Easy office girl the ultra-prime cocksucking woman
“What do you think, Richard? Do you think the chickie up there looking all sweet and innocent sucks cock?”
“It’s really hard to say,” the other cameraman answered, just loud enough for the girl to hear. “I figure she might be a first-rate cocksucker. Look at the way her mouth gets all puckery. And those lips! Hell and damnation, man! Those have got to be the lips of a grade-A, ultra-prime cocksucking woman!”
Cheryl nervously shifted from one foot to the other. She didn’t like either Dick or Jim, but she had to put up with them. They could do all sorts of horrid things to her if they wanted. Putting up with their crude comments was better than having them turn her green or yellow with their cameras. In spite of all their horsing around, they were good TV cameramen.
They knew their trade. And they loved trying to embarrass any of the newcomers.
Cheryl wished the little red light on the camera would blink. She wanted to get on the air, give the weather and get the hell out of the studio. She couldn’t bear the thought of having to fend off those two wolves one more time. She’d only worked at the station for a week, and they hadn’t ceased trying to pick her up.
She wandered what type of girl they thought she was.
“Imagine having her go down on you, those slender fingers slipping around your butt, diving down into your asshole. A cool finger sort of working its way in while those hot lips of hers started kissing your dick.” Jim was really getting into it.
“Hey, guy, watch your language,” snapped Dick. “I mean, you’re around a real lady, not one of those whores you usually shack up with.”
“Lady? A lady? When?” He began dollying in on Cheryl.
“Aw, come on! You can see she’s a lady. Look at those legs. Can a whore have legs like those? Slender, trim, graceful. And you can see all the way up to mid-thigh. And what thighs! Enough to make a man hard just thinking about what’s a few inches higher up and buried, huh?”
“I don’t know, man. It’s the tits that get me hard. Really. I mean, that low-cut neck and all.” He smirked as Cheryl unconsciously moved her hand to her neckline. She momentarily wondered if it was just a bit too daring to wear on the air. “And the way her jugs sway back and forth, hell, man, she probably isn’t even wearing a bra.”
Cheryl blushed a vivid red. She wasn’t.
“Hey, Dick, my color level just went haywire.” To Cheryl, Jim called, “Get ready. Producer says fifteen seconds.”
Dick started moving the camera in, continually saying all sorts of awful things designed to upset the new weather girl. They had been at this all week, and Dick enjoyed the little game. When Cheryl had coldly turned him down the first time he propositioned her, he started giving her the full treatment.
It was almost too easy to fluster the eighteen-year-old girl. Just out of high school, she’d actually landed the first job she had applied for. It was almost a miracle to her — almost.
She knew what she’d had to do to get the job. Dick and Jim didn’t know a thing about that. And she’d be damned if they would ever know.
“You’re on!” called Jim.
Cheryl never trusted the man. He had given her the cue ten seconds too early the first couple days. When the camera had cut in, she was already started on the weather. She’d learned to wait for the red light. That told the story.
All the while she was giving the weather, she could hear Jim and Dick making their comments. Smoothing her dress down brought forth a torrent of “God, lookit that ass!” and “Looks like it’s just begging to be fucked, doesn’t it?” from the pair.
She tried to ignore them and concentrate on giving the weather. It wasn’t much of a job, but it was better than nothing at all. And the producer had promised her she would be able to move up in the station to a better position after she’d put in her apprenticeship.
After what she’d done to get the job she so desperately needed, Cheryl was going to hold Roger to his promise.
The weather over and the red light out — Dick had almost made her say something unfortunate while she was still on the air at the close of her third day at the station — she smoothed her dress again and stalked off the set.
Dick and Jim quickly took off their headphones and cut the power to their cameras. They went after her like sharks after their dinner.
“Hey, Cheryl, don’t be mad. How about dinner? Then we can go over to my place and you can show me how good you can suck cock.”
“Richard, old man,” chimed in Jim, “you just don’t have any style. Any finesse. Allow me to show you.” He cleared his throat and turned to Cheryl. “Please excuse my crass and sometimes crude comrade. He was merely joking, I assure you.”
Cheryl could hardly believe her ears. Was Jim actually going to be polite for a change?
“I would like to take this opportunity,” he continued, “to invite you to dinner, perhaps a drink, then we can go to my place and fuck. I’d hate to waste those lips when others are probably even tighter!”
Cheryl flushed a furious red. She would have screamed except she knew it would only goad the men on. She stalked off, her lips, normally full and sensuous, a thin line.
She went toward the producer’s office. Behind her, she heard Dick say, “My, my, our little Miss Tight-ass is going to tattle on us to the big old producer man.”
She never slowed down when she got to Roger’s door. She just barged on in.
Roger looked up from his control panel. He was finishing off the videotape she’d just filmed. The complex array of flashing lights and meters and equipment confused her. Cheryl wondered how Roger managed to keep everything going all at once.
“Be right with you, doll.” Roger switched off a rig, then barked into the PA system, “You two dorks clear out. I don’t want you loitering around. The watch dog might bite you and get rabies.”
Cheryl leaned back against the closed door to the control room. She was breathing hard. It was so difficult putting up with the two cameramen she could barely stand it any longer.
“Dick and Jim still giving you a hard time, Cheryl?” He didn’t have to be a mind-reader to know the answer. “Forget ’em. They’re nothing around here. Only the staff — the professional staff — matters. And you, babe, you’re on your way up. Come on into my office.”
They left the control room and walked down the corridor. Roger’s hand started out around Cheryl’s waist and ended up firmly planted on one of her tight ass cheeks.
She didn’t say a word or give any indication that she thought this was out of line. She’d have to be one hell of a hypocrite if she griped about his actions at this late date.
She’d done worse — a lot worse — to get the job.
Cheryl still couldn’t quite forgive herself for letting him fuck her. But she justified it with the knowledge she’d landed a job she badly needed. And stringing the producer along could only be in her best interest. He could get her a better job around here. He could literally catapult her into stardom with a prime-time newscast instead of the late-night weather show no one watched.
The girl sighed. She’d do whatever had to be done to get ahead. She had a taste of how the game was played. Hating Dick and Jim didn’t count. They didn’t count. They couldn’t swing a better job, higher pay.
Roger could.
Roger counted.
The producer stripped off his tie and casually tossed it onto his desk top. “Hate that damn thing but the owner says I got to wear it. Stupid wearing that hangman’s noose all night long.”
He felt his cock stiffening as he surveyed the girl. She was even lovelier than he’d thought when he first hired her. The trim legs really turned him on in a big way, and the smoky nylon covering her legs almost begged to be stroked. He loved the feel of a woman’s stockings under his hand. Especially when her legs looked as good as Cheryl’s. The smooth flesh, warm and yielding, never failed to get him hard and ready to ball.
He knew what it was like to crawl between her womanly thighs and stuff his cock into her. She had a tight cunt, almost virginal. Roger smiled faintly at the thought. When he’d fucked her, he’d thought he was getting a cherry from the way she’d acted. No virgin, but definitely not very well versed in the ways of screwing.
Still, he didn’t complain. He wasn’t getting any off his old lady since she’d started on her “Not tonight, dear, I have a headache” kick. When the owner had told him to get a new weather girl to take the place of the ugly bitch who’d left, he saw it as a divine opportunity.
When Cheryl walked into his office, all nervous and innocent looking, Roger knew he’d hire her if she would put out. Somehow, that intent had been conveyed to Cheryl, and she’d let him fuck her. He was glad she didn’t put up much of a fuss over it. Hell, this was the way things were. Nobody got ahead these days without some sort of grease.
A guy had to kiss ass all over the place, a chick had to put out. It was that simple.
“Roger, I don’t know how much longer I can put up with those two.”
He loved watching her talk. She had a breathless quality about her. It made her tits bulge and heave. With the blouse she was wearing — almost wearing! — her jugs threatened to spill out at any second. The marble-white flesh was gently veined with blue. Those knockers begged to be handled, kissed, sucked on.
And the way her nipples pressed against the thin fabric of her blouse, Roger counted himself lucky he didn’t blow his wad then and there.
“You can’t let them get you down. They’re harmless. Just a couple loudmouths.”
“You hear them, don’t you?” She sat down in a chair. When she crossed her legs, he was treated to the smoky flash of thigh all the way to her crotch. He felt his own crotch responding. His cock almost hurt with the painful intensity of desire he felt.
“Sure.” Did he dare tell he got off on what Jim and Dick said? That he enjoyed watching her squirm? No, he decided, that might scare her off. She was like a small child, trusting, innocent, and… one hell of a good fuck.
“Why don’t you tell them to stop?”
“You know why I don’t. If I came down heavy on them it would just make it worse for you. They’s make your lovely face look fat and bulgy or yellow or any of a dozen things. Those cameras are versatile. And, believe it or not, Jim and Dick are the best we’ve got running them.”
“Well, Roger, I… I just can’t take it much longer. As much as I need the job and all that, I’m going to quit if they don’t stop!”
“Hey, calm down. Look, doll, they’re harmless. They don’t mean anything by it. And, uh, who knows, something may come up for you in the near future. Know what I mean?”
He unzipped his trousers. Sitting as she was, his cock was at eye level. She swallowed hard as she saw the swollen red tool snap erect. It was quivering and hard. Cheryl knew what the producer wanted. She knew what he expected her to do.
She found herself torn between her code of morals and an animal desire to reach out and stuff that meaty prong into her mouth. Knowing her job depended on what she did now, she hesitated for only a second.
She needed the job worse than she needed to preserve her morals. Besides, she was being forced into this. She knew deep don in her heart she would never do anything this vile of her own accord.
Reaching out, she placed her fingers lightly against the bucking cock. It was already hot with lust. She sat up straight in the chair and moved closer. Her fingers looped around the prick, trapping it in a cool grip. She heard the man moan softly as she squeezed down on his cock.
Pulling, she moved him forward until her lips gave the purple head of the cock a light kiss. It was tentative, unsure. Then, feeling the prick begin to quiver in her hand, she started kissing along the entire length of throbbing manmeat.
She heard the man moan, then grunt as she began nuzzling in the bush of hair surrounding his nuts. Her tongue flicked out and gently nudged the balls trapped inside the furry little sac dangling under the rigid spire.
Lightning bolts of delight blasted into his groin. The tiny bit of wetness that was the girl’s lips made him so damned horny he wanted to fuck her lovely face then and there. He could barely restrain himself. Knowing there was even more in store for him if he cooled it, the man waited for his chance.
He’d come soon enough. He could enjoy her mouth moving all around his cock.
Then he’d face-fuck her.
“GO on, babe. Lick it good. Take it into your mouth. I love it when I feel those lips of yours on my cock.” He laced his fingers through her lustrous black hair. He started guiding her head up and down his cock so that she wouldn’t miss a single square inch of his aroused flesh.
“Umm, you taste… good!” she exclaimed. And she truly thought the cock under her lips did taste good. It wasn’t a lie. Even though the idea of sucking on that horrid thing turned her off, there was something about this entire act that she really grooved on. She was really getting into it in a big way.
“Damn straight! And you’ll take it all!”
His words made her quiver with excitement. He was so commanding, so dominant. It made her feel like jello inside. Whatever he wanted her to do, no matter how humiliating, how degrading, she would do it — gladly. The producer had a take-command attitude that made her like putty in his hands.
She was his slave to do with as he wished.
And he wished for her to suck his cock.
She sucked.
Her lips opened into an “O” that took his plum-tipped cock. She surrounded him, then started sucking. Not too hard but enough to let him know she was obeying. Her tongue was moving roughly over the sensitive tip of his prick. She felt the trembling flesh under her tongue and was happy.
She was making him happy — and that made her glad. She was pleasing him with her mouth.
She sucked harder. He groaned, then shoved his hips forcefully forward at the same time he pulled her head into his crotch.
The girl suddenly found herself with a faceful of cock. She felt the rubbery tip of his prick bounce off the roof of her mouth. She had just enough time to wallow before the massive prong came surging into her throat.
She didn’t choke. She was able to take his cock all the way down her windpipe.
He moaned his pleasure. The wet, pink cradle of her tongue stroked and bucked slightly under his dick. The roughness stimulated the most sensitive area of his cock and made him desire her more than before. Looking down, all he could see was his prick vanishing between her ruby-red lips. It seemed almost as if his cock were growing from her face.
When she swallowed, he was treated to an erotic massage. Her throat muscles moved against his deep-thrusting dong. It was almost too much for the man to endure. He managed to keep from shoving his hips forward even harder. He knew she would have to learn to take him wherever — whenever — he wanted.
Whatever his intentions, Cheryl was unable to keep the swollen rod of flesh down her throat very long. She moved backward and let it slide wetly from her mouth.
Gasping, she shoved it out of her mouth for a moment and muttered, “Is th-that what y-you wanted?”
“Yeah. Don’t stop!”
She hated herself. She hated sucking on his prick. She discovered she hated herself worst of all — for enjoying this degradation.
Her cunt was actually beginning to drool obscenely. She felt positively wanton. This humiliating scene was sexually arousing her. She felt a deep yearning in her cunt. It was a hollowness that demanded attention. There had to be a cock driving hard and fast to fill the void between her legs.
If she didn’t get it, she would surely go crazy with lust.
She hated what the man was doing to her — and loved every single second of it!
She pulled his cock back into her mouth. This time, her tongue swirled around like a tornado. She touched every bit of flesh near the end of his prick. It received the fiercest, most enjoyable tonguelashing she was able to deliver.
She hated it. And the cock tasted so damn good she couldn’t keep herself from tonguing and sucking and lapping at it like some meaty lollipop.
“Go, babe, go!” he cried.
“Ummmm,” was all she could answer. This wasn’t an easy position for her to answer from. The plug of cock fully engorged her mouth. The way it quivered and jerked around in her face, she knew he was ready to come. It had to be soon. Her sucking was pushing him close to his climax.
The thought of his creamy jism splattering all over her mouth sickened her. Good girls didn’t suck men off and then swallow their semen. It just wasn’t done.
She felt her insides quake as she anticipated it.
Roger sensed the eagerness of the girl. He moved back a half-step. She almost fell on her face trying to follow his cock. Pulling it almost all the way out of her mouth, he said, “Keep sucking, babe. Keep it hard ’cause I got big plans for it!”
He took a full step back. Cheryl had to go to her knees on the floor to follow him. She clutched fiercely at his legs to keep him from moving away. She wanted his hot jism blasting into her face. The idea horrified her and, at the same time, excited her more than she could ever remember being excited in her life.
Her insides shivering with delight, she sucked harder on his cock.
Roger moved another step back until just the tip of his glands remained in the sucking mouth. He let a little smile touch the corners of his lips. This was fun. He knew what she thought about sucking on a fuck stick. It was degrading for her. He could tell. And it was making her do the very things she hated that turned him on the most. He liked seeing her squirm. It gave him a feeling of power forcing her to suck his cock when he knew she hated every second of it.
“Keep, going, doll. This is nice.” He took another step back and she almost fell onto her face.
Looking up with a pathetic gaze, she seemed to say, “Why are you doing this to me?”
Roger smirked. The whipped puppy-dog look aroused him even more. He was going to string her out sexually then pluck her string. He was going to use her, then toss her aside.
It pleased him knowing he could do it so easily. She was so trusting… naive.
“I’ve changed my mind. I don’t want it like this. Your mouth is nice. It feels good, but it isn’t as tight as your cunt. I want to fuck you — again.” He paused for the words to penetrate. He wanted to make sure Cheryl knew exactly what he was demanding of her. The humiliation would be even greater that way. “I want to fuck you just like I did when you got your job.”
The words struck the girl like cold water thrown in her face. She had steeled herself to suck on his terrible cock. Now he was demanding that she debase herself once more by letting him fuck her. She shivered with the terror of it.
But the job — she needed the job so badly, she would do just about anything to keep it. And there was no denying that Roger was telling her this was a condition of keeping the job.
Was he any better than the two cameramen with their lewd comments? The thought raced across Cheryl’s mind, then she decided. Roger we better. He could fire her — they couldn’t.
And if he could keep her on the payroll he might be enticed into giving her something better to do than just parroting some figure she didn’t really understand. There were all sorts of jobs around a TV station besides weather.
Roger could give one of them to her. If she pleased him.
If she made him give it to her by being extra-special good to him and doing whatever he wanted.
The thought then hit Cheryl that she would have to do more than just meekly go along with the producer. She would have to take the initiative. Otherwise, he could keep her on the hook sexually forever, and she’d never get a damned thing from him.
She would have to use sex the way she had to get the job. This time, however, she would have to be better at it. She would have to be the one manipulating. It wouldn’t do to ever let Roger use her. Let him think he was. Sure, that was logical.
But she would have to become the one calling the shots.
Cheryl didn’t want to be a sex slave to the man for the rest of her life. And she knew that was the way it would end, up if she wasn’t a little more clever. She shuddered thinking of all the things he would do to her, all the hideous sexual perversions he could ravage her with.
Just fucking was bad enough. She hated having a man’s cock driving so hard into her body — hated it and loved it at the same time. But she would play him for the sucker this time. She would use him until he gave her something more than pointing at cities on a map and reading off highs and lows.
Reporter. That would be a good place to start.
She stood, hands slowly moving down the sides of her body. She smoothed out imaginary ripples in her skirt. She made sure her ass jutted just enough so he got a good view of her flail, round buttocks. Thrusting her chest forward and pulling her shoulders back caused her jugs to bounce and sway seductively. She let a little smile cross her mouth when she saw how it affected the man.
His cock hardened perceptibly.
“Roger, that’s nice. But… how about something a little… different? Something a little… sexier?”
“Like what?” This couldn’t be the shy little flower he had fucked just a week ago. Cheryl was actually going to give him something rather than passively accept it. It didn’t seem in character.
“Oh, there… things.” She quickly moved away from him and stood like a model, one hand on an outthrust hip. With slow, deliberate motions, she began a strip tease.
