I started fucking again and she bit me harder

It was hot…July at the beach and the sand was like a frying pan in some
places causing some people to run until they reached the water to soak their
burned feet. I didn’t have that problem…Was accustomed to the scalding
sand…Well, I didn’t dally but…Anyway, I was trying to score with a young
lady without using all the tricks I’d perfected…Well, they really weren’t
tricks…Ok ! I was trying to connect without using dope…Well, initially
anyway…No dropping a joint or acting stoned…But working my way to the same
goal. Becoming intimate with a very young woman.

I’d seen her the last two days, riding her bike down to the ice cream
parlor…On the island. I saw her two days later taking the ferry back, still
eating her ice cream. I lost her on the peninsula but had narrowed the search
down. I ran into her at ten forty-five on a Tuesday. She was sunning herself
in a very tight one piece. Her breasts were prominent bumps on her chest but
that’s all…Bumps. She was walking back to her towel from the water. I sat
down about a hundred feet away from her.

About an hour later I get up and passed close to her on my way up to the
street. I was under the hood when she came by. “Aaah…Can you give me a
hand ?”

She tells me she’s never started a car so I have her giggle the battery
lead and…Wa ! La ! The van starts right up. I thank her profusely and
offer to give her a ride home. She’s staying about a half a block away so it
was a short drive.

“Down here with the family for the summer ?”

“No…Visiting my grand mother.”

“Sounds interesting…” In more ways than one. Grandma was coming down
the stairs after seeing her grand daughter drive up in a ratty van with a guy
old enough to be her father. She rushed out to the van, probably thinking her
grand daughter was in trouble or hurt or something. I can tell grandma is not
to keen on this arrangement.

“Aren’t you going to introduce me to your friend, Randi ?” Randi was
stuck for an answer because she didn’t know my name.

I reached out and grasped grandma’s hand. “Willy…Willy Tamarack. I
live over on the island…At the bay club.” I immediately moved up in her
esteem. Scum did not live at the club.

Randi got out and I thanked her. The next day when she came to the beach,
I asked her to walk up to the refreshment stand with me. I’d buy her an ice
cream cone. The refreshment stand was about a mile away or so. Off we went,
her in a “T” shirt that reached the middle of her thighs and me in just my
trunks. I told her I’d teach her to start and drive the van a little if she
wanted ? She was initially cool to the idea so I dropped it.

We were on the way back when we spy grandma, sneaking through the dunes.
Randi stated. “Grandma still doesn’t trust you.”

“Maybe she shouldn’t ?” I laughed. She didn’t even acknowledge my

Grandma was thoroughly embarrassed with us sneaking up on her. We walked
back to the boardwalk together and I asked the three of them to dinner…At
the club. I was in like flyn. Grandma couldn’t answer quick enough.

“We’d love to !” I laughed and told them to meet me in the lobby at six.
They were prompt and we had a delightful time. I invited them up to have an
after dinner desert that I just happened to have lying around. A chocolate
muse that was just divine.

It was getting late by the time I walked them back. As soon as Randi went
up stairs to bed, I booked. Grandma looked perplexed. She was about ten,
maybe fifteen years older than me but well preserved. A woman in her
mid-sixties who had lost her husband and now hung around with mostly women,
her own age, who were getting closer to caring more about hanging on to life
than seeking it’s finer pleasures.

I ran into Randi at the beach the next day. We took a walk down to the
pier to get ice cream. When I got back to my place there was a note scotch
taped to the door. From grandma…Sorry she missed me.

Now…I was stoked grandma was interested but didn’t think it’d be
fair…Getting it on with grandma while trying to get Randi’s panties down
around her ankles. Still grandma showed up the following morning, saying she
was in the neighborhood. I fended off her advances all the while thinking of
Randi. Grandma spent around an hour and then said she had to be some place

Randi was there five minutes after grandma left and I was sure the young
lady was checking on her grandmother and her new friend. As soon as I opened
the door, out came.

