Laura My office sex slave

Laura’s situation was a little unique. She shared an
office with me, and like it or not I got to be very
familiar with the nuances of her life, mainly from
phone calls and the like that she made, and listening
to her talk to people that happened by. That, in
addition to what she told me herself, gave me a wealth
of information. Pretty much more than I wanted to

She was married to a railroad engineer, who was gone
a good deal of the time, and because of his route, he
was usually gone for a couple of days at a time,
sometimes as much as a week. She tracked his trips as
well, and had his schedule in the computer for weeks
in advance. I knew that Laura was really obsessed with
getting pregnant. I had heard her talk about it a lot,
and I knew that she was taking fertility pills and
seeing fertility specialists. I also knew that she was
tracking her periods to determine her most fertile
times, and that she kept a database of every time she
and her husband had sex. Since my hours were different
from hers, and I knew far more about the computer than
she did, I checked those routinely, mainly out of

My own thought on the subject was that either her
husband didn’t have what it took to knock her up, or
that it was because he was gone too much of the time,
especially when she was at her peak periods of
fertility. I knew from her database that they didn’t
do it much when he was home, and under the
circumstances, I didn’t understand that.

She was good looking enough. She was about 5’7″ or
so, on the thin side and had smallish breasts. I knew
that she had implants, but you really couldn’t tell
it. I guess she must have only had mosquito bites
before she got them. Her hair was short. I never got
so much as a tit shot from her or an up the skirt shot
in all the time I worked with her. She guarded very
closely. With what I knew and the information I had
access to, I knew that this could be manipulated to
something good under the right circumstances. It was
all a matter of planning and waiting for the right
time. I waited, and kept track of all her information
as closely as she did. I knew that when the right
combination of events occurred, this could have the
potential to get interesting.

One day when she left work early, I got updated
copies of all her charts and updated the copies I kept
in my computer. I knew she was tracking all those
databases, but she was tracking them individually. I
took them and made a chart overlay that included her
periods, when she was most fertile, when she and her
husband had done it, and when her husband had been or
was scheduled to be gone, all in one chart. That chart
told me quite a story.

The first thing that I learned from this chart was
that Laura had not been screwed in a week and a half,
and that the last time they had only done it once. I
also learned that Laura had started her period that
week, and that she was coming up on a fertile period
the following week, which peaked on Wednesday. I also
learned that her husband would be leaving on Thursday,
well before the fertile period began, and wouldn’t be
back for ten days. I had to come up with a plan
immediately, and start it. What I needed though, was
some sort of lead in. It was not the kind of thing I
could just go up to her and start talking about. I
also had to be very careful that I didn’t let her know
that I knew any of the details I knew. Fortunately,
that lead in came that very afternoon.

I had a phone call from an old friend that I hadn’t
heard from in a long time. Laura was in the office, so
I knew that she would be listening in, especially if I
spoke quietly. I was talking to my buddy about old
girlfriends, and it gave me the perfect opportunity to
talk to him about all of them, especially those who
had gotten pregnant extremely easily. I mentioned that
I had made my ex-wife Sharlene pregnant twice, Leslie
twice, Debbie once, Becky twice, and that was just the
ones I knew about. I was pretty sure that Carla,
Misty, and Joyce were pregnant when I broke up with
them, and Cindy had gotten pregnant the first time I
screwed her. I told him it seemed like I was extra
potent or something. I watched from the corner of my
eye, and saw that Laura was hanging on every word.

When she came to work on Monday, she was visibly
upset. She looked like she had had a very bad night,
and probably a bad weekend. She went to work on her
computer first thing, then left at nine to go to a
meeting. As soon as she was gone, I checked her

She and her husband had not done it all weekend, so
it had been over two weeks now for her. Her period had
ended right on time, and she was now at the beginning
of a fertile cycle, which would peak in two days and
last all week. I knew that her husband was gone, and
would be gone for ten days. She had heard the phone
discussion about how I was extra potent and made women
pregnant very easily, she hadn’t been laid for over
two weeks, and she was pissed at her husband.
Everything was in place. All I needed now was a
trigger. Something to breach the subject, and it had
to come from her. I was relatively certain it would.

She went directly from her morning meeting to lunch,
so I didn’t see her until the afternoon. It was a
quiet afternoon, and everyone else in the building was
gone except us. On afternoons like this it was highly
unlikely that anyone from the main building would be
over. There were no classes going on, and everybody
that people usually came to see was not there. All was
quiet for an hour or so, and then she started talking.
I don’t know why, but she really started unloading.
She told me about a fight she had with her husband.
She said that she had tried to get him to get somebody
else to take this trip for him so he could be home
when she was fertile, and he had refused. She had said
that he obviously didn’t want a baby as bad as she
did, and that all the evidence pointed to it. She
didn’t go into detail about the rest of the fight, but
it had apparently been bad one and had still not been
settled when he left.

I asked her if she thought that was true, and she
said yes. She said that all the evidence pointed to
it. I didn’t press that issue. I told her that if she
really wanted a baby, that there were other ways to do
it. I left it kind of open, so she could read that
statement any way she wanted. After all, the way I had
said it could have meant artificial insemination or
surrogate. Her response told me how she took it. She
said that she really wouldn’t feel right about running
around on her husband. She said she still loved him,
and that it was important to her.