Her fingers seemed to caress each button on her blouse. One button at a time was freed. Each one let out just a little more tit. The first gave the man a faint hint of blushing-pink nipple. The brown plain of areola surrounding the nipple was plainly visible when she finished with the second button. The third gave him a full view of her boobs. The white mounds of tit flesh bobbed out of her blouse. She quickly finished opening her blouse and gripped the hem in her hands.
Spinning in a fast circle, she felt her tits swing away from her body. She gasped as the blood started rushing into her nipples, making them come alive, pulse with life. Her tits became more and more elongated as she spun around.
Stopping suddenly set the twin globes of tit flesh to bouncing. It made her feel sexy — and powerful. She could see the effect she was having on her boss. He was slowly stroking his cock. It would be a laugh if she could make him come and not have to endure his filthy cock in her cunt!
“You like this — so far?”
“Yeah, babe, sure. Keep it up!”
“Just you keep it up, big boy!”
She laughed and clutched both ends of the blouse in her hands. Holding them away from her body, she was able to hide portions of her snowy-white tits whenever she wanted. She could expose just as much or as little of her breasts as she wanted.
While she was sinuously moving back and forth, she allowed one perfect shoulder to snake out of the blouse. The other quickly followed. Turning suddenly, she treated the man to an unobstructed view of her back. She tossed aside the blouse.
She could tell she was really getting to him now. His hand almost flew up and down his prick as he jerked himself off. That old whanger would explode in his hand yet!
That was what she wanted.
To make sure, she began unfastening her skirt. A small wiggle of her hips sent the useless garment over the flare of her ass and down her slender legs to lay in a pile on the floor. She lithely stepped out of the skirt and began working on her pantyhose.
She never got any further with her strip tease. She had tormented the man too much. He couldn’t control his rampaging emotions any longer. He took three quick steps and gripped her fiercely. Throwing her flat on the floor, his groping fingers slipped under the waistband of her hose and yanked.
There was a ripping noise as the nylon tore. She shrieked, “Ouch! Oh, my poor little match!” The tearing material had chafed her already hot and dripping twat.
“Shaddup! You little bitch!” Roger was like a madman. He yanked and fumbled as he got her pink panties off her. As the fabric ripped free of her slender body, he looked at the curly black pussy mound. It pointed like a street sign down between her thighs.
The white thighs starkly contrasted with the fur-rimmed cunt with its pink lips.
“You like what you see, big boy?” she taunted. She knew he did. He couldn’t keep himself in control any longer. He was going to rape her. He was going to fuck her whether she cooperated or not.
All she had to do was lie back and let him do what he wanted. She’d gotten him to react. She had caused him to lose his cool and force himself on her. Now that she was controlling him, she could absolve herself of any guilt in letting a man actually fuck her.
Because he was letting his animal passions run wild — she had merely prodded him into action.
This wasn’t any willful act of hers. He was doing it.
“God, so fucking lovely, those cunt lips!” He thrust his hands under her ass and gripped. She moaned as his fingers cruelly closed on the tender flesh.
He lifted her off the rug enough to get into her. He didn’t waste any time with preliminary foreplay. He was hot. He wanted to fuck. And in front of him was a tight, hot, fuckable pussy. That was all that he could think about.
He shoved forward. The blunt head of his cock hit against her pussy lips. The slippery flesh caused him to miss his target. He went slithering down her sex gash and between the thick slabs of her ass.
When she squeezed just a little on his cock, he almost came. He pulled free and went hunting again for the door into her depths. His cock pressed firmly against her cunt lips. The pink flaps were shivering with lust now. The cunt juice flowing out made them so wet he could barely keep himself in position.
A quick shove of his hips and the pussy lips folded into the snatch. His fat, swollen cock penetrated full length into her humid, clutching interior. Her twat crushed down around him. He felt as if he’d fucked into a vise.
Hot and tight, he was firmly held in her snatch. He felt a little dizzy as the full impact echoed through his body. His balls slapped wetly against her upturned ass. The hanging sac was laden with lead-heavy jism begging for release.
He muttered, “So tight! Jeee-zussss!”
“You like it?” she asked. The impact had momentarily taken her breath away. She loathed this, yet it excited her. She could actually enjoy what was happening. She had duped him into fucking her. She was the one who controlled him. And she’d use her body to get her that job she wanted — she wouldn’t be a Goddamn weather girl much longer!
Not if the way his prong jerked around inside her twat was any indication of what the man was feeling inside.
He didn’t answer with words. He let his body answer with action. Like a piston moving in a well-lubricated groove, he started fucking her. It was a slow, methodical fucking to start. Then he changed to a fast, shallow fucking.
The friction burned at his cock. It filled his guts with liquid fire. If she had taken a million little pins and stuck them into his cock, he couldn’t have felt much different. The pressure built up in his balls. The thick cum churned and boiled.
He fucked even faster.
In spite of herself, Cheryl felt her indifference burning away. It actually felt good having that cock in her cunt and fucking wildly. The short, quick strokes lighted the fires of passion she had never known inside her before. She felt changed, altered. Struggling against the desires she felt being born inside her belly, she started thrashing around under the passionate man.
Her movements drove him wild with lust. As she wiggled her hips and bucked up and down, it caused her already tight cunt to contract and grip even more firmly at his delving prick.
“Oh, God, God, fuck meeeee!” she begged. It seemed to her that someone else was speaking. It couldn’t be her asking the man to fuck her. But it was. She was so consumed with lust, she would have done anything to get more cock.
The man didn’t have to be urged on. He probed deep and hard. His body slammed hard into hers with a wet, sloppy noise. The love juices leaking from her cunt made their crotches slippery. Every time his cock impaled her, there was a lewd smacking noise. When he pulled out of her tight manhole, he broke the vacuum with a pop!
Her insides had turned to water. She felt weak and shaky. There was nothing in her world now except for the driving cock. Raising her legs, she found she could suck him even deeper into her twat. By pressing her knees flat on the floor on each side of her body, she collapsed her cunt so much the man was scared she would rip off his cock at the roots.
But he didn’t complain. He fucked harder.
And as he drove even harder into her impossibly small hole, he started a fire beyond Cheryl’s control. The blaze lapped and licked at her insides. It moved up into her loins. It worked its way with insidious urgency into belly. Her tits felt like overinflated balloons that would explode at any instant.
Arching her back, humping up to meet his incoming cock, she captured his pussy-pleaser.
For the first time in her life, she came.
The red wave of climax washed though her body and caused her to moon, “Unnggghhhh!” She was totally seized and held captive by the iron grip of orgasm. A new world was revealed to her, a lovely, wonderful world.
She could barely comprehend it as the man’s cock started giving her such intense pleasure.
All she knew for certain was that she had to have more — she had to possess his luscious cock!
Becoming totally aware of her body, she reveled in the feeling flooding her. The friction generated by the man’s cock a it raced back and forth in its channel made her moan and shudder with carnal delight. The pulsing length of meaty prick inside her twat launched wave after wave of pleasure through her.
She knew the joy of orgasm for the third time. The feelings in her as she drifted down from her sexual high were unique, totally different from anything she had previously experienced. The feel of the huge cock splitting her wide was tremendous — she started needing that cock like a junkie needs a fix.
She became a sex junkie. Her fix was a throbbingly alive, all male cock fucking her.
The world seemed to spin and whirl around her now. Her eyes couldn’t focus. The flaming-hot poker ramming in and out of her whipped her passions to a fever pitch. The wet grinding of the man a groin against her slowly stimulated her clit until she was moaning constantly in arousal.
The lightest touch did magical things to her. With a body filled with pent-up emotions like hers, anyone unlocking that reservoir unleashed a flood. She was caught up in the throes of sex. It became a mystical experience for her.
The pulsating cock streaking back and forth in her cunt was all she lived for. She needed it. Buried full length in her cunt, she imagined she could feel every single contour of that organ. The big blue vein stood out and pulsed with lust. Every time he pulled out of her, it was as if his cock was pulling her guts out of her cunt. The intense vacuum formed between his cock and the clinging walls of her box caused her to lose all control of her body.
She began hunching up to meet his every thrust. She tried to take his cock as deeply into her body as possible. She winced under the impact of his body against hers. She grunted as he rotated his hips, stirring her guts with his steel-hard cock buried balls deep up her cunt. She even pleaded when he pulled out of her twat.
“Please, no, I… I need it! All the way in, cram it all the way up! Rip me apart all the way to the chin!”
“Babe, you’re so damn tight, I feel like I’m getting burned off at the roots. But I’ll give it to you!”
“Yesss, oh, aieeeee!”
She came again.
Never had she imagined sex could be like this. He was bringing her off time after time.
And he was barely able to control his wildly churning balls every time her cunt clamped fervently down around his cock. He drilled into an even tighter channel while the orgasm seized her in its velvet grip. The heat seemed so intense he was sure it would burn his cock off.
Then it no longer mattered to him. All that mattered was wantonly creaming the girl’s cunt walls with his cum. He felt the heat touch the very tip of his cock. The wave worked its way inexorably back until it came to his balls.
The extra heat pushed him over the brink. His balls exploded in a fiery torrent of jism. He whitewashed the girl’s cunt with his cum. Bucking, dancing spurting, he left his cock sunk all the way up between her hot pink puny lips.
Those lips seemed to obscenely kiss his cock, milking it like a mouth. Every single drop of his cum was sucked from his body. By the time he was limp and exhausted, his balls were completely drained of their precious fluid.
“Damn, Cheryl, but you got the tightest cunt I ever fucked!”
She simply lay back on the rug and shivered. It was suddenly cold in the room. A sheen of sweat covered her body. The girl hadn’t realized that making love could be this good.
It added a brand-new dimension to what she had to do. Using her body to get ahead might not be such a drag after all. She could even enjoy the power she had over Roger.
“You mentioned another job, Roger,” she gently reminded.
“Huh? Another job? I…”
“I mean, weather girl is so… demeaning. And I’m sure Dick and Jim say all those things about me because of it being such a Mickey Mouse job. Anyone could do it. They wouldn’t dare say anything about me — not like they do — if I were a reporter.”
“A reporter? Hell, Cheryl, that’s out of the question. Shit, there’s all sorts of others in line for…”
She had started putting on her clothes. She tossed the ripped panties to Roger, saying, “Here’s something for your collection, rapist.”
“Rapist? Now, just a Goddamn minute. You asked for that. You were the one who wanted this fucking job and…”
“And nowhere does it say anything about you ripping my clothes off and fucking the weather girl.”
“Weather girl,” he dully repeated. He dragged on his pants and sat down at his desk. He pawed through a manila folder and scratched something into a ledger. Looking up, he said, “I don’t suppose it would be rape if what happened was done to a reporter.”
Cheryl smiled sweetly, her lush, sensuous lips curling up in a smile so naive and innocent that Roger knew no one would ever believe him if she did try to press rape charges. He couldn’t get off the hook. With his jism in her cunt, there wasn’t a court in the country that wouldn’t give him life.
“Start to work as a reporter right away. See Dave about your assignments. He’s the one who assigns everything.”
“Thanks, Roger. You’re sweet.” She bent over and kissed him chastely on the check, then left.
She heard him snarl, “Shit!” and slam the ledger book shut as she left.
Cheryl was happy. She was on her way up.
Cheryl hurried out of Roger’s office. She would have to strike while she was hot. Finding Dave and getting a good assignment from him was about all she could think about. Since Roger had hired her as a reporter, she didn’t really have to think too much about him any more. She’d just about bypassed him by being assigned to Dave.
Dave was now her boss. And Dave would now get the full benefit of her attentions.
Being a reporter depended on a lot of things. One of them was which assignments she could get. A bunch of dipshit little things and no one would ever notice her. She’d be just another face in the pack. A few choice ones and everyone in the city would recognize her.
She’d be famous.
And all if she could convince Dave to trust her with a few of the really good assignments. She figured that wouldn’t be too hard. Cheryl had seen the way he eyed her when she’d come to work that first day. He hadn’t said a word. He was too cool for that. But he’d noticed her and he was definitely attracted to her.
She could use that just as she had used Roger’s lust for her. It was so easy now that she calmly thought it over. Cheryl wandered how the others in the station got their positions — or rather, what positions they had to get into to get their jobs?
Her reverie was broken by voices. “Damn fine-looking ass, don’t you say so, Jim?”
“Sure, Dick, but the tits, now that’s her good point. I figure she must be a good cocksucker, too. Look at the way those lips seem to beg for a man’s cock.”
“Like yours, I assume?”
“Sure, man, sure!”
Cheryl coldly said, “I doubt if either of you has anything of interest for me. I don’t fool around with boys.”
“Oh, hey, the little vixen has finally shown some fire.”
“I may be a little vixen but you two are just little — in more than one place, I’m sure.”
Jim laughed, but Dick turned red. Cheryl looked directly at Dick as she continued, “Don’t let it worry you, Richard. No one is perfect. And I hear they’re doing great things with artificial organs. You might try for a transplant. From someone well-hung.”
“You bitch!”
“Hey, Dick, take it easy. Just because she’d finally showing some spunk is no reason to fly off the handle.”
“I’ll show her my spunk! I’ll cream all over her Goddamn face, then make her lick it off!”
“My, my, boys, I would so love to carry on this little talk with you, but I’ve got to see Dave.”
Jim asked, curious, “Why Dave? He’s…” And then it hit the cameraman. Cheryl had been the producer’s office for quite a while. And she had come out cocky and in command of the situation. That could mean only one thing in a place like this.
He and Dick were fooling around with the producer’s private property. And if they wanted to keep their jobs very long, they’d better clam up — quick.
“Uh, look, Cheryl,” said Jim, “you know we were only kidding. It was all in good fun, you know.” He smiled wanly.
“Right. All in good, clean fun.” She started to walk off when she heard a muffled cry from Dick. He’d started to say something only to get Jim’s elbow in his stomach. She smiled and kept walking. There wouldn’t be any more trouble out of those two.
Especially after she worked her way into Dave’s good graces. He didn’t have the administrative power that Roger had, but he was still a guy to be reckoned with. What he said usually went. He was responsible for the news that actually made the prime-time newscast. And that made him the one responsible for their ratings.
Good news, good ratings — and Dave was happy. Sloppy news, rotten ratings — and Dave replaced people.
She found the head newscaster in the back room, his feet propped up on a box. She caught just a little of his conversation with Diane, another reporter.
“… so this interview with the mayor might crack the graft thing wide open,” Diane said, “Want me to handle it?”
“Dammit, not that!” he said, and in a lower voice, “Not here, at any rate.”
When Cheryl came into the room, she saw Diane sitting next to Dave, her hand lingering near his crotch. There was no doubt what the other woman had been about to do.
That was the way the game was played. Cheryl was going to have to do more for Dave than Diane possibly could. That would get her the assignments she wanted.
It seemed so simple now that she had it figured out.
“Hi, Dave. Diane. I sort of got promoted up to reporter. Roger sent me over for a little briefing on what you wanted, then an assignment to get me started.”
Diane looked at her coldly, then said, “I’ve got to run. See you tomorrow, Dave.” There was just a hint of a wink as she said it. Her meaning was obvious.
And it was obvious to Cheryl she would have to get the mayor’s scandal interview that night.
“So Rog promoted you, huh? That was sure quick. You haven’t even been on the weather for a week.” He eyed her in appreciation. Beauty was always nice, and he thought of himself as a gourmet of fine female flesh. There was a lot to Cheryl to savor.
“He and I seem to see eye to eye on a lot of things. We decided tonight that it was a waste keeping me on the weather.” She sat down beside Dave on a packing crate. This was his domain. A quirk, maybe, but he seldom ever used his office. She’d heard him say he hated telephones, and there weren’t any back here to bug him.
“Yeah, I can imagine. You and I see eye to eye, too? Any possibility of that, you think?”
“Well, yeah, if you give me the interview with the mayor. I think we might see eye to eye real well if that happened.” She took a deep breath to make sure he didn’t miss the swell of her tits. Overkill, maybe, but she wanted the job.
“Choice plums like that don’t come up too often.”
She began unzipping his fly. “I bet this choice plum comes up all the time.” She looked at the purple head of his massive cock. It wasn’t as long as Roger’s, but it was much thicker. It looked like a bludgeon. And tasty enough to suck on a little bit.
So she sucked.
“Ummm, yeah. Tasty plum, uh, choice plum of an assignment, I mean. Oh, wow, you do that good.” He sighed and leaned back. He looked at her mane of flowing hair the color of a raven’s wing. The black strands completely covered his crotch. But he knew that underneath the hair was an incredibly talented mouth.
She rolled her tongue around the rim of his cock. She traced out the path around the edge of the purple hood cresting his prick with loving care. She didn’t miss a single spot as she slowly made the circuit.
Jolts of sexual electricity shook Dave as he sat on his chair. His balls tightened down into hard spheres. The balls tumbled and banged against the inside of his hairy sac. He knew that this chick was going to do anything he wanted.
It would bear looking into. He was getting tired of Diane. Cheryl was certainly a lot better-looking, too. He’d sure as hell find out if she was a better fuck.
“Enough of that, wench!” He swatted her upturned ass. She yelped but only looked up with trusting eyes. He felt his cock getting so damned hard it hurt when he saw how innocent and naive she looked.
“What would you like?” Her voice was like a small animal, trapped and wanting desperately to run.
That made his cock even harder thinking what a thrill it would be possessing a woman like this.
“Bend over one of those crates. I think I’m going to fuck you from behind. Makes me feel lusty, you know?”
Cheryl quickly bent over the nearest crate and biked up her skirt. She wasn’t wearing any panties — they were in Roger’s office.
“Hell, you came ready, didn’t you?” Dave stroked his hand over her pussy lips. “Hmmmm, you’re even wet. Wet, hell, I think I know how you got that sudden promotion. I’m not taking sloppy seconds off anybody, and that includes Roger.”
Cheryl suddenly felt a cold lump in the pit of her stomach. She knew her chance for the interview was slipping away. Then she realized the opportunity might not have totally flown. Dave’s hand still rested on the smooth curve of her ass.