“Grandma sure didn’t stay long.” I laughed. After a few minutes of
shooting the shit out in the hall way, she asks if the offer to teach her to
drive is still good ? I give her a tremendous smile and we head for the van.
Hey ! This wasn’t a full fledged lesson…Shit ! Randi was nowhere near the
age to start driving. I was just going to teach her to start and drive the
van for short periods…Like about twenty feet or so. Several times during
the lesson, I reached over and patted her bare thigh when she did a good job.
Randi was very excited and if we’d been indoors, I’m sure she would have
hugged me. When we finished, she ran off after promising not to tell grandma.

It was several days before I ran into Randi again. She was sun bathing
and I sat right next to her. There was no one else on the beach. Grandma had
taken her to Disneyland and Magic Mountain. She was like she’d been
vaccinated with a phonograph needle. I listened with rapt attention. We
walked along the surf line and I tried talking her into body surfing.
Definitely not !

The next day I showed up with a boogy board. Randi spent half the
afternoon in the water and was getting pretty good after a little of my expert
instruction. In the water her suit was like a second skin and I was glad the
water was cold or I’d have been sporting a semi all afternoon.

Nice little bumps for tits and the nipples stayed hard the entire time she
was in the water. The rest of her body was like a pogo stick, no waist or
hips to speak of and she was rather bow legged. Her legs were covered with a
down of blonde hair about three shades lighter than the hair on her head.

I saw her and grandma on the ferry that evening and bought them all ice
cream. Grandma invited me over to their place but I feigned that I was tired
and needed to get to bed.

Randi was inline skating the next day and I watched as I walked down the
board walk to lunch at the pier. Randi followed and shared some of my fries.
I mentioned that the surf was going to be real good this afternoon, maybe we
could go boogy boarding ?

She showed up on the beach in front of my place and I met her with two
boogy boards this time. We spent almost all afternoon boogy boarding. Two
days later while we were boogy boarding again, she informed me she was leaving
on Sunday. Her parents were coming down Friday afternoon and spending the
weekend. It was Wednesday and that left me but three days, counting today.

I sensed a lost cause. Now it wasn’t all that bad…After all I’d learned
a lot but in essence – a lost cause. I didn’t see anyway to make it work in
the time left.

***** CHAPTER TWO *****

I was getting my board from up on the sand, having lost it in the shore
break. The sand stung as it attacked my back. Randi was about five feet away
and turning to run into the ocean. I picked up a hand full of wet sand and
sprinted after her. I hit her with a clump, right in the middle of her butt.
She pulled up short and turned to face me. I dug into the surf for more sand
and so did she. We threw sand back and forth for a few minutes until I
finally attacked.

She ended up trying to retreat to the sea but was knocked down by a wave.
I scooped her up and carried her further out to sea. A wave was approaching
and I threw her into it. She came out the other side gasping for air. I was
laughing and then she was swimming toward me. She pounded me with her tiny
fists while I held her, continuing to laugh. I threw her into the next wave
then rescued her and carried her to shore. She was kicking her feet the
entire way.

She spent just a few minutes on her towel and then threw a whole bunch of
dry sand onto my wet back. Again, it stung. She was up and running down the
beach. I rose and chased her. It took me a while to catch her but when I
did…I rained sand on her body. She was covered in it. I rolled her like a
rug and her entire body was covered, tickling her as we wrestled around in the
sand. This young thing didn’t have a lot of fat on her.

“Stop it ! This isn’t fair…Stop !” I did and started laughing once
again. She was pissed. “I can’t go home like this…I’m a mess…Grandma
will think I’ve been playing in the sand.” I kept laughing. She started
laughing and tried to throw some sand at me. I held her arm then leaned over
and kissed her. No tongue shit…Just a kiss but right on the lips. We
stared at each other for I long time. She talked first.

“What was that for ?”

“Because I like you a lot.”

She seemed to be thinking about what I said when I picked her up and
carried her into the surf, throwing her into the water.

“Wash off…Then you can go home and shower.” My brain exploded with
ideas or…Maybe, they’d been there the whole time and just now decided to
present themselves ? “…Or you can shower at my place and go home later ?”

After a thirty second pause. “You sure it’s ok ?”

I nodded my head, thinking…What ? I really had no idea but we’d never
truly been alone except at the beach…In the car…Some public places. I
picked up my towel and she followed.

