Ravishing Sounds – Gina becomes a slut

The ringing phone startles you.
“Gina!” You recognize my voice, and tremble with excitement as you
hear my tone, one you know well.
“Gina! Be at Margo’s place at 7:00 p.m. tonight. Come dressed to be
my slut, as always.”
“But….I have a dinner…”
“Cancel it. Unless, of course, you wish to displease me?”
“No, sir…”
“Good. I will require your help with Margo’s ravishment.”
You hear me hang up the phone with a soft click. As always, you find
yourself breathing just a little faster, feel an arousal surging
through you. Your nipples stiffen beneath your blouse, as you realize
how you will have to be dressed when you leave your house….

Shortly before 7:00, you slip out the front door into the darkness.
The cold winter wind chills you, and you feel its icy touch between
your legs, where you are naked under the your skirt, as I have
“God,” you think, “I hope no one’s around…” For even though your
coat covers you completely, you feel sure that your neighbors would
somehow sense, somehow just *know*, that you are dressed to be another
man’s whore.
As you back out of the driveway, you congratulate yourself on your
luck (your husband, when told of the cancelled dinner, had said he
would stay late at the office) for you have no idea how you would have
explained the sheer blouse, through which your breasts can be seen
raised and offered for use, or the short skirt barely covering your
aroused and wet cunt.
Driving to Margo’s apartment, you cannot keep from touching yourself,
from finding the evidence of your arousal. You are still amazed at the
change that comes over you each time I call. Even though you’ve
stopped fighting it, even though you now welcome it, it’s still hard
for you to accept this second side of your nature, this deep, dark
need to be used. Even more surprising, of late, has been the urges
that our pretty slave Margo brings out in you – the urge to give her
pain with pleasure, to feel her mouth on your body, and to taste her
juices on your tongue and lips.

