Experts argue over whether or not a man is naturally monogamous. If we accept that he is, we must allow for the undeniable fact that many marriage partners are not satisfied with the favors of one mate.
When we say “man”, we must of course include “woman”. Such a woman is the protagonist of this novel. Emma Tate is a woman with a wandering eye. Safely mated, she becomes bored with the predictability of her life. She feels there must be something more, though she is not sure what.
Emma embarks upon an existence that offers her the excitement of new lovers and new situations. But, as much as she enjoys herself, fear of discovery haunts her continuously. Emma is afraid to try to fend for herself. The security Harry offers is important to her. So she procrastinates, and she suffers, and she cheats on Harry. Until the day her “mouse” of a husband turns into a lion.
There was only one thing Sam Robbins liked better than fucking in general.
That was fucking his well-stacked wife Helen in particular.
He sat on a kitchen chair watching her go through the ritual of her Saturday morning chores. It was a luxurious feeling — to have the whole day in front of him, with nothing scheduled, with nothing more pressing to do than to watch the taut wiggle of Helen’s ass as she rummaged under the sink for her Mr. Clean.
No doubt about it, he thought lustfully. I have got myself one hell of a good-looking old lady. He began to toy with the idea of impaling her right there. Of pulling down her snug little pink shorts and filling her ever-ready twat with a swollen seven inches.
The effect of his fantasy on his penis was impressive. It began to grow and throb under his bathrobe. Part of a day off for Sam was to sit around in his old robe, all day if he felt like it. It felt sexy to have his prick so close at hand. All he had to do was reach inside the fold of his robe.
While he caressed his cock gently, he watched Helen reach up to scrub the cupboards over the counter. The effort made her full breasts stand out invitingly and emphasized the long graceful sweep of her shapely legs. Helen was a tall woman, almost six feet. She was a good two inches taller than Sam. That was the way he liked his women — a good, substantial handful. Besides, he always joked with his friends, it made it a lot easier to fuck standing up when the woman was taller than the guy.
Sam began to fantasize pushing Helen against the fridge, pulling down her shorts and screwing her with her sponge still in her hand. His cock was feeling better and better. It had reached its full length and girth. It was getting impatient for some warm, wet action.
“What’s going on in that mischievous head of yours?” Helen called back over her shoulder. “I don’t trust you when you it so quiet.” Her long thick red hair was pulled back into a ponytail. It bobbed saucily as she scrubbed.
“Just admiring your obvious assets, my dear. Not to mention your unflagging passion for work.” Sam was a real estate agent, and he met a lot of good-looking women in the course of his work, but not one of them compared with his wife — her red hair, her bouncing big tits, her swelling ass — or so he thought at the moment. There were, of course, times on the job when he let a deal slip by him in preference for a quick ten minutes’ fuck in the empty living room of a house he was showing. There were also the times when a bargain was sealed up inside some warm hungry cunt belonging to a lady with too much money and too little cock from her old man.
Helen knew all about these impulsive trysts, in principle if not always in particulars. Sam knew she got her own jollies on the side. Neither of them objected to the other’s infidelity. It only made their marriage more exciting, more vital. No two days were ever the same.
No two fucks were ever the same.
Sam was beginning to imagine what it would be like to wrap Helen’s legs around his waist and fuck her with her red hair grazing the floor. Too much work, he decided, as his brain searched for new fantasies. His attention was distracted momentarily by a movement along the hedge that separated the Robbins’ yard from their next-door neighbors’.
The moving object was the head of Emma Tate. Sam felt a momentary twinge of desire for the attractive brunette. She was probably taking out the garbage. Maybe he should go out and try to make some conversation.
Hell no, he decided. It’s going to take more than a chat in an alley to get me into her pants. But one of these days Helen’s eyes followed the direction of her husband’s gaze as she turned away from her scrubbing.
“Still spinning daydreams about the fair Emma, eh, stud?” She giggled as she drained the water from the sink and rinsed her sponge under the jet-flow of tap water. “Don’t worry, baby. Your day will come.”
“Shit, she’s tight as a fucking drum. Every time I even look at her sideways, she turns six shades of pink and heads for the hills.”
“Did it ever occur to you that she might be intrigued? That she might be trying to work up the nerve to do something about her own secret desires? Her husband’s a sweetheart, but I really don’t think he’s got what it takes to take care of Emma indefinitely.”
“So you thing I’ve got a chance, do you, baby?”
“Sure I do. I know a sensual woman when I see one. Emma’s practically vibrating with it all the time. She just hasn’t turned on yet to the fact that she can have her cake and eat it too.”
Sam was satisfied with his wife’s assessment of his chances of seducing his pretty neighbor. He was ready to dismiss that subject and return his concentration to his own sexy wife. His hand began to work more energetically along his swollen cock-shaft.
Only now did Helen notice what he was doing. “So…” she accused him in mock indignation. “The thought of stuffing dear Emma has got your big cock throbbing!”
“Actually, my dear, what got my big cock throbbing was watching that delicious body of yours bending and stretching in every which direction. I was trying to decide how best to fuck you, my dear.” Sam’s tone was very serious, but his eyes twinkled with unabashed lust.
“My, what a nice thing to think about. Would you care for any suggestions?”
Watching her handsome husband pumping his dick was rapidly bringing Helen’s twat to a low wet boil. She stared into his dark brown eyes that were becoming heavy-lidded with arousal. His head of thick black curls tilted back slightly. His upper lip pouted sexily under this thick mustache.
“Oh, Sam, darling, what a delectable sight you are!” She poked a finger inside the crotch of her shorts and began to investigate the moist folds of her hairy snatch. She leaned back against the sink for support and spread her legs lewdly. Her finger prodded the yielding hole of her pussy, then moved on up to her clitoris. “Uuuuuhh,” he moaned as her finger grazed the blood-stretched membrane. “Ooohhh, Sam darling, you have such a nice hard cock there. I want to fuck it. Can I, huh?”
Absorbed in the lewd abandon of her sudden arousal, Helen worked her hand greedily inside the crotch of her shorts. She thrust her pubis out toward her watching husband, spreading her legs even wider. She smiled suggestively as she saw the effect her behavior was having on her man.
“How can I say no to a lady?” Sam murmured thickly. His tongue was running nervously along the lower fringe of his mustache. His robe had fallen open on either side of his thighs. The dark kinky hairs around the base of his swollen cock drew attention to his turgid shaft like a garland of roses around a race horse’s neck.
“Oh Sam, I’ve got to have that cock in me!” Never taking her eyes from the pink fleshy shaft of Sam’s cock, Helen reached back and unfastened the zipper of her shorts. She slipped them down over her hips and let them fall to the floor. She was not wearing panties. She never wore panties.
The bright red triangle of her cunt was fully visible to her staring husband. Her wedding ring shone amidst the forest of her kinky pubic hair as her fingertips toyed obscenely with her hungry pussy. “I’m going to fuck you now, Sam.”
She moved close to Sam where he sat on the kitchen chair. She straddled his legs with her own and started to sit down. At the first touch of his rounded cock-head on her cunt, she paused. “Want it, baby?” she teased him. “Do you want my wet clinging cunt on your lovely big cock?” She was quivering with the excitement of feeling his cock-tip grazing her sensitized pussy.
She wanted it bad. Her passion-slackened face said that clearly.
Eager as he was to have his cock buried in his wife’s cunt, Sam couldn’t resist teasing her for a minute. “Jeez, baby… I don’t know. Are you sure you want to go through with this? You know you’re acting like a shameless slut, don’t you?”
“Huuuuuuhhhh, Gawd!” It was Helen who gave in first. She couldn’t hold out any longer. The hard prodding of his cock-head parting her pussylips was just too much. She wanted all of him! And right now!
She sat down heavily, burying his throbbing prick deep in the clutching confines of her cunt. “Ooooohhhh… Jee-zuz, it feels good-d-d, baby!” Her eyes were clenched tight in the abandoned ecstasy of sensation. “Mmmmm… oohhh, I want it! I want it!”
Like a madwoman, she began to raise and lower her ass over the upthrusting scepter of his cock. Deep, deep into her hot pussy-hole went his penis. Then she raised herself back up until only the very tip was still enclosed in the warm velvety caress of pussy. Then down again. Up, down… up, down… her whole being was absorbed in the tantalizing pleasure-darts shooting this way and that through her trembling, near-naked body.
“Gawd, baby, that’s the way! Move that sweet little ass of yours! Shit, Christ, it feels good!” Sam was in seventh heaven. Helen was outdoing every fantasy he had managed to conjure up this morning. His cock was pulsing like it was loaded with a million little beads of light, each one designed to give him a jolting charge of pleasure. Lifting him higher, higher.
He placed a hand on each hip and guided her frantic movements up and down over his erect instrument. He could feel his cock-tip gazing her cervix deep inside. He could feel her cunt-walls clutching him spasmodically, with a fierce reluctance to let go once they had him in their grip.
Helen banged her cunt down harder and harder against Sam’s pubic bone. Hot charges of feeling coursed throughout her being on every down-blow.
“Gawd-d-d, oh Gawd, I’m cumming-g-g!” she moaned at last. She rammed her cunt down hard against him, his cock buried far inside her, and she let it ride through her. Her body shook with the intensity of her release.
Sam felt a warm glow of satisfaction. A sexy woman, his wife. Uninhibited. It was nothing for her to climb on top of him and seek her pleasure however she could get it. His cock grew even bigger inside her as he thought about how much he wanted to fill her full of steaming, roiling cum.
Before the powerfully built man knew what was happening, his wife had risen from his lap and was rushing to the oven.
“Oh my Gawd! The cake!” She pulled open the oven door and pulled out a well-risen, black-topped panful of something apparently intended as a cake. “Oh, rats! Damn it! How could I have been so dumb?”
“How soon these shallow cunts forget! Looks like some reminding is in order.” Sam walked up behind his wife and bent her forward over the counter. He took the swollen shaft of his cock and shoved it in between her ass-cheeks. She groaned low and long as it found and penetrated the wet hole of her pussy.
“Uuuuuuhhh, Sam… fuck me! Fuck me, darling!” Cake forgotten, Helen began to wriggle her ass back against her husband’s loins. Endless moans escaped her lips, that trembled with her passion. Her red ponytail flailed back and forth as she climbed to abandoned peaks of erotic frenzy. She braced herself against the counter and shoved her ass back against Sam’s every thrust.
“That’s the way, baby! Move it!” Sam’s cock swelled to even greater hardness at the sight of his wife’s taut round ass squirming back against him.
She looked good, wearing nothing but her skimpy blouse, her body bent over for screwing in the middle of her neat and clean kitchen. With her burnt cake sitting atop the stove next to her. “Shit, woman… you turn me on!”
His thrusts became longer, deeper, more penetrating as his excitement grew. He threw back his head and closed his eyes. His whole universe centered for the moment on the elastic grip of his wife’s cunt on his cock. On the warm wet cavern of her tender pussy. He could feel his balls swelling with their load. His passion was becoming urgent. He slammed his cock again and again and again, deep into her welcoming cunt.
“Oh God, yesssss…! Fuck me like that, Sam baby! It’s good! It’s so damned good!” Sensing that rising pitch of her husband’s responses, Helen ground her hips more lasciviously back to meet his urgent thrusts. The kitchen echoed with the rhythmic slap of flesh on flesh, mixed with the slooshing slide of slick cock into wet pussy.
“Uuuuhhh… uuuhhhhhh, yesssss… make me cuuummmm, baby!”
“I’m working on it, Helen!” He held her hips in a vise-like grip and penetrated her flowing cunt again and again with his stiff rod. The sensations were becoming unbearable. He wasn’t going to be able to hold on much longer. He reached under and began to tickle the hard nubbin of her clitoris. That was it for Helen.
She was gone!
“Aaaaiiiieeee! I’m cuming-g-g!” The jolts of pleasure coining from her clitoris coupled with the surging excitement in her pussy turned Helen into a feeble mass of gyrating ecstasy. She slammed her ass convulsively back against Sam’s groin, urging him on to the climax.
Sam was her willing victim. He wanted to go where she was.
“Look out, baby! Here I cummm!” With a mighty lurch, he sent the hot wet juices of his fiery load deep into her thirsty womb. She clutched greedily at his deflating cock, milking it of every last drop of its sweet jism. Sam leaned heavily against Helen’s back while she clung to the counter.
Slowly, gradually, they uncoupled, stood up. Helen threw her arms around her husband and gave him a long, languorous kiss. Her tongue investigated the moist confines of his mouth, dueled lewdly with his tongue, then drew back. “Thanks, baby, I needed that,” she drawled. “Especially now that I have to make that damned cake all over again.”
“Damn the cake, baby! I want you and me to go to bed with a shaker of martinis. I ain’t done yet!”
Helen giggled. “You’re a sex fiend arid I love you. In fact, as far as I can remember, that’s why I married you!” She rumpled his dark curls playfully. “Okay baby, you mix the martinis and I’ll mix the cake. We’ll be wanting something sweet to eat when we come up for air.”
“Right on, beautiful.” Sam rubbed his hands together gleefully as he headed for the bar in the living room. Saturdays were such good days. It was easy to see this one was going to be no exception.
Emma Tate hated Monday mornings.
The only thing that made them bearable was a good fuck to start the day. Unfortunately, it wasn’t that easy to pin her husband Harry down. Once he was out of bed, his mind started to click into gear for his day’s work at the lab. It was hard enough to get him to state a preference for his eggs, let alone to get him interested in the differences between boys and girls.
Emma stood by the kitchen table, in her filmiest of filmy negligees. She could hear Harry rummaging around in his study. “Harry, darling your eggs are ready!” She looked anxiously at the clock. Harry still had an hour before he had to be at the lab. And it was only a twenty-minute drive. She figured there was still enough time for his breakfast and a quickie.
Her optimism flagged as Harry wandered into the kitchen with a wad of papers in his hands, rummaging through them like a proverbial absent-minded professor. “If only I could discover the link between them… It should be very simple.”
“Good morning, Harry dear.” Harry had been in the bathroom when Emma awoke. This was the first time she had seen him this morning. He found his seat at the kitchen table by careful investigation by feet and ass, and slowly sat down. He held up his cheek absently for Emma’s good-morning kiss.
“Don’t get your papers in the egg yolks, Harry.” She watched dismally as he began to eat. One hand on his fork, one on his papers. Both eyes totally captivated by scientific formulas. Emma could have been wearing a paper bag and a horse collar. The effect on her husband would have been equally as dramatic.
“Could I have some coffee, dear?” At last, he had spoken to her. Emma sensed the absurdity of being elated by this minor victory. She looked critically at her husband as he ate and drank and read. He was a good-looking man. His smooth regular features and his neat, closely trimmed beard and mustache made him look very mature and very wise. Emma felt a renewed surge of desire for him as she recalled how his skin smelled very close up, how his beard grazed softly against her cheek. He had such a wonderfully soft beard!
She checked herself as her pussy began to flare hotly. May as well forget it this time around, she told herself. There’ll be no rousing Einstein this morning.
Emma and Harry had been married for three years. They had met when she was an undergraduate and he on the last legs of his climb to a Ph.D.. She had been very impressed. She had thought Harry knew everything. And about physics, he probably did know close to everything. His teachers conceded he was a genius.
Where Emma had made her mistake, she realized now, was in thinking Harry knew everything about everything. He did not. One thing he knew practically nothing about was women.
They fucked when he felt like fucking. They did not communicate about sex. He never took the trouble to find out what her real needs and desires were. He assumed he had a perfectly satisfied wife. He liked to assume that. That freed him to think about physics eighteen hours out of the day. The other six hours, he slept.
Emma knew she was bored. She felt guilty about being bored. Harry was a good kind man. He deserved all the love she could give him. And she did love him. But she wanted more out of life than a permanent post as the guardian and watchdog of a professional thinking machine.
She was a woman, with real live hopes and dreams and desires. And needs. Needs that were not being fulfilled.
Once again her thoughts strayed back to her hot aching cunt. If only Harry could get his nose out of his papers long enough to fuck her for just a few minutes.
It wasn’t that they didn’t fuck often. They did. But it was beginning to seem dull and repetitive to Emma. She didn’t know it it was natural to feel the way she did, but she wanted sex to be more adventurous than a hurried, furious coupling before sleep each night. At times she felt more like a fixture in somebody’s wet dream than a wife.
“More coffee, Harry?” she asked dully, holding the coffee pot poised over her mate’s cup.
“What… huh…? Oh, no thanks, honey. I’ve got to be going. I’ve got an important meeting this morning. I want to be there early. I’ve got some things I want to talk over with Jackson before we start.”
“Good… well, you’d better be going, Harry. You don’t have much time.” Emma wanted him gone now. She needed some time alone, to think things out, maybe to get rid of this awful nagging ache down in her pussy.
“Okay… I’ll see you later, honey.” He was still leafing through his papers as he left the house, briefcase and raincoat tucked precariously under one arm.
When Emma was alone, she automatically headed back to the bedroom. She felt she had some unfinished business in there. She pulled open the doors of her closet and looked at herself in the mirror hanging on one side.
There she was. A full-blown woman, just ever so slightly on the plump side. Her tits were full and firm. Her waist tucked in provocatively between breasts and hips. Her legs were long and strong. Her light brown hair fell softly around her pouting, sensuous-looking face. Tall and strong, she looked like a statuesque Scandinavian princess.
“I am sexy,” she told her mirror emphatically. “How could he possibly be alone with me and not notice me once all morning?” Her nipples and dark cunt-hair were like lures beneath the filmy material of her negligee. She parted the folds and admired her naked chest and belly. She watched, fascinated, as her hand trailed down over her firm stomach and burrowed into her thick thatch of cunt-hair. The fingers made almost immediate contact with the hidden nub of her clitoris. The effect was electric. The little gland stood up in eager erection.
“Mmmmmm!” She watched her blue eyes become hazy, watched her lower lip fell open slackly. Her face, naturally sensuous, became a molten landscape of naked desire. She was hot!
Her pussy palpitating with need, the shy Emma began to sort through ideas for giving her body the satisfaction it craved. It would not be enough for her to just masturbate. She wanted to let her frustrated sexuality come out. She wanted to be wanton.
She went into the bathroom and pulled out her makeup pouch. She almost never wore makeup. Amongst the wives at the lab, it was fashionable to sport the natural look. To let the wrinkles and lines sprout where they may. Emma kept the makeup for very special occasions — for the times when she was alone and she wanted to feel very sexy.
With deft strokes, she began to apply eyeliner and mascara, eye shadow and rouge. A bright red lipstick added a provocative finishing touch. Now she looked like a whore-garishly beautiful instead of her usual quiet attractiveness. She liked the feel of her negligee flowing over her back and buttocks while her front remained bare. She felt very sexy, very daring.
She went to the living room and poured herself a scotch-on-the-rocks from the closet bar. She downed it quickly and poured a second. The tingling sensation from the alcohol went straight to her pussy. It pulsed with excitement. Glass in hand, she went back to the bedroom and again inspected herself in the full-length minor. What she saw made her pussy flare expectantly.
While she sipped her scotch, she began to investigate the thick patch at her pussy once again. Again her fingers tickled her clitoris. Only this time, she let them go farther. She let them work round and round the erect peak of her clitoris, then press at the yielding hole of her cunt.
“Oooohh, my pussy feels good,” she groaned, looking straight into her own eyes in the mirror. She took a long swallow of her drink, then set it on the bedside table. She began to fondle her breasts with one hand while the other caressed her wet cunt.