The house was quiet so I turned on some music and asked if she wanted a
coke. I told her she’d have to wash her hair as it was full of sand. It was
long, reaching the middle of her back…Braided into one thick strand of hair,
the ends bleached by the sun.

We were standing in the bedroom when I asked the question. “Mind if I
join you in the shower…I’ll wash your hair ?” She froze looking at me. I
just smiled at her.

She seemed to make up her mind and then was dropping her bathing suit.
Her breasts were hardly that, just bumps on her chest but her areolae and
nipples were like bottle caps, proud and erect, a light brown. Almost like
they were too large for the breast and poking out of it. My cock was starting
to harden in my trunks.

She was naked and walking toward the bathroom but not before I got a great
view of her sex, the crease plainly visible…Hardly any hair covered her
lower stomach…Like a faint down of brown hair growing on her mound. I
stroked myself as I followed, my cock like a heavy instrument in my hand.

She was in the shower and already soaped up. Her first gaze was at my
crotch and she blushed a little when she saw my hardon. I took the soap from
her and started washing her back. Her butt was like two small pillows of
flesh, so smooth and white. I washed them, letting my fingers dig into the
meat of her ass.

“My turn.” Were the only words she said and then turned and grabbed the
soap out of my hand. She was washing my chest but every once and a while
she’d look at the pole of flesh growing out of my groin. I flexed it a couple
of times and she laughed.

Shortly after that she grabbed it with both hands and started washing it,
the soap forgotten. She had one hand on my balls, which were tight up against
my groin, and the other around my penis. I flexed real hard and then guided
her wrist up and down, sliding her hand up and down my soapy penis. I figured
about ten minutes of this and I’d be a heap of dog shit on the floor of the

I worked my hand between her legs from behind and started to rub a finger
along the crease of her sex. My finger was between her vagina lips, just
sliding back and forth. Since my finger was moving very slowly she slowed the
hand jive on my dick. I pulled her face to mine and we kissed. This time I
opened her mouth with my tongue and went searching for hers.

I was tracing her hole with my finger when her tongue finally awakened and
began fencing with mine. My cock was like a steel bar. Fuck ! I hadn’t had
a hand job…Shit ! Since…I couldn’t remember ??

I slid about half my finger into her. God ! Was she tight ! Her hand
tightened around my cock. I flexed it. Her hand tightened again. I started
pumping my finger in and out of her. I’d pull my finger out every few strokes
or so to rub her cunt butter all over her labia and up toward her clit. It
was a tiny pebble of pleasure.

The first time my finger ran over her clitoris, she jumped a bit and her
butt clenched a little. I was working more and more of my finger into her

She was still squeezing my cock so I broke the kiss and whispered.
“Stroke it, Randi.” She started stroking and I started pumping my hips. She
followed suite and was rocking her butt back and forth as I fingered her wet
little cunt. I finger fucked her faster and she was stroking my cock for the
downs. I was just about there…We had stopped kissing and were slack jawed
as the waves of pleasure started to wash over us.

She started jerking around, her legs giving out. She started to slide
down the wall of the shower, hanging on to my cock. Her hand was still
stroking and I started to go off. I twitched and jerked around like a rag
doll as I slid down the wall to the floor. The water cascaded over us until
it became cold. Only then did we drag ourselves out of the stall.

We dressed in silence and hardly talked before she left. I was in a
quandary. Would she come back ? I had tomorrow and Friday morning.

I waited all day Thursday, not leaving the house. It was getting
dark…Late…Eight p.m. She wasn’t coming. If she came tomorrow it would be
in the morning. Her parents were arriving in the afternoon.

***** CHAPTER THREE *****

It was two-thirty and I’d blown it off. She wasn’t coming. I torched up
a bowl to celebrate my failure. There were enough kids on the island every
evening. I’d scored there the last three times…First night out. I was
getting a hardon imagining the young thing I was going to just fuck the shit
out of this evening. I was rolling a giant joint when the doorbell rang.

“Oh ! Fuck ! Who could that be ?” I wondered. No one knew I was here.
I told the girls…My wives…That I was on safari…Nothing but surfing !
Yea ! Right, Willy !? And they believed you ?!

