Penny the kinky cumslut

Penny had been dropped of at Sandra’s by Roy and she had taken a
shower and was sitting in the kitchen drinking a last cup of coffee
before dragging herself of to bed when Sandra and Michelle came back
from their night out.
Joining her in the kitchen the two girls wanted to know everything
that had happened, but Penny explained that some of it was too painful
to think about just now and she would tell them later after her body
had time to recover. They chatted for a while then Penny remembered
that Michelle had never told them about what had happened at the
donkey stables, to Beryl, after they had left. Michelle and Sandra
giggled and led Penny into the front room. sitting her on the sofa,
Michelle explained that she had something better than a story. she had
managed to get a copy of the tape that had been taken after the girls
had gone home, and if Penny wanted to she could watch it with them as
they hadn’t had a chance to see much of it. despite her tiredness the
excitement in the girls eyes told Penny she would enjoy this so she
accepted a stiff brandy and settled down between the two beautiful
women to watch the tape.

The first few minutes showed Michelle as she tidied up the moaning
lesbian, removing the masses of Donkey Cum covering her body and
sweeping up the faeces that Beryl had deposited when the massive
stallion had shafted her cunt. throughout most of this section Beryl
did little but moan, her body still stretched over the bench was
covered in red bruises and Michelle applied cream to them to soothe
the pain. Beryl slowly appeared to come around and eventually began to
look around and take stock of her surroundings.
she had begged Michelle to untie her, promising the young girl
anything she wanted if only she would let her go, and when that didn’t
work she had strained at her bonds and screamed obscenities at
Michelle until the young girl sat on the bench facing her and slapped
her face until she had ceased her swearing. Her face red from
Michelle’s slaps the lesbian had begun to cry, once again begging
Michelle to release her before the Donkey Men arrived. But Michelle
was enjoying the humiliation of the previously imperious dyke and
instead of letting her go she had hitched her skirt up and slid
forwards until her cunt was positioned in front of the dykes mouth.
The three girls laughed as they heard Michelle’s words.
“Shut up you slag, and give me some tongue” Beryl tried to move her
head away, but Michelle held her ears and pulled her lips to meet her
own lower ones. “Lick it bitch, or I’ll tear your fucking ears off”
With tear streaming down her face the butch lesbian had been forced to
lick and suck at Michelle’s cunt, until writhing even tighter against
the lesbian’s unwilling lips she had cum, great gobs of pussy cum had
dribbled onto the whore’s tongue. trying to spit it out Beryl had felt
Michelle’s ire again and had her face ground into the bench until she
licked up and swallowed every last drop.
Then Michele had found a thin stick and had spent five minutes
thrashing the bitch’s Ass laughing as it wobbled and pulsed under her
onslaught. Penny watching Beryl scream remember her own torture at the
hands of the bitch in the lift, and her body began to throb in time to
the rhythmic strokes of the stick. They watched as Beryl begged for
mercy, and pissed herself, her cunt spraying water all over her thighs
and calves as she started to cry again. Michelle standing in front of
her again lifted the woman’s head and looking her straight in the eyes
told her that now she was going but before she did she was going to
put some cream on her buttocks to relieve the pain so Beryl better lie
very still or she would batter her again. The sobbing lesbian froze as
Michelle began to rub the cream over her buttocks, but this time it
was not the soothing cream, but the same cream that Penny had met the
day before, as it began its work Beryl arched up from the bench her
breasts rising away far enough for Michelle to quickly smear cream
over her nipples. As the lesbian writhed in the initial agony the
cream caused Michelle with devilish abandon smeared both hands with
cream then as the lesbian whimpered in her torment plunged fingers
into both her cunt and ass. Beryl’s scream would have woke the dead as
the cream invaded both sensitive areas at once, and Michelle as a
final insult coated a dildo with the devilish concoction and drove it
deep into her pussy. Then sitting on Beryl’s back to keep her still
she had written across the lesbian’s back in bright red lipstick

“Your Donkey Fucked Me Why Don’t You”

Composing herself and allowing her features to assume her usual
angelic pose she smiled sweetly at the writhing woman-lover and hoped
she would have a good time. As Michelle left the three girls sat ion
the sofa watched as the lesbian tried in vain to break the leather
straps holding her to the bench. eventually tired out from her efforts
she lay gasping for breath, but the cream was beginning to work its
marvellous effects and the girls watched as first her cunt, then her
anus began to pulse with lust, groaning for release the lesbian tried
to grind her clit against the end of the bench but she couldn’t quite
get it far enough forward. Then the cream on her breasts started and
the girls watched as her aureoles began to swell, and her nipples now
super sensitive ground against the rough surface of the bench.
Beryl lost in her own attempt to reach orgasm didn’t hear the door
open, or the two men enter behind her. With astonishment they watched,
until not making a sound they slowly unzipped their trousers and
lifted out cocks that the donkey’s would have been proud of. with lewd
grins they watched Beryl sobbing for release, rubbing their monsters
into rigid poles of gristle, until finally ready one of the men moved
in front of the writhing lesbian. “Hello Darlin’ ” he muttered. Beryl
struggled to lift her head and screamed as he straddled the bench “No,
no don’t, please let me go!” she wailed.
“Don’t think so” the man replied hitching himself closer, “you been
fucking my donkeys, and so you can just get fucked by us now”
As he said us Beryl’s head snapped round to see the man stood behind
her, his cock pointing at her swollen cunt, his face a mixture of lust
and sadism as he too moved froward.
The helpless Beryl was unable to prevent them. One forced entry into
her cunt driving her forward then the other drove into her mouth
forcing her backwards, like a rag doll she was fucked from pillar to
post her body jerking and shuddering as their giant cocks slammed into
her, before long both men had impaled her. Their cocks has disappeared
inside her body. the writhing woman was moaning from fright mixed with
desire as the cream did its work. The man at her rear began to slap
her buttocks making them wobble even more whilst the man fucking her
face reached underneath and grabbed her tits. “fuck me Jake, This
cunts tits have aureoles as big as a cows udder, and I think we could
milk her fucking giant nipples. reaching forward Jake felt the
tightness of Beryl’s tits “Let’s turn the bitch over. I want to bite
those mams” he grunted.

They withdrew their shafts from Beryl’s orifices and as she moaned and
begged they released her from her bonds and turned her over. looking
at her lying there both men’s cocks seemed to grow, until with an oath
the man that had been fucking her cunt raised her legs high and
spreading them wide drove them back until they were either side of her
face. his friend held her still whilst he positioned himself and
despite her pleas, placed his cock at the entrance to her Ass. Beryl
incoherent now felt his assault and once more her screams were ones of
pain as he shagged her ass, with no preamble he drove his cock up to
the hilt in her tight anus then reaching forward he grabbed her taut
nipples and pinched, Beryl’s eyes rolled up in her head, and her
tongue lolled from her mouth as mercifully her body switched itself
off from the pain. Jake didn’t care he was loving every thrust his
cock held tight in her unprepared ass was being milked by her
involuntary muscles with a roar of release he sent his load deep
inside her, and then watched still inside her as his friend tipped
Beryl’s head back and prepared to finish fucking her mouth. The almost
unconscious woman did nothing but groan as his cock slid deep into her
throat, but he had no intention of sending his spunk easily into her
stomach, as he felt his cum rising he dragged Beryl onto her knees and
making sure she understood told her she better drink every drop as it
cascaded onto her tongue. Her face full of anguish she opened her
mouth and let her tongue protrude. With careful control he let his
spunk drop, one slimy length after another dribbled onto her taste
organ, and the lesbian had to tip back her head and swallow every
drop. she gagged and choked but he wouldn’t let he relax. eventually
he finished and watched her follow his instructions to lick his cock
The girls could plainly see the anguish on Beryl’s face, but sensing
she may be allowed to leave she sucked and licked his cock until it
was spotlessly clean.

