A short piece of fiction

She watched on the closed circuit TV as he twisted and fidgeted in his bonds. His body slick with sweat. Tan, naked, and delectably erotic. A sigh rippled through her, quivering all the way down to her sex, as she watched his taught muscles undulate under the strain of confinement. He didn’t know she could […]

The Honeymoon story

The two lovers stand at the alter. The priest reads the words slowly and carefully to make sure that they understand the power in the words. “To Love, honor and cherish,” he says. The couple, so immersed in their love for one another take turns reciting the words. The priest, satisfied that the couple has […]

A Surprise for Step-Daddy

About ten minute passed and he entered the room to find the two girls kneeling in the middle of the bed. Ramona knows him well enough to know he wouldn’t come to them, but would sit in the rich burgundy leather chair at the foot of their massive king-sized bed. Ramona leaned closer to Michelle […]

Lesbian Captain’s Orders

The pirates took over the convict ship on her sixth day out of Dartmouth, bound for Virginia. Under cover of darkness, they came alongside and had disposed of the captain and crew before the few passengers on board were awake enough to know what was going on. Then, as the convicts were freed to join […]

My Wife’s New Boyfriend

Well, my wife has slept with about six different men since 1997. I am 28 and she is 27. You can read about three of them in “My Wife’s First Big Lover” and “My Wife’s First Big Lover 2”. This latest story is still going on right now. We both have jobs that make us […]

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