Story of two chicks and me

I was at home and with snow falling outside I put on a hoddy and fired up my rig. I logged online and started to download my emails, dam 600+ emails, and 99% spam, ack! I noticed that my friend Samantha was online in AIM so I sent her a “heyzxa…” She replied and we […]

Italian lesbian lovers

What she liked was a woman’s arms that showed defined rounds of shoulders and biceps, a hint of muscle, the same in thighs and legs, a body at the same time sleek and dynamic, restrained in its energy. She had known such a woman only once in her life, a girl she had met while […]

Breast Pumping and Driving

Reckless Driving – adapted from another story… A new mother’s attempt to pump while driving leads to an encounter with police. How many new mothers have been faced with the difficult challenge of wanting to breastfeed, but had a job that just didn’t work in their favor? Susan Thurman faced the same problem, but she […]

WILD CHANGE by Carlos Malenkov

Deep in the Black Forest, or *Schwartzwald* as the locals call it, there stands a small, moss-covered cottage. Its quaint gingerbread trimmings give it a charming Eighteenth Century rustic look. Civil servants of the Bavarian state government maintain the hut and its surroundings, and give guided tours to any hikers who happen by. Nailed to […]

Sex with Minnesota Twins

Dear Idiot, How are you? Never mind I don’t care, I just want to write you and complain about something that you wrote to a newsgroup that I found on google. I recently found your stories on the usenet, and even though they completely suck, I did a search to find more to read. Well, […]

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