The apartment is quiet as you let yourself in. We both have keys to
our slave’s apartment, for she has agreed to be ready to serve either
of us, at any time we desire. Up until a few days ago, though, you had
never gone to her apartment without me, to use her for your own
pleasure….a smile plays across your face as you remember…
“In here.” My voice breaks through your pleasant memory.
Shedding your coat, you check your appearance in the mirror, tucking
the blouse tighter against your breasts so your nipples will show.
In the bedroom – god, what a sight! Margo is completely naked, face
down on her bed, her arms and legs spread and tied to the white iron
bedstead. Her face is turned to one side, red hair fanned out across
the white covers, and a black blindfold covers her eyes. Her hips are
raised on pillows, and her the soft white skin of her ass is
crisscrossed with red welts. You lick your lips as you see how wet she
is…her juices dripping on the pillows beneath her. I stand to one
side, still fully dressed, the leather strap hanging loosely at my
“Come over here!” I order. As you near me, I seize your hair with my
free hand, and pull you to me in a crushing kiss. You feel the heat in
me, arousal brought on by the whipping I have given Margo…the strap
drops to the floor and I force my hand up between your legs, under
your skirt…my fingers thrust demandingly up into your body and you
groan against my lips.
Still holding you impaled on my fingers, I break our kiss and reach
to pull your blouse off. No subtlety here…I tear it off your body,
heedless of the sheer fabric ripping. You respond to my demand,
arching to offer your breasts for my use, and I capture a nipple in
between my teeth, biting down hard enough to draw a cry from you.
“OhGodYes!” you moan, “Fuck me…use me….I’m your whore…take me!”
“Not yet, my darling slut…not yet!”
I pull my hands off and out of you, and spin you around, capturing
your wrists behind your back. You feel me tying them together, and
then darkness descends, as I slide a blindfold over your eyes.
My hands on your shoulders now, pushing you down on your knees, and
you hear the sound of my zipper…my hand cups your chin, holding you,
and you feel the head of my prick demanding entry to your soft mouth.
Willingly, you open, and feel the warmth of my shaft as it slides over
your lips.
“Suck me! But slowly!” I command, and hold myself still.
You obey, moving your head and using your lips and tongue to please
“That’s it….that’s my gypsy whore….That’s what you are, isn’t
Your moan is my answer.
“Yes…you know you what you are,” I continue, “What other kind of
woman would abandon her husband at my call….and rush to let her body
be used by another man?”
I begin to thrust into your mouth.
“mmmmm, yes…..only a wanton slut would let herself be used like
this….on her knees, hands tied behind her…..mmmmm, that’s it, suck
harder….letting her mouth be fucked….and WANTING it….you do want
it, don’t you? Hmmm?” I pause, pulling my cock almost out of your
You groan, and throw yourself forward to get my prick back into your
“Ohyes….that’s it, my cocksucker, my pretty gypsy slut!”
My crude words and your helplessness consume you, and you press your
legs together, trying to find a way to make yourself cum. Behind us, I
hear Margo groan, and I glance over – the sounds and the words have
affected her, too, and she’s thrusting her hips down, trying to rub
herself against the pillows beneath her. I turn back to you, seize
your head in my hands, and begin to fuck your mouth.
“Think of how you look!” I pant, as the pleasure grows…”Think of
how you look as you service my cock…ohfuck….my pretty gypsy slave,
kneeling in front of me, letting me use her mouth….agghhhh…aching
to touch herself as she sucks me…but she can’t…mmmmmmm….she
looks like such a slut….her breasts rasied in that pretty
bra….aggggg….available to be fondled and used….her short skirt
bunching up around her waist….ohfuck…her almost visible cunt, wet
and waiting for a cock….any cock, right, my little slut?
You groan around my thrusting cock, and I feel your head moving as
you nod your desire for cock….any cock…I throw my head back as the
cum pulses up out of my body and into your sucking mouth…behind me,
Margo wails as her own orgasm hits….jet after jet shoots from me,
filling your mouth as you drink me…I hold your head still and thrust
into your soft mouth, using you for my pleasure, prolonging my release
in your body….
As the last tremor runs through me, I slide my softening prick out of
your mouth and bend to you. My fingers catch a stray drop of cum on
your lips, wiping it up and feeding it to you.
I touch your cunt, and you jump and thrust your hips forward.
“Please,” you whimper, “please let me cum!”
I smile, and reach for the small, fat vibrating dildo. You fall
forward against me as I slide it into your body, and set it vibrating
at a slow speed. As my hand slides out of the way, you push down
against the carpet, groaning and struggling to fuck yourself on the
“There you are, darling gypsy…that should keep you very close for a
while…you have some more work to do before you may cum…”
The doorbell rings, and my voice trails off as I leave the room. You
hear me welcoming someone….no…there’s more than one other
voice….the voices (How many???) draw nearer, and fall silent, and
you know that who ever I have let in is looking at you, kneeling on
the floor with the vibrator in your body, and looking, too, at Margo,
tied to the bed and waiting.
Nothing more is said, but you sense bodies crowding around you, and
you hear the rustle of clothes being shed.
Suddenly, I’m kneeling at your side again.
“Now, my pretty gypsy, do you remember why you I told you I wanted
you here tonight?”
“To….to help with Margo,” you reply.
I flick your nipple, just hard enough for there to be a little jolt
of pain.
“No…I told you what was going to happen to Margo, didn’t I?”
“Yes…you said she would be ravished, and that I would help.”
“Yes my wanton one…and you’ll start helping right now…”
You feel my hand on the back of your head, pushing you gently
