Vintage gangbang and orgy xxx

The time is 1942. The world is at war and George Hunt, an English
spy somewhere in France, along with, Monique Rouge, a female member of
the French Resistance, are picked up and are taken to Paris for
interrogation. After the local SS intelligence agent can’t get anywhere
they are turned over to the Gestapo. Their top two female agents, Major
Rhonda Hindenberg and Lieutenant Darleen Dumkopf, a pair of tall, kinky,
busty, blondes, who have always managed to get the information out of
their interogees, are assigned to the case.

George is an extremely handsome man with long shaggy brown hair, a
bushy mustache, and is hung like a horse. He is a striking figure at
six foot two and two hundred pounds of muscle. Monique, is a
statuesque, blue eyed, bleached blonde with an hour glass figure that
would make a Barbie doll look dumpy. Her most prominent assets are, of
course, her 40F breasts. She has a real tiny waist and flaring hips
with an ass that begs for you to fuck it. In addition to her physical
attributes, she has a beautiful face with bedroom eyes and a mouth that
you just have to fuck.


Monique is pulled from her cell and taken to an interrogation room.
She’s wearing the slacks and blouse she had been captured with. Major
Hindenberg, Lieutenant Dumkopf and three of their men are in the room.
After an hour of getting nowhere, the Major finally says, “Vell, ve
shall have to try a defferent method. You vill take off all of your
clothes, French swine!”

“But your men, they weel see me!” Monique pleaded.

“They veel do more than see you. Now strip I say! Unless, of
course, you vant them to help you!” the Major responded, with a sneer
on her face and a nasty chuckle at her own joke.

Reluctantly, Monique removed her clothing, as slowly as possible to
delay these horrible people from seeing her naked body and as sexlessly
as possible so they would get any enjoyment from it.

When she was finally naked, Lt. Dumkopf, took her clothing and left
room, returning shortly empty handed.

The Major commanded, “Now Bitch, stand up!”

Monique stood up, covering her breasts with one arm and her mound ‘d
Venus with her other hand. The Major took her riding crop and smacked
both hands until Monique stood there with her hands to her sides, her
naked body exposed to the cretins interrogating her .

“I’m going to give you vone last chance, to tell me vhat I vant to
know!” the Major whispered in her ear, “And den ve shall have some fun
vith you.” Again she chuckled nastily at her own pun.

“But I don’t know anything.” Monique pleaded.

The Major nodded and the three men approached her, holding various
bondage devices. A thick, stiff collar was placed around her neck,
forcing her to look straight out and preventing her from raising or
lowering her head. Next wrist cuffs were secured to her wrists and
locked into place and ankle cuffs secured to her ankles and locked into
place. Her wrist cuffs were then secured to the opposite side of collar
with a link that snapped shut once in place.

This positioned her with her upper arms going straight up from her
shoulders and combined with her lower arms coming down at an acute angle
her arms formed the letter ‘M’ above and behind her head. With her arms
in this position, her massive tits were pulled very high on her chest
and thrust out, making them even more prominent than they were anyway.
In addition, it also forced her head forward, choking her slightly on
her own collar.

She was then placed on her back on the interrogation table, a
smallish, heavy wooden table. First thick, wide straps, which were
already attached to the table, were drawn tightly over her stomach and
her arms and secured in place. This left only her legs mobile, but not
for long.

Then the three men and the Lieutenant brought her legs back, bending
the knees and pulling them apart. A lasso from a rope was passed over
each foot and moved down her legs until it was just above her knees.
Then Monique heard the sound of a motor and felt it’s vibrations, as the
slack was pulled out of the rope, drawing her legs even wider apart and
pulling them down until her knees touched the table, next to her tits.

This position left her wide open and vulnerable. She could feel her
pussy and anal lips gaped wide open in an obscene invitation that she
didn’t want to be giving. The only parts of her body that she could
still move were her legs, but only from the knees down and she could
still move her head from side to side.

The Major came up along side of her with a sneer on her face and
said, “My vhat a lovely pecture you are, all tied up like a present!”

She gave a maniacal laugh as she began tweaking her captives exposed
clit. When Monique finally had to gasp from the pleasure the Major’s
fingers were giving her, the Lieutenant shoved two of her long, gloved
fingers into Monique’s snatch right up to her knuckles and immediately
began finger fucking her with long, quick strokes.