“Hmmm, there’s another spot that looks okay.” She felt the sudden stab of his finger against her anus. His index finger wiggled a little against the tightly held anal sphincter muscle, then plunged deep up her ass. If an electric wire had been thrust into her bowels, it couldn’t have felt much different.
“Oh, yesss!” she moaned. “Fuck me there! It’d be so gooooood!”
The finger worming around inside her ass felt so good she could hardly believe it. The warmth of the man’s hand on her ass, the way his finger flexed and curled up in her shit chute, his very presence made the prospect of taking his cock up her rear channel exciting.
“I will, you little bitch, I will. When I get ready.”
Dave’s fingers parted the two meaty slabs of her ass cheeks. The humid crack yielded to his pressure and revealed the mysteries of the woman’s body. He dropped to his knees and began kissing the smooth flesh presented to him. His tongue licked and slurped and went down into the canyon of Cheryl’s ass.
He pulled his finger out of its tight receptacle and immediately thrust his tongue firmly against her anus. The tight little ring of muscle seemed to tighten even more. He wasn’t put off by this. He just pressed even harder.
Reluctantly, his pressure caused the guardian of the girl’s back gate to surrender. It was a gradual intrusion. Slowly, his tongue began to enter her body. When the whole finally gave up, Dave’s tongue speared into her bowels.
A tremor went through the girl’s body. She didn’t believe it was possible to be this turned on just by a man’s tongue. But where it was had a lot to do with her arousal.
He was actually tongue-fucking her up her ass! The wet, rough passage of his tongue in her asshole excited her, made her tremble and shake in reaction. It was the most unbelievable experience she had ever had.
“Deeper, oh, yess, deeper!”
“Umgh!” was all Dave could answer. His tongue was busy working even farther up her asshole. His jaw muscles were straining to drive his tongue as deep as possible up her rectum. He felt the heat radiating out of her tight passage and knew it would be sheer paradise ramming his cock up her ass.
It was tight for his tongue, it was going to be the greatest fucking ever when he used his cock!
He could hardly wait. With his mouth hurting from the strain of trying to tongue-fuck her all the way up the ass, he decided it was time to get into her with something even better.
His tongue wetly plopped out of her asshole, now relaxed and ready for anything.
“You want good assignments, you pay in advance for them,” he said to the agitated girl. She silently reveled in the man’s words. She was going to get the assignment if she let him fuck her butt.
“GO on,” she urged, “bugger me! Fuck the hell out of my ass!”
The words shocked her. She didn’t even realize she was saying such vile, crude things until the escaped her lips. Yet, they seemed to make her even hotter. Her cunt was oozing out a steady stream of lubricant now, oily fluid that wouldn’t be used where she was going to be fucked.
“Never cornholed a chick this tight before,” he muttered, more to himself than to the girl. “Gonna be fun!”
She trembled and bent forward over the packing crate when she felt the tip of his cock press firmly into her asshole. The blunt end of his glands pushed through the tight ring of muscle. When the entire broad head of his cock passed through her asshole, she gasped in pain.
It shouldn’t have felt this bad. He was tearing her apart! Her insides felt as if they were being torn and ripped apart. He was mutilating her with his battering ram of a cock.
“Stop, noooo, it hurrrrts!”
“Stop, like hell! I’m gonna fuck the shit outta you!” He was panting in reaction. The way her asshole clamped down around his prick made him want to cream her rectum. He kept a tight control on his emotions. It wouldn’t do to fuck her a couple of seconds, then come. He wanted a nice, long ass-fucking.
And he was going to get it.
He shoved in another inch.
It felt like a red-hot poker being jammed into her guts. Her inner membrane stretched and pulled to accommodate his monstrous girth. He wasn’t as long as Roger, but he was a lot thicker. That made the difference. He was pulling her apart with his cock. It had to be at least six inches in circumference. She didn’t know if she could take much more without fainting.
Another inch entered her asshole. The flames charred her. Nerves were flaring and broadcasting a single message: PAIN!
She was positive it was going to be impossible for her to let him do anything else to her. She’d beg him to stop. She’d make him stop. Her guts were churning now. That long cock he was penetrating her with was destroying her.
Before she could utter a single word, his entire cock came surging into her bowels. For a split second, she did black out. Then she recovered and lay on the packing crate, panting and sweating from the pain.
Her inner tissues were slowly expanding to accommodate this mighty male invader into her tightest passage. As she stretched and flowed internally, the pain lessened. Then she could feel his warm cock pulsating inside her ass.
That soothed her, made her feel better. She sighed as he wiggled his hips a little, stirring his cock around inside her. It wasn’t so bad now that she was getting used to it. Her body was not only accepting it, it was starting to beg to be ass-fucked.
She had to have that lovely cock reaming out her ass.
She had to have it or go mad with lust.
“Fuck me, ram that cock hard into me!”
“God, you’re tight! Tight! And hot!” he mumbled. He couldn’t believe any woman could have an ass this tight and hot. If he’d tunneled into a surgeon’s glove filed with boiling lava, he couldn’t have gotten a hotter, tighter sensation around his dick. He was going to butt-fuck her, whether she liked it or not. He wasn’t a guy to let an opportunity like this to go by. There were all too few chances to fuck a good-looking ass like this chick had. They had to be taken — with gusto — whenever they came by.
He started pulling out of the clinging channel of her ass. He felt as if his guts would be pulled out the tiny pin prick hole at the end of his cock. The vacuum formed inside the girl’s body was intense. The heat tried to rob him of his control. The wetly clinging flesh of her rectum tried to hold him in.
Placing his hands on the twin globes of her ass, he pushed himself out. There was a plopping noise, and he was free of her grasping asshole. The air felt cool on his cock. He knew he had to get back in and fucking. It wouldn’t do letting such a tight ass go unattended.
He quickly moved and pushed against the asshole one more time. Entry was easier. He seemed to flow up the channel. It wasn’t any less hot or humid, but the way was open and ready for him. It was still tight, but comfortable now.
Comfortable for the man, sheer, sweet torture for the girl getting her ass fucked. The prick came surging into her once more. Every nerve in her body screamed a dual song. Pain, yes, but even louder was the song of pleasure.
The girl’s spine relayed the messages from her asshole all the way to her brain. She started panting heavily with excitement. As she felt her asshole filled again and again while the man fucked away, she began rubbing her tits against the rough boards in the packing crate. Her nipples sprang to attention. As the roughness stimulated her, she let her body run wild.
She became totally wanton. There was no way she could hold back now. The feel of the cock drilling into her ass was thrilling. The excitement she felt from his hands clutching her ass was tremendous. And grinding her boobs down into the crate gave her an extra dimension, a little more stimulation that made her wild with arousal.
“More, more!” she demanded.
Dave grunted and fucked faster. He wanted to give her all she could take — he wanted all she could give.
Every time his cock came sailing up her rear passage, she felt liquid fire fill her bowels. She knew it wasn’t going to be long before he gave her one hell of a sexy enema. His cock expanded inside her. She could feel the arrowhead-shaped glans growing with passion. It couldn’t be long before he shot his jizz into her.
She began thrusting her hips back to take his cock even deeper up her ass. If she was going to have to be buggered to get the job she wanted, she wanted the cornholing to be the best possible. She hadn’t thought it was possible he could go that extra inch up her ass.
It was.
She felt as if his cock were snapping hard all the way through her body and lodging in her throat. Crying out, she heard only muffled sobs coming from her lips.
Hips churning, driving back to meet his forward thrusts, she worked his cock far up her ass. He was… filling her totally. Her tortured insides now begged for more. She had to have it all now!
He panted and drove in as hard as he could. Surrounded by her clutching hot flesh, he could no longer maintain the methodical butt-fucking he had started. He began wildly fucking. The friction seared at his cock. It charred his entire length, then moved down into his balls.
When he fountained out his fiery cum, Cheryl climaxed at the same time. Her body was racked with lust. She found she was breathing with a sandpaper-covered throat. Fire leaped and danced in her body. The orgasm clawing at her senses took complete control of her.
When she had relaxed from the harsh grip of the orgasmic rictus, she managed to say in a husky voice, “Well, Dave, is that payment enough? Call it a down payment.”
“Damn, so hot,” he mumbled to himself, unaware she’d said anything. Recovering a little, he said, “I thought you were going to burn my cock off. I figured I’d have nothing but a broken-off prick left after that fucking. You got a tight ass, girl, Goddamn tight.”
“You didn’t answer me, Dave.” She twitched her ass invitingly before dropping her skirt chastely over the twin moons. She knew he hadn’t missed the promise of more — if he pleased her with the proper assignment. Cheryl was feeling immensely superior to him. She knew he would give in to her demands and give her the interview.
“Sure. Hell, everybody’s got to share in the glory around here. So, get that sweet little ass of yours over to City Hall tomorrow morning at nine and interview the mayor. Corruption in government and all the usual stuff. You’ve seen the kind of stuff we do.”
“Thanks for the confidence, Dave. But… I do have so much trouble getting up in the morning. Why don’t you come along with me — and make sure I get up in time.”
He looked at her and smiled. “Be my pleasure. I never have trouble getting up.”
Cheryl returned the smile and said, “I can believe that. Really, I can.” Her smile broadened. She knew she had it made now. She’d fucked herself into a secure job.
“… and that was the mayor revealing the full extent of the corruption riddling our city government. He has promised a full-scale investigation into the allegations of sex-for-hire practices among certain of his aides. A follow-up report will be aired next week. Thank you and good night.”
Cheryl leaned back in her chair and heaved a big sigh. The interview had gone perfectly. She’d even gotten the son of a bitch mayor to confess a bit more than he’d intended. This was the sort of stuff that won awards — and would put her right in the public eye.
Even after one broadcast people would recognize her on the streets. She’d have fame — after a fashion.
And if she could keep Dave on the hook like she was doing so far, he would keep giving her these cushy jobs. She would keep on being famous. Her name would be on the lips of fully a third of all those turning on a TV set, maybe more if their ratings kept going up.
She was pleased.
And she didn’t even get any static from Dick or Jim. They treated her with what Cheryl had to call awe. She was a phenomenon they didn’t understand. She was too much for them. From a crummy weather girl, she’d come up through the ranks and was now a top-flight reporter. And it had happened in a single week.
She folded the papers in front of her, stuffed them into a manila envelope and started to leave. Cheryl found Diane blocking her way.
The other reporter was fuming mad. Fit to be tied, she snarled, “You stinking bitch! That was my assignment! You screwed me out of it.”
“Excuse me, Diane. I’ve really got to be going.”
“The hell you are! We’re going to have this out right now! I want to know why you cut me out of an interview I worked for two months to get. Why me?”
Cheryl looked at the woman. Diane was twenty-six or so. Divorced, no kids, rather attractive, she thought, if you went for the type with the big boobs that swung and swayed around whenever she walked. Cheryl had to give the woman one thing: she knew how to dress.
Her peasant blouse was opened just the right amount to hint at far more than was revealed. Her tits cunningly bulged up and out of the blouse without seeming blatant. And the tight-waisted skirt emphasized the very womanly hips. Cheryl thought Diane’s legs were a little thick to look good, but that was a matter of personal preference.
It was apparent she had taken Diane’s place with Dave. She owed it to the woman to explain.
“Come on and let’s find an empty room.”
“Yeah. It shouldn’t be too hard. Most everyone’s gone for the day. And I wouldn’t want them to hear me screaming at you.” Diane turned and flounced away. Cheryl smiled a little at the way the woman’s ass rolled from side to side when she walked. She wondered if Diane had practiced that or if it came naturally.
However it was, the wiggle was provocative. Cheryl could see why Dave had made Diane into the premier newscaster. But that was rapidly changing. It wouldn’t be long before she replaced the other woman. Dave had practically promised her that much the night before at her apartment.
They’d fucked the entire night. She actually found she could get off on it even if she did maintain an aloof, detached viewpoint. Cheryl didn’t kid herself. Her body was simply another tool to be used in building her career.
If she had to fuck a few men to get her way greased for her, what was the harm? It seemed so simple to her she hoped she could talk some sense into Diane’s head. The other woman would simply have to see how she had gotten aced out of her position by younger tail. It wasn’t any reflection on how good she was professionally.
Maybe hot even a reflection on how good she was in the sack. It was just that Cheryl was something different, a little tighter ass, a hotter cunt — and more ambitious.
She knew she’d have to work up fast or be lost in the shuffle. She wasn’t going to stay as a reporter for long. There were better jobs at the station begging to be plucked from their holders if she had the nerve to do it and was willing to pay the price.
She had the nerve, and her body was the fee they would ask. And she would give it to them.
Seeing Diane turn into one of the conference rooms set Cheryl to thinking her body might be used for things other than clawing her way up the power structure. It might serve her a dual purpose. She might be able to pacify potential enemies with it.
She wondered what it would be like making love to another woman. If Diane would be easier to handle if they got it on together.
She shrugged and went into the room. There was only one way of finding out how the other woman hooked up.
“Dammit,” Diane flared, “you literally fucked me out of that interview! Why the hell did you do it?”
“Isn’t it obvious, Diane? I didn’t like it as a silly little weather girl parroting figures that didn’t mean a Goddamn thing to me. So I simply tried to better myself. And I got the job as reporter. And I asked Dave for the first assignment to be the interview.” She eyed Diane and decided it would be worth an effort trying. It seemed cold-blooded to make a play for her just to keep her quiet, but that was the way the game was played.
Cheryl knew. She’d seen it in the short time she’d been here.
“You…” Words escaped Diane. She couldn’t think of anything vile enough to call Cheryl. The she slumped down in the chair. She knew she was beaten. “Never mind. You were only trying to get ahead. This is a dog-eat-dog world. And a real bitch of a business. I don’t blame you, Cheryl. Forget it.”
Diane started to get up, but Cheryl quickly rounded the table and laid a soothing hand on her arm. She held her in the chair for a moment and said, “Look, let’s be friends. It’s nothing personal. I think you know that. And I do like you. I think you’re just about the best around here.”
The way the lies rolled off her tongue repulsed her. Cheryl hated herself for the lies she was so glibly spouting. But their effect on Diane was obvious. Flattery was a powerful tool, almost as good a one as raw, naked sex.
“You really think so? Gee thanks.”
“I think you’re so cute, too. So good-looking. Especially on the air. How do you make your eyes up so they seem so wide and good-looking on camera?” Her hand gently touched Diane’s cheek. The flesh under her fingers was flushed.
“Just a little eye-liner. Then, umm, ohhhh! I don’t think you should be doing that, Cheryl.” Diane was becoming uncomfortable in the chair now. Cheryl’s light touch had turned into a caress. She was gently stroking her fingers on the other woman’s face.
“Doing what? I could kiss you — like this!”
And she did. Diane resisted the kiss. She tried to push Cheryl away from her, then slowly gradually, she began to melt. The kiss was returned.
Cheryl allowed her lips to open slightly in wanton invitation to the other woman. Diane’s tongue tentatively flicked out. Finding a beckoning mouth, her tongue sailed boldly into Cheryl’s oral cavern. There, tongue rubbing tongue, their kiss deepened, took on a greater urgency.
Diane didn’t even protest when Cheryl began fondling her jugs. The quaking mounds of tit flesh were like putty under her fingers. She gripped one firmly through the fabric of her blouse and squeezed hard. Cheryl started rotating the tit until the older woman was gasping in pleasure.
Diane felt stabs of delight knife down into her chest. The wet, juicy kiss had started turning her on. She didn’t want to make love to another woman, yet Cheryl seemed so innocent, so open, she couldn’t resist her. Diane’s tongue teased and slowly got Cheryl’s into her mouth.
Once inside her lips, Diane started sucking on the girl’s tongue. Using just the tip of her tongue, she teased and tormented the trapped bit of pink flesh.
But it was the pressure on her tit that was giving her the most pleasure. Cheryl knew exactly what got her hot. But then she should. She was a woman, too, and had to know what would please her the most.
The kinkiness of it, the sheer perverted pleasure of having another woman fondling her knockers made Diane beg, “Cheryl, oh, ummm, yes, Cheryl, more! I want your mouth all over my breasts! Kiss them! Suck them!”
Cheryl smiled gently. She looked like thirteen instead of eighteen. She said, “Anything for a friend — a good friend.”
She opened the front of Diane’s blouse, and the tits came tumbling out in a rush of white flesh. The nipples looked like red fingers pointing directly at her. They were slightly upturned, something she hadn’t expected on a woman with jugs this huge. Surrounding them was a ruddy brown plain a little bigger than a penny and about the same color.
Cheryl carefully went down to her knees and moved forward until the shivering tip of the boob was within kissing distance. She leaned forward and planted a juicy kiss on the nipple. Then she took the nipple into her mouth and started sucking. It wasn’t gentle or easy. It was as hard as she could make it.
She sucked for all she was worth. And it had the desired effect on Diane. The woman writhed around in the chair, a helpless blob of pent-up desires.
She would do anything to get off. Cheryl had her trapped exactly where she wanted her. After they’d finished with this little bit of lezzie lovemaking, Diane wouldn’t dare say a single thing against her to any of the top management. Diane would be one of Cheryl’s biggest supporters — or at least wouldn’t try stabbing her in the back.
To Cheryl, it was one and the same thing.
Everyone was either with her or against her. No in-between, no neutrals. There couldn’t be.
“Oh, Cheryl, your mouth is being so good to my poor tittie! I need you all over me! I’m burning up with desire!”
“Yes, Diane, yes. Just let me suck a little longer.” She moved down the broad slope of tit. When she reached the base of the broad cone — at least a D-cup — she started licking and kissing. Her teeth nipped and tugged gently at the plaint flesh under her mouth. She didn’t give a damn one way or the other what was happening. This was a way of insuring she covered her tracks, kept her sweet little ass out of trouble.