Emma was able to sit on the bed and still enjoy the picture of herself playing with her most private pads. She spread her legs wide, so she could get a full view of her glistening, hair-fringed pussy. Her fingers moved hypnotically along her cunt-channel. Lust-darts were soaring from the tender spots where her fingers moved. She was literally shaking with excitement. This was the kind of forbidden turn-on she was never able to enjoy with Harry.
This was the kind of thrill that made her pussy wettest.
“Uuuhhh, Jee-zuz,” she grunted. Two fingers were embedded inside her cunt now, and they began to wriggle back and forth. Her debauched excitement was intensified by the sight of her fingers, gleaming with her juices, emerging from her tight pussy. Her inner muscles closed her fingers convulsively on every in stroke. Her body was so open, so aroused. Her cunt was so hungry for the magic of orgasm. “Hhnnnhh, I love acting like a whore! I love being depraved! Christ, my fingers feel so wonderful up inside my cunt!”
Her face heavy with sensual abandon, she watched her hands caress her breasts and her pussy. She imagined she was performing her abandoned act for the pleasure of an onlooker — a handsome man who would fuck her silly when she had male herself cum. But that was the first requirement of the arrangement. First, she had to make herself cum.
“Uuuuhh, I want to cum… I want to cum so bad!” Her fingers began to fly in and out of her cunt-hole while her thumb worried the swollen nubbin of her clitoris. The quaking sensations assaulting her lewdly clad body were becoming more and more urgent. She watched her heavily made-up face in the mirror. Watched her tongue flicker lewdly over her red lips. Watched her dark, wide eyes with their blue irises grow wider and wider with the surprise of her feeling.
What would Harry think if he could see me now? she thought. In a way, Emma wished he could see her now. Perhaps it would snap him out of himself and tune him into her. Perhaps he would see she was a living, breathing sex addict with a very strong libido. Maybe he would get turned on, really turned on for the first time in their life together.
But Emma was too far gone to think for long about the source of her current frustration. She began to fantasize about Sam Robbins next door. She had seen the way Sam looked at her. She knew he thought she was a desirable woman. Besides, she knew he had a thing for tall, good-looking women, whoever they might be. She was vaguely aware that Sam and Helen had an agreement between them. That they both made love to other people.
That knowledge made Sam available in her mind. She felt free to fantasize about him. She imagined that Sam was watching her while she rammed her fingers in and out of her craving cunt, while she massaged her tits with her fingertips. She thrust her full lush tits out proudly and stared at the long, swollen nipples.
“Well, what do you think, darling?” she asked her unseen lover. “Do I look sexy enough? Does it turn you on to watch me play with myself… oh, God, it feels good! My belly’s on fire! Oh Jee-zuz… Jeezuz!”
Suddenly the warm floods of orgasm were sweeping over her. Her body leapt into the pit of fiery release and bathed itself in the splendid flush of orgasm. She fell back onto the bed and lay groaning, clutching her cunt-mound while it throbbed out the last waves of her orgasm. Then she sat up and looked at herself once again. Her lush body covered in a light film of sweat. Her eyes dreamy and her lips laughing. She felt wonderful! The hot glow of the whiskey still tingled in her belly. She was very pleased with herself, with what she had done for herself.
The ring of the front doorbell invaded the sanctity of her fantasy-world like a gong. Emma leapt to her feet and searched feverishly in her closet for something to wear. She didn’t even consider not answering the door. Somehow she needed to appear normal, to assure whoever was there that she had not been up to anything strange.
The intrusion of the outside world had suddenly made Emma feel very unsure of herself.
She was already opening the front door when she remembered her face was covered with makeup. It took a moment before she realized that was not unusual. Millions of women wore make-up. The stranger at the door should see nothing odd in that.
She stared as though frozen at the big man standing on her landing. He was very handsome — just Emma’s type. He was over six feet tall and probably well over two hundred pounds. All of it muscle. He wore his blond hair fashionably long, but scrupulously trimmed. His broad handle-bar mustache flattered his large, Germanic face.
He could have been the answer to Emma’s fondest fantasy-prayers. It took her a minute, in her confused condition, to realize he was a salesman. He was holding a bottle of lotion in one hand and a sample case in the other. His smile was very open and friendly.
Emma felt weak. She was not in the mood to deal with a salesman. But she was captivated by the compelling magnetism of the man’s personality. Though he had spoken not a word, he had gained the woman’s full attention.
“Hel… hello.” Her voice sounded weak, even to herself.
“Good morning. I hope I’m not interrupting anything.” His long, appraising look made Emma doubt herself for a moment. Did something show? Why was he smiling at her like that? She looked down nervously to make sure the sun-dress she had slipped on was not gaping open somewhere it shouldn’t be. Everything looked all right in that department.
“Good morning. No… I was just cleaning house, that’s all.”
“That’s wonderful!”
Emma looked skeptical. She could think of nothing wonderful about being a household drudge.
He laughed at the confusion in her face. “What I mean is, cleaning house is just what I wanted to talk to you about. I’m your Harrow’s Household Helpers representative in this area, and I have this free gift for you if you will give me a few moments of your time.”
He shoved the bottle of lotion into her hand. Before Emma knew what had happened, they were both sitting on the living-room sofa. She knew she had invited him in, but she wasn’t really sure how or why she had done it. The big man began to assemble various bottles and jars on the coffee table, while she stared at him dumbfounded.
Wow, he sure has a lot of self-confidence, she thought admiringly. She liked being with a man who was one hundred percent male, and knew it. His bright blue eyes penetrated hers as he looked up from his display.
“First I’d like to tell you about our miracle floor care products.” He spent close to half an hour describing the various items manufactured by his company. Before she knew it, Emma had given him a twenty-five dollar order.
“Can always use good cleaning equipment,” she rationalized. Deep down, she knew she wanted to see the man again. “What did you say your name was again?” she asked out of the blue.
“Bob Cranach.” He smiled. She noticed his teeth were very white and very even. She smiled back. “I should be back with your order in four or five days. When is the best time of day to find you in?”
“Between nine and noon,” she answered automatically.
He rose to leave. “Well, I’ll see you around Friday then.”
“Good. I’ll look forward… to trying your products.”
“Good-bye, Mrs. Tate.”
“Oh… call me Emma. After all, this is a democracy… and we are both about the same age.” She felt awkward as she showed him to the door and watched him head down the sidewalk toward his car. She also felt excited. She was looking forward to Friday. It wasn’t often she was alone with such an attractive man.
Of course their relationship was perfectly innocent… but still, it was fun.
Monday’s solitary games did little to relieve Tuesday’s horniness. Emma had scheduled the day for housecleaning, and she was up moving furniture and doing laundry even before Harry left for work.
She was surprised when her husband gave her a particularly attentive good-bye kiss.
“I was hoping you’d come back to bed this morning, Emma. I was in the mood for you.”
Emma glared at his back as he went oat to the car. “Why the hell didn’t you call me?” she fumed between clenched teeth. “Men! How am I ever supposed to know what’s going on in your head, Harry Tate?” She relieved her frustration by taking it out on the walls and cupboards and furniture. She discovered a clogged drain in the bathroom and was dismayed to find she was out of Drano.
Rather than taking time out to go to the store, she decided to go next door to Helen Robbins’ and borrow some. She went through the back lane and entered the Robbins’ yard from the rear. She saw no sign of life, but thought she could hear voices coming from inside. Helen was apparently not alone.
As Emma moved closer to the house, she began to suspect that a visitor might not be welcome. The sounds coming from inside were those of passion. Helen was entertaining a man. His moans mingled with hers in a lustful symphony that assaulted Emma’s senses like an aphrodisiac.
She felt compelled to draw closer, though propriety told her she should turn heel and run. Her breath suspended in her throat, she crept close to the glass doors that led to the living room and peeked through the drapes. What she saw turned her body to jelly and her mind to mush.
“Oh, Ken! That feels so wonderful! Eat my pussy, darling!”
Helen was lying on the living room rug, stark naked, with a naked man kneeling between her thighs. His head was bent low over her cunt, his nose buried against her clitoris. Whatever he was doing to Helen was obviously very pleasurable.
And from the man’s moans, it was evident he too was thoroughly aroused by what he was doing.
Emma felt an involuntary shudder run from her cunt up along her spine. It was a shudder of arousal. She was intensely excited by what she was witnessing. It was seldom that Harry ever ate her cunt, but when it happened, she invariably had a resounding climax, and lay panting, pleading for more. She knew why Helen’s face looked so distorted, so engrossed with lust. Emma remembered well how a slippery tongue felt on her own clitoris, probing up into her own pussy-hole.
It was all the watching brunette could do to suppress a moan as the man’s hands gripped Helen’s buttocks firmly and pulled her in closer to his face.
“Ooohh… oooohhh… ooooohhhh, Ken-n-n! You’re won-derful!”
It didn’t surprise Emma that her neighbor was making love to a man other than her husband. Helen had hinted to Emma about the sophisticated nature of her relationship with Sam. Emma had not asked for details at the time. She had felt inexplicably frightened by such an unorthodox approach to marriage. She felt in her heart of hearts that, if Harry were the lover she wanted him to be, she would never even look at another man twice.
But, as things were, Helen’s lot was beginning to look like a very attractive one. Helen obviously wasn’t going around feeling frustrated and horny. Emma was beginning to wonder if she couldn’t learn a thing or two from her pretty redheaded neighbor.
“Ken, darling… turn around, please… I want to kiss you too!”
Without raising his face from Helen’s pussy, the man called Ken maneuvered himself around on the rug until he was lying stretched out next to her in a sixty-nine position.
Emma gazed dumbfounded at the long, half-erect cock that arched from his loins. It looked so big! The brunette could feel a hungry yearning inside her panties. She watched Helen’s admiring gaze as the redhead began to work her hand gently up and down along the turgid shaft. She licked her lips in vicarious pleasure as Helen closed her lips over the swollen, bulb-shaped tip.
“Hhnnnhhh!” His muffled moan rose from the dark red patch of her pussy-hair. Emma could see his fingertips sinking into Helen’s flesh as he responded to the rousing caresses of the woman’s mouth and tongue.
Helen’s eyes seemed to shine with lust as she held the cock away from her for a moment and surveyed its full erect length. Her look said that she was too excited to hold off any longer and she took the whole shaft inside her mouth. At the same lime her cunt ground up into the man’s face. She was grunting in animal-like pleasure as her head began to bob back and forth along his prick. Her fingers worked light caresses over his balls and asshole as her mouth worked tirelessly on his cock.
“Ohhh, Kennnnn… soooo good-d-d-d!” All the other sounds that escaped her mouth were incoherent, but the message was clear. Helen was enjoying herself.
As she stooped outside the glass doors and peeked through the crack in the drapes, Emma lost all sense of time and place. She was thoroughly absorbed in the lusty scenario taking place right before her eyes. Her frustrated body was sympathizing with the writhing pleasure-agony of the woman on the rug inside the room.
She could almost feel the smooth fleshiness of that cock in her mouth. Could almost sense the slippery excitement of his tongue working along the sensitized flanges of her pussy.
Eventually, watching the two lovers writhing in erotic abandon became too much for Emma. She had to have some relief. She began to run a hand over the crotch of her jeans. That helped a little, by turning the numb ache in her clitoris into a pleasurable purr of seething contentment. That was a touch of what she wanted, but it soon became apparent that her cunt was going to need more than that.
She slipped down the fly of her jeans and eased her hand inside, down past the baffler of her bikini panties. As soon as her cool fingers hit the hot bud of her clitoris, her whole body trembled with a volcanic surge of excitement.
“Hhhnnnhh,” she moaned in a whisper. Yet even that betrayal of her presence frightened her. Would she be discovered?
Emma realized at once that her fears were in vain. The couple in the next room were far too absorbed in each other and the feelings in their own bodies to notice her feeble cry of pleasure. Emboldened by their absorption in each other, she began to rub her fingers mare energetically over her cunt. Her body trembled with the tantalizing sensations. And with the lewd thought of her own depravity. She was being a voyeur. She was watching others make love, and jetting paltry satisfaction from her hand. She felt a depraved titillation in her own perversity.
“Jee-zuz, Helen baby… Your pussy tastes so good! I’ve gotta get my cock inside there! Are you ready?”
“Mmm, yesss! Fuck me, Kenny! I want your nice big cock up inside me! My pussy’s hungry for you, baby!”
The redhead got up onto her hands and knees and, before the man could act, she pushed him flat onto his back. She straddled his loins and guided his erect prick toward the hairy silt of her pussy. As soon as their genitals made contact, she sat right down on him. His cock disappeared from Emma’s view deep into the welcoming confines of Helen’s cunt.
“Uuuuhh, God-d-d!” Helen looked like a proud princess mounted astride her steed. Her red hair flew wildly about her head, as she threw it back in wanton ecstasy. Not content to sit and pose, she began to gallop atop the prone man. Her hips moved frantically up and down over his erect cock. Now his cock was lost somewhere deep in her cunt. Now it shone bare and glistening beneath her voracious pussy-slit.
Emma ran her tongue nervously over her lips as she watched the couple lose themselves in their erotic play. She toyed feverishly with her clitoris through the opening in her pants. She began to run her hands over her chest, to excite her nipples into proud hardness. The tantalizing darts of pleasure ran back and forth between tits and cunt like some kind of urgent Morse Code of sexuality. It was all Emma could do to remain on her feet. She was beside herself with passion. More than anything she wanted to give her hand freer access to her pussy. It was hard to caress it properly with her jeans and panties in the way.
Looking nervously around her, she slipped her jeans down over the ripe swell of her buttocks. Her panties came next. Now her hand could move as it wanted. She shoved two fingers deep into her pussy and began to fingerfuck herself in time to Helen’s movements over Ken’s cock.
“Mmmmm!” For moments at a time, her arousal was so intense she closed her eyes. She didn’t need to actually see Ken and Helen any longer to bask in the contagion of their sensual abandon. She was moving with them. Feeling with them.
The young housewife had never realized anything as perverted as being a Peeping Tom could be so exciting.
Her fingers were wet with her juices. Her clitoris was rock-hard with the rush of blood to her sex organs. Her body was in tense suspended animation. She was building… building…
“God, Helen, your cunt is so good, baby. It’s squeezing my prick like a juicer… Man, I don’t know how much more of this I can take!”
“You’ll take as much as I decide to give you, big boy!” Helen was obviously enjoying her position of power riding astride the man. She was using his cock at her own speed, in her own way. She loved to tease herself, to hold herself aloft with just the tip of his cock in her pussy, until she couldn’t stand it another minute. Until she just had to be filled to bursting once again with a big stiff one. “Uuuhh, Kenny… what a sweet cock! Jeez!” Up and down, up and down rode her tight round little ass-cheeks. Despite her height, Helen had a small build, and it was all packed into the right places. She tad an intense energy that was at this moment driving the young man’s body and senses to distraction.
“Hhnnn… that’s the way! Keep it up, baby! Oohhhhh! Aaiieee!” Ken fought mightily against the urge to let himself go completely. He was determined to wait for the woman’s climax. It wasn’t easy, not with the way her talented cunt-muscles were stroking and massaging his iron-hard cock.
“Oh, Kenny… I love to fuck you and fuck you and fuck you!” Helen was lost in her own little world. The even, forceful tempo of her words indicated she was pushing herself up there. She was ready to go. “Aaahhhhh… oooohhhhhhhh I’m cummmmm-ing-g-g!”
With this signal, Ken let go in a hot explosive rush. They writhed together in moaning, shuddering orgasm.
Emma didn’t allow herself the luxury of crying aloud, but she, too, experienced orgasm as the couple let go. Her clitoris seemed to seize up, then her whole body relaxed. She felt totally devoid of strength, of thought.
Only the sounds from the other room could spur her into action.
“Kenny honey… I feel wonderful. Let’s go like out in the sun for a while, okay? I’ll make us some spiked lemonade.”
Emma pulled up her jeans and ran home as fast as her legs could carry her. Only when she was in her own house did she take the trouble to pull up the zipper of her fly. She lay down on the couch and tried to assimilate the experiences of the last hour.
She hadn’t got the Drano, but she had got something much more important from Helen. Unbeknownst to Helen.
She had got the idea for a kind of sexuality she would never before have dared claim as her own. But now the uppermost thought in her mind was: “If Helen can do it, why can’t I?”
It had been a hard day at the lab. Harry was glad to be home.
He opened the front door, expecting to head into his study, as usual, and read until dinner. He was not prepared for the surprise that awaited him.
Emma was waiting just inside the door. She wore a pair of soft, low-cut silk pajamas that flattered her lush figure. She held a martini in each hand and pushed one at Harry before he even had a chance to put down his briefcase and hang up his raincoat.
“What’s the occasion?” he asked nervously as he hung his coat on a peg by the door. He searched his mind for reasons for Emma’s behavior. Her birthday had just passed. Their anniversary was not until November.
“No occasion, darling. I just wanted you and me to spend some nice mellow, sexy tune together, that’s all.” Emma’s eyes glimmered with excitement. Ever since yesterday morning, when she had watched Helen and her boyfriend Ken, she had been fighting a mental battle with herself.
She was reluctant to cheat on her husband. Even though Helen’s situation had looked very attractive, she wanted to be sure she had given Harry every last chance. She thought perhaps she could teach him to be sexy, if she tried hard enough.
She had turned the radio on to the romantic music station. She had spent all afternoon doing her hair and rubbing herself with sweet-smelling lotions, painting her nails. Her efforts had excited her, had worked her up for her husband’s arrival home.
Harry smiled at his eager wife. “That’s a wonderful idea, honey. Why don’t we wait until after dinner, though? It’s been a hard day, and I could really use some quiet time in the den. I’ve got some things to think out.”
Emma was firm. “You’ve got your whole life to think about things. Tonight is for your wife.”
He put an arm gently around her shoulder. “We’ve got a whole lifetime together, honey. Surely we can wait until after dinner.”
“Maybe you can wait until after dinner, Harry. I can’t. I want you to start paying some attention to me, Harry.” Her voice was pleading. “I’m not like your old leather coat. I’m not guaranteed for the life of the owner.”
Harry sensed the unvoiced threat in his wife’s argument, though he avoided facing it squarely. He did take his wife by the arm and lead her into the living room. She softened at once.
“Oh Harry, darling… I get so lonely for you sometimes.” She snuggled against his chest and fondled his soft silky beard. Her full breasts grazed against him suggestively.
Harry was beginning to become aroused by his wife’s appearance and manner. But he was more worried about what had caused this sudden change in her. For one thing, Emma never wore makeup, but she was sure wearing it tonight. “Listen, honey, I’m really sorry you’re feeling down. Why don’t you sign up for one of those night courses they give at the college? It should help occupy your time.”
“I don’t want things that will just occupy my time, Harry. I want to enjoy what I do. I want to feel alive. And Harry,” she wriggled her tits right under his chin and kissed him on the forehead, “I’m not feeling down. I’m feeling very up. And you could make me feel even higher.”
Harry was flabbergasted. His wife was acting like a twenty-five-dollar whore. What could have gotten into her? Still, her breasts did look good under that chest-hugging silk.
“You like my titties, Harry?”
“Of course I like your tits, Emma. I married you, didn’t I?”
Emma was beginning to feel frustrated, angry. She fought the feelings. She was going to make Harry let go of his inhibitions if it was the last thing she ever did. She reached over and undid her husband’s tie. She began to unbutton his shirt. He stiffened.