I told her that I had always believed that there was
a difference between love and sex. One could
absolutely be had without the other. Love was an
emotional act, while sex was a physical one. They
could be separated quite easily, into an emotional
trait and a mechanical act. After all, it could be
considered only one step away from artificial
insemination, only the method of delivery was
different. All it came down to was a mechanical act of

She said that she had never thought about it in that
way, but that she could see the logic of my thought.
One thing led to another, and soon she asked me if I
had really made all those women pregnant. I told her
that I had, and that there had probably been more. She
was quiet the rest of the day, and as we were walking
out the door that evening, she said simply “I want you
to fertilize me on Wednesday.”, and walked on.

She didn’t come to work the next day (Tuesday). When
she came in Wednesday, she had on a long dress. It was
a couple of hours before business settled down enough
for her to talk to me. When she did, she told me to
meet her at a local motel at noon, and she told me a
room number. I told her I would be there. She left for
lunch a little early, and so did I. I didn’t go to the
room until noon, though, because that is what she had
said. I was knocking on the door at exactly noon,

She opened the door and told me to come in, which I
did quickly. She was still fully dressed, just like
she had been at work. She went over to the bed and
laid down on it, then pulled her long skirt up around
her waist. She had on no panties, and as soon as her
skirt was high enough to allow it, she opened her legs
wide and raised her knees. She looked at me and said
“Okay. Make me pregnant.”. I started to take off my
clothes, but she told me not to. She said she wanted
this to be strictly a mechanical act, and that I could
only access what I needed to get to. She said she
wanted sex, not love.

I opened my pants and got on top of her. Once there, I
took my dick out and guided it to her waiting hole. I
slid in to the balls on the first stroke. She moaned
loudly. I started to fuck her immediately, determined
to fill her pussy with sperm as soon as possible. I
didn’t worry at all about making her come. After all,
whether she came or not had nothing to do with getting
her pregnant. Her pussy was tight and hot, and I was
fully enjoying this even though it was only a
mechanical act.

She was lying there a totally dead fuck, and I told
her that she really needed to get into it some and
start moving. I told her that the hotter she made it
for me, the more sperm I would build up to shoot
inside her. That seemed to get her attention, and she
started to not only hump back against me and match me
stroke for stroke, but she began to squeeze my dick
with her pussy. She had more talent than I ever
imagined. I could feel the pressure building in my
balls, and soon I flooded her pussy with a huge amount
of sperm. I pulled out and lay down beside her. When I
did, she closed her legs and crossed them, trying to
keep any of my sperm from leaking out of her. It was
impossible, though, because I had planted too much of
it in her for her to keep it all inside.

We didn’t talk at all. We just lied there. As I
looked over at her, I could feel the stirring s begin
in my balls again, and I knew that I could do her
again. She looked at me and saw that I was getting
hard again, and opened her legs for me. I told her
that I wasn’t hard enough yet, even though I knew
better. She rolled over and moved her head down to my
crotch, taking half my dick in her mouth. She began to
suck slowly and gently, then increased both speed and
intensity until I thought I would shoot my load down
her throat. She was really good at giving blow jobs.

I knew that under the circumstances shooting in her
mouth would be a definite opportunity killer, so I
guided her away from my dick and had her lie down
again. She opened her legs wide. I got on top of her
again, and plunged my dick into her. I fucked her slow
and easy for a while, even though I was on the verge
of coming already. When I could go slow no longer, I
began to pound her hard and fast, and soon I was
dumping another huge load of sperm in her.

When I finished this time, we both got up because we
had to go back to work. We talked a little, but not
much. I noticed that when she was straightening her
clothes she did not put any panties on. I looked
around and didn’t see them, so I figured that she
hadn’t worn any.

When we got back to work, it was business as usual.
Later that afternoon, she was behind the partition
doing some filing. Again, there was no one else in the
building, as they had all left for the day. I took a
look around the corner and saw her. She was bent at
the waist, filing in some lower drawers. She was
facing away from me, and all I could think of was her
telling me to make her pregnant. I decided that I had
to do my best, so I stepped around the partition very
quietly. I unzipped my pants and took out my dick and
balls. I walked over to her and lifted her dress, then
got into position behind her and drove my dick fully
into her with one stroke. It happened so quickly that
I was buried in her up to the balls before she
realized what was going on. Once she did, though, she
grabbed hold of a file drawer and held on.

I was only able to last about a dozen strokes before
I emptied my balls in her pussy for the third time
that day. Since we were at work, and there was a
chance of getting caught, albeit a small one, I pulled
out of her and flipped her dress back down, closing my
pants quickly. Only then did she stand up.

“I can see how you got all those women pregnant.” She
said “You shoot huge loads, plant them deep, and do it
often.” I said “This is your fertile day. I’m just
doing what I can.” She looked at me and said “I’m
fertile all night too. Can you keep doing that?”
“Absolutely.” I said. I spent the night at her house,
and fucked her repeatedly. Both of us nude, of course.
We fucked in every room of her house except the master
bedroom. She wouldn’t allow that.

The next day we both called in sick and spent the day
fucking. Hell, it was like a honeymoon. I spray
painted the inside of her pussy so many times that I
lost count. When we went back to work on Friday, she
didn’t say much. When she finally did speak, she said
“I hope you got me pregnant like you did all those
other women.” This was the opportunity I had been
waiting for. “That was a long time ago,” I said,
“before my vasectomy.”