Story of two chicks and me

I was at home and with snow falling outside I put on a hoddy and fired up my rig. I logged online and started to download my emails, dam 600+ emails, and 99% spam, ack! I noticed that my friend Samantha was online in AIM so I sent her a “heyzxa…” She replied and we […]

Sex with Minnesota Twins

Dear Idiot, How are you? Never mind I don’t care, I just want to write you and complain about something that you wrote to a newsgroup that I found on google. I recently found your stories on the usenet, and even though they completely suck, I did a search to find more to read. Well, […]

Photo Story (MF,cons)

I’d been trying to talk Sarah into photography for a while. She had been reluctant, to say the least. She was adamant that she wouldn’t allow herself to be photographed if it meant that ANYONE else would see the pictures. I tried to explain that we could have the pics developed through the mail at […]

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