“What’s the matter, Harry?”
“I just don’t feel sexy right now, Emma. Why don’t we wait until bedtime?” He smiled at her promisingly.
“We always wait until bedtime, Harry. I’m going to get myself another martini. Why don’t you finish yours?” Emma had called a momentary halt in her campaign. She was discouraged by Harry’s attitude, his rigidity. But she was still determined to get fucked tonight — before bedtime.
For the next hour, Emma kept the martinis flowing. Harry never as a rule took more than one drink. This evening, she made sure he had three. She herself had four. She was feeling blissfully happy and optimistic once again by the time dinner hour rolled around.
She served a casserole and insisted that Harry open a bottle of wine to go with it. “Come on, Harry. Tonight’s special.”
“But Emma, I have to go to work in the morning.”
“So… you’ll have all night to sleep it off. And the world won’t come to an end if you’re an hour or two late for work.”
“Sometimes I think you’ll never understand me, Emma. I don’t like to be late for work.”
“Drink, Harry.”
The young husband was so confused by his wife’s behavior that he in fact welcomed the effects of the alcohol. It made everything seem all right. He was beginning to feel a little silly himself.
When they had finished their dinner, they took their wine glasses into the living room. Harry settled himself on the sofa and waited for his wife to sit beside him. Instead, she dropped to her knees on the rug in front of him. She pulled his cock deftly from his fly. Before he had even registered what was happening, she was sucking the head of his prick. The sensations were too good to be denied.
“Jeez, Emma… I don’t know what’s got into you. You’re acting so… sexy! Uuuuhh… shit, that feels good!” He braced himself against the couch cushions on either side of him. He looked very much as though he expected the excitement in his stiffening prick to carry him off.
“I am sexy, Harry!” she told him as her tongue trailed round and round his swollen cock-head. “I like to be sexy. I like to suck your cock! Mmmm, tastes wonderful!” In the back of Emma’s mind was the lustful scene she had witnessed yesterday. Helen sucking Ken’s cock while he ate her pussy. She would like to do that with Harry, but she realized that might be more than he could handle right now. She would be content to make love to his cock with her mouth.
Emma had determined to show her husband what she was really like sexually. That was the fair way. To give him a chance to respond — and if he didn’t, there was always Helen’s way. Naked on the rug with a man not her husband. All inhibitions destroyed by the alcohol, Emma felt her cunt getting wet at the obscene thoughts she was entertaining. She wondered if her wetness would show through her lounging pajamas. She was not wearing any panties, especially for this occasion.
She opened her mouth wide and took the whole swollen length of Harry’s cock up inside. She bobbed her head up and down, relishing the smooth fleshy presence in her mouth. She could feel her hair brushing sensually against her shoulders. She could feel her pussy getting steadily wetter, more open. This was the most abandoned thing she had ever done with her husband. Sure, she had sucked his cock before, but not with this much abandon, this enthusiasm.
“Uuuuuhhh… ooooohhh…” Harry had given up all rational thought. He had let his head fall back against the couch. His eyes were closed. His usually tension-ridden body was floating in the blind euphoria of complete, receptive lust. Whatever Emma’s thing was this evening, he was enjoying it. His cock was feeling very, very good. “You’re a good lover, Emma,” he told his kneeling wife. “You’re the sexiest woman I’ve ever known.” It occurred dimly to his drink-addled brain that he had never entirely appreciated Emma’s sexiness before. Tonight he was seeing a new Emma.
The brunette’s tongue and lips worked abandonedly over the rigid shaft of Harry’s cock. She could feel his cock-head become incredibly swollen and hard between her lips, until she thought he was going to blow. Then it would shrink just a little. Then it would start to acquire that special hardness all over again. She loved the feel of his firm prick-flesh between her lips. The intensity of his excitement stimulated hers.
“Oooohhh, Harry… I love sucking your cock, darling. It feels so good in my mouth. Mmmmmm… oooohhhh…” She moaned as she sucked. She sucked tirelessly.
The young couple fell into a special erotic place of timelessness. The sounds of Emma’s sucking and moaning mingled lewdly with Harry’s grunts of pleasure. He was letting himself think about all kinds of sexy things he had never thought about before. It felt good to be slightly drunk, to be letting his wife suck his cock right in the living room. Giving her his cock as dessert to their evening meal.
He looked down at her brown hair moving back and forth over his aching prick. He maneuvered for a glimpse of her full decolletage in her low-cut outfit. Her breasts were so round and lush, milk-white and soft. He felt a tingle in his balls as he gazed upon, them. He experienced a new appreciation for lipstick as he watched her bright red lips locked around his cock, moving up and down, up and down.
“Jeez, Emma, you’re sexy… I want to fuck you, Emma… So help me, I do.”
Emma’s cunt was already soaking wet inside her pajamas. She was glad to hear Harry suggest they fuck. She was more than ready for it. Her pussy throbbed at the prospect of something thick and hard pushing deep up inside her. “Oh God, Harry, yesssss. Let’s do it, honey!”
With her lips still locked around his cock, she started to ease her one-piece outfit down over her shoulders. But much to her surprise and dismay, Harry pulled her to her feet. “Come on, baby. Let’s go into the bedroom.”
Emma was slightly disappointed. She wanted to enjoy the impetuous thrill of making it in the living room. She and Harry had never done that. But her cunt was hungry, she wasn’t about to argue details like place, so she took his hand and followed him dutifully into the bedroom.
There, Harry quickly removed his clothes and suggested Emma do likewise. He stretched out on his back on the bed and invited Emma to fuck him. She had been looking forward to being taken by her husband, with him on top of her. Now the idea of fucking him the way Helen had done to Ken started to appeal to her.
“Okay, baby… I’m going to fuck you!” Her lewd words, uttered as she climbed menacingly onto the bed, shocked her. But, more than that, they excited her. She wanted to be master. She wanted to fuck him long and hard, give him something to remember.
Her cunt throbbing urgently, she straddled her husband and sat down on his cock. She closed her eyes and shrieked as his thick hard rod surged deep up into her craving pussy. She could feel how tight she was in there. His cock was a snug fit. Her cunt clutched it fiercely.
At once she began to raise and lower her hips over Harry’s upthrusting member. She remembered how proud and free the redheaded Helen had looked riding her boyfriend’s prick. Quite consciously now, she imitated Helen. Her twat slammed hard down against Harry’s crotch, again and again. His delicious cock penetrated her furthermost depths on each impalement.
“Mmmmmm… ooohhhhh… aaaaahhhhh, Harry-y-y!” She felt like a wailing banshee as she moaned and whimpered atop her husband’s cock.
Her enjoyment was intense, both from the physical presence of his cock, and from the thought of herself leading their lovemaking in this way.
“Hhhnnnhhh… Jee-zuz!” Harry was slightly awed by his wife’s new sexual boldness. She had never been a passive fuck, but she had never been this strong, wailing sex-maniac, either. For the moment, he couldn’t question it. The hot tingling in his cock and balls forbade that. Their pleasure came first. And she was giving him pleasure — the most divine pleasure of his life.
He looked up into Emma’s face and was surprised by her look of agony-distorted lust. It was almost as though she were a stranger, with her red lips and dark-painted blue eyes and rouged cheeks. She was like a Goddess of sensuality, greedy and gutsy and beautiful. But she was not his wife, not his safe little wife.
For a long time, husband and wife writhed in the abandoned throes of their hypnotic excitement. Cock and cunt met and meshed and became lost in one another. His flesh was indistinguishable from her flesh. It was all just pleasure. Wild, guiltless, alcohol-inspired pleasure.
“Ooohh, Harry!” Emma moaned this refrain over and over again. The intensity of her passion was growing steadily. She began to maneuver her hips up and down with a goal in mind. She wanted to cum.
Faster, faster, faster — her cunt seized and released his cock again and again, until the man was gritting his teeth to keep from losing himself to his climax.
Ladies first.
Emma was riding no-hands on Harry’s cock. Her hands held her hair up over her head. It made her feel naked, sexy, beautiful.
“Oooooohhhh… oh, Harry!” she cried suddenly. “Oh Gawd, it’s happening… I’m cumming!”
When her strength to keep on pumping failed her, he grabbed her hips and moved them up and down over his stiff prick. But only for a little while. He was ready.
“Uuuhh, Jee-zuz! Me too!” He shot his heavy load deep into her clasping cunt. He could feel her pussy-muscles sucking the juices right out of him. He was left with a drained feeling that was totally relaxing. He drifted. He fell asleep.
When Emma realized her husband was asleep, she smiled ruefully down at his oblivious face.
“Well, Harry… you won. We fucked before bedtime after all.”
She looked at the alarm clock. It was nine-fifteen. She rolled over onto her back and began to excite her clitoris into renewed hardness.
Emma woke the next morning tingling and expectant.
For a moment she couldn’t remember why. Then she knew. She had had a wonderful sexy time the night before. It was the best sex she had ever had with her husband, even if he did fall asleep right afterward. He always did that.
What she wanted this morning, more than anything, was a morning quickie to revive the bright glow of last night’s experience. She rolled over and reached for her husband. He wasn’t there.
Alarmed, she sat up in bed and looked at the clock. It was ten-fifteen! She hadn’t slept this late in years!
Somehow, waking up to find herself alone depressed her. Not only did it mean she would not get her morning fuck. It also gave a faint hint of disapproval. Why hadn’t Harry awakened her, at least to kiss her good-bye? Surely last night had been special for him too?
She slipped into her bathrobe and went into the kitchen, looking for some sign of him, some expression of his love and attention. Maybe he had left her a note.
Sure enough, there, on a page of her memo pad, was a hastily scribbled note. It read: “Whew! That was a heavy night! I think I’m almost back to my old self. Hope you are too. Harry.”
Not even a “Love, Harry”. Emma was so disappointed she could have cried. But she was too damned angry to cry. Couldn’t he have had a little more sensitivity than that? “Back to my old self”! Good God, that wasn’t what she wanted. She wanted his new self. She wanted them to be excited, exciting lovers! She had enjoyed getting drunk with Harry. They had never done anything that carefree before!
The more she thought about it, the more Emma realized Harry had been humoring her the night before. He hadn’t really wanted to do any of the things she had suggested. She had had to cajole and bully him into it. Sure, he had had a good climax — but he would just as soon have waited till bedtime and done it their usual way. Sober and quick.
Emma felt frustrated. She wasn’t going to be her husband’s lackey any more. That was all there was to it. She wasn’t sure what she was going to do, but she was going to do something. She went into the bathroom and carefully made up her face. Then she put on a shimmery little low-cut yellow top and a matching, hip-hugging skirt. Now all she had to do was figure out where to go to be seen.
She decided what she needed was a little liquid courage. She went to the bar and poured herself a healthy scotch-on-the-rocks. It burned going down, as always. It fortified her.
Just as she was about to leave, she heard a knock on the front door. Feeling hurried and slightly annoyed, she rushed to open it. Much to her surprise, it was the Harrow’s Household Helpers man. She smiled and felt an excited tingle all over.
The answer to a maiden’s prayer?
Feeling saucy and flirtatious under the mask of her makeup, she motioned the big man in. “Nice to see you again. You certainly are prompt. I wasn’t expecting you until tomorrow.”
He smiled at her and gave a flattering once-over. “I didn’t think I’d be by today, but luck was with me.” He paused. “You look great, Mrs. Tate… er, Emma.”
“Thank you, Bob. Won’t you sit down while I look for ray purse?” She knew exactly where her purse was, but she was stalling for time. Did she dare commit herself to what she knew she wanted but what all the rules said was wrong?
Bob was staring at her as she pretended to look for her purse. He was stunned in the difference three days had wrought in this woman. She seemed shy and awkward on Monday morning. Now she seemed very outgoing, very sure of herself. Bob was pleased with this new side of his customer. He too had felt the immediate attraction between them the other day.
Now he was beginning to think it might be possible to do something about it. “I hope I’m not keeping you from anything, Emma.” She was, rummaging in the coat closet by the front door. “You look like you were going out. You sure are pretty as a picture.” He admired the full ripe swell of her ass as she bent into the closet and fumbled in a jumble of shoes and galoshes.
He was struck by her beauty as she stood up and turned to face him. Her tits were only half hidden by her blouse, and his eyes gravitated to them like a duck to water.
“I was going out,” she said. “But there’s no hurry about it. I just get bored with being in the house all day, day after day. You know what I mean?”
Ah-hah, he thought lecherously. A bored and frustrated housewife. Horny too, undoubtedly.
“Sure… I know. Anyone as beautiful as you, Emma, should never be bored. All you got to do is step out the door in that outfit, and you’ll have all the attention you want.”
Emma was aware of his eyes on her tits. She thrust them out proudly. “This is silly of me. I’m always hiding my purse somewhere save, so it won’t be lying around if a stranger comes m… not you, of course, Bob.” She blinked her wide blue eyes at him trustingly. “Now I can’t find it. Oh well, I’ll think of where I put it. In the meantime, would you like a drink? I know it’s just noon, but I won’t tell if you don’t.”
Bob’s cock jerked a little in his pants. This was getting more and more promising. “Sure… I’d love a drink. Mine’s bourbon.”
She served them both, and sat on the opposite end of the couch from him. She turned and leaned against the arm, tucking her legs demurely under her. This way, he had a full view of her breasts. “So tell me about yourself. How did you ever get a job with…” She laughed. “What’s the name again?”
“Harrow’s Household Helpers. H.H.H. for short. I was between gigs, and they looked like an up-and-coming outfit. I’ve only been with them a couple of months, and I’m making a boodle.”
“I can understand why. You’re a very good salesman.” What she really meant was he was a very good-looking guy, but she didn’t quite have the nerve to say that. Bold as she was feeling, there were still limits set by the “old” Emma.
“Why, thank you, Emma. And may I tell you you’re a very good customer.”
They both laughed. Both knew what the other was thinking. They were giving each other signals, coded in the harmless talk of customer-sales relations. They had finished their drinks, and both were tingling with the effects, particularly Emma. She had had two. She rose to make them refills.
“Hey, Emma, go easy on that stuff. You’ll have me too drunk to finish my rounds today.”
She grinned suggestively at him. The drink was releasing her inhibitions. “So… you’re already a day ahead of yourself, aren’t you? Maybe you can afford some time off… eh?” She sat a little closer to him on the couch this time.
“Maybe I can.” He reached out and drew her closer to him. His mouth bore down on hers. His tongue searched deep up inside her mouth.
“Mmmmmm… nice…” Emma sat her drink down and wrapped her arms tightly around his neck. From the first touch of his lips, she knew for certain that this was what she wanted — the excitement of a new, unexplored male. One who was hot and ready for her. Her tongue darted out to dance with his. Her pussy flared inside her panties.
When they finally came up for air, he grinned down at her and began to run his hands over her breasts. “You’re quite a woman, Emma. I guessed that before, but now that I’m touching you, I know for sure. You respond beautifully.”
His remarks hit home. This man appreciated her sensuality. He was turned on, intensely, as strongly as she herself was. She took a quick glance down at the crotch of his trousers. There was a big promising bulge there.
Acting purely on instinct aided by the hot tingle of the alcohol, Emma reached up and untied her blouse. She slipped it off to reveal the full, pink-tipped orbs to his eager gaze. “Feel them now, Bob. I want you to feel them.” She looked down. Her nipples were already hard from the soft caresses he had been administering through her blouse. Now they seemed to leap right into his hands as he touched her. Once again his mouth bore down on hers.
While his hands investigated every curve and swell of her tits, their mouths came to know each other’s flavor and preferences.
Emma could feel her pussy responding hungrily. It was throbbing with need. The sensation made her groan into his mouth. She was shocked and disappointed when he drew back from her. She looked at his handsome face, at his broad shoulders and taut chest. Her whole being seemed to leap toward him.
She wanted him so much.
“You’re beautiful, Emma.” His hands held hers, caressing them softly, as though to sooth her. “I want to kiss you some more, Emma. Will you take off the rest of your clothes for me?”
Her eyes gave him all the answer he needed, but her lips added validation. “Yes.”
She raised her ass from the couch as he pulled down her skirt and panties. “My God, you’re a beautiful woman!” With her skirt and panties still clinging to her knees, he leaned forward and began to suck her nipples, first one, then the other.
“Ooohhh… oh God, that’s good-d-d!” She felt so free, so sexy, to be sitting naked on the couch while this stranger made wonderful tender love to her. The restriction of her clothing around her knees made her feel daring, excited. He wanted her so much, was so overcome by the sight of her naked body, he couldn’t wait to investigate her hills and valleys.
His mouth moved down over her stomach, her belly. Emma slumped farther down on the cushions, rested her ass on the very edge. She wanted to give him room to work. Her unacknowledged wish was that his lips would keep on moving down…
“Your skin’s so soft, Emma. Tastes so good.”
The young housewife hadn’t known such sensuous men existed. He was licking her all over, covering her body with a fine film of his saliva. The cool sensation as it evaporated made her tinge all over. She could feel him finally wrestling her skirt and panties free of her feet. Then his hands were pushing her thighs apart.
“Uuuuhh… oh God! Ohhhhhhhh, it’s wonderful!” His tongue was licking her pussy-slit, as it had licked her flesh. The sensations were a hundred times as intense as they had been so far. She was so excited, she lifted her ass right up off the couch, following his mouth with her cunt, begging for more.
He looked up at her, through the thick thatch of her pussy-hair. “Mmmm, tastes fine, Emma. You like that, don’t you?” She could see the drowsy lust in his eyes. It made her hard little clitoris pulse with desire.
“Yesss… ooohhhh, yes, I like it!” She wriggled her pussy-mound greedily, pleadingly. She looked at him. Her need had made her face slack. “Could you do it some more, please?”
“I want to do it some more, Emma. Just you relax. I’ll make you feel real good.” Bob was congratulating himself on his good luck. He had discovered early on that one of the fringe benefits of his job was the horny housewives along his route. This one was prettier and sexier than most. And she was hot! The hottest woman he’d seen in a long time!
He began to suck on her clitoris, to tease her pee-hole with the tip of his tongue. She went wild.
Her cunt was thrusting up at his face so hard, he had to grip her ass-cheeks from beneath to hold her firmly.
“Aaaiiieeeee! Oh Gawd, you’re killing meeee! It’s sooo good-d-d… oh God, almost too good to stand!” Emma closed her eyes and rolled her head from side to side. Into her mind flashed an image of Ken and Helen wrapped in a sixty-nine. Now she was getting hers. She had found a man who really knew how to eat her cunt, and who obviously really liked doing it. It was unbelievable!
Urged on by the woman’s excitement, Bob worked his tongue back and forth along the trembling flanges of her pussy. He licked and prodded at her clitoris. He slid it all the way down to her asshole and circled her sphincter.
“Oooohhh… ooooooohhh!” Emma had lost all touch with reality. All she knew was, it was getting better and better. Her whole being was aflame with passion.
For the coup de grace, Bob shot his tongue up inside the brunette’s pussy. He began to investigate the folds and valleys of her soft inner flesh. Her cunt-walls clenched spasmodically, trying to catch hold of his tongue, to draw it deeper… deeper.
“Uuuuuuhh… oh God, oh God… I’m cummmm-ing-g-g-g!” It was the most overwhelming orgasm she had ever known. Her mind was a maze of lust. Her body was reeling in orgiastic bliss. There was nothing, nothing in her universe but pleasure. And then the relaxation, the blissful relaxation.
“I can taste it, Emma. You’re so wet down there!”