I stumbled to the door through a haze of marijuana smoke about waist high.
I peeked out through the peep hole and there she was. She had a gym bag in
her hand. Randi reached out to ring the bell again but then pulled away. She
was gone, disappeared from view.

I yanked off the chain and pulled the door open. Randi was about ten feet
away. She turned and her face lit up with a big smile. I backed into the
room and she came toward me. I just realized I was talking. She had the
braid taken out and her hair was free flowing. God ! She was cute – just
short of beautiful. That would come in a couple of years.

I was still talking. “…thought you were going to get your parents ?”

She was standing in the doorway, hadn’t come into the apartment yet.

“Willy, why are you whispering ?” She sniffed. “Willy Tamarack, is that
marijuana I smell ?”

I retreated into the room. She followed and closed the door behind her,
leaning against it. The room was dark and I hoped she didn’t see the smoking
shit on the table…A baggie full of bud, my traveling bong and the huge joint
I just rolled.

I was shaking my head back and forth. She was trying to look behind me.
I kept dancing around to try to hide the dope. She dropped her bag and rushed
me. I threw my arms around her but she turned me a hundred and eighty degrees
in her rush. She was staring at the dope.

“It is. Grandma told me you were probably…She called you a stoner.”
Smart grandma. “Grandma always calls my mom a stoner.” I was fantasizing
about meeting and fucking her mother. My cock was growing. She felt it and
like she just realized I was holding her in my arms…Jumped away.

“Well, your grandma was right. Now, what are you doing here ?” I was
irritated now, thinking of the trolling I was missing. It came out in a rush.

“Grandma went to pick them up and the three of them are going out to
dinner. I told grandma I was going to visit a friend over on the island and
have dinner at her house. I had to call my mom and get permission…” Randi
looked over at the couch and went to sit down. “…Well…My friend doesn’t
live on the island…”

It finally started to dawn on me that there was only one reason Randi was
here. She wanted me as much as I wanted her. I was her friend. She was
still talking. “…my swimming suit in the bag and some different clothes and
some girl shit…” She paused. “I promised I would be home by a half hour
after the sun goes down.” I looked at my watch. It was just after three.

I was sitting next to her on the couch and jumped up. “Well…Let’s hit
the waves.”

Randi rushed for her bag and moved toward the bedroom. She stopped at the
door, looking back at me. I shook my head “no.” She paused for just a second
before entering the bedroom and closing the door. She knew…If we got naked
together, we’d never leave the apartment. It was almost five before we got
back to the apartment. We ran almost the way. No towels, just boogy boards
under our arms.

The apartment was cool after our run. We were both sweating. Her hair
was plastered against her forehead and cheeks. She fell back on the couch,
her eyes glued to the dope. I sat next to her.

“Willy…Can I try it ?” Shit ! What was I going to say ? I didn’t plan
this. Had already scored. Was getting ready to enjoy the reward. And now
the icing on the cake, so to speak. This was going to be better than
perfect…Stupendous !

I leaned forward and started packing the bong. She leaned forward and
pressed her shoulder against my back. “You know…I’m going to have to shower
before I go to grandma’s.” I looked over at her while taking a hit. Her eyes
were wide as she watched me.

“Aaaaaaaahhhhh…Yeaaaaaaa…” A brilliant statement from a brilliant
man. Aah…Yea…Right, Willy !?

She laughed and I explained the details. She coughed up most of her first
hit and I took another. She was game for another and off she went. She held
it for longer than I thought she would then fell back against the couch. I
laughed. So did she. I took another hit and held the bong out to her. She
struggled to reach for the bong and I took another hit.

I leaned forward and put my lips against her. She opened her mouth and I
exhaled. She coughed and her eyes were glazed when I moved away from her. I
put the bong down, figuring I’d gone a little too far with the dope. She was
lying back on the couch with her eyes closed.

I laid back with her and time stood still. I got up to put on some music.
A little Dave Matthew’s Band. It was acoustic…So maybe it was Dave & Tim ?
Anyway…I went to the kitchen to get some soft drinks. When I got back she
was dancing around the room…Like she was at a dance with a lot of kids. My
cock stirred in my trunks as she moved around the dimly lit room. I put the
drinks down and sat on the sofa.