Staggering to her feet the lesbian started to move towards the door
“Where you going bitch?” asked Jake, and Beryl totally naked bolted.
she didn’t make it, dragged back by her hair she was thrown to the
floor and the two men laughed as they poked and prodded her. “We ain’t
finished with you yet lady” smirked Jake ” Tony and Fred got to come
yet, and I’m not sure but Mabel might be here today with Jasper and
Khan” Beryl stared at him as he prodded and tweaked her body.
“whilst we’m waiting why don’t you entertain us”
Beryl looked at him uncertain what he meant, but Jake soon enlightened
her. “your back says you was fucked by a donkey, now you been fucked
and sucked a donkey man. don’t seem fair somehow that the donkeys
ain’t had a suck”
Beryl tried to run again, but they caught her and dragged her back
“listen you stupid slut” snarled Jake “either give head to Horatio, or
we’ll tie you fucking down again and let him shag your mouth.” Beryl
remembering the size of a donkey’s cock knew that if ever one shagged
her mouth she would choke to death collapsed beaten on the floor.

The three girls sitting on their sofa had gripped each others hands as
they had watched Beryl’s torture, but now as the donkey was led
forward each and every one of them subconsciously rested a hand on
their own crotch. Watching the grovelling woman as she knelt alongside
the donkey and wanked his cock to erection, they frigged themselves.
Lost in the moment their eyes met and all three reached out and felt
for another’s silky lips as Beryl groaning but otherwise unforced
brought the donkeys cock to her lips and opened her mouth to swallow
the massive bulb on the end of his flexing shaft. Sandra dropped to
Penny’s cunt and began to lick at her love tube whilst Michelle slid
four of her fingers into Sandra’s willing moist cunt. Penny caught up
in the moment was tickling Michelle’s clit. All three girls reached
for their own climax as they watched Beryl frantically sucking the
donkeys black and pink cock. not realising it each of the girls was
holding he release back until the lesbian finally caused the donkey to
drown her with his spunk, and as his mighty cock finally jerked and
spilt cupful after cupful of stringy spunk over Beryl’s face and chest
all three girls climaxed and fell into a heap of writhing femininity
on the carpet.
Recovering from their exertions the three girls sat back on the sofa
and watched as Beryl was made to clean the spunk form her own tits and
swallow it as the donkey was led back to its stable the men discussed
how best to deal with their good fortune in having an animal sucker/
fucker at their disposal. Beryl was past fighting and when Jake threw
a gleaming white parsnip from amongst the donkeys food at her she knew
what he wanted. like a real pro she stood in front of the two grinning
men and pushing her pelvis forward allowed them to watch her impale
herself on the long white vegetable, deeper and deeper she pushed it
until it had disappeared totally into her cunt then opening he lower
lips wide she exposed the big bulbous tip embedded inside her
stretched and abused tube. Jake then made her bend over and buggered
her ass with a broomstick whilst the other man let her suck his cock
again. The lesbian was so degraded now that nothing they offered her
was beyond her like a four pound street tramp she took anything they
said, and did anything they told her too, all the time telling them
how much she was loving it. lost for more horrors to pour upon her the
two men let her rest, whilst they started to groom the donkeys. Beryl
no longer an imperious misogynist had turned into a cheap donkey cock
sucking gutter whore, her whole body still inflamed by the cream was
crying out for more sex, even though being allowed to rest she frigged
herself, touching her cunt and poking her ass as well as constantly
squeezing her own tits and nipples.

As Penny, Sandra and Michelle watched the once haughty lesbian now
reduced to a grovelling cock sucking, sex mad whore they each felt
their own libido’s writhing up inside them and with bated breath they
waited for the next chapter of her degradation to unfold. they didn’t
have long to wait, the outer door opened and in walked two more men.
As soon as they entered Jake and his friend greeted them warmly and
told them today the punters would have to wait as they had a present
for them. taking them to the far end of the stable they showed the two
newcomers the whore lying in the straw quietly frigging herself.
seeing the new men she immediately moved forward and offered herself
to them. The men needed no second hint and fell upon her in the straw
they tore of their trousers and began a violent abusal of Beryl’s
body. Tony a small man drove his whole hand up her cunt and as she
opened her legs wide to receive him, begging him to push harder Fred
mounted her body and slapping his engorged cock between her tits
watched as she pushed the two swollen globes together to form a tube
around his cock. As he fucked her tits he tugged her engorged nipples
and the three girls could see her climaxing again and again as his
brutal twisting sent waves of pain coursing through her battered body.
His thrusts were so violent now that his cock was slamming into the
underside of her chin and she tipped her head as far down as she could
and each time his cock reared from between her heaving tits she opened
her mouth and let the tip slip in between her spunk covered lips. down
below Tony tiring of not getting much response to fisting her cunt had
positioned his other hand at the entrance to her anus and was forcing
three fingers up her back passage. This abuse sent her into paroxysms
of lust and she grabbed her own engorged nipples and squeezed them so
hard that they looked like they might pop. moving up her body Fred was
now shagging her mouth in earnest his cock thumping into the back of
her throat, her lips sliding up and down the shaft coating it with her
saliva as she grunted for Tony to push even harder. The little man
didn’t need a second bidding and bunching his fingers together
inserted his whole hand into her Ass. Now impaled on two fists Beryl
appeared to reach another plateau. Her screams of desire muted by the
cock embedded in her throat echoed around the stables as her body
responded to the fresh assault by arching up from the floor her belly
throwing Fred forward so that his cock penetrated even further into
her mouth. With a grunt of surprise Fred ‘s cock began to spurt.
Pulling it from her mouth he watched fascinated as it shot jet after
jet of spunk across her face and into her hair. Then climbing off he
watched as Tony actually lifted her by the simple expedient of balling
his fist inside her tubes and standing up. all her weight now being
taken on her shoulders the cum slut could see his arms pistoning into
her stretched cunt her juices acting as a lubricant falling from his
arm on each withdrawal as the drips fell she was trying to lick them
up and the men laughed when Tony deliberately cupped his fingers on
withdrawal and with a great slurping sound pulled out of her gaping
cunt with a hand covered in woman cum. Offering it to her they watched
and laughed as she sucked his greasy fingers and licked every last
drop of her cream from his hand. Then in what the three watching
girls thought would be her final debasement he did the same with the
fist that was still embedded in her Ass. Without a murmur the half
crazy slut did the same, licking and sucking until his hands matched
each other in their cleanliness.
As a final insult the four men pissed all over her as she grovelled in
the straw, and begged them to shag her again, but they had no further
interest in her and smacking her down they went back to grooming their
Sat in Sandra’s front room the three girls had degenerated into a
squirming nest of cunts and fingers as the degradation they had
watched affected their own hormones. Sandra had fastened onto one of
Penny’s tits and was suckling it like a baby whilst Michelle had
spread her legs and offered her cunt to Penny’s willing fingers. The
three girls were testing and trying out each others bodies when a
noise from the screen drew their attention back to the television.
There in the doorway stood a very butch looking girl, but it was the
growling of the two dogs with her that had snapped the three girls
attention back to the screen. Two magnificent Dobermans were circling
the stranger in their territory, sniffing and growling at the object
grovelling on the floor before them. “Jasper, Khan Heel!” snapped the
girl as her hard eyes took in the scene of devastation before her.
“What the fuck is going here” she shouted at the four men. Grinning
like a loon Jake explained how they had found her and what had been
written on her back. turning back to the grovelling Beryl the newcomer
roughly turned her over and looked at the word now faint on her back.
“So bitch, you fucked one of my donkey’s did you. Well then perhaps
you can see to my dogs too” and grabbing Beryl by the hair she lifted
the wailing woman to her feet and dragged her out by the bench.
Sitting on the bench she opened her legs and hitching her skirt up
dragged her knickers to one side, exposing a veritable forest of pubic
hair. “On your hands and knees slut” Beryl like an obedient dog fell
onto her hands and knees and crawled towards the woman. “Come on
bitch, lick me out!” Beryl buried her head between the girls thighs
and in the silence that followed the sound of her sucking on the
girl’s cunt could be clearly heard echoing round the room. the four
men stopped their work and moved to watch as Beryl sucked and licked
at Mabel’s hairy cunt. ” That’s good bitch keep it up. Jasper attend!”
The dog sitting patiently by the door immediately loped forward and at
his mistresses bidding thrust his nose in between Beryl’s legs, unable
to rise because of Mabel’s hands holding her head down the wail of
release as the dog’s tongue wormed its way into her cunt could be
heard by everyone. Her stifled screams appeared to excite the dog and
his hackles rose, with a growl he buried his nose again, and between
his legs everyone could see his canine penis as it leapt from its
sheath and grew until it poked between his front legs. Stepping back
the large dog licked the tip, of his own cock and cleared the droplets
of pre cum already oozing from its pointed tip. Feeling the loss of
her stimulation Beryl groaned and begged for more. “You want more
slut? Shall I let my dog fuck you?” When Beryl heard the word fuck her
face lit up and without comprehending what the woman had said she
begged for one of the men to fuck her. Mabel, a grin of malicious
intent on her face, phrased her next question very carefully. tipping
Beryl’s sex besotted face up to look at her own she quietly asked
“would you like a nice big cock embedded in your cunt?”
“Yes, yes oh please yes” responded Beryl “I want a good fucking, I
want to feel sperm rolling in my belly”
Everyone laughed and the bemused Beryl stared around at the men as if
she couldn’t understand the joke. Then it struck her, and with a wail
of despair she realised it was a dog’s cock she had been offered.
“No, no, nooo!” she screamed as Jasper at a signal from his mistress
straddled her hips his claws leaving red welts down her waist as he
positioned himself. Gripping her with his forepaws his cock probing at
her slit the dog began humping. Whimpering from the pain of his
misdirected plunges Beryl’s head dropped to the floor, presenting the
humping dog with an even juicier target. Finally his tip found its
mark and he shuffled forward each step driving his throbbing cock
another inch or two into the sobbing woman’s body. despite her
protests everyone could see her body reacting to the new stimulus as
her hips thrust back towards the dog and her begging for it to stop
slowly dwindled away, until with an almighty effort she pushed herself
back up onto her hand and knees , the docks cock firmly in place in
her cunt she howled like a bitch and started rocking her own body back
around the canines member.