forward. Your lips coming into contact with….with another stiff
“That’s it, open your mouth, my little slut….make these cocks hard,
make them ready to use your little slave girl!”
Oh God! Yes! The blood pounds in your head and your mouth
opens….the cock thrusts in, so different from mine…a wave of
excitement crashes through your body as you realize what will be
happening….and realize that I’ve left you NO choice….you abandon
yourself to the pleasure, to the sensation of each new cock as the men
take turns in your mouth…you abandon yourself to pure carnal
craving…to the thoughts of Margo being used over and over….
Each man takes his turn in your mouth, using it, enjoying you,
groaning as you suck eagerly until they are hard, stiff, close! But
each one pulls away before the point of no return.
Suddenly, I am lifting you to your feet, and guiding you forward. I
unbind your wrists, and guide one hand until you feel Margo’s leg.
Into the other, you feel me press the cool hard shape of the bottle of
lube. You groan at the loss of sensation as I slide the vibrating
dildo out of your body, and you feel Margo tremble as she hears my
instructions to you:
“Gina – these men are all going to fuck Margo’s pretty little ass,
one right after the other – You’ve made their cocks nice and hard for
it, now I think you’d better make her ready for them, don’t you?”
“YESSSS!” The animal cry hisses out of you, and you clamber forward
onto the bed. Your hands run up the backs of Margo’s legs, seeking
that tiny target of lust.
“Please,” you beg, “Please may I look?”
“Not yet Gina! Now prepare Margo for her ravishment!”
The cool lube coats your fingers, and you quickly find Margo’s tight
opening….lust fills you as you feel her twisting beneath you, and
you want to force her open…two, no, three fingers, insistent, hard,
down into her body as she cries out! The images of her helpless body
flash through your head, images of the men…how many different cocks
were there in your mouth?…the men lining up to use her tight
anus…your fingers fuck into her hard, as your other hand flies
between your legs, and you arch towards the pleasure it
brings….around you, you hear the guttural voices of the men, urging
you on…Margo’s cries of pain/pleasure inflame you…and your orgasm
draws closer, closer….
“STOP!” My voice cuts through you. Panting, groaning, you fall still,
trembling at the closeness of your orgasm.
You feel my hands again, guiding you down, off the bed…small
trembling steps…then I take your hands, and close them around a cold
tube of metal….one of the rails in the ornate foot of Margo’s bed,
you realize. You feel the straps again, and find you are standing,
bend at the waist and tied to the foot of the bed. You feel my hard
prick brush against your thigh as I step close; my warm breath on your
neck as I bend to whisper in your ear:
“Ask them, Gina! Tell them what you want done to Margo!”
In a rush, the pure depravity of the power I have given you hits you.
You want it – want it more than anything in the world! Your voice is
low, animalistic, almost cruel: “Fuck her….Fuck her ass hard! ALL OF
YOU! Use her! Use my little slave-slut’s ass!!”
You feel the bed move in your hands, and you long to be able to
see…the springs creak and suddenly Margo’s wail cuts through the
room! The bed begins to move rhythmically and you WANT TO SEE! Margo’s
groans, the movement of the bed in your hands…all of it driving you
You feel my hands resting on your hips and you realize I am standing
behind you – you realize that I CAN watch, that I AM watching our
little slave girl being used..
“Tell me…OHGOD please, tell me what you see!”
I slap your ass, a short stinging blow. “LISTEN, my slut…LISTEN,
and see her being used in your mind!”
You groan in frustration but even as you do, you hear the man in
Margo’s ass begin to pant. You realize he is close, ready to explode
in her pretty body, and suddenly he’s there! You hear him groan, and
in your mind you see him thrusting stiffly into your slave girl, see
his ass tensing as he empties himself in her body….
Movement again…the bed shaking…another man, climbing onto the
bed, thrusting himself into Margo…Margo’s moans as he stretches her,
uses her, the slapping sounds of flesh on flesh…god he must be
fucking her hard! Suddenly Margo begins to cum, screaming in pleasure,
even as this new man howls and shoots in her ass…
Someone is yelling: “YES! Fuck her…fill her ass with your
cum…someone else FUCK her NOW!” – It’s YOU…it’s your voice, urging
them on…as if from far away comes another voice…Margo’s….joining
“Yes…ohgod..YESYES! Please fuck my ass, fuck it hard….USE ME!”
In a blinding flash of pleasure, you feel my cock thrusting up into
your body, deep in your cunt – feel my hands gripping your hips hard,
pulling you back onto me, against the ties that hold you to the
shaking bed.
Your mind is a chaos of sound and feeling; Margo’s insistent cries as
she cums again, a new man’s voice telling her how he’s going to fill
her, then his groans as he does; the bed rail shaking in your hands;
my cock thrusting, thrusting, thrusting….as your pleasure mounts to
a peak, I reach forward and pull the blindfold off your eyes, and the
searing image drives you over the edge into crashing orgasm…There,
right there in front of you, the circle of men around the bed, their
hard cocks waiting; the thrusting man atop Margo’s tied and spread
body, her hips arching to him, letting him use her; the sight of her
tight hole, obscenely stretched and abused, of her wet, dripping cunt
begging for your mouth…you scream as the pleasure engulfs you,
drowns you…I seize your hips and drive hard into your cunt, my own
cock pulsing and jetting, filling your body….

Slowly…slowly, gasping for breath, you return from
pleasure…whimpering as I leave your body, gasping as you watch
another man mount Margo…you’re aware now, of the men…4….6? More
behind you? Aware that their cocks are stiffening as they look at
you…and again I whisper in your ear:

“Ask them, Gina….tell them, my pretty gypsy, what YOU want!”