He padded into the room, paused and glanced at the
people that stared back at him with baleful looks.
Three strangers, his mistress and a shadowy figure in
an alcove who he couldn�t quite make out. His olfactory
senses informed him of the charged atmosphere. Mingled
with the familiar aroma of sex and pheromones were
undertones of apprehension, even a little fear. The
perfumes worn by them did little to hide the musk of
sweat and aroused glandular activity. His nose told him
of these things and it never lied.

Two women sat on the red leather settee. A blond haired
woman, dressed in some sort of loose gown printed in
gaudy colours sat nearest the door. She it was who
exuded the apprehension. Her discomfort was apparent in
the tiny beads of sweat that broke out over her top
lip. He sensed the heat of her body it wasn�t a healthy

The other woman was much younger, probably in her
teens. Perfume masked most of her signature, but he was
able to determine that she had recently ovulated,
perhaps only finished this morning. Her hair looked
grey to his monochromatic eyes and, like her hair;
there was nothing remarkable about her to see.

The other stranger was nursing a drink with ice in a
glass. He stood against the fake fire breast, feigning
a look of nonchalance, but it was quite plain that he
was also emotionally charged.

His mistress took hold of the collar around his neck
and uttered something unintelligible while dragging him
to the younger woman on the settee. He was stroked and
petted by them both by way of introduction. The younger
woman shifted forward a little, hiked up her skirt and
exposed a smoothly shaved cunt.

It was obvious by the way he was pulled, that he was to
make his acquaintance rather more personal. He sniffed
at her and gave her a little nudge with his nose.
Predictably, she squealed in delight and almost
deafened him by clamping her legs together, trapping
him in her embrace. He was used to human contact, even
in the sexual sense, but he didn�t know this woman and
a little alarmed, he pulled back sharply. They soothed
him and then brought him to the other, older woman.

Her touch when she petted him was electric. Something
about her smell and the softness of her fingers aroused
in him a deep longing and an immediate reaction from
his sex. His nose drove straight into her mound and his
tongue lashed out licking her exposed pussy from her
anus to her clit. Her pleasure was quite evident in the
copious amounts of fluid she secreted and her immediate
moans of passion.

He shifted position slightly in order to get at her
quim a little better. His tongue snaked out and hit pay
dirt. She squealed like a stuck pig and sprayed his
nose with her come. Dutifully, he cleaned her up and
licked the mess off the red leather. She began to calm
down and her breathing became regulated.

His interest in her waned as she settled down. The
younger of the two females had watched in fascination.
Her fingers busy at her crotch while he had licked the
other into a quick orgasm. It was to be her turn now.
For the second time, he approached the younger of the
two and gently probed her snatch with his nose. The
olfactory senses confirmed that she had indeed just
finished ovulating. It made for a heady aroma and he
found himself getting quite excited by the prospect of
shafting this one.

His tongue went to work and very quickly, she was
moaning and writhing on the settee. Her juices made the
leather slick and he couldn�t keep up with her copious
amount of lubricating fluids. She reached down and
pulled the hood of her clit up exposing her cunt to him
and making the bud of her pleasure poke out. He hit it
with a lascivious stroke of his tongue and she groaned
her pleasure.

A few more of these direct hits brought her to a
shuddering and devastating climax. She pissed on him
from her lack of self-control. He quite liked the
warmth of her on his snout and redoubled his efforts to
make her come.

Hands around his hips pulled him back and away from the
young woman. He felt peeved at the intrusion but was
soon back at her cunt after she had slithered to the
floor and raised her knees. It wasn�t long before her
shudders became uncontrollable and her head lashed from
side to side in the throws of an almighty come. He was
pulled back again from the quivering woman. He growled
his annoyance, but his mistress�s hands brooked no

His cock felt is if it was trying to leave his body. It
had grown beyond his normal proportions and his knot
was drying in the slight draught from the open window.
He watched with interest as the young woman flipped
over and layover a couple of cushions. The cushions
raised her perky little pink rear into the air;
inflamed pussy lips pouting between her inner thighs
stared at him. This was a scenario he knew something
about. His distended cock twitched and slapped the
underside of his belly and a few droplets of pre-come
leaked from him, forming dew drops on the pointed tip
of his penis.

