I fucked my hairstylist step-sister

My younger sister Lucinda is a hairstylist. So when she said that I
needed a haircut, and offered to clip me for free, I agreed. Lucy’s got
a cute, sexy little body and even though she’s my sister, I’ve always
secretly had the hots for her. On occasions I got the distinct feeling
that Sis was interested as well, but nothing had eventuated. But last
Saturday, as she was giving me a haircut, something sparked between us
and it changed our relationship forever. We both stripped down to almost nothing because it was hot in her
apartment and because we didn’t want to get all full of hair. I wore a
pair of shorts, Lucinda wore only a white transparent blouse and
panties. She has dark cinnamon skin, large brown boobs, and long black
hair. I could see her perfect little cone-shaped tits through the
blouse. As she walked around me, snipping here and there, her tits brushed
against me. I was getting hot, and it wasn’t due to the weather. My cock
was straining in my pants like a dog on a leash. Finally, as she
straddled my knees and bent forward to do my fringe, her pert little
tits came within inches of my mouth. I just couldn’t help myself! I
reached out with my I tongue and began licking her left nipple through
her blouse. “Hey… let me finish,” she giggled. “I’ll let you finish all right,” I said. “After I’M finished….” I eased her onto my lap and unbuttoned her sheer blouse, exposing her
gorgeous young breasts. Lucy giggled and struggled a bit, but it was
only a token effort, we both knew what was going to happen and neither
of us wanted to stop. I nuzzled against her flesh, sucking gently on her
nipples. Lucy moaned softly and the little pink buds became erect. Emboldened by my sister’s obvious excitement, I reached down between her
legs to touch her pussy. To my utter surprise and amazement, her tiny
lace panties were crotchless! “Surprise!” she said, giggling. “You planned this didn’t you, you horny little minx!”, I grinned,
rubbing my fingers along her sparsely-haired young cuntslit. “Yep! I couldn’t wait for you to make your move any longer, big
brother,” said Lucy, grinding her crotch lewdly against my hand. Her little slit felt tight, hot and very, very wet under my probing
fingers as I stroked her cunt through the opening in her crotchless
panties. Lucy moved back a little on my knees to get some room and
unzipped my shorts, pulling out my extremely stiff cock. “Ohhhh, Jerry! I knew you’d be big!” she cooed as she stroked my
hardness. Without another word, she stood on her tiptoes and positioned her cunt
above my cock. For a long moment, she just let my cocktip linger at the
entrance of her pussy. Then, very slowly, she sat down on my lap again,
plunging my cock into her hot, clinging depths. God she was tight! My
sister’s sweet little cunt couldn’t have been fucked more than a couple
of times… but she sure knew how to use it! “Uhhhhhh, Lucy… baby!” I groaned, gripping her tiny asscheeks with
both hands. Gasping and moaning, my little sister began to move her butt up and down
as her pussy got accustomed to my invading thickness. Then she started
to hump her hips faster and faster, until she was bouncing up and down
on my lap, her tight, hot little cunt getting impaled deeply on each
downward thrust. Lucy was so light I could actually lift her up and down
with my hands under her ass, literally fucking her cunt over my cock as
she screamed with delight. We fucked like crazy in that chair. It squeaked and shook as Lucy danced
her cunt on my cock. “Ohh, Jerry,” she said, “I’m gonna cum! I’m gonna come all over you.” “Do it, Sis!” I grunted. “Cum, baby! Cum on my cock and I’ll cum in your
cunt!” Her little cunt clamped down on my cock like a velvety vise as she
climaxed, squeezing my deeply imbedded prick like no other pussy I’d
ever fucked before. It felt like a fist was squeezing my cock! Lucy’s cuntal contractions were all I needed to push me over the edge,
and I came with a rush, my hot, sticky sperm spurted into her cunt and
and my cock jerked and twitched powerfully inside her quivering belly. “Oohhhhhh, God, Jerry!”, she gasped finally. “That was fucking
fantastic!” “I don’t know about `fucking fantastic’, Sis, but it certainly was one
`fantastic fuck’!” I grinned. We hugged each other tightly, holding each other like that for the
longest time, my cock still buried inside Lucy’s softly pulsating pussy
as we floated down from our mind-shattering orgasms. My hair came out looking kind of weird, but I didn’t mind at all… it
gave me an excuse to come back for a little trim.