Watching the slut had turned everybody on, three of the men had hard
cocks again, one was trying to grope Mabel’s tits but she slapped him
down and told him to wait.

Stripping of the big girl stood before them and told all four men to
strip completely too. Whilst Beryl squealed and screamed beneath the
dog still twitching in her cunt Mabel made each man piss into Beryl’s
mouth and watched her drink his water then she positioned herself
above Beryl’s head and let forth a stream of piss that soaked Beryl’s
hair and dribbled down her back. The smell of his mistresses piss
seemed to send Jasper wild with a bark of joy his humping speed
increased and everyone could see his cock thicken as it formed a dogs
nuptial knot then as it pulsed its seed into Beryl he twisted until
his cock stretched out between his back legs. fastened to him by his
knot deep inside her womb Beryl was dragged sobbing towards the other
waiting Dobermans. Khan sat as instructed his cock already inflamed
jutted between his legs and he occasionally licked the tip and growled
softly as his tongue caused it to judder in its sheath. Watching the
two dogs , and the woman still impaled on Jasper’s cock Mabel shouted
“suck my Khan off you slut, or he’ll tear you throat out” Beryl
sobbing with desire and disgust watched as Khan was released and
immediately approached her face. opening her mouth she reached up and
grasped his swollen cock and licking the shuddering point began to
wank his long cock and sucked as much as she could into her mouth.

In their room the three girls were watching with rapt attention, each
had had at least three orgasms as she had watched the abusing of
Beryl, but this latest indignity had sent them all wild, the sound of
fingers slipping and sliding in and out of cunt filled the room as
each girl thrust at another’s cunt and fingers found and teased turgid
nipples. They watched and shuddered as Mabel positioned all four men
around her. Instructing Fred to lie on the bench she had mounted him
facing his feet and slowly engulfed his cock in her ass, then she had
lain back and let Jake slide into her cunt. tipping back her head she
sank Tony’s cock into her mouth and the last man straddled her chest
and moulding her massive breast around his cock began to fuck her
tits. Penny gasped as she watched Mabel willingly accommodate four men
at once the butch girl writhed and moaned under the onslaught of the
four men but reminded them that none were to come inside her as that
honour was being reserved for Beryl

Meanwhile Beryl was still tied to Jasper as the dog whimpered now and
tried to pull his cock loose, at her face Khan’s cock was dripping
fluids into her mouth and as her cheeks hollowed around his pistoning
cock the dog howled and began to spray his seed into her mouth unable
to swallow it all it dripped down her chin and pooled on the floor
beneath her. finally Jasper managed to tear his cock free with a plop
that could be heard around the room his knot finally emerged from her
cunt just as Khan backed off his cock spent. Kneeling there in the
middle of the floor her breast heaving as she tried to compose
herself Beryl looked at the four men as they mounted their assault on
Mabel, and started to rise. Khan growled and she froze, looking over
form he position in amongst the four men Mabel just said “clean that
mess up cunt” and pointed a the pool of Khan’s spunk lying on the
floor. Beryl, her body wracked with sobs of humiliation, lowered her
face to the concrete floor and laboriously licked up every drop of the
dogs spunk. “Now come here slut and stand by me” ordered Mabel. The
hapless woman moved across and stood compliant before the writhing
donkey girl. “Open your legs bitch, and stretch that cunt” Beryl
spread her legs and pulled on the flaps surrounding her cunt. Mabel
reached out from amongst the men still labouring in every hole she
could offer pointed her fingers and drove them upwards into Beryl’s
dog spunk filled hole. Despite her earlier stretching Beryl’s cunt
wasn’t prepared for the size of Mabel’s hand and with a scream of pain
she rose up on tip toe as Mabel’s massive hand pushed itself into her,
right up to the knuckles at the base of her fingers the donkey girl’s
hand disappeared and suspended on her large arm Beryl wailed with pain
as her legs unable to maintain her weight slowly forced her own cunt
downwards. Mabel’s mighty arm never wavered, slowly, a sob at every
little step, Beryl’s cunt impaled itself onto the massive hand, until
eventually Mabel’s entire hand was inside her cunt. “Now fuck me you
slut” ordered Mabel. Beryl her painful cunt making her sob with every
movement sank down even further onto the hand then with her cunt
clinging to the hand embedded inside her raised herself up again.
Below her the sadistic Mabel crowed at her discomfort and began trying
to force her hand even further up Beryl’s abused orifice. with a
scream Beryl once more stood on tip toe and screamed in real pain.
collapsing over the man fucking Mabel’s breasts she begged and wailed
to die, but she was not going to be released that easy. Telling the
men to leave her Mabel rearranged Beryl until she was lying on the
bench and looking down at the sobbing lesbian informed her that she
didn’t think she could have been fucked by a donkey and she wanted to
see it herself. Beryl willing to do anything to relieve the pain up
her cunt promised that she would let a donkey fuck her without being
tied down if only Mabel would release her hand. Smiling grimly the
donkey girl pushed Beryl’s face down into the bench covering and
instructed Fred to fetch Samson. He led forward a donkey nearly as
large as a horse. Making Beryl wank the donkeys cock as he stood
beside her Mabel asked her if she still wanted the donkey to fuck her
or would she prefer Mabel’s hand. With tears in her eyes the now
completely broken woman begged for the donkey.
“OK” said Mabel, “remember everybody she asked for this, but because
I’m kind you can lubricate her first,” and reaching up to Beryl’s Ass
cheeks she cruelly pulled them apart and instructed each of the men to
wank over her crack. One after another the men released their pent up
sperm into the top of Beryl Ass crack and as it ran down Mabel rubbed
it into Beryl’s Ass and cunt lips. the blubbering woman thanked Mabel
for being so kind, but why was she pushing spunk into her Ass as well
as her cunt. “Because you stupid, fucking cum loving slut. Samson if
going to …….. BUGGER YOU”
Beryl tried to get up but the much bigger Mabel held her down as the
men positioned the donkey either side of her spread Ass cheeks and
positioned his tip against the entrance to her Ass. Despite being
stretched Beryl’s hole didn’t look big enough to accept the monster
member, but digging her nails into the rim Mabel heaved its entrance
apart and as the donkeys cock penetrated up her shit tube, Beryl’s
scrams of pain escalated until finally she could make no sound and her
mouth gaped silent, her eyes nearly popping from her face as the
donkey slowly edged forward. his cock never seemed to end, and in fact
nearly a foot still remained outside Beryl’s body when it could
penetrate no further. Keeping the donkey still Mabel sat in front of
Beryl and pushing on the sobbing woman’s shoulder began to fuck the
donkeys cock with the unwilling woman’s anus. Laughing like a maniac
the donkey girl’s pushes became more and more violent. Beryl nearly
unconscious now, dribbled spittle down between Mabel’s legs as the
girls used the donkey’s cock to rape her Ass. Eventually, just as the
donkey began to try and move forward again. the now shattered body of
the lesbian could take no more and she fainted. With a snarl of
disgust the donkey girl heaved her down onto the floor and wanked the
donkey’s cock herself until his spunk spouted from the end. pointing
it at the unconscious woman the donkey girl covered her from the top
of her head to her toes with the masses of spunk spurting from the
donkey’s throbbing cock, then tossing her torn and tattered clothes
beside her the five people calmly left the cum covered sluts body
lying in the middle of the floor, hitched up their donkey’s and left.