The mistress released her hold on his collar and
pointed him in the right direction. It was an entirely
unnecessary action, because he had already decided that
he was going to spear this hairless cunt with the whole
of his dick. He jumped onto her back, grasping the slim
hips and began to hump her rear, trying to find the
entrance to her slicked sex. Even in the position she
had adopted, he found it almost impossible to centre
his aim of attack. Help came from his Mistress�s hand;
she grasped him gently between thumb and forefinger and
guided his missile to its chosen silo.

He rammed the whole of his purple veined cock into her
depths. She screamed but did not resist his initial
thrusting instead; she raised her rear a little higher
and made his entry into her a little less fraught with
the danger of him bending his cock too much. The angle
still wasn�t quite right, but it mattered not a whit to
him as he pounded her pussy with his raging hard on.

Someone grasped his hips again and effectively slowed
him down from the frenetic humping he had been giving
her. The hands controlled him, pulling and pushing
alternately into a rhythm that he found to be very

The main difference being that he was not going to just
blast a load into her in the few seconds or so that it
normally took for him to reach his orgasm. It also
meant that, instead of burrowing into her and getting
the usually deep jerky thrusts, his whole length slid
in and out of her moist tunnel. It was altogether a
much nicer feeling for him.

He fucked her for some time, feeling her muscles
contracting and sucking him into her womanly depths.
She felt quite cool inside to him to start off with,
but soon the friction and passion raised her
temperature to match his own. She writhed and squirmed
while panting and moaning. Her body twitched while she
reached climax after climax. She mouthed words that he
could not understand, but took to be encouragement.

The pace increased until he shot a load of his come
into her mound. He dismounted and performed his duty in
cleaning her of his semen. It had not been the most
satisfying human fuck he had had. His Mistress was a
quite small woman who rarely managed to get his knot
inside her, but occasionally, she brought her friend
over who was far more accommodating and always got him
tied. Those were the times he really let go his wad.

The young girl got up and rushed from the room
clutching her dress to her breasts. He could hear her
crying as she ran, but didn�t know why and didn�t
really care. He cleaned himself and prepared to settle
down in a corner. The other occupants talked and drank
while they waited for the girl to return. He didn�t
understand what they were saying, but knew he was the
topic from the glances directed at him.

Soon, the girl came back, smelling of soap and clean
water. She had re-dressed and seamed to have calmed

The older of the two women called to him. He wasn�t
sure if he should go to her and looked to his mistress
for some sign. She clucked her tongue at him and
nodded; he needed no other encouragement and approached
the woman as she sat on the settee.

She stroked his head and tickled him behind his ears.
The pleasure of her fingers was sending him into
deliriums. It was a particular favourite of his to be
fondled around his ears and took him back to his puppy
days. Her fingers traced the muscles in his neck,
kneading the fur of his hackles and causing shivers of
pleasure to travel up and down his spine. This lady
knew how to get him to respond and manipulated him with

She slipped off the settee and joined him on the floor.
At some point, she had removed the printed gown and was
now, completely naked. Her breasts brushed his ears as
she reached to stroke his back and haunches. Her hard
little nipples became harder still as they rubbed
against the grain of his shorthaired fur. She was
unshaven, something of a novelty to him. Both his
mistress and her friend always kept their boxes clean.
He turned into her embrace and quested her vagina with
his nose.

They sorted positions out, with her on her back and he
placed between her thighs. His nose picked up the heady
aroma of her natural sweat and the exuded slick of her
anticipation of sex. The combination of an animal smell
of her and pheromones acted like an instant aphrodisiac
to the dog. He licked and slurped at her while his cock
twitched and slapped his belly and the floor
simultaneously. This woman was hot.

Her fingers drove into her cunt, pulling the lips and
hood up and apart to allow him access to her inner
folds and the swollen hub of her clit. He matched her
increasing passion and paced himself with the furious
rubbing she had started. In a few short minutes, he was
rewarded with a torrent of beautifully aromatic woman
come. He drank her in and swallowed as much as he
could, gratefully feeling the tingle of it as her
juices washed over his taste buds. She sat and grasped
his head, forcing his snout to pass between the out
folds of her cunt and into the very depths of her. Far
from panicking and pulling away, he shoved his long
nose further into her and was again rewarded with a
golden shower of come.