She finally rushed over and slithered up on my lap. “Thanks, Willy.” She
kissed me right on the lips and forced her tongue into my mouth. Blood was
racing to my cock. She wiggled around on it. I ground it around her butt as
best I could. Shortly I had her lying on top of me. My cock was between us
and she was rubbing her body up and down it. I grabbed her ass cheeks and
moved her pussy over my cock. Her legs spread a little. I could feel the
heat of her crotch through my suit.

We were kissing madly when I slipped my hands under her suit and started
massaging her bare ass cheeks. My cock was a crow bar. I sat up and
struggled to get to my feet as she wrapped herself around me, her arms around
my neck…Legs around my waist.

The bedroom was darker than the front room. I lowered her to the bed and
worked on my trunks. My pubic hair was wild. Some of it was stuck to my
penis after being pulled out in it’s erection. I got on the bed and pulled
one of her shoulder straps down. She shucked off the other and started to
wiggle out of her suit. She kicked it off the bed and I lay next to her.

***** CHAPTER FOUR *****

We kissed and kissed, our hands exploring each other. I pinched her
nipples, she pinched mine. I rubbed her cunt, she jacked me off. I wet my
finger and rubbed my saliva into her cunt. She licked her palm and rubbed it
against my cock. I wet my finger again and slid it all the way into her. She
moaned. Her hand clasped around my cock. I pulled her hand off me and raised
both of her arms up above her head.

Her underarms were covered with a down of short brown hairs, like eye
lashes. I licked them, long swipes of my tongue…Like a dog. She moaned
again. I tasted all the way down to her nipples. I sucked them like crazy, my
hand back in her crotch…Fingering her like a machine. Her hips were coming
up to meet my hand with each thrust into her.

I was in her belly button, still fingering her like a maniac. I could
hear her gasps as she tried to keep enough air in her lungs. She was so
delicious and when I got to the hair on her mound, my tongue took control of
my body and slithered right into her cunt. It drilled into Randi’s being like
a bomb.

Randi was out of her mind. Her head was whipping back and forth on the
pillow. His tongue was in her vagina. Oh ! God ! It felt so good…a
zillion times better than Wednesday. She wanted to make Willy feel just as
good as she did. The stars were turning into room. The walls…She could
feel the wet sheets below. She wondered what made them wet. The she realized
she was sweating. Willy had his chin on her pubic bone. It looked like he
had a scraggly beard. Randi laughed.

I had eaten her for over a half an hour and my once proud bone was as limp
as a noodle. I crawled up next to her and kissed her. She licked all around
my lips, tasting herself. I felt a small tickle but knew that a boner was far
from a sure thing. She had tasted so good, her cunt…Salty…Sea clean…Her
pussy lips hardly covered in down with a tuft of longer straight hair on her
mound. I’d teased her clit to about three almost back to back orgasms while
my finger moved in and out of her. I slid another one into her. Her hips
didn’t miss a beat.

When she finally went limp her thighs spread apart, her legs spread almost
to the edges of the bed. I nibbled on her inner thighs and the part of her
bottom I could get to. She hadn’t moved in a long while when I perched my
chin on her mound.

Her hand was in my crotch and her face had a disappointed look on it. She
was squeezing my dick and while it felt good…I was going to need more. I
damn near came while she was thrashing around below me. She pushed me to my
back and then really started to work on my cock with her hands. One was
cupping my balls, the other sliding up and down my limp penis. Oh ! Did it
feel great.

She was sitting cross legged right next to me and bent to kiss me while
one hand kept jacking me off. We frenched and then she was kissing my chest.
I knew where she was headed and my cock leapt in her hand. She looked up at
me with a mischievous grin. Her hand squeezed my cock and I flexed it. A big
improvement. Her mouth was over my belly button, her tongue reaming it out.

I was just about there when she licked it, right across the head…A bit
of her tongue sliding right under the crown and I jerked on the bed. Now, I’m
sure she didn’t do it on purpose but now that she discovered this special
place…Licked it again…All tongue and I was in shock.

