly and rough-looking, that she couldn’t imagine him being embarrassed about anything.

“What’s the matter, Jerry?” she asked with a trace of alarm. “You don’t look so well.”

“I don’t?” he asked quietly, more to himself than to Bonnie, then added quickly, “Listen, Mrs. Evans, I’m feeling really sick suddenly. Do you think I could come in and lay down for just a minute until it passes? I hate to be a bother, but I’m just so damn dizzy.”

And he staggered a bit, clutching his middle with both hands, so that Bonnie had to step aside and let him inside.

He was sprawled out on his back on the couch before she even realized that he wasn’t carrying any milk with him. She stared at him thoughtfully, curious as to what exactly he was up to.

“Thanks,” he said gruffly, glancing over at her. He kicked his shoes off and just lay there his breathing heavy.

Bonnie shrugged and closed the door. She’d known Jerry Hershall the entire three years she’d lived in Carter — he being the neighborhood milkman when she and Norman had moved in — and it seemed unlikely to her that he meant any harm, whatever he was up to.

“How do you feel?” she asked, concerned and curious at the same time.

“I think I’ve got a fever,” he croaked. “Could you feel my forehead?”

Bonnie’s eyes narrowed at his request, but she walked over and rested her palm on his head. It felt neither hot nor cool. “It feels all right to me,” she said.

“Tell me how this feels, then,” he said, suddenly lunging at her and puffing her down on the couch with him. His hands were all over her, one squeezing her ass through her jeans and the other pulling at her halter top. Before Bonnie could even get a word out, he had her top up and his face pressed into her bare tits, his mouth sucking at one dark nipple furiously.

“My God!” she gasped, struggling to stand. She kicked and scratched at him, trying to break loose, but unable to. “You maniac! What are you doing? Stop it!”

He ignored her, his hands now clawing at the waistband of hex jeans and tugging them down. He managed to get the snap undone, his hand sliding in under her panties and going straight for her hairy twit.

“Stop it, stop it!” she wailed, twisting wildly and flailing at him with her small fists.

She jerked with a trembling gasp when she felt his fingers probing up into her slippery wet snatch. She tried to stop him, clutching at his wrist and damping her thighs tightly together, but he was just too strong for her.

The milkman held her to him, his powerful arms holding her down while his fingers explored the pink slickness of her pussy.

Bonnie gave a violent kick with her feet and somehow managed to slide out from under his arms. She jumped up, finally free of him, and tried to run.

His hand lashed out and grabbed her ankle, Bonnie pitching forward and landing sprawled out on the floor. He was right on top of her, his hands grabbing her jeans and pulling them down roughly. He yanked them to her ankles, along with her panties, and then pulled them off her feet.

Tears streamed down Bonnie’s face, a muffled sob escaping her when Jerry ripped her halter top off and tossed it with her jeans and panties.

“Oh God, let me go…” she cried, face down on the carpet with her bare ass squirming and her legs thrashing. “Please… just let me go! What in the hell are you trying to do?”

He held her naked hips down with one hand square on her jerking ass, his other unbuckling his belt and pulling his zipper down. He said, panting, “I’m trying to do just what I saw that little bastard paperboy doing to you yesterday, that’s all. If you can let him screw you, you can sure as hell let me… Now, just lay still there, and I’ll show you what a real man’s cock feels like.”

He crawled on her back, and with his hands spread her damp thighs from behind. His weight was crushing her into the floor, and he kept her from moving with a hairy forearm pressed against her shoulder blades.

Bonnie stiffened when she felt the warm tip of his cock part the wet lips of her snatch, her tears flowing still harder as he slowly shoved his huge chunk of meat into her.

“Yesterday was different,” she moaned, writhing as his rigid prick plowed into her hot cunt. “I needed it then… Norman hadn’t…”

She stopped abruptly, almost having told him that Norman hadn’t humped her in so long, she would have been game for anything. But, today was different, she wanted to scream at the milkman. Now that Norman had at last screwed her, today was different. She said nothing, though, not willing to tell Jerry Hershall the personal details of her love life. She knew it wouldn’t make any difference at this point anyway.

She tried one last time. “The police will put you in jail for this. They’ll lock you up and throw away the key.”

“I don’t think so,” he laughed crudely. “I don’t figure you’ll be telling anybody a thing, what with me knowing you let that kid Gary fuck you. Nope, I figure you won’t say a word.”

And then he started fucking her from behind, his solid cock sliding in and out of her tight snatch and glutting her with stiff male meat.

Bonnie lay as still as she could, her arms and legs spread on the carpet as he hammered his prick up into the slippery warmth of her cunt. She would have rather died than let him think she was enjoying what he was doing to her.

Jerry’s long cock slid in and out of her hot snatch faster with each stroke, his massive cock-head pushing up into her wet cunt and then pistoning back out. He rammed it up her snatch as hard as he could, his hips churning up and down, and his breath hot against the back of her neck.

“You got the hottest cunt I ever seen,” the milkman grunted, his groin slapping into the bare cheeks of Bonnie’s ass as he shoved his prick still deeper in her snatch. “Goddamn, you got the best snatch I ever been in! Jeez, it’s tight as hell!”

Bonnie refused to move for fear of making it better for him, but her cunt — with a mind of its own — was trembling and contracting wetly around his driving cock. She could feel her juices seeping from her snatch, her hot lubrication brimming over and trickling onto the carpets.

Jerry Hershall kept plunging his hard prick in and out of her sopping pussy, fucking her with a frenzy and mindful only of the feel of Bonnie’s cunt sucking at his throbbing meat.

She groaned finally, involuntarily, and her breathing quickened noticeably. Like it or not, his stiff cock stabbing up into her hairy ciant was beginning to have an effect on her.

Moments later, her thighs were quaking uncontrollably, and she found herself starting to work her ass up and down slowly, her snatch taking his prick deeper and quivering wildly. She tried to stop herself, furious at her lack of control, but couldn’t.

The sensations his pistoning cock sent through her were almost too good to be true. At least, for her, too good to ignore.

She groaned again, louder, and then sank, with still another groan, into the sheer mindless bliss of the fucking he was giving her. Her ass jerked, squirming up and down as she worked her hot pussy against the motion of his rampant cock-thrusts, and she gave in.

“Yes, yes,” she moaned, writhing like a live wire. “Oh, yes! Fuck me! Fuck me harder! OHHHH GOD! I can’t stop myself, it’s just too damn good. OHHH! Ram your cock up me! Let me feel it! OHHH! Keep fucking me, keep humping the hell out of my snatch! OHHH! It’s so good. Fuck me. Oh, I can feel your prick going so deep in my cunt. OHHH GOD, I FUCKING LOVE IT!”

Her hands, outstretched in front of her, clutched at the carpet. She was shoving her sweaty ass back at him and grinding it into his hairy crotch, her wet snatch already spasming as his cock pounded into it.

She strained and jerked underneath him, her breath so ragged she was gasping for air. Her knees wide and digging into the carpet, she kept pumping her ass and hips frantically, taking the heavy-set milkman’s cock as deep as she could into her cunt and wanting it still deeper.

“That’s the way, bitch!” he rasped. “Take my prick as deep as you can get it! Jesus, you fuck like a wild animal once you get started! Take it deeper, take it all the way up your tight little cunt!”

Bonnie was adrift in the keenly pleasurable sensations washing over her, her pussy aflame with passion and her whole body tingling feverishly.

She kept pushing her ass back at him and pumping with her strong thighs, her hips so slick with sweat he could barely bang onto her. Her breath came in broken gasps and hoarse moans and then caught short when he slid his hands up along her slender middle and squeezed her tits.

He got his hands in under her, his fingers finding her rubbery nipples and pulling at them, and she squirmed all the more.

“Shove your cock up me, shove it deeper!” Bonnie kept groaning, her hips churning still faster. “OHHHH! Don’t stop! Don’t ever stop! It’s so damn good! Your cock’s so big and hard! It’s filling my snatch right up! OHHH SHIT! Cram it in me! Harder, harder, harder! Ream my cunt out with your meat! OHHHH OHHHH! Pound the hell out of my cunt with your prick! OHHH!”

She writhed all over the floor, gripping the carpet with her fingernails and shuddering with the lust raging through her.

Jerry kept slamming his meaty cock into Bonnie’s tight snatch and stroking it back out, his hips whipping up and down as he humped her harder and harder. The force of his thrusting was grinding her pink clit into the carpet, the wildly sensitive stub of flesh quivering and radiating flashes of lewd delight throughout her trembling loins.

She suddenly tensed and at that moment started coming, her pussy grabbing at Jerry’s plunging cock when it spasmed shut. She gasped with the shell-bunts of jarring pleasure exploding in her lush cunt, the intensity of her shuddering orgasm so great she thought she’d pass out.

Her bare legs stretched out behind her until the slick muscles in her thighs ached, her tits jerking up off the carpet as her back twisted and strained.


Cramming his thick prick even harder up her snatch, the milkman was intent on fucking her brains out. He hammered his cock up her with all his strength, pistoning it in and out of her dripping cunt and making her writhe and squirm deliriously.


Jerry’s stiff cock started squirting thick streams of cum up her wetly clenching snatch, his balls tightening as his jism poured out. He was grunting and groaning, his prick slamming still harder into her and filling her with his milky sperm.

He kept fucking her from behind until he was finished shooting his rocks, and then he collapsed on top of her, his groin pressed warmly against her sweat-slickened ass.

Bonnie groaned, her pussy still tingling with the afterglow of her climaxes. Now that she’d gotten her nut, she was once again angry and resentful that she’d been raped. She could feel Jerry’s cum oozing from her sloppy wet cunt and dribbling slowly down onto the carpet, and it only made her angrier.

“You can get off if you’re through,” she said flatly, tears once again stinging her eyes at the thought of what had just happened. “You weigh a ton, you know.” She was going to add, “You fat slob,” but she decided wisely against it. Mainly, all she wanted to do was get rid of him, hot make him mad enough to beat her senseless.

“I’m not through with you yet,” he said hoarsely, pulling his big cock slowly out of her slippery cunt. “I got enough cum left in me for another go at it when I’m ready. And you, lady, are going to help me get ready.”

He stood up shakily, his legs trembling and his cock and balls dangling between them. Grabbing Bonnie by her long, black pony tail, he rolled her over and made her get on her knees in front of him.

“Now, suck my prick,” he told her. “Suck it until it’s hard enough to stick up your tight asshole.”

Bonnie winced when he shook her by the hair, her mouth opening in pain, and then suddenly filled with his sticky cock. She tried to pull her head away, but he held her tight, his hips already moving back and forth and his cock going in md out of her mouth.

“Suck on it, damnit!” he said, shaking her by the hair again. “Go on, you horny little cunt, suck my cock!”

Bonnie really had no choice, so she started blowing him. She sucked his prick as far as she could get it into her mouth, her tongue lapping wetly across his cock-head and making him moan.

With his hand still tight on her hair, he began jerking her head back and forth, all the while his cock pistoning in and out and fucking her in the mouth.

She sucked Jerry’s cock as hard as she could, afraid, and yet at the same time strangely excited by what he was making her do. She could see his hairy balls bouncing around as she blew him, and she tried not to look, glancing off to the side instead as the sucked and licked his meat.

After what seemed to her like an hour, his prick started jerking and slowly getting hard. He kept sliding it in and out of her mouth as fast as he could, ramming it almost down her throat. Her lips were stretched open and tight around his cock-shaft, her tongue licking at the fleshy tip of his prick in wet circles.

Soon his meat was rigid and throbbing away, and his balls were swinging wildly as he fucked her mouth. And then, Bonnie suddenly found that the taste of his twitching cock was starting to turn her on.

Her head bobbed faster and faster, and she took his prick as deep into her throat as possible, deeper even than he was trying to push it.

Jerry loosened his grip on her hair, and then she was sucking him off on her own, whimpering as she took his erect cock still farther into her throat.

She worked her tongue all over the bulbous head of his cock with a frenzy, hurrying him along and now wanting only to taste the hot streams of his cum. Her head bobbed up and down, and she was sucking his prick furiously. It kept jerking and throbbing, and the more she sucked it, the more it jumped around in her mouth.

His massive cock-head was pistoning in so hard, it was touching the back of her throat, but Bonnie only sucked on him all the harder. Without thinking anything of it, she reached up and grabbed his throbbing meat in her hand. She squeezed, and his cock throbbed still more wildly.

With a circled thumb and forefinger, she began jacking him off, urging him with her hand and mouth to shoot his rocks down her throat. She blew him as best as she knew how, her head bobbing back and forth as her hand jerked up and down.

The milkman kept pushing his solid prick into her sucking mouth, his hips pumping as fast as he could move them.

Bonnie felt the first tiny spurt of his sticky sperm squirt against her tongue, and she tightened her lips even more around his cock. Her tongue was darting all over the head of his prick, and then she started working her tonguetip into the little hole in the end of it.

“That’s enough!” Jerry suddenly snapped, yanking his prick right out of Bonnie’s mouth. “I know a lot better place to come than in your mouth.”

She stared up at him, a shiver of fear running down her spine. She knew he was going to try screwing her in the ass, and the prospect terrified her. Just the thought of his mammoth cock tearing into her virgin asshole made her tremble.

“Please don’t,” was all she could bring herself to say. “I’m begging you, please don’t fuck me in the ass. It’d kill me.”

“Hell, it won’t kill you!” he laughed, pulling her hair again so she had to stand up. “Now, get over there, and I’ll show you what to do.”

Jerry had her kneel in front of the couch and lean over so her tits and elbows were resting on the cushion. Her bare ass was sticking out at him, and he made her spread her knees wide on the carpet.

Bonnie’s eyes kept filling with tears, and she kept whimpering for him to let her go.

The muscular milkman simply ignored her. With his hand he took his throbbing cock and guided it up into her slippery pink cunt, pushing it in all the way with a quick thrust of his hips and making her groan. He jerked his prick in and out of her wet snatch until his thick cock-shaft was coated with her slick juices, then he eased it back put.

“Take a deep breath,” he warned her, lining the head of his huge cock up with her tight asshole. “Just relax, and you’ll make it easier for both of us.” Bonnie nodded shakily, her lower lip trembling, and braced herself. The backs of her full thighs were tensed tight, and she could feel his cock pressed against her puckered asshole, his hands holding the damp cheeks of her ass apart as be readied himself for his first thrust.

She expected him to gradually push his cock into her rectum, but he surprised her, with one brutal stroke spearing his prick almost halfway up her ass.

She cried out, lurching forward and clutching at the couch with her hands, and he shoved his cock the rest of the way up her pulsating asshole. His meat filled her rectum to bursting, and she thought she’d lose consciousness with the pain stabbing through her.

“Wait!” she gasped. “Oh… I don’t think I can take it. Please, it’s hurting me.”

“You can take it, all right,” he breathed, his prick starting to jerk deep inside her ass. “Hang on, ’cause I’m going to fuck you flat.”

Holding her hips steady with both hands, he began stroking his solid cock in and out of her taut asshole, working it as deep into her ass as he could and then pistoning it back out.

Bonnie gritted her teeth and shut her eyes tight, her breath coming in rasping gasps. The feel of his hard cock slamming up into her ass was unlike anything she’d ever kit, the sensations it was sending through her somehow obscenely exciting. Her hairy pussy was dripping wet, and her oily juices were drenching her warm inner thighs with a sticky film.

She could feel the swollen head of Jerry’s stiff prick cleaving into her gripping asshole, his thrusts getting steadily quicker and his breathing soon as labored as hers. He was cramming his cock straight up her ass, his twitching meat filling her slippery anal passage and stretching it open wider.

Bonnie was shuddering all over and her naked body was shiny with sweat. She groaned every now and then, trying to suppress the sounds, but unable to.

She was holding herself rigid, her bare ass sticking out, but not moving. Her cunt was slick with moisture, and her cunt-lips were swollen thick and sensitive, and yet still she wouldn’t respond to the feel of Jerry’s hammering prick sliding in and out of her ass. She just kept gritting her teeth and trying to ignore what he was doing to her.

“Pump your ass!” he snarled at her suddenly, giving her naked hip a loud slap. “Move it, damnit, pump your damn ass!”

And he reached down under her hips with both hands and started shoving his thick fingers up into her sopping cunt. He pushed as many fingers as he could get into her hot snatch, working them in and out and not letting up until Bonnie was moaning with passion.

She started gulping air hungrily, her thighs quaking, and moments later she was jerking back and forth frantically. The feel of his cock sliding up her ass and his fingers gouging into her slippery snatch was driving her right up the wall with pleasure so intense, she could barely handle it.

“You win,” she panted hoarsely, her hips working to take his plunging cock still deeper in her ass. “You win, you bastard! OHHH! Fuck my asshole raw! Fuck it harder! OHHH GOD! Jam your big, hairy cock up my ass harder! OHHH! Keep fingering my pussy, get your fingers all the way up my cunt-hole! Fingerfuck the hell out of my snatch! OHHH! I’m coming apart at both ends. OHHH GODDAMN! Shove your prick deeper in my asshole! Shove it as deep as you can. OHHH! God, I love it, I really love it! OHHH! You’re fucking the shit out of my ass! Keep slamming your cock up me! Harder, ram it up my asshole harder! OHHH!”

Her ass was slick with sweat and churning up and down and back and forth, the backs of her thighs straining taut. She kept shoving herself out at Jerry’s pistoning cock, her hot asshole sucking wetly at it every time she jerked forward.

While be fucked her ass and fingered her cunt, Bonnie slid her hands down under her jiggling tits and began squeezing and massaging her tingling nipples. They throbbed warmly, hardening even more, and she kept pulling at them with her fingertips.

Jerry’s fingers were stabbing up into her wet cunt, and his long prick kept stroking in and out of her tight asshole. He had her pink clit pressed between his two thumbs and he was squeezing it and making it tremble wildly, Bonnie’s groans getting sharper and higher pitched as he did so.

She was jerking back and forth on the couch, her thighs pumping and her ass thrusting out at him feverishly.

She felt the prick wedged up her ass start to shoot off, and then her wet whole was suddenly filled with hot liquid. Jerry rammed his squirting cock up her rectum with all his might pounding it into her and groaning loudly.

His hands clutched at her pussy, and Bonnie gasped with the climax searing into her trembling loins. Her asshole spasmed closed around his pistoning cock, her pink cunt at the same time contracting around his jabbing fingers.

“OHHH GOD!” she cried out. “I can feel your cum squirting up my ass, I can feel it! OHHH! Shove your cock deeper! Shoot all the cum in your nuts right up my asshole! OHHHH GOD! OHHHH MY GOD! I’M COMING MY ASS OFF! OHHHH!”