To Diane, it was a lot more. Her body was filled with a yearning she had never known for another woman. She felt the hollowness in her cunt. There was a gnawing need in her for fulfillment. And only Cheryl was available to give her the release she needed.
“More, Diane?” Cheryl taunted. She knew the condition the woman was in. Her fingers had sneaked under her skirt and begun caressing Diane’s silk-covered snatch. The panties were already wet with lust. The woman needed a lot of love to bring her satisfaction.
“Up on the table then and we’ll see what we can do.” The swiftness with which Diane obeyed her startled Cheryl. She kept down the urge to laugh. Then, seeing Diane stretched out on the table, her tits shaking like jello on a plate, Cheryl wondered what the hell she was going to do. She had never made love to another woman. This was brand-new to her. But it was obvious she would have to do something.
Diane expected it. And if she didn’t satisfy the woman, she’d make an enemy, not a friend.
The thrusting boobs gave her an idea that was so positively dirty she knew it would work. It even started her own cunt sluggishly flowing out its juices.
She quickly stripped off her own pants suit and undies. Stark naked, she clambered up on the table and straddled the other woman’s waist. She said, “Go on, Diane, fondle my boobs just like I was doing with yours. Feel them all you want and… I’ll be doing something special to yours!”
“What?” came the tremulous question.
“Just wait and see!”
When Diane’s shaking hand touched her jugs, Cheryl felt a tremor of delight surge through her body. This was going to be easier than she thought possible. She was going to get a charge out of this. She wondered if it was the way real lesbians fucked. It didn’t much matter because this was the way she was going to do it.
She moved down the supine woman’s body until her snatch was poised over one of the pointy tipped jugs. Cheryl reached between her legs and stroked a few times over her cunt lips. She felt the slimy flow of her cunt juice. She smeared the lubricant all over her pussy lips and then edged a little closer to the woman’s nipple.
Spreading her labia, she settled down so that her cunt lips totally engulfed the end of the tit. There was a squishy noise as she squeezed down. Her delicately scalloped inner pussy lips seemed to shiver and shake as they contracted around Diane’s nipple.
The feelings launched into Diane’s body set off dynamite buried deep inside. The lewd, obscenely slimy feel of Cheryl’s pussy lips kissing her clit was so totally perverted she didn’t have words to describe it.
The only word she could use was WONDERFUL!
Cheryl began massaging the boob with a twisting action of her body. Her clutching cunt lips slipped and slid all over the areola and nipple of the woman under her. The soft flesh touched the aroused nipple. The quaking through her loins told Cheryl she was getting hot just thinking about what she was doing. And the delicate touch of her cunt lips on the woman’s big boob were the trigger to her own orgasm.
She started working her way up and down, just as if she were fucking herself on some guy’s cock. Straining, covered with sweat from the exertion, she worked herself up into a fever pitch of ecstasy. She clamped down as hard as she could on the pillowy jug just under her cunt.
Trying to ram as much of the tit into her cunt as she could sent a thunderclap of delight into her belly. She sighed and began to push her body down even more thinly on the yielding knocker. There was a soft, squishy sensation every time she turned and twisted around the flesh plugging up her twat. Cheryl used every movement to give herself the maximum in arousal she could. She wanted to enjoy this to the fullest.
And Diane was getting off on the strange lovemaking, too. It was totally bizarre having another woman’s cunt clamped firmly down on the tip of her breast. The heat boiling out of Cheryl’s interior stimulated her nipple, made it point straight up, hard and throbbing with lust. The softness of the pink, wet pussy lips on her jug filled her with a quiet delight that slowly built up to unbearable ecstasy.
The slightest movement was wonderful. The way Cheryl turned and twisted and massaged her breast with her blood-engorged cilt lips was a real turn-on for both of the women. Diane couldn’t hold back the feelings building up in her body. Her tits felt like balloons ready to pop. Her heart beat heavily. She was taking in air with ragged breaths. But most of all, the feel of the pussy lips wetly, wantonly, lewdly kissing her tit got to her.
She came.
It wasn’t the sort of climax she had expected. Usually, she wasn’t a very hot chick. Her orgasms tended to be sedate in comparison to what she read about in all the women’s map. Not this time.
This time she was hurled high into the air to drift back to reality. She was buffeted by sexual feelings so intense she couldn’t believe they originated in her body. Diane was totally amazed that she was able to withstand such a tremendous sexual assault on her senses.
She shrieked and cried and bucked around. However she turned or moved, the cunt was always firmly gripping on her boob. She loved it.
Finally relaxing from her sexual high, she gasped, “D-did you get off, too, Cheryl? That was marvy!”
Cheryl lied. She had enjoyed it, but not like Diane. “Sure did, Diane. Those are some tits you have.” She looked as innocent and young as she could when she added wistfully, “I wish mine were like yours.”
She started to stroke and fondle the marshmallowy mounds of tit flesh. Cheryl didn’t kid herself. She knew she’d won this one-time enemy over to her camp. Diane wouldn’t pose any more problems for her rise to a position more fitting than mere reporter at a second-rate TV station.
“Do you think that looks better, Dave?” Cheryl moved the camera a little bit to the left and lined up another view for the man.
He looked in his monitor and sighed. “No, that’s not the right angle, either. More to the left and see… hey, there, yeah, that’s it. Now if we can just convince those two clowns calling themselves cameramen to do it like we want…”
Cheryl didn’t mind working late. This was going to be a major production, one which would get her all sorts of recognition. She and Dave might not share the credit equally — he’d get the lion’s share — but it was the exposure she was after.
“Let’s call it quits. We have the script down pat, and the camera looks like it’s not going to be the problem we thought it would be.”
“Sure, fine with me.” She couldn’t figure out how the camera worked exactly. She had to ask, “Would you turn this hunk of tin off? I just can’t seem to figure out where the on-off switch is.”
Dave laughed. He’d worked as cameraman for almost a year before he’d gotten his big break as a cub reporter. He came around and looked through the tiny screen on the back of the camera. A sudden thought hit him.
It would be positively great to have a documentary made tonight. And the two actors were already on the set. He switched on the videotape unit and kept the camera aimed at the desk from behind which he gave the seven p.m. news.
Yeah, it’d be just fine making his very own porno fuck. Starring none other than the incomparably horny Cheryl! He’d often wondered what it must be like filming a pornographic movie surrounded by all those foxy chicks, ready and eager to fuck anything that moved — or didn’t move away from them fast enough. A friend of his had mentioned working on a crew filming X-rated stuff. It had been envy-time when he heard about the cast orgies where everybody joined in. Cameramen included.
Yes, he’d just go ahead and make his own mini-porno film. But he’d do it with the latest equipment. A fully equipped television studio, a two-hundred-thousand-dollar videotape unit and the finest Sony camera on the market.
And the hottest cunt he’d ever found.
Dave debated with himself about telling Cheryl he was going to film everything. He decided against it. She might get camera shy. He’d heard his friend say only the horniest chicks were able to really go all out in the hot and heavy fucking scenes. And some of the guys just weren’t able to get it up.
Dave knew he didn’t have any problem in that department. His cock was already hard from working with Cheryl all evening. She’d worn the tightest jeans he’d ever seen on a girl. If they’d been spray-painted on, they couldn’t have been tighter. He thought a dime put in her hip-pocket would plainly show either heads or tails.
He laughed. It would definitely have to show tails!
“What’s so funny, Dave?” Cheryl looked over and saw him unbuttoning his shirt. She’d expected she’d have to put out for him tonight. It was just before one of the best documentary presentations the station had done. He was horny. He would demand his “payment” for selecting her over Diane and three others.
“Nothing much. I was just thinking what a kick it would be to ball right there on my desk. A show that should really go on instead of all that shit we push out as entertainment.”
“Sounds interesting. But you’ll have to show me more than just a little hair on that broad chest of yours.” She was already working off her blue work shirt, embroidered with half a hundred intricate designs.
“Done!” He unzipped his trousers, letting his cock leap out like a stallion at the starting gate. He was eager to get this show on the road — and on film!
He glanced back over his shoulder and estimated where it would be best to make his entrance. He wanted this for his own film library. His summer reruns wouldn’t be dull!
Cheryl shucked off her denim shirt and tossed aside her bra. Her boobs jiggling seductively, Dave felt his cock harden even more. When she started skinning herself out of the jeans, he thought he was going to blow his wad then and there.
Seeing that pert white ass poke out of her jeans was enough to get any man hard. He was already hard and throbbing erect. When she gave a sinuous wiggle that sent her jeans cascading to the floor, he knew he was going to have to really fuck hell out of her. He hadn’t realized just how much she turned him on before.
Her body gleamed like ivory under the hot lights. Her tits bounced with just a hint of sag. Nipples a bright, aroused red seemed to demand to be popped into his mouth and avidly sucked. The flat belly was made prominent by the deep depression of her navel. But under that was a fierce black bush.
He thought he could see tiny rainbows of light bouncing off the droplets of juice already oozing from her tight-lipped cunt.
“On the table,” he ordered.
“Right here?” she asked. Cheryl loved posing for Dave. She knew he got off watching her move as much as he did actually fucking her. And that as fine with her. He was a bore at times — but tonight he didn’t seem like it. The entire thing seemed to bring him alive, make him friskier than she’d seen him since the first time he fucked her up the ass.
“Right there. On your hands and knees. And spread those lovely legs of yours so I can fuck you doggy-style. I’m going to fuck you like the bitch you are!”
A tremor of delight coursed through her body. She hadn’t seen him this worked up in a long time.
He might actually give her a decent fucking. She hoped so. She was feeling horny tonight. She needed a good fucking to put to rest the ache in her hollow-feeling cunt.
She jumped on the desk and dropped so that her ass was toward the camera. She wiggled her buttocks around in a little quiver of delight. Giving him a good show was part of the bargain. Her half-moons of ass flesh gleamed white and warm in the light.
Dave finally got out of his clothes. He knew the camera was doing a good job of recording what was happening. And this shot would be a triple-X for sure!
She presented her ass directly toward the camera. The deep canyon between her meaty ass revealed her asshole and, below that, the dangling hairy clam of her pussy. The fur-rimmed opening was already leaking out a flood of cunt juice. And each drop seemed to glow in the lighting.
He could hardly imagine himself as a film star with a fox like this. He was pulled but of his reverie by her voice demanding, “Come on! I’m getting lonely up here!”
“We’ll see about that!”
He jumped up and positioned himself behind her. His cock was bouncing around, eager to house itself in that tight, humid twat. Hands glided over her smooth flanks for balance. He didn’t want to fall flat on his face, not tonight, not on camera.
She couldn’t see the red light showing the camera was still on. And the feelings working their way into her body would have guaranteed that she wouldn’t have bitched about being filmed. She was really hot to trot tonight. She desperately needed cock. Being a reporter put her uptight and cramped her style. This could be just the therapy she needed to loosen up a bit.
“Go on, Dave! Ram it in!”
“In a sec, babe, in a second. I want to do a little exploring. Hate to rush into these things.”
His hands began sliding up and down her ribs. She shivered in reaction. When his hands clamped down tight on her tits, she almost came. It was a condition she didn’t like. Balling him to get a good assignment was one thing, letting him paw her body and almost coming at the very start was taking the element of control away.
But she was horny. She figured it was only natural she would respond to him quickly.
And the sensations filtering down into her chest were delicious. The way he pulled down like he was milking her jugs drew excited blood into the swinging globes of flesh. His fingers pressing into the hard nubbins of her nipples gave her the most excitement. The thrill of having him tweak the hard little pebbles reduced her to a quivery mass of flesh begging for his cock.
“Take me now! Please, ohhhh, I need it!”
“It? What’s it?” he demanded. His thumb and forefinger tapped gently against her turgid nipple. The pillar of aroused flesh was like a finger pointing down at the desk top.
“Your cock, dammit! I want your fuckin’ cock!”
“Where do you want it?”
“Please, oh, ummmm, your hands. Your cock! In me. Up my poor little cunny. Cram your prick in!”
“I’ll think about it.” He sounded cooler than he was. The way his cock was jerking and bucking against the warm curves of her ass should have told her he was hot and ready to fuck. But she was too aroused to notice. She thought he was being vicious on purpose. That he wanted to torment her.
One hand still gave her tits the full attention they deserved. That hand moved back and forth, teasing flint one mound of snowy white flesh, then the other. His other hand stroked back across her stomach, now heaving in reaction.
He probed deeply into her navel then found the lush bush of her pussy mound. His hand dipped even farther down until he found the liquid vee of her cunt slit. It was greasy with her inner oils. His hand was soon drenched with her fuck fluid. He parted the lips and moved back and forth along the flowing labia.
When he found her erect clit, he paused for a few seconds of erotic diddling. She felt the jab of carnal electricity jolt into her belly. It was as if he’d stabbed her with an icicle — an icicle bath intensely cold and burning hot at the same time.
She felt his finger loop around her go-button. The little spire of erectile tissue shivered with delight. When he slowly stroked up the pillar of her sensitive flesh, her entire body was filled to overflowing with the most delightful sensations ever.
It was a constant struggle for her not to sob and cry and beg him for his cock. She was almost at the point of incoherency now. It was driving her mad with lust. She had to have his mighty cock battering into her juicy twat. She had to have it.
She couldn’t wait.
Feeling the hairy thigh pressed into her smooth-skinned ass, she began working her hips in a slow circular motion designed to entice him to stick it to her. Her sensuous movement rubbed against his rigid cock. It affected him more than she would have thought.
He felt his balls collapse into tight little spheres loaded with heavy jism. He knew he was going to explode like a firecracker if he didn’t get in her and start fucking.
Having her hot, clutching cunt all around his cock was what he needed now. There was no way he could continue fooling around with her. She was ready for him. He was ready for her.
What more could either of them want!
“Here it comes, babe!”
He let her reach back and clutch at his rod. The feel of her finger around his cock almost brought him off. She pulled hard toward her cunt. He pressed forward enough to get the plum-tipped end of his cock in her pussy lips.
The heat boiling out of her insides never failed to amaze him. She was about the hottest bitch he could ever remember fucking. He loved the way her ass seemed to be fitted to his groin. Her curves perfectly fit his loins like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle.
Most of all he liked the tight cunt.
He shoved all the way up her twat. One second, his cock was out in the cool air of the studio. The next he was buried balls deep in the tightest cunt ever. The sudden penetration took his breath away. He grunted once and then simply reveled in the sensation of fucking this lovely girl, this innocent, naive girl with the virgin-tight cunt and the morals of a slut.
If he was affected by having his dick entirely sheathed in hot female flesh, Cheryl was even more turned on. Once he had drilled into her cunt, she could feel his cock dancing round inside her. The broad arrowhead of his cock spread her tight quim to the breaking point. She was sure he would rip her apart all the way to the chin with his sudden entry.
But it felt so damned good having his cock in her. She tensed her stomach muscles and lovingly squeezed down on his cock. He grunted. She smiled a little and began to really give him the works. Her ass began to twitch around. The result was a stirring motion in her guts. His cock was the stirring rod and her cunt was the pot.
And she knew exactly how to keep him trapped deep up inside her where she got the maximum stimulation.
His cock had pushed in the tender lips of her pussy. The pulsating dong worked around and fully stimulated them every time she made a complete circle with her ass. But the way her pussy walls seemed to grip his flesh, to mold into a glove-tight fit, was the real excitement for the girl.
She could feel his cock as it tried to pull out. It strained. It seemed reluctant to leave the hot furnace into which it had been shoved. But it was impatient. It wanted to be driving back and forth in this well-greased channel, fucking her, giving her even more pleasure than it was giving her now.
Relaxing her muscles, she let the prick back out of her pussy. The wet, sloppy noise when the cock broke the vacuum formed inside her body was so obscene, it made her cunt water even more. When she felt only the glans of his mighty bludgeon of a prick inside her, she moaned out, “Fuck me, dammit! Fuck hard!”
He did his best.
She was suddenly filled with his pecker again. The impact of his body against her upturned ass almost knocked her flat on the desk. She had to brace herself for his frantic fucking. He wasn’t fooling around now. He was giving her all he could, as fast as he could deliver it.
And she loved it.
She loved the way his cock seemed to burn the walls of her pussy. The friction of his plunging cock against her youthful cunt filled her guts with a heat that turned to fire. And the fire blazed up as he continued pistoning back and forth.
The fierce movements of his body into hers threatened to consume her with carnal fire. Her guts were filled with cock and fire and delight. She wanted more. She was a greedy, wanton bitch. She wanted even more cock.
“More! Damn you, ohh, ummm, yess, more! MORE!”
He stroked harder. Every thrust took him balls deep into her cunt. He felt his tight sac smashing into her pussy mound. The sweat-soaked pubic hair tickled and stimulated him to fuck even faster. The smooth feel of her ass against his belly was an erotic turn-on. He fucked faster. The feel of her nipples turning into granite-hard spires of lust aroused him. It hardly seemed possible, but he lunged even harder into her. The pleasure-center of her clitoris quivered with her desire. This drove him on even faster, even harder, even deeper into her cunt.
He was like a speeding locomotive. He pumped fiercely into her cunt. His body was covered with sweat. The blood pounded hard in his temples. All he could hear was the rushing blood that sounded like the ocean’s surf. And the heat from the friction of his cock against her impossibly tight cunt walls slowly burned back to his balls.
The fuse was his prick. The powder keg was his balls. When the heat reached the lead-heavy load trapped in his nuts, he erupted like a volcano. Fucking as hard as he could, he spurted out one gout of cum after another into her greedy little hole.
Her cunt convulsed around his driving rod. She milked him of every drop of his cum with her on climax. She had been given so much pleasure there was only one thing left for her: orgasm. She came, hard. Her entire body was locked in the fierce grip of orgasm for over two minutes.
She barely came down from her sexual sigh when she was shot back into space by the hard-fucking cock reaming her out. He kept fucking her until his cock limply dribbled out of her cunt.
Cheryl seemed drained, exhausted. This was the best performance Dave had ever put on. She’d really gotten off on the fucking in a big way.
