Annie and Julie (lesbian,extreme)

Annie watched the spread-tied girl’s narrow hips thrash
as the young victim tried futilely to kick her legs
free. Her open-legged struggle caused her pussy to
“dance” above the bed delightfully. Annie reached out
and grabbed a thatch of the girl’s pubic hair, pulling
her upward by it until the girl tore her hips away.

Meanwhile Julie pinned the girl’s shoulders down and
buried her face in the girl’s left breast, sucking
voraciously as if she could force milk from it. Her
free hand plucked the girl’s right nipple upward, and
then slapped beneath the breast several times to make
it jiggle.

Annie, her eyes shinning as she watched the girl’s
jerking pussy, undressed herself in delicious
anticipation. She rubbed the fingers of her right hand
in the juiciness between her own legs, as her left hand
forced the helpless girl’s hips down to the mattress.
Her right hand then spread the girl’s pussy open and
began rubbing rapidly up and down within the helpless
vagina. Annie was forceful, determined to make the girl
cum instead of allowing her to withhold herself.

Her mouth muffled by a gag and covered with tape, the
helpless girl could only moan “Mmm! Mmm! Mmm,” in
panicked frustration while Julie’s mouth made
deliberately loud sucking sounds on the girl’s nipples.

“Be good, be good, be good,” Annie said, stroking
coaxingly between the girl’s legs, speaking mostly to
hear all three of them making sex sounds together. She
pressed her fingertips on the girl’s clit, knowing that
her insistent rubbing was causing the girl both
discomfort and compulsion. “I’m going to make you cum,”
she said, speaking at the girl’s pussy.

Five minutes of vigorous but experienced effort brought
the girl to orgasm, her resistance suddenly ending and
her body yielding to climactic spasm, her moans
becoming louder, and then silenced. Annie yelped and
shrieked with delight, and continued her persuasion
until she’d forced several more orgasms from the girl.

As cum juice flowed freely from between the girl’s now-
quiet legs, Annie and Julie looked at one another
across their victim’s body and grinned with delighted
victory. Annie held her hand before Julie to show its
wetness; Julie took Annie’s hand and licked her fingers
lovingly. The two women embraced and made love while
lying naked on top of their captive girl. Julie moaned,
“I love you, I love you,” and Annie yelped and screamed
in ecstatic orgasm while the girl cried quietly beneath

Julie had been so timid when they’d first met. She was
married then–still was, technically–but her sex life
with her husband had become non-existent. She’d played
around with a few men, but found that she lost interest
in each of them quickly. Then, without any prior
experience with other women, she’d been adventurous and
answered Annie’s Internet Personals ad:

Fem master for sub Fem. 28-yo fem, fit, brown hair and
eyes, seeks soft little obedient sex slave who simply
can’t give herself enough pleasure alone.

Upon their first meeting Annie made Julie prove
herself, having her masturbate to climax repeatedly and
then beg Annie for sex between times.

Julie fell deeply in love with Annie, and soon learned
that Annie’s passion lay in Julie’s unquenchable
compliance. Keeping Annie’s love depended upon Julie
cumming whenever asked, as often and for as long as
Annie desired. The demand for her sexual availability
helped Julie feel completed as a woman. From then on
few hours went by during any day without Annie calling
Julie’s cell phone to listen to her be good.

Within a month Julie had left her husband and moved in
with Annie, to willingly spend her life with her
fingers almost constantly between her legs.

Annie was an artist who worked at home, drawing
illustrations for lesbian publications. She made Julie
quit her job in order to be available all day long and
to be a muse for Annie’s artwork. Together their life
was very happy.

Julie had constant sex, often given with her own
fingers, but always for Annie’s loving appreciation.
She was forbidden to masturbate without Annie there to
see her, and soon any prolonged absence by Annie became
tortured frustration for Julie.

When Annie repaid Julie by giving her pleasure it was
heavenly. Annie encouraged Julie to talk continually
during sex, describing her feelings of arousal and
sharing her fantasies and her most intimate secrets,
which Annie learned to apply with expert skill.

Annie touch Julie’s body often, almost constantly, and
she loved being touched. They slept in one another’s
arms each night, faces close enough to kiss, with a
hand upon each other’s breasts. During sleep Julie’s
other hand lay cupped between her own legs, put there
by Annie, who at any moment might awaken her with a
touch that said it was time for Julie to be good again.

“Do you like this one?” Annie asked Julie one day after
they’d been together for about a year. Annie put a hand
on Julie’s shoulder, caressing her neck, and felt
Julie’s left breast as she showed her a drawing of two
women whipping a third, who appeared to be unwillingly
dildoing herself.

“Ooh, that’s exciting!” Julie answered.