Both of them were lost in a blur of frantic motion, Jerry’s hips whipping back and forth as he crammed his stiff prick up her asshole, and Bonnie gasping for breath and pumping her ass like a maniac.

His thick jism kept pouring up into her rectum, spurting into her ass and glutting her hot bowels with wetness. With his fingers and thumbs, he squeezed and fondled her hairy cunt until she was one mass of quivering, groaning flesh.

Bonnie kept sticking her sweaty ass out at him and taking his rigid meat as deep in her pulsing asshole as she could get it, the whole while her orgasm making her squirm mindlessly.

She was squeezing her distended nipples so hard, she thought they’d bunt, her tits pressed flat into the couch and trembling with the unleashed lust coursing through her.

Jerry just kept jamming his shooting prick up her stretched-open asshole and getting his nuts off, his balls slapping into the warm undersides of her churning thighs as he pumped still faster.

He pumped until he could barely breath, and then, with a final choking gasp, he stabbed his cock up her ass one more time and fell forward onto her bare back.

Groaning with the feel of his prick buried in her ass and the bulk of his weight on top of her, Bonnie exhaled with a long, harsh sigh. She lay there, hands trapped under her bare tits, tears burning her eyes once again, and found she couldn’t help wondering what the milkman would think of for her to do next. Oddly enough, she was looking forward to whatever it was.


Everything was pretty much back to normal in the Evans home by the time Norman showed up. Bonnie was still understandably shaken by the episode with Jerry Hershall, but she’d bathed and freshened up and Norman would certainly be none the wiser.

They ate dinner without speaking much, what conversation they had polite, but by no means intimate or even particularly entertaining to either of them. Thoughts of romance later in the evening kept Bonnie’s spirits fairly high, her need for at least a lot of hugging and kissing from Norman to comfort her held in check until she felt the time was ripe.

Her plans, then, were completely shattered when Norman, finished and rising from the table, said without looking at her, “I have to head back to the store. The bookkeeping’s been a mess ever since the accountant quit, and I have to straighten it out before the audit next week.”

Bonnie’s pretty face showed her keen disappointment, her blue eyes clouding over, but she tried to seem cheerful.

“Sure, I understand,” she said with a forced smile. “Don’t worry about me. I’ll be waiting up for you tonight with my panties down and my legs spread.”

“Well,” he said slowly. “I’m going to be really late. Don’t bother waiting up. I guess I’ll see you later.”

And then he was gone, Bonnie left sitting alone at the table and fighting back her tears. So far today, nothing had gone right.

“Well, where have you been hiding yourself?” Val Davis asked with a bright smile when she opened her front door and found Bonnie standing on her porch. “My God, it’s been almost a month since you’ve come over and seen me.”

“Oh, I know,” Bonnie said with a small smile. “It’s just that everything’s been piling up on me lately, and I’ve needed time to be alone and just think things over.”

Val invited her into the living room, and then went into the kitchen to make coffee. She was a more than merely attractive divorcee, a tall, thin woman of twenty-nine with short, tightly curled blonde hair and an almost always impish grin. What she lacked in physical measurements — she had only two small bumps for tits and a gentle curve for an ass — she more than made up for with her graceful, positively slinky way of moving.

“Would you like some whiskey in your coffee?” Val called from the kitchen.

“Why not?” Bonnie shrugged, thinking that maybe if she got drunk, she could stand to be alive a little longer. “Put a lot of it in, in fact.”

Val came back in and sat down next to Bonnie on the couch. Both of them sipped at their coffee mixed with whiskey, and Bonnie soon told Val about everything that had happened to her since they’d last seen one another. She started with Norman’s sexual indifference to her, went through her seduction of young Gary, mentioned Norman’s one-shot fuck of the night before, recounted Jerry Hershall’s rape of her, and finally ended — in tears that she could no longer hold back — with Norman’s returning indifference.

“God, do I know that story well!” Val shook her head with a sympathetic smile. “That bastard I was married to was the saint damn way. For two years, everything was fine, and then one day he just stopped fucking me. I actually put up with going to bed horny every night for six months until I finally wised up and booted his ass out.”

“What did you do about sex after that?” Bonnie asked impulsively, and then, regretted it immediately, as it looked like she was trying to pry. “I mean…”

“I did everything about sex that I could,” Val laughed easily. “After fucking so many men that I forgot what their faces looked like, I went out and got a vibrator. Two vibrators, actually, and they keep me as happy as could be. No man could ever make me come like those humming plastic cocks of mine.”

“Really?” Bonnie asked, feeling herself blush slightly at the lewd picture of Val forming in her mind. “What does it feel like? I’ve never…”

Something still puzzled her. “Why two of them, anyway?”

She really blushed then, but the older, blonde-haired girl laughed and said, “I use one in my pussy and one in my ass at the same time. I usually come about twenty times in a row, if you can believe that.”

Bonnie was clearly impressed. “My God!” she giggled. “Where can I get one? I’m so horny, I’m just about ready to squat down on a picket fence.”

Val said eagerly, “Let me show you how they work, so you’ll know when you get yours.” And before Bonnie could stop her — although she didn’t try very hard, because she was consumed with curiosity — the long-limbed divorcee went into her bedroom and brought back two cock-shaped plastic vibrators.

Bonnie actually felt her cunt tingle just at the sight of them, the idea that here was something designed solely to make women climax again and again fascinating to her. Val handed them both to her, then went out to get more coffee and whiskey.

It was on the fourth or fifth whiskey and coffee — neither of them could remember which — that Val finally suggested that Bonnie, who was giggling giddily, try one of the vibrators out.

Bonnie’s only response was to ask, still giggling, “Where? Right here on the couch?” The idea, for some reason, seemed hysterically funny to her.

“In the bedroom, silly,” Val laughed. “Come on, you’ll love it.”

Bonnie needed very little coaxing. The two of them, leaning against one another and almost falling down with the whiskey flowing through their veins, managed to stumble into the bedroom.

Val had Bonnie lie down on the huge double bed and a minute later had her stark naked. The tall girl peeled her own clothes off, tossing them into the corner with Bonnie’s, and then climbed into bed.

Bonnie was, so drunk she could barely see straight, and she just lay there naked on the bed, staring at the ceiling. She felt a bit odd knowing there was another girl as naked as she was in bed with her, but the thought of the vibrator kept her from just getting up and dashing away.

“Spread your legs open,” Val said huskily, her voice shaking with her obvious anticipation.

Bonnie did as Val asked, raising her knees and opening her already damp thighs wide. Her pink cunt was sopping wet and as slick as could be, the glistening folds of her sensitive pussy-lips gaping opening and trembling.

She glanced over at the older girl, taking her body in with a quick, covert look. Val was even skinnier-looking undressed than she was dressed. Her tits were just one handful of soft flesh each. Her nipples were already hard and pointy. Her legs were long and slender, and where they joined at Val’s hairy crotch, the young divorcee’s hot snatch could be seen peeking out.

Averting her eyes, Bonnie tried not to look at her, the sudden intense desire she felt for the other girl’s firm body disturbing.

“Let me see if you’re wet enough first,” Val said quickly, and without waiting for Bonnie’s answer, she slipped a long, slender finger up into Bonnie’s pulsating cunt.

Bonnie shivered with the delicious feel of Val’s finger probing into her tight snatch, her initial reluctance to go along with that particular suggestion quickly passing. She closed her eyes with an embarrassed giggle and pretended she was too drunk to know what was going on, lying there with her legs patted as Val slowly explored her quivering pussy.

“Can you feel that?” Val breathed, jiggling her finger slightly and making Bonnie catch her breath sharply. “Does that feel good at all?”

“God, yes!” the dark-haired housewife breathed back. Her thighs trembled wildly, and the pink interior walls of her snatch were sucking at Val’s finger. “Am… am I wet enough to get the vibrator in yet?” Bonnie asked quietly, not much caring really as long as her companion kept pushing her finger into her cunt.

“Almost,” Val said, with the palm of her hand now cupping and squeezing Bonnie’s entire pubic mound until it was sopping with oily wetness. Both of them completely ignored the fact that Bonnie’s snatch was as slickly wet as it could ever get.

Then the slender blonde divorcee finally said with studied casualness, “Maybe I should… lick you down there. Just until you’re wet enough.”

Bonnie swallowed hard, and said shakily, “Okay.”

She kept her eyes closed, so she felt, rather than saw, Val move don between her legs. She felt the girl’s finger slide out of her swollen clit, and then the warm tongue that took its place made her gasp with indescribable pleasure.

“Oh, Val!” Bonnie croaked, her thighs spreading wider. “OH GOD! Take your time getting me wet! Oh! I love the feel of your wet tongue between my legs! OHHHH! God, do you know how to eat a girl’s cunt! OHHHHH!”

She opened her eyes to slits, watching as the skinny girl sucked and kissed her throbbing cunt all over. Val was on her knees and elbows, her bare little ass sticking up and her face buried in Bonnie’s crotch.

The blonde girl’s tongue darted into every wet nook and cranny of Bonnie’s slick snatch, sometimes lapping up and down along her quivering cunt-lips, and then sometimes spearing right into her pulsing cunt-hole itself.

Bonnie shuddered all over with the wholly indecent, sensation of having her pussy licked by another girl, her breathing quickening steadily and every silky square inch of her naked body damp with sweat. The sleek muscles in her strong thighs quaking, she raised her ass up with a jerky movement and pushed her snatch tighter into the older girl’s face.

“Suck it!” she gasped. “Lick my cunt all over! Oh God! I can feel your tongue going crazy down there. OHHHH! Put your tongue in me deeper! OHH!” Val, with her fingers holding Bonnie’s hot cunt open, sucked and smacked feverishly with her lips. She was working her tongue in and out of the girl’s juicy snatch, and she had her face crushed into Bonnie’s crotch, her cheeks slick with Bonnie’s oozing wetness.

Reaching down, Bonnie intertwined her fingers behind the tall divorcees head and pulled her still closer to her. She held Val’s face pressed into her sopping pussy, and at the same time pumped her hips up and down and ground her hot cunt-hole against Val’s mouth.

Bonnie’s heavy tits heaved with her rough breathing, and her nipples were rubbery hard and getting harder. She kept squirming around on the bed with her legs shaking and her bare ass jerking and straining, all the muscles in her nude body tensed.

Every time Val’s lapping tongue speared up into Bonnie’s cunt, Bonnie shivered uncontrollably, her damp thighs spreading wider and her ass raising higher off the bed. She was lost in the wanton sensations Val’s flicking, probing tongue sent racing through her, and she could feel the first shuddering tremors of her approaching climax begin to wash over her.

She clamped her hot thighs tightly around Val’s bobbing head, groaning, “OH GOD! My cunt’s throbbing like crazy! OHHH! Suck my pussy harder, suck it harder! OHHH CHRIST! You’re licking my snatch right off! Suck my clit! Suck my clit! OHHHH!”

Sucking as much of Bonnie’s snatch as she could into her mouth, Val started concentrating exclusively on her trembling pink clit. She tongued back and forth across it licking at it and making it tingle all the more. She sucked Bonnie’s wildly sensitive clit until Bonnie was gasping and writhing frantically, Val’s mouth locked between Bonnie’s thighs and pressing even tighter.

Then Bonnie, with a shivering jerk, brought her knees up almost to her tits and spread her thighs even wider, her hands letting go of Val’s head and moving to hold her legs bent back. She lay with her ass high off the bed, her smooth ass-cheeks rounded tautly and the warm undersides of her straining thighs trembling.

Val kept sucking as hard as she could on Bonnie’s quivering clit, her head moving in a short, tight circle as she licked with her tonguetip right on the tiny point of shivering sensation. With her fingers, she probed wetly into her girl friend’s slick snatch, stabbing up into it and wriggling her fingers all around.

Bonnie groaned with the passion surging through her, her entire body damp with warm perspiration. She was pumping her upraised ass still, moving it quickly and with ever-increasing urgency, ever fibre of her being intent on getting as much pleasure as she could from the lanky girl’s wet tongue.

“It’s too good!” Bonnie breathed with a muffled groan. “You’re turning my cunt inside out. OHHH! It’s so damn good! OHHHH! I’m going to come! God, I’m going to come! OHHHH! Keep sucking my clit! Harder! Suck my clit harder! OHHHHHHH! OHHHHHHH GODDAMN!”

She suddenly tightened her arms around the backs of her legs until her knees were digging into her firm tits, her moans of relief piercing the air as her orgasm buffeted her. The sharp smell of her climaxing cunt was all over the room, and her juices brimmed over and drenched Val’s already sopping face.

“OHH! OHHHH! OHHHH!” she cried out, her head thrown back and her eyes wild. “OHHHH MY GOD! I’M COMING! GOD, I’M COMING, I’M COMING SO MUCH! OHHHH! OHHHHHHHH!”

Val only sucked her snatch all the harder, pulling at Bonnie’s pink clit with her lips and not letting go. She was taking the dark-haired girl through one shuddering cunt-spasm after another, mouthing and sucking and licking and fingering Bonnie’s snatch furiously.

Bonnie gasped out the last of her shattering orgasm and let go of her legs, her limbs stretching out and then going limp.

Val finally pulled her mouth from Bonnie’s cunt, sitting up and smiling at her with her face slick with oily moisture. “How was it?” she asked with a giggle. “You sounded like you were coming to death!”

Bonnie smiled back at her. Now that she’d come, she was a bit embarrassed about what she’d let Val do to her. She didn’t want to make the tall girl feel awkward though, so she said, “I loved it… I… I’ve never been eaten by a girl before.”

“Have you ever eaten a girl before?” Val asked, slowly moving up alongside her on the bed. “Have you ever tasted another woman’s cunt before?”

“No,” Bonnie said awkwardly, suddenly self conscious. She knew that Val was about to suggest she try it, and she was torn between her sense of decency — which told her not to even consider trying it — and the actual desire she felt to at least kiss the young divorcee’s pussy. She changed the subject. “Why don’t you use one of the vibrators on me now? I can’t wait to feel it sliding up my cunt.”

“All in good time,” Val said quietly. “I’ll use the vibrator on you if you’ll just suck my cunt a little. Just make me come once with your mouth, and I’ll shove the vibrator up you and let you see what coming is all about.” Bonnie was silent for a moment, thoughtful about what she was being asked to do. Strangely, the thought of putting her tongue into Val’s slippery snatch didn’t repulse her in the least.

“If I just lay here, can you sit on my fad?” she asked, not looking the other girl in the eye. “Could you rt off like that?”

“Hell, yes,” Val giggled, and without another word, she sat up and threw one long, slender leg over Bonnie’s head.

She squatted with her knees on either side of Bonnie’s head and her hands on either side of Bonnie’s hips. With her ass jutting out and touching the headboard of the bed, she had her dripping pussy right in Bonnie’s face.

Bonnie reached up and wrapped her arms around Val’s narrow hips, pulling her down so that her wet snatch gaped open and hung there less than an inch from Bonnie’s waiting mouth. The blonde girl was already trembling, and she dipped her hips down, pressing her hairy cunt into Bonnie’s lips and shivering with the feel of wet contact. Then she pulled away with a sharp moan.

Bonnie could see straight up the skinny girl’s dripping pussy, the pink flesh of the girl’s sex glistening wetly and throbbing away. Val’s thighs were spread wide and quaking with lust, her small ass jerking under Bonnie’s crossed arms.

“Stick your mouth on it,” Val urged, wiggling her hips so that her cunt pressed into Bonnie’s face again. “Go ahead, stick your tongue in my snatch.”

Hesitantly, Bonnie started eating her out, her tongue probing into the hot recesses of Val’s tight cunt and making her groan. She spread the cheeks of the tall girl’s ass with her hands, and then she started working a finger up into Val’s puckered asshole.

“You catch on quick!” Val gasped. “Shove as many fingers as you can get up my ass, and keep sucking my pussy! OHHH, SWEET LITTLE FRIEND OF MINE, LICK MY CUNT! OHHHH!”

Bonnie found the distended nub of the other girl’s pulsing clit easily enough and enclosed it with her lips.

Val stiffened with a shuddering gasp, and her tight asshole throbbed shut around Bonnie’s probing fingers. She was groaning and squirming her ass around, her breath harsh and her snatch grinding tighter into Bonnie’s mouth.

Bonnie kept sucking on the lanky young divorcee’s clit, nibbling and licking and teasing at it with her tongue and lips and teeth. She was getting excited just eating Val’s pussy, and her own cunt was slick with wetness. She kept burrowing her face up into Val’s hot crotch and burying her fingers in her asshole, working on her from both ends just as she knew Val liked it.

The lithe girl on top of Bonnie was trembling all over, the muscles in her thighs standing taut and her knees spreading still wider on the bed as she pushed her snatch into Bonnie’s sucking mouth.

“Suck my cunt right down your throat!” Val moaned. “Stick your fingers deeper in my asshole, deeper! OHHHH! My clit feels like it’s going to explode any second! Kiss it, kiss it! OHHHHH! Keep eating me out! OHHHH, IT’S SO GOOD!”

Bonnie held Val down to her with her arms around her writhing ass and kept on sucking her fiery hot clit. She could feel the tiny pink stub quivering and throbbing, the wet fleshy folds surrounding it pulsating, and she tongued at it with even more fervor.

With a sudden low moan, Val thrashed convulsively, her hair-trigger clit throbbing still more, and she was adrift in the lewd rapture of an overwhelming climax. That she’d started coming in less than three minutes from the time Bonnie had started eating her was amazing enough, but that she kept on coming, again and again and again and again, was unbelievable to the young housewife sucking the girl’s pussy.

Val kept groaning and squirming like she had a live snake up her tightly clenching asshole, her breath whooshing out of her and then catching short again as still another bone-shaking orgasm slammed into her.

Bonnie just hung on, her fingers jabbing up into Val’s spasming asshole and her warm mouth flush with Val’s wildly quivering cunt.

The long, lanky divorcee shuddered with a final gasping groan and then was still, ha legs sagging and her hairy pussy gaping open on Bonnie’s mouth and chin. She trembled several more times, and then she rolled over on the bed.

She said breathlessly to Bonnie, “And now I’ll give you a feel of a vibrating come that you’ll never forget.”

When Bonnie got home from Val’s the house was dark and Norman still wasn’t there. She undressed and got into bed, having showered at Val’s and waited for him, her intent not so much sexual as to find out where her and Norman’s love life stood.