Being naked and tied up as she was, was embarrassing enough, but
these women were turning her on in front of these enlisted pigs. Her
body betrayed her, as her juices flowed copiously from her cunt, coating
the Lieutenant’s gloved fingers and flowing in rivers from her wide open
hole down across her dainty little anus, that was pursing open and
closed, like a fish’s mouth, and sucked the liquid in.

The Major nodded again, and the Lieutenant pulled her fingers from
Monique’s pussy, drawing a whimper from their bound prisoner, and shoved
them back in to her ass.

“Aaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeee!” shrieked Monique, both from the
pain of the entry to her virgin anal cavity and because it set off her
orgasm, making her buck and shake on the table as well as she could,
bound as she was.

The women stopped stimulating her and when she calmed down the Major
said, “Vone last time, vill you tell me or not vhat I vant to know!”

“I would if I knew anything. I certainly don’t enjoy being bound and
used like this.” Monique cried out, tears of humiliation streaming down
her face.

“Shave the BITCH!” The Major screamed to her men and then to
Monique, “You’re lucky mine men prefer a gud smooth shave. I prefer to
shave my prisoner’s with cold water and a dull razor. It leaves their
puusies all torn up and tender. Can you imagine vhat it vould feel like
to be shaved like that and then to have either salt rubbed in or alcohol
poured on such a torn up piece of flesh. The pain is exquisite! But
theese men, who are going to fuck you, complain that the stubble
irritates their balls. So I relent and let them shave you properly.
Aren’t I generous?”

A cart was rolled up to the table containing the necessary tools to
do the job, a large bowl of hot water, a straight razor, strop, and the
shaving cream kit. Monique eyes bugged out as she the big fat sargent
took the towel out of the hot water.

“Wwwwhere are you going to shave me?” she asked.

“Vhy your puussie of course!” the Major responded laughing.

“No not that!” she pleaded.

“Vell, vill you tell me vhat I vant to know?” The Major asked.

“But I don’t know anything!” she protested.

“Too bad!” she said and nodded to the corporal.

He forced a ball gag into her mouth by squeezing her nipple and then
viciously twisting it. Just as Monique opened her mouth he quickly
brought the ball to her mouth and forced it in, over her squeals of protest.

He placed the hot towel on her crotch. After a few minutes he
removed it and shoved the brush into the shaving cream and then onto her
bush. The sargent slowly and deliberately went about his task and
removed all of the hair from her crotch. A depilatory was then applied,
left to set and finally wiped off, leaving her crotch as hairless as the
day she was born. The gag was removed and a mirror positioned so
Monique could see what they had done.

“Vell how do you like it?” the Major asked, with that nasty laugh of

Monique just cried at seeing the loss of her lush bush. The three
men dropped their pants and underwear, exposing three horse sized
cocks. Not just one of the men were huge, all three had over twelve
inch long cocks that were outrageously thick. Knowing that the Major
had threatened her with a fucking, her eyes bugged out as she began to
cry and plead with her not to do this as she knew nothing.

The Major said, “The only theeng that vill save you from being raped
repeatedly by my studs ees for you to tell me vhat I vant to know.”

“But I don’t know anything!” Monique wailed.

“Too bad.” the Major said as the Sargent slammed his huge salami
fully into her unprepared cunt and immediately began fucking her as hard
as he could.

Monique cried out in pain as the Sargent’s cock impaled itself in her
dry passage, tearing at her tender, sensitive skin and stretching her
out like she had never been stretched before. It wasn’t long before her
lubrication began flowing and it wasn’t long after that before she was
grunting in obvious pleasure.

Seeing that the woman was beginning to enjoy her raping, the Major
leaned down next to her ear with a sneer on her face and said, “I see
that you like being raped by large cocks.”

“No I don’t, ” Monique cried, “it hurts.”

