Mrs. Hansen sucked my cock

I had just stepped out of the shower and was ringing wet when the door bell
rang. I grabbed a towel and wrapped it around my waist and proceeded to the
front door. I opened the door slightly to find out who was there.

“Mrs. Hansen,” I mumbled behind the door, “Mom isn’t home yet.” “I know, I
just spoke to her and she told me she would be another hour or so and I
could come and wait for her.” I opened the door a little more and invited
her in.

“I just got out of the shower,” I sheepishly announced. I backed away from
the door and she stepped into the foyer. I was hiding behind the door but
she was making no attempt of entering any further so I had to close the door
the therefore revealing how little I had on. “My, you have grown up quite
nicely, Jason.” She reached out and lightly touched my right biceps.”Do you
work out? Your arms are so huge.” I shuddered and mumbled, “No Ma am, I play
baseball for the school.” She was still stroking my arm and I suddenly
realized the effect she was having on me and the towel was starting to tent

Mrs Hansen gazed down and saw the results of her manipulation and her eyes
glazed over. “You are getting bigger,” she said huskily. She reached out and
grabbed my cock through the towel which by now was about to fall off, and
stroked her hand lazily up and down my shaft. My dick was harder than I ever
knew it could be. “You’re a man now right Jason.” “Well, I uh guess, I had
my eighteenth birthday two days ago.” Aw yes, that’s right I remember your
Mom mentioning that at work.” The towel dropped and Mrs Hansen had my hard
phallus in her bare hand and was jacking me quite nicely when she spoke
barely above a whisper, “Have you ever had your cock sucked, Jason?” “No,
I’ve never done anything.” As she looked me straight in the eye she dropped
to her knees right there on the ceramic tile in the foyer.

“Would you like me to suck you. Jason?” “Y y yes,” I stuttered shaking like
a leaf on a tree. Still looking directly at me she snaked out her tongue and
licked the drop of seminal fluid that has gathered on the tip of my cock. I
moaned and that seemed to spur Mrs Hansen on because she opened her mouth
and sank the biggest majority in and started licking furiously. Meanwhile
bobbing her head up and down until I could feel the beginning of her throat.

She removed my cock from the warm depths of her oral cavity and as she
stroked it lovingly on her cheek she breathlessly asked, “Do you like that
Jason? Is it all you thought it would be? I love worshipping you’re strong
cock.” “Oh God, yes Mrs Hansen I love what you doing, it feels so good.”
“Jason, would you like to cum in my mouth and have me swallow all your young
juice?” All I could do was moan, my mouth was too dry to speak so I nodded
my head vigorously. She jammed my cock back in and swallowed. I felt the
head sink down her throat and her lips were butted up against my pubic hair.
She snaked her tongue out and licked everywhere she could reach. With her
lips tightly wound she began sliding her mouth back away sucking furiously
until just the head was still encased and her tongue flicked under the
sensitive part of the crown.

“Oh God I’m going to cum, Mrs Hansen.” She was already aware of this because
she proceeded to take me into her throat and swallow. She reached and
grasped both of my bloated balls and yank gently downward. Saliva was
running from her mouth and dripped onto her testicle filled hand. She
released me from her mouth and out of breath and eyes watering she spoke,”
Fill my mouth, Jason. I want you to cum in my mouth, I want your sperm,
Jason, please.” I was trying to prolong the ecstasy but to hear this 40 year
old woman beg I could hold out no longer and my cock dribbled the first shot
directly on her tongue The next shot like a cannon and lodged deep into her
throat and Mrs Hansen wrapped her lips around just the head and sucked
harder. She was not going to spill a drop of my semen and I just kept
blasting. Mrs Hansen was swallowing all that I shot and when I was finished
spewing and my balls were dry she nibbled lightly on the crown.

My softening cock slipped from her mouth and I looked down at Mrs Hansen.
She was looking up at me and smiled. “You came so much, I didn’t think I
could swallow fast enough. What did you think of your first blow job,

Before I could answer I heard a car door slam.