Her own cunt on fire Penny was thrusting a dildo into herself
wondering what would happen now. After a few minutes Beryl came
around, struggling into her tattered dress the lesbian staggered out
of the door, leaving it wide open, and the film ended with a sight of
the shagged, buggered and cum covered woman as she staggered bow
legged away across the Car Park.

Penny with a sigh of relief that Beryl would recover, after a week or
two of rest, felt her own climax approach as she though of the dogs
and the way Beryl had sucked on Khan’s cock. With a moan she reached
her own release, just as ……….. the doorbell rang.

Sandra, Penny and Michelle looked at each other in fright, who could
it be this time of night. Rapidly throwing on a housecoat Sandra went
to answer the door, only to return a few seconds later whiter than she
had left. Without a word she removed the tape from the machine and
left the room. Glancing at each other Penny and Michelle knew the
doorbell had been a messenger from the Master.

Returning a few moments later Sandra dropped white faced into a chair
and handed Penny a sealed letter. Opening the offered missive Penny
read the enclosed note silently, then with a grin passed it to Sandra
and Michelle. Together they read the note and then looked in unison
towards the top corner of the room. Finally they spotted it, hidden in
the cornice a tiny camera lens had watched them as they watched the
film. Handing the note back to Penny the two girls lay down in the
middle of the floor and turning their legs towards the lens spread
them wide and lifted their knees until their cunts would be clearly
Then Penny read the note out loud. “You, naughty, dirty little sluts.
How dare you abscond with one of my films. Since you have given me
much pleasure watching the way you reacted watching a woman being
fucked by a dog, your punishment will be minor.” Now as Penny read,
each girl carried out the instructions as she relayed them. “Michelle
take the black dildo and insert it up your Ass” Michelle grunted as
the eight inch black dildo slipped snugly into her anal tube. “Sandra
place the pink dildo in your Ass” this dildo was larger and it took
Sandra nearly two minutes to push the nine inch long thick dildo into
her anus.” Now you are to turn over onto your hands and knees” The two
girls did as they were told. Then reading the script that had been
delivered Penny fastened their upper arms and hands together then
passed a strap around their thighs, and finally one around their
ankles. Once the two girls were firmly strapped together Penny
gags into their mouths until the only sounds they could make were
muffled. Sandra and Michelle looked up at Penny as she read the final
line. then she turned to the envelope and removed a smaller sealed one
from inside it. Watching her face as she read the letter inside the
two girls looked at each other and their eyes filled with
tears, eventually with a sigh Penny lowered the letter looked at
and Michelle and said “I’m sorry, I daren’t disobey him, he said I’ve
to open the door then go to bed” The two girls looked at her as she
read the final sentence out loud “Since you two girls enjoyed watching
Beryl so much. I thought I’d see just how much you liked it”

As Penny left the room she could hear Sandra and Michelle groaning
inside their gags as she opened the door to let in a man with two
German Shepherds. Terrified that she was still being observed Penny
ran upstairs and threw herself sobbing on the bed as from downstairs
she imagined the two girls screaming as the dogs were allowed to
rape them. Tears streaming down her face Penny lay there for what
seemed hours before she heard the dogs leave and footsteps coming up
the stairs. Cringing under the sheets she waited for the accusations
to come and felt the bed creak as the two girls sat one either side of
her. Then nothing no sound, no hands pummelling her, she slowly let
sheet drop to find two grinning faces staring down at her. “you
unlucky bitch” smirked Michelle “that was the best fuck I’ve ever had.
Tied there unable to move whilst being fucked by a big dog. I was in
heaven” Sandra agreed with her friend and added that there was another
letter for Penny which she was to read in the morning.
Sobbing from relief Penny lay in bed and wondered if the Master was
ever really cruel, everything that had happened seemed to work out all
right in the end, even the girls being raped by the dogs had turned
out to be enjoyable for them, and she knew despite the hammering she
had taken over the last two days that she had never been beyond her
own ability to recover. Slowly she dozed of and dreamt of a man
standing over her a devilish grin on his face as he explained he was
the Master and he was going to deal with her as his own private little
cum slut until he tired of her.

Bang on eight O’clock the next morning the jangling of the alarm woke
Penny, as she tried to leave the bed her abasement of the day before
reminded her that she ached from the sexual excesses she had endure,
but a quick shower made her feel better, and after tidying her hair
she got dressed and went down to see if the girls were in the kitchen.
They weren’t up yet so Penny put the kettle on and started cooking
some breakfast. Penny didn’t know if it was the smell of cooking bacon
or something else but she heard Sandra and Michelle rising and gaily
tripping down the stairs. Popping her head around the kitchen door
Sandra asked if Penny had seen any alsatians about this morning
because she wanted to feel as good as she had last night. When Penny
said she hadn’t seen any her friend pretended to cry and flopped at
the table.
“Was it really that good” asked Penny.
“Better” responded Sandra “The dildo up my Ass made sure he couldn’t
bugger me and the feel of his cock was delicious, and his claws had
been trimmed so he didn’t scratch, and the friction from his furry
belly really turned me on. I’m glad we stole the film else I’d never
have found out how gorgeous dog fucking can be”
Just then Michelle also appeared and agreed with her friend that the
experience was unforgettable, but for Michelle it was the massive
amounts of spunk she could feel being pumped up her cunt when he came
that sent her into ecstasy.
Penny remembering about the knot that had lodged inside Beryl was
worried about the pain of having something that big inside her, but
the girls seemed to think it was something about Alsatians they hadn’t
had a big one and it went down as soon as they came.
Both girls assured Penny that if ever they had another chance they
would let a dog fuck them again and she should try it.
Unconvinced Penny suggested they were just being nice so that she
didn’t have any bad feelings, but the girls just laughed at her and
promised they weren’t lying.