It was over an hour later before he came home, and when he did, he kissed her good night — surprised she was still awake — and then rolled over on his side and went immediately to sleep. If he would have listened at all, he might have heard her crying softly into her pillow.


Three days later, Bonnie thought she was actually going to go crazy. For three days now, Norman had left for work in the morning, come home briefly in the evening, and then gone directly back to work. He neither kissed her nor hugged her with any feeling whatsoever, and every time she approached him on the matter, he snapped at her, touchier each time, than the last about his sexual disinterest in her.

And, during the same three-day period, Bonnie had cried, tried to act as if his indifference wasn’t bothering her, and then gone over to spend every evening tangled naked and panting in Val’s arms.

It was a little after two in the afternoon, and Bonnie sat on the couch alone and stared blankly at the television. There was some kind of game show on, but she paid no attention to it, her mind instead occupied with worrisome thoughts concerning herself and Val. That Bonnie might become a full-fledged lesbian — as Val so obviously had — terrified her, and she knew that if she didn’t get her bare thighs around a man soon, Val would eventually convert her to one of her own.

Even now, sitting alone in the house, Bonnie was tempted to call the slender blonde girl on the phone and have her come over for an afternoon of groaning and sweaty squirming. If even Gary, the paperboy, would show up she’d be satisfied. But he delivered his papers in the morning, and so Norman was always home when he came by. And since he only collected for the paper every two weeks, it would be some time before Bonnie could get her hands on his stiff little cock again.

She thought of Jerry Hershall, the milkman, but even he seemed to be out of the picture for the moment. A replacement was handling his milk route — Jerry apparently taking off for vacation the day after he’d raped Bonnie — and she wasn’t about to let the entire milk company know she was fair game. It surprised her that she was now willing to let a man who’d raped her have another go at her cunt, if he’d been around, but she was that anxious for a sexual encounter with a man any man.

Realizing what she had to do, she finally rose from the couch and went into her bedroom to get dressed.

Bonnie Evans sat in a booth in the Happy Limes Bar, slowly sipping through two straws at her rum and Coke. It was a quiet bar, dimly lit, and the afternoon crowd was unusually light. As Bonnie sat sipping her drink, she kept an eye out for the kind of man she needed to take her off somewhere and screw her silly, her head nodding up and her eyes widening almost imperceptibly any time someone came through the door.

She wore a pale silky dress, sporty and dressy-looking at the same time, and high, open toe platform shoes that made the tendons in the backs of her calves round tautly when she walked. So far, she’d seen no one that looked particularly interesting to her sexually.

And then a male voice asked: “Well, Bonnie, what a surprise to find you here!”

She turned with a start to find George Grayson standing by the booth and smiling from ear to ear at her. He was tall and rangy-looking, his brown hair unkempt at times and always seeming to need at least a trim, but everything considered, he was just what she would’ve ordered if she’d had the chance. Unfortunately she knew since they were neighbors that he was married and — at least from all appearances — devoted to his cute little wife.

“Can I sit down?” he asked, sliding in beside her when she nodded pleasantly. “What have you been up to? What are you doing in here, anyway?”

“What does it look like?” she laughed good-naturedly. “I’m having a drink. How about yourself, what are you doing in here?”

“The same,” he laughed, signaling the waitress to bring him a beer. “Ever since I was laid off, I’ve been kind of wandering around without much to do. And Jill — I’m sure you know my wife, Jill — she’s been so busy lately with her clubs and charity work and all that crap that we hardly ever see each other any more.”

“I know the feeling,” Bonnie said with a trace of rancor. She changed the subject, not really in the mood to discuss her problem with Norman. “I’m not used to drinking all that much. This rum and Coke is running right through me. Will you still be here when I get back from the powder room?”

“I won’t move a muscle,” George promised, “Take your time.”

Alone in the restroom, Bonnie quickly pulled her pantyhose and panties off and stuffed them in her purse. It seemed to her that with George’s wife neglecting him the way she was, he would probably be receptive to what she had in mind. Touching her warm cunt with a fingertip, she was pleased to find it was dripping wet and already throbbing with anticipation. She went back out to the booth she shared with her ruggedly handsome neighbor.

When she slid back in beside him she moved right up next to him, her leg pressed to his just to see what he’d do. George made no protest, and the two of them sat there for three-quarters of an hour, steadily getting drunker and finally giggling at anything that seemed even mildly amusing.

After a bit of this back-and-forth banter, Bonnie reached down and took his hand in her own, squeezing it. He laughed self-consciously, his face actually turning red with embarrassment when she slid his hand up between her bare thighs.

His fingers found her slippery wet pussy, and he jerked in surprise, whispering hoarsely, “God, you’re not wearing any panties!”

“I’m sure not,” she whispered back just as hoarsely, squeezing her thighs around his hand. “I took them off just for you, Georgie.”

He swallowed hard, his fingers probing up into Bonnie’s hot cunt until her juices were oozing out and dribbling down onto the smooth plastic of the scat. He said shakily, “My wife… Jill, she wouldn’t…”

“She wouldn’t even know,” Bonnie breathed, her hips already moving back and forth as her knees spread wider under the table. “We could go to a motel.”

He seemed embarrassed even more. “I’m out of work, I really don’t have much more money than enough for a couple of drinks.” Even in the semi-darkness she could see he was blushing furiously.

“I can pay for the room,” she said finally. “I’ve got enough money with me to pay for the motel.”

She knew she was giving away just how desperate she really was, but somehow it didn’t seem to matter. All she could think about was the two of them, her and George Grayson, locked in a passionate embrace on a motel bed. She shook with an involuntary shiver.

George took a deep breath, much as if he was thinking of his pretty wife Jill, but nodded at last with a nervous smile.

The room was small and sparsely furnished, but it was clean. The two of them stepped in, and George closed the door, his hands shaking as he hooked the safety chain in place. It was obvious he was more than a little nervous about discovery.

He turned around and almost stumbled over Bonnie, who was already grabbing at his belt and undoing it. She managed to get his pants unbuttoned and his fly down, and then she was reaching into his pants for his cock.

“Let’s get on the bed, at lent,” he laughed, pushing his pants and shorts the rest of the way down and stepping over them. “Relax, Bonnie, we’ve got plenty of time.”

“I’m so damn horny, I can’t wait!” she giggled. “Take my dress off. Strip me naked, and then fuck me to death!”

She bounced back on the bed, kicking her shoes off, her hands quickly unbuttoning the front of her dress. Then she pulled her dress open in the front and showed George her damp, bare tits, the nipples purplish red and poking out at him.

George, completely naked, jumped on top of her with a laugh, his arms going around her slender waist and his mouth finding hen. They kissed for a long time, sucking at each other’s lips and darting their tongues together.

Pulling away from her, he finished undressing her, Bonnie sitting up while he pulled her dress over her head and tossed it across a chair.

“Will you fuck me till I tell you to stop?” she breathed. With her arms around his neck, she pulled him down on top of her.

“You may never tell me to stop,” he laughed.

“That’s right, George,” she smiled, pulling him still closer until his fact was next to hers. “Just start humping me, and don’t stop!”

She spread her damp thighs and groaned when she felt his long, hard cock slide up into her wet snatch. Just the feel of his rigid meat throbbing deep within her made Bonnie shiver, the pink walls of her cunt clenching at his thick cock-shaft and holding it tight.

“Make it good!” she said. “Fuck me till I can’t walk!”

“I’ll have to carry you out of here,” George laughed, his hips drawing back.

He poised with just the head of his twitching cock imbedded in the very outer folds of Bonnie’s tight cunt, his thighs trembling as he tried to make the anticipation as great as possible for her.

Then, when she was raising her bare ass off the bed and trying to pull him down to her with a series of little gasps, he slammed his hips forward and drove his massive prick straight up her pulsating pussy.

Bonnie stiffened with a muffled cry into his shoulder when his stiff cock plunged into hen her legs straightening for a moment with the impact, and then instantly wrapping around behind his. She groaned again, clutching at his back and shoulders when he started pistoning his solid prick in and out of her hot cunt.

“Like that, like that, just keep doing it like that!” she gasped, fast becoming lost in the motion of their frenzied humping.

George needed a shave, and his face pressed close to hers was rubbing her cheek until it was tender to the touch. Bonnie didn’t even notice, her attention centered on the stiff cock sliding in and out of her slippery snatch.

She was pumping from underneath as quickly as he was pumping from on top, her thighs straining as she worked to take his hard cock as deep as she could get it in her quivering cunt.

Getting her hands down around his churning hips, she grabbed hold of his ass, digging her nails in and pulling until his crotch was still tighter to hers. She could feel his rigid cock pushing into the wet opening of her cunt and then stroking back out, the huge shaft of his meat filling her with throbbing hardness.

George kept slamming his cock into the juicy depths of her wet pussy and fucking her frantically, his hips whipping up and down faster with every thrust. He had his hands dug in under her squirming bottom and was yanking her up from the bed every time he crammed his long prick deep in her hot cunt, his crotch grinding into hers and the base of his prick pummeling her fiery clit.

“Fuck the hell out of me!” she moaned, spreading her knees as wide as she could get them. “Ram your big prick up me and ream my cunt out with it! OHHHH! OHHHHHH! OHHH! It’s so damn good! Just keep shoving your hard cock up my snatch! Fuck me, George, fuck me flat! OHHHHHH! I love it! OHHHH! Shave your cock deeper! Shove it deeper! I want to feel it all the way up my snatch! OHHHHHHH! OHHHH GOD! It’s going so deep, your cock is going so deep in my pussy! OHHHHH! Keep fucking me! Fuck me harder! Harder! HARDER!”

Bonnie groaned mindlessly, her body damp with sweat and her ass bouncing all over the bed. The bedsprings were creaking so loud she was sure they could be heard in the next room, but she was too much into the feel of the fucking that George Grayson was giving her to even care.

George hammered his wiry frame against her with a fury, his hips jerking still faster and his cock sliding in and out of her hairy wet snatch frenziedly. His hands still cupping her sweaty ass, he was squeezing her writhing ass cheeks as hard as he could, pulling her up against him faster even than she was pumping.

George’s teeth were clenched and his breathing got quicker by the second. He kept pushing his throbbing cock all the way into Bonnie’s tight snatch, and Bonnie kept taking every inch of it and shuddering with the feel of it.

She squirmed and writhed beneath him, her hot thighs clamped to his and pumping with a jerky thrusting motion. Every time George’s solid prick cleaved into her pink pussy she groaned all the louder, clutching wildly at his ass with her hands and urging him on to fuck her still harder. The juices from her snatch flowing freely, she was shoving her sopping crotch up at him and taking his pounding prick yet deeper.

Cheek to cheek with him, she breathed in his ear, “Oh George, you’re fucking the daylights out of me! OHHHH! Keep pushing! Keep ramming your prick up my cunt! OHHHHHH! It’s making me shiver! OHHHH! Fuck me faster, faster, fuck me faster! OHHHH! OHHHHHHHHHH! God, I love your cock, I love it! Push it deeper in my snatch! Fill my cunt with your big cock! OHHHHUHHH!”

The lean neighbor slammed his jerking meat so hard into Bonnie’s snatch it knocked the wind out, of her, his groin slapping against hers and making her gasp for breath.

“I told you,” he groaned through gritted teeth. “I told you I’d have to carry you out of here! Goddamn, you fuck wild! Your cunt grabs my cock every time I stick it in! GOD! Can you feel your pussy grab like that? GOD, THAT FEELS GOOD!”

“Hell, yes, I can feel it,” Bonnie groaned. “You’re fucking my little ass off! OHHHHHH! OHHHHHHH! Even my asshole’s throbbing like crazy! OHHHH GODDAMN! OHHHH!”

George apparently had to see for himself about her asshole, because a second later he shoved his finger up her ass and dug in.

Bonnie squirmed crazily, the sensation of his cock in her cunt and his finger up her ass not unlike the tricks Val had showed her with the two vibrators. She lurched up from the bed, the muscles in her legs tightening, and was wildly alive with animation.

Pushing his finger still deeper in her pulsing asshole, George never slowed down fucking her for a second, his cock pounding into her snatch and glutting her with keenly felt tremors of pleasure.

“I’m going to shoot my wad!” George gasped shakily. “Hang on, here it comes…”

Bonnie felt him suddenly go taut on top of her, his breath catching and his prick quivering wildly. And then his cock jerked again and began splattering his thick cum into her juicy cunt, shooting his jism up her in pearly streams.

“I can feel it!” the dark-haired housewife moaned, her own climax starting to rip through her trembling loins. “I can feel your cum squirting into my snatch! OHHHHH! Shoot all of it up me, fill my pussy to the brim with your hot sperm! OHHHHH! Goddamn, it feels so good! OHHHHHH!”

George had his spurting prick buried in Bonnie, and Bonnie was writhing and twisting beneath him, her wet cunt contracting around his meat and holding it tight.

He humped her all the harder, pistoning his cock in and out of her until they were both sweat-slickened and bleary-eyed and then when he was finally finished coming, he ground to a halt.

They lay wrapped in each other’s arms for several moments, neither of them speaking or making any effort to move. When Bonnie stopped swallowing long enough to get a word out, she said, “George, your wife must be crazy to be out screwing around with those charities when she could be home screwing with you. I thought I’d never stop coming.”

“Maybe you could sign an affidavit to that effect, and I’ll show it to her,” he laughed, giving her firm ass a playful little squeeze.

“Sure,” Bonnie laughed. She smiled at him, realizing that she was genuinely fond, of George Grayson. “You want to take a quick shower before we do it again?”

She half expected him to rebel at her suggestion that they fuck again — partially because of her recent experiences with Norman — but George said cheerfully, “Sure, come on. Then I’m going to hump your brains out.”

He grabbed her sweaty warm hand, and the two of then I ran laughing and giggling to the bathroom. Bonnie took a really good look at him as he bent to turn the shower on, her appreciation evident in her expression. To Bonnie, he was exactly what the doctor — her cunt, in this case — had ordered.

“Get in,” he said, turning to her.

“Well, you get in first,” she said. “I don’t want to singe my cunt-hair if it’s too hot.”

He shook his head with a laugh, then climbed into the tub. The hot spray of the shower beaded against his skin and ran in heavy rivulets down over his chest, crotch and legs. Bonnie watched him for a moment, then she climbed in with him.

“Not too hot for you?” he smiled at her, pulling the glass shower door closed behind her.

“It’s just right.” Bonnie picked up a small bar of soap and unwrapped it. She rubbed the soap between her small hands until she worked up a lather, and then she reached for George’s dangling cock.

“That feels almost as good as your snatch,” George said, watching as Bonnie soaped and pulled and tugged at his soft prick. “I’m not kidding,” he added with another laugh.

Bonnie giggled, her bare tits jiggling, and kept sliding her hand up and down his steadily hardening cock. It was alive under her lingers, the shaft of it already pulsing and the head quickly swelling and growing red.

“I’d blow you, except I don’t want a mouthful of soap,” she said quietly, still jacking him off with a soap-filled hand. “I’d suck it and swallow every ounce of your cum.”

The long prick she played with soon was hard and throbbing, and she kept working her hand up and down, faster and faster, wanting to see his sperm jet into the air. She leaned over closer to it.

“Tell me when you’re ready to come, and I’ll aim it in my mouth,” she murmured, her excitement almost as keen as his. “We’ll see if you can squirt it into my mouth from a distance.”

“Jeez, you’re making my nuts tighten up,” he said stiffly, and then, “Listen, Bonnie, hold it a second. I’ve got a better idea.”

“What idea?” she asked, her hand still moving rapidly on his upright cock and her blue eyes watchful for the eruption of his cum she knew would soon follow. “What idea?” she asked again.

“Let’s screw standing up in the tub,” he suggested, but it was obvious he was fighting the temptation to just shoot his rocks while she jacked him off, the prospect of a more pleasurable climax in her tight cunt offset by the immediacy of the hand job she was giving him. “Jump up on me, and I’ll hold you up with my hands under your ass. Have you ever tried it?” He got closer to getting his nut by the second.

“No, but it sounds like fun,” she gilled up at him, suddenly releasing his throbbing prick and straightening. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she rubbed her naked body against his, her taut nipples grazing his chest and her hairy snatch touching the bulbous head of his standing cock.

George braced himself in the tub with his feet wide and then, with his hands cupping Bonnie’s round little ass, he pulled her up to him.

With her arms tight around his neck and her heels hooked behind his legs, Bonnie lowered herself slowly onto his rigid cock. She bounced up and down with a fluid wiggling motion, managing to wedge the fleshy head of his prick into her sopping cunt and then sliding down on it.

“I take it back about your soapy hand feeling as good as your snatch,” George breathed, pushing his lean hips forward and shoving his cock still deeper into Bonnie. “Nothing feels as good as your snatch.”

Bonnie considered asking, “Not even Jill’s snatch?” but decided against it. There was no sense in reminding him of that particular relationship.

“Your prick’s deep in my pussy,” she whispered hotly, jiggling up and down and feeling his stiff meat sliding in and out of her. “God, it’s hard as anything!”

His hands squeezed her rubbery ass, and then he started lifting her up and bringing her back down, his hips pumping back and forth and his throbbing cock pistoning into her wet clit. The shower covered them both with a fine, hot mist, but neither of them seemed to notice as their thrusting grew steadily more urgent.

Bonnie’s heavy tits bounced up and down rhythmically, a constant stream of water cascading over them and trickling off the very points of her swollen nipples. She brought herself down harder id harder on George’s stiff, twitching cock, impaling her snatch on it and shuddering with the intense pleasure it gave her.

Her breath getting harsher by the moment, she was sitting down on his standing prick and then jerking back up, her full thighs straining and pumping faster with each thrust.

George kept pushing his big cock up into her tight pussy, ramming it up to her and making Bonnie shudder all the more. His breathing was as ragged as hers, and his eyes were half-closed and glazed over with the lust coursing through him.

Groaning with the sensation of his cock buried to the hilt in her, Bonnie moaned and squirmed and fucked him as hard as he was fucking her. Her pussy was so wet her hot juices were flowing down her quaking thighs, the oily film of it washed away by the shower as juicy as it formed.

“Your cock’s so hard! It’s so damn hard! Ram it up my snatch and make me come! Make me come with your big, hairy cock in my cunt! OHHH! Push it farther up my cunt, push your meat farther up me! Make me come my ass off like I know you can! OHHHH! OHHHH GOD! I want to come! OHHHH! Fuck me harder! Fuck me silly with that big, stiff prick of yours! OHHHH!”