“Thanks, Dave. You were great. If there were a sex olympics, you’d sure have a place on the team.”
“Maybe I just do better when I have a nice, tight cunt to fuck. Or when I have a…” He started to mention the camera when he heard a door slam in the distance. The watchman was making his rounds.
“My God!” said Cheryl, scrambling out from under him. “Let’s get out of here before we get caught! Turn off the lights or something so I can get dressed!”
“What about me!” Dave was already pulling on his pants. His jockey shorts just got crammed in his pocket. He didn’t have time for them. Somehow, he managed to turn off the equipment and get dressed at the same time.
When the guard came by, both were sitting on the desk looking sweaty and harassed. But both conditions were normal for a crew working late.
“You two still at it?” the guard asked. “I’d’ve thought you would have left hours ago.”
“We had a hard assignment to work on,” said Cheryl.
“Yeah, we had to get it worked up tonight.” Dave looked at her knowingly. She winked slyly.
“Don’t work too hard. Hear it’s not good for you. Take a little time to relax, you know?” The guard wandered off.
“Whew,” Cheryl breathed, “that was close. And I like having you close, not some rent-a-cop. What say we go over to my apartment and get real close — again?”
The way she said it made Dave forget about everything else.
Including the videotape of their passionate fuck.
In the parking lot, Dave couldn’t stand it any longer. He knew that it wasn’t going to be possible for him to make it all the way to Cheryl’s apartment. She was just too much of a turn-on for him to not get another hard-on then and there.
Cheryl discovered it right away. She stroked across the bulge in his pants and said, “My, my, you sure are the stud tonight. Can’t wait till we get to my place?”
“So let’s do our thing right here.”
“In the parking lot? Hell, somebody might see us. The guard or…” He paused. So what? His erection was almost painful again. Cheryl really got him hot.
“Yeah,” she said wickedly. “Right here where somebody might see us. Where they might see me sucking you off!”
His cock did a flip-flop in his pants. The thought of having her thick, sensuous lips curled around his prick got to him. He didn’t give a flying fuck if anyone saw them or not.
The idea of sucking the man off where someone might catch them turned Cheryl on. She liked it. To actually suck and lick and eat that meaty lollipop and maybe be seen was making her eager to get started.
She dropped to her knees and pressed her face into his crotch. Using only her teeth, she located the zipper tab and sucked it into her mouth. A quick motion pulled the fly open. His cock came out with a bound that made her think of an overeager puppy dog.
The meaty cock shivered in front of her face. She placed her hands on his ass and pulled him closer.
The cock slipped between her lips. She sucked it in as she pulled his body closer to her face. She loved the taste of that fuck stick. It was still covered with her own juices as well as his jism from their recent fuck.
She licked it clean. The tangy taste was quickly erased by her own saliva. She was literally slobbering at the thought of eating that cock shoved into her face. Using her tongue to the best advantage, she soon had him moaning and shoving his hips forward with timid little motions.
He wanted to fuck her face — hard — and was restraining himself so that he wouldn’t yell or cry out. He didn’t want to attract any attention. After all, people were passing by on the sidewalk not fifty feet away. And the guard made his rounds through the parking lot. And they were dimly illuminated by the single light in the lot.
The feel of her wet lips around his prod, the agile tongue stroking and working back and forth on his cock, caused him to involuntarily cry out. He bit down on his lip. That wouldn’t do. And the damned woman seemed to be trying to make him scream out his lust!
Everything she did with her mouth proved that. He felt the rough tongue stroke along the most sensitive portion of his dick. She toyed with the triangular flap of flesh dangling under the head of his cock. She even tried to stuff her tongue all the way down the pin-prick hole at the end of his organ.
It wasn’t possible. She knew it. He knew it, too. But it gave them both so much raw, undiluted pleasure, that neither cared. They were lost in the joy of oral sex.
She used her teeth to lightly nip and bite at his cock. She didn’t hurt him, she stimulated him. The little love bites began to work their erotic magic on the man. He wasn’t able to stand up any longer without support.
He tried lacing his fingers through her hair for support and to guide her mouth along his cock in the motion he liked best. This simply wasn’t good enough. His legs were too weak, too watery.
He fell back against his car.
Cheryl secretly reveled in having the man totally under her control. He wasn’t going anywhere as long as her mouth was surrounding his prick. She could suck and get all the pleasure she wanted — and he would take whatever he could.
Gnawing on the rubbery tip of his cock proved to be successful in getting him to moan and cry out. He squealed, “Oh, shit, that’s super!”
She kept hard at work on his cock. She wanted him to be like putty in her hands — as long as his dick was nice and hard in her mouth! She sucked, she licked, she tormented him orally in any manner she could think of.
Kissing along the length of his erection, she soon came to the hairy little sac holding his balls. She began licking. The hair was crinkly and dragged against her tongue. She could even feel the agitated tumbling of his nuts inside.
Dave was almost driven out of his head. The feathery touches of her tongue on his balls sent lances of delight spearing into his loins. When her wet tongue pressed firmly against his scrotum, he had to swallow hard and concentrate to keep from creaming all over her hair.
She lapped carefully all around his balls. The prickly sensation soon escalated into full-blown joy. He couldn’t even speak a coherent word now.
His words were forced down into his throat. He croaked a couple times, then, contented himself with moaning out his approval of what she was doing to his balls.
She continued working all around his cock. The thick forest of his bush intrigued her. She weaved her tongue in and out until every bit of his pubic hair was wet with her saliva. Plastered to his body, the hair gleamed in the dim light.
She began exercising a little artistic license. Her tongue flashed out wet and rough to pull little mounds of pubic hair into spires and curlicues. She was creating an erotic work of art.
And growing out of the center of it was a long, rigid, pulsing cock. That was the best part of all for her.
Sucking and kissing, she worked her way back to the knobby end of the pecker. Her tongue actively sought out each and every section of skin as she worked down the length. There wasn’t a patch of cock left unlicked, unkissed. She totally covered his prick with her saliva.
“Like it, honey?” she asked.
“Umm, ungh!” was all the man could reply.
She traced out the big blue vein on the top of his cock. From there, it was only a matter of time until she came back to the purple knob of his glans. Kissing it lightly, she meant to torture him as much as possible. She knew what her lips must feel like on his ultra-sensitive cock head.
From the way his prod jumped and cavorted around, she was positive he wouldn’t be able to keep his tasty jizz all to himself much longer. And she meant to sample his cum, to savor it, to taste it like a gourmet eating a fine meal.
Giving head was decidedly her thing.
She began drawing the dancing cock into her mouth a little bit at a time. She wanted him strung out to the highest possible sexual tension before she plucked his string. Letting only an inch at a time enter her mouth was one excellent way of achieving the desired result of total arousal and, ultimately, orgasm.
The plum-sized knob passed through the puckered “O” of her lips. She drew her teeth over his cock as it entered her mouth. This stimulated him with both the soft wetness of her lips and hardness of her teeth. He continued to groan with pleasure. She could barely keep his jerking cock in her mouth.
But that would change. She’d have the whole damn thing in her mouth where she could properly eat it.
Another inch was sucked into her eager mouth. She let her tongue make a slow, languorous tour around the rim of his prick. The purple hood was outlined by her rough, pink tongue. She dwelled on the area under the head because that was the most sensitive part. Wanting him completely satisfied, she would have been remiss if she had neglected this.
When she was satisfied with the way his cock responded to her oral attacks, she sucked in another inch of his prong. It received the same treatment. The teeth scoring the skin, the lips soothing the flesh with their softness.
It became increasingly difficult for her to move her tongue around. Too much cock was in her face. She knew he would lose control of his hips at any instant and try fucking her face. She wouldn’t be able to stop him. And she didn’t especially want to.
But not yet.
Not until she was able to give him a really good blow job. She’d show him any of the other chicks sucking on his cock were unimaginative bitches who’d let their man go off unsatisfied. But not her. She was indispensable. He needed her. And to keep her happy, he’d give her all the good assignments.
He’d have to or she wouldn’t suck on his cock like this any more.
It was sexual blackmail pure and simple. And she knew it would work to perfection.
She made a trough out of her tongue so that his prick would rest in its “U” shape. She sucked in another inch of his shivering cock. And then another inch entered her mouth. The rubbery tip of his glans bounced off the roof of her mouth.
Positioning herself for what she knew would follow, she sucked even harder. He lunged forward with his hips in response. He couldn’t control himself any more. He didn’t even try. He wanted to face-fuck her all night long, he wanted to drive his cock all the way out of her cunt — by going through her mouth.
She took his full length down her throat. She wasn’t any Linda Lovelace, but she could eat cock with the best. Like a sword swallower, she let his prick glide past her tonsils and into her throat. Swallowing was hard. But every time she did, her throat muscles bobbed up and down on the most sensitive part of his cock.
It wasn’t possible for her to let his cock stay in that position very long. She loved the sensations washing over her body. This was getting her almost as hot as actually feeling his cock jabbing into her twat.
She kept a steady sucking pressure on his prick as she disengaged his cock from her throat. There was no way he could escape. She wasn’t going to let that cock out of her mouth — not now — not when she knew he was going to fountain out his creamy load at any second.
Swirling her tongue around the end of his fuck stick brought him off. The first fiery blast of cum sailed over her tongue and splashed on her tonsils. She made sure that didn’t happen with the second spurt. She pressed her tongue firmly on the geysering hole.
The white goo smeared all over her tongue. Her tastebuds loved the heady, musky flavor. She sucked even harder to make sure every drop locked up in his body was released to her greedy mouth.
All too soon, he was dry. There wasn’t any more of his salty, tangy jism to savor. Reluctantly, she let his cock slip from her mouth. It wasn’t the rigid pillar of manhood it had once been. Now it looked like a sleeping snake.
“God, God, oh, Goddamn, but your mouth is too much!” he moaned.
“So you liked it, did you, Dave?”
“Of course I liked it. I loved it! How you can look so young and innocent and even naive and give head like a pro is beyond me. You were just terrific.”
“And what would you know about a pro? You don’t have to go and buy a woman. Not a well-hung stud like you.” She began fondling his balls as she kept up the steady stream of compliments. There was no reason he shouldn’t get his ego boasted as she was making sure he would find her absolutely indispensable.
“I’d call you a cock-teaser if you weren’t so much of a cock-pleaser. But let’s get out of here. I don’t want to be seen out here in the open. You know…”
He was nervous about being seen, a girl sucking on his cock.
Cheryl used that nervousness to get the assignment she wanted next. “I don’t want to let you go. I want to hang on to this all night. After all, what else is there to do? I mean, there’s nothing half as exciting to me… and I don’t have to get up tomorrow for anything special. Or do I?”
“Like what?”
“Oh, the highway commission meeting…” This was the year’s big meeting. A good TV report would get her name in front of all sorts of important businessmen and politicians.
“Hell, cover it for us. I was going to send, uh send… never mind who I was going to send. Let’s go over to my place.”
Dave forgot who he was intending for the job. Cheryl had won again in her drive to attain fame and a degree of acceptance for her reporting. And she was also getting a reputation as a girl with a damn good mouth for things other than talking.
Her snow-white ass wiggled and waved in the air. It was a blatant invitation to the man to cram his cock into her and fuck like hell. The man crouched behind the woman and began running his hands all over her body. First, the jugs. Luxurious, opulent, big enough to be interesting but not so big that man might not — possibly — be able to stuff most of one of the pillowy boobs into his mouth.
Then a hand snaking across the heaving belly, feeling, experiencing, rejoicing. A brief excursion into the navel and then, from the way the woman jumped, down into her snatch.
A finger delving deeply into her cunt slit. Diddling with her clit, smearing her oily love juice all over in a hearty ritual almost religious in its intensity.
Then the final act in the play. His blood-red cock was guided into her body by a quivering hand. Poised for a moment, then the final plunge that sank the man balls deep in her cunt. Both appeared to be carved from stone for an instant.
The man had a look of total satisfaction. He had found a tight cunt to sheath his prick. He was totally surrounded by her body. Her ass pressed firmly back into his groin. Her pussy squeezed tightly on his cock. It was obvious from the look on his face.
The woman was tossing her head like a young filly. No one could doubt she was enjoying this, too. The expression on her face was that of a woman receiving a tremendous fucking. She loved the cock buried in her twat. She was trying to use her muscles to the best advantage. To squeeze, to caress, to manipulate that long, rigid tool inside her was all that mattered. She had to get him fucking her hard, fast, expertly.
The man came out of his trance. His expression seemed to say, “This is great, but fucking is going to be even better!”
His hips became pistons. He drove forward, plugging her cunt time and time again. He seemed tireless as he fucked her. His body became covered with a thin sheen of sweat that glistened in the light. Breathing increased until he rasped like a rusty hinge. His hands started to tremble just a little, then he arched his back.
He came.
From the shudders racking his body, it was a big orgasm. He pumped wildly into the woman’s bucking body. And then she joined him in the climax to end all climaxes.
Together, they rocked through their mutual come until they were drained both physically and emotionally.
But there was a glint in the woman’s eye that hinted she might want more. Suddenly, a look of surprise crossed her face. She pointed, then said, “Do something, Dave!”
Murray Nelson reached over and turned off the videotape playback unit. It wasn’t often he got a chance to see first-class porno on film. Right in his own office, yet. He rewound the videotape and looked at the spool. He wasn’t able to figure out if Dave knew the machine was running or not when he fucked Cheryl.
Murray looked at the first few feet of tape again. He had to admit that new reporter had one hell of a fine ass. A fuckable ass. One he wouldn’t mind trying out himself. After all, if that son of a bitch Dave was able to knock a little off after hours, surely the station manager should be allowed the same privilege.
After all, he outranked that bastard.
He flipped the switch to his intercom and said to his secretary, “Send Cheryl in. I’m ready to talk with her. And no calls for an hour.”
The static irritated him. He’d have to get the intercom fixed. After he fixed Cheryl.
Just seeing her walk into his office assured him she was a real fox. Her boobs swung slightly, tracing out a figure-eight pattern in the air in front of her. The tight waist flared out to demonstrate to all that she did, indeed, have a very fuckable looking rear end. And the long legs flashing back and forth from under her short skirt told Murray all he wanted to know about the new employee.
That and the totally innocent expression on her face. He couldn’t believe this sweet young thing had been the completely wanton slut that was putting her every act down on videotape.
“Yes, sir?” she asked, her voice trembling slightly.
“Sit down, Cheryl. I’ve got something I want to show you.” He flipped on the videotape playback unit and sat back. This time he was more interested in watching her reactions than the action on the screen. He got hard just looking at her, wondering exactly how tight she might be. That look of her indicated a virgin, naive and inexperienced.
Murray knew better than that. He had documented proof she could — and would — fuck like a rabbit.
Cheryl’s mind was racing as the scenario unfolded before her eyes. She knew that Dave had left the camera on, intentionally or not didn’t matter. What did matter was the station manager calling her in to look at the damning evidence.
The real question was if he considered it perverted enough to fire her, or if he was using it as a lever to get into her pants himself. Cheryl cast a sidelong glance at Murray and quickly decided he wasn’t going to fire her.
He’d lose out on what Dave was getting if he did.
His lust was written all over his fate. Cheryl bet his cock was stiff and totally erect in his pants. Since she couldn’t see behind his desk, he might even running his hand up and down his cock, jerking himself off as he watched the sexy movie.
“I don’t think you have to play any more of that, Murray, unless you want to watch it all the way through.” She let her tongue make a slow trip around her pink-frosted lips. The coral tip wetted her lips in the most sensuous way she knew how. There couldn’t be any doubt in Murray’s mind as to what she would do to keep her job.
“I’ve already been through it twice. You don’t deny it’s you up there with Dave?”
“Why should I? It’s obvious. You might say nakedly obvious.”
“No explanations?” He was enjoying this. But she wasn’t trying to weasel out. He didn’t know if that was a good sign or not. She might not put out to keep her job if she wasn’t sufficiently embarrassed about the whole scene.
“No. You saw what you saw. I didn’t know that bastard had the tape unit running. It’s fairly obvious I had to do it if I wanted to keep on getting good assignments from him.”
She leaned a little bit forward, thrusting out her chest. It made her tits press tightly against her blouse. The outlines of her granite-hard nipples were apparent. As she breathed, the rise and fall of her boobs was enough to drive Murray mad with desire.
He controlled his voice and said, “There are other ways of getting assignments around here. You don’t have to ball Dave to get good interviews, you know.”
“No, tell me, Murray. Please.” Her eyes were about half-closed. It looked as if she wanted to go to bed.
“I run this place. Dave answers to me. I don’t like the way he’s doing things, I tell him. And then he’d better do what I want — quick. So, if you didn’t like screwing him for your assignments, you could have come to me. I’d be glad to change that.”
“Why, thanks!” Cheryl started rearranging things on his desk top. If she were going to have to seduce the station manager, all well and good. But she didn’t want anything poking into her back. “This looks just fine to me, Murray. Are you ready to change the status quo?”
“You don’t fool around, do you?”
“Oh, but I do!” she exclaimed.
Murray laughed. “I meant you come right to the point.”
“I can usually come just looking at a man’s — a real man’s — prick. What’s your like? I bet it’s big and thick and a real pussy-pleaser.”
He stood up and unzipped the fly on his pants. Like the blade of an opening switchblade knife, his cock snapped out. It was a respectable-looking prick. Cheryl knew she wasn’t going to be disappointed with Murray. Not if he could use it even moderately well. And from the look on his face, he was confident, sure of himself. He’d done this before.
But Cheryl expected it. This was what was required to get ahead at the TV station.
She began shedding her blouse without any preamble. If she was going to have to fuck him, she might as well get started with it. She wanted to find out exactly where she stood — or laid — after this was over. It was pointless fucking the boss unless she got something more than a good lay out of it.
Murray exhaled his pent-up breath when he saw her tits flop free. They were even better looking than he’d thought. The videotape didn’t do them credit.
“This is going to be interesting.”