His cock throbbed from wanting her and was now quite
wet from the amount of pre-come that had escaped from
him. She must have noticed, because she suddenly
flipped over onto her knees and hands. He mistakenly
thought she was getting prepared for him to mount her,
but instead, she grabbed his aching cock and buried it
in her throat and started to return the favour he had
done for her. Her head bobbed up and down while she
created little vacuums with her lips and tongue.

He could feel his own fluids being sucked out of the
end of his dick and her muscles move as she swallowed
it. He tried not to hump. He tried very hard not to
hump, because that was what his mistress had taught
him. Being small, she could not handle him entering too
far into her mouth, but he couldn�t maintain the
discipline and automotive nervous reactions over-rode
his training.

He thrust forward and was gratified in feeling his cock
slip past her tonsils. She seemed to want him to
continue; she had grasped his haunches and was pulling
him into her. He thrust with greater force and was
humping her throat with his knot banging against her

Neither of them could keep it up. He was on the verge
of shoving his knot past her teeth and ejaculating into
her mouth. She was fast becoming dizzy from lack of
oxygen and her exertions. A mutual pattern had been
realised between them, each seeming to know
instinctively when to stop. A natural affinity was born
where they could languish in the bond of sex and what
was next and the line at which to quit.

He gave her the benefit of a few more laps at her cunt.
It was almost like a relaxant, allowing them to calm
down and step back from the precipice of final orgasm.
Her pussy lips had swollen and become infused with
blood just as his cock was now totally infused and
ready to go.

She remaining in a kneeling position and presented her
rear to him for inspection and his attention. He didn�t
refuse her. The few minutes of lapping had worked and
brought him back from the verge. He mounted her, but
instead of furiously humping, as he normally would do,
he used his recently learned technique and slowly and
carefully, sought the entrance to her cunt. He needed
no outside help this time. The point of his cock found
the engaging entrance and, by shuffling forward between
her parted knees, eased his length into the depths of
the woman.

He fucked her slowly, feeling his cock slid into her,
getting deeper each time. He felt the end nudge her
cervix and then open the neck of her womb on the next
slow thrust. Her body accepted the intrusion willingly
and sucked hungrily at him. His momentum carried him
further into the woman until his knot was stretching
her outer lips. He thrust gently for a few more times,
making sure of his aim and her readiness to accept him,
then, when he was absolutely certain of his
positioning, he gave one huge, powerful lunge.

Her cervix opened like a rose bud might and allowed him
to pass into her very deepest places. His knot passed
her lips and was engulfed inside her. He pulled back a
little, but not enough to come out, then, slowly, he
pushed forward again, lifting a leg and burying himself
to the very depths.

Her muscles clamped him and encircled the gap between
his knot and balls, trapping him and making sure he was
not going to get away. It was the signal to both of
them that this was it. In one of those magical moments,
when two beings are completely in tune, they thrust
together. She pushed back on him while he drove himself
into her cunt in a frenzy of mutual lust.

He grasped her neck between his teeth at the base of
her spine where neck and skull join while she reached
behind her and grabbed his legs. The combination of
their respective acts took them to a natural, mutual
climax. She shuddered and gushed her come while he gave
one last final thrust and drove further than he had

His hot semen flooded her body and mingled with her own
juices. In unison, they sighed and relaxed. He was
stuck firmly in her body and hardly had the strength
left to support him self. She was little better, but
managed to keep them upright.

After some ten minutes had passed he managed to
withdraw. Her head hung in exhaustion, hair hanging
limp and damp from sweat. Her pussy clenched as he
vacated her, making a little sucking sound. Come
dribbled from between her swollen and ravaged lips,
which he quickly cleaned up, producing a shiver of
reaction from her. Sated, they fell into a heap
together, while the onlookers silently filed out of the
room to leave them in peace.

He had never had a fuck the like of that before. At the
same time, her felt almost human and all canine. Almost
human in the sense that he had made a connection with
this woman and canine in the manner of which he had
taken her. She had similar thoughts, but in reverse.
She felt canine, a bitch in heat and belonging to this
magnificent animal, a little human in the knowledge
that she could engineer this meeting of kindred lustful
soul in the future.

It would be hard for him to return to the half-hearted
fucks he managed with his mistress. Having experienced
this totally overwhelming event, nothing would ever
satisfy him again like she did. On her part, she knew
she would not be going home to her husband. She was
going to make a bid for the dog and see if she could
have him for herself for good and all.