His solid cock hammered up into her juicy snatch, and his hands squeezed her writhing ass until his fingers left marks on her white flesh. She kept spearing herself on his meaty prick with all her weight behind every jerky thrust, the smooth muscles in her thighs and ass standing taut.

The harder they humped, the more Bonnie moaned and the more frantically she squirmed against him, her bare ass sticking out and bobbing up and down, she kept working her hips with a grinding, urgent pumping motion.

Her cunt-juices oozing from her snatch, the entire bathroom was rank with the smell of her sopping cunt. She groaned with a nonstop moaning wail, her mouth open and gulping air as she gasped with pleasure so delicious she thought both of them would topple sideways when they started coming. The slick interior of her hot pussy sucked at George’s driving cock each time it stroked back out of her, her pussy-lips swollen and stretched open around his cock-shaft.

Her legs locked to the backs of his, she pumped at a mile a minute, her thighs quaking and jerking with the strain of it.

“Stick your prick even deeper up my cunthole!” she gasped brokenly, panting for breath. “Fuck me faster! Let me feel your cum gushing up my snatch, let me fret it! Pound my hairy pussy to pieces! OHHHH GODDAMN, IT’S SO FUCKING GOOD! OHHHH! Let me feel you getting your nuts off in my cunt! OHHH!”

She was spreading her knees as wide as she could, her whole body working up and down along George’s lanky frame. Every time she slammed her cunt down on his upright cock, her clit was squeezed between his hard cock-base and the prominent bone near the top of her pubic bulge, the tingling tremors this action sent through her making her gasp.

George crammed his twitching meat even harder into her pulsating snatch, glutting her pink cunt-hole with rigid male flesh as his cock-head parted and filled the wet, gripping opening her cunt-walls formed.

Bonnie was going wild with the relentless screwing George Grayson was giving her under the hot spray of the shower. Her black hair, dewed with moisture, flew in the air as she speared her quivering cunt still deeper on his jerking cock.

Then she felt George’s already stiff cock stiffening even straighter in the slippery depths of her tight snatch, felt it stiffen until she thought it would snap. She tensed up just as his sticky cum exploded from the end of his rock-hard cock, her groans echoing his as both of them started coming.

Her pussy spasming tight around his shooting prick, she groaned and cried out until she was hoarse, the whole while George’s thick jism pouring into her.

They ground together, crotch to crotch, becoming one as the electric shock of their simultaneous orgasms overpowered them. Struggling to hold his balance, George pumped his throbbing cock into her until his balls were finally empty of the sperm they carried, his cock giving a last jerking twitch and then spurting the rest of his load.

Bonnie hung to him tightly even after she’d put her feet on the bottom of the tub, her face pressed against his chest as her breathing slowly returned to normal. It suddenly occurred to her that she should feel cheap for what she’d spent ha afternoon doing with George, and she realized that she probably would eventually when she looked back on it. But, for the moment, she was too busy feeling satisfied sexually to worry about it too much.


When Norman got home from work at seven o’clock, Bonnie was right there waiting for him. Without bothering to serve dinner first, she stepped out of the bedroom stark naked as he came through the front door and said to him, “Norman, if you expect to eat tonight, you’re going to have to give me a little attention first. I’ve had it with your attitude, I really have. I can’t go on like this another day.”

That her approach lacked the elements of a true seduction mattered little to her. Simply put, she was tired of playing guessing games with her bone-weary husband about whether he’d be too exhausted to fuck her or not.

Norman simply stared at her. “Are you cracking tip or something? For Christ’s sake, you know how much my job is tearing me down. This is the wont time of the year, and we’re losing money besides. Damn it, Bonnie, have a heart!”

“You have a heart!” she snapped. “I hardly think it’s too much to ask for a woman to want her husband’s love and affection every now and then.”

He looked away from Bonnie’s accusing stare, and then be said quietly, “I think you’re turning into a nymphomaniac. All I ever hear around here is ‘Norman, fuck me’ or ‘Norman, shove your cock in me’. I mean, you’re really becoming a Goddamn nymphomaniac.”

“A nymphomaniac! Once a month in the sack with you makes me a nympho?! Norman, if you believe that, then you’re the one who’s cracking up.”

He stared at her for a moment, his eyes telling her nothing, and then he shook his head sadly and said, “I’ll get something to eat downtown. Don’t bother waiting up me, I’ll be working late as usual. See you later…”

And while Bonnie stood there naked, her frustration so great she could have screamed, her husband turned around and disappeared out the door. She stood without moving a muscle for a full five minutes, wanting to cry but refusing to let herself. Finally, she went to the phone and found her paperboy’s phone number.

Getting past his mother with a story about not getting the paper she was supposed to, Bonnie managed to get Gary on the line. She felt silly, but she was angry enough with Norman and horny enough for the young paperboy to try almost anything.

“This is Bonnie Evans, Gary,” she said shakily, feeling more foolish by the moment. “I’m sorry. I had to lie to your mother, but I really want to see you. My cunt’s so wet, it’s dripping down my legs.”

“No problem at all, Mrs. Evans,” he said for the benefit of his mother. “I’ll be glad to bring you one of my extra papers. I’ll be over in a few minutes with it.”

“You’re a real sweetheart,” Bonnie giggled. “I’ll be naked and waiting for you.”

She hung up the phone with a tight little smile on her pretty face, determined that, from now on, she was going to get her sex from any source she could. And if Norman found out and didn’t like it, she thought bitterly, he could just lump it.

Ten minutes later Gary knocked on her door, and she let him in. He tossed the paper he carried on a chair, his manner much more self-assured than it had been the first time he’d seen Mrs. Bonnie Evans naked. He was in jeans and a sweat shirt, his blond hair combed neatly, and he immediately gabbed Bonnie around the waist and hugged her.

“You certainly got rid of your shyness from last time in a hurry,” the young housewife smiled warmly. She squeezed him as tightly as he was squeezing her, her bare tits in his face and her hairy snatch nabbing against his hip.

“We’ll have to kind of hurry,” he said. “My mother expects me back home pretty quick. Tomorrow’s a school day.”

“You’ll just have to fuck me as fast as you can then, won’t you?” she laughed, already unfastening the front of his jeans and reaching in for his hard little cock. “The faster the better,” she added immodestly.

Gary shivered when Bonnie’s cool fingers encircled his twitching prick, his rigid meat jerking under her hand. He took his shin off and his shoes off and his socks off, and then Bonnie helped him get his pants and underwear the rest of the way down. Still holding onto his throbbing cock, she led him over to the couch. Both of them sat down.

“If we had more time, I’d suck you off,” she said in the sultriest of voices. She squeezed his prick until the head was swollen with blood and ready to burst. “God, you get so damn hard!”

“Well, what do you expect?” he laughed. “All I have to do is see your pussy and I get a hard-on.”

Gary cupped her heavy tits with sweaty hands, his fingers toying with her nipples. He watched raptly as they hardened.

Bonnie snuggled closer to him, her hand on his cock starting to move up and down, and traced with just the moist tip of her tongue along his cheek and then into his ear. “Gary,” she breathed hotly, “I want you to put your stiff little prick in my asshole tonight. I want you to fuck me in the ass.”

He glanced at her with a startled expression. “Fuck you in the ass?” he asked uncertainly. “Won’t that hurt you? I mean, your asshole is…”

“It won’t hurt a bit,” she interjected, kissing his cheek. “Anyway, you’ll love it.”

She’d been anxious to try anal sex again ever since Jerry Hershall had forced her to submit to it that afternoon, but the size of the cocks she’d came in contact with frightened her. That Gary — even though large for his young years — he had a prick that her tight little asshole could more easily accommodate, was incentive enough for her to try it with him.

He stood up, and Bonnie sprawled face down on the couch and spread her bare legs as wide as worn would permit. Her tits flattening against the cushion and her knees digging in, she reached around with her hands and spread the firm cheeks of her ass until her puckered asshole was stretched taut. The brown ring of flesh throbbed warmly and opened slightly to Gary’s more than merely curious eyes.

“It sure is a small bolt to be sticking my dick in,” he observed quietly, kneeling behind her and staring. His hard prick stood straight out in front of him, the veined shaft of it quivering with anticipation. “You’re positive it won’t hurt you?”

“I’ll let you know if it hurts,” she said hoarsely. “Come on, fuck the skit out of my ass.”

From where he was kneeling, Gary could see the horny housewife’s gaping snatch, the wet outer lips of it pouting open and slick with her already oozing lubrication. With his fingers he probed into her hot pink cunt, sliding them in and out and then rubbing the oily wetness all over Bonnie’s palpitating asshole.

She trembled, raising her ass up so her ass-crack widened, and held herself open for him. The full backs of her thighs quaking, she said, “Let me fed your cock in my asshole, Gary. Ram it up me as hard as you can.”

Gary, satisfied that her tight asshole was now slippery enough, took his cock in his hand and guided it between the damp checks of her ass. When the fleshy tip of his prick was pressed against her twitching anal perforation, he pushed forward and managed to neatly slip the entire head of his throbbing meat into her ass.

“You’re doing fine,” Bonnie gasped, the feel of his cock starting to work up into her gripping asshole making her breath quicken. “Just shove your cock all the way in…”

With an almost brutal thrust, Gary crammed his prick the rest of the way up Bonnie’s hot rectum, the thickness of his meat forcing her asshole open until it was stretched wide. He buried himself fully in her, his groin pressed to her rubbery ass-cheeks and his balls hanging down against the underside of her hairy cunt.

“Boy, it’s a really tight fit,” he said. He slid his hands in under her naked hips and cupped the plump bulge of her cunt. “I’m about ready to come right this second.”

“Don’t you dare!” she giggled, beginning to pump her hips and up and down. She had her arms stretched out in front of her with her head resting between them.

The young boy started sliding his stiff cock in and out of her clenching asshole, his bulbous cock-head pushing up into her jerking ass as far as it coqid reach. He humped her from behind with a steady pumping motion, pistoning his solid prick into her wet asshole and making her groan quietly under her breath.

“Faster!” she urged him on. “Fuck my ass faster!”

His groping fingers found her tingling clit, and he massaged it feverishly, his fingertips touching at the faintly trembling nub of pink flesh until it was quivering. He rammed his hard cock up her tight asshole with all the enthusiasm of his youth, pounding it into her with all his might.

The dark-haired housewife gasped with the frantic battering Gary’s spearing prick was giving her ass, her thighs and hips straining as she worked against him. She was damp with perspiration, and the slick juices of her snatch welled out of her and slowly formed a wet spot on the couch beneath the juncture of her thighs.

Gary’s probing fingers slid up into her pulsating cunt, working their way into the tight passageway and stabbing between her glistening cunt-walls. He fingerfucked her with a passion, jabbing his fingers up her snatch and at the same time manipulating her clit until she was going wild with the feel of it.

His cock kept pounding up into her hot asshole, stroking in and pistoning back out almost as if it had a life of its own. With every thrust of his hips, Gary yanked at her crotch with his hands, pulling her hips up and plunging his prick still deeper into her ass.

“Harder! Ram your cock up my asshole even harder!” Bonnie gasped, squirming beneath him. “Fuck my asshole raw! Ream it out! OHHH! Keep stabbing me in the ass with your cock! Faster! Faster! Faster! OHHH GOD!”

She writhed and kicked with a frenzy, her bare ass churning up and down as she tried to take his driving rod of meat as deeply into her pulsing ass as she could get it. Every sleek muscle in her body straining, she moaned mindlessly with the sensations the jabbing cock engorging her rectum sent through her.

Gary pounded his prick up her squirming harder still, slamming it into her with thrusts that grew more urgent and erratic by the minute.

Bonnie’s tiny clit throbbed with the massaging it was getting from Gary’s nimble fingers, the exquisitely sensitive stub of it distending and growing firm from his attention to it. She could feel the wet, rubbery circle of her taut asshole sucking at the boy’s plunging cock. She gasped for air, her face beaded with drops of sweat and her long black hair soaked and sticking to her skin.

Gary kept, squeezing and poking at Bonnie’s sopping cunt, his fingers both pulling at her clit and exploring the pink insides of her cunt-hole at the same time. He kept jamming three fingers at a time into the wet folds of her quivering snatch, pushing them in furiously and sliding them out just as quickly.

Her hips pumping in short, jerky thrusts that made the damp cheeks of her round little ass tighten together, Bonnie shuddered every time the paperboy impaled her to the hilt with his stiff prick, her entire body shaking uncontrollably with the rampant ass-fucking he was giving her.

“Stick your cock deeper in my asshole! Shove your meat all the way up my ass! OHHHH! OHHHH SHIT! OHHH MY GOD! Fuck the shit right out of my asshole! Fill my ass with your hard cock! OHHH! It’s so good I can’t stand it, it’s so damn good! You’re stretching my little asshole wide open! Deeper, go deeper in my ass! OHHH! And keep fingerfucking my snatch! Squeeze it! Squeeze my cunt hard! My clit’s tingling like mad! OHHH!”

She was being consumed with lust, every nerve-ending in her jerking body alive with sensation. The backs of her pumping thighs tensed, the muscles slowly knotting, and Bonnie cried out and began twisting and thrashing all over the place.

It was all Gary could do to stay on her sweat-covered back, his hands clutching at her dripping crotch and his fingers sliding yet deeper into her slippery cunt. He ground his cock even harder into her spasming asshole, reaming her rectum out with his throbbing chunk of meat and making her squirm all the more.

Bonnie could feel every inch of his hammering prick pushing up into her tight rectum, from his twitching cock-head all the way back to the base of his cock-shaft. The delicious friction of his slippery cock sliding in and out of her even more slippery asshole was almost more than she could bear, it being all she could do not to just shriek at the top of her lungs with the shivering excitement coursing through her.

Driving his solid cock into her clenching asshole feverishly, Gary panted hoarsely, “it’s so tight! GODDAMN! Your asshole is so tight and wet and hot and slippery! GOD! It’s squeezing my, dick to death! It feels just like you’re blowing me with your ass! UHHHHH! GODDAMN! I’m gonna come! UHHHH! Your asshole is gonna suck all my cum right out of my dick! ARGHHHH! UHHHH!”

Stiffening with the impact of his suddenly violent thrusts, Bonnie let out a whimpering groan and straightened her quaking legs out behind her. The warm cheeks of her ass closed around Gary’s ramming prick, his meat gripped wetly from tip to base by both her hot asshole and the damp flesh of her ass-cheeks.

“Give me all your cum!” she moaned. “Shoot so much cum up my asshole it’ll run out every time I take a shit! AHHHH! OHHHH GOD! OHHH! I can feel your prick shooting off! I can feel your jism squirting up my ass!”

Her pussy quivered and then blossomed into orgasm, her cunt-hole dosing on Gary’s darting fingers. Bonnie ground her clit into the couch, working the top portion of her cunt into the rough fabric of the cushions and trapping Gary’s hands underneath her.

The shell-bunts of jarring pleasure rippling through her snatch made her shake convulsively, her mouth forming a silent “O” and her eyes wet and glistening. She could feel the jerking cock buried deep in her bowels squirting load after load of thick semen, her sucking asshole filling with it and brimming over. Her trembling ass-cheeks damped together, she shuddered and groaned and squirmed until the shattering spasms of her climax finally passed.

With a hissing moan, Gary stuck his prick up her ass so far it wedged in tight, and then he too went limp.

“Jesus Christ!” Bonnie breathed. “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to walk again. When you get going, you just don’t quit.”

“Flab,” he laughed. “Who could ever quit with his dick in an asshole like yours? I feel like I came about six gallons.”

“I’ll say,” Bonnie giggled.

The lanky, blond-haired boy climbed off her, his sticky cock sliding out of her ass, and stood up. “I guess I better be going,” he said.

“SO soon?” the young housewife asked softly. “DO you really have to go?”

“Gee, I better…” he hedged. “My mother’ll kill me if I’m not home pretty quick. Besides, she might even figure out what we’re doing if I’m out too late.”

Bonnie, not to be deterred, rolled over on her back and spread her bare thighs. Her pussy glistened wetly, a pink slash of slick flesh surrounded by matted curly hair. The deep hole of it throbbed when she took her cunt-lips in her fingers and held them apart.

“Don’t you want to fuck my pussy?” she asked with lewd boldness, grinning impishly at him. “Don’t you remember how my cunt tightens up around your cock when I start coming? It gets so hot and wet.”

“Bonnie. I can’t,” Gary cut in. “I’m telling you, my mother would kill me if I stayed out much later.”

“Okay,” she finally agreed. “I don’t want to get you in trouble. But let’s at least take a quick shower together so you don’t go home smelling like my snatch.”

“Sure,” he nodded. “That’s a good idea, in fact.”

Bonnie thought so too as she led him to the bathroom, not one to give up so easily when another frenzied screwing was at stake.

“Let me get all this cum out of my asshole first!” she said, lifting the seat up from the toilet and then squatting over the bowl. With knees bent, she spread her ass-cheeks apart with her fingers and pushed in with her stomach. While Gary watched, fascinated, an erratic dribbling of sticky jism ran out of her asshole and dropped to the water below.

Bonnie knew she had his attention, and she said with an almost wicked smile, “Have you ever watched a girl pin before?”

Gary reddened slightly, and he stammered, “Well — uh — no, I never have.”

“DO you want to watch me pee?” she said, squatting lower on the toilet.

“Why?” he asked self-consciously, but his eyes were fixed on Bonnie’s wetly gaping cunt. “It seems so…”

“Just to watch, that’s why,” she giggled. “Close your eyes if you don’t want to, because I can’t hold it another second.”

And, with Gary staring, she let loose with the muscles holding her urine, and pissed for almost a solid minute. By the time she was finished, Gary had his face about two inches from her hairy pussy and was watching transfixed as the stream of liquid ran out of her.

“God, I really did have to piss, didn’t I?” she said. “Would you hand me some toilet paper, Gary?”

He unrolled a few squares of tissue, but instead of handing them to her proceeded to wipe her snatch himself. When he was through, he dropped them in the bowl, and Bonnie flushed the toilet.

“Now for a quick shower,” she laughed, turning on the water.

They climbed into the tub, Gary in front and Bonnie behind, and the first thing the girl did was to grab the soap and start washing Gary’s limp prick. She soaped his cock and balls all over, pulling at him with her hands, and then soaped the entire front of his body.

“You do me,” she smiled, handing him the soap. Gary took the lathered bar and started covering her with it, his hands sliding over her fiat stomach, her jutting tits, under her arms, over her smooth shoulders, down her ribcage, along her hips and then down her legs. He worked the soap in between her thighs, moving it up and soaping her swollen cunt and the part of the cheeks of her ass he could reach from the front.