“I hope it’s… more,” she answered.
Cheryl almost laughed at the speed with which Murray got naked. His haste was so obvious it was almost ludicrous. But she didn’t laugh. She knew better. That could spell her immediate firing. And the purpose of this entire fuck was to go up the ladder, not out the door.
“Let me suck on that for you,” she said, dropping to her knees in front of the man. She got into the spirit of the thing and started sucking hard on his cock.
Murray felt the sharp pang of sensation surge back into his loins. The girl’s mouth was active on his cock. She worked up and down his stiff spire of manmeat with a hunger that amazed him. She might have been stranded on a desert island for years and he was the first man she’d seen. Her sexual hunger seemed that great to him.
But he wasn’t griping. Not with a mouth like that sucking and licking and sampling his hard prick.
Her tongue raced around the rim of his cock. She outlined the edge of his glans, then slavered a little around the back of the hood. He felt tingles all the way down to his toes. He knew then that mouth-love wasn’t going to make it. He was going to have to possess this woman, fuck her, make her totally his.
But his legs were weak and rubbery. He propped his butt against the desk. The next thing he knew, he was lying full length on his desk with the girl between his legs, her mouth moving constantly up and down his length of prick.
“Ummmm, you taste good!” she exclaimed, then went back to her tasty treat.
He looked down between his legs and saw her black hair cascading all over his crotch. He knew under that flowing mass of raven hair was a sucking mouth expertly working on his tool. But that wasn’t going to be enough for him. He had to get into her cunt, find out what Dave had already discovered.
“Up, girl, up!” he commanded. “Straddle my waist. Get that pole you’re sucking on into your juicy cunt. It is juicy, isn’t it?”
She glanced up, a look of animal lust on, her face. “Lemme show you!” she cried. With a single vault, she was up and sitting on his belly.
He was looking directly into her snatch. The black bush was wet with lust. She left a damp spot on his belly where she crouched. She started rising and falling over his belly. Each time she touched his body, she left another moist spot.
“Wet enough for you?”
“Where’s that yummy fuck stick?” She groped around and finally clamped her fingers around his turgid length. She guided his prick under her body and to the gates to her cunt.
He felt the dampness immediately when she lowered her body enough to press her pussy lips against the tip of his pecker. His swollen length was being treated to a rain storm of cunt juice. It leaked out from her hot interior and drenched his cock. With her fingers agilely working on him, he was ready to fuck.
“In, stuff it in!” he demanded.
“Whatever you say.”
Her body lowered very slowly. The head of his cock was sucked into her seething cunt. He felt, the heat assaulting the purple head of his prick and thought he might go berserk. Trying to arch his back and cram himself full length into her, he found she was in total control. She raised herself just enough to prevent him fucking into her, but not so far that his cock head ever left the clutching warmth of her pussy lips.
She came down another inch. He felt himself plunging into the well other cunt. It was so totally erotic he could hardly believe it.
He could see his cock vanishing into her body. The pink pussy lips puckered up and lewdly kissed his prong. The tiny droplets of cunt juice covered everything. His own bush was just as wet as hers now. From the bottom other pussy mound, his gaze worked upward.
The trim waist, the deep depression of her navel, the heaving of her boobs as she became more and more excited was the picture he got. It pleased him. It pleased him a lot.
But not as much as having his cock slowly taken into her cunt. He couldn’t remember as tight a cunt around his fat prod — ever. Even the fist cherry he’d popped hadn’t been this good.
She moved hers hips in an enticing circle. Twisting from side to side, she screwed herself firmly on the upraised cock. The sensations smashing into her body were incomparable. She loved it. If she had to prostitute herself, she might as well enjoy it.
The feel of the cock in her cunt made her whole, complete, a total woman. The way her pussy lips were compressed and tucked in with the cock gave her extra thrills. She felt the waves of passion surging into her cunt from all around the hot poker of his cock.
Twisting around the impaling spike of manmeat caused new and more intense sensations in her body. Her pussy walls clung and gripped hard at the cock inside her. She literally felt as if she were pulling her cunt walls out when she let her hips swing back and forth.
It was too good. She couldn’t hold in her passions any longer.
She began fucking herself with all the power she could.
Instead of letting the rest of the station manager’s cock into her twat one inch at a time, she simply relaxed. Gravity did all the work. She was suddenly totally filled with his pulsating dong. She didn’t hesitate after getting filled to overflowing with his cock. It was great. She loved the way the jerking cock strained and danced in her twat. But she wanted more.
Lots more.
She tensed her leg muscles and lifted up. Clamping down with her cunt muscles, she tried to keep the cock in her. With her body lifting off and her pussy clutching fiercely, something would have to lose. The flow of cunt juice decided the matter.
The slippery lubricant betrayed, her fiercely clutching snatch. His swollen prick slipped from her cunt with a sloppy wet plop!
She didn’t allow him the chance to relax. Her body came hurtling down around his pole again. She might have been a fireman sliding down the well-greased pole to answer the fire — the fire blazing merrily inside her completely aroused body.
She fucked herself with greater speed. Rising, falling, she fucked until her insides were aquiver with undiluted sex. The feelings in her body were too intense for her to hold back. The driving cock in her twat generated friction. It burned. Her insides burned. Every nerve felt like it was dipped in acid. Her spine carried the message to her brain.
And then she exploded.
She came.
Crying, thrashing, spearing herself on his cock, she fucked as hard as she could. She needed that pecker in her twat. She had to possess every single inch of his pussypleaser. The cock didn’t disappoint her. It remained rigid, firm and… satisfying.
When she felt one hand clamp down on her tits, she came again. He had reached up and gripped a handful of tit flesh. He was teasing her, playing with her turgid nipples. Catching one mushroomsized nipple between thumb and forefinger, he tweaked.
The carnal stab of delight into her chest made breathing hard. She was consumed with lust now. All she lived for was the self-fucking, the cock in her cunt and the hand fondling her tit, toying with her nipples.
An added dimension was added to the fucking when she sensed his other hand reaching up under their bodies. As she lifted off his cock and exposed it to the cool air of the office, his hand gripped tightly around his lusty spire and pressed firmly against her pussy lips. This sent jolt after jolt of sexual electricity blasting into her belly.
When she came crashing down, his cock impaling her and reaming out her snug cunt, he moved his hand to her clit. There, he diddled and fingered and stroked the erect little spire of sensitive flesh. That was more than enough to bring her off again.
The threefold stimulation of her erogenous zones took its toll on her body. She came a fourth time. And a fifth and a sixth. She seemed to be tireless. There had to be more in this for her. She loved the feel of cock in her twat. The hand on her clit. The lust-aroused nipple being fondled.
She came another time.
This climax did the man in. He had been able to bear up under the intense friction her rise-and-fall fucking was producing on his erection. Her juices were enough to lubricate him. But when the last orgasm caused her cunt walls to collapse with the force of a mine shaft closing, he felt his entire cock clutched by a velvet glove.
A vise closing on his cock couldn’t have been tighter — and nothing was hotter than her twat.
He felt the slow tide of his jism rising from his balls. When it erupted out the end of his dong, he completely whitewashed her insides. He thrust up and ground his crotch into the girl’s body. Their crotches working hard against each other pushed them both up the pinnacle of orgasm. They soared, enjoying the ultimate human experience.
When they had exhausted the passion in their bodies, they lay together for a few minutes on the desk without saying a word. Murray let his hands rove over the girl’s supple back. He even started running his hands over her lily-white ass. That attracted him immensely. He wondered what it would be like to fuck that curvy behind.
He figured there was only one way of satisfying his curiosity.
He would do it. He was the station manager, she was the employee wanting a job.
Cheryl finally said, “Gee, Murray, you’re great! I… I hope you’re not going to do anything with that videotape of Dave and me. You know how it is. I had to do it. But with you, I loved it!”
“We’ll see, Cheryl, we’ll see.”
He started to wonder who held the upper hand.
He’d sampled her sexual delights and was hooked. What wouldn’t he do to get more?
Then it didn’t matter any more.
Cheryl rolled over and lifted her leg over his body. She firmly planted her ass directly over his crotch. His limp cock wasn’t up to responding. That caused Murray all sorts of grief. His body told him, “GO! GO! GO!” and his cock simply couldn’t respond.
Not yet.
Cheryl scooted a little up and rested her pillowy ass on his belly. She sat up. Facing away from him, her back naked and exposed, she leaned forward and started playing with his balls.
Murray reached out and started caressing her back. He traced out each and every bone in her spine. Goosebumps appeared on the smooth flesh. He stroked them away with quick, warming motions. His hands drifted lower. He found her ass seductively resting on his slab-hard belly.
Working his fingers into the canyon between her ass cheeks was easy. Sweaty, he had all the lubrication he needed for the excursion. He gripped one of the pale moons and squeezed.
The tiny squeal he got out of the girl was enough to goad him on. His fingers worked lower. As they did, she rocked forward to expose more of her bottom to him. He quickly found the tightly held, puckered anus. A finger prodded gently into her anal sphincter. It wasn’t a hard pressure, just insistent.
She groaned, “Oooooo, keep going in, shove your finger in!”
“In a bit, doll, in a bit. I want to play around a bit more.”
“NO!” she protested.
“When I’m ready!”
She decided to help him along. Her agile fingers worked ceaselessly on his balls. She fondled the hairy sac, now limply dangling under his equally limp cock. The balls weren’t aroused and churning like they had been earlier.
She would remedy that sorry condition. Stroking, massaging, she worked her fingers through the tangled forest of his bush. The pubic hair clung to her fingers. She gently tugged at tufts of hair, stroked and smoothed out the jungle of tangled threads. And all the time, her fingers moved over the skin of his crotch.
She probed under his body, hunting for his asshole. When she found it, she decided to give him a dose of his own medicine. Her finger plunged up his asshole.
“Ungh!” he groaned. “Th-that’s great!”
“Yeah. So do it for me! You cheap bastard, the least — ohhhhh!”
His finger finally penetrated her back door. She felt the wiggly digit work its way through her anus and then into her rectum. It flexed and moved in her tightest passage. She felt her insides turning to a watery blob again. Her passions were slowly building up to the breaking point.
She could barely keep her balance. With the finger up her asshole, she was impaled from behind. And totally empty up the cunt. She rotated her finger in the man’s asshole to give him a little of what he was giving her.
Together, they stimulated each other. She felt her cunt begin to water again. It drooled out its juices. She let them trickle down over his balls. The thick, sluggish fluid tickled and aroused him. She could feel excited blood pumping back into his cock. It wouldn’t be long before he got it up again.
She’d get him going one more time, then hit him up for a better job. She figured her tenure under Dave was at an end. Now that the station manager had sampled her wares, she could get anything she wanted directly from the boss.
The thought suddenly hit her that Dave’s job might be an interesting one. She could do it at least as good as he could. Maybe he would be moving on — resigning — rather than getting fired for what he’d done with the videotape camera.
That amused her. She could have the anchorman position on the seven p.m. news. Everyone would know her. Fully half the viewing audience watched that newscast — they weren’t number one for nothing.
She could be famous. Everyone would know her — and the pay would have to be a hell of a lot better.
Yeah, she could live with that. Dave had outlived his usefulness and Murray was just getting ready to prove to her how nice he could be to her.
That seemed a fair trade to her. She would get Dave’s job in return for the “favors” she could bestow on Murray.
He didn’t seem to be complaining any right now about the way she did business. Quite the contrary he was enjoying the living hell out of it!
The finger swirling around in her bowels cased a sensation like a billion fire ants inside nipping away at her guts. When he started shoving it in and out in a mock butt-fucking, she knew she’d have to have his cock again. Either that or go mad with desire. A finger-fucking of her just wasn’t enough for a woman as highly sexed a she was.
She struggled to get his dick up and ready to fuck one more time. The feel of his belly under her smooth ass urged her on. The finger ramming in and out of her asshole made her all too aware of her desires, her needs in the sexual area.
Finally, after what seemed an eternity, she felt a throb of life in the limp prong. With great effort, he we getting it up again. She knew she’d given him one royal fucking. She didn’t mind his cock going limp. She just wished he could get it up faster after she’d milked him for so all his pearly cum.
She lightly pinched the sac containing his balls. It seemed to be filling up with jism again. Her own finger moved slowly back and forth in his ass. This wasn’t having enough of an effect for the woman.
She reached over and pulled a scarf from her purse. She began knotting the scarf every half inch or so.
“Hey, what you doing?” he demanded.
“Wait mid see. This is going to be super for both of us.”
She knotted the entire length of the scarf, then found his asshole again. She started shoving the knotted length into his rectum. He moaned and hunched up so she could get a better view of her target. Soon, the entire scarf had vanished up his shit chute. Only an inch of the scarf remained outside his rectum.
“What’s that for?” he asked.
“You’ll see, you’ll see, I guarantee it!”
She started driving her finger in and out of her cunt. She wanted the maximum turn on possible before she started. It felt so good having something — even if it was only her own finger — up her twat. It made her even more aware of what was to come.
She checked the condition of his prick. It was about half-erect. It was about ready for giving her pleasure again — anything Murray got out of it was incidental to her. She was turning into an incredibly greedy bitch, thinking only about herself.
That was the way the game was played in this league. And she was becoming an expert player.
“I think I’m about ready for your hot little slit again, doll. Why don’t you try getting it in?”
“Anything you say, Murray.”
She gripped the semi-stiff cock. It was pliable. She could bend it unlike when it was fully erect. She manipulated it until it was bent back and poised at her pussy lips. She sighed, then shoved it into her twat.
The shock rattling through her body was like a sledge-hammer blow to her guts. The cock had been almost limp until she put it into her cunt. The quickness with which it stiffened into a fully usable prick amazed her, dazed her.
She felt it driving up hard and fast into her pussy. The broad arrowhead bulged and filled her completely. She was held firmly in place now with a finger up her ass and a cock spearing into her cunt.
“Hey!” he exclaimed. “I can actually feel my cock inside you!”
He wiggled his finger. She could feel his finger working up and down the length of his prick through her thin inner tissues. It stirred her up a bit. But mostly it was the cock resting in her well-greased cunt that gave her the most pleasure.
She was filled, complete. She was one with the hard battering ram of flesh.
“Go to it, babe, go to it!” he cried.
She leaned back until her back was fully supported by Murray’s broad chest. Her ass pushed down firmly into the curve of his belly. His groin was totally occupied now with ass flesh. His cock curled back and stayed firmly up her twat. She wouldn’t have it any other way.
Seeing the possibilities in this, he reached around her body and crushed her jugs flat. His fingers danced over the mounds of tit flesh. He tweaked and worked at her nipples, now red fingers pointing directly at the ceiling. He mashed the hard buttons down into the marshmallowy flesh underneath.
Cheryl moaned her pleasure whenever he touched her there. Her chest was alive with sexual magic. She was totally aroused now. Her hips moved back and forth along his body. His cock slowly exited, from her cunt.
When only the broad purple crown was inside her pussy lips, she stopped. She reversed her course and moved down his body until the cock was fully in her quim once more.
That, coupled with the pawing he was dishing out to her tits, gave her dual stimulation. The arrows of delight lancing down into her chest filled her with burning desire. The cock slipping back and forth in her cunt was enough to get any woman hot and ready to fuck with all the strength in her body.
When he abandoned one of her boobs, she protested, “NO! Keep on — umm, yes, ohhhh, my clit!”
He had moved until his hand was working all over her clitoris. The tiny spire of sensitive flesh was fully erect and poking its meek head out to see what was happening. He took full advantage of this. His finger closed around it and squeezed down.
It was as if someone had driven a six-inch railroad spike into the girl’s guts. The sensation was a weird combination of ice and heat. She might have had a frigid ice pick stabbing into her belly. She couldn’t put up with the diddling of her clit for very long.
She came, shrieking and crying out her passion.
As she glided down from her sex high, she felt the three-fold stimulation the man was so expert in. Her tits were well attended to. First one, then the other of her snowy-white cones received his hand. He squeezed, pawed, stroked, massaged. Anything to get her more fully aroused. The way he took her nipple and acted like he was milking it drove her mad with desire.
But that was only part of the act.
When his finger brushed over her clitoris, she came. He continued moving up and down that delicate spire of passion until she was a quivering mass of flesh. Feeling like jello inside, she quivered. Her entire body was one raw nerve ending. The lightest touch sent her off into wild flights of passion.
Most of all, the cock in her cunt gave her pleasure. She moved her body back and forth over his. She couldn’t see it going in and out of her snatch. She didn’t have to. She could feel it every inch along its path.
She looked straight up at the ceiling. Her eyes were blurred with the level of her arousal. Sex was claiming its toll from her body. She was barely able to keep her balance on top of the man she was fucking.
But she did. She had to. There would be no excuse for losing the fantastic battering ram slamming into her quim. She was juicy with passion. Her body heaved as she took every breath.
Her ass pressed firmly down into his hard, hairy belly. Everything was perfect.
She kept fucking.
Her body slid more smoothly now that both of them were sweating so much. She slammed her hips down as hard as she could around that spike of impaling cock. The fat, swollen length entered her forcefully. She gasped every time it stretched her cunt walls.
The friction of its passage up into her belly was the biggest turn-on of them all, though. She burned. She was afire with lust. She had to have even more of the man.
“Keep going!” he needlessly urged.
“Unnngh, oh, shit, this is goood! I love the way your cock feeeeels inside meeee! AAAIEEEE!”
She came again.
As she floated down from her climax, she knew that it didn’t matter if Murray gave her any kind of a job or not. This fucking was worth just being in his office. He was letting her do what turned her on the most, then adding the bonus of his knowing hands at her tits and clit. She was limp with reaction.
Limp but still ready for more.
His cock strained inside, her tight cunt. It pulsed and gyrated about with locked-in desires. He kept an iron control on himself. It wasn’t easy. Not when the girl was getting off so easily. He wished he could get his rocks off. But that would end it too soon. He wanted to prolong this if he could.