Munching on their bacon butties the girls talked about this and that,
and it wasn’t until they were drinking their second cups of coffee
that Sandra remembered Penny’s letter. Fetching it from the front room
she handed it to Penny. Unlike all the others which had been delivered
in plain typed envelopes this one was hand-written, and on the left
a printed crest. turning it over Penny was intrigued the flap had been
sealed with wax in which was embossed a copy of the crest on the
front. Joking the girls ribbed her about going up in the world, and
pressed her to open it, but Penny teased them by saying she wouldn’t
open it in front of commoners and would wait until she was alone.
After a few minutes banter she relented and using a butter knife as
her letter opener she made a great show of opening the envelope.
Inside nestled a gold edged card on which were a few hand written
words ” Congleton Hall, 8.00 p.m. , Come as instructed on the
reverse ”
“Ooh lordy lordy” quipped Sandra as Penny turned the card over.
On the back were instructions she was to wear the outfit that would be
delivered for her later that day, and that until then she could do as
she wished.

After a few minutes chatting the girls decided they would take Penny
to town and they could window shop and maybe get some lunch at one of
the many restaurants. Which is what they did having a quiet day moving
from shop to shop and having their dinner in the White Tower
restaurant down at the Pleasure Beach. Arriving back at about five
O’clock to give Penny plenty of time to get ready they found a parcel
had been delivered whilst they were out, and together the three girls
trooped up to the bedroom. Opening her package Penny found inside a
full maids outfit. The dress of Black satin clung to her like a leech,
showing every curve of her body, whilst the pinafore was also of satin
and shimmered in the light as she moved. The dress was very short and
the hem was about half way between her crotch and her knees and the
top was cut low enough that if she bent forward her breasts threatened
to spill out of the cleavage. Putting it on Penny posed in front of
the mirror and had to put up with a ribbing from the girls about how
little would get served if she was wearing that outfit. Looking back
in the box she found a pair of sheer black stockings and a jet black
suspender belt, but no bra or pants. Attached to the bottom of the box
was a note that indicated that this uniform was complete except for
shoes and they would be delivered separately. just then the doorbell
rang and as Sandra went down to answer it Penny tried on the rest of
the outfit. The stockings were short, and the suspender belt had long
straps, putting it on Penny realised that the hem of the stockings
would show as she walked and if she bent over her legs above the
stockings would show. Just then Sandra came back holding a shoe box,
opening it Penny found a pair of black high heeled shoes the six inch
stiletto heels pushed her feet nearly vertical and she could feel her
calf muscles defined sharply through the sheer stockings. Practising
walking she soon found that she had to take mincing little steps to
maintain her balance on the slender heels and turning in front of the
mirror she felt that she couldn’t look any less like a real waitress
if she tried.

Taking the uniform off she went into the bathroom and ran herself a
tub of hot water and whilst having a soak pondered why the outfit was
so revealing. Assuming it was yet another test she shrugged her
shoulders and climbing from the bath towelled herself off, noticing
that her body thanks to the special cream showed no ill effects from
her sexual excesses of the last two days. finally dressed she went
down to await for her taxi which had been ordered to take her to her
appointment. as she entered the front room both Sandra and Michelle
wolf whistled at the sight of Penny in such a sexy outfit and
suggested she better make sure she wore a coat else she would
probably be dragged of into the bushes somewhere and offered a few
quid for a quick blow job by some dirty old man. Laughing at the girls
Penny fetched her coat and putting it on waited for her taxi. Bang on
7.30 Roy arrived and ensconced in the passenger seat Penny tried to
probe him as to what to expect at the house, but all Roy could tell
her was that it was frequented by some of the poshest people in the
Dropping her off at exactly five minutes to eight he immediately
turned his taxi round and left. Penny walking carefully approached the
imposing doors to the country house and pulled on the bell rope
beside the front door. Swinging open she found herself looking into a
pair of haughty grey eyes as the butler eyed her up and down “Yees”
the single word sent shivers down her spine. Blushing Penny handed him
the card. “Oh I see Miss, you should have gone to the trade entrance,
but come in Mrs Growel with see to you presently”
Leading her down long dark corridors the butler eventually left her
with the housekeeper Mrs Growel. Penny still not sure what she was
supposed to be doing, but realising she was not a guest followed the
older woman down even more dark corridors until opening a door the
passageway was flooded with light and Penny was taken into a large
room. In the centre of the room stood a circular table, the top of
which was polished like glass. set into the top were sets of straps,
and Mrs Growel indicated that Penny should climb onto the table and
then without another word placed her hands face up under the
restraints and then strapped her ankles and just behind the knees in
others. Penny felt her legs and arms settle into padded grooves and as
Mrs Growel fluffed and moulded her clothes she realised she was to be
a living centrepiece for the room. Penny knew that her thighs above
the stockings could be seen by anyone standing behind her and then Mrs
Growel stood in front of Penny and with a quizzical smile rearranged
her little waitresses cap. “Now you do understand your duties my dear”
the kindly housekeeper asked,
“well actually no” replied Penny completely bemused by events.
“Tut, tut ,tut” went Mrs Growel “You’re to be the condiment set dear.
visitors will deposit things which you will keep until someone else
requires them. Now keep very still ” and she placed a silver circled
glass dish on each of Penny’s upturned palms. “Now don’t drop these
dear they are very old and very valuable. The Master would be most
upset if one of his dishes was broken”
“Penny wanted to ask if her master was the same as Mrs Growel’s but
though it might not be good politics so stayed silent.
Now Mrs Growel produced a mask which would cover the whole top of
Penny’s head and cover her face right down to her nose. The mask was
made of some sort of plastic and Penny could feel it moulding itself
to her face as darkness descended she heard Mrs Growel’s final words.
“Don’t forget dear any deposits are to be kept until someone else
retrieves them”

Kneeling in the centre of the room, totally exposed, but unable to see
anything Penny waited, suddenly she heard footsteps hastening towards
her and froze as she heard them stop at the table “Oh dear me dear,
I’d forget my wages if I wasn’t careful, I forgot to prepare your
bosom” Penny felt the housekeeper warm hands gently reach inside her
top and move her breasts so that they were pushed together and fell
through the plunging cleavage of her top. Declaring herself satisfies
after rubbing Penny’s nipples until they started to swell Mrs Growel
once more left Penny alone.