Bonnie stood still while he washed her, her legs spread and her hips thrust slightly forward. His fingers sliding around at the junction of her soap slick thighs were making her tremble, and she shivered when the boy suddenly poked a finger up into her tight asshole.

“Just getting all the cum out,” be said with a laugh, his finger probing still deeper into her wet rectum. He slid it in and out, and then pulled it out entirely with a soft “plop”. Next he did the saint to her quivering pussy, slipping his eager fingers up into her heat and exploring gently.

“Your dick’s getting hard again!” Bonnie said exdtedly. “Look at it, for God’s sake. It’s standing right up.”

“It must not know I have to get borne,” he laughed, looking at himself.

“You know,” the pert housewife said slowly, “if you stand there like that, we could almost fuck standing up without me having to climb up on you. You’re just about the right height for it.”

Gary’s cock was too hard for him to turn down her offer. He put the soap dawn, and then the two of them came together, their arms going around one another and the head of his standing prick sliding easily into Bonnie’s hot pussy.

She spread her legs even wider, squatting down some and taking his throbbing cock the rest of the way into her cunt. It went in deep, his rigid meat pushing aside the wet interior flesh of her tight snatch and filling the space between.

Both of them were so slick with soap, they could barely hold on to each other, their hands roaming freely, fondling and squeezing. His thighs pressed warmly between hers, Gary slid his hands over her round tits, cupping them and watching as her soft flesh slid away from his fingers.

“Hold my ass so I don’t fall down,” Bonnie whispered. “And when I start coming, see how many fingers at a time you can stick up my asshole.”

He shook his head with a laugh. Running his hands down the gentle curve of her back, he took the cheeks of her ass in his hands and squeezed. His hips were already moving back and forth, and his stiff cock was sliding in and out of Bonnie’s slippery cunt.

Gary had his back to the shower, and the spray splashed over his shoulders and was soaking Bonnie’s hair. He kept shoving his prick as deep as possible in her hot pussy and pistoning it back out, his balls swinging back and forth and sometimes slapping up into the undersides of her rubbery ass-cheeks.

Her breathing getting quickly ragged, Bonnie stood with her legs spread and her arms wrapped around the young boy’s waist. Her bare tits jiggled up and down almost imperceptibly with the steady motion of their fucking, her distended nipples poking into his chest. She stood staring wide-eyed at the tiled wall behind him, her expression intent, her full lower lip held between her teeth, and a film of sweat forming on her forehead.

His cock throbbing within the confines of Bonnie’s tight pussy, Gary dug his fingers into the slick flesh of her firm ass. He pulled her tighter to him, holding her crotch against him so that her thighs were spread as wide as possible.

She leaned against him, her knees bending outward and her hot cunt pushing forward to take his pistoning meat still deeper. Soon she had her chin resting over his shoulder and her cheek pressed to his, her legs quaking so badly they were ready to buckle. With a small gasping moan, she began pumping her hips back and forth, grinding her crotch into his and making him tremble with the feel of he wet pussy-lips sucking at the base of his cock.

Bonnie’s long black hair hung wetly down her back, every strand of it soaked to the roots. Moaning almost directly into the lanky boy’s car, she murmured to him, “I love having your cock in my pussy. I just love it. It’s going so far in! OHHHH!”

And then Gary slid one finger into her twitching asshole, poking it up into her ass and wriggling it around. Bonnie sucked in her breath, her legs shaking so badly she thought she’d fall, and hugged him around the waist even tighter.

“Your finger feels so good in my asshole,” she whimpered. “See how many you can jam in me. Go ahead.”

Gary’s finger was soon joined by two more, his fingertips pressed together and stabbing into Bonnie’s hot rectum. He crammed them in still deeper, stretching her rubbery asshole open with his knuckles. He fingered her ass just as quickly as be fucked her cunt, her motion getting steadily jerkier and more erratic.

Her eyes mere slits, Bonnie squirmed against his body, rubbing her swollen nipples into his chest and clamping her trembling thighs to the outsides of his. His pink snatch gaped open wetly, her clit tingling like crazy and her slick juices running out of her cunt-hole.

Gary rammed his meat still harder up her cunt, shoving it up her and filling her with quivering hardness, his fingers all the while working frenziedly in her asshole.

The young housewife’s tits heaved with her heavy breathing and jerking movements, her ass wriggling back and forth as she got nearer to getting her nuts off. She could feel her pussy and asshole tightening closed around Gary’s prick and fingers, and she knew it was only a matter of moments before she would be crying out with pleasure.

“Fuck me faster!” she breathed. “Shove your prick deeper, shove it as deep as it’ll go! OHHH GOD!” She clutched at his back, her nails digging in. “Keep fingering my asshole! Don’t stop! OHHH! I’m almost there! I’m going to come! I can feel it starting! OHHHH GOD! OHHHH! Squeeze my ass! Squeeze it tight! Hold me tighter! Fuck me, keep fucking the hell out of my snatch! OHHH!”

She straightened, her heels raising until she was almost on tiptoe and the sleek muscles in her quaking thighs and ass straining. The spasms racing through her quivering cunt made her groan and close her eyes tight, her climax shuddering into the very depths of her cock-filled snatch.

Gary’s prick throbbed wildly and then started squirting a stream of hot jism into Bonnie’s tightening cunt. He jabbed his spurting cock even deeper into her snatch, his fingers at the same time stabbing frantically into her asshole.

He shot his cum into her pussy while she stood there with her legs spread wide and groaned her head off. His cock finally jerked spasmodically and then was drained, a last dribble of semen spurting from the end before it quit.

Bonnie and Gary stood hugging each other for a moment, their breathing harsh and their bodies drenched with a mixture of water and sweat.

“Now, wasn’t that worth sticking around for?” Bonnie finally giggled, holding him tight. “Wasn’t it?”

“It seems so now,” he laughed. “Of course, I may change my mind about it when I get home and all the yelling and hitting is going on.”

“I’m sure you’ll be able to handle it,” she smiled. “I’m sure you could handle just about anything.”


After Gary headed for home, Bonnie got right on the phone again and called George Grayson. He picked the phone up on the second ring.

“George?” she said quickly. “This is Bonnie. Are you alone?”

“Bonnie, for Christ’s sake!” George said angrily. “It so happens I am alone, but what if Jill had been borne? My God, do you realize what a mess it would cause if she ever found out what we were doing? I’m crazy about you, but never, never call me at the house like this. Jill has to be the most jealous wife in the world, believe me.”

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Bonnie said slowly. “It was just that I figured she’d be out somewhere and you’d be home alone. Where is she, anyway?”

“They’re having some kind of benefit at the Golden Age Retirement Home downtown, and of course Jill’s on some committee or other. She won’t be home until after midnight.”

“Well, that’s great,” Bonnie giggled softly. “Norman’s working late tonight as usual. Why don’t we find a motel somewhere? I can pay for it.”

“I feel like a Goddamn gigolo,” he said, more out of pride than anger. “I’ll tell you what; I’ll bring a bottle along. That way, at least I’ll be paying for something.”

“Sure,” Bonnie laughed. “Does the Gateway Motel sound all right to you?”

“Great,” he said. “I’ll meet you there in half an hour.”

Bonnie hung up the phone and ran to get dressed.

“What’s in the shopping bag?” was the first thing George asked when they were in the motel room with the door closed. He was wearing the same clothes he had on earlier in the day, and he carried a bottle of cheap Scotch wrapped in a paper bag. “What’s in the shopping bag?” he asked again.

“It’s a surprise,” Bonnie giggled, heading straight for the bathroom. “Go ahead and pour me a drink and get undressed, and you’ll see what I’m up to soon enough.” And then she disappeared into the bathroom.

“What are you doing in there, building a boat?” George called out to her ten minutes later. He was sitting naked on the bed, his cock standing hard and ready in anticipation of what was to come. On the small nightstand stood two glasses filled to the brim with amber liquid. “I’m going to start jacking off in another minute, Bonnie,” he added, impatient to begin.

When she finally appeared it was immediately obvious she was worth waiting for. She wore the sheerest of negligees, a filmy white handful of silk with peck-a-boo openings that let her bare tits poke out. The dark curly hair that covered her pussy was clearly visible through the almost transparent material, and she moved with a fluid animal grace that was sexy beyond words. Her long black hair was loose and spilled over her smooth shoulders to just the tips of her ripe nipples, the effect tantalizing.

She was on the bed and pulling George down to her before be noticed that she had several nylon stockings in her hand.

“Wbat’re you going to do with those?” he asked, his arms sliding under the silk nightie and around her bare middle.

“I’m not going to do anything with them,” she breathed. “You are. You’re going to tie me down to the bed with them and then do anything you want to do to me. For tonight, I’m yours to do with as you please.”

His eyes lit right up at that, the thought obviously exciting to him. “Anything?”

“Anything,” she said, smiling.

He bounded up off the bed and took the stockings from her. Doing the obvious first, he tied her hands to the top bedposts and her slender ankles to the bottom posts. When Bonnie was securely fastened, he crawled up on top of her with a nervous laugh and got on his hands and knees over her face.

“Suck my cock first,” he said, thrusting with his hips so the warm bead of his dangling prick grazed her waiting lips. “Suck it, and swallow my cum when I shoot my wad.”

The young housewife giggled, her mouth opening and her tongue darting out eagerly. She licked with just her moist tonguetip at the swollen bead of George’s stiff cock, craning her neck as she tried to take his meat between her lips.

He pulled his hips buck a bit and teased her, his prick jerking out of range of her lips and tongue. Then he moved his hips around with a circular motion, watching as Bonnie’s mouth chased his cock in an effort to suck it.

From where Bonnie was tied down to the bed she could see his hairy balls swinging around, and she would have liked to have sucked them almost as much as his rigid cock. Finally George lowered himself enough so that Bonnie’s mouth closed around the bulbous tip of his prick, and he groaned when she started blowing him.

“Suck it!” he said quietly. “Take it as deep your throat as you can. Suck my prick until I’m filling your mouth with cum!”

The dark-haired girl needed no encouragement. With her tongue lapping feverishly at him, she sucked his prick as hard as possible. She wanted to jack him off too, to hurry him along so that he’d be getting his nuts off in her throat very quickly, but the stockings around her wrists held her securely.

She bobbed her pretty head up and down from the bed, swallowing as much of his prick as she could take while her tongue darted wetly at the head of it.

George’s wiry frame straddled her face, his hips pumping as he pushed his prick deeper and deeper into her throat. He dropped down so that his head was resting in the crook of one elbow, his knees sliding back slightly on the bed as he tried to get more comfortable. With his free hand, he trailed lightly down along the curve of her body and then pulled the hem of Bonnie’s sheer negligee up above her bare waist.

Her small feet tied to the bedposts so that her thighs were spread so wide they ached, she raised her hips awkwardly to give him a better look at her crotch. The mat of black curly hair covering Bonnie’s quivering pussy was sopping wet with her warm juices, her slippery cunt-lips gaping open and trembling faintly.

George cupped her entire crotch for a moment with a sweaty hand, squeezing it until her oily lubrication oozed through his fingers, and then he probed with a lone fingertip up into the tight passageway of her pink cunt.

She moved her hips up and down, wanting to take his finger as deep as she could in her snatch, her bare thighs spread still wider as she pumped her round little ass.

“What a hot pussy you have, my dear,” George said, swallowing hard. “It’s wet enough to slide somebody’s whole leg up it.”

Bonnie could only nod her head with a muffled laugh, her mouth so filled with the man’s hard cock she couldn’t talk around it. She kept sucking his prick with all her might and bobbing her head up and down, her breath coming harshly and getting even quicker.

She could feel his prick throbbing as she sucked him off, could see the fleshy pouch his balls hung in contracting as he got closer to shooting his wad.

With all his fingers at once, George started massaging and poking into Bonnie’s cunt with wild abandon. He pushed three fingers deep in her pulsating snatch and pressed on her trembling pink clit with his thumb, his little finger spearing up into her tight asshole.

He was shaking all over from the blow job Bonnie gave him so enthusiastically, his body beginning to jerk and strain while, she coaxed and teased his cock into squirting his jism don her throat.

“God, you really know how to sack a guy’s joint,” he breathed. “It feels like you’re taking it right down your throat. Suck it even harder, suck my cock harder!”

His fingers worked all the way up into Bonnie’s dripping cunt, wedging in and pressing into the pink hole. With the flat of his thumb still squeezing her clit, he started fingerfucking her, jerking his fingers in and out until the girl was shiny with sweat and squirming her ass around.

Bonnie kept trying to gulp down the full length of his stiff prick, sucking it, mouthing it, licking it, doing everything she could to get him to come. She even nibbled lightly with her teeth at the fleshy crown of his meat, her lips stretched tight around his cock-shaft and sucking furiously.

George’s feverishly moving fingers were scttingt her crotch on fire with passion his fingertips jabbing up into her slick heat and making her moan.

Still eagerly fingering Bonnie’s throbbing pussy, George suddenly gasped, and then his pearly-white cum poured into her mouth and filled it to overflowing. He strained with his hips, forcing his shooting cock almost down her throat, and his jism spurted again and again.

George’s hand clutched so wildly at Bonnie’s cunt that she climaxed almost immediately, her bare ass jerking off the bed and her thighs quaking. She moaned and writhed, the whole while swallowing his sticky cum and trying to gasp for breath at the same time.

He fingered and squeezed her pussy until all her muscles finally went slack and she sagged back into the bed. His cock at last empty, he pulled it out of her mouth and lay down with his head on her arm.

Bonnie lay there, covered with sweat and trembling, her cheeks spotted with gobs of his thick semen. She swallowed loudly several times and then took a deep breath to steady herself.

“Jesus Christ!” George panted wearily. “I thought you were going to just about bite my prick off when you started coming. Your mouth tightened up on it so much I don’t think I could have yanked it out if I’d wanted to. God, what a great blow job.”

Bonnie smiled at him, glad that she’d made him happy. She was more than a little fond of George Grayson, and it made her feel good when she did something he really enjoyed.

“I’m still waiting for a good fuck,” she said. “Hurry up and get that big cock of yours hard again so you can stick it in my cunt.”

“Just hold your hones,” he answered, and then both of them laughed at him using such a corny expression. “You know what I mean,” he said. “Just lay there for a few minutes, and I’ll be good as new. Besides, I’ve got a better way to tie you for the fucking I’m going to give you.”

“What, face down? Sideways? Tell me.”

Without a word, George got up and untied her ankles. She stretched her legs out, curling her toes to help the circulation, and wondered what he had in mind. Whatever it was, she was willing to go along just out of curiosity and the chance to try something new.

Holding onto the stockings that were still dangling from her feet, he walked the length of the bed so that she was forced to raise her legs over her head. She watched while he retied her ankles to the tops of the bedposts, her knees now up in the air and her thighs spread wide. She could feel her hairy cunt gaping open wider than ever, her ass raised high and rounded taut with the position he’d put her in.

George got up on the bed and kneeled before her, his sticky cock still limp and hanging lifelessly. With his hand he put it in line with the wet lips of Bonnie’s pussy, and then started sliding it back and forth and making her cunt quiver with excitement. The fleshy head of his flaccid meat kept rubbing against her super-sensitive clit, inflaming it with a delicious sensation.

“Put it in my hole,” Bonnie said eagerly, staring at his prick sliding back and forth along the glistening folds of her snatch. “Put it in me while it’s soft so I can feel it get hard in my cunt. I’m sure my pussy’s wet enough to get it into, even though it’s limp.”

He shook his head with a short laugh at her obvious horniness, and then took his cock in his fingers and guided it into the slippery opening of her cunt. He had to push it in, the head of it turning away and wanting to slide between her pussy-lips rather than going into the tight hole, but he managed finally with his fingers to get his soft cock buried in her cunt.

“Mmmmm!” Bonnie purred, her bare tits jiggling. “I can already feel it starting to firm up.”

Her hot snatch was splayed wide-open, her juices trickling and coursing down between the damp cheeks of her ass. George’s cock in her snatch throbbed and twitched, the fleshy shaft of it slowly stiffening and growing rigid. Bonnie bounced her upraised ass up and down slightly, the sleek muscles in the round undersides of her tensed thighs beginning to jerk.

George balanced himself with his hands gripping the backs of Bonnie’s knees, his hairy balls pressed tight to her warm ass-crack and his steadily hardening cock imbedded in her slick snatch. He rocked back and forth with a short, steady motion, his meat sliding in and out of her cunt as it stiffened up.

“Can you feel the way I’m working the muscles in my pussy?” the trembling girl asked. “Does it feel like my cunt’s sucking on your cock?”

“Hell, yes!” he said almost breathlessly, his hips moving faster as his prick got still harder. “You’re giving me the biggest hard-on I’ve ever had.”

His prick kept lengthening and thickening until it was so stiff he had to lean over her with the angle of it, his jerking meat now filling her pulsating snatch with hardness. He shoved it even deeper up her cunt, getting a sharp groan in response, and then his cock stiffened even more when her pussy contracted wetly around it.

“Keep working your cunt like that while I’m humping you,” he asked her, stroking his cock out of her slick-lipped snatch. The thick shaft of his cock glistened with her oily moisture, the veins in it pulsing madly. “It feels like I’m getting sucked off by a vacuum cleaner,” he added.

Bonnie, with her legs pulled back over her and her ass in the air, started sucking in her stomach and trying to tighten the cheeks of her ass together, the effect making her pussy contract rhythmically around George’s long cock. She bounced as well as she could, meeting the rapid thrusts of his hard prick with her cunt when he started fucking her.

“It’s going so far in,” she moaned. “Your cock’s going so deep in my snatch! OHHHH! I can feel it all the way up inside me! OHHHH CHRIST! OHHHH! That’s the deepest I’ve ever felt a cock in my cunt. Fuck me faster! Fuck me! Make me come my Goddamn brains out! OHHH GODDAMN, IT’S GOING SO DEEP!”

She squirmed on the bed, her hips swiveling and pivoting, and tall, lanky George Grayson hammered his stiffened prick in and out of her pink cunt as hard as he could. His hips working with ever-increasing urgency, he fucked her fast and deep, pounding his massive prick into the juiciest depths of her throbbing snatch.

His hands gripping the undersides of her uptuned knees, he leaned over her still farther, his juices raising slightly off the bed as he tried to ram his meat still deeper into her pussy.

Bonnie groaned and twisted beneath him, every muscle in her supple body straining at the stockings that held her. She kept raising her sweaty ass higher off the bed and pumping her hips erratically, her knees spreading outward and her crotch working against the action of George’s driving prick.

