Surviving the Divorce

Before Felicia could return to us for another lesson, Thanksgiving was upon us. The four of us celebrated together at the house of which I was beginning to think as ‘our’ house, though it had always been in Patricia’s family. I left the roasting of the turkey to Gwen, our cook, who did a magnificent […]

Taming of Wonder Woman

The alarm klaxon shrilled through the laboratory as Wonder Woman sought out the intruder. She couldn’t understand why the lab seemed so empty. Dr. Roger Thornton was one of the Defense Department’s greatest scientists. Dozens of guards should have reached the lab before she arrived. Yet the lab was deserted. Ahead, she could hear muffled […]

A woman gets a very surprising birthday party from her colleague

She sips her tepid coffee and reads the newspaper, trying to decide what to do after the bills are paid and some sort of dinner is prepared. The house echoes heavily with memories of past birthdays, some bright, some dark, all sharing the presence of other people. Making a face, she takes a marking pen […]

The Spanish Steps

The “Spanish Steps” are not in Spain. I suppose a guidebook might tell you why they’re called “Spanish,” why they’re famous, the number of tourists who pass through in an average hour, and the closest restroom — be sure to bring your own toilet paper, they’d remind you — but I’ve chosen to forget all […]

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