After about five minutes Penny heard the sound of people entering the
room and heard the butler’s voice as he directed his staff where to
place various pieces of refreshments and occasional tables to carry
them. One young man passed a comment about the whore on the table, and
Penny was gratified to hear the butler choke of his remark with a
comment “that the young lady was a favourite of the Masters and he
wouldn’t like a minion passing comment” The youth never made another
sound. Eventually the staff seemed to leave the room as Penny was once
more alone. She was thankful for the padding as her position crouched
as she was, was not very comfortable, unable to move she just stayed
there waiting. Music could be heard spilling from another room and
then she felt a door open and the sound of voices in conversation
drifted to her ears as a number of people entered the room. Penny
tried to count the different voices, but lost count at about twenty,
the gathering appeared to be about fifty- fifty women and men.
Listening Penny was surprised that not a single voice mentioned her
and she wondered if they had been instructed not to mention her when a
bell sounded and over an intercom she heard a chilling sound.
“Ladies and Gentlemen the films you will see this evening are of a new
girl in the borough, up from London Penny is a very pliant young lady.
I am sure you will enjoy her exploits. As usual please feel free to
use the receptacle on the round table for any deposits there are
plenty of nibbles that need dipping. I wish you an enjoyable evening”

The talking stopped and Penny heard the whirring of a big projector.
She could imagine all those people watching film of her, and the gasps
of admiration from the audience as her exploits unfolded were enough
to make her blush. She hoped they didn’t know it was her under the
mask as they watched the films of what she had done. For the first
five minutes there was hardly a sound but slowly she heard breathing
become laboured as people became excited then suddenly a hand caressed
her leg and rose steadily above her stocking tops. The hand was
she could feel the woman’s nails as they traced the tops of her
stockings. “Geoffrey dear pass me a carrot stick” The upper class
voice attached to the hand said and Penny felt her skirt being lifted
and a cold wet piece of something hard was pushed into her cunt. Penny
gasped as it was twizzled around then withdrawn and she heard the
sound of the juice coated stick being chewed slowly “Mmmm very sweet”
said the same cultured voice, and immediately Penny felt more sticks
being slipped into her cunt. The feel of the carrot sticks was making
her wet and they slid in easier and easier until one woman pushed to
hard and the stick disappeared right inside her tube. “Oh dear, now
I’ll have to fish it out” and Penny felt a long nailed finger slip
into her fanny and root around until it found the errant stick and
pinning it against the side of her now quite wet tube slowly withdraw
the vegetable. Penny hear the sound of a finger being sucked and could
imagine the woman sucking her cunt juice from a long slender manicured
digit. Around her the noise level was increasing as people began to
pass comment on the films they were watching. A male voice spoke “Look
at that slut go being fucked by two Kaffirs by Jove” and Penny knew
they were watching her on top of the Car Park. “Deirdre dear do come
her my darling” spoke the voice and Penny heard the sound of tearing
cloth as the man made contact with the woman of his choice. almost
immediately the room was a babble of voices as ladies and men called
for their choices to come to them and Penny heard the sound of Zips
being undone and squeals of pleasure as one woman or another was
enfolded into someone’s arms. In front of her Penny heard a male ask
for the table to be freed and she was spun round, the whole table top
moving with her bound on top of it. “Open you mouth my dear” spoke the
voice that had asked for the table to be freed “and suck my johnny
whilst I watch this delectable whore being shafted” Penny obligingly
opened her mouth and felt a smooth cock being placed on her tongue,
hollowing her cheeks she sucked on the proffered organ as the man
describe to her the pictures he could see how the woman on top of the
Car Park was being shafted by a giant white man and two blacks and how
beautiful she looked lying there between them her mouth fastened on a
massive black cock. Penny felt his hands creep down to squeeze her
breasts as his cock twitched inside her mouth. suddenly his cock
jerked and spat a generous amount of sperm directly onto her tongue.
Penny was about to close her mouth to swallow when a female mouth
fastened over hers and she felt the spunk being licked out, and Penny
realised she wasn’t supposed to swallow the sperm, she was the
condiment set.
Another prick immediately replaced the one that had left and another
deposit was made this time Penny kept her mouth open and let the spunk
pool inside her mouth. within a few seconds she felt a stick of celery
probing her mouth to scoop up the sticky, salty spunk. With a gurgle
of enjoyment whoever had just retrieved the spunk moved away and for a
couple of minutes Penny could hear nothing but the sound of bodies in
carnal embraces all around her. Women and men moaned and groaned their
way towards completion.

A voice suddenly raised itself above the general hubbub “Look at that,
up the tower” and all around her Penny heard the sound of silence as
all eyes in the room turned once more to the scream. Penny felt
herself blushing crimson red as she imagined all these people watching
her cunt drip spunk all over the glass of the ‘leap of faith’, then
her body was being assailed from both ends as someone pushed a cock
into her mouth and she felt another embedding itself not her cunt
tightening muscles at both ends she constricted around the organs as
the men at either end turned the table until they could both see. At
the side she felt someone climb onto the table and felt a woman’s legs
straddle her back, riding her like a horse the woman’s sloppy wet
cunt was sliding up and down her back as the two cocks increased their
pace as she remembered how she had leant across the glass and dribbled
cum down her legs. “Beautiful, absolutely beautiful” said the voice
behind her, whether from the film or because of her cunt muscles
rippling up and down his cock Penny didn’t know but whichever it was
seemed to have an effect she felt his cock removed and jet spurts of
cum all over her back. the woman riding her was sweeping the spunk up
and down her back with her sliding cunt and Penny could feel her
juices joining the spunk and just as the woman shuddered to a stop and
wailed her own orgasm Penny felt the cock in her mouth also removed
and jets of hot sperm splattered over the mask and dripped down her
face. People all round her now were passing comment on how much spunk
had dripped from her cunt on screen when another cock probed its way
between the outer lips of her fanny and rest there she could feel it
throbbing as though ready to come but nothing happened the man behind
it seemed to be waiting for something. His breathing was ragged and
his hands rested on her Ass cheeks and kneaded them like a cat when it
sits in your lap. Suddenly Penny heard the whistle of a whip and
tensed expecting it to crack down on her but instead with a grunt the
cock in her cunt jerked froward and she heard the man moan. It was him
being hit and every time the whip landed he jerked forward and gripped
her buttocks his cock seemed to grow with each lash until he was
stretching her cunt. Hidden in her mask Penny could only guess at the
scene behind as another cock invaded her face. Around her an almighty
roar filled the room with wild cheering, instinctively Penny knew the
film had reached the place where her piss was cascading down onto the
glass screen. Behind her the man groaned and his cock jerked, but it
wasn’t spunk that flooded her fanny, instead she felt a stead stream
of piss invading her love tube steadily she felt herself being filled
until his cock still jerking backwards and forwards was gurgling and
slipping in and out of his own piss as it was forced back up her tubes
to drip onto the table between her legs. Penny felt him being moved
away to be replaced by a pair of feminine lips lapping at the piss as
it dribbled from her cunt. The tongue fluttered over Penny’s labia,
tickling her clit. Tensing herself Penny knew she was about to cum,
and with a shudder of joy and a groan she added her own thick juices
to the stream of piss being ejected from her lips. Her involuntary
shaking as she came sent the cock in her mouth into overdrive and her
face was tipped up to accept its offering.
Again and again cocks were depositing their load in her mouth in an
almost endless stream they came to be replaced by carrot, celery or
asparagus tips to remove the sticky deposits. Penny’s mouth was
becoming sore from being held open and despite herself she eventually
was forced to swallow. a stinging slap on the rump reminded her that
she wasn’t allowed to eat any of the goodies herself and with grim
determination she held her mouth wide.
The sound of another tinkling bell and the room fell silent. Penny in
the dark waited for the next invasion of her body, but instead the
loudspeakers buzzed again and Penny heard with a sense of foreboding
the next announcement.
“Ladies and Gentlemen, it is now time to remind you all of the rules,
some of you haven’t sampled the centre piece yet, but I am sure that
during the next section of film you will be driven to distraction, not
least because it displays the rape of Penny as she travels up the
prom, but also for your enlightenment as you will also witness how I
punish those that
abuse my girls unnecessarily”
To a general muttering Penny felt the table being dropped slightly and
her legs were repositioned so that her knees were forced even further
forward. She knew that now her puckered and as yet untouched Ass was
being displayed at a nice height for fucking, but no one moved forward
to touch her. The room stood in a hushed silence. Suddenly Penny’s
ears could hear the sound of moaning and wheels? She couldn’t work out
what was happening but then the loudspeakers blared again.
“Meet the miscreant that brutally raped MY Penny, and witness his
crime later he will be punished, but now watch as his crime unfolds”
“The centrepiece is their for your use, but remember I never like my
displays permanently marked”