“No, I think you are enjoying it too much. Vhy don’t you smile for
de camera!” she snickered, as she pointed the camera out to the bound
girl, which was recording everything from the way her cunt lips grasped
the huge cock as it tried to exit her hot, wet hole, to her facial

Monique didn’t want to let these animals see that they had forced her
to cum but the fact that the big dick was rubbing places where no man
had ever been before and was filling her like she had never before been
filled was more than she could deal with and she could feel her orgasm
approaching. Just as she felt it was about to wash over her, the major
took her riding crop and began beating her nipples as hard as she could,
denying Monique the pleasure of her orgasm.

The Sargent continued fucking the bound prisoner bring her to the
brink of orgasm only to have the major beat her sore nipples until the
pleasure died away. When he finished the two corporals replaced him,
also fucking Monique, deep and fast bringing her to the brink of many
orgasms, only to have the major beat her nipples to prevent her from
experiencing any pleasure.

The men had prepared an exceptionally large dildo, bigger than any of
their cocks, especially in width, with a lubricant laced with a
lineament. After the last man came inside of her, the dildo was forced
into her well prepared hole. Although it stretched her some, the
continuous fucking over the last hour helped to ease its entry.

Suddenly Monique’s face turned red and she screamed out in pain as
the lineament began to burn inside of her.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeee! OH GOD! TAKE IT OUT! IT’S
BURNING ME UP!” she hollered.

The camera focused in so that her ass was in the bottom of the
picture, showing the base of the huge dildo sticking out of her cunt,
her pussy drooling in rivers and her clit so erect that it looked like a
miniature penis, her face with all of it’s expressions at the top of the
frame and in between her huge breasts jiggling. Her breathing causing
them to rise and fall rapidly and her huge, thick, erect nipples
sticking out like the tips of her thumbs. Her five tormentors watched
over the next hour as Monique struggled in her bonds, cuming
continuously from the heated lubricant.

The Sargent lubed his cock up to bugger the bound girl’s virgin ass
hole. Monique was so gone by this time she didn’t even feel him slip
his monstrous appendage between her ass cheeks and up to her dainty
little hole. The first she became aware was as he shoved half of his
cock into her virgin ass, drawing a cry of pain from her as his huge
prick stretched out her anus mercilessly.

“Aaaaaaaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeeee!” she bellowed in pain as the
huge dick took her anal cherry. “PLEASE TAKE IT OUT! YOUR KILLING
she pleaded in vain.

The pain was even worse because of the huge dildo filling her pussy
hole made her anal passage even tighter. Again the three men fucked her
over the next hour and each time she came close to an orgasm the major
would mercilessly beat her nipples, preventing her from cuming.

When they were finished fucking her ass, the ball gag was reinserted
in her mouth,
she was removed from her bondage, taken back to her cell and rebound to
her cot with her arms secured above her head, her legs spread wide and
up ninety degrees from her body with her ankles secured to chains from
the ceiling. Her cell door was left wide open and she was used
repeatedly by guard after guard the rest of the day and all night long.

The next morning the three men from the previous day came to get
her. After removing her bindings, they took her to the men’s shower to
clean her up. The three of them getting naked to shower with her. Six
pairs of hands scrubbed and groped her for half an hour, then dried her off.

Although she no longer wore her ankle or wrist cuffs, she still wore
her collar. A leash was attached to the collar and the Sargent, led her
to the non-com’s dinning room, naked.

The Sargent commanded, “Sit!” pointing to a chair.

Monique starred in horror as permanently attached to the seat of the
chair were two huge dildos that were obviously meant to impale her cunt
and ass and on closer inspection, the dildo meant to impale her cunt,
also had a nasty looking clital stimulator.

“I said SIT! and I mean SIT!” the Sargent barked.

The room fell into a hush as all eyes were starring at her. She knew
she had no choice and moved to position herself to sit down. Slowly she
lowered herself onto the twin raping devices. As she felt the twin cock
heads press up against her openings, she shuddered in fear, causing her
massive tits to jiggle and her nipples to become erect, to the amusement
of her audience. Very slowly she pressed down, impaling herself on the
fake cock heads. Once they were both inside of her, she began slowly
fucking herself on the dildos, taking more and more of the twin rapers
inside of her as her enormous tits jiggled like Jell-O on her chest and
her nipples obtained full erection before her bottom rested fully on the

As she moved down the last inch, her clit came in contact with the
rough, spiked clital node and she orgasmed, much to the delight of the
men in the dining room. She screamed out in bliss and her whole body
shook as she fucked herself in short up and down motions on the twin
dildos, ramming her clit into the devious device again and again and

Finally the orgasm died down. She slumped forward against the table
and she passed out. While she lay there, unconscious, several men came
up and brutally squeezed her big tits and viciously pinched, twisted and
yanked her nipples. In fact, they continued doing this even after she
came to. She tried to stop them but the Sargent ordered her to stay in
that position and let the men have their way with her.

While the men brutalized her breasts, the corporal got her breakfast,
the first meal she had, since lunch, two days ago before she was brought
in. When it was set down in front of her, she devoured it and a second
helping was placed in front of her which she also devoured while the men
continued their rough abuse of her huge tits and nipples.

After breakfast she was taken back to the men’s shower, douched and
then given an enema. Then the dildo from the day before was reinserted
into her cunt, along with a butt plug. She was then taken to the
Lieutenant’s quarters.

The Lieutenant had been a movie makeup artist/hairstylist before the
war. She worked on Monique’s hair for over an hour until it looked
really good. She then painted the girl’s finger and toe nails a bright
red and began working on her face. She applied the makeup heavy, with
blue eye shadow, black eye liner, rouge on her cheeks and breasts, and a
matching bright red lip stick until Monique looked like a prostitute.

Next she was forced to put on a black garter belt, black fish net
stockings, with a seam up the backs of her legs, and seven inch stiletto
high heels with leather straps criss-crossing her feet and were locked
onto her feet with a strap across her ankle, pulled tightly over a hasp
and then locked down with a small lock. The collar was removed and the
ball gag forced back into her mouth. She was then brought to a
different interrogation room where George, also naked, was secured to a
chair, although he wasn’t gagged.

This room was larger and had many dastardly looking devices and
implements. Monique was then also secured to a heavy wooden chair. Her
arms bound together with rope from above her elbows to her wrists,
forcing her shoulders way back and her chest way out. Then she was
pushed into the chair, and her wrists were secured, with a short length
of rope, to a cross bar between the two back legs of the heavy chair.
Then her ankles and calves were tied to the outside front legs of the
chair, forcing her legs and knees wide apart and exposing her shaved,
splayed open cunt to George, whose chair was positioned so that he could
see her in all her naked glory and she him in his naked glory.

George couldn’t help looking at his naked companion, after all, he
hadn’t been with her long enough to get her into bed. “I’m sorry that I
got you into this.” he thought to himself but said nothing nor did he
show any outward emotion, other than the quick look over her naked
body. Then added to that thought, “God, I wish I knew that she looked
this good under all those clothes she was wearing. Because I would have
fucked her as soon as I met her.”

The Lieutenant, who had left the room after delivering Monique
returned in a black latex outfit that clung to her like a second skin
and included five or six inch heeled boots. On closer examination,
George noted that the garment left her tits, crotch and ass exposed, as
well as having holes for her, eye, nose, mouth and pony tail. While he
had been looking over the Lieutenant, the Major had stripped off her
skirt and panties and was also dressed in five or six inch stiletto heels.

“Ve are going to have some fun today!” The Major announced. “But
first I need to know vhat the landing plans are!”

“You’ll never get a word out of me!” George advised her.

“Ya, I am sure if I had only caught you, that you would be impossible
to break. Unfortunately, your lady friend here, will be the one
tortured until you do talk. Vone last time before ve begin. Tell about
the landing plans!” The Major insisted.

“NEVER! I’ll never talk. You will have to kill me but I won’t
talk.” George told his interrogator.

“Ve shall see. Ve shall see.” said the Major, with a smirk on her
face and nodded to the Lieutenant.

The Lieutenant walked over to Monique, puffing heavily on her long
cigarette holder, making the end of the cigarette glow bright red. She
hefted one of Monique’s heavy tits, then brought the end of the
cigarette down onto the tip of her nipple and held it there while
Monique screamed like a banshee, muffled somewhat by her gag, as she
struggled against her bonds. The Lieutenant then walked around the
chair and repeated the torture on her other nipple, after stoking the
tip of the cigarette with more deep drags on it.

George simply said, “Stiff upper lip, old girl. Lay back and think
of France and all that, eh wot.”

The Major had walked over to the camera man, noticing that he was
beating his meat, while watching the scene unfold in front of him, and
asked, “Are you geeting all of this Hans. I vant thee whole theeng on

“Ja Frau Major. Oh Ja, Ja, Ja!” The excited man exclaimed as he
continued jacking off.

After letting the pain in her nipples fade, Monique was released from
the chair, and taken to the center of the room, where her ankles were
secured in cuffs, which were in turn attached to the outside of a three
foot wide spreader bar, which was in turn attached by a short chain to
an eyelet secured in the concrete floor. Her wrists were then attached
cuffs attached to another three foot wide spreader bar which was hanging
from the ceiling by chains.

Once her wrists were secured, the major pressed a button, and the
chains above pulled up until she was completely taut. The major came
over to her with a long length of rope. One end had a lasso, which the
major slipped over Monique’s left tit and cinched it tightly around the
base of her breast, drawing a gasp of pain from the naked woman and then
jerked it hard again, just for good measure. She then proceeded to
tightly bind the base of the well endowed blonde tits until her boobs
were tight balls and had turned red from the lack of blood flow. She
then repeated this on her right tit.

Tying it off and she stepped away as the Lieutenant moved towards
Monique, carrying a viscous looking cat-o-nine-tails. She stood in
front of the tightly bound woman to let her eyes take in the beauty of
the whip. It had a dozen long supple leather strands, ending in knots
over 1/3″ wide metal balls, which would really damage her when they struck.

Monique’s eyes bulged and she was pleading for mercy, but with the
gag in her mouth, her words were all garbled.

“Vhat’s that you say. You vant de vipping to start now!” The Major
mocked her.

Monique shook her head side to side, indicating that wasn’t what she
meant, but the Major nodded her head and the Lieutenant drew her arm
back, then forward, smacking right into Monique’s unprotected tits. She
pulled the whip completely through her swing and then reversed
direction, smacking the tits again with her back handed motion.

Monique was screaming in pain, tears running down her cheeks as the
vicious weapon kept striking the thrust out tits again and again and
again, leaving black and blue marks were the vicious knotted ends bit
into her flesh and in some places she was already bleeding.

“Crops and whips may bruise her tits, but secrets shall not leave my
lips.” George said, to let the Major know that she couldn’t break him.

In spite of the spectacle of this George’s cock remanded limp,
through his concentration of really disgusting things to prevent him
from getting an erection that the Major could use against him.

After twenty minutes of constantly beating the bound woman’s breasts,
the Major took over the whipping. She had a short bull whip, only six
foot long. She pulled back, the tip on the floor and drew it up between
Monique’s legs, the part behind the tip came up between her splayed cunt
lips striking the inner lips and her clit, as the tip struck the girl
right on her anus.

Monique’s screams, muffled by the gag, were none-the-less, loud and
sounded more like they belonged to a wounded animal than to a human
being. She was also struggling in her bonds and trying to pull her
hands and feet from their restraints to no avail. The Major repeated
the cruel whipping another eight times before Monique finally passed out
from the pain.

Her respite was short lived however, as the Lieutenant waved an
ammonia capsule under her nose, reviving the pain wracked, bound woman
to the reality of her tortures. A heavy table was moved up to the front
of Monique’s hips. The Major pressed a button and her arms were pulled
forward, forcing her to bend forward over the table, bringing her tits
down to within a foot of the table when the Major stopped the machine.

The Lieutenant, placed a large pin cushion, filled with four inch
long hat pins on the table in front of the bound woman with the bruised
and bleeding tits. Her breasts had now turned purple from the lack of
blood flowing through them.

The Lieutenant, took a pin out of the cushion, and held a lighter
under the end, heating it up, and said, “Ve vouldn’t vant to have you
get an infection, now vould ve?” as she laughed at her on joke.

Monique could only look on, her eyes bugged out in terror, knowing
what was coming next. Sure enough, the Lieutenant, slowly, ever so
slowly, to enhance Monique’s torture, drove the pin into her breast,
right at the edge where the areola touched the white part of the
breast. Starting with the right tit, she drove a pin into her breast,
drawing a muffled scream of agony from the bound woman. She then did the
same on the left breast, again drawing a muffled scream of agony from
the bound woman. Going back and forth between her right and left tit
the process was repeated, each one making Monique scream in extreme
agony, until both of Monique areolas were completely surrounded by the
pins. She then stuck a pin through the base of both of her fully erect
nipples and another straight down through the center of the tips of her
nipples. She then stuck half a dozen more of the long sharp needles
into the breast meat itself, until Monique’s tits truly looked like pin
cushions themselves.

Due to all of the screaming that Monique had done as each pin was
inserted into her tits, she was now drenched in perspiration, exhausted,
sore, and her throat too was sore from the screaming.

George commented, “Your threats are pointless. I shall nevah betray
old Blighty!”

In spite of the spectacle, of the Monique’s tits being turned into
pin cushions, George’s cock remanded limp, through his concentration of
really disgusting things in order to prevent him from getting an
erection that the Major could use against him.

The Lieutenant then brought her gloved hands up to Monique’s breasts,
such that the nipples would seat themselves in her palms, and pressed
her tits in towards her chest, driving the needles even further in,
while she squeezed the meat around them. Monique cringed in pain, as
tears flowed down her cheeks.

The Lieutenant suddenly let go and resumed preparing needle to go
into her prisoner’s monstrous tits. When she was through, in addition
to the needles surrounding her areolas, she had a dozen needle in the
white part of each breast as well as three in each nipple.

The rope binding her tits was removed, which caused the bound woman
additional pain as the blood rushed back into all of the bruises, cuts,
and needle holes. The Major hefted her tits, one at a time as high as
she could get them and then let gravity takes it course, making the
heavy, sore breasts, fall and then bounce and jiggle, moving the needles
around inside of them, thus causing the helpless woman additional untold

She was released from her bondage, only to be forced down onto a
small stage. First she was fitted with a wide cinch belt around her
waist, which was drawn painfully tight and secured in place. She was
then led over to the stage forced down onto her hands and knees. First
just below her knees straps secured her legs to the stage with her knees
three feet apart. Next her ankles were similarly secured to the stage
almost four feet apart. She was then brought back up and the padded bar
she had been pushed over was adjusted so that it perfectly hit her were
her thighs met her hips.

She was then pushed forward again, over the bar and a strap drawn
over her waist to secure her in place. Two more straps on each arm
secured her forearms to the stage, one just below her elbows and one
over her wrists, forcing her pin filled breasts to be pressed into the
rough wooden stage. The Major then attached a short chain to the D-ring
on top of the head strap holding the gag firmly in her mouth. The other
end of the chain was attached to a D-ring on her cinch belt. This
pulled Monique’s head up and back, so that she was forced to look
straight ahead, right into George’s crotch, which was still limp.

This bondage forced the girl’s ass high into the air, with both her
cunt and anus gaped wide open. Her back was arched down to her ribs and
then back up to her head, the top of which was as high as her ass,
forming a low wide “U” shape. It also press her bruise, bleeding needle
filled tits against the stage, pressing some of them further into her
already sore breasts.

The Lieutenant walked over to a small forge and pumped the billows
with her high heeled boot, making the fire get hotter and hotter. She
put on a pair of thick leather gloves and pulled an branding iron out of
the charcoal driven fire. First she walked around in front of Monique,
to show the terrified woman the glowing red hot branding iron. Monique
tried to plead for her not to brand her with it, but with the gag in her
mouth, her words were unintelligible.

The Lieutenant then moved around behind her. She lined it up, to ensure
that it would be very readable, then pressed the hot metal into the
girl’s yielding flesh allowing just enough time for it to sink in and
then pulled it away, returning the device to the forge. The room
quickly filled with the smell of burning flesh and Monique’s shrieks of

As the hot metal came into contact with her ass cheeks, Monique drew
her head back even further than it was being held by the chain, the
muscles in her neck stood out and she let loose a scream that filled the
entire building, even through the gag, just before passing out again in
pain. Now permanently etched into the skin on her ass cheeks read:

Property of the
German High

As they were getting ready to brand Monique, George said, “That won’t
work either — I’m told that I have an excellent poker face.”

In spite of the spectacle, of the Monique’s being branded like live
stock, George’s cock remanded limp, through his concentration of really
disgusting things to prevent him from getting an erection that the Major
could use against him.

This time the officers let her recover on her own. Monique was out
for over an hour. When she finally moaned, signaling her return to the
here and now, the Lieutenant strapped on a dildo, that was bigger than
anything that had previously been forced into Monique’s cunt and ass.

“Eeet’s the large, pleasure size!” The Major commented. “Eet vas
modeled from Her Heneral’s prize stallion, vith da ridges added for da
victim’s addeetional torment!” and laughed hysterically as the
Lieutenant lined it up with Monique’s open, defenseless cunt hole. As
she pressed the head in, Monique hollered in pain, her throat now almost
raw from screaming almost the whole day as she was tortured. Slowly the
Lieutenant fucked the monstrous twenty inch dildo completely into
Monique’s pussy passing through her cervix and completely filling her
womb. She then began to fuck her prisoner with it in earnest, slowly at
first until the girl’s cunt stretched wide enough to accommodate it and
her juices were flowing to lubricate it.

As George watched the spectacle of Monique about to be screwed with a
horse sized dildo he said, “Probe all you wish. My lips are sealed….
Oh I say…. you’re not really going to put that thing up ….” and his
cock began to inflate into erection.

“Oh my…. Oh, good lord…. Oh my….” he sputtered as the
Lieutenant slowly fucked the humongous dildo into his bound companion.

The Major seeing his cock get hard came over, began jacking him off
with a very slow up and down motion, and asked, “You vish to talk now, eh?”

As the English spy didn’t say another word, the Major squeezed his
balls, just tight enough to prevent him from cuming but not tight enough
to deflate his cock as they watched the Lieutenant fuck Monique faster
and faster for the next ten minutes, bringing several orgasms to both
the prisoner and her tormentor.

The Lieutenant finally had no energy left and pulled the huge dildo
out of Monique’s cunt with a loud, wet, obscene, plopping noise. She
then called in the three men who had tormented her the day before. They
released her from her bondage. But then folded her up like a pretzel
so that her elbows were hooked under her knees, pulling her legs back up
along side of her torso, and her wrists secure along side her neck on a
short chain behind her neck. This position forced her feet out to the
side 100 degrees apart.

She was then carried over to a machine that looked something like a
guillotine. A rope pulled down from a pulley secured to the top of the
device was knotted onto the D-ring on the top of her head (the one
holding the ball gag in place), and she was raised eighteen inches. A
thick, heavily ribbed dildo was then screwed into the base of the device
and Monique was secured with an additional cinch belt just below her
breasts and then the two cinch belts were secured by short rods to
rollers on the devious device.

She was then lowered until her anus pushed up against the dildo,
making sure that it was properly lined up. She was then raised to the
top of the device and the rope was tied off to a spike on the wall. A
candle was then placed under the rope, slowly burning it’s way through
the hemp.

“Time ees running out, Englisher. You really don’t vant your
comrade’s ass impaled on that huge dildo do you?” the Major said,
nodding towards were the candle was burning through the rope, as she
continued masturbating the bound spy.

“Oh my…. I just can’t…. I mean…” he sputtered as the major’s
jerking him off began to have a real affect on him.

Monique was squirming, hoping to move herself just enough not to land
as planned on that the dildo that would be forced up her ass, but it was
that very movement that finally made the rope snap, plunging her down so
that she landed hard right on target and the dildo went fully and
quickly into her butt in less than a second from the time that it first
touched her anus until her ass cheeks smashed down onto the base,
stopping her downward plunge. Her eyes really bugged out and her
screams of both pain again could be heard all over the building,
probably outside as well. The ribs running around the dildo, carefully
spaced up the entire length of the shaft, although causing additional
pain from stretching her recently deflowered anal cavity even wider,
also brought her to a quick orgasm, as her sphincter was forced to
quickly closed down and then was quickly forced wide open again in
rapid succession as her ass was impaled on the damnable device.

As she began screaming, George popped off, the first squirt spraying
the Major’s face with his cum, before she quickly shoved her head into
his lap swallowing his cock and sucking him dry.

She then said, “So, you veel talk now, yes?”

“On one condition ..” he replied.

“Vhich ees?” the Major queried.

“That I get the British distribution right to the film!” he answered.