Extreme Scat with Jake and Tina

Jake Mathers was a sick man. Sick in the head that is. The
demented product of an upper class upbringing that saw a few small yet
distinct moments in his early childhood that turned him this way, he
was now in his mid fortees and very perverted.
It wasn’t just the fact that he lusted after teenage girls. It
was the fact of how he liked to use them. Jake Mathers liked to
degrade them and treat them like objects in addition to a host of
other filthy and twisted things. As sick as he was, he had a wealth
of experience in getting what he wanted. He knew that in order to
perform these types of sick fantasies, he had to search outside the
realm of the protected environment under which he was raised. Wealthy
people tended to have plenty of resources and education. The same
could be said for the middle class. However the place that constantly
yielded the best results for his perverse searches lay in the poorer
areas of inner city’s and rural neighborhoods. These were the areas
where violent crime, drugs, and prostitution were rampant and the
local police barely had any foot hold whatsoever. They were stuck
trying to keep up with the major crimes like murder and drug dealing.
Jake was not interested in the first two problems. He was
interested in the third, which attracted the least amount of
attention. Prostitution. The answer to all his perverse prayers.
Jake understood these kinds of women. He knew what led them to sell
their bodies. Usually it started within these same poor
neighborhoods. The women were the product of divorced parents, step
fathers, and sexual abuse. This in turn led to a life of yearning to
be accepted due to feeling low about themselves. Few girls raised
under these conditions ever found a way out. Instead, they turned to
screwing the first boy that made them laugh, perhaps trying drugs in
order to be “one of the crowd,” and ignoring what little education
they recieved from the poorly funded schools to avoid such addicting
traps. Most of these girls dropped out of school at a very young age,
learning very little about life and the many traps that awaited them
in the outside world. As their drug additions grew, their ambitions
began to disappear. Soon, they reduced themselves to nothing but
mindless objects searching for their next fix.
Jake had seen it all before. One such case involved the girl he
was searching for now as he cruised the main street of a poor inner
city setting. Her name was Tina and she had long blonde hair that
hung down halfway past her shoulders. She was slender and had
beautiful budding breasts. When he first picked her up five years
ago, she was 17 and had barely begun her cocain habit. She still
possesed a mind of her own for the most part, and only resorted to
selling herself as a last resort to obtain her fix on a “bad day” when
nothing else materialized in the form of money from her mother or her
friends. He remembered the day vividly. He had picked her up off the
corner and politely introduced himself to her – hiding the hideous
interior of his mind at first. When she seemed to relax, he offered
her $75.00 to let him fuck her up the ass. She immediately became
angry and scolded him for being “A SICK PERV!” and bolted out of his
car at the first stop.
For several years, Jake had approached her time and again when he
saw her walking the street. Each time he propositioned her, she gave
him a dirty look of utter disgust and distain and kept walking. But
Jake was persistant and very observant of this snotty little fuck toy.
Sure enough, as time passed, Tina’s appearence began to change. Her
clothes began to look more and more unclean. She seemed to become
more “dirtier” in appearence, and needle marks were beginning to form
in exposed places on her arm. It was clear to Jake that she had
become more heavily addicted to drugs. After a little more time, he
decided to proposition her again. Surely her snotty attitude would
give way to her “addictive needs.” It was just a matter of time. She
had disappeared for a few months – probably in jail for prostitution,
then she resurfaced once again.
As Jake remembered it, it was a Friday evening years later. He
had avoided going home from work as a daytime computer analyist and
went to the poor section of the city to scout out women with drug
addiction. At that point in time, he hadn’t gotten with too many
women, but it was then that he sensed that targeting drug addicted
girls was the first step in achieving and fullfilling his perverse
fantasies. Tina was no exception to this rule. She was the perfect
white trash teenybopper that Jake craved.
Sure enough that evening, he saw her on the corner. It was a
chilly autumn evening and the stupid cunt had her arms folded tightly
around herself to protect her thin, drug infested body from the cold.
She was wearing nothing but a trashy looking red cutoff t-shirt and
filthy short shorts that looked like they hadn’t been washed in weeks.
Her hair looked slightly matted and freyed as if it hadn’t been
washed in quite a while. However what convinced to him to pull over
and approach her once again was her obvious desparate demeanor. She
was pacing the corner frantically looking at the local traffic going
by – hoping for someone – ANYONE to stop and have a “date” with her.
She was much thinner than before, and it was clear to Jake that Tina
had probably lowered her standards considerably over the past year
when it came to “an acceptable date.”
Glancing to his right and his left for local police, he pulled
over to the corner where she stood nearly shivering. She recognized
him immediately when he rolled down the window, but this time she did
not turn away in disgust or contempt. Instead, a look of relief came
over her dull, drug hazed eyes. She was a mess and Jake knew it.
“Wanna get out of the cold sweetie?” he asked in a friendly yet
smirk tone – a tone which indicated confidence that he now had
complete control over the outcome of his upcoming date with this
stupid cunt of a girl.
