Whore wife cheating her idiot husband

I smelled her perfume as I entered the room. It was a warm
familiar odor which never failed to excite me. Her room was
illuminated by only a single bulb, shrouded by a silken shade. I
could hear her breathing, even and slow, indicating she was
sleeping soundly. I crept silently to her bedside, standing over
her and smiling at her almost childlike appearance as she slept on,
oblivious to my presence. How many years, I thought, had it been
since we first met and felt the stirrings of passion?

Hadn’t it been just a few summers ago that she came into my life
looking tanned and fresh despite the torrid August heat? She was
with her husband then, a large man, a protective but kindly man. He
obviously idolized her judging from the way he allowed her to have
her way with everything. He certainly could not have guessed that
before a year had passed that his wife and I would become lovers,
but then, neither could I.

From the first moment I met her, she was on my mind, in my
dreams, in my fantasies. She was the type of woman who could make
your palms sweat. Seeing her that day in her shorts and a T-shirt
tight enough to tantalize any sane man was just too much. I openly
remarked to my friends how she would make a nice addition to the
collection of women I had known and loved. She was tall and blonde
and had legs that were awesome. I imagined how they would feel
wrapped around me and smiled inwardly at the wicked thoughts that
came to mind. It was all I could do not to drool all over myself.
The stammering and blushing was probably too obvious.

I spent the better part of 3 days dreaming up scenarios we could
engage in, but her husband kept her on a tight lead and I could
only stand and admire her from a distance. Finally, just before
they left, she was alone with me for a short time, too short. I
made polite conversation while trying to conceal my real feelings.
I think she noticed how I looked at her, but she was totally
relaxed and made me feel more at ease than I usually was with other

All too soon her husband came back to claim her and take her out
of my life, perhaps forever. It was now or never. I had to take
the chance and at least get one small bit of body contact with her
or die never having known how she felt in my arms. Taking a deep
breath and summoning up all my courage, I reached out and took her
in my arms. She was so supple and warm. This was a difficult
moment, but I wanted so much to show her how I felt. I kissed her
ever so gently and properly, but in that brief moment, I knew I had
to meet her again, no matter what the cost. When I released her,
she backed off a bit, looking I thought a little flushed, and
smiled at me with eyes that told me that she liked the kiss too
much. Then she turned to her husband, took his hand, and walked
out of my life.

She was gone. Life went back to normal for me, except that her
memory kept creeping into my head when I least expected it. I spent
many long nights of wondering and wishing that she and I could be
together at least once. My daily routine was frequently interrupted
by lustful thoughts of her. This was getting me nowhere. I
resolved to forget this fantasy and go on with real life.

Fate, however, had different plans. Just when I thought I had
managed to clear my mind of her memory, she contacted me and asked
if she could bring a friend to visit one of the men who worked for
me, and could they please stay with me during that time. My mind
spun in circles with all sorts of ideas, but I remembered the
husband, the marriage, the imaginary “This Property Belongs To…”
sign around her neck. No doubt her husband would be accompanying
her and my desires would be frustrated even more.

I agreed they could come. How could I deny that lucky young man
what I wanted for myself? He would have a cute female all to
himself for the weekend. I would just get to look, but not touch,
what I really wanted. No date was agreed upon. I almost forgot the
request until I saw a blonde walking up the road and thought for an
instant it could be her! Impossible, but as I drove my usual rounds
later, I met two lovely ladies on the road and instantly got that
sweaty palm reflex. There she was, just as I had remembered her
all these months. Tan and in shorts and the customary T-shirt. She
looked wonderful! I felt like a silly adolescent, smiling so much
that I’m sure everyone thought I had gone crazy from the heat and
too much work. All sorts of thoughts ran through my mind, but I
suddenly remembered the husband. Where was he?

She walked over to my vehicle, leaned in the window and gave me
a sweet hello kiss. This was heaven! I had died and they forgot to
tell me. Now I was really in trouble. My mind raced on with all
sorts of scenarios, none of which I thought would ever happen.
Still, I was hoping that somehow I might get at least a little time
alone with her.

I plotted and schemed how to get her away from her friend if
even for a few moments. She introduced me to her friend who was
going to stay with the other guy. I offered to drive them down and
they eagerly climbed in beside me. My life’s desire was sitting
next to me, bodies touching, making me weak and causing certain
parts of my anatomy to remind me they were still very much alive.
Pleasant conversation was out of the question. I couldn’t think of
one sensible thing to say. The girls were chatting away happily as
the nights accomodations and I dropped them off.

I hesitantly asked if they both would be sleeping there. My
blonde answered with a smile that her friend would be, but that she
was hoping to stay with me, if that was ok? OK???? Heck! More than
ok! I wansn’t sure I was hearing it correctly but I wasn’t going to
argue about it either. I grabbed her suitcase and tossed it in the
back and literally raced back to my place with her at my side.
Plans, plans, tons of plans! I couldn’t decide whether to devour
her right there or wait till after dinner. Even better, I thought,
SHE could be dinner. My hormones were raging; she sat composed and
smiling. How could she look so calm when I was a nervous wreck?

While carrying her suitcase inside I managed to ask where her
husband was. She calmly said he was home and that this was a girl’s
outing only. More panting on my part, more body parts reminding me
of their needs. What I really wanted to do was drag her off the
bedroom and have my way with her immediately. Instead, I asked
politely if she was hungry and if she would like to have dinner.
Her answer was so simple. She wasn’t really hungry, but she was a
bit tired and would like to perhaps lie down for awhile. Then
miracle of miracles,she asked me to join her.