While she moaned softly on the couch, he stood up and started to remove his clothes. As soon as she was aware of his movement, she watched him. She admired the full firm swell of his barrel chest. His strong stomach muscles. His cock was long and hard, ready for her. She swallowed hard as she watched it throb eagerly.
“Your cock… I want your cock!” she murmured mindlessly.
“It’s all yours, baby!” Once again he knelt on the rug in front of her. He eased himself in between her thighs and pulled her ass forward. His hard cock smacked against her wet cunt-slit. It found the yielding place and shoved.
Emma closed her eyes. Her face was wreathed in a broad lusty smile. She had what she wanted. His cock was so big and filling in her. “Oooooooohhhh… oh, it’s good-d-d! Oooooohhhh, I love it! I love your cock!”
Like a primitive creature, all body, no mind, she ground her ass down against him while he began to thrust his penis up into her. His strokes were slow and rhythmic at first. Then he began to move faster, to vary the rhythm. At times, he would hold back, with his cock-head lodged just inside her cunt. He made her beg for it.
“Oh God, fuck me! Please fuck meeeee!” Her voice betrayed an edge of hysteria. She had never been fucked like this before, by a man so big, so talented. She had never lain naked on her living room couch with a cock fucking relentlessly in and out of her hungry pussy. It was thrilling, totally exhilarating! “Mmmmmmmmm mmmmmmmm… mmmmmmmm… yes, yes, yes… Do it like that!”
Bob caught the contagion of the woman’s abandoned excitement. He relished the way her cunt-muscles massaged his cock, drew him into her. He loved making her beg for more.
Emma’s living room was a hot den of lust. Pants and groans and wriggles of urgent need made the atmosphere heavy with eroticism. Man and woman writhed together in passionate abandon. They were searching each other, investigating each other’s inner depths, climbing to the heights together.
“Uuuuhh, oh… You’re making me feel sooo… uuuuuhhhhh!”
His lunges were deep and hard now. He was too far gone to bother with the subtleties of playing with her. He wanted guts fucking. He wanted to ream her pussy wide, to blow his wad deep into her jigging belly.
Like two demented animals they lunged their groins against one another. Both gritted their teeth, fighting the seething passions inside. It was a hard climb, but they made it.
“Ooooooh, oh God, I’m cummmmming!” She knew it was the final swell of his hardness that had brought her over the edge. That swell meant that he would not be far behind.
He wasn’t.
“Jee-zuz! I’m filling you, Emma baby! Uuuuuhhhh!” The force of his release drained him. He lay his head on her breasts and clung to her for several long minutes. At last he had the energy to pull his prick from her pussy. A long thread of cum connected them. He sat on the couch next to her and held her in his arms.
“Wow, Emma… that was fine! You were right! There was no way I could have spent my day better than this!”
“You did things to me, Bob! Things I don’t even understand! I’ve never felt so… soooo…”
She bit her lip and closed her eyes. Her face wore a look of ecstasy. She was remembering.
“It was good for me too. Dried me out, though. How about a pick-me-up?”
Their experience had revitalized Emma. She leapt to her feet, full of energy. She went into the kitchen and fixed them a tray of cold cuts and a salad. They sat at the dining-room table, naked, and ate hungrily. A bottle of cold Blue Nun accompanied their meal.
Emma was celebrating. She was celebrating her coming of age as a woman. She had never felt so free, so sensual — and so free to be sensual. Bob had brought out the woman she had been trying to liberate last night.
“More wine?” Her blue eyes assessed him hungrily as she lowered the bottle to his glass.
“Not too much. I don’t want to lose control of myself. There’s a lot more I want to find out about you this afternoon.”
Emma giggled like a girl. Her cunt throbbed expectantly against the cool leather of the chair. There was more she wanted to find out about herself this afternoon — like just how much she could take.
They fucked twice more before Bob left. By then it was five o’clock. Harry was expected home in a half hour.
Emma sang to herself as she showered and dressed in preparation for her husband’s homecoming. She had found out what she wanted to know.
She could take a lot. She could have taken more, if it hadn’t been for Harry. She didn’t want him to know she had a lover. Not yet, anyway.
She masturbated herself to sleep that night, thinking of Bob and what he had taught her.
Helen and Sam lay side by side in bed. They had just made love and both were feeling flushed and refreshed. Sam was drawing luxuriously on a wine-dipped cigarillo. His redheaded wife lay with his cock in her hand, watching his face.
“Nothing like a good smoke after a good fuck. There’s no one like you, baby.”
“You either, Sam honey. I love your cock. I even get a tinge inside just from feeling it in the palm of my hand.”
“Keep that up, girl, and you’ll end up with a wet hand.”
Suddenly Helen sat up in bed.
“What the hell’s the matter with you?”
“I just remembered… the big news I was going to tell you when you got home.”
“Jeez, it must be big. You look like the cat that just swallowed the canary.”
“Not yet I haven’t. But I’m hot on the trail. There was a big, good-looking salesman at Emma Tate’s place this afternoon.”
“So he was there better than five hours. He could have shown her everything in Spiegel’s for the last ten years in that amount of time!”
Sam’s eyes narrowed with calculating comprehension. “So you think there was some funny business going on.”
“Can’t be sure, Sam. But when I dropped over there just before Harry got home, she looked like the cat that just swallowed the canary. And she had just had a shower.”
“There’s no law against showering in the afternoon, Helen. Inconclusive evidence.”
“All I know is, if you want to keep a secret from your husband, you definitely have to shower in the afternoon.”
“You should know about that. I noticed you never told me a thing about Ken Blake being here the other afternoon.”
She looked astonished. “You know about that?”
“I came home early. But I discreetly left when I saw the car in the drive. Didn’t want to interrupt anything.”
She snuggled up against her husband and kissed his shoulder. “That was sweet of you, darling.”
“Yeah, I know. I’m a great guy.”
“You’re not jealous, Sam?”
“Why would I be jealous? All I know is it’s time I got some strange stuff of my own. It’s been more than a week.”
“My heart bleeds for you. Anyway, what do you think I’ve been telling you about Emma for? It looks like she may not be the little goody-goody we thought she was. Maybe we can make her a joint project. I’ve always loved her fat little ass myself.”
Sam looked down at his wife and grinned. “It’s not fat, baby. No, sir! It’s just right!”
“I suppose you’re going to say next I’m too scrawny for you!”
“Oh no, baby. She’s the work horse. You’re my thoroughbred.”
Helen giggled. “Okay, Sam. Shall we make a plan?”
“On one condition.”
“What’s that?”
“First you have to suck my cock… for being a bad girl and not telling me about Ken.”
“It’s a fate worse than death, but I’ll force myself.”
Her mouth attacked his half-erect penis with relish. It was some time before they got down to making plans.
The chance to put their plan into action came on Saturday morning. Sam was out in the front yard pulling weeds when Harry came out to his car.
“Lucky stiff!” Harry called. “You get to enjoy yourself in your garden while I have to work!”
“On Saturday?”
“Yeah! I’ve got a meeting with my research group. I’ll probably be lucky if I get home by midnight.”
“Hey, that’s tough luck, Harry old pal. But I know you. You’ll love every minute of it.”
“Once I get there, I probably will. But I’d have liked to spend the day with Emma. She gets lonely, I think, Sam.”
“Don’t worry, Harry. Helen and I will keep an eye on her.”
“Thanks, Sam. You’re a friend.”
“See you later, Harry.”
As Harry drove off, Sam rushed into the house to tell Helen the good news. “Break out the wine and get your twat wet, baby! There’ll be a hot time in the old house today.”
“What makes you think she’ll even come?”
“Seriously, baby… Could any woman resist me when I lay on the charm?”
She smiled and threw her arms around him. “You’re right, Sam. I’ll make us a nice lunch while you’re fetching her. And no taking samples before the main course!” She winked at him. He slapped her on the ass as she headed for the kitchen.
“Be right back, baby.”
There was no answer the first time Sam rang the Tates’ front doorbell. He waited impatiently for several minutes, then rang again, more insistently this time. At last he heard a fumbling on the latch.
“Why Sam… it’s you.” Emma looked flustered. She had a robe wrapped tightly around her. Automatically, she stepped aside to let Sam into the house.
“Emma, you look different. What the hell is it? I know! You’re wearing makeup. Hey, it looks good! Damned good!”
Emma’s cheeks flushed pink. “Why, thank you, Sam. I’m afraid I’m not quite together yet this morning.” She looked apologetically down at her bathrobe.
“Emma baby, on you a dishrag would look good. In fact I’d love to see you in a dishrag.”
Emma laughed. She liked Sam, although he sometimes made her nervous. He was so cocksure of himself.
“I’ll probably thinking I just came over to ogle your tits. In fact, I have a mission, less interesting but more socially acceptable. How would you like to have lunch with Helen and me? I saw Harry and he said he’d be away all day. We’d love to have your company.”
Emma looked indecisive. He reached out and tilted her chin so she was looking into his eyes. “Please come. Pretty please?” His boyish good looks, his dark shock of curls, made him look very appealing. If it hadn’t been for his mustache, Sam could have passed for ten years younger than he was. With the mustache, he settled for five.
“Okay, Sam. That’s really nice of you. I’ll be over as soon as I get dressed.”
“I’ll wait for milady and escort her safely to the manor house.”
“You don’t have to…” Emma looked distressed, but she relented. “I’ll be ready in five minutes.”
Emma sighed as she changed her clothes in the bedroom. She had just been getting ready to give herself a nice orgasm. Now she would have to wait until after lunch. She consoled herself with the prospect of company. She had not been looking forward to another endless day alone.
“Phew!” Sam’s whistle was appreciative as Emma emerged in a peek-a-boo halter top and a pair of clinging white duck slacks.
“Why thank you, m’Lord!” Emma was getting into the spirit of Sam’s good humor. She pirouetted in front of him. “You like?” Her eyes looked boldly into his. She had never been able to do that with Sam before. It occurred to her she was becoming more comfortable with her newfound sexuality.
“I like.” Their eyes locked, and they knew. Each knew their sexual interest was reciprocated in the other. Both experienced little tingles in their bellies.
Emma broke the spell. Helen was expecting them. This was no time to be playing goo-goo eyes. “Let’s get going. I’m starving.”
Sam followed her out the door. He watched the tight sway of her ass inside her pants. He realized it would be hard to concentrate on lunch with dessert staring him right in the face.
Lunch was fun for all of them. Sam kept the wine flowing. The women chatted like schoolgirls, with only occasional interruptions of wry humor from Sam. He was too busy watching and assessing to waste time talking.
“You know, this is fun. We should spend more time together. I get so bored at home.” Emma knew she was tipsy, but she didn’t care. She was with friends. She could let down her hair.
“You’re right, Emma. We women become so engrossed in our own little worlds, we sometimes don’t make enough effort to break out from time to time. And we should. All work and no play makes Jane a dull girl.”
“Emma, too.” They laughed.
Sam found his opportunity. “I don’t know. Neither one of you girls looks the least bit dull to me. In fact, I’m having to struggle to keep my blood pressure down to boiling.”
Helen grinned wickedly at her husband. “You’re always boiling, sweetheart. That’s what makes you so lovable.”
Sam looked appealingly at Emma. “You see how it is? You give everything you’ve got to a woman, and you find she’s only after you for one thing.” His lips pouted mockingly. Helen and Emma both laughed heartily.
“Hey, what say we take our wine into the living room? I’m getting a crick in my ass, sitting in this chair.”
The two women followed Sam into the living room. They all sat on the rug near the stereo and leafed through the record albums. “Emma, you’ve got to hear this one. It’s a real turn-on. I got it in Paris last year.” He put on a record that started with slow rhythmic music. A male and a female started to sing back and forth to one another. They sang in French, but it was quite apparent what they were singing about. They were making love.
At first Emma felt slightly embarrassed. It seemed a strange sort of record to play in mixed company. Then she began to get the idea. Both Sam and Helen were lying back, looking very relaxed. They were open, available. And they were smiling at her.
“Why don’t you lie down, Emma?” Helen suggested. “Here’s some pillows for you.” She had arranged the pillows between herself and Sam.
Emma’s first response was fear. This seemed a very frightening place to be, all of a sudden — with two people who led such unorthodox sex lives. The more she thought about the possibilities, however, the more intrigued she became. She lay down between the older couple and let herself drift with the music. It was obvious the woman in the song was becoming more and more excited. Soon she would cum.
Emma let herself assume the girl’s place. She could almost feel the hard drumming cock that was driving the songstress to distraction. Her pussy felt so good.
Then she realized it was more than the song that was making her cunt feel good. Someone was rubbing her pubic mound through her pants. She assumed it must be Sam, but she didn’t dare open her eyes to verify the fact. Then she would have to stop him.
And she didn’t want to stop him, not just yet.
“Mmmmmm!” She realized suddenly that she was moaning aloud. For a moment, she had confused her own cries of pleasure with those of the girl on the record.
“Does it feel good, darling?” It was Helen asking. Emma looked up at her friend. Then down at her cunt. It was Helen’s hand that was making her feel so good!
Through her wine-glow, Emma struggled to grasp the obvious fact that her next-door neighbor, a woman, was caressing her pussy. Surely Helen wasn’t a pervert. Emma dismissed the idea at once. She had seen Helen making love to a man, and obviously enjoying it very much.
Obviously the redhead was a woman who liked pleasure, wherever she could find it.
Again Emma closed her eyes and let herself drift. She became hypnotized by the soft stimulation at her cunt. It wasn’t wildly passionate, just gently titillating. But, little by little, her pussy was rising to the bait. She was humping her cunt up against her friend’s hand.
She wanted more.
When she felt two pairs of hands starting to undress her, Emma made no protest. She just kept her eyes shut. She wanted to find out what would happen, if she let matters take their course. She smiled to herself as she heard the compliments exchanged above her.
“Isn’t she something! God, what a body! Like a Greek statue… earth mother.”
“I’ve never heard you so poetic, Sam. But you’re right. She is lovely. And she looks so much better naked than she does dressed. What nice firm breasts! So soft!”
Emma sucked in her breath sharply as a mouth suddenly closed over each nipple and sucked.
“Ooooohhhh!” The sensations were incredible to have both breasts stimulated by wet hungry kisses was exquisite luxury. Electric messages shot down to her hungering cunt and back up again, beaming the good news. Preparing her pussy for the action it was craving. Suddenly all the excitement Emma had aroused in herself before Sam came over surged back up to the surface.
She was so hot!
As the couple kissed her breasts, their hands explored the curves of her naked body. Emma held her breath as fingertips toyed with the tangles of her pussy-hair. She knew at once she wanted them to go farther. She wanted them to play with her cunt.
Not knowing whether it was Sam’s finger or Helen’s playing down there made the experience that much more erotic.
“Ooooohh, darlings! You’re doing wonderful things to me!” She caressed both their heads, reveling in the sensual power of feeling one of them at each tit. Her ass wriggled hungrily, celebrating her lewd good fortune. Without warning the finger surged up inside her pussy, “Aaaaggghhhh! Oooohh! Do it to me! Do it!”
“Jeez, she’s got a hot cunt!” Sam’s voice was thick with emotion.
“Let me feel it, too!” As soon as Helen had spoken, the finger left Emma’s pussy and another took its place. Now the mystery of who was feeling her twat was solved. But the pleasure went on. Helen’s more slender finger wriggled around up inside lasciviously. Emma was at her mercy. She moaned like a madwoman.
The brunette’s next surprise came when a pair of lips closed over her own, and it turned out to be Helen who was kissing her. The more inexperienced woman was surprised at how intensely sensual it was to kiss another woman. There was a strange irony in the contrast between the softness of Helen’s lips and the hardness of her passion. The redhead had rolled half on top of Emma now. Her finger still investigated the hot depths of Emma’s pussy while her mouth ground hungrily down on the younger woman’s.
“God, Emma, you’re so wonderful, honey! It feels so good to kiss you! Your lips are sweet!”
The perversity of hearing these words from another woman fired Emma’s excitement. She began to return the kisses as urgently as Helen was giving them. She wrapped her arms around the more slender woman and pulled her hard down on top of her.
Helen seemed to become even more aroused by the other woman’s response. She lay her body flush on top of Emma’s and ground her cunt down against Emma’s craving pussy. This way, both their clits were getting stimulation.
“Ooooohhhh! Aaaaahhhhhhhh!”
“Mmmmm! Emma, honey, it feels fabulous!”
Sam had drawn back to watch the lewd fantasy of two heterosexual women learning to love one another. He had seen Helen experiment with this sort of thing before. But she had never been as excited as she was today. Both women were tall, Helen a little more so than Emma, and their coupling was a powerful sight to behold. Witnessing it brought his cock to swift erection. The sight of Helen’s taut ass grinding down toward Emma’s cunt attracted him like a magnet. He extended his hand and shoved a finger into his wife’s asshole.
“Uuuuuhhh!” There was no doubt that Helen enjoyed this sudden ravishment of her puckered sphincter. Now she ground her ass as enticingly up at Sam’s fingers as she rammed it down toward Emma. “Mmmm, Sam darling. My asshole loves your finger, baby!”
Emma couldn’t believe her ears. Her friend was enjoying getting a finger shoved into her ass! The hot intimacy of their lewd threesome was driving the young brunette to distraction. She realized now how much there was to sexuality. How much she had yet to experience!
She felt an overwhelming joy to know her true education had begun!
The rhythmic rocking of Helen’s hips was driving both women over the hump to forgetfulness. They were both immersed in the spell of their contagious eroticism. Both felt an incredible greed. They wanted to grasp hold of it — that promise that lurked just in front of them. That elusive thunderbolt.
It struck both of them simultaneously. Their pussies seemed to make just the right connection. Their clits exploded with sensation.
“Oooooohhh! I’m cumming, Helen!”
“Uuuuhh, Jee-zuz! So am I, darling! Ohh, it’s soo good, soooo good!”
Sam couldn’t believe his eyes. The sheer erotic spectacle of watching two women make each other cum was overwhelming. He had to fuck! His cock was swollen with passion!
Gently, he rolled his wife over onto her back, so she lay side by side with Emma. Then he poised himself, missionary-style, between Emma’s legs and shoved forward. His cock found her cunt with no trouble.
“Mmmmm… aaaaaaiiieeeee! Uh, uh, uh!” Emma felt that she had lost all control over her sexual responses. Never in her life had she been anywhere near this excited. It was like an overload of prurient inspiration. First to cum from fucking a girl. Now to have a hard thick cock shoved up into her pussy before she had even had a chance to bounce back from her orgasm.
She didn’t know what was happening to her body. But she knew she liked it. If there was a heaven for fuckers, Emma had just arrived.
“Oohh, Sam honey! You’re fucking her so good!” Sam looked over at his wife’s eyes, glazed with lust. She was watching his cock drive in and out of Emma’s cunt with unconcealed envy. Sam had no trouble deciding what to do about that. He pulled out of Emma. “Be right back, baby.” He shoved his cock deep into Helen’s waiting pussy-hole and gave her several long, hard thrusts of his pulsing cock. Before Emma had even had a chance to miss him, he was back inside her pussy.
The maneuver involved a lot of exercise for Sam, but he felt the results were well worth the labor. It was intensely exciting to be fucking two beautiful women at once. Especially when both were so appreciative. Both wailed like coyotes while he was fucking them, then looked on with undisguised lust while her friend was getting his cock.