She was drenched with a shiny film of perspiration, and her sheer nightie clung damply to all her smooth hollows and curves, the hem of it riding just beneath the undersides of her tits.

“Hump the hell out of me! Hump me harder! Fuck my little cunt off!” She strained with everything she had, trying to straighten her quaking legs, but unable to. “Ram your meat in me! Harder! Keep shoving your hairy cock straight up my cunt! OHHH GOD, IT FEELS SO GOOD! Push your prick up my snatch and let me feel every hard inch of it! OHHH! It’s so fucking good! OHHH! My whole crotch is tingling! Even my nipples are ready to bunt! OHHHH GODDAMN! OHHH! Harder, fuck me harder! OHHHH!”

Her naked tits bounced all over the place, her nipples throbbing with lust and so stiff they were poking straight out. She kept sucking her flat stomach in and tightening the damp cheeks of her squirming ass, working the wet muscles in her cunt so that her slippery cunt-walls sucked and tugged at George’s pistoning cock.

He humped her with a frenzy, his eyes wild and getting wilder. Pushing his twitching meat as deep as he could shove it up her tight snatch, be kept grinding his crotch into hers and making her groans come all the quicker.

“Shove it up me harder!” Bonnie kept saying over and over, her snatch brimming with juice. “Harder, harder! Cram your prick in me! Fuck me till I come! Make me come! I want to come like crazy! OHHH! I want to get my nutwith your stiff cock all the way up my snatch! OHHH! AHHH! OHHH GOD! My pussy’s on fire!”

George wallowed in her sloppy wet cunt, reaming her out with his jerking meat and getting her even wetter. The harder he rammed his rigid cock up her snatch, the more she worked her slick cunt-muscles, her hole getting so tight the slippery friction was almost unbearable.

With a broken, whimpering moan Bonnie jerked suddenly, her thighs going taut when the spasms of her orgasm seared through her trembling loins. She strained at the stockings holding her down, pulling with her wrists and ankles until her muscles were knotted and standing out.

The strong odor of her sopping pussy became even more noticeable in the air, her cries rising in pitch as she jerked through two rapid-fire orgasms in a row. George didn’t slow down, his prick jabbing up her tingling cunt even harder. He plunged his meat in and slid it back out like a madman, his hips whipping back and forth and his hands clenching on her legs.

“Oh God, George, I keep coming and coming!” the horny housewife groaned shakily. “You’re fucking me to death! OHHH! I’m going to come again! OH-H-H-H-H! I can’t even see straight! OHHH! I can’t take it! It’s driving me wild! OH-H-H-H-H!”

Her body racked with shuddering pleasure time and again, she could only squirm uncontrollably and keep coming. The multiple orgasms bursting within her cunt-hole took her to the verge of insensibility, her mind reeling with the unbelievably intense tremors radiating outward from her dripping crotch.

She lurched upward from the bed, her ass bouncing crazily, and George just hammered his cock even harder into her.

His teeth clenched tight, he fucked her through so many jolting climaxes she lost count. Every time Bonnie’s cunt contracted tightly at the onset of another wild onrush of shattering pleasure, he braced his feet on the bed and drove his cock more violently into her, pounding his meat up her snatch until it bottomed out. She gasped and groaned deliriously, pumping her hips up and down and back and forth and lost utterly in the electric shock-waves passing over her. Her pink cunt-lips were so swollen they protruded wetly, the slick surfaces of them glistening with her flowing liquids, and George’s battering meat just kept spearing between them as it stabbed into her cunt-hole.

A moment later George’s cock unloaded his sperm into Bonnie’s snatch, his groans suddenly matching hen and his hips thrashing up and down.

She could feel his wet jism gushing up into her, the thick tip of his prick throbbing away as it shot her full of liquid. Wriggling her bare ass, she went through still another cunt-busting climax, her wildly pulsating clit almost exploding with the joy coursing through her.

“Come in me!” she gurgled, holding her spasming cunt up to him as best she could. “Fill my pussy with your cum! Keep shooting your rocks in my cunt-hole! OHHH! Here I go again…”

George Grayson pumped on top of her until the last load of his thick cum splattered into her climaxing cunt, and then he closed his eyes and pitched forward between her upraised legs, his head landing on her bare tits. He lay, there breathing raggedly, his breath hot against one of her hard nipples.

“George,” Bonnie said, wanting to hug him but unable to with her arms and legs stretched to the bedposts. “George, I think I could use that drink sitting over there on the nightstand. In fact, think I could use more than just one drink.”

“You’re not alone.” He raised his head and smiled at her, the wet fabric of her nightie clinging to his chin. And then, his hands still trembling from the overwhelming fucking they’d just shared, he got up and began untying her.


It was almost midnight when Bonnie got home and, to her amazement, every light in the house was burning bright. She realized with a hint of alarm that Norman was already home, and she wondered how she was going to explain her late-night activities to him.

Not especially helpful to her was the fact that she smelled strongly of drinking and — to a somewhat lesser degree — of screwing. At least, she thought anxiously to herself, she’d had the foresight to hide her sweaty nightie in her purse and leave the knotted stockings behind at the motel. Still, she knew he certainly wouldn’t be amused to discover she was out on her own somewhere in the dead of night while he was downtown working himself to death.

“Where the hell have you been?” Norman got up from the couch and raged at her as soon as she stepped through the door. “Just what the fuck have you been up to?”

“I was with a friend,” Bonnie answered quietly, turning away in the hope that he wouldn’t smell her breath. “That’s all, I was visiting a girlfriend of mine. Anyway, I didn’t think you’d be borne until later, or I would have been here.”

He looked at her skeptically. “What friend?” he asked. “What friend were you visiting until nearly midnight?”

Bonnie answered almost too quickly. “Val. I went over to see Val Davis. You know she and I are good friends. Why are you so upset, anyway? I didn’t do anything wrong.”

He just stared at her, his anger suddenly flaring even worse than before.

“I called Val Davis over an hour ago,” he snapped. “That little bitch tried to cover for you, saying you were there, but when I insisted she let me talk to you, she finally admitted you weren’t there and hadn’t been all night. Well…?”

Confronted with this last piece of information and having been caught in her lie, Bonnie could only shrug. She didn’t know what to say without making matters worse.

“Have you been drinking?” Norman asked then. He grabbed her arm roughly and wheeled her around. “Son of a bitch, you smell like a fucking still. What in the hell did you do tonight?!”

“Nothing,” she stammered. She began to shake, for the first time in her life afraid of her husband. She clutched her purse to herself, terrified that for some reason he’d decide to search through it.

Almost as if reading her thoughts, Norman suddenly grabbed her purse right out of her hands. “What are you hanging onto so tight in here?” he asked. And then he found her damp, crumpled-up negligee and his mouth dropped open in disbelief. “What the hell?!”

One look at Norman’s face and Bonnie knew no explanation in the world would be good enough. Instead of even trying, she turned suddenly on her heel, bolted out the front door, and headed out into the night. Norman didn’t bother trying to follow.

“I was scared to death,” Bonnie said, still trembling. She sat in Val Davis’ living room and had just finished telling Val what had happened. “I’m really sorry I woke you, but I didn’t know where else to go.”

“Don’t worry abut it, baby.” Val inched closer to Bonnie on the couch. “I’m more than glad to have you over for the night. In fact, we haven’t gone down on each other in a while, and I was planning on giving you a call and asking you over. This way, I not only save the dime for the call, but I get to have your body all to myself for the entire night. Now come on, let’s get in bed.”

Bonnie really wasn’t in the mood to make it with Val, but she followed her obediently into the bedroom. Val helped her off with her dothes and then, when Bonnie was as naked as she was, pulled her down to the huge bed.

“I’ve missed feeling your tongue in my cunt,” Val whispered hotly in the younger girl’s ear. “And I’ve missed the way your body feels pressed against mine.”

Val was on the bottom, her long, slender legs parted and cradling Bonnie between them. She had her hands on the young housewife’s bare ass, her fingers immediately going for Bonnie’s throbbing asshole.

“OH!” Bonnie gasped when the blonde divorcee’s finger probed up into her ass. “Push your finger deeper, Val, push it deeper.”

She was sprawled on top of the lanky older girl, her pussy getting wetter and wetter as Val moved her hips and ground their crotches together. Lying thigh to thigh and nipple to nipple, both of them squirmed and writhed slowly, rubbing their silky flesh together and quickly getting turned on.

“Let me suck your pussy,” Bonnie said softly, already inching her way down along the other girl’s willowy frame. She moved down slowly, her lips trailing over Val’s small tits, moving across the flat expanse of her stomach, sliding over her groin, and finally arriving at the bushy juncture of the girl’s damp thighs.

As Bonnie had moved down Val’s body, Val’s fingers had slipped from Bonnie’s tight asshole, sliding up between the cheeksof her ass and then along the curve of her back until Val’s hands were now on the young housewife’s shoulders.

With trembling fingers, Bonnie spread Val’s slippery pink cunt open, holding her cunt-lips apart while she kissed and smacked with her lips all over them.

Val shuddered, her ass squirming and her heels digging into the bed. She lay there with her thighs spread as wide as she could get them, pumping her narrow hips with a short, jerky motion that made her pussy slide up and down against Bonnie’s mouth.

“Shove your tongue up my snatch,” Val murmured, “Lick it all over! I love the feel of your hot mouth between my legs like that, I love it. OHHHH! Keep teasing at my clit like that. That’s what really turns me on. Suck it! Suck harder!”

Bonnie’s wet tongue licked and nudged and tickled the tiny pink point of the blonde girl’s clit, lapping at it with a frenzy until Val was quaking wildly. She sucked as much of the shaking girl’s cunt into her mouth as she could get, tightening her lips and sucking her cheeks in.

“I love it when you eat me out!” Val gasped, pushing her slick snatch tighter to the dark-haired housewife’s mouth. “I love the way your tongue snakes up inside of me. It’s making me shiver all over.”

As with their last encounter, Bonnie quickly got so excited as she sucked the other girl’s hairy pussy that she couldn’t even think straight. All that concerned her was getting as much wet contact as possible between her lips, tongue and face and Val’s pink cunt. She wanted to rut around in the sloppy wetness that had a smell of its own, wanted to cover as much of her cheeks and chin as she could with Val’s hot, oily moisture.

Her fingers still holding the young divorcee’s quivering snatch open, Bonnie traced with just her tonguetip up and down along the pink fleshy folds that steadily grew more swollen and sensitive, flicking rapidly at Val’s throbbing tit when she got there. She enclosed it with her lips, sucking it as hard as she could while Val writhed and jerked beneath her.

“Keep sucking my cilt! Suck it! I’m so close to coming! OHHH! MMMM! GOD! I’m so close! Stay on my clit till I get off!”

Val spread her knees still wider, her bare ass starting to bounce up and down as she ground her pussy against Bonnie’s fact. She trembled even more when Bonnie suddenly began working two fingers held together up into her tight cunt, Bonnie pushing them in and then easing them slowly back out.

Groaning with pleasure, Val got her hands behind Bonnie’s head and pulled the girl’s face more into her crotch, her hips jerking up at the same time and the muscles in her bare legs straining. She started wiggling all over the bed, unable to restrain herself when Bonnie sucked her clit all the harder.

Just as Val was ready to come, Bonnie pulled her sucking mouth away and lapped down into the glistening flesh of the girl’s pulsating cunt-hole, her probing fingers sliding out as her tongue took their place. Val shivered uncontrollably, and Bonnie speared her tongue as deep as she could push it up the blonde’s snatch. With her face crushed to Val’s hairy crotch, she licked all around the wet insides of Val’s quivering cunt.

Bonnie managed to gasp hoarsely, “Lift your legs up, and I’ll lick your asshole.”

Almost on command, Val’s long legs raised off the bed until her knees were hooked over the younger girl’s shoulders, her ankles crossed behind Bonnie’s back and her ass off the bed.

With her moist tongue, Bonnie darted in quick, wet circles around Val’s exposed and twitching asshole, licking at the puckered flesh and then stabbing up inside it.

Val stiffened with the sensation of Bonnie’s hot tongue sliding into her ass, her breath catching in her throat and her legs straightening until they were stretched taut. She squirmed while Bonnie licked out her asshole, jerking and twisting up and down.

Sliding her tongue up between the juicy lips of Val’s cunt again, Bonnie went right back to the straining girl’s clit. She sucked it into her mouth and tongued it with a fury, licking it all over and not letting up until Val shuddered with a broken groan and suddenly started coming.

“OHHH GOD!” Val rasped, her entire body quaking. “I’m coming my ass off! OHHH! Keep sucking my cunt! Use your fingers in my asshole, use your fingers in my cunt-hole! OHHH! OHHHHH! I’M ON FIRE!”

Bonnie just kept mouthing and sucking Val’s snatch, licking back and forth across her quivering clit and making her groan and squirm mindlessly. She was drowning in Val’s gushing cunt-juices her face sopping wet with them, but she only pressed tighter into the coming girl’s crotch, wanting to give her the best climax imaginable.

Val finally let out a ragged moan and dropped her bead back to the bed. Her legs dropped from around Bonnie’s neck, where they’d ended up, and sprawled open.

Bonnie sat up with a giggle, absently wiping her mouth off with the back of her hand.

“Now will you use your vibrators on me?” the housewife asked eagerly. “I can’t wait to feel them in both my snatch and my whole again. I just can’t wait.”

She remembered the thrill of coming her brains out while her willowy girlfriend fucked her both front and rear with the humming plastic cocks. To her, they could even compete nicely with George Grayson’s hammering prick.

“Get up on your hands and knees, and I’ll use them on you from behind,” Val suggested. She got off the bed, took the two hard plastic vibrators from her dresser, and walked back to Bonnie.

By then Bonnie was kneeling on the bed with her ass sticking up in the air, her pretty head down and resting on her folded arms. Just the tips of her rubbery nipples touched the bed, her round tits jiggling almost imperceptibly with her trembling anticipation. She had her knees apart, and the slick lubrication of her cunt was oozing from her and coating her bare inner thighs with a shiny film.

Val got up on her knees behind her, moving in between her legs and then turning both vibrators on. She set one down. Then, holding Bonnie’s slippery pink cunt open with her free hand, she slid.

The long plastic prick in past Bonnie’s swollen cunt-lips.

“OHHH!” Bonnie groaned immediately with the feel of it. “God, it feels so good going in my snatch! OHHH!”

Slowly working the bumming vibrator up into Bonnie’s tight bole, Val pushed it deeper and deeper. She wedged the plastic cock up the girl’s slick pussy, sliding it in until it was buried fully in Bonnie’s quivering cunt-hole.

Bonnie shook and shivered with the sensations the buzzing vibrator sent racing through her loins, her breath quickening and sweat forming on her forehead.

Then Val spread the warm cheeks of Bonnie’s ass apart with her fingers, leaving the humming cock lodged in Bonnie’s tight pussy. She took the other vibrator and poked the slick tip of it just into the small opening of Bonnie’s rectum, stretching it open and then shoving the buzzing prick very slowly into Bonnie’s ass.

The difference in size between Bonnie’s cunt and asshole made the going much slower, and it took the older girl several minutes to get the humming prick even halfway up Bonnie’s tight asshole.

“Hurry up, or I’ll come before you get it all the way in me,” Bonnie gasped through clenched teeth. “OHHH GOD! My pussy’s being vibrated to pieces! OHHHH JESUS CHRIST!”

“Just relax,” Val laughed, pushing the vibrator going into Bonnie’s asshole really hard.

She managed finally to get the plastic cock the rest of the way up Bonnie’s ass, jamming it in and then pushing the base of it with the flat of her palm. “How’s that?” she giggled, watching as both Bonnie’s snatch and asshole throbbed madly around the two buzzing pricks buried in her.

“I love it!” was all the young housewife could manage. She was swallowing loudly, her face dotted with perspiration and her eyes closed. She had her arms folded under her head, and her hatids were clenched into tight fists. “I feel so damn full with both of them in me at the same time.”

“You’re supposed to,” Val laughed. She then started to work the vibrators in and out of Bonnie’s cunt and asshole.

With her fingers around the bases of the plastic cocks, she jabbed them in and out, one going in as the other slid out and then one sliding out as the other went in.

Bonnie tensed all over, her ass jerking around as the older girl simultaneously worked the two vibrators in and out of her. It took less than a minute of this dual-action fucking for Bonnie to get her nut, her mouth opening in a cry of wanton delight and her pussy and asshole spasming closed around the vibrating cocks within her.


Val kept at her, taking her through climax after shuddering climax until Bonnie finally toppled over on her side on the bed and lay there groaning under her breath. Val flipped both vibrators off and cased them out.

“I’ve got something new,” Val giggled. “I got it just for when you came over. Do you want to see what it is?”

“Of course,” Bonnie breathed, nodding her head. Her pussy was still tingling with the multiple orgasms that had ripped through her, but she was still anxious to try anything new that the blonde divorcee might come up with. “I’m always game for anythingas long as it involves coming. What is it?”

“Here,” Val said quietly, pulling a long, two-headed rubber dildo from under the bed. “We can use this one at the same time, one on top of the other, and it’ll be just like we’re fucking. Want to try it?”

“Hell, yes!” Bonnie had to laugh excitedly. “Can I be the man first and get on top?”

Val nodded almost seriously, and then she got up on the bed and lay down on her back. She spread her slender legs and, while Bonnie watched, fascinated, she shoved the rubber dildo into her gaping pink pussy. It was bigger around even than the vibrator, and it took some doing to get it all the way up Val’s tight cunt. When it was finally in her, the other half — Bonnie’s half — was sticking out like a cock with a hard-on.

“It looks just like a real dick,” Bonnie murmured, taking a good look at it. She examined it carefully, running her fingers over it while Val trembled. “God, it’s really big!”

“Get on,” Val smiled up at her, spreading her knees to give the girl room between her legs. “Come on, let’s see how well you can fuck me.”

Bonnie climbed on top of the lanky older girl, much as a man might do, with her legs between Val’s. When she was cradled between Val’s thighs, she reached under her and took the jutting rubber dildo in her hand, guiding it up into the wet opening of her hairy snatch.

Val braced herself, the half of the rubber cock inside of her sliding in even deeper as Bonnie worked her hips up and down and wedged her half into her own pussy. She had to jiggle back and forth slightly, pushing down and then stopping again and again as she took the dildo as deep as she could in her cunt.

It was really huge, the massive head of it butting up between the slippery walls of Bonnie’s dripping snatch and filling her almost to bursting. She bounced harder, forcing the long rubber shaft still deeper, and finally her crotch was tight against Val’s and the hard prick was fully imbedded in her cunt.