“Show me that it excites you,” Annie demanded.

Annie led Julie into their bedroom, where their much-
used daytime “sex sheets” were already spread to
protect the bed. Julie removed her nightie, which was
her daywear at home when Annie was around. Lying down
upon the bed, she took a medium-sized vibrator, spread
her legs open toward Annie, and began coaxing herself.

Annie removed her artist smock and other clothes and
caressed Julie’s pretty nipples, saying nothing as she
listened to the slender blonde’s breathing quicken into
moans, accompanied by her usual quiet narrative, “Oh I
love it just like this; just kissing my clit, just the
tip entering my pussy and pressing upward…”

Annie made Julie play for a long while, kissing and
caressing her, watching her while she moaned in
desperation and plaintively cooed “Please, please,
please.” Annie touched and held Julie, smiling lovingly
as she looked at her, but this time she did nothing to
aid Julie’s acts. She was in one of her like-to-watch
moods. Julie was deep in passion and desperation when
Annie finally let her cum.

“I love you, I love you, I love you!” Annie taught
Julie to say that when she came, instead of simply
moaning or saying oh god.

“Where you thinking about the drawing?” Annie asked
afterward, one finger slowly teasing within Julie’s

“Uh, huh,” Julie said, indicating yes as she touched
Annie’s nipples, reassured to find them as aroused as
they appeared to be. Julie wanted desperately to please
Annie and be loved by her. She lay back and closed her
eyes as Annie brought her to a second, most excellent

Annie kissed Julie’s sweet lips, and then kissed her
way down Julie’s body, swinging her legs over Julie’s
face. Annie was much harder to bring off than Julie
was. She moaned appreciatively for long minutes, and
then began yelping, biting fiercely within Julie’s left
thigh and leaving red marks. The harder she bit the
more delightedly she yelped, but eventually she
quieted, and then snuggled her head against Julie’s
loins peacefully.

“You didn’t cum this time, did you?” Julie asked

“You know it’s not easy for me,” Annie apologized,
“unless I’m really aroused.
I’m so envious of what you can do.”

She kissed Julie right on her clit, which was Julie’s
favorite thing and a rarely-bestowed treat.

“You can use me as much as you like,” Julie offered. “I
love you Annie, and you can use my body however you
need to.”

She knew that Annie sometimes had to hurt her in order
to orgasm. Julie’s body showed a few lash and rope
burns, small love marks that would eventually heal.
Lately Annie needed to be rougher in order to cum.

Annie kissed Julie lips, excusing herself, saying, “I
love you very much Julie. I’ve go to go finish some

Over the next week Annie showed Julie more artwork
depicting two women torturing a third. One picture
showed a woman hanging from the ceiling by her long
hair, her fingers frantically masturbating between her
forced-apart legs as she dangled inches above the cruel
point of a spear.

“I love cumming for you,” Julie said, after looking at
the drawing for a while. “I want to always be the one
to do it for you.”

“Nobody could do it better than you,” Annie said,
kissing her. They had sex again, leaving Julie with
fresh bruises, but Annie held herself back and again
she didn’t orgasm.

Annie’s next sketch showed a woman fastened spread-
eagle upon a wall, with pins through her nipples and
chords on the pins that held her heavy breasts up
against their own weight. A candle was inserted into
her vagina, the flame burning inexorably upward toward
her, while two girls, ignoring her plight, had
passionate sex on the floor before her.

“Does she ever get off the wall?” Julie asked?

“If she agrees to join them,” Annie replied.

“Is this for your job, to illustrate a story?”

“No, it’s just some ideas I’ve been having,” Annie

“I wouldn’t want the girl to have a bigger chest than
me,” Julie said. She started to feel her own chest.

“I love your beautiful chest,” Annie told her, and they
retired to the bedroom again.

The next sketch was of a younger, twenty-ish girl, her
breasts smallish and firm with youth. She was tied to a
bed, crying and fatigued. Her thighs and the sheets
beneath her were soaked, and still a slender blonde
woman dildoed the girl insistently. A darker-haired
woman knelt on the bed and masturbated as she watched.

“I like this picture very much,” Julie said, after
studying it carefully. “Do you think the brown haired
woman would cum if she saw the girl being raped by the

“Oh, yes!” Annie said, “she’d have wonderful cums. She
wants to see her lover being cruel to a sub-slave.”

“This is very arousing,” Julie said, looking at the
drawing again, “Yes, I like it. How do you think the
girl got lured into it?”

“Let’s see what ideas you can come up with,” Annie

They went into the bedroom together, and shortly
afterward Julie’s sex-breathy voice could be heard
speaking in gasps while Annie coaxed, “Good, good; keep
coming with the ideas. What would we do after that?”

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