As the girl’s body came sliding down toward his crotch, he arched his back and drove his prick up her cunt-hard. They both gasped with the force of the impact. He didn’t think he could penetrate her any farther than he had.
He was wrong. Together, their bodies seemed to become one unit. They were merging as they fucked. He drove harder into her cunt. His cock pierced her body all the way to the cervix. He felt his knobby-ended cock bounce off the gently padded constriction buried so far up her pussy. He knew this wasn’t going to be a good fucking.
It was great.
His hand across her boobs kept her from flying off. Her body was writhing around in complete abandon now. He firmly pressed down on her tits to arouse as well as hold her down. The flesh under his fingers seemed to grow as he stroked up and down the slopes of the snowy-white cones. She was getting so hot her tits were expanding like balloons.
The red nipples surrounded by the coppery plain of areola pulsed with life. He could feel her heart throbbing with excitement. There wasn’t much more he could do to her here. She was as hot as merely fondling her tits would get her.
He concentrated on her go-button. The little clitoris was straining. It was fat and soaked with the flood of her cunt juices. He smeared the love oils all over her pleasure-center. The clit seemed to respond. It beat in counter-tempo to her runaway heart.
But when he clamped his fingers down over her pussy-lips, he brought her off again.
The sensations knifing into body were too much to be denied. She knew it the instant his fingers lovingly caressed her gash. It drove her over the brink of orgasm one more time. She couldn’t remember ever having come so many times, so hard, so fast.
His cock continued to probe her depths. With his fingers closed on her cunt lips, a tight fit was insured. The rigid pussy lips were hard with blood. They seemed reluctant to let his cock go into the well-hidden cunt. But the friction against them gave both the man and the girl the utmost pleasure.
He knew it wasn’t possible to hold back much longer. The weight of her body pressing him to the table, the feel of her ass rubbing into his crotch, the buttons of her nipples, the throbbing little clit and, most of all, his cock driving deep into her cunt lit his fuse.
He exploded with lust.
The deeply buried probe of his cock spurted out burst after pearly burst of jizz. He creamed her down for the second time in less than an hour.
His body went berserk. He lifted both of them entirely off the desk as his hips drove to plant his seed even deeper in her womb. They thrashed around for long minutes, then collapsed, exhausted from their fierce fuck.
Murray let Cheryl up off his body. He was dog tired. He couldn’t remember when a chick had worn him out like this. It was great!
Cheryl sank into the chair. She barely noticed it when the vinyl stuck to her sweaty skin. She gasped, “Fan-fucking-tastic! I never believed any man could fuck like that.”
There was a shade of awe in her voice that puffed Murray up with pride.
“You’re no slouch, yourself I think there might be a spot for you around here, Cheryl. I really do.”
“As long as it’s at the end of your, uh, you know…” She looked at his limp cock, but he got the message.
“Yes, well, enough of this.” He crossed to the videotape unit and pressed a red button. The tape went whirring through the machine. “That takes care of the evidence.”
What he didn’t tell her was that he wasn’t doing anything more than rewinding the tape. He wasn’t about to let such a sexy recording slip out of his hands. Besides, he still had Dave to deal with. He’d need it as evidence.
“Good. Thanks, Murray. You’re a real man — in a lot of ways.”
She eyed him with such complete trust he felt the vague stirrings in his cock again. He couldn’t believe it was possible, yet it was happening to him.
“Uh, look, you’ll get your assignments directly from me. I don’t much like the way Dave’s been, un, handling things. Why don’t you go see what the senator’s aide has to say about the foreign-aid bill? Get something first class and maybe there’ll be a new job for you. This is strictly on the QT, but I’m not satisfied with the way Dave’s been doing his job. Who knows, an eager, intelligent, willing girl might be just the thing we need to boost ratings even more. Yeah,” he mused to himself, “a woman anchorman on the news. I like that.”
“So do I, Murray. And I’ll get you the damnedest interview you ever saw!”
As she left the office she was thinking what it would be like to be anchorman on the seven p.m. newscast. A lot more money, sure, but even more prestige. She could have something to really be proud of then. No more putting up with the likes of Jim and Dick.
Hell, as important as she was about to become, she’d be hiring and firing the likes of them before long.
She thought she liked the idea of being the anchorman. It suited her just fine.
She went off to see how hard the interview would be.
Cheryl had really dressed fit to kill for this interview. She knew how important it was for her to make a good impression on the aide, a Lane Slayton. He was a powerful figure, the senator’s right-hand man. Some said that Slayton was more than an aide — he was the power behind the throne.
The senator was almost senile. It was hard for anyone to take him seriously except he had over twenty years seniority on anyone else in the Senate. Tenure mattered, not capability in that hallowed body.
This was why men like Slayton were able to come to power without being elected. They simply moved in when the tottering old geezers were no longer able to handle their own affairs.
Becoming indispensable was all it took. Less than six years ago, Slayton had been nothing. Now he was one of the most important men on the Hill. And Cheryl wasn’t going to let the chance to interview him go down the tubes. It had taken a lot of work on the station manager’s part to obtain the interview. And one of the conditions had been only provided film clips; a cameraman would’nt be allowed at the exclusive interview.
Which was fine with Cheryl. She was dressed in so provocative a way, she might have been arrested for indecent exposure. Her tits welled up out of the deep-cut neck, and the hem of her skirt barely covered the bulge of her ass.
The simple knit dress was virtually spray-painted on her body. And it was obvious even to the most bored of observers that she wasn’t wearing a bra — not unless those prisons of female flesh were being built with mock-nipples now. She went into the man’s office followed by the frigid glare of his secretary. Cheryl wondered if the woman could type. Seeing a pile of sheets, all neatly done, she figured she could.
“Good afternoon, Mr. Slayton. Thank you for allowing us this exclusive interview with you.”
The man looked up from his desk. He didn’t rise. He nodded in the direction of a comfortable chair and said, “Please be seated. I believe you already have the film strip at your station. I have here a detailed speech that will go along with it. A voice-over is being prepared for your use.”
“Uh, Mr. Slayton — Lane — this isn’t what I’m after.”
“I can imagine what you’re after dressed like a Vegas hooker.”
“Is it really so tough these days, Lane? Do you have to watch yourself that closely?”
“What do you mean?” He was instantly suspicious.
“I’m attractive. I know that. But why can’t you admit it and then we can go from there? Is the sex scandal ripping you apart that much? I wouldn’t think the senator would, uh, have any problems in that line. He’s a bit old for that. Seventy-something, isn’t he?”
“Here’s your press release. Take it or leave it.”
“You don’t have to be so defensive, Lane. Just because you have that raging hard-on.” She smiled innocently, but the twinkle in her eye was almost cruel.
“How did you…?”
“I didn’t know. I just figured that out by myself as I said, I know I’m attractive. Don’t you think so?”
“Well, yes, Cheryl, I do.” He leaned back in his swivel chair and let out a long sigh. “It’s damn hard these days.”
“I bet it is!”
“Not that! I mean this job. You have no idea the pressures on me. I can’t be caught doing anything — I mean anything — that might reflect back on the senator. He’s over the hill in more ways than one. As long as he’s in the saddle, I’m head honcho. He gets out, I have to find a new job. I figure I’ve got another three years and that’ll be it. So do you blame me for walking on eggshells all the time?”
“Not really. But, uh, why don’t you just relax — for a while? You know what I mean?” She stood. Her dress didn’t quite return to its original short length. It had barely covered her ass. Now it was hiked up halfway over the curve of her bottom. And in front, it was only a few scant inches from her crotch.
She knew he must be in pain now. His prick must be giving him pure hell to do something more than strain against the inside of his pants.
“Oh, Lane, darling, you’re so overworked. A little time off for good behavior…”
“The hell with it,” he sighed. He rose and took Cheryl into his arms. Their lips met and melted together. When his lips parted slightly, her tongue darted out and into his mouth. There, in the erotic playground of his mouth, their tongues frolicked.
Caressing, darting, lightly touching, they stroked back and forth over each other’s tongues. Their breath was coming hard. When Lane started to move his mouth back along Cheryl’s jawline to her ear, she started fumbling at his fly. It was a dead heat between the race to her ear with his mouth and her eagerness to get his cock out.
When she felt the heat of his breath further sensitizing her already delicate earlobe, she gripped down on his cock in reaction.
His tongue came sailing into her ear again, cock hard. He gently rimmed her ear, nibbled on the earlobe. He wanted her. He wanted all of her. And if the way she was stroking up and down his dick was any indication, she wouldn’t put up any resistance when he fucked her.
He wanted her worse than any other woman. She was pretty, sure. She was eager, young, willing. But most of all she provided a momentary release from the pent-up emotions he held tightly in check all day long. It was hard being polite to nasty people — you couldn’t antagonize someone who might do you a favor later on.
It was impossible listening to voters with insane requests — a vote couldn’t be passed up. It might be vital at the next election.
He kept it all locked inside. And now that the papers were filled with all the gory details of a few men’s sexual antics, he had to be even more circumspect than before. He was being denied even the release of sex in his demanding job.
He possessed Cheryl with the intensity of a starved man. He wanted to cram his prick so hard into her juicy cunt that he would rip her apart all the way to her chin. He wanted to fuck her with all the force locked up in his straining body.
And she seemed willing.
He wouldn’t turn her down.
Together, they crumpled to the soft carpeting. He had insisted on the thick carpet. Now he was glad. At first, it had been only to ease his flat feet when he paced nervously.
Now it was even more important. He had a soft, firm surface for his fucking.
Getting the girl’s pantyhose off took only an instant. And he almost blew his wad when he saw she wasn’t wearing any panties underneath. She’d came stripped for action!
“You like what you see?” she asked.
“I like, I like!”
She lifted her legs in a wanton invitation to him. He looked down the erotic gunsight and saw the black bush of her pussy mound at the vee of her legs. Her tits heaved up and down a little farther up her body. He loved tits as well as the next man. But he was going to start at the bottom and work up.
He gripped one of her legs in his hand and began kissing. His tongue lashed out and left a wet trail of saliva as he worked his way up to her crotch. The soft inner thigh yielded so pleasantly to him, he got even harder. His cock ached with the intensity of his need.
But he wasn’t going to pass up this opportunity. He was going to have this chick. He was going to fuck her like she’d never been fucked before. He was going to pleasure her — and get his own rocks off in the process.
The tender flesh of her inner leg excited him. He quickly switched from one leg to the other. He slowly worked his mouth up almost to her pussy lips, then swiftly raced down the inside of her other thigh. And then he repeated the slow advance and rapid retreat.
She was shivering with anticipation by the time his tongue lightly crossed over her snatch. The tongue felt as if it had been dipped in acid. It seared her nerves. It made her quiver with excitement. When the rough, wet tongue dived deep up her cunt, she cried out, “Your cock, fuck me with your cock!”
She needed more than the slender tongue inside her. She needed a hard, throbbingly alive, all-male prick fucking her. That was the only way she could be satisfied.
“Anything you say, Cheryl, anything at all!”
His weight crushed her. He virtually dived and pinned her to the floor with his body. Her tits were smashed under his chest. She was about to complain when she felt the jiggling rod of his cock prod into her cunt lips.
She was happy then. She knew he was going to give her the best fucking he was capable of delivering. And from the looks of this stud, it might be very good indeed!
“Yes, that’s it, ohhh!”
He slammed his hips forward. As his groin collided with hers, she blasted off into orbit. The climax crashing through her body made her feel like a lightbulb being turned on. She glowed. Her body was hot. There was nothing dark in the world.
One penetration had set off her climax. She could hardly believe it. As she drifted down, she felt his cock resting inside her. Giving it a little squeeze, she felt the big prick’s contours. It was very definitely a huge prize for her pussy to capture.
She tried to sort out all the veins and bulges along the length. It was fairly easy. She could feel the broad purple crown of the cock pulsing. It almost throbbed with life. It shivered and even grew as she felt it within her.
The veins beat in counter-tempo to the man’s excited heart. And just outside, she could feel his lead-heavy sac containing his balls wetly bouncing against her upturned ass.
She couldn’t dismiss the way his chest flattened her tits or the way he was able to stimulate her nipples. Those counted — they counted for a lot.
But it was his cock giving her the most pleasure. She couldn’t understand what it was about this man that turned her on so fast. He was well hung, sure. A lot of studs were. And she’d been fucking some of the best during the last few weeks. That wasn’t it.
He was handsome, personable. But so were the other guys. Dave wasn’t hard to look at and Roger could charm a chick into doing anything he wanted. There had to be something else.
With the cock slowly expanding her tight cunt walls, she finally understood what it was that made her so hot for this guy.
It was sheer, raw power. He was powerful. He could do things. A snap of his fingers and senators jumped. Power, and she was sharing a little of it now. She was able to bask in reflected glory.
She decided she was a power junkie, a power groupie. And she loved the feeling. Especially since she was getting such a fine fucking out of it. There was no other way she could have gotten close enough to Lane to get his cock stuffed up her twat until tears ran down her cheeks.
“Okay. Enough of this. I’m going to really give it to you. How bad you want it?”
“All the way, Lane, all the way! Hard! HARD!”
“Here it comes!”
He withdrew as quickly as he’d taken her. He poised for a moment as if studying the situation. Then he came hurtling into her cunt like a freight train. His cock seared through her tender tissues. It parted her membranes with the speed of a bullet.
His fleshy pillar of pleasure split her wide open.
She cried openly now. The tears left salty tracks dawn her cheeks. When he began licking the tears off, Cheryl knew everything was going to be just fine. He cared. He was able to fuck her and still think of her as more than a socket to be plugged.
He rocked back and forth with long, slow, hard strokes. His virile attitude was no sham. He was for real. His cock continued to ream her out. It made her cry. It made her shiver. And it set fire to her innards like no other man’s cock ever had before.
“Faster, faster, Lane, fuck meeeee!”
He began a corkscrewing motion that took him even deeper into her juicy quint. He rotated her hips and bored right in. The crown of his cock was turning a reddish-purple now. Blood pounded heavily into his prick making it lead heavy. He used it like a battering rant to insert himself into her cunt again and again.
She was filled with liquid flames. They lapped and gnawed at her insides until she couldn’t stand it any longer.
She came.
The fire didn’t diminish. It burned even more brightly inside after she had been tossed around on the waves of ecstasy. The bludgeon smashing into her body never ceased. It was relentless, untiring. She was sure he could fuck forever.
He wasn’t a man, he was a sex machine. A sex machine turned on full blast and fucking wildly.
She thrashed around, humping up to meet his every stroke. They soon fell into a rhythm that suited both of them. It was a slow pace that gradually escalated into a faster and faster tempo.
Lane concentrated on what was happening in his groin. His balls had tightened, compressed into hard spheres of lust. He wanted to let loose and shoot his seed into the hungering cunt surrounding his prick. But that would rob him of the pleasure he was getting with fucking her so much, so fast, so expertly.
He had a lot of pentup emotions to be released. A quick come wouldn’t give him the proper feeling afterward. He wanted to be drained of his anxieties, his worries, his sexual needs.
He fucked faster. He felt her humping up to match the increased speed of his penetration into her juicy twat. Each entry was marked by a squishy noise. She was a wet one, he had to give her that. Wet and hot. And her cunt was about the clutchingest he had ever found.
It was almost virgin tight. He couldn’t believe his good fortune in finding a chick like this. But he wasn’t going to knock fortune. He was going to bang the hell out of the girl, fuck her until she begged for mercy, then fuck her some more.
He was that horny.
His cock stiffened perceptibly. He hadn’t thought it would be possible for him to get any harder. But he did. He figured it was because of the incentive he had.
A twat made to be fucked over and over. That was what was spread out for him.
Cheryl opened her legs even wider to give him the best possible shot at her cunt. The black pubic bush was drenched with sweat. She was panting hard now. She knew another orgasm was stalking her. She could feel it crouching inside, waiting. Waiting for the exact moment to spring and take her by surprise.
She started a butterfly motion with her legs. As he rammed his cock into her, she pushed the sides of her legs flat to the floor. As he exited from her juicy twat with a small plop, she lifted her legs until they brushed the sides of his body.
This made him feel like he was driving his cock into an even tighter manhole. And it was this motion, this collapsing around his prick, that brought him off. He came amid a sudden outpouring of his sperm. He bit his lower lip and never uttered a sound.
But Cheryl knew he was really getting off. She could feel his cum hosing down her womb. It blasted up into her belly in spurt after mighty spurt. As he pound his crotch into hers, she felt the beast of orgasm unleashed in her body again. It leaped and devoured her. She was unable to keep from shrieking.
“Whew,” he panted, looking down into her face. He was sweating heavily from his exertion. “That was just about the best lay I’ve had in God knows how long. Thank you.”
“I guess I should say it’s mutual — because it is! You’re just too much for any one woman. I bet you got a string of chicks all across the country just waiting for that lovely cock of yours.”
Lane smiled, almost shyly, and shook his head. “I’m close to being a Goddamn eunuch since that sex scandal thing. I don’t dare compromise my…” His voice trailed off. He suddenly realized he was talking to a reporter.
Cheryl got one of the best interviews of the year from Lane Slayton detailing the senator’s stand on foreign policy, fiscal responsibility, defense spending and eight other topics.
Murray was so pleased, he let her have a half-hour special for the interview.
Cheryl knew she was on her way to the top — even if blackmail was part of the ticket up.
“I really don’t know how you managed it, Cheryl. That interview with Slayton — and letting us bring in a camera crew! — was a major news item. Half the network boys are frothing at the mouth for the rights to it. I got to hand it to you, when you go after an assignment, you do your damnedest.”
“I try to please, Murray. I wouldn’t want to disappoint you after you showed so much confidence in me. I just had to deliver a good story or you would have been disappointed.”
She smiled her trusting, ingenuous smile and looked like she was only thirteen. Cheryl had learned. She knew what was happening even though she couldn’t see it. Murray was getting a hard-on. She could almost hear the sonic boom as it rocketed erect.