I followed her like a puppy on a leash. I was hers to do with as
she wished. This was going to be pure heaven. It had been a long
time since I had made love to anyone, but I thought I could
remember how it went. I went over the steps in my mind. Go slow,
dont panic, kiss, touch, hold, fondle, remove a few articles of
clothing. So easy to do, but once she lay down on the bed and
turned to me, I completely lost all sense of decorum. The polite
first kiss turned into a deep hungry passionate one.

In some ways I felt like a kid getting his very first piece. I
fumbled with her clothing, trying to undo buttons and hooks. The
T-shirt was easy. Tug, pull, off, but she was pressing her body
against mine so hard that I couldn’t get my hands in between us to
pull off her shorts. After a few fumbled moves she noticed what I
was doing and easily slipped out of the rest of her outer
clothing. I kept kissing her, slipping my tongue between her teeth
tasting her tongue, probing deeper and deeper. She was wriggling
and moving against me making my obvious erection even harder with
each squirm. I really wanted to just rip off her panties and
penetrate her right then, but I also wanted her to enjoy this
moment as much as I.

I backed off a bit to get a good look at her partially clad
body. Black see through lace panties and matching bra. The bra was
properly filled and her erect nipples were poking through inviting
me to attend to them. I didn’t wait to remove the bra. I just
sucked right through the lace. Heaven! But this only made me want
to see more and get naked skin contact. I reached under her and
found the hooks. I’d completely forgotten how to undo those with
one hand. One hook is a problem, two is aggravating, but THREE was
beyond my limits. I decide to take the straightforward approach.
Without ceremony I grabbed her, rolled her onto her stomach and
attacked the hooks straight on with both hands. She was a bit
startled, but breathed a sigh of relief and giggled at my
frustration and my solution. The giggling was cute, but I decided
she was in need of a firm hand now, which I applied directly to her
butt. OUCH! This definitely had an effect.

Now, not only hot and bothered, we were engaging in a combat to
see who would prevail. She immediately rolled out from under me,
pushed me back on the bed, and without hesitation pulled off my
shirt, unbuttoned and unzipped my pants and pulled everything off
and tossed it on the floor. Ok the rules were finally established.
This was going to be fun. I needed fun, but more than anything
right now I needed some pure animalistic sex. We both were panting
and sweating now each looking at the other to see who was going to
make the next move. I decided I was going to be in control, after
all, I’m the male here, and males are supposed to be in control.

It was time for some serious foreplay. I just sat there looking
at her beautiful brown eyes. She was staring back with an
expression which told me she wasn’t sure what was coming next. She
soon found out. Very slowly, very tenderly I stroked her hair. She
sighed. I pulled her closer and kissed her again, softly, deeply.
She trembled. I stroked her back, tracing the curves down to her
bottom. She pressed her self closer to me. I laid her down and
began to lick and suck her nipples. She gasped. I let my tongue
trail down her torso until I had tasted every inch, stopping just
short of my intended target. She shuddered and whined. I started to
lick my way back up, but she grabbed my head and tried to push it
downward, obviously showing me what she wanted. I knew from her
moans that she was ready for some oral delights. So was I, so I
allowed her to manipulate me into the correct position and began a
slow and delicious licking of her most sensitive spot. I soon
discovered this was not an easy task.

She was not one to lie still and kept alternately thrusting her
hips and pushing my face deeper between her legs. I never heard of
anyone suffocating from this activity, but I did think that there
is always a first time, and was mildly panicked for a few moments.
Her undulations were getting faster and her vocalizing louder. It
was obvious she was about to come. I kept licking and sucking and
was rewarded with her screams and her shattering orgasm accompanied
by her trying to squash my head like a grape. I didn’t have time
to think about what to do next, she was whining and pleading me to
enter her, and my body was reacting. I could feel the pressure
building and needed a release too.

With one swift move I literally pounced on her, quickly finding
the target which was dripping with her juices. I intended to go
slowly, but the lubrication was so heavy that I virtually slid in
all the way on the first thrust like a batter sliding into home
plate. It became impossible to do anything but just hammer away at
her and frankly at this point I had no intention of anything else.
It was my turn to come and I was going for it now. She moaned with
each stroke as I pushed deeper into her. She whined when I started
to pull back too far and she thought I was going to pull out. She
bucked her hips in time to my thrusting, making sounds I’ve never
heard before, but they totally made me wild. Finally I could hold
back no longer, and with complete fulfillment shot my load deep
within her. This triggered another of her orgasms and we both lay
there with reciprocating contractions until our muscles relaxed and
I unhappily slid from within her warm body.

After a brief rest we went at it again all night and into
morning. She was so uninhibited. Every place I touched seemed to
send her further and further into some secret world of pleasure. I
was enjoying listening to her, half wondering if the neighbors were
able to hear what was going on. They probably figured it was those
X-rated movies I watched endlessly. This was better than any movie.
This was real life and I was starring in it. I didn’t get much
sleep in those few days. Even when she slept I stayed awake just
looking at her, wondering why she came into my life and was willing
to share herself with me. I never asked, I just accepted what she
offered and gave what I could. When she left, I felt that same
emptiness you get when a true friend moves away and you think you
will never see them again. Someday, somehow, somewhere, I knew she
and I would meet again, and I would be just as breathless and
amazed and in awe of that special blonde.

I kissed her gently on the forehead. She mumbled something
unintelligible and opened her eyes. She yawned, stretched, and
reached out to me. I inhaled her fragrance again. Its sweet odor
as intoxicating as ever. As she pulled me closer I thought of all
the things I should be doing. People to see, things to do, but
somehow nothing seemed all that important right now. Once again I
became part of her fantasy, and she part of mine, and that one
moment in time became an eternity.