“Ooooohhh! Sam darling, your cock is so good in me. Jee-zuz, you’re making me cum, Sammy!” Helen was never able to resist her husband for long when he screwed her with this kind of energy. She just seemed to cum and cum and cum. Her pussy became a bottomless pit of need.
When next Sam penetrated Emma, she too came. “Uuuuuuhhh! God, Sam, you’re good! Uuuuuuhh… ooohhhh, I’m cummmmm-ing-g-g!” Emma was reveling in the unabashed depravity of lying side by side with her friend, taking their mutual sexual pleasure from her friend’s husband’s penis. Her body was pure greedy response. She loved Sam and Helen. And more than anything, she plain loved to fuck.
At last the exertion of satisfying the two women became too much for Sam. He spilled his load deep into Emma’s craving pussy. “Hhnnhh, it’s good in there, baby!”
All three of the orgiasts cuddled up in a close ball while they recovered for the fury of their coupling. Helen was the first to get up and fetch them a fresh bottle of wine from the refrigerator.
“More wine?” Emma exclaimed.
“The fun’s only beginning, baby! We’ve got to keep our strength up!”
Emma looked skeptically at Sam. Then her cunt began to tingle in response to the promise in his eyes. Sam wasn’t kidding.
The two women stroked him while they all three made themselves comfortable, relaxing between rounds.
“Why don’t you tell us about that cute salesman who was at your house on Thursday?” Helen suggested.
Emma blushed. She hadn’t realized anyone would catch on to the car in front of her house for five hours. “There’s nothing really to say.”
“Hey, you’re hedging. If I was alone with a hunk of meat like that all afternoon there’s no way he’d get away unscathed.”
“Go easy on the girl, Helen. Obviously she doesn’t want to talk about it.”
“Why not? I’m sharing my man with her, aren’t I?”
“Helen! Stop being a cunt!”
The redhead softened, patted Emma on the ass. “He’s right! I’m being a real shit, honey! Forgive me!”
“Sure, Helen.”
It took a while, but Emma did forget about the other woman’s display of peevishness. Her memory of it died in the heat of theft next round of lovemaking.
Harry’s breakfast was on the table when he came down. Emma was in a hurry to get him out of the house. She was expecting company, and she wanted to have lots of time to get ready for it. She wanted to look her best.
Harry sat down at the table with his briefcase next to him. Emma was surprised to find him actually looking at her over his meal. It was unusual to see him at breakfast without his nose buried in a book or some papers.
“Anything wrong, Harry?” she asked.
“No, nothing’s wrong, Emma. Not that I could put my finger on, anyway. It’s just that you’ve been kind of different lately.”
“Different? How?”
“Oh, I don’t know. Happier. Less grouchy. More self-sufficient, I guess. You haven’t bugged me about anything for weeks now.”
Emma’s eyebrows arched in amusement. “Is that bad, Harry?”
“No… no, of course, it’s not bad, honey. I was just wondering what had caused it, that’s all.”
“Well, Harry… I just took a good long look at myself. And I decided I’d been putting too many heavy expectations on you. I’m a grown woman. I can amuse myself, without depending on you to be with me all the time. I don’t even mind if you read at the table any more.”
“Did you take up a hobby or sign up for a course, like I suggested?”
“No, not exactly, Harry. I just decided to get out of the house more I’ve been spending a lot of time with Helen next door. She’s a lot of fun.”
Harry looked a little uncomfortable, but he said nothing more. He finished his breakfast and gathered up his raincoat and briefcase. His good-bye kiss to his wife was unusually fervent.
“Good-bye, honey.”
“Good-bye, Harry.”
He noticed with a touch of sadness that she didn’t watch his car pull out of the drive the way she used to do.
Helen Robbins did watch his car pull out of the driveway. Sam had already left for work, and Helen was drinking her morning coffee in front of the picture window. She thought Harry looked even more preoccupied than usual as he fumbled in his pockets for his car keys.
“Poor Harry,” she murmured. In the last few weeks, she had watched Harry’s wife break out of her shell, while Harry remained blindly unaware of Emma’s promiscuity. Emma had made Helen her confidante, so Helen knew all about the drycleaner’s deliveryman and the lawyer Emma had met in an elevator. And Bob Cranach, who remained Emma’s favorite.
Emma still had not offered to share Bob with Helen, often as she had been with Helen’s husband. Helen was a bit miffed about that.
Helen went back to the kitchen to pour herself a third cup of coffee. When she returned, there was a change in front of the Tate house. The bright blue sedan with H.H.H. boldly printed on the side was back. Helen’s mind started working furiously. “This time I think I’ll go right in and demand my share,” she said vehemently to the empty room. Singing to herself, she went into the bathroom to take a shower.
By the time Helen was ready to strike, a half-hour had passed. She went out the back door and passed through the alley to the Tates’ backyard. To her delight, she found the door unlatched. Feeling naughty as a schoolgirl, she tiptoed into the house and followed her ears to the bedroom.
“Mmmmmm! Oooooohh, Bob!” Emma was wearing a long robe pushed up to her waist to bare her ass. She was standing facing the dresser mirror, head forward, ass up. Bob Cranach’s slick cock was sawing steadily in and out of her upturned pussy. He was naked.
Helen’s first interest was admiring the big man’s well muscled frame and handsome mustached face. What a hunk, she thought lasciviously. Her pussy-lips throbbed at the sight of his strong ass-muscles clenching and unclenching with his powerful fucking strokes.
“Mmmmmm, Emma… you’ve got such a nice twat, baby! I just love fucking you!”
His words seemed to stimulate Emma. She looked at her handsome lover in the mirror and smiled a slow, sultry smile. “Oh, Bob, you’re so good! My pussy feels so wonderful!”
Helen had fallen to her knees outside the bedroom door, to avoid being seen. She looked carefully around the doorsill. The sight of Bob’s long thick cock sliding in and out of Emma’s cunt mesmerized her. Her own cunt ached. She wanted that turgid prick spreading her pussy-lips wide.
“Uuuuuhhh!” Bob’s hands gripped Emma’s ass firmly and pulled her hard back onto his swollen cock-shaft. He moved her faster and faster, the intensity of his rhythm betraying the intensity of his lust. “Shit, baby, your cunt grips me so tight! You feel just like a virgin!”
She smiled coyly at him in the mirror. “I was a virgin till I met you, Bob. At least, I didn’t know till then how good my body could feel. You really do it to me, baby.”
Helen was beginning to understand why Emma had been so reluctant to share Bob with her. He was a real he-man. It would be hard to settle for less than all of him. Helen suspected, from the way Emma looked at him, that the younger woman had a crush on Bob.
That’s playing with fire, she thought. I’ll be doing her and Harry a favor if I horn in a little on this cozy twosome. She was determined to, get in on the act in the bedroom. But delicacy demanded she wait until they had gotten their rocks off.
“Oh, Bob! Bob, darling! Fuck meeeee!” Emma’s excitement was becoming visibly more intense. Her face in the mirror was distorted. Her eyes were wide and pleading, as though something was happening to her that she didn’t quite understand. As though she were powerless to resist the erotic spasms in her half-clad body.
“Oh yeah! Yeah, I’ll fuck you, baby! It feels so good! Uuuuuuhh!”
Bob’s rhythm had become fitful, staccato-like. It was apparent he was somewhere on the plateau of ecstasy himself. To the watching Helen, it seemed his big cock had grown even bigger. She watched it glisten lewdly on every rough outstroke.
Goddamn it, you two… hurry up! she thought lustfully. She could hardly wait to join the party. When it came to getting what she wanted, Helen was ruthless. She wanted Bob, and nothing was going to keep her from him.
“Bob… Ohhh, Bob! You’re making me cum, darling!” Emma’s ass ground back against his loins as her orgasm swept over her. Her face was wreathed in a broad, relaxed grin. She had what she wanted.
“Uuuuhh, jeez! I can feel your cunt clenching… aahhhh, I’m cumming, Emma!” Bob slammed his loins against Emma’s ass and held her fast while his cock spurted her full of jism.
Slowly the two lovers began to recover their senses. They both spotted the image in the minor at the same time.
“Helen! What are you doing here?” It was obvious Emma was annoyed.
Helen smiled confidently at the cum-streaked pair. “The back door was open and I thought I’d just let myself in. Besides, I’ve been wanting to meet your friend Bob for a long time.” She walked up to the tall blond man and stroked his shoulder. “Hi, Bob. I’m Helen.”
Bob grinned at the tall, attractive redhead. His face betrayed confusion, but it was obvious he was willing to play along with whatever was happening.
“Glad to meet you, Helen. You’ll excuse my appearance, but we weren’t expecting company.” His smile melted Helen. She seemed unable to let go of his arm.
“Helen, I… I… what do you want?” Emma was in an uncomfortable position. She didn’t welcome her girl friend’s presence at the moment. She wanted to be alone with Bob. But she couldn’t honestly scold Helen for spying on her, not after the way she had watched Helen with her friend Ken weeks ago. She decided to try to steer them all into the living room. She didn’t want an orgy with Helen and Bob. He was hers! She was tempted to brush Helen’s arm away from Bob’s.
“Just some company, Emma. I’m your friend, remember?”
“Sure, Helen.” Emma sighed and pulled down her robe. “Okay, why don’t we all go out and have some coffee and cake?”
Helen’s hands were becoming bolder now. She was stroking Bob’s chest and back. He didn’t know whether to encourage or discourage her. He didn’t want to alienate Emma, but he was very attracted to the redhead. His cock was beginning to throb at the thought of stuffing her.
“You certainly are a handsome man, Bob. So strong. So much energy, too. I just saw that.” Helen winked suggestively at the grinning man.
“You’re very kind, Helen. May I say you are a very attractive woman. And any friend of Emma’s is a friend of mine.” He returned the wink covertly, with the eye Emma couldn’t see.
“Hey, you two! Come on, let’s go into the living room. I’m dying for a cup of coffee.” Emma was rubbing her hands together nervously, like an ineffectual schoolmistress with an ornery class.
Helen was stroking Bob’s ass muscles now. She bit her lip passionately as she squeezed them. “Mmmmm, nice. I’ve got a better idea, Emma.” Her eyes never left Bob’s face. “Why don’t we all go to bed instead?”
Bob looked at Emma hopefully. His cock was getting stiffer by the minute. The idea of having both beauties in bed at once turned him on. He looked at Emma. “What do you say, honey? How’s about it?”
The brunette felt powerless to resist the obvious enthusiasm in Bob’s face. After all, she didn’t own him. He was just someone who came by from time to time. She was angry with Helen, though. Never had the redhead’s boldness been more initiating to her.
“Come on, Emma. It’s not as if I’ve never shared with you.”
Annoying as it was, Helen’s argument had validity. Emma had enjoyed many exciting fucks with Helen and her husband. But that was different. Sam had actively sought her cunt. Bob would never have known Helen existed if she hadn’t barged in like this. Emma would have seen to that.
“Okay, you guys. I’m not your keeper. Whatever turns you on…” She shrugged her shoulders and sat on her vanity bench. She hoped her obvious reluctance would cool the others’ ardor.
It didn’t work. Helen had her clothes off in a flash, and she and Bob collapsed full-length onto the bed together. Their mouths locked in a passionate lingual search.
“God, you taste good.”
They lay on their sides, pressed together, their hands hurriedly exploring each other. For just a moment, Bob looked down over the foot of the bed toward Emma. “Come on, Emma. You’re part of this party too, baby.”
Emma was dumbstruck. She had just been given a rude shock about her role in Bob’s life. Somehow, though he was only a part-time entertainment for her, she expected to be the only woman in his life. Or, rather, wanted to be. Seeing him now wrapped passionately in the arms of another woman reminded her of the realities of their relationship. He came to see her because he liked to fuck her. That was that. What else could she have expected?
It was a bitter pill to swallow, but Emma couldn’t deny the justice of it. She had built a little fantasy-world around their times together. It was time to break the spell.
She began to take more interest in what was going on on the bed. She had a clear view up between their legs as far as their genitals. She could see Bob’s stiff cock prodding against Helen’s cunt-slit.
“Oh God! Stick it in me! I’m so hot!” Helen’s voice shook with excitement. She tried to reach down and take hold of his cock, but he stopped her. Obviously, he wanted to do the job himself. He guided his prick in between her cunt-lips and shoved hard.
“Oooooohhhh! Ooooooooh Gaw-w-w-d! It’s wonderful!” Her pussy pushed forward, swallowing all of his rigid hardness it could get. They began to move back and forth in opposing rhythm. His cock glistened with her juices, formed a lewd bridge between them on each outstroke.
The sigh had a pronounced effect on Emma. Her hostility and disappointment forgotten, she got up from the bench and crawled up onto the end of the bed, to get a closer look at their energetic fucking.
It was incredibly thrilling to watch a man she had been intimate with fucking somebody else. She watched his ass clench and thrust forward, and she remembered how it felt when he rammed his cock into her. She could almost pretend he was fucking her, while she was able to watch the whole thing from a distance. She noticed Helen and Bob glancing at her, to see if she was disturbed by what was happening. She searched herself to be sure she wasn’t. She found nothing but erotic excitement inside. The battle against her own jealousy had been fought and won.
“Fuck her, Bob! It looks so sexy, darling! Fuck her good! Show her what a good man you are!”
The couple seemed to be more comfortable once they knew Emma was not jealous. Their movements became more frantic. Helen’s moans grew wilder, louder.
“Oooooohhh! Jee-zuz! God, I’m cumming!”
“Look out! Me too!”
Emma’s cum-soaked cunt flared with new arousal as she watched her girl friend and her lover climaxing together. Now, more than anything she wanted Bob’s cock inside her again. She realized she would have to wait. Cocks weren’t like balloons. They needed some rest in between inflation’s. In the meantime, she knew exactly what she wanted to do. As Bob and Helen drew apart, Emma forced her way in between them. She sat on Bob’s shoulders and bent her head toward his flaccid cock. She began to lick it, then she took the whole thing into her mouth and sucked. The taste of the mingled juices on his soft prick was like an aphrodisiac to Emma. She wriggled her ass suggestively backward. It wasn’t long before Bob got the idea.
“Aaaggghhhh! Oh yes, lick my pussy for me!” While the big man ran his tongue up and down over her pussy-slit, Emma sucked and licked his cock. She loved the feel of its soft texture in her mouth.
“God, you two are incredible!” Helen was kneeling on all fours now, her head bobbing from side to side as she drank in the lewd sixty-nine before her. “Ohhh, it’s so sexy, darlings!”
Emma smiled to herself as she recalled the day she had spied on Helen while she performed sixty-nine with her boyfriend Ken. She got a lewd tingle out of listening to the redhead getting turned on by her promiscuity.
“I love the taste of your cunt, Emma!” Bob exclaimed. He was also enjoying the pungent-flavor of his cum on her pussy. There was something wonderfully depraved about sucking on his own cum.
“Oooohhh, lick my clit, Bobby!” Emma squirmed her cunt down against the salesman’s face while she made liquid love to his cock. Already her handiwork was yielding results. His penis was growing steadily inside her mouth, so that now it was an effort for her to get all of it inside. “Mmmmmmphh!”
Bob’s mouth felt awfully good on her cunt, but what Emma really wanted right now was his cock. It was a matter of proprietary rights, she knew. It was getting her own back from Helen. She pulled her cunt away from his mouth and lowered it onto his stiffening prick. She was riding him, facing his feet. The position was new and titillating to her. “God, your cock feels good up in here, baby!” she told him obscenely. She was ready to ride him for all he was worth now.
“Hey, Emma honey! That’s sexy!” Helen approved totally of what Emma was doing. Her friend had made room for Helen to join the fun. She knelt astride Bob’s head, facing Emma’s back. “Lick my pussy, baby!” she coaxed the big man.
Emma looked back over her shoulder at the lust-inspiring sight of the naked Helen riding Bob’s tongue. This was a new kind of lascivious teamwork. She wondered how Bob was enjoying the thrill of satisfying two women at once.
“Mmmmmm! Uuuuhhh!” was all the sound that escaped the man’s lips. Helen was working her cunt so energetically over his mouth he didn’t have room or time for more coherent words.
Bob’s full-swollen cock was massaging the inside of Emma’s clasping cunt with devastating effect. Her eyes were half closed. Her entire body was quivering with excitement. She could see herself and Helen in the dresser mirror in front of her. They made a lewd tandem, riding their man built for two.
“Hhnnnhhh! My cunt’s on fire!” she moaned. Before she knew what was happening, she was cumming for the second time that day. It took Helen and Bob a little longer, but they followed close behind her.
“Bob! Oh, Bob! Lick my clit! AAAggghhhh!” All three felt better about what was happening between them once they had enjoyed their three-way climax. It was a game now, for all of them. It was fun.
They enjoyed it so well, they played another round and another…
“If only Harry would get interested in some other women, then I could quit worrying about him.”
Helen and Emma were having morning coffee in Helen’s kitchen. Emma had seemed preoccupied, and Helen had goaded her into letting go of what was bothering her.
“What makes you think you have to worry about Harry anyway, honey? He’s got his work, which he’s crazy about. You’ve always complained he spends most of his time thinking about that, anyway.”
“I know, Helen. But he’s been different lately. He’s been trying extra hard to be nice to me. I think he senses that I don’t need him as much as I used to, and it worries him.”
“That’s not really your problem, you know, Emma. You’ve become the kind of wife he wanted. If he can’t handle it, he’ll just have to work it out.”
“That’s easy to say if you’re on the outside looking in. But I love Harry. Really I do. He depends on me so much… for sex, for instance.”
“Ah-hah! Now we get down to it!”
“Well… I’ve just been so busy lately. I don’t always feel like Harry’s jump-on, jump-off when he feels like me.”
“Maybe you’ve just outgrown each other.”
“Don’t say that, Helen. It’s scary.”
“I know, honey. You’ve never been out on your own. The idea is kind of scary. But you shouldn’t stay with someone just out of fear of the unknown.”
“You’re right, Helen. I’m going to have to give it some serious thought.”
The next afternoon, Helen drove Emma to the bus station. The younger woman was off to spend a long overdue visit with her mother.
“No sex for a whole week, Helen! I don’t know how I’ll stand it!”
“Maybe you can sneak somebody in the back way when you mom’s asleep.”
“No way! My mother has the sharpest senses in six counties! That’s one of the main reasons why I was a virgin till I was eighteen.”
“Well, honey, just remember how good it’ll feel when you get back to it.”
“Yeah… it might be fun to get really horny again for a change.” Her smile faded. “I just hope Harry will be all right by himself. He’ll be away at a conference till Tuesday. But I won’t be back till Friday. Three whole days by himself and I don’t think he knows how to boil water or unwrap his own pack of toilet paper.”
“Don’t worry, honey. Sam and I will keep an eye on him to make sure he doesn’t starve to death or get a dirty bottom.” She giggled. “Have a good trip, Emma.”
Intriguing thoughts floated through Helen’s mind during the next few days. She recalled the conversation with Emma. Her friend was concerned about her husband because he was totally reliant on her for his sex life, while Emma had no desire to be monogamous, now that she had discovered more titillating pastimes.
Helen was beginning to see where she could help her friends and amuse herself at the same time. She had always found Harry Tate attractive. And she knew that Harry was attracted to her, though he gave only very subtle indications of it.
Helen decided it would probably be as good for Harry to know he was attractive to other women as it had been for Emma to test herself with other men. And Helen knew just the woman to help Harry out.
