Girlfriend’s Mother Part 1

I received an email one day that both confused and excited me. There was no subject line in the header but I could see that if had come from my then girlfriend’s mother. I didn’t really understand why she would be emailing me, we were no on the best of terms, but I opened it […]

Sex Vacation in France

I just went through a bitter divorce and had to get away. Having heard about the liberal attitude toward sex in France I decided to have a go at it. I am an average looking 38 year old, tall with an athletic build. My cock can approach 8 inches when hard and is almost six […]

Fantasies of my Lover

It’s such a pleasant October morning that I decide to go for a walk through the park by the lakes. Hurriedly I shower and dress, picking a blouse and long, loose skirt. It seems as if I am in the trees in no time at all, as I walk with the sun shining warmly on […]

The two young lovers

Sam Warren waited at the terminal for his wife, his bride. After a year’s separation due to Operation Enduring Freedom, he found that all he could think of was her. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, but for Sam, absence just made his heart grow lonely. He fussed over the bouquet of flowers, […]

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