“Sure…(sigh)…thanks!” she climbed in quickly. “It’s fucking
cold out an’ all…stupid Reno…fucking asshole said he’d meet me and
he just stood me up.” she lied.
Jake knew she was lying to salvage what little was left of her
“attractive” reputation in order to earn some equal footing with him.
She wanted him to think that she still had plenty of “clients” to
choose from and that he was just one of many she “decided” to date.
Jake knew better. Young Tina was still attractive, but she was
now in her early 20’s and looked dirty and used. From the looks of
her desperation on the street corner, she probably hadn’t had a taker
all day.
“So Tina. I assume you remember me.” he said matter of factly.
“Yeah…I guess.” she admitted.
“I’ve been watching you for some time Tina.” Jake continued.
“And I know what you’re craving. I know what you need in your stupid
Jake used the degrading word “stupid” as a test to see how low
Tina had really sunk in her desperation. It was clearly a degrading
remark that would have sent any inexperienced prostitute out of his
car the moment he uttered it in such fashion and context. Tina heard
him call her stupid, but she didn’t get angry this time. She just
turned her head away from him and nodded slightly in resignation.
Jake pressed his verbal attack. He wanted to be sure of just how
desperate Tina had now become.
“You don’t mind if I degrade you Tina? After all, you’ve been
very rude to me ever since we’ve met.” Jake smiled planting a firm
hand on her white trash thigh.
Tina was silent. She knew she was beaten. No one had picked her
up that day and she was now addicted to more than just cocain. She
was addicted to crack as well.
“No…I guess not.” she stammered finally.
“Your attitude has improved greatly Tina.” He soothed in an dark
voice. “I think you’ll find that your new attitude will gain you much
more popularity on the street than the snobby way you used to be –
wouldn’t you agree?”
“Yes…I guess.” she stated rather meekly.
“I think you’ve grown up quite a bit Tina. And I think you know
what men really want out of stupid cunt of a girl such as yourself.”
Tina blushed, but remained silent.
“I will date you tonight Tina, but I need to know how much to
want to repay me for all the times you used to reject me in the past.”
“Y…yes i…i know…” Tina answered quietly.
“You have such nice breasts Tina. I hope you haven’t educated
yourself these past few years. I dislike intelligent women. Why
don’t you jiggle your boobies for me honey – show me where your brains
REALLY are!”
Tina turned to him and smiled weakly. She wanted desperately to
get paid for a date. Right now, Jake was her knight in shining armor
– a savior that was keeping her out of the cold and willing to pay her
and help her get more drugs. How thoughtless she had been when she
was rude to him before. Jake was a nice man to give her another
chance, and she wanted desperately to please him. Hopefully, if she
was “good enough” he would make her his “steady date” on the street.
Tina’s old feelings of hatred and distain for this sick man
melted away in the brief haze of drugs that had now clouded her mind.
“Good girl Tina…smile and jiggle your stupid young boobies for
me sweetheart.” Jake interrupted her thoughts.
Tina gave him her best smile as she turned toward him in his
luxurious car and raised her trashy cutoff shirt – exposing an old bra
that needed to be washed and removed. She quickly unfastned it and
let it drip to her lap. Then she smiled again and cupped her bare
breasts with her hands. They were very pink and quite succulant. Her
nipples were soft, round, and encased in luscious pink arolas.
“Your such a sweet young girl Tina.” Jake openly mused as he
watched her intently – his thick cock twitching and swelling in his
expensive trousers. “You have such sweet tits. I’ll bet you have a
nice soft bottom too!”
“Ummmm….yes I do…” Tina purred as seductively as she could
given the circumstances.
“I think you would enjoy having things stuck up your little brown
bottom wouldn’t Tina.” Jake pressed on. “Nowadays, I think you’re
the kind of girl that would enjoy that – seeing as to how you have
become a much more pleasing and pleasant woman.”
“Ummmm…yes….I like having things stuck up my hole…” Tina
quivered uttering the words she thought she would never say.
“Very nice Tina. I think you’ve learned a lot about what men
really want out of a girl like you. I’m very impressed with your
obedience. Now I’m going to take you to a special hotel for our
evening together, and I want you to show me a good time – understand?”
“Yes mister….I’ll do anything you want – just make sure you pay
me.” she stammered.
“I will pay you. But it will only be $40.00.” Jake explained
“What???” Tina shot back – her mouth agape with sudden surprise.
“I’m worth more than that!”
“I hope you understand Tina, you’re not the girl you used to be.”
Jake shot back. “Look at you…you’re all washed up, you smell, and
you need a bath. You’re damaged goods. You’re lucky I’m offering you
as much as I am.”
“I…i guess you’re right…sorry…” replied Tina lowering her
head in shame.
“Maybe, if you’re an extra special kind of slut, I’ll pay you a
little more.” Jake relented a bit. “But not much more you
“Yes…i…i understand…” Tina replied.
She didn’t know quite what he meant by ‘a special kind of slut’,
but it made little difference. Her chemical dependency had reached
peek levels in her veins. She needed a fix – soon! She would do
anything for this man – ANYTHING. All he had to do was ask…