My cock was like cement, wet and heavy. “Suck it, Randi…Suck
it…Honey, please…” My groan filled the room when she spread her lips and
took about three inches into her mouth. I flexed and she closed her teeth
against my meat. I started to roll away from her but her head followed me;
attached to my body because her mouth was around my cock. She was leaned over
me, actually laying over my side.

I reached back and started fondling her ass. My finger found her cunt and
pushed it’s way in. He teeth came back on my cock. I grabbed her head with
my free hand and pushed more of my cock into her mouth. I flexed again and
was very close to set cement. Her cunt was swollen and wet, her cunt butter
soaking my finger. I rubbed it all over her almost hairless cunt lips and
transferred my saliva to her with my finger.

Randi felt like she was going to vomit. His cock head was at the back of
her throat. His finger all the way in her. It felt as good as Wednesday, his
hard finger sliding in and out of her pussy. Now his tongue…God ! It drove
her insane a little while ago. She started bobbing her head to the rhythm
that was sliding in and out of her cunt. Her lips were slobbery and his cock
got all wet, like her vagina. She wanted his tongue in her.

He was on his back and was pulling her hips over his head. “Oh ! Migod !
Yes…Willy…Yes…Use your tongue…Aaaaaghhh !” His tongue had slithered
right into her being and she came. She gobbled up his slick cock and started
bobbing her head like a crazy woman.

He rolled them to their sides and he was thrusting his hips. Her lips
were stretched around the hard cock in her mouth and his tongue was licking
her anus. He must have two, maybe three fingers in her as she seemed to be
more full than Wednesday.

I hand one hand on her head and the other up around her ass. I teased her
asshole with my finger and then slathered it with saliva. I could feel the
back of her throat with the head of my cock. I pulled her long hair until my
cock was out of her mouth. Randi looked disappointed.

I kissed up to her mouth and reamed my tongue into it. I nestled between
her legs and she spread them further apart. My cock was bobbing around in my
groin like one of those water finder sticks or whatever. I lifted one of her
thighs up around my waist and the other followed.

I held my self above her with my cock just lightly touching her pubic
hair. “Put it in, Randi.” I whispered. Her hand was on the way before I had
“Randi” out of my mouth. I could feel the head of my cock against her cunt
lips and pushed. I slid up into her pubic hair. She moaned and repositioned
my cock. I slid a hand down and put my hand around hers. I slid the head of
my cock up and down her slit and then drilled the head into her opening.

I pushed real easy and she immediately tensed up. The head of my cock was
in her and I was in heaven. I pulled my cock out and brought it to her face.
“Get it all wet…” Her tongue came out and started licking. I let her suck
on it for only a minute or so and then she swirled her tongue around the head.

This time she guided it on her own and went right to her hole. My head
was in and then I was pushing again, sinking about three inches into her. She
was slick and I started pumping. Each stroke fed her a little more cock. I
was dying to really start giving it to her. I was about two thirds in when
she yelped. It sounded like fuck.

I was nodding my head up and down, continuing my trip to her core.
“Right, Randy…We’re fucking.”

“Ooooooooohhhh…Willy…Fuck me !” Her voice had changed. She sounded
like a woman and I drove my cock all the way into her. I was insane with lust
and just fucking the shit out of her. I’d rolled to my side and grabbed her
ass with both hands. I was moving her on and off me like an olympic athlete
in a fucking event. Her arms were around my neck and she was biting my
shoulder. My cock was a blur as it pumped in and out of her. Her cunt a very
slick tunnel into her stomach.

My orgasm came in two phases. The first was the jerking around as my cock
was pistoning in and out of her cunt. The second is when she bit me hard and
started jerking around on the pole I had buried in her belly. I held her
close, stopped pumping and felt her climax around the cock I had her skewered
on. It felt like the top of my head came off as the competition between the
pain in my shoulder and the pleasure in my groin exploded.

I started fucking again and she bit me harder. I fucked her harder. The
stars blotted out the room and I didn’t come back again for over a couple of
hours. It was real dark. I turned on the bed stand light. She was gone.
The sheets were a mess of blood. I rushed to the front room and looked at the
clock on the VCR…Ten o’clock. There was a note on the coffee table, next to
the dope.