The first day she noticed Harry at home at a reasonable hour was Wednesday afternoon. He came back from work about six. Helen watched his car pull into the driveway. She was alone for the evening. Sam had an unexplained “appointment”. He would be late.
The situation seemed custom-made for Helen’s plan.
She went into the bedroom and rummaged through her closet. She picked out a floor-length pink at-home gown. It was slinky and slit up both sides almost as far as her ass. She hadn’t met a man yet who was immune to it.
Next she made up her face, with just a subtle amount of makeup — enough to make her irresistible. “Mmm-hmm!” she told her minor. “You are ready, honey!” She went to the kitchen and took a casserole out of the fridge. This was her reason for visiting Harry. Events would take their natural course from there.
Harry looked genuinely surprised when he opened his front door. “Helen! Why… hello, how are you?”
“Just fine, Harry. As always. Emma was a bit worried about you making it on your own. I brought you a casserole to keep you fed till she gets back.”
“Why, thank you, Helen. I’m sure it’ll be much better than the hamburger I bought on the way home tonight.” He grinned ruefully. He was still standing in the doorway, Helen on the landing.
“Do you mind if I come in for a minute, Harry? I’m alone for the evening, too. I’d appreciate a few minutes’ conversation.”
He moved to one side to let her pass. His face flushed with embarrassment. “Gee, I’m sorry, Helen. I didn’t mean to be rude. Of course, come in. I was just reading the latest edition of Scientific American.”
Helen made herself comfortable on the couch. “How interesting. How did you enjoy your trip away from home?”
“Oh… it was fascinating. It gave me a wealth of new ideas.”
“How was Chicago?”
He smiled like an errant schoolboy. “I’m afraid I haven’t the slightest idea. I spent all my time in the hotel where we held our meetings.”
“Oh, that’s too bad. Chicago’s a fun town, Harry, once you learn your way around.”
“Yes… I got to know the place when I was an undergraduate there. The town never really was my scene though. I’m kind of a stick-in-the-mud when it comes to night life.”
Helen was feeling the strain of trying to make conversation with the man. Their interests were worlds apart. She decided it was time to search for common ground.
“Well, I don’t know, Helen… You go ahead. I have to go to work tomorrow.”
“Ah, come on! You can’t let a lady drink alone!”
“I can’t?” He grinned at her. He was beginning to notice the way her gown clung to Helen’s lush curves. “Okay… just one.”
“Good. I make a great manhattan. How will that be?”
“Just fine.”
Helen had chosen manhattans because they were one of the surest ways she knew to get happy fast. She and her friend’s husband made slightly strained conversation as they drank. Gradually, though, Harry seemed to grow more comfortable with Helen. He showed no sign of discomfort when she sat close beside him on the couch. In fact, she caught him sneaking sideways glances at her half-exposed tits more than once.
“You know, Harry, you’re a very attractive man. Sometimes I think you don’t appreciate that about yourself.”
He flushed slightly. He didn’t look at her as he replied. “I know my limitations, Helen. I’ve never exactly been a sex symbol. I’m too serious for most women. They think I have no sense of humor.”
“Nonsense, Harry. You have a wonderful sense of humor. And you’re so intelligent. A woman appreciates a man with a good intelligence.”
He brightened. He looked the redhead right in the eyes this time. “Really? It doesn’t bore them?”
“The ones who are too stupid to appreciate intelligence, sure, it bores them. But there are plenty of intelligent women around.” She moved her chest the slightest bit closer to Harry. “I’ve always thought you were very… sexy, Harry.”
He flushed a bright red. Helen was almost afraid she had gone too far too fast. But the extra-strong drink she had mixed was doing its job. He turned toward her and grabbed a tit.
“Hey, that’s great, Helen. I’ve always thought you were sexy, too. You always look so damned good. You should have been a model, Helen.”
The redhead thrust her chest directly into his grasp. His strong hands felt good on her. She experienced a surge of excitement that shot all the way down to her cunt and ricocheted back up. “Oooohh, Harry. It’s awfully nice of you to say so, Harry.”
“Beautiful tits! You’ve got beautiful tits, Helen.” Her long nipples were standing erect against the thin material of her gown. He had been watching her breasts all evening. She never wore a bra and the soft sway of her tits reminded him he hadn’t been laid for a week.
“Thank you, Harry.” She brought her face close to his and waited. He looked at her for a moment, then his mouth bore down on hers. His tongue searched boldly inside the hot cavern of her mouth, challenging her tongue to a duel.
Helen was flabbergasted and delighted. From Emma’s complaints, she had not expected Harry to be an aggressive lover. She had expected to have to do most of the seducing herself Harry was proving her all wrong. He was hungry, and he didn’t mind showing it.
She was discovering the truth of the old adage, those who should know us best often know us least. In day-to-day proximity to someone, it’s often the minute flaws we see, and not the whole person.
Harry somewhat startled himself by his behavior. In the three years of their marriage, he had never once even thought of fucking a woman other than Emma. Only now did he realize what had been missing from their relationship lately it was the thrill of discovery, the magnetism of being close to another sexual creature and deciding to explore that sexuality. Sex with Emma was mechanical. He guiltily recalled the night Emma had tried to vary their routine. He had balked. He had been unable to accept the kind of free sexuality in a wife that he could appreciate in the next-door neighbor.
He now realized there had been severe gaps in communication between himself and Emma. It was as much his fault as hers. He had grown to accept his wife as a certain kind of person. He had been afraid to see her change. The known was so much safer than the unknown.
Except when it came to sexy next-door neighbors.
For the first time in his life, Harry saw an opportunity to really let go sexually. To throw all caution and rules to the wind. He wanted to fuck this woman. And she obviously wanted to fuck him. He could tell by the way she was clawing at his body, opening the buttons of his shirt and wrestling with his fly.
“Oh, Harry! You’re so strong! So… masterful!” He picked Helen up and laid her full-length on the couch. He grabbed hold of her robe and drew it up over her head. She was naked underneath. Her round ripe tits poked saucily up at him. Her belly flowed out firm and fiat from her taut waist. What beckoned him most was the bright red thatch of her cunt-hair. He wanted to eat her pussy! He wanted to taste her cunt-flesh!
He hastily undressed, scattering his clothes to left and right. He grinned with satisfaction to see Helen’s eyes fixed on his erection. His tock had become hard the instant he touched her tit, and it had been throbbing with desire ever since.
“Ooohh, Harry… what a lovely cock you have!”
“Oooohh Helen what a beautiful little pussy you have!”
She parted her legs in invitation. He accepted at once. He knelt between her thighs and bent toward the beckoning triangle. His fingers spread her cunt-lips. The flesh inside was pink and inflamed, moist with passion. His tongue longed for the taste. He extended it and stabbed her hard little clitoris.
“Ooooohhhhh! Harry, that feels wonderful! Mmmmmm! You’re making my clitoris so hard and excited!” Almost instantaneously, the woman was writhing in the throes of abandon. Helen had been waiting for this moment for almost a week. It had all the added stimulus of a fantasy come true.
Harry’s tongue worked expertly up and down her tender cunt-flanges. It stabbed the sensitive flesh at unexpected moments, making her whole body shudder in response. The feel of his soft beard grazing her pussy was an extra titillation. Its light caresses were like feather-duster swathes on her cunt.
“Uuuuhh… oooohhhhhh!”
The thrill of making his redheaded neighbor tremble with passion made Harry’s cock pulse mightily. He had never let himself toy with the idea of making love to another woman. He had tried to convince himself that Emma was enough for him. And in a way, she was. She kept him from dying of horniness. But she didn’t give him the excitement he needed to really believe in himself as a man.
Helen’s response left no doubt in his mind that he knew what to do to excite a woman. She was in his power, one hundred per cent.
He wanted to experiment with her… see how high he could get her. Her pussy tasted fine, but he wanted more. His mouth moved up over her stomach, caressed the little indentation of her navel. Even that seemed to drive her wild. She wriggled her body hungrily, thrust her belly button up against his tongue.
Helen was delighted with her find. She had set her sights on Harry Tate, expecting to find a sexual babe-in-the-woods. Now she was writhing in helpless passion under his mouth, greedy for whatever he intended to do to her. She gasped with delight as his mouth closed over a nipple and sucked.
The electric pleasure-jolts darted with lightning speed throughout her trembling body. It felt so good! Helen let her mind dwell on the sensations he was dealing her breasts… on his lips, his tongue, his cool breath. Each had their own special way of driving her to distraction.
“Ooooohh… oh Harry, I’m cumming, darling! Aaarrgghhhh!”
The young scientist could not believe his ears. He didn’t know it was possible for a woman to cum just from having her breasts stimulated. He felt very proud of himself and his skill as a lover. He was beginning to realize he could do no wrong, if he followed the dictates of his sensuality.
The excitement of having this beauty writhing helplessly beneath him made his cock throb. It demanded attention. He crawled farther up over her and shoved his cock-head against her yielding cunt-opening. His turgid rod soared far up into her heated depths. Her cunt-walls squeezed his prick greedily.
“Aaiieeeee! Oh Helen, what a nice pussy you have! Uuuuhhh, good!” He began to fuck hard and deep into her. She replied with a mind-bogging wriggle of her ass that thrust her pussy up to meet his every instroke. “Jee-zuz, you’re a sexy woman!” Harry had never felt so free, so sexy in his entire life. There was something about fucking a woman not his wife, right in his own living room, that excited the rogue inside Harry Tate. It was depraved, wicked by his traditional code of morality. But it was turning him on — to life, to himself. He felt like he could fuck the world right now.
“Oh… do it to me, Harry! Fuck me!”
With every ounce of energy he possessed, he did the woman’s bidding. His stiff prick swelled to even greater hardness as it penetrated her clutching pussy again and again and yet again.
Emma was relieved to be getting home earlier than she had expected. It had been fun spending time with her mother. But she had gotten horny and she had missed her husband, and her lovers back home.
When her mother had accepted an invitation to take a trip to the lake with Emma’s aunt and uncle, Emma had been only too pleased to oblige by leaving a couple of days early. She had been invited to go along too, but she maintained that Harry needed her. A good wife’s place was at her husband’s side. Even relatives couldn’t argue with that.
Emma let herself in the front door, expecting to find Harry poring over his work in his den. She was totally unprepared for the sight on her living room couch.
Harry was fucking Helen with the tireless energy of a devoted lover. Helen was obviously loving every minute of it. She was moaning and writhing like a woman who has just discovered the joy of sex.
Emma’s instant response was jealousy. This time, Helen had gone too far. It was one thing to horn in on her and Bob. It was another to shamelessly seduce her innocent husband. She looked doubtfully at the furiously fucking pair. It was a little hard at the moment to say who had seduced whom, but she was sure it had been Helen. Harry would never initiate a thing like this — would he?
Something inside Emma realized this was exactly what she had been saying she wanted Harry to do — to start getting interested in other women. But it was one thing to say so, and another to find her devoted husband in the arms of another woman.
“What the hell’s going on here?” she shouted. She rushed over to the couch and tried to pull Harry off Helen.
Harry flushed with embarrassment and tried to pull away from Helen, but the redhead wouldn’t release him.
“Who the hell do you think you’re kidding, Emma?” Helen was mad. There would be no holds barred in this argument. Emma had interrupted her right on the verge of her second orgasm. “How many times have you fucked my Sam? And that salesman friend of yours, Bob? How dare you try to treat me and Harry as if we had done something bad to you? You’ve been fucking around for months!”
The fury in Helen’s words and the look in Harry’s eye made Emma pull back. Helen was right, and Harry was hurt. She had acted like a fool. She realized she had been trying to enforce a double standard — it was okay for her to fuck Helen’s husband, but Helen should keep hands off hers. Unfair, no matter how she tried to rationalize it. “I’m sorry,” she murmured. She slumped down into an armchair, and waited for the shit to hit the fan. Surely Harry would be furious with her.
“Is that true, Emma?” he asked quietly. “Have you been having affairs with other men?”
His voice was so hurt, so gentle, that Emma felt an immediate need to lash out at him. He was not going to make her feel guilty! “Yes, it’s true! I couldn’t just wither up and die in this house, Harry! I didn’t have a career to occupy me! I needed something!”
“Didn’t I make love to you often enough? Wasn’t I good to you?”
“Sure, Harry! You were so good, I felt guilty at first. Then I realized I needed a life, too. I wasn’t going to spend my life trying to communicate with a man who always had a book between us at the breakfast table.”
“Don’t you understand, Emma? It’s my life’s work. I’m good at it. I’m doing things to help people. I thought you were proud of me.” His voice was beginning to betray anger, frustration. Emma’s accusations were striking like a bolt out of the blue.
“Look, you guys… maybe I better be going.” Helen realized the mood she and Harry had established could not be revived tonight. She didn’t want to be around when Emma’s husband digested the full impact of what his wife had been up to. Even mild Harry Tate might have a raging bull lurking inside. She had already established he was part tiger.
Emma and Harry didn’t pay any attention to her leave taking. She was glad. It was better this way. Husband and wife had things to work out.
Harry and Emma sat silent in the living room for a long time. Sometimes they glared at each other. Sometimes they looked away, became absorbed in their own thoughts.
There was a chasm between them. Neither dared to try to bridge it.
“Coming to bed?” Emma asked at last. She wanted to make a truce. She was feeling small and frightened. She wanted to curl up in Harry’s arms.
“You go on, Emma. I’m going to sleep on the couch tonight. I’ve got things to think about.”
When Emma came down to the kitchen the next morning, Harry was sitting at the table. There was no reading material in front of him. He smiled at Emma. It was a wistful smile. Emma smiled back.
“Good morning, Emma honey. Come here, will you?” She stood beside his chair as he hugged her waist. “I’m really sorry I didn’t try harder to understand you, Emma.”
She stroked his head, held it close to her. “I’m sorry, too, Harry. I guess we kind of forgot how to communicate with each other…”
“Let’s start all over again, shall we? I stayed awake all night, and the only conclusion I could come to is that I want you. I really want you.”
“I want you too, Harry. We can make it. I know we can.”
It was the most intimate breakfast they had had in the whole span of their marriage. They talked and kissed and touched each other. Both knew they had been badly scared by their confrontation last night. Both wanted to bury that memory. They needed each other. They were home to each other.
By tacit agreement, the subject of sex and outside lovers was not mentioned. They talked only of themselves and their relationship. The other subject was too fraught with tension.
For the next week, they were on kind of a second honeymoon. They talked together often. They made love passionately, wherever and whenever the mood struck them. Emma thought she had never been so happy in her life.
After that first week, though, things gradually returned to normal. Harry returned to his old work habits, once he felt secure with Emma again. Emma began to long for some of her past adventures. She tried to bury her frustrations in alcohol. Drink helped her ignore the fact that Harry would never be her perfect lover.
Harry went off to another weekend conference. She was alone with a glass of scotch on Saturday morning when the phone rang.
“Hi, Emma. This is Bob. How have you been? It’s been a while.”
The small amount of alcohol she had drunk made her feel sorry for herself. She suddenly realized how much she had missed Bob and their carefree times together. “I’ve been… okay, I guess. No, I haven’t. I’ve been miserable. I’ve missed you, Bob.”
“I’ve missed you, too. You’re a great girl, Emma. Most exciting woman I’ve ever known.”
“You’re sweet to say so, Bob.”
“You deserve it, Emma. Listen, a friend of mine is in town, and we’d like to come over and see you sometime, if it’s convenient. Maybe you could invite Helen too.”
The mention of her next-door neighbor automatically roused Emma’s hostility. She still hadn’t forgiven Helen for snitching on her to her husband. “Helen and I are having a fight right now,” she said. “I wouldn’t ask her over here if she were the last woman on earth.”
“Oh… okay. Well, we’d still like to see you, Emma. If it’s okay with you.”
Emma’s mind raced as she tried to deal with the possible repercussions of entertaining two men at once. The thought titillated her. But the prospect of discovery did not.
“I’d like to see you guys… but not here. I’ve got some nosy neighbors. They’d just love to tell my husband that I’d had two men over while he was gone.”
“Okay… well, why don’t you meet us at Dave’s hotel? It’s the Excelsior. Is this afternoon okay?”
“This afternoon would be just perfect.”
“Okay… come and join us for lunch. Twelve-thirty in the lobby?”
“I’ll be there.”
Emma hung up the phone and gulped down the last of her drink. She knew more than ever before that what she was planning to do was wrong. It would violate the reconciliation between her and Harry. But there was no denying that she wanted to do it. She satisfied herself that there was no way Harry would ever find out. It would be so exciting to be with two men.
She arrived at the hotel at ten to one. She wanted them to have to wait for a bit. She didn’t want to seem too eager. And their own appetites would be whetted by the delay.
Bob was the first to greet her. His friend followed close behind him. Emma was impressed by Dave’s dark good looks. He was almost as tall as Bob, and even more well-muscled. He wore an attractive silk shirt that was open almost to his waist.
“Hi, Dave. It’s a pleasure to meet you.” She held out her hand to shake his. She was surprised and flattered when he raised it to his lips and kissed it gently.
“The pleasure is all mine, Emma, I assure you. Bob has told me many wonderful things about you.”
The slight leer in his smile made Emma momentarily nervous. She wondered just what Bob had been saying about her. The thought left her mind as Bob put an arm gently to her shoulder and guided her toward the elevator.
“We’ve ordered lunch to be delivered to Dave’s room. Shall we go up?”
Emma enjoyed the looks she got from other women as she walked through the lobby with her handsome escorts. She knew she looked good. And she figured there weren’t many women who wouldn’t enjoy being flanked by a couple of lookers like Bob and Dave.
They weren’t in the room ten minutes before a bellhop came in with their lunch. It included a large crabmeat salad, mixed breads and cheeses and a couple of bottles of champagne. Emma was impressed. These men knew how to live.
“It’s lovely!” she exclaimed. She had never experienced this kind of royal treatment before. Dave’s room was large and comfortable. It included a small dining table with chairs. They sat down at once and ate hungrily. The glances that passed along the three of them during the meal betrayed their excitement. The champagne helped intensify the erotic mood.
Emma watched Dave chewing his bread and wondered how his full, sensitive lips would feel on her mouth, her pussy. The men’s eyes ogled her half-naked tits in her sundress. She liked the attention. She looked forward to more. Her pussy was feeling hot and damp under her dress.
“Mmmm, what a wonderful lunch!” The young brunette felt so feminine with these two virile men. She felt appreciated and coveted. It was a kind of excitement she didn’t get at home. An excitement she craved.
“Bob told me you liked salads and seafood. So that’s what I ordered.” Dave was undressing her with his eyes as he spoke.
“Why, how sweet of you!” Her eyes told him she knew what he was doing — and approved.
“You know, Emma, Bob has told me what a sexy woman you are. And I’m very anxious to be sexy with you. Are you in the mood?”
Emma liked the directness of his approach. It turned her on. “I’m in the mood,” she told him. “Then why don’t you take off your clothes! You’re far too beautiful a woman to be shrouded in clothing.”
Emma had had enough champagne to destroy any inhibitions she might have harbored about undressing in front of the two men. She rose to her feet, a little shakily. She stood on the carpet and began to slip her dress down over her ripe tits, her queen-bee waist, her full hips, her snug little pussy-triangle. The lustful looks on the faces of the men supported and fired her own arousal. They were enjoying what she was doing. She would give them more… show them just what a sexy woman she was.
She let the dress fall in a puddle at her feet. She stepped to one side and swept it delicately away with her toes. Then she started to do a slow erotic dance to the music from the stereo. She ran her hands over her lush tits, then down over her belly until she began to caress her clitoris.