“Wow!” the younger girl breathed. “That’s the biggest thing I ever got in my cunt in my life. It’s pushing the wails of my snatch as wide apart as they can go.”

“Come here and let me kiss you,” Val said quietly, blushing even as she said it. They’d kissed before, and enjoyed it, but still it seemed to embarrass them both when they did it. “Kiss me while we’re humping.”

Bonnie’s mouth covered hers, her tongue probing into the older girl’s mouth and exploring its sweetness. She had her hands dug in under the small cheeks of Val’s bare ass, and she was lying with her swollen nipples pressed into the girl’s rubbery tits.

Val’s large nipples were as hard as could be, and they throbbed against the flesh of Bonnie’s bigger, heavier tit, poking against them as Val’s nipples became even more distended with her excitement.

“Fuck me,” Val moaned directly into Bonnie’s hot mouth. “Pump on me until both of us are coming with everything we’ve got. Fuck me, Bonnie, fuck me ragged!”

She hooked her legs around the backs of Bonnie’s and, with her hands on the girl’s firm ass, squeezed her ass-cheeks affectionately.

Bonnie started pumping her hips up and down and back and forth, her action causing the rubber dildo to slide in and out of her wetly gripping snatch. Val pumped from underneath, her long legs tensing, and soon both of them were sweaty and groaning with the passion coursing through them.

Bonnie’s mouth still glued to Val’s, she worked her ass faster and faster as she kissed Val harder and harder. The damp backs of her full thighs straining, she rammed her cunt down on the upright rubber cock with all her might, spearing herself on it and shuddering as it slid into her.

They kept grinding their hairy crotches together, both fucking with a frenzy. Val had her legs spread so wide her knees were almost flat against the bed, her heels digging into the backs of Bonnie’s knees. She pulled Bonnie along with her hands clenching at the young girl’s squirming ass, urging her to pump even faster and take the rubber cock still deeper in her snatch.

Val’s breathing was heavy and uneven, her hard nipples rubbing against Bonnie’s tits as her chest heaved up and down. The thick dildo sliding in and out of her hot snatch was making her moan every few seconds, the solid tip of it battering up into the juicy depths of her cunt-hole and glutting her with hardness.

She worked her cunt against Bonnie’s with a jerky, pumping motion, her ass bouncing and her legs tensing and untensing. Every time Bonnie’s pink clit made contact with hers, Val shook wildly and pumped yet more urgently, her pussy so sopping wet her juices ran down into the sweaty crack of her ass.

“Ram it in me!” she shivered, squirming with still another gasping groan. “Shove that fucking cock as deep in my cunt as you can! Pump your bare little ass faster, faster! Show me how you fuck when you’re with a man! Show me how you take a man’s cock!”

Bonnie writhed an top of her, her hands clutching the tall girl’s churning ass tightly, and she drove her snatch down on the prick frantically, taking it and now wishing it were even bigger. Her slippery pussy was completely filled with it, her cunt-lips gaping open and sucking moistly at the portion of rubber cock that joined her snatch to Val’s.

Tit to tit, they kept pushing their cunts at each other, pumping and straining and wanting only to come. Bonnie’s mouth moved down and sucked noisily at Val’s throat and shoulders, her blue eyes slitted and her breath becoming more erratic.

Val moaned, “Fuck me, Bonnie! That rubber cock is so huge! OHHH! It’s going so deep in my pussy! Fuck me harder! Fuck me faster! I want you to fuck me till I can’t walk! OHHH, IT’S SO GOOD, THAT BIG HARD COCK FEELS SO GOOD SLIDING IN AND OUT OF MY CUNT! OHHH GOD, DON’T STOP HUMPING ME, DON’T STOP!”

Bonnie had no intention of stopping. She pounded her hairy cunt into Val’s furiously, tubbing it, grinding it in until Val suddenly tightened beneath her and tossed her bead back with a gurgling sob.

Val tried straightening her legs with her heels still booked behind Bonnie’s knees, the effort almost dragging Bonnie off her. She squeezed the cheeks of Bonnie’s gyrating ass into slick knots of flesh, pulling than apart with her hands as her orgasm slammed into her.


Bonnie flailed the older girl’s naked body with her own, impaling herself harder and hater on the solid rubber cock and by doing so pushing it deeper into Val’s wet cunt. She pumped feverishly, her hand clutching at Val’s ass and then her fingers spearing up into the climaxing girl’s tightening asshole, this making Val squirm even more crazily.

With a few more urgent pumps of her hips, Bonnie was suddenly engulfed with the overpowering force of her own groaning climax. She felt the pink flesh of her lush cunt contract tightly around the shaft of the rigid dildo wedged into her, and then she was squirming and thrashing as crazily as Val.

Even after Bonnie was finished coming, Val still didn’t want to quit.

“Keep pumping!” the blonde divorcee whimpered. “Keep fucking me! I want to come all night! I want to keep on coming till the sun comes up! Pump me! Take the rubber cock up your eunt, and push it deeper in mine! Don’t stop, don’t stop! Let’s fuck the whole night away!”

And Bonnie, still wildly enthusiastic about the feel of the dildo sliding in and out of her cunt and Val’s shuddering body under hers, just kept on going…


Bonnie was as miserable the next morning as slit could ever remember being. It had nothing to do with the frantic lovemaking between herself and Val the night before. Rather, she reflected as she lay alone in Val’s big bed, the other girl having gone to work, it was Norman that Bonnie was concerned about.

All things said and done, she was still in love with her husband, and the idea of not seeing him again — assuming he would get a divorce from her if she didn’t act fast — drove her almost crazy with frustration and loneliness. She was angry with herself for not trying to understand him better, for not being a little more considerate about his heavy and back-breaking work schedule.

For the rest of the day she moped around Val’s house and sulked, by four-thirty her mind at last made, up that she was going back to Norman regardless of what he might do to her in anger. She dressed and went home.

She cleaned the house up, cooked dinner as she normally did, and then, at seven when he got home, greeted him at the door with a bright smile as if nothing at all was wrong between them.

Norman stopped short when he saw her, his eyes registering his surprise at her being there. “I thought you were gone for good,” he said slowly, looking away from her. “I didn’t think you were coming back.”

“Neither did I,” Bonnie admitted, tears suddenly forming in her eyes when she thought about it. “I was going to just keep going.”

Norman was silent for several moments, then he asked, somewhat shakily, “What changed your mind? About leaving, I mean?”

Bonnie shrugged with a helpless smile. “I thought it over, and I realized that I loved you too much to ever walk out on you. If you don’t want me around, I guess you’ll have to throw me out. And, even then, I’ll just keep coming back. I really will, Norman, because I love you more than anything in this world.”

He still wouldn’t look at her, but it was obvious he was trembling. “Well…” he said, letting out a deep breath, “I love you as much as you love me. Maybe even more. I didn’t realize bow much I really wanted you until last night when you were gone.”

“Oh…” was all she said, neither of them making a move toward the other yet. Then Bonnie said, “I want to tell you about last night!”

“No,” he interrupted her; “I’d rather not know. Anyway, it was all my fault to begin with. If I hadn’t been so damn stupid about spending all my time at work, this never would have happened in the first place. So let’s just forget about yesterday entirely and start from scratch.”

Bonnie smiled warmly at him, for the first time in a month glad she was married to him. “Dinner’s ready,” she said sweetly, taking his hand and leading him to the table. He followed her readily.

“Let’s go to a movie or something,” Norman suggested when they were finished eating. “Or, how about dancing? We can go out dancing.”

“I’ve got a better idea,” Bonnie said sexily, moving around the table and plopping herself into his lap. She ran her slender fingers through his brown hair, curling a bit of it teasingly. “Why don’t we dance in the bedroom with you laying on top of me? I’d like that.”

“You’ve talked me into it,” he laughed easily, and — to her complete surprise — he stood up and carted her into the bedroom.

In record time, Norman and Bonnie got undressed and hopped into bed. He lay beside her for several moments, with his strong hands exploring her naked body as if it were the first time he’d ever seen it. In a way, of course, it was all brand-new to him, his changed attitude allowing him to look at her in a totally different light than before.

“Squeeze my tities,” Bonnie breathed softly, rolling on her side to face him. “Here,” she said, cupping one tit and offering it to him, “suck on my nipple.”

He leaned over and took the rubbery tip of her firm tit in his mouth, his tongue darting out at it and licking wetly. He sucked the entire end of her heavy tit in, nibbling and licking until Bonnie’s dark nipple was hard and erect. Then he moved to the other one, doing the same, until both of her nipples are swollen and throbbing. His lips move down cross her silky flesh and hit on her hairy clit, his fingers sliding in between the slick-lipped hole of her snatch and then pushing into her wetness.

Bonnie gasped with the feel of her husband’s finger poking up into her wet snatch, and she spread her knees to give him better access to the hot opening between her thighs. Pushing forward slightly with her hips, she took his finger as deep as she could get it in her tight cunt, trembling and then gasping again when he squeezed her crotch with his hand.

“I love your pussy,” Norman murmured. “I love the feel of it, and I love the smell of it, and, above all, I love the taste of it.”

And, with that, he moved down, rolled her onto her back, and nudged her firm thighs apart with his head.

Spreading her legs, Bonnie shivered when she felt his moist tongue deftly separate the swollen lips of her pussy and into the slippery hole of it. He sucked her cunt-lips into his mouth and pushed his darting tongue still deeper into her pink cunt, licking at the sweet flesh with a feverish circular motion of his tongue.

“Oh! Norman!” Bonnie groaned joyfully. “It’s been so long since you’ve eaten my cunt. My God, it feels so good! Suck it, suck my pussy as hard as you can! OHHHH!”

Her husband’s mouth clamped to her snatch, Bonnie raised up off the bed until her thighs were quivering, pushing her crotch so tight tb his face she thought she might be smothering him.

Norman sucked and licked her cunt eagerly, sometimes moving up to nibble at her highly sensitive clit, sometimes licking down so low that his tongue was probing into her tight asshole. He kissed at every square inch of her hairy crotch, even moving out along the gentle curve of her inner thighs and sucking her damp flesh.

The whole region of Bonnie’s crotch glistened with oily moisture, her cunt oozing juice that kept welling up out of her. She could feel her husband’s tongue darting and probing into the juiciest parts of her snatch, his lips sucking and slurping as he ate her out.

From where she was, she could see Norman’s huge cock jutting out from between his legs, straight and stiff.

Bonnie whimpered, “Give me your cock, Norman! Shove it up my cunt, and fuck me silly. Your tongue feels great, but your prick would feel better! Give it to me!”

He wasted no time, scrambling on top of her with his face still dripping with her wetness. His arms hooked under her knees, be pulled her legs up as he moved, ending with the fleshy head of his cock sliding into her and her knees level with her tits.

Bonnie, with her legs drawn up on each side of her and her cunt gaping open, felt his throbbing meat plunge deep in her body. She stiffened with an involuntary shiver, clutching at his shoulders with her hands when his prick was buried all the way in her lting snatch.

Norman’s body started to move, his hips jerking up and down and his rigid cock beginning to piston into the very depths of his wife’s slippery pussy. He shoved his meat into her with thrusts that gorged her with spuming pleasure, his cock barreling into her tight snatch and making her groan.

Bonnie, with a sudden guilty memory of what lanky George Grayson liked so well, started working the wet muscles in her cunt so that her pink hole sucked hotly at Norman’s driving prick. She kept tightening the cheeks of her sweaty ass and making her pussy contract, the effect it had on Norman immediately obvious.

“Do that some more!” he urged her. “God, keep tightening your cunt up like that! I can’t believe how good it feels! It’s like I’m fucking a slippery hand that keeps grabbing at me. JEEZ!”

The urgency of his pumping became greater, his hipbones digging into the slick undersides of Bonnie’s straining thighs every time he slammed his cock into her dripping snatch. He fucked her so fast and furiously Bonnie was being slowly inched up along the bed, her back sliding and her feet trying to kick in the air.

Her knees were being pressed into her tits, Norman’s arms and chest holding her legs down so she couldn’t move them, and Bonnie strained until her muscles cramped. She cried out, her ass wriggling frantically, and with a surge of energy managed to kick herself free.

She straightened both her legs in the air, and then a moment later wrapped them around Norman’s churning hips. She squeezed with her hot thighs, hugging him, her squirming ass raising higher off the bed. “Fuck me flat!” she gasped, pumping from underneath. “Push your cock up my snatch and fill me with your stiff meat! Stick your fingers up my ass, Norman, fingerfuck my asshole! OHHH! Do it! Jam your fingers up my ass! OHHH GOD!”

Norman’s hands moved quickly to the upraised cheeks of his young wife’s bouncing ass. He gouged his fingers into her damp ass-crack and searched for the small hole she wanted his fingers in.

Bonnie jerked when she felt his fingers stab into her puckered asshole, her cunt tightening around his ramming cock even more as her muscles tensed. Her black hair tossing back and forth and her pretty face shiny with sweat, she kept clenching her pumping thighs around his hips while he plowed one finger after another up her splayed open ass, his fingertips pressed together and jabbing into her pulsing rectum.

“I’ve got a better idea,” Norman suddenly said, and with that he yanked his fingers out of her asshole.

Bonnie felt his long cock slide out of her tight cunt, slide down between the cheeks of her ass, and then ram straight up her throbbing asshole.

Her whole body went taut, her arms and thighs clamped to him in almost a death grip as he began slamming his hard prick in and out of her asshole. Straining until her muscles were ready to snap, Bonnie lifted her ass up so she could take his cock even deeper into her wet bowels. She had her knees pointing outward and her heels pressed tight into his lower back, the savage ass-fucking he was giving her knocking the breath from her.

He kept sliding his cock in and out of her gripping rectum and lifting her bare ass higher with his hands, the juncture of his pistoning meat and Bonnie’s hot asshole kept slippery wet by her flowing cunt-juices.

“OH NORMAN!” she panted. “Fuck my little asshole raw! Cram your cock all the way up my ass! Hurt me, fuck my ass till it hurts! Fuck my ass till my butt-hole is red and sore! OHHH! I can’t help it! It feels so good getting my ass reamed out! OHHHH SHIT! OHHH! Your long prick’s going so deep, it’s stabbing so far up my asshole! OHHHH!”

She was so slick with sweat he had trouble holding her up, his hands sliding on the cheeks of her ass and almost dropping her. Then be pulled his throbbing cock out of her ass and once again pushed it up her quivering snatch with a quick thrust of his hips.

His cock plunged in to the hard base, bis balls slapping against her ass. He started fucking her cunt as frenziedly as he’d been fucking her ass, his stiff, prick filling her pussy with hardness and jerking in and out like a jack-hammer.

“My cunt’s ready to explode! Shove your prick deeper! Fuck me to death! Fuck me! Fuck me harder! OHHHH GODDAMN! The inside of my pussy’s tingling like mad! OHHH!”

Norman’s big prick jerked, stabbing still harder into Bonnie’s wet cunt, and then his cum poured into her. He ground his crotch into hers, pushing his cock as deep as possible and shooting his wad with a shuddering moan.

The feel of his bat jism gushing up her snatch was enough to set Bonnie off, and her groans pierced the silence of the room, her thighs tightening so much around Norman’s jerking hips he had held to her with his cock spurting wildly.

They clung to each other even after the spasms of pleasure faded away, Bonnie’s legs sliding down weakly from around his hips but her arms still tight around his neck. “What a great humping!” she whispered hoarsely.

“Stick around,” he laughed, “and you’ll get another one even better. I’m going to fuck you tonight until you can’t even move.”

“And I’ll help you get hard again,” Bonnie giggled. “I’ll help you get hard as many times as you want.”

“I’ll bet you will.”


It was right in the middle of a blow job Bonnie was giving Norman, he sprawled flat on his back on the bed while she took his stiff cock deep in her throat, that Bonnie first heard a sound like the front door opening. Her ears perked up, and she listened intently for a moment, but then, hearing nothing further, she assumed it was merely her imagination. She went back to concentrating on sucking Norman’s big prick, her head bobbing over his crotch while her small hand quickly jacked him off.

And then, from out in the living room, a woman’s voice called, “Norman? I’m here, Norman. Where are you, honey?”

Bonnie froze, her eyes darting up to see what her husband’s reaction to some woman in their living room calling for him would be. He lay there as if in a state of profound shock, his eyes wide and resembling a cornered animal’s.

“OH GOD!” he blurted. “I completely forgot about her…”

Acting as if she owned the place, a petite and very pretty young woman in a bright-red jump-suit that zippered all the way up the front walked into the bedroom. She was naked under the jump-suit. That was obvious because she already had the full-length zipper pulled all the way down to her hairy crotch and was trying to wiggle the rest of the way out of the outfit as she walked. She stopped abruptly when she saw Norman and Bonnie on the bed together.

It was then that Bonnie recognized her as Jill Grayson, George’s cute little wife.

“Oh, I’m sorry,” Jill said quickly, trying suddenly to rezip herself, but unable to because the zipper jammed. Her round, bare tits poking out, she backed up, stammering as she did, “I’m really sorry busting in like this. I didn’t think you’d… that is, Norm told me…”

And, like, a jigsaw puzzle coming together in her mind, Bonnie suddenly saw all the pieces fit together neatly for the first time. Norman’s working late every night. Norman always too tired to make love to her. George’s wife Jill working late every night on her charities and clubs. The fact they were having an affair now struck Bonnie as so obvious that she could only wonder why she hadn’t seen it sooner. Not necessarily that Norman was screwing Jill, but that he must have been screwing somebody. It was all so damn obvious!

Bonnie glanced back to Norman, but he was sitting there dazed and shaking his head numbly. Jill just stood there semi-nude, trying to make explanations, but never quite managing to finish even one sentence.

To all of their surprise, the front door suddenly opened again and a moment later George Grayson stormed into the bedroom and grabbed Jill roughly by the arm.

“I thought you were up to something, you little whore!” he bellowed at his wife. “I knew it, Goddamn it, I knew you were fucking some other guy! I followed you.”

Jill, still struggling with her zipper, bunt into tears. “I don’t… I was just… Norman and Bonnie were…” she cried, turning her pretty face away. “God, I’m so sorry, George, I’m so sorry.”

It was then that the entire story came out at last. Jill and Norman confessed to George and Bonnie about their behind-the-scenes fucking, and then — feeling a bit guilty — George and Bonnie confessed to virtually the same thing. All of them were pretty shook up by the stories each had to tell, but the anger present in the beginning was now noticeably absent, or at least subdued.