Suddenly another sound filled the air. It was the sound of Penny
sobbing on top of the tram as she crouched down in the front of the
rumbling machine . With a flood the memories of that night filled her
mind, and Penny unable to stop herself began to shudder as the
memories of his brutal assault raced through her mind. She knew that
everyone was watching her abasement and as the first cock pressed
itself against her puckered Ass her mind remembered the pain of the
truncheon being forced into her cunt and her body shook. The cock at
her Ass pushed insistently forward and slowly forced its way into her
rectum, another cock was seeking her mouth and underneath her mask,
all alone in the dark Penny knew the men now assaulting her were
watching the film, as each of her screams echoed across the room the
two cocks moved in unison to her torment they fucked her, strong hands
gripped her hips as the man ravaging her anus timed his thrusts to
those of the rapist, whilst in her mouth she could feel the cock being
jerked of by someone’s hand as the scene on the screen inflamed the
people around the room . She could hear, all around her the sounds of
frantic and brutal sex as men played out their fantasies on the
willing women. Moans and small screams filled the air as spurred on by
the sight of Penny being brutally sodomised on top of an open tram
inflamed all who watched it. As the scene reached its climax Penny
felt the hands gripping her hips tighten into steel claws as the cock
driven so deep into her Ass thrust as deep as possible and deposited
its load into her gaping shit tube. Immediately another replaced it
seeking her depths. Sliding through her cum laden tube the new cock
slurped and slithered its way towards her belly, unable to stop
herself Penny felt another orgasm approaching. Unable to beg for
release as yet another cock filled her mouth she squirmed and trembled
on the table. Hands were all over her now she felt a mouth fasten on
one nipple from beneath to be followed at the other side by a softer
one and she knew that a man and a woman were suckling on her tits.
Between her legs a hand reached for her slit and began rubbing her
clit whilst in her ass the latest in a series of never ending cocks
forced itself into her. Penny was in heaven at least five people were
using her body at the same time. Not only that but from the sounds
around her she sensed that each person that was using her was in turn
being used. The woman fastened to her tit was sucking irregularly and
gasping as someone shafted her cunt. Penny could feel her rocking
backwards and forwards at each thrust. The man fastened to her other
nipple sucked her tit deep into his mouth every second or two and bit
onto it gently. Penny could feel her whole aureole expanding to fill
his grasping mouth as she heard the sound of someone slurping on his
cock. Between her legs the hand at her cunt was now filling her
slippery tube as it was pushed backwards and forwards by some other
force and Penny assumed that this was a woman’s hand and the woman was
probably bent over the table being shagged herself. during this Penny
had felt at least four cocks enter and leave their deposit in her Ass.
The sounds of the film were rising to a crescendo now and Penny knew
that everyone was watching her reaching her own climax under the
assault of the police bastard. Her tits flying in the wind as he had
forced her up and down on his cock. Her licking his plastic truncheon
clean of her own juices.
Suddenly everything stopped, the cock embedded in her cunt twitching
in her anus was the only movement Penny could feel. Slowly it was
withdrawn Penny alone again untouched in a silent room felt herself
being unstrapped. Gently she was lifted from the table and, on legs
cramped from being held in position for so long, led across the room.
Whispers around her let her know this was not normal, and as she felt
herself guided up a couple of steps and turned to face the audience of
hedonists she heard right by her side the voice that had echoed across
the loudspeakers. “Ladies and Gentleman, before you, you see a
miscreant who raped Penny my latest girl, hanging on his frame he now
regrets his impulsive action. you have just buggered my centrepiece
twelve times. Watch as your juices drip from her Ass.” Penny felt
herself being turned again and under the mask flushed a deep crimson
as hands gently stretched her Ass cheeks so that everyone could see
the creamy fluids running down her legs to soak into the top of her
black stockings. As murmurs of appreciation rippled across the
assembly Penny was turned back to face the room
“This ladies and Gentleman is a body to be enjoyed and worshipped,
able to take almost unlimited punishment as you have seen, I want you
to put your hands together for ………… PENNY ..y…y..”
Her mask whipped from her face Penny stood blinking in the bright
lights and stared down at a sea of faces, as the room exploded into
thunderous applause, turning to finally look at the Master, Penny
couldn’t believe her eyes there was no one there. alone on the stage
she stood and blushed as the cheers rumbled on. All around the room
men naked or dressed in tiny leather thongs, women dressed in every
sort of dream clothing you could imagine stood and applauded her,
until stepping up from the floor a tall man probably in his sixties
but very regal looking despite being naked with a fourteen inch cock
dangling between his legs took Penny’s hand and led her towards the
far side of the room. There hanging spread-eagled his bollocks
stretched downwards toward the floor by the simple expedient of having
weights attached to a cord wound around his scrotum hung the rapist.
Watching Penny approach his mouth opened and another scream rent the
Handing Penny a whip the august gentleman stepped back and indicated
that Penny was free to do anything she wanted.
The trials and tribulations of the last few days welled up inside her
body and with a scream of anger she let rip. The lash hit him square
between the shoulder blades and a red welt sprang up where the lash
had fallen again and again Penny released her pent up anger, again and
again his body jerked as the lash bit deep. Al around her she could
see the hedonists their sexual appetites aroused fornicating in one
fashion or another but she didn’t care, she would make the bastard
pay. his back was now criss-crossed with welts and Penny turned and
looked around the room. There on a table she saw what she wanted and
striding across she picked up a small glass bottle. Moaning on his
gantry the policeman begged as she approached him, but to roars of
approval from the crowd Penny administered another torture to the man.
As she used the bottles contents and rubbed them into his wounds his
body jerked and unable to prevent himself his cock jerked as he pissed
himself then uncontrollably his anus expelled line after line of shit
as his body wracked with pain underwent an excruciating spasm. Penny
with grim determination threw the Salt cellar to one side and scooped
up his shit coating his back with the brown mess she rubbed it into
his wounds then in a final act of degradation she forced some into his
mouth and laughed as he gagged on the foul brown food. Still not
satisfied Penny picked up the whip again and spreading his ass cheeks
drove it handle first deep into his unprepared anus with a scream of
horror the man jerked and bounced on his cross as to finally finish
her revenge Penny looked around and gently jerked on the weights. The
entire room turned to watch as Penny fingering her own clit in a sense
of total abandonment signalled six of the men to come forward and as
each watched the jerking man on the cross his cock solid in his hand
told them to wanked their rampant members onto her outstretched hand.