“Mmmmmm, feels nice!” She watched the hunger in Dave’s eyes. She moved closer to him and wriggled her ass against his arm. She straddled his lap and began to unbutton his shirt. “This is a beautiful shirt, but I’m more interested in what’s under it.” When his shirt was gone, she began to plant little kisses all over his tautly muscled, hairy chest. “Oooohh, soooo sexy! Your skin smells so sexy!”
Dave had been expecting something special, on Bob’s recommendation. But he was not prepared for this uninhibited sexpot. He ran his hands hungrily over her voluptuous hills and valleys. His cock was hard as a rock under his pants. Her kisses were torture. He wanted to fuck her so bad, he could taste it.
He grabbed her nipples in each hand and began to roll them between his fingers. She groaned ecstatically and worked her kisses up to his neck and face, to give him easier access to her tits.
“Uuuuuuhhh! You’re making my tits feel wonderful!” Suddenly she looked coyly back over her shoulder. “Bob, you have a specially nice rear friend.”
Bob grinned at her. He was enjoying her shameless display of sexuality. He, too, had a stiff cock that was demanding attention. “I knew you two would like each other,” he said. “You’re the two horniest people I know.”
Emma winced a little at the directness of his words. Then she shrugged it off. How could she expect him to speak to her tenderly at a time like this? She was acting like a brazen whore. That was the way she wanted to act. She was here for new kicks.
“Hey, baby, I want to get a taste of you, too. What say we go over to the bed for dessert?” Despite his sophisticated clothes and manner, Dave had a certain coarseness about him. Though it had made Emma nervous before, now it turned her on.
“Yes, let’s!” She stretched out on her back on the bed, and held her arms out to the men. “Take off your clothes, lovers. I want to see all of you.”
They stripped. Emma giggled when she saw that they both had hard-ons. It was obviously a giggle of passion, for her eyes were heavy-lidded with lust she beckoned them onto the bed. They stretched out on either side of her and began to suck her tits. Dave’s hand roamed down and investigated the hot folds of her pussy. “Mmm. Nice twat, baby!”
“Oooohhh! Feels good-d-d!” She thrust her cunt up to meet his hand, urging his fingers deeper inside. Her pussy was hungry for hard, filling cock, but as long as it had to, it would settle for a talented finger.
“Jeez, she’s a hot one, Bob!” Dave told his friend. “I’m as ready for this as I’ll ever be!”
“I know what you mean!” Bob was fondling his rigid prick with a look of desperation on his face.
“You first, old buddy! I insist!”
“Hey, that’s really fine of you, Dave old pal!” Bob started to straddle Emma’s hips. Dave’s hands pushed him away.
“Not that way, buddy! I’ve got a better idea. More fun for both of us!” He urged Bob to lie on his back. Curious to know what his friend had in mind, Bob complied.
Emma ground her hips upward in frustration. She had paid little attention to the exchange between the men. AU she knew was that she wanted to get fucked. She smiled and closed her eyes as Dave again began to caress her pussy. “Ooooohhh!”
“Does it feel good, beautiful! Is your little cunt good and hot?”
“Oooohhh, yesssss! Oh God, you guys are driving me wild! Somebody fuck me!”
He turned her head to the side, toward Bob, who was lying expectantly on his back. “Look baby… look at that big stiff prick standing up there all hard and ready for you. Why don’t you climb on?”
Emma’s eyes flashed excitedly from Dave’s face to Bob’s face to Bob’s cock. She seemed to like the idea. The thought that Dave was going to get his kicks out of watching her fuck his friend gave her an added perverse thrill. She straddled Bob’s loins and guided his hard prick toward her trembling pussy. She grazed it back and forth along her pussy-slit. “Mmmmmm,” she moaned, then she sat down.
“Uuuhhh!” The hot clasping cunt-walls descending on his aching cock drew a grunt from Bob. He was more than ready for some good fucking, and the caress of Emma’s pussy on his swollen member urged him on. He grabbed her by the hips and began to guide her up and down over his cock. His masterful movement seemed to inspire Emma. She began to maneuver her ass with imaginative enthusiasm, riding his cock with the abandon of a reckless cowgirl. “That’s the way, Emma! Move that sweet little ass of yours!”
She braced herself against his chest and rode up and down, up and down, shaking it a little this way, a little that, till she was on the verge of fainting from excitement. “Ooooooohhh!”
“Aaaaaaggghhhhh…! I love it! I love it! God, your cock’s good in me!”
So far, things were going just as Dave had planned them. He wanted Emma to be thoroughly excited, open to anything, before he went into stage two of his plan.
Right now, Emma looked about as excited as any woman Dave had ever seen. She was writhing up and down over Bob’s cock like a demented creature. Her face was wreathed in a lusty grin. Her tits were bobbing and swaying with the frenzy of her movements. She was no longer making sense. Her moans and cries were incoherent, though uttered with passionate fervor.
He ran his hands lustfully over her ass and around under her belly and breasts as she struggled on all fours over Bob’s body. His touch was feather-light, designed to further stimulate her arousal. She responded to him, rubbing her body against him as he moved in closer to her. His fingers caressed the place where Bob’s cock was ramming into her cunt. They became wet with her juices. He rubbed the wetness on his cock and over her asshole, prodding it with the very tip of his finger. He felt the sphincter relax at his touch. She was enjoying the pressure.
“Mmmmmmm… ooooohhhhhhhh… aaaaaahhhh!” The woman was a mindless infernos of passionate arousal. She was thrilling to the depraved luxury of receiving two men’s attentions at once. She was thrilling to the hands and the cock caressing and loving every inch of her stimulated body.
“Oh, God… your cunt feels good, Emma!” Bob was so excited by Emma’s fucking rhythm, it was all he could do to keep track of his friend’s activities. He knew Dave had something in mind, and lie thought he knew what it was. He could hardly wait to find out!
Dave didn’t keep his friend in suspense much longer. He kneeled up behind Emma and gripped her hips firmly. He guided his moistened cock-head toward her defenseless asshole and shoved it just inside. He groaned as he felt her muscles grip him tight, rebelling at the unnatural intrusion.
“Oh God, no! Not in there!” Emma had been totally unprepared for what was happening to her.
She had heard about people fucking in the ass, but she had always imagined it must hurt. And it did hurt. Dave’s first entry gave her a sharp jolt of pain that frightened her. But instead of pulling out, he just kept on shoving. She had not suspected Bob’s friend was this kind of sadist.
“Hhhnnnhh! Noooo… don’t do it to meee!” A bizarre mish-mash of feelings were coursing through Emma’s body as Dave’s cock started to stroke a short way in and out of her asshole, then deeper and deeper as her body relaxed. There was a strange, intense masochistic excitement to feeling her asshole stretched wide open. To having a cock deep inside her most forbidden passage. She was only vaguely aware of Bob’s cock in her vagina at the moment. He was holding still, waiting for Dave to establish his rhythm. Her conscious feelings were all centered on that depraved presence in her asshole.
At last she had to admit to herself that she liked it. She enjoyed having her asshole screwed full of cock. It was different from being fucked in the cunt, but it was at least as exciting.
“Oooohhh, yesssss! Fuck me! Fuck me!”
Bob was scarcely able to believe his ears. She was enjoying it. She liked being screwed in the ass. Slowly he began to work his cock in and out of her cunt, sandwiching her between two thrusting pricks.
“Mmmmmm! Oooooohhhh!”
Bob had never seen a face so distorted with lust as Emma Tate’s was at this very moment. Her mouth was slack, her tongue running eagerly over her lower lip. Her eyes were half hooded, unseeing. She was panting like an animal in heat.
“Jeez, Bob, you sure are a friend! Uuuhh, Christ, it was far out of you to share something like this with your old buddy!” Dave was smug with his own good luck. The woman was enjoying the perverse party he had planned for her. She was fulfilling his favorite fantasy. He could feel his friend’s cock moving back and forth on the other side of her rectal membrane. The effect was titillating. It was a remarkable kind of intimacy, to share a woman with another man like this.
“Uuuuhh, what a tight little asshole you have, woman!”
Emma could not believe the intensity of the feelings ricocheting through her pinioned body at the moment. Never in her life had she imagined being fucked by two men at once. To be liking it, crying for more of it, seemed more incredible yet. But there was no doubt about it. She was enjoying the most erotic high of her entire life.
Time seemed to stand still as the three orgiasts concentrated on their perverted sexual coupling. All three were experiencing a pleasure they would not have known how to give name to. All three had lost track of time and place. They were panting, rutting animals — hot for the climax.
“Ohhhhhh… fuck meeee! Ooooohhhhh! I’m cumming! I’m cummmmm-ing-g-g!”
Both men felt a powerful surge in their gonads at the thought of what they were doing to Emma. She became limp as a rag doll. Her moans ceased. She had fainted.
“Oh shit, here I cum! I’m filling your asshole, baby!”
“Yiieeee! I’m doing it too!”
They lay for a long time together. Gradually the woman recovered from her climactic stupor. “Wow! I’ve never experienced anything like that in my whole life!” She looked from one man to the other, her eyes wide, looking for an explanation. Then she began to laugh.
The men laughed too.
“Baby,” Dave told her, “you have just taken part in the chefs special of lovemaking! There aren’t many women who’ll go that far. You are something special.”
“You sure are! Unbelievable!” Bob’s eyes shone with admiration.
Emma was feeling higher than a kite-high on sex. On excitement. On the lurid daring of their threesome. She felt like she could do anything she wanted at this moment. “You boys just keep on telling me those good things. I love hearing them. They’re all true of course, and I know it! But I like to hear it!”
Dave started to tickle her ribs. “You’re a saucy little whore, aren’t you?”
Emma was giggling uncontrollably. “Yes, I am,” she told him. “You bet I am!”
“Want to cry ‘uncle’?”
“Not unless you promise to fuck me some more!”
“Anything for a lady.”
Emma spent the night with the two friends. She was a little sore when she got home the next morning. But she felt great.
Her night at the Excelsior had been just what the doctor ordered. She didn’t even need a drink.
Harry discovered something new about himself on his weekend away from home.
He discovered that Helen had been right. Women did find him attractive, once he started to relax with them.
He did a very uncharacteristic thing on Saturday night. Instead of pouring over his notes from the day’s meetings, he went down to the social function being held as part of the convention. There were single, attractive women present, who had been thoughtfully provided by the convention committee. Harry wondered from group to group for a while, sipping scotch as he listened to the conversations going on all around him. Gradually he became aware of a well-built blonde who had been eyeing him ever since he entered the room. He returned her smile, and was surprised to see her walking toward him.
“Hi!” she greeted him. “My name’s Giselle. I’m not usually this forward, but I decided you were the best-looking man in the room, and I wanted to meet you.”
Harry was taken aback. He had never gotten this kind of reaction from a woman before — except for the night with Helen. He blushed with pleasure. “Well… from a lovely woman like you, that certainly is a compliment. I’m glad to meet you. My name’s Harry.”
“Are you one of these scientists, Harry?”
“Yes, I am.” He half expected her to look disappointed. Instead she seemed pleased.
“Oh, that’s wonderful. I’m a computer programmer for the physics department at my college. I love to meet other people interested in my field.”
She could have knocked Harry over with a feather after that one. He had never met a woman with a scientific mind and a terrific body, too. What a package!
Harry thought he had never spent a more pleasant evening in his life when, a couple of hours later, Giselle suggested they get away from the hotel for a while.
“A lot of scientists really are pretty stuffy.” She smiled ruefully. “I could use some fresh air.”
When he got outside, Harry took a big lungful of air. He was happy. It was a delight to talk to a woman who really understood what he was talking about. Especially one with such big blue eyes and such beautiful tits. He had had several drinks at the hotel. He felt like a schoolboy again — or like he should have felt as a schoolboy, and never did.
They stopped at a little all-night coffee shop for a cup of coffee. Conversation between them flowed effortlessly. Already they felt as though they had known each other for years. Except for one thing — the uninvestigated sexual attraction between them added an urgent dimension to their new relationship.
When Harry suggested they go back to the hotel, neither one of them doubted they would spend the night together. It was as inevitable as night after day.
They went to Harry’s room.
As soon as they were safely inside, they fell into each other’s arms and kissed long and deep. Their hands slowly explored the curves of one another’s body.
“Oh Harry… you feel good!”
“So do you, Giselle. I want you so much!”
They began fumbling with their clothing. When they were naked, they stared at each other a moment, each assessing the other’s body. Hers, full and firm and sensual. His hard and taut.
Her lush tits drew him to her. He bent his head and closed his lips over first one nipple and then the other. His hands squeezed the resilient flesh hungrily.
“Oooooohhh… Harry-y-y… your mouth feels good on me, Harry!” She was still moaning softly when he lifted her into his arms and carried her to the bed. He lay her down on her back and stood above her. His cock was hard and throbbing, eager.
Her eyes told him more than words. “Fuck me, Harry,” she said. “I can’t wait!”
He straddled her and guided his stiff prick toward her craving cunt-hole. He shoved it slowly, deep up inside. She moaned ecstatically as it penetrated farther and farther into her. Harry groaned, too. He thought he had never been inside such a warm, welcoming cunt in his life.
With a twinge of guilt, he realized this was what he had been missing with Emma all along. The meeting of minds and bodies. He had had a first glimmer of insight into his real needs the night with Helen. But Helen had just been a body. Giselle was body and mind.
Right now, her body was uppermost in his thoughts. He rested his weight on his left arm, which he placed near her head. He moved his cock slowly, sensually, in and out of her clasping pussy while he looked deep into her eyes.
“It feels good fucking you, Giselle. Really good. I don’t ever remember it feeling this good.”
“It’s good for me, too, Harry. I’m all fluttery inside. So incredibly excited, and we haven’t even done much yet. Wow… it’s incredible!”
Harry was almost frightened by the intensity of feelings and emotions they were both experiencing. He knew instantly that this was the real meaning of infidelity in marriage. It wasn’t fucking around. It was fucking when it involved this special kind of hearts-aflutter intimacy.
He moved his prick more quickly in and out of her tight little cunt. His hands caressed her belly, her breasts, her face. It seemed the real urgency for both of them was just to get cock inside cunt. Once the bond had been sealed, they were content to just drift with the beautiful feelings. They had found a good place to be.
Gradually, though, the excitement built. Their bodies automatically began to assume a faster pace. His cock lunged faster and deeper into her opening cunt. Her pussy-mound thrust upward to meet him.
“Ooohhh… ooohh, Harry! Oh Gawd, Harry!”
The increased abandon was apparent in her voice. It was becoming more tense. There was a volcano dying to erupt somewhere deep inside her. Harry’s hips thrust forward faster and faster. He had forsaken the more gentle pace of lovemaking flow in favor of brute fucking. His cock was swelling, throbbing with hunger. It wasn’t going to be much longer.
“Uuuuhhh… jeez! Giselle… ohhhhhh Christ! Your pussy’s so good!”
“Fuck me, Harry! Fuck me!”
They moaned and panted and sweated on the mattress for what seemed an erotic eternity. Her hips writhed spasmodically upward to meet his fitful thrusts. His buttocks clenched and shoved with piston-like regularity. They bounced on the mattress like kids on a trampoline. But this was serious business — the search for orgasm.
“Uuuuuuuuuh… ooohhhhh… Harry, I’m cumming! Aaaahhhhh!”
He had never experienced such delight in making a woman cum. His heart was beating furiously as he continued his rapid-fire pace. Then suddenly he was set free. He catapulted over the brink to join her in the fiery inferno of release.
“Jee-zuz-z-z! Me too, honey!”
They lay cradled in one another’s arms, talking and laughing, until their lust again prompted them to investigate one another’s bodies, more thoroughly this time.
What they learned about one another during the rest of the weekend was only enough to whet their appetite for more. Neither was sure what would become of the thing they had started. But they exchanged addresses and promised to be in touch soon.
Harry’s joy at meeting Giselle turned to guilt as he got closer to home and Emma. They had made a kind of pledge to give each other another chance, and he felt he had violated that pledge.
He vowed to try to make it up to his wife. He even promised himself that he would try to get Giselle out of his mind.
Emma seemed to be just as horny nowadays as she had been before her reconciliation with Harry. Hard as she tried to be a dutiful little wife content with home and hearth, she found herself more and more susceptible to the come-on looks she got daily from other men.
She knew she was being deceitful by not telling Harry about her outside affairs. Yet at the same time she was afraid to tell the truth. She knew doing so would mean a showdown. There were many advantages to living with Harry. She was not sure she wanted to give them up.
Emma had never had to wrestle with this severe a dilemma before. And it was taking its toll on her. She began to drink again. She would often be slightly drunk when Harry got home from work.
What worried her more than her own behavior was Harry’s attitude toward her. He was treating her like a semi-invalid these days. He never criticized her for drinking during the day. He was never abrupt or short-tempered with her. Emma was beginning to get the idea that Harry might have a guilty conscience too.
The most disturbing symptom of his changed attitude toward Emma was that he didn’t fuck her as often as he used to. Bored as she had become by his quickie nighttime fucks, when they became less frequent she realized she missed them. They were her security blanket. They told her Harry still belonged to her, whether or not she still wanted to belong to Harry.
Unable to confide any longer in her next-door neighbor, Helen, Emma spent long days alone feeling sorry for herself. She made love to the delivery boy from the supermarket one day, the plumber another, Bob another. Still she was dissatisfied, hungry for more. Her sex life seemed to have become a hole that couldn’t be filled.
Emma didn’t yet fully understand what was bothering her most was her inability to make a clear decision about her own life. She was letting life carry her this way and that, without taking responsibility for what she was doing. Deep inside, she hated herself for being so wishy-washy.
The days when Emma saw this clearly, she drank more than usual.
One Friday afternoon, she was feeling more than usually bored and frustrated. She was tempted to try to get in touch with Bob or one of her other lovers.
Something held her back. She decided the better thing to do would be to go meet Harry at work and suggest they go out for dinner or something. She felt she had almost got up the nerve to be honest with him about her thoughts and deeds of the last few weeks and months.
She took a bus to his lab, planning to ride back with Harry. She was surprised to find his office locked. She knocked at the door of the office next door, the one that belonged to Harry’s young assistant Craig Jackson.
“Hi, Craig! Where’s Harry?”
“Oh… he didn’t come in today, Mrs. Tate.” As soon as he had spoken, the young man looked as though he wished he could bite his tongue. He had leaked secret information. “That is, he had to go over to the university to talk to some people about our work.”
Emma was shocked. It wasn’t like Harry to vary his routine in any way without telling her about it. She felt nervous and suspicious, but she was determined not to let her anxiety get the better of her.
“I see… Well, it doesn’t really matter. I was just going to try to get him to take me out for a drink and a chat. I’ve been awfully lonely today.” She smiled, but her look betrayed a call for help.
Craig had always admired his boss’s wife from afar. He considered Emma Tate very beautiful, with her full-blown, Scandinavian good looks. He had even had secret dreams about what it would have been like if he had met Emma before Harry did. To see her this lonely and obviously depressed shook Craig up. It was like witnessing the fall of an idol. He decided to do what he could to restore her to her proper place.
“Well,” he said cheerfully. “Maybe I can be of service to a lady in distress. We do have some emergency rations here that might be of interest. Come on.” He led the way down the hall to the staff lounge. Emma noticed all the other offices were empty.
“Where is everybody?” she asked. “Did the whole lab go over to the university to talk to some people?”
