Friday chronicles V (humour)

Little Red Friday Hood by Arty Once upon a time in the far-away land of FDWritings there lived a young(ish) girl call Little Red Friday Hood. Why was she called this? Well since you ask so nicely I’ll tell you. Of course this will derail the story I was about to tell, but you did […]

Evening Song – Merlin (furry, M-vixen-F, rom)

“That’s the last of the guests.” Velvet sounded tired. “I’m glad it’s over with. What possessed him to do it, anyway?” The sounds coming from the kitchen stopped. Kay’s voice was tinged with gentle amusement when she answered Vels’ plaintive question. “He did it because he loves us both–and it was his way of telling […]

Catherine’s furry Playmate

Come and Play Again A week later the phone rang at Catherine’s house. “Hey Cath how ya doin?” Cath’s heart stopped! It was her neighbour. She looked around to make sure no one was listening. Luckily no one was home. “King was wondering if you could come over to ‘play’” She could hear the grin […]

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