Covered in spunk she lifted her hand to the man’s face and made him
the spunk from her fingers then Penny turned and as she wailed her own
sexual release she gripped his balls and ….SQUEEZED.
With an unearthly scream his body arched
against the restraints the man frothed at the mouth and fell forward
senseless on his cross his scrotum jerking the weights up and down as
his shattered balls sent their messages of pain to his unconscious
body. Penny turned and as everyone watched she stalked among the crowd
selecting a cock her e and a cock there she took six men with her to
the centre table. Pushing one back onto the table she mounted above
him and slowly lowered her Ass onto his waiting rod. Ever since
watching Mabel in the Stables Penny had thought how to deal with six
men at once and now she was going to do it. In front of an audience of
nearly fifty people she was going to get six men to come all over and
inside her at the same time. Waiting for his cock to settle deep
inside her still flooded shit hole Penny signalled the next man to get
ready then lowering herself backwards she spread her glistening cunt
lips and suggested he might like to fuck her slit. With a grin of
anticipation he stepped froward and slowly impregnated her waiting
cunt with his cock. A good ten inches long and thick it ploughed into
her cunt. As used as she had been she felt her tube forced to stretch
to accommodate him. As his crotch hairs finally settled against her
clit she shuddered and had a mini orgasm, but the man stood still and
waited. Tipping her head back Penny accepted the cock offered to her
mouth and adjusting her tilt made sure that when the fun started she
would be able to accommodate all of this dong when the time came. Next
a man mounted her chest and positioned himself between her breasts.
With glee Penny noticed that one aureole was still larger than the
other after the sucking it had been given earlier but her nipples were
so swollen that the man touching them made her gasp as pleasure swept
through her body. The final act Penny reached out sideways and gripped
a cock in each hand.
Giving her final instructions that they were to all try to cum at the
same time she signalled her readiness for them to begin.
Slowly at first, matching their strokes to each other they started to
fuck the willing slut. Moaning with pleasure Penny felt her body come
alive, every nerve jangled, every fibre of her body felt as though it
was on fire as together six manly organs began to ravage her body.
Up her Ass. in her cunt, between her swollen breasts they thundered
only the man at her head kept still, gently wanking his cock he
watched as Penny reached for her first climax. Her body jerking
between the five cocks she already controlled she started to babble
her lust to the watching crowd “I’m a cum slut fill me up you
bastards, shag me, fuck me wank all over me” the men responded by
moving faster, and between them female hands reached in to tickle her
clit, and rub her nipples. Penny exploded she had never felt like this
before. As at least nine people surrounded her, her vision clouded her
eyes swam with nothing but swirling colours as a woman’s nails gripped
a nipple and another scratched across her clit her body jerked up from
the table. “Mouth, mouth, mouth” she heard herself mutter, and the
last cock slid deftly into place preventing her from saying any more.
six cocks pounded all around her she could feel them one by one they
signalled they were ready to release their seed, but each held back as
in her Ass the man beneath the pile struggled to reach his own climax.
Her hands around the two cocks were being held to prevent her jacking
them to completion the man in her mouth held his cock just inside her
mouth, and the one between her tits let them fall slightly apart. just
the man in her Ass was thrusting into her now trying to find his
release, suddenly Penny felt a female hand slip between the cock
invading her lower body to grip his shaft and speed up his final act.
“Oh! baby squeeze my balls” he moaned then with a grunt of pent up
frustration she felt his cock shudder. “Now!” shouted the man at her
cunt, and Penny left the earth as immediately all the cocks thrust
deep inside her, fingers gripped her nipples and clit and she flew
into the realms of total sexual release her body climbed as all around
her people watched this slut give a demonstration of cock handling
like they had never seen before. As one six jerking monsters flooded
her with spunk. The man in her throat sent seed spiralling down into
her belly whilst the man between her tits yelled his release and
sprayed her chin, tits and face with his cum. Between her legs two
deeply embedded hoses filed her tubes and in her hands two more sent
jet after jet spraying across her body. As one they left her. Her
spent body being lifted from the man underneath her to release him
before being deposited back onto the table. Moaning from her
cataclysmic release Penny thought it was all over, but women from the
crowd moved forward and lifting her legs they sent her screaming back
towards heaven. One licking her cunt and ass slit probed and stretched
both open to drink as much of the cum oozing out as she could, another
vying for the best bit attacked her clit from above whilst two more
licked their way over her torso removing every bit of the spunk that
covered her before sucking her nipples into their mouths and suckling
them to rampant peaks of fire. Penny moaned and groaned as her body
was wracked with spasm after spasm of electricity. Like waves it
coursed through her, until clean and spent she was left only her face
still covered in cum.

Lying unmoving on the table her cunt and anus still flexing and moving
as if still impaled she lay there spent. From amongst the crowd a lady
stepped. Imperious in her nakedness she moved to Penny’s side and
leaning sedately forward she extended her tongue and with everyone
watching slowly removed every drop of spunk from Penny’s face and fed
it dripping into her moaning mouth . The satiated girl’s head rose
from the table to meet the proffered offering and slowly their mouths
met. Penny felt the woman’s fingers slide into her slippery cunt and
as the older stately woman french kissed her Penny felt the fire
return. The old biddies finger were coated with the special cream.
This time though there was no pain only the gradual increase in her
desires as the cream began work. From her cunt the finger slipped and
Penny felt them sliding down her crack towards her stretched ass with
a groan she heaved it upward to allow the woman entry and as the long
tapered fingers found their mark Penny shuddered to a cataclysmic
orgasm of such proportions that she sucked the still probing tongue
inside her mouth like a cock and felt her cunt flare as her body rose
once again to the heights.

Standing back the woman declared that Penny was now ready. She was
sure the darling would enjoy the next act, and perhaps everyone would
like to move back and give her room as now was the time for her to
prepare to meet his lordships best.

Penny her mind fuddled allowed herself to be moved from the table and
led without resistance into another room. Here she was left on her own
with only her raging cunt for company as the cream began to do its
Looking around her Penny was surprised to see that the room only had
two pieces of furniture. The sumptuous chair she was sitting on and a
small article that looked like a foot stool except that the sides were
too high and the seat too rounded. Every wall, including the ceiling
appeared to be sheets of mirror glass her reflection bounced back from
every quarter Penny sat and took stock of herself. Bedraggled, and
unkempt her stockings torn and her dress covered in so many stains she
knew it would never be fit to wear again she stood there slowly
turning. Her body still inflamed from the fucking she had just
received looked radiant. Her cunt still dripped small amounts of cum
onto the carpeted floor. Looking down penny was surprised everything
else about this room spoke of decadence and opulence but the carpet
was cheap cord and in places looked as though it had been cut with a
knife. just as she began to wonder why the door opened and a footman
entered pushing a dolly on which was a lovely long silk evening dress,
complete with bra and pants to match. The shimmering dress was
gorgeous and Penny watched as the man poured steaming water into a
bowl and offered her a small tray containing cosmetics and hair
implements. “The Master requests that you spruce yourself up madam.
best will be arriving soon and he wants you to be ready to meet them”
Puzzled by his statement Penny innocently asked “Who are his best?”
The footman with a grin from ear to ear suggested that the sooner she
had cleaned up the sooner she would find out, but suggested that “The
Master always requires you to attend with your fanny uncleaned Madam
and suggests the douche is only used upon your rear orifice” and left.
Puzzled Penny began her ablutions , and using the hot water cleaned
herself thoroughly using the large syringe that was on the tray to
douche her Ass, until the water ran clear. then sitting
alone she made her face up and tidied her hair before finally dressing
herself in the lovely garments that had been left for her. There was
even a diamond necklace and tiara sitting underneath the dress, and
placing them on Penny looked at herself in the mirrors and felt that
perhaps she had died and gone to heaven for now she looked every bit
the princess. Just as she finished the footman returned. Gawped at
Penny, and whistled low “My God miss you are really gorgeous. his
lordships best will have a great time meeting you”.
Penny enquire about the fact that no shoes had come with the dress but
the footman explained that in this room no footwear was ever worn, and
once again excusing himself left without a further word. He collected
up her old clothes and the placing them on the dolly with the rest of
the bits and pieces he had brought in before left the room. Penny sat
demurely and waited. Eventually the efforts of the last few hours
overtook her and she fell into a fitful doze. In her sleep she dreamt
prince after prince filing before her as she sat on high, and smiled
down at the best his lordship could provide..