Craig looked a little sheepish for a minute. “No, Emma… most everyone likes to take off early on Friday afternoon if they can manage it. Today, it seemed they all had something to do this weekend that they wanted to get started on right away. I’m the only one left. Us unmarried folk get left holding the bag quite a lot.”
Emma laughed. She had never had much of a chance to talk to Craig before. Whenever she saw him at the lab or he came over for dinner, he and Harry talked shop most of the time. She found him very charming, not to mention good-looking, in an angular, youthful way. Craig was another prodigy, like Harry had been. He was probably no more than twenty-one.
He pulled a bottle of gin from a cupboard over the hot plate. “Look what I’ve got here. Me you interested?”
“Marvelous. Just what the doctor ordered. Make mine a double.”
Craig was surprised. This lady obviously knew how to drink. “Well, in that case, I’ll make mine a double too.”
Emma made herself comfortable on the couch and motioned for Craig to sit beside her. She was feeling a familiar naughty tingle inside. She and her husband’s young assistant were all alone here. Who knew what might happen?
Emma was getting ideas.
“Shame for a fine-looking lady like you to be feeling lonely,” Craig told her.
“Oh… it’s not all that bad really. I’m just bored. Sometimes I get tired of the same old routine.”
“It must be pretty hard being a wife of a dedicated man like Harry. You kind of have to learn to roll with the punches, I guess.”
“I guess.” Emma was feeling giddy, reckless. “Luckily, Harry isn’t the only man in the world.”
Conversation stopped for a moment. They looked at each other while Emma contemplated the repercussions and Craig the substance of what she had just said.
Would he get the idea? She wondered excitedly.
So, she gets a little on the side, he thought. He knew the bait had just been dropped, and he lost no time in picking up on it.
“A good-looking woman like you could have any man she wanted.” That was his hook.
She bit. “Any man?”
“Any man.”
Excitement shone in both their faces. The circle was complete. Both now knew where the other stood. It was all right for them to pursue their mutual attraction.
“How about this man?” She poked him playfully in the chest with her finger, then fell easily into his arms. They searched one another’s mouths hungrily. He was disappointed when she drew away from him. He was afraid she had changed her mind.
“I want to make love to you, my way.” Her eyes gleamed with promise.
“Okay, Emma, honey. Any way you want it.” Craig through momentarily of his boss and whether he was being a shit, making love to Harry’s wife. With his easygoing morality, Craig found it easy to clear himself on all counts. After all, he was only doing what Emma wanted to do.
The young physicist could scarcely believe his eyes when he saw what Emma intended to do. She reached out and pulled down his fly. She pulled his aroused prick from his pants and fondled it playfully.
“Oooohhh, what a nice big cock you have! Would you like to make it all nice and hard for me?” She gripped it expertly in one hand and began to slide her fingers up and down, squeezing him just the right amount in all the right places.
“Aaaiiieee! Oh baby!” He gritted his teeth and watched spellbound as her fingers caressed his hard cock. He almost came when she bent low and began to lick his mushroom-headed cock-tip. “Wow! Dynamite mouth you got there!” This was a pleasure the young man had not expected to be enjoying this afternoon. The spectacle of the sensuous beauty bending over him, sucking his cock hungrily, was almost more than he could bear. It was the sexiest thing that had ever happened to him in his life. It sure beat taking a girl out on a date and having to fight to try to get into her pants.
Emma looked up at him for an instant. “See? It’s all nice and hard now… just the way I like it.” She grinned lewdly.
“It’s all yours, baby. Anything you like, I like.”
She began to bob her head in earnest up and down over the youth’s long cock-shaft. The tip of it grazed the back of her throat, made her cough every now and then. That only made it more exciting for Craig — watching her struggling to take all of it every time.
To increase the titillation on his cock, Emma made a little ring of thumb and forefinger and worked it along his prick in synchronization with her mouth. Her efforts were rewarded by his groans, long and lusty. She smiled to herself as he clawed at her back, overcome with the fury of his arousal.
For the first time in his life, Craig was learning to appreciate what experience could do for a woman. He had never had a head-job like this in his life! He felt like there were Cupid’s arrows darting all through his trembling body, inciting him not to love but to lust. “Ah, jeez, suck it, baby! You’re good, Emma! Real good!”
“I love tasting your cock in my mouth, Craig! Tastes so good!” The young wife was enjoying her depravity. Heedless of the risk she was taking sucking someone who knew her husband, she dwelled on the erotic aspects of making love to his cock right in Harry’s place of work. It was lewd and irreverent, but she was loving every minute of it.
At last her hot little pussy could take no more of the torture of neglect. She stood up and pulled her skirt up to her waist. She was wearing nothing underneath. While the boy watched open-mouthed, she straddled his lap and sat down on his cock.
“Uuuuhb, Jee-zuz! Man, you’re really doing it to me, Emma baby! Christ, move that little ass of yours!” The sheer wantonness of the woman was driving Craig to a kind of excitement he had never known before. His cock was throbbing at the clenching feel of her cunt-muscles wrapped securely around it. When she began to wiggle her ass up and down, it was sheer erotic torture, the way her pussy struggled to hold onto him. “Hhnnhh! Aaiiee!”
“Oh Craig, your cock feels so good in me, baby!” Emma closed her eyes and braced herself against his shoulders as she raised and lowered her cunt over his stiff prick. She loved being in control like this, moving her pussy just the way she liked it best, to get him inside her just the way she liked him. “Ooohh… good! Wonderful!”
The sight of her lust-distorted face made Craig want to do it to her — to take control from her and fuck her till she didn’t know which was up. He grabbed her firmly around the hips and began to guide her movements up and down over him. He sent his cock lunging into her harder and faster and deeper until she was howling like a werewolf.
“Oooohhhhhh! Oooooooooohh! Oh Craig! I love it! I love it!” Her despondency from earlier in the day had now completely evaporated. She had a new life, a new vigor. Once again, she realized that this was the way she was truly happy — living out bizarre sexual fantasies on a variety of men. She wasn’t meant to be a one-man woman.
Craig grinned up at the moaning woman, satisfied that he was giving her a sexual experience that she wouldn’t soon forget. For a woman who was a nice respectable scientist’s wife, Emma Tate certainly had the responses of a whore. He sensed that she could probably go on and on this way, that she would have a bottomless appetite for fucking. He began to speculate about the chances of getting together with her again. She seemed ripe for sexual adventure.
He held her ass steady and shoved into her again and again, watching the tense look on her face turn to putty.
“Oooohh Gaw-w-w-d! I’m cummmmm-ing-g-g!” She wriggled her ass feverishly down into his lap and threw her head back, howling her ecstasy to the ceiling.
“Oh yeah, baby! I’m going to fill you up!” Watching her go over the hump triggered Craig’s hot jets of semen. It was an intense orgasm, one that took him several minutes to recover from.
When Emma finally left, after they had fondled each other for another half hour, she swore him to secrecy and promised to see him again — sometime.
Only three days later, Harry overheard two men talking by the sinks as he sat in a cubicle in the staff lavatory. One of them was Craig Jackson.
“Jeez, Dick, I’d always thought Emma Tate was a good-looking woman, but I never suspected she was an out-and-out sex maniac. I just couldn’t believe the way she climbed right onto my cock and started riding it hell-bent-for-leather.”
There was more, but Harry didn’t pay any attention. The words hurt, but they were no more than what Harry had suspected. That had been part of the reason why he couldn’t fuck his wife as often as he used to. She seemed like used goods to him now.
He was grateful to Craig Jackson in a way. His big mouth had helped Harry make a decision that was long overdue.
Harry was a man who thought before he spoke. Instead of confronting Emma right away with his new knowledge, he let a couple of days go by while he planned his exodus from her life.
He came home Wednesday night as usual. “Hi, Emma.”
“Hi, Emma!” Her mocking voice was high pitched and peevish. Harry could see that she was pretty drunk, and hankering for a fight.
“What’s the matter, Emma?” His voice was calm, a little bored. He was determined not to let her get his goat.
“Why would anything be the matter, Harry? You’re the best of all possible husbands. This is the best of all possible worlds!” She waved her arms vaguely in the air, indicating the span of the world.
“You’re waxing poetic this evening.”
She sat up abruptly on the couch. She had been lying with a glass in her hand. She set it sharply on the table. “You’re always so smart, Harry, so calm and collected. Sometimes I think you’ve got ice water flowing through your veins.”
“We can’t all be the hot-blooded lover type, Emma. I’m sure you know far more about that sort of thing than I ever would.”
“Speaking of hot-blooded lovers, big boy, where the hell were you last Friday? I stopped by your office, and Craig told me you were off doing research. A likely story! Who were you with!” Emma realized she was treading dangerous ground, but she was bored and she wanted a fight. She figured this might be a good way to get it.
Harry seethed at the sheer nerve of the woman. After what she had been up to with Craig Jackson, she had the nerve to accuse him! He struggled for self-control. “If you must know, I went to the airport to see a friend who was passing through. We had lunch together.”
Emma leered at him. “And what did she look like?”
That did it for Harry. He wasn’t going to put up with anymore of this bullshit. He knew Emma was looking for a fight, and he was going to give it to her. “None of your Goddamned business, Emma.”
Emma’s flesh tingled with excitement. This was what she had been looking for — some action! She was tired of feeling guilty about her own behavior. It was time Harry suffered a little too.
Things did not proceed quite the way Emma had anticipated, however. Instead of arguing with his wife, Harry grabbed her and knocked her roughly back against the couch. He pushed her over so she was lying on her belly. He shoved the bathrobe she was wearing up over her waist to reveal her bare ass. His fingers investigated the crack in between her buttocks. When he pulled them back out, they were wet.
“So it turns you on, does it, Emma? You like to bring out the worst in yourself and others! You’re even more of a pervert than I thought you were!” He shoved a finger into her asshole. The surprised sphincter relaxed and let his finger pass right on up inside.
“Oooohhh! Uuuuhh!” Though she knew Harry was right about her perversion, Emma could not prevent herself from giving in to it. She wanted to see what Harry would do when he was really mad, and she was finding out. He was treating her more roughly than he ever had. It excited her. It made her pussy throb with desire.
Harry’s finger squirmed around inside her asshole, stretching the sensitive membranes. “Feels good, eh, Emma?”
Ever since that first time with Dave and Bob, Emma had enjoyed the thrill of having her asshole penetrated. She squirmed her ass back onto his stiff finger. “I love it! I love it, Harry!”
“I should have known!” It suddenly occurred to Harry that Emma might not be a virgin in her asshole. She may have let one or many of her lovers screw her back there. She seemed to have no fear of his finger up inside. Harry didn’t really care anymore. He just knew he wanted to make the parting gesture. He wanted to leave Emma a little something to wonder about — the thought that she might have had just the man for her, if she had known how to bring him out, the way Giselle brought him out.
Harry’s cock was hard and throbbing with his angry excitement. He grabbed hold of the shaft and guided the tip toward her helpless asshole. He rubbed the tip over her sphincter.
“Oooooohhhhhh! Oohh, Harry!”
When he saw his moment, he shoved forward, sent his cock soaring into her asshole. He grunted at the sensation that ripped through his body. He had never been inside anything so tight in his life!
He half expected Emma to start shivering in pain. Instead she wiggled her ass provocatively and egged him on. “Ooooohhh! Jeez! Fuck me, Harry darling! Fuck me in the ass!” Emma was impressed with this new side of Harry. She had always thought of her husband as a bit of a coward — a quiet little man who would rather switch than fight. Never had she seen him in such a rage! Never had she experienced such passion with him!
She braced herself against the couch cushions and started to sway her ass back as Harry started to fuck up into her. As his thrusts became more and more urgent, her response grew wilder and wilder.
This was what Emma had wanted from Harry from the beginning. He was fucking her recklessly on the living room couch. Both of them still wore their clothes. It was the spontaneity, the urgency of lovemaking that she desired!
“Uuhhh! Oooohhh! Harry! Harry! It’s wonderful!”
“Jeez, Emma, your ass is squeezing my prick like a glove!” Harry knew assholes were tighter than pussies, but he had never imagined anything like this. This was exquisite torture!
For a minute, Harry forgot all about the vengeance he was taking on his moaning wife. He concentrated solely on the titillating sensations springing from his cock and soaring throughout his quavering body. He thrust his cock steadily in and out of her, drinking in the mindless pleasure of each deep lunge, of each regretful drawback.
“Oh Harry, I never knew you were such a wild lover!”
The revived some of the man’s anger. All these years, he had been giving the woman everything he had. Now she was learning to appreciate him because he was fucking her in the ass! His wife really was a pervert! He would be much better off without her.
Suddenly he was anxious for the thing to be over. Emma’s drunken cries and groans were beginning to sicken him. She was so much less than what he had once thought she was. They were strangers to each other again. They had come full circle.
And the oddest thing was, Emma still thought he was making love to her.
“Mmmmm… ooohhhh!”
Though he wanted to finish, Harry was not above getting his reward first. He pumped deep, hard and rhythmically into her until her moans were one long hysterical whine.
Then, at last, she gave in. “Harry! I’m cumming!”
The spasmodic clenches of her ass were more than Harry could resist. He came too, quietly. His hot cum in her asshole was the last thing he would ever give Emma.
While she lay panting and moaning softly, he rose to his feet and put his cock back into his pants. “Well, Emma, I’ll always remember you like this.”
There was a silence before she crawled up into a sitting position and faced him. She started to laugh, but the grin froze on her lips. She was scared. “What do you mean, Harry?”
“I’m leaving you, Emma. I’ve packed a little suitcase with what I need. I’ll be back for the rest once I’m settled.”
She stared at him, speechless, her mouth hanging open. The light beads of sweat from lovemaking still stood out on her forehead and her cheeks.
“All this time, Emma, we’ve both been too gutless to do anything about our shitty marriage. I might still be too gutless, but something I heard the other day gave me the courage.”
“What did you hear?” The words were uttered mechanically. Her eyes never left his face.
“About you and Craig Jackson. You mentioned that you stopped by the lab the other day. You didn’t mention that you stayed to fuck my assistant!” He was getting angry again, but the thought that it was already over cooled him off. They were already in the past. They owed each other nothing, but a quick divorce.
He went to the closet and pulled out his suitcase. He was obviously ready to leave.
Emma leaped from the couch with a sudden burst of energy that even she hadn’t know she possessed. She ran to Harry and threw her arms around him. “Please, darling, you don’t under stand…! I was lonely… I lost my head!”
He set the suitcase on the floor and firmly pulled her arms from his neck. “You’ll always be lonely around me, Emma. I’m not the right man for you!” He couldn’t resist one last dig. “Maybe, if you shop around, you can get yourself a whole harem. Then you can fuck all day and all night.”
Emma’s fear turned to bristling hatred. “How dare you talk to me like that? Who the hell do you think you are?”
“I’m a man in love, Emma. I intend to marry a wonderful woman, as soon as you give me a divorce.” He picked up his suitcase once again, and left the house. He closed the front door quietly behind him.
Emma finally found her voice. “Well, we’ll just see how long she can put up with you!” She pounded her fists against the back of the door. Tears streamed from her eyes. It was over.
For several days, Emma saw no one, spoke to no one.
Gradually she pulled herself together. She had to face facts. Her husband was gone. He was not her husband any longer. It was frightening, the idea of having to build a new life, alone. But she could do it, if she had some help. She needed friends to boost her morale.
She summoned up all her courage, and went over to pay a visit to Helen Robbins. Helen was wary at first, but once she realized the other woman was hurt and lonely, she wrapped her arms around her and hugged her tight.
“I’ve missed you so much, Emma. It’s horrible not to be able to drop in on your next-door neighbor for a cup of coffee. Sam has missed you too.”
“I’m sorry I was so silly, Helen. I treated you badly.”
“That’s okay, honey. You were having troubles. You were in a bad marriage. You’re out of it now. You’ll have a chance to feel good about yourself again.”
Emma spent that night with Sam and Helen. They began to introduce her to more of their friends — ones with lots of money and good stiff cocks. Emma was out almost every night, partying.
“I’ve never had so much fun in my life,” she told Helen.
But underneath it all, she was still lonely. None of her new friends ever came to visit her just to sit and talk, to give her some moral support. When they came to visit her, it was because they wanted to fuck. Period. Many of them had wives and children at home. They could only afford to spend a few hours with Emma.
She was very pleased when she opened the front door one Friday afternoon and found Bob standing on the other side. It was the first time she had seen him since her separation. He had been on a sales trip to the East Coast. Now, his broad smiling face filled her with new hope.
Here was somebody who really cared for her, even if he did like to fuck other women. Here was a real friend!
“Oh Bob…! You don’t know how glad I am to see you!”
“I’m glad to see you too, honey. I thought about you a lot when I was back east. Manys the night when I wished you were there with me.”
“Bob! What a nice thing to say!”
He held her in his arms and they exchanged a long, lusty kiss. A kiss that reminded them both of the kind of ecstasy they enjoyed with the other’s body. They began to strip.
“I thought of a new way we could do it, Emma!” He picked her straight up in the air and ordered her to wrap her legs around his waist. She did as she was told. He carried her over to the sturdy dining-room table and lay her upper body down on it. Then, spreading her knees wide, he grabbed his cock and stuffed her.
“Oooohhh! Bob! That’s sooo good!” With his cock penetrating her cunt at a forty-five-degree angle, the penetration was incredible. She could scarcely believe the intense sensations that had grabbed hold of her body. Something wonderful was happening to her!
“Oooooohhh! I’m curtmmmm-ing-g-g!” No sooner had this orgasm passed, than a second swept over her. She seemed unusually open, unusually receptive tonight. She felt like she could keep or cumming forever and ever.
She didn’t get the chance. Bob buried his cock deep in her cunt and grunted his own release. She could feel his prick jerking inside her, filling her pussy with boiling semen.
When the crisis was past, Bob lifted her up and set her back down on the floor. “That was great, doll!” He went back into the living room and started dressing. “I’m glad my rounds brought me to this neighborhood today.”
Emma was surprised and disappointed. “But listen… why don’t you stay for dinner? I’ll make something special.”
“Sorry, beautiful. I’ve got a date tonight.”
Emma held out her cheek to be kissed as he was leaving. The passion was gone. She was not interested in being a drop-in fuck for someone who was going to go out and spend his money on someone else, who wasn’t quite as “easy”.
The episode with Bob started Emma thinking. She knew she didn’t want a dull marriage and a monogamous existence, but she didn’t want to be an old shoe for whatever cock wanted to drop by either. She needed to start picking and choosing her lovers.
Emma went out and found herself a job as secretary to a group of doctors. They were psychiatrists who specialized in sexual dysfunction’s. Emma became interested in their work, and was eventually offered a job as a sex surrogate. She made love to men who thought their sexual performance unsatisfactory. She helped them to build confidence by teaching them how to relax with a woman, and how to get into better contact with their own bodies.
It was rewarding work. Emma had found a way to put her strong sex drive to good use. She found that the men she saw in a professional capacity became her ideal lovers.
After all, she had trained them to do exactly what turned her on.
In a matter of months, Emma received a proposal from one of the psychiatrists she had been dating for a while. He loved her, he said, because she was so unafraid of sex. Because she knew how to recognize her own needs, and to satisfy them. That was the kind of woman he wanted.
Emma was flattered and pleased, because she had found the kind of man she wanted. Together they could have an open relationship, and the security of finding each other at home at night. It sounded perfect.
Emma was looking forward to a whole new life as the doctor’s wife.