“Well, now what?” Norman asked, looking from one to the other. “Do we just forget the whole bit, promise never to do it again, and just avoid each other from now on, or what?”

Bonnie still was stark naked, as was Norman, and she couldn’t help noticing that George, glancing at her every now and then, had a throbbing hard-on that pushed his pants out in front. She was the one to say, “I’ve got an idea. Since all of us have fucked each other anyway, why don’t we all just climb in bed together. Just for tonight and just to get it out of our systems. Kind of a last, fling before going back to being married.”

Nobody could argue with that, at least nobody would argue with it. As agreeable as any four people could ever be about such a thing, George got undressed while Bonnie and Norman helped Jill get her zipper unstuck and then her red jump-suit off. Finally all of them climbed into bed.

Bonnie took the opportunity to look Jill Grayson over. Naked, Jill was more than only pretty, she was gorgeous. Small and delicately featured, with hair as raven black as Bonnie’s, she had round, uptilted tits that swayed gently when she moved. Her nipples were huge, the points of them scarlet and already distended excitedly. The lush growth of curly hair that surrounded her snatch was neat enough to look like she might have trimmed it with a pair of scissors. And the deep pink slash of her clint, filled with glistening wetness, was so swollen that her thick cunt-lips gaped open to reveal the tight hole within. It was no mystery to Bonnie at this point that Norman had been so interested in humping the hell out of her every chance he got.

“Let’s do a daisy-chain,” Jill giggled, and so the four of them stretched out. “I hope the neighbors aren’t too close, ’cause I make a lot of noise when I start coming,” she added with a grin.

As it worked out, all of them lay on their sides ringing the huge bed; Norman with his head between Jill’s spread thighs and sucking her cunt, Jill with her mouth tight around George’s rigid cock and sucking him off, George with his face pressed to Bonnie’s crotch and licking her snatch — his tongue paying particular attention to her faintly trembling clit — and Bonnie blowing Norman and jacking him off at the same time.

It was a little awkward because of the close circle they formed, Bonnie and Jill both having to bend the cocks they sucked back slightly to get them in their mouths, but ioon all four of them were moaning and trembling and concerned only with giving and getting as much pleasure out of their sex organs as they could.

Bonnie took Norman’s throbbing prick almost to her tonsils, her head bobbing sideways on the bed as she sucked and licked all over his stiff meat. Her hand moving frenziedly, she squeezed his cock and kept pulling ar it, wanting him to shoot his wad down her throat.

Between her parted thighs, George’s tongue was lapping up into her slippery cunt and sending electric shivers through her quaking loins. He sucked and kissed her pink clit until she was gasping and squirming wildly, her legs straining to open wider and her hips jerking forward.

“Suck my pussy harder, George!” the young housewife managed to groan around the mouthful of cock she had. “Suck my clit right down your throat! OHHHH! My cunt’s getting so wet, it’s soaking my legs down to my knees. OHHHH GOD! Stick your tongue up my cunt-hole! Deeper! OHHHH, IT’S SO GOOD!”

She sucked Norman’s prick even more frantically, darting her moist tongue all over the fleshy head of it and making him moan into Jill’s hairy snatch.

Norman sucked Jill’s pink cunt so hard he was making loud slurping noises, his hands wrapped around her bare ass and pulling her sopping crotch still tigher into his mouth. He licked and kissed her pussy as if he were dipping his tongue into a jam jar, the small girl’s hot liquids seeping out of her and drenching his cheeks and nose and chin.

Jill pumped her ass and hips with a quick, jerky motion, fucking Bonnie’s husband in thp mouth while she sucked her own husband’s huge cock. She went at George’s twitching prick with a ravenous, appetite, mouthing it, sucking it, licking it, trying to swallow as much of his throbbing meat as she could take, one of her hands cupping his balls while her other rapidly jerked his joint.

Shiny with perspiration, Jill Grayson shuddered from her nipples to the tips of her spreading toes, her bare inner thighs straining every time she ground her quivering cunt into Norman’s sucking mouth. “Push your tongue deeper in my snatch!” she gasped to Norman. “Lick it! Lick my cunt all over! AHHHH! OHHHHH! Suck up near the top more! Kiss my clit, kiss it! Suck it! MMMM! OHHHH, THAT’S THE WAY! OHHHH!”

Bonnie, all the while, kept sucking Norman’s prick with her lips stretched tight, around the pulsing shaft of it. She could feel his hard meat jerking in her mouth and she knew he would soon be spurting his jism in thick streams. Stroking the hairy sac his nuts floated around in, she tried to hurry him along, wanting to taste his cum and feel it filling her throat.

The four of them worked at one another with unrestrained lust, the mingled odor of sweat and the girl’s cunts almost overwhelming. The sheet was soaked and getting wetter, and the steady creaking of bedsprings grew louder as all of them squirmed and writhed uncontrollably.

George’s hips started pumping back and forth, and his long prick pistoned rapidly in and out of his young wife’s mouth. He drove it as deep as possible into her throat, moaning softly with the feel of Jill’s lips and tongue smacking wetly on his flesh.

Jill’s eyes as wide as saucers, she sucked his cock until even Bonnie could see it jerking from where she lay blowing Norman. There seemed to be something of a rivalry between the two young women to see which of them could make her man shoot his rocks first, both of them using their mouths and both hands feverishly on the men’s throbbing cocks.

Norman’s rigid prick was alive with sensation under Bonnie’s darting tongue, each time she pushed her tonguetip at it the firm tip of his meat pushing right back. Under her encircled fingers she could feel the stiff, muscle-like center of his prick pulsing away, the veined flesh she squeezed so tightly sliding up and down along it.

She urged him to come, sucking with her lips and squeezing with her small hand so hard that his cock finally jerked upright and throbbed a whole mouthful of cum straight down her throat.

He jerked with a loud groan, his entire face burrowing up into Jill’s lush crotch while his prick kept jerking and quirting sticky ribbons of liquid into his wife’s mouth.

Bonnie gulped his sperm down as fast as it spurted out, squeezing his cock still harder with her hand and sucking until she was making obscene sounds. Her hot tongue lapping back and forth across his thick cock-head, she felt his spurting cum squishing around her teeth and then rolling down the back of her throat.

George, almost as if on cue, gasped and shoved his solid prick as hard as he could into Jill’s mouth. Jill sucked his cock and swallowed his squirting semen with much rolling of her eyes and an abundance of smacking noises, her lips so tight around his meat they were turning purple.

“Suck it, suck it!” George said over and over, thrusting his cock even deeper into her throat. “Swallow every drop of it! Suck all my cum out of my prick! Suck it!”

His mouth had dropped away from Bonnie’s slippery cunt, and he was too wrapped up in getting his nuts off in his wife’s mouth to even notice Bonnie’s urgent need for a cunt-blasting climax.

Bonnie felt the last of Norman’s cum dribble out of the end of his prick, and then she gave him a hard suck for good measure and slid his meat out of her mouth. Norman had stopped eating out Jill as soon as his jism started running — his concentration apparently no greater than George’s — and now both he and Bonnie lay on their sides watching as Jill gave her husband the best blow job anyone could have ever asked for.

Her hand still moving so quickly it snapped solidly into his crotch again and again, Jill drank his gushing cum like water from a tap. Then, when George was almost through, his pretty wife suddenly yanked his shooting cock from her mouth and took the last erratic spurts of jism directly in her face, aiming it so that it splattered on her nose and eyelids and cheeks.

George gave a harsh groan and settled into the bed, his eyes closed and his breathing hard. His cock jerked once more and then lay still in Jill’s open hand.

“Hey, you guys!” Bonnie giggled to both Norman and George. “Don’t fold up on us now. You’ve probably got the two horniest women in the world here in front of you, and both of us are triggered and set to come! I only need about ten quick licks at my cunt, and I’ll start climbing the walls when I get my nut! Come on!”

She wiggled her pretty ass and spread her damp thighs, pushing her snatch out in an effort to entice someone’s, anyone’s tongue. The two men lay exhausted and panting, and it was painfully obvious that neither of them were going to be much use for a while.

Jill took the initiative, crawling over on all fours and getting on top of Bonnie. She dropped down with her mouth going for Bonnie’s juicy cunt and her cunt sliding wetly across Bonnie’s face.

Reaching up with her nuns, Bonnie grabbed Jill’s warm ass and pulled the girl’s slick snatch down to her mouth. She probed with her tongue up into Jill’s hot cunt, sucking with her lips as hard she could.

It took only about thirty seconds of steady sucking and licking at each other’s cunts before both girls let out ragged, whimpering groans and started coming.

Bonnie felt Jill’s muscles tighten against her, and then she too tensed with the shattering spasms of her orgasm. Tongue to clit at each end, the sweaty girls strained and jerked through so many shivering climaxes that George and Norman ended up staring in amazement.

“Eat me!” Jill moaned, and sucked Bonnie’s snatch all the harder. “Keep sucking on my pussy-lips! I’m coming again! OHHHHHH! OHHHHH! OHHHHHHHH! Don’t stop sucking my cunt, keep making me come! My clit’s quivering like anything! OHHHHH! OHHHHHH JESUS CHRIST!”

After setting what must have been some sort of new record for orgasms in a row, Bonnie and Jill both gave out at the same time, Jill rolling off and Bonnie lying with her head lolling on the bed.

Fifteen minutes later, when all four of them were rested and ready to go again, Bonnie brushed her long hair away from her face and giggled, “I want to try getting screwed in the front and back at the same time.”

Jill pouted for only a moment at the thought of being left out for one round, but then she brightened with an eager smile. “I get to have George and Norman screw me next, then.”

“That sounds fair to me,” Bonnie giggled, sitting up.

George, his prick once again jutting out, lay down on his back on the bed.

Bonnie got on top of him, her arms going around his neck and her bare thighs spreading so that they were clamped against the outsides of his legs. Her pussy quivering with anticipation, she slid herself down until George’s cock-head slipped between her sensitive cunt-lips and eased up into her wetly clenching cunt-hole. She groaned with the feel of his throbbing meat buried between her legs, ha ass jerking slightly when he pushed himself even deeper into her not snatch.

“It’s filling me right up!” Bonnie breathed, jiggling back and forth a bit and getting comfortable. She hugged George tight around the neck, kissing his face wetly all over as she did. “God, your cock feels so good in my pussy. I just love the way it’s jerking and twitching in there.”

Norman was not one to stay out of the act for long. With his fingers he spread the rubbery cheeks of Bonnie’s sweaty ass, holding them apart until her tight asshole throbbed open slightly. Then be put his weight on her naked back, and pushed his long prick into the fleshy warmth of her ass-crack.

Stiffening as his cock speared into her pulsing asshole, Bonnie let out a little gasp. She worked her hips back until Norman’s hard cock was all the way in her wet rectum, her arms tightening around George’s neck as she strained with a convulsive spasm. Her loins engorged with as much stiff’meat as she could take, she stretched her legs out behind her and braced herself for the double humping she was about to get.

Norman started first, slamming his rigid prick into the hot depths of his young wife’s asshole and reaming it out. Bonnie began pumping her hips, and George, thrusting from underneath, rammed his cock up into her slippery snatch and started fucking her wildly, the hard ridge at the base of his meat grinding upward into Bonnie’s pink clit and inflaming it even more than it already was.

“Fuck me!” she panted, squirming between the two men who were shoving their cocks into her. “Fuck my cunt! Fuck my asshole! OHHH! Keep filling me with your pricks! Fuck me! OHHHH GOD! You’re fucking my brains out. OHHHH! It’s so good. Deeper, fuck me deeper! OHHHH MY GOD!”

Jill sat cross-legged on the bed beside them, her expression showing the tremors racing through her loins as she fingered her pink cunt feverishly. She pushed her slender fingers in and out of her tight snatch until her whole hand was slick with her juices and the dark hair growing on her crotch glistened with moisture. Her round tits heaving with her harsh breathing, she seemed more interested in what she was doing to herself than the frantic, triple-layered activity going on in front of her.

Norman’s solid cock sliding in and out of his wife’s tight asshole was making her groan with pleasure, the backs of her damp thighs jerking and pumping erratically. Norman screwed her ass with his hands on her bare hips, his own hips churning back and forth as he pistoned his prick into Bonnie’s hot asshole with all his might.

Caught between the two impaling rods of twitching meat, Bonnie writhed and kicked, her little ass pumping up and down as she worked to take George’s cock as deep as possible in her dripping cunt and Norman’s cock as deep as she could get it in her ass. Her tits were pressed almost flat against George’s hairy chest, her nipples hard and poking into him.

She pumped with an almost frog-like kicking motion, her bare legs tensing each time a wave of shudders passed over her and shook her to the damp roots of her cunt-hair.

From underneath, George Grayson was ramming his big cock into Bonnie’s juicy snatch with a savage fury, hammering it into her until it was touching bottom with each thrust. He had his eyes closed and his mouth open and was gasping for breath, his head rolling from side to side while his whole body strained to jab his cock still harder into her slick cunt-hole.

Bonnie moaned through another flurry of shuddering spasms. “You’re killing me, you’re fucking killing me! OHHHHH GOD! I love the feel of your cocks sliding in and out of me. My pussy’s on fire and my whole’s being stretched wide open. It’s almost too much at once! OHHHHHHH! OHHHHHHHHH! It’s so good! Fill my cunt and ass with your big pricks! Fuck the piss out of me! OHHHHH CHRIST! Harder, harder, harder! OHHHHHHH!”

Her hot pussy kept brimming over with oily liquid, the wet passage of her quivering cunt so filled with moisture it made slurping, sucking sounds around George’s driving prick. Bonnie’s crotch sopping wet, she kept grinding her snatch down on George’s standing meat, her juices flowing all the more as she pumped feverishly.

Norman humped her stretched-open asshole with thrusts so hard they made the young girl’s anal opening red and sore. Every time he shoved his cock up her ass he was met with a squirming jerk from her, his hands tight on her hips but unable to keep her still.

“Fuck my ass off, Norman! Make it hurt! Shove your dick deeper in my asshole! OHHHH SHIT! OHHHHHH GODDAMN! My asshole feels like it’s being reamed out with a red-hot poker. Deeper, fuck my ass even deeper! Ram your stiff cock harder up my asshole!”

Jill, beside the panting threesome, suddenly cried out with a sharp little squeal and almost toppled over with the intensity of the climax bashing into her. Her pink snatch quivering closed around her stabbing fingers, she groaned and shook through one blistering cunt-spasm after another.

With a little squeal of her own, Bonnie thrashed her legs up and down and almost threw Norman off her back as bomb-bursts of tingling pleasure exploded in the wet recesses of her cunt, her slick cunt-hole and hot asshole tightening mid clutching at the cocks buried within them?

Bonnie, her entire body alive with shivering sensation, felt Norman’s plunging prick start to shoot off first, his cum pouring up her ass and glutting her rectum with liquid warmth. A second later, George groaned and then he too began shooting his wad, deep into her slippery snatch and with much jerking and moaning.

“You’re filling me with cum!” Bonnie almost shrieked, her body lurching and bucking between them. “I can feel your pricks squirting your jism in me! OHHHH! I’M COMING LIKE A MANIAC! OHHHHH FUCK!”

She worked the slick muscles in her snatch and her asshole frantically, trying to suck their spurting cocks even deeper into her body and get every ounce of their thick sperm.

Norman’s jism geysered out and filled Bonnie’s trembling asshole to overflowing, the sticky excess dribbling out and spilling down onto her cock-filled cunt. George’s prick kept spurting all the cum in his balls straight up her snatch, and his hips churned all over the place.

The three of them hung onto each other and pumped with everything they had, their sweaty bodies a blur of feverish motion. Groaning, gasping, panting, they finally slowed down and then came to a jerky halt.

Before they could even disentangle themselves, Jill was giggling excitedly and saying, “It’s my turn! I’m next. It’s my turn to get double-humped like that!”

Bonnie could only shake her head with a laugh at such a display of unbridled enthusiasm. Of course, she knew that soon she would be giggling just as excitedly and saying the exact same thing.

Sometime after three in the morning, George and Jill got dressed and went home. Surprisingly, none of the four participants in the orgy that had just ensued felt any guilt, embarrassment or shame whatsoever at the way they’d shared each other’s bodies.

“Well,” Norman asked with a smile from where he lay next to Bonnie in bed, “are you ready to go back to being married?”

She smiled back at him, reaching but and stroking his limp cock. It lay against his thigh, the bulbous head and thick shaft of it still sticky from the combination of juices from both Bonnie’s and Jill’s cunts and assholes.

Finally, Bonnie said to her husband, “I’m ready to go back to being married if you are. Are you?”

He knew that she was subtly bringing up the fact that he’d been the one to start fucking outside of the household. “Listen,” he said seriously. “I realize now how stupid what I did was. I don’t even know why I did it.”

“Jill Grayson is an attractive young woman,” Bonnie said, still smiling. She squeezed her husband’s prick a little tighter, wondering if it might stand up again. Even after all the fucking and sucking and coming she’d had, for some reason she was still just a bit horny. “I don’t suppose any man could look at her and not want to crawl up between her legs,” she shrugged.

Norman shook his bead. “What can I say?” he asked. “All I can tell you is that it’ll never happen again. Never. No woman in the world would be worth losing you over. I realized that, when you left me last night. I love you, Bonnie.”

“And I love you,” she said warmly. She tugged at his flaccid cock, feeling it throb under her fingers. “Hey! Your dick feels like it might have a last round left in it just for me.”

“Get it stiff and it’s yours for the night. Forever, in fact.”

With a girlish giggle, she suddenly leaned over his hairy crotch and sucked the entire length of his soft prick into her mouth. Working her moist tongue all over the fleshy cap at the end of it, she began blowing him fervently. She could feel the slick juices in her snatch start to fill her cunt-hole with hot moisture, and the more excited she got, the more feverishly she sucked her husband off.

While she licked his hardening cock, she couldn’t help wondering if Norman would ever stray from home again in search of outside sex. The thought, oddly did not upset her as much as it once would have.

She darted her tonguetip into the little slit at the end of his cock-head, teasing at it and feeling Norman tremble.

“Suck it harder,” Norman coned, thrusting his hips up at her so his prick went deeper into her mouth. “Get my cock hard, and I’ll fuck you senseless.”

Bonnie smiled to herself at the dramatic change in his attitude from a few days before. And then, her husband’s prick coming to life, it stiffened so quickly that she had to pull her head back to take it without choking. She gave the head of his massive cock a gentle suck, and then looked up at him with her blue eyes bright.

As far as Bonnie Evans was concerned, she once again had a husband she could count on.