“You’re really something. And you’ve never failed to please, let me tell you!”
“I hear that Dave is going to be leaving soon. Have you decided who his replacement as anchorman will be?” She smiled broadly and contrived to show just a hint more tit. She imperceptibly moved her shoulder so that the faint blush of her areola would show past the edge of her blouse. She might as well turn on all the charm. It might be needed to land the job she wanted.
“No decision yet. Been thinking about going outside and hiring someone.”
“It looks good to bring in a fresh face, someone with the experience, from out of town. Makes the local yokels think they’re getting a big-city talent.”
“Hmmmm, if it’s just a fresh new face you want, how about mine?”
“You don’t hem and haw around, do you? No, I know you don’t, you sexy bitch. Well, it’s a possibility. I’d considered both you and Diane for the spot.”
Cheryl nodded sagely. “Diane would be a good choice.” She knew better than to bad-mouth her opposition. She could land the spot without putting the other woman down. She could land the job by getting Murray up so that he’d put her down — flat enough to fuck.
“I don’t think so,” he answered. “No drive, no real ambition to make it go. That’s why I canned Dave. I figured he was letting the ratings slip by not being aggressive enough.”
“You don’t think I would be?”
“I know better’n that!” He swallowed hard. Her tit was slowly creeping out of her blouse. He could now see the entire nipple. It contrasted vividly with her pale-white skin.
Cheryl stood and began to pace. She was still wearing the dress she’d worn to get the interview with Lane Slayton. It barely covered the bulge of her butt. And she hadn’t bothered to put on her pantyhose. She was naked under the small patch of a skirt.
As she paced, she made sure her skirt hiked up enough so that Murray noticed the bare rump. As she spun, the skirt flared out a little. It had to expose her naked pussy to him. He was watching her too intently for him to miss anything as obvious as her black-furred snatch.
“Well, do I at least get a decent amount of consideration for the job? I’m a new face, yet well enough known for the few stories I’ve done. I know how easy it is to work with you. That would have to be a major part.”
“Un, yeah. It would, yeah. But I don’t have the total say-so. I, uh, would have to get old man Morgan’s okay on this. The owner’s climbing up on his soapbox right now and wanting to have more of a hand in running the station. Damned nuisance, if you ask me.”
Cheryl filed that information away for further examination. So Ed Morgan decided it was time to look after his investment, eh? She wondered what he was like. She had heard weird things about him. He was a millionaire. Self-made man. Not married. He might be just the one to go after. He was the ultimate boss around here.
Yet there was something that made her hesitate. Perhaps it was the reluctance of the staff to even discuss the man. They seemed to know something she didn’t. And they weren’t telling.
Cheryl leaned forward so her tits would flop loosely in front of Murray’s face. If she were going to flaunt her charms, she might as well do it up front.
“Uh, I think I’m going to cancel my appointments this afternoon. I’d, uh, like a conference with you, Cheryl. Something has, uh, come up…”
“Has something come up? Just for li’l ol’ me?” she said in a fake Southern accent. It made her seem all the more innocent. Murray didn’t know how she managed it. She wasn’t any untried virgin. She was one hell of a good lay. He suspected she had fucked her way into that interview with Lane Slayton. He didn’t know but he suspected.
“You know something’s come up — and just for you.” He stood and showed her the bulge in his trousers. A quick metallic hiss and the fly was open. His cock leaped out, ready and eager to begin this new round of fucking.
“Hmmmm, that looks like it wants something extra-special this time. Does it?” she asked.
“You bet!”
She spun around and pulled her skirt up over her sweet, pert little ass. It was so compact and white and tight-looking, Murray felt his heart beating faster just considering what it would be like diving between those cheeks.
“Go on. Stick it in!”
“Bend over the desk.”
She bent. Making sure he didn’t escape, she wiggled her ass just enough to keep him going.
Murray ripped open his pants and let them fall to the floor. He was so aroused by the sight of her ass impudently sticking up in the air, he couldn’t think of anything else. He had to fuck this woman. He had to fuck her up the ass.
He was wondering if it would be anywhere near as tight as her pussy. Then he laughed loud and long. There was one excellent way of finding out.
Try it.
He shoved forward. His stiff cock parted the twin moons of her ass. The pressure from the meaty slabs pushed in around his dick. He was surrounded by a hot, very sexy woman. And he was getting ready to fuck her up the ass.
He could barely restrain himself. He wanted to find her little asshole and shove his entire cock all the way up her shit chute. But he knew better than to try that.
He had to grease his pole first. He lowered his sights until he found the dangling, lewdly grinning lips of her twat. Shoving forward with all the strength in his body buried his cock in her cunt. She moaned softly at the intrusion up her cunt. Then she simply leaned forward on his desk.
He stroked back and forth, feeling the hot, velvety walls of her pussy cling and grip at his length. It was paradise. But he was after a different type of paradise. He was greedy. He wanted more. He wanted all her body could give him.
And the tightest passage of all promised him the fucking of his life. He couldn’t turn that down.
Cheryl sighed when she felt his cock working back and forth in her pussy. It was a comforting feeling knowing she wasn’t being neglected. But his prick no longer excited her like it once had. Maybe when he really got into fucking her up the ass, maybe then.
But not now. This was so commonplace, she was almost bored with it. He wasn’t anything like Lane. There wasn’t that driving power, the aura of total command, the presence, the incredible hunger. Murray was just dipping his wick in her ink well to get ready for something else. He wasn’t doing it like Lane would have.
Lane would have fucked her silly. Then and only then would he have gone on to give her perky ass the treatment it begged for.
She was content but not happy. She knew that she had outgrown Murray. Very definitely, she would have to see what Ed Morgan was like. But there was no denying the fact that Murray was quite capable of giving her a healthy fucking.
She felt his cock slip out of her greasy slit. There was a slight smacking noise as he broke the vacuum he’d formed when he’d plugged her cunt with his big prong.
“Here comes, doll, ready or not!”
“Go, man, go!”
The purple tip of his glans touched fleetingly on her anus. That brief touch set off depth charges in her body. This was more like it. The mere thought he would soon be drilling into her asshole turned her into an animal driven by pure, bestial lust. She was reduced to her most elemental drives.
She had to be fucked.
Nothing less would do.
And she wanted — demanded — it now!
He began the slow pressure that would force open the greedy little anal sphincter muscle. Knowing he couldn’t pass that guardian of her rear gate without a little coaxing, he moved with caution. The cunt juice on his cock helped.
The head of his cock slipped easily past her asshole. The puckered ring of muscle firmly clamped down around his glans after he had gotten into her rectum. He gasped in reaction. This was so much tighter and hotter than he had thought, he started worrying that his cock might get burned off.
He shoved another inch up her ass. She began wiggling her ass around to suck him even further up her rear. It worked. He drove in another inch, then still another until he was completely buried up her asshole.
The heavy slabs of ass cheek pressed in at him from both sides. He felt her smooth skin rubbing against the hair of his stomach. His thighs pressed firmly into the girl’s. But most of all her asshole clamped down with the pressure of a vise on his cock. He was sure he would get his cock cut off leaving it inside her very long.
When he tried pulling out, he quickly found she was reluctant to let him go. The vacuum formed inside her shit chute was even more intense than that generated in her pussy. He pulled harder. He was positive all his guts would be pulled out the end of his cock.
She slowly let him pull back. When his retreat was almost complete, only the glans remaining inside the ring of her asshole, she moaned out, “In! Fuck me hard!”
He slammed forward at her command. He found himself surging up the tightest passage he had ever found. The internal heat from her guts seared him. He was surrounded by clutching flesh, burned by her fierce lust, pulled all the way up into her guts by her well-trained muscles.
He was in a sexual paradise.
“Fuck me, damn you, fuck meeee!”
He had started to drift, to enjoy the erotic sensations assaulting him. There was more to do. He could stir both their passions to the bursting point. That seemed to him to be the most important thing he could do at the moment.
He pulled out and then slammed home again. He was so completely engrossed in the sensations sailing into his body, he couldn’t keep his balance very well. When he started to totter, he reached out and gripped a double handful of ass flesh.
The warm meat seemed to pulse under his grip. The white flesh was thinly veined with blue. But, as much as it looked like marble, no cold stone was ever this alive and vibrant. He knew without a doubt that he held onto one of the most desirable women he had ever seen.
She was young, trim and lovely. Her tits were heaving up and down with the excitement of having his dick shoved up her ass. Her hair was tossed around in a wild cascade of black.
She was excited by his prick, by his fucking. He knew it. He could feel her body responding to him.
He crammed himself into her asshole even harder, even faster.
Cheryl was momentarily shocked by the sudden change in tempo. She knew he was aroused, but the flurry of rapid strokes caught her by surprise. She wasn’t braced. As she fell forward, he held her upright with the grip on her butt. His fingers cruelly cut into her soft flesh. Red streaks were left wherever his fingers touched her skin.
Oddly, this stimulated her to a fever pitch that she had missed. The pain in her rear end made the pleasure he was giving her asshole all the more apparent. There was a sharp contrast. She was able to compare the two.
The pain actually heightened her senses, made her more aware of what was happening to her.
She cried out, “Faster! More! I need you cum the waaaaay up my poor little ass!”
He tried to obey her command far more cock. He felt the control he had fought to maintain in his body slip away as passion fully gripped him. His hips began to move of their own accord. He was no longer in control of even the simplest of his bodily functions.
His hips began pistoning in and out of the girl’s body. There was a wet noise every time his groin collided with her ass. Although they fit together like two pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, the sweat formed a little vacuum seal. When he broke it, there was a lewd, obscenely popping noise.
But he didn’t care. All that mattered was the heat radiating from her well-fucked ass and into his cock.
“God, Cheryl, so tiiiight!”
“Keep on! Keep going!”
He wasn’t in control any longer. There was no way he could maintain the slow, rhythmic fucking he had wanted. His cock surged into her vise-grip asshole. The powerful little circular muscle made a special attempt to completely cut off all the circulation in his dick. It clamped down so tight on him he was sure he would lose all feeling in his cock.
He was wrong.
If anything, he was better able to feel the blood pounding into his cock. It heightened his senses, made him even more aware of how huge his prick had grown. He could feel the arrowhead of his glans scraping the sides of the girl’s rectum. It built up the friction to the point where he was certain his cock would begin to melt, if not actually char and burn off to a nubbin.
He gritted his teeth and kept going. It was such sweet torture. He wasn’t certain how much longer he could keep this up. Maybe not long. But he was sure he wanted to revel in the feelings surging into his body, causing his balls to chum with joy, as long as possible. He was going to remember this fuck for a long time.
The girl’s body was slower in responding, but respond it did. She felt herself growing increasingly hot. It wasn’t possible for her to stay calm and cool and collected. Not with that fat dick reaming her ass out like it was. She was taking it all the way up her shit-chute. It jolted her spine every time he slammed into her body.
It was going to set off her climax at any second. When she was shoved forward across the desk by the impact of a really hard fucking, her tits were stimulated by her blouse. The turgid little pebbles were bent and pulled out of shape for an instant. That, along with the cock up her ass, set off the organ.
She shrieked and cried and began to wiggle her ass in wild abandon. She had to take even more up her rear. Circular motion, straight back, it didn’t matter to her as long as she got that extra inch up her bowels. She wanted him drilling as far into her guts as he could reach. That hot cock was exactly what she wanted. It was what she had come to get. And get it she would!
When she came, the only thing she could feel was the trickle of cunt juice down the inside of her leg. She thought it was bizarre. Her body was racked with all the familiar passions, but all she could think about was the oily dribble of cunt juice down her leg.
Murray couldn’t hold back the fiery tide of his an any longer. His balls were actually hurting with their need to explode. The steam built up in his balls. When it erupted there was only one place for it to go.
It hurled down his tube and out the tiny hole at the end of his fuck slick.
Jerking, bouncing, dancing around inside the girl’s hole, he gave her the sexiest enema ever.
The heat seemed to evaporate his jism as soon as it left his cock. He spurted out more. The tightness seemed to milk him. He forced even more cum out of his prick.
Finally, there was nothing left in his body. He was exhausted from the effort. He was sweaty, tired to the bone. And his hard-on had vanished like an ice-cream cone in the hot sun. It had simply melted away, leaving only a limp, sticky rod behind.
Murray gasped in some air and then told Cheryl, “I don’t think there’ll be much problem with you getting Dave’s job. You just showed me how willing you are to cooperate with, uh, management. I think you should be given a chance to prove yourself — in other ways. Know what I mean?”
She lowered her skirt and patted her ass. It was well fucked. The liquid feeling deep in her bowels was sort of sexy. She thought he must have pumped gallons and gallons of sperm into her asshole.
“I fully understand, Murray. It’s so good working with a man when we’re both on the same wavelength. It makes things so much easier. But, tell me, how much control do I have on the show?”
“Just about anything you want. Fuck up and I come in, but otherwise, whatever you want.”
“I want rid of Dick and Jim. Put them somewhere else. Maybe on the Gonzo the Lost Clown Show or something. But not on my newscast. I don’t like them, and I won’t put up with them.”
“Done. Anything else?”
Cheryl smiled. She simply said, “If I do think of anything else, you can bet I’ll tell you.”
She was content, even happy. She was still climbing the ladder. From weather girl to anchorman. Not too bad, not too bad at all.
And looking at Murray, she knew there was still room for her to improve herself. She wondered what the owner was like.
“How’s my anchorman doing this week, Cheryl?” asked Murray. He had been coming around for the week or so since she had taken over the news to make sure everything was running smoothly. To date, everything was going without a hitch.
Making sure Jim and Dick were cut down to size was only one of her changes. She moved Diane up the ranks a little and put her in a more stable position — nice and safe and no threat whatever to her own ambitions. Cheryl decided Diane was a little too competent to get rid of and for that very reason, she had to make sure she didn’t try cutting into her own power.
But it turned out Diane had no ambitions whatsoever. She was content to stay where she was. She was even thrilled at the “promotion” Cheryl gave her. That cemented their friendship more than their lesbian lovemaking ever could have.
Cheryl was becoming the boss around the set. She was even able to run the control room, after a fashion. Roger was too grumpy about her running things. She managed to get rid of him and replace him with someone who didn’t have his hangups.
She was proud of the changes she had wrought in the station. She was in complete control now.
She had only the station manager to answer to — the station manager and the mysterious owner, Ed Morgan.
Sooner or later, Cheryl vowed, she would have to see the owner. There was one more change she wanted to make. Murray would have to go. He just didn’t suit her needs any longer. And only Ed Morgan would be able to put her into Murray’s position as station manager.
Yeah, that would be a nice job, one she could proudly mention. She wouldn’t be in the limelight like she was now. That was a secondary consideration. The fame, she found, was fleeting. People didn’t really remember her that long off camera. But power was the real trip. That was where it was at.
“Hey, Murray, come on over,” she called. She was feeling horny. She could at least get whatever she could out of the man before going on the air.
A little sex always relaxed her, got her ready to face that unblinking eye of the camera lens.
“Cheryl, there you are. I want you to meet the new weather girl. Her names Roxanne.”
Cheryl nodded. She noticed the tone of Murray’s voice. It wasn’t exactly a dispassionate introduction. His voice seemed to caress both syllables of the new weather girl’s name. And his eyes positively undressed her right then and there.
It was apparent how Roxanne had gotten her job.
Cheryl tried to be as objective about the new girl as possible. It wasn’t easy. Roxanne was attractive, had big boobs which she flaunted openly. That was what turned Murray on, Cheryl guessed. The man loved big tits — something she didn’t have.
Cheryl decided that Roxanne was a power hungry bitch on her way up around the station. She’d have to be taken care of or a certain anchorman might soon lose her job. That was the way the game was played.
She ought to know.
“Hey, Murray, let’s go into my office for a few minutes. Want to, uh, jaw with you a bit before air time.”
He smiled lasciviously. He knew what she wanted. It was almost a ritual. He said, “Okay, but it’ll have to be quick. Got to get some of the format changes on the board.”
In her office, Cheryl didn’t waste any time. She said, “Oh, Murray, I get so uptight going on the air. I don’t know what it is. My insides get all shaky and I can’t concentrate very well.”
“I know what you mean. I get the same way every time I see you!”
“Liar! But I like it.”
“Bitch! You love it, and you know it!”
He came to her and hiked up her skirt. She wasn’t wearing any pantyhose. Not for the news, where she would be seated behind a desk for the entire half-hour broadcast.
It was quick work stripping off her panties. His fingers began to exploit her cunt. It was already liquid and flowing out her juices for his benefit.
Cheryl sighed when she felt his fingers working back and forth along her gash. It felt so nice having a man’s hand there. When his finger plunged all the way up her twat, she quivered. It wasn’t an orgasmic quiver, just one of sexual enjoyment.
“Go on, Murray, eat it out! I want to feel your tongue slurping up my juices. Lick me clean!”
“Only if you suck me off, too. A tit for a tat.”
“You mean a cock for a twat!”
“However you want it!”
She hastened to get his fly open. His cock wasn’t even stiff. She took that to be slightly ominous in its implications. She wasn’t turning him on like she used to. Dollars to donuts, it was that new slut, Roxanne. She was servicing the station manager. Cheryl could tell by the glances they exchanged.
Cheryl knew she would be on her way out soon if she didn’t make her move with the Big Cheese. She’d have to go to the station owner and bypass Murray to stay in around here.
So what? She’d pulled this trip before and it had worked to perfection. There was no reason to think it wouldn’t now.
Then she was engrossed in things other than power-tripping. She felt the man’s mouth close over her snatch. His tongue began lightly touching. A feathery touch here, a stronger one there. He worked all over her flowing gash.
He had a knowing mouth and used it well. He started at the vee of her cunt lips and tantalized her clit. The meek little pillar of erectile tissue wasn’t coming out for just nothing. He coaxed it out. Slowly, it poked its head out of a sheath of protective flesh.
Once out, it was easy for the man to start sucking. His tongue lashed out and roughly caