A woman gets a very surprising birthday party from her colleague

She sips her tepid coffee and reads the newspaper, trying to decide what to do after the bills are paid and some sort of dinner is prepared. The house echoes heavily with memories of past birthdays, some bright, some dark, all sharing the presence of other people. Making a face, she takes a marking pen […]

For every absolutely gorgeous piece of ass in the world, there is some guy who is sick and tired of fucking her

Simone came to live was us – my wife Tabitha, my fifteen-year-old step-daughter Tina, and myself — about a month ago. She is the step-daughter of my wife’s twin sister, Tawny. That sister, a single mother, is doing a year in prison for check fraud, and we’re taking her step-daughter in with us until she […]

The XxX Deleted Scene: Lucy

Trapped with her worse nightmare. Trapped with the Hulk. Fear did not come easily to Natasha. Raised as a assassin and a spy when she was just a child and later recruited into S.H.I.E.L.D., she had seen and done far too much to succumb to fear. But the Hulk… When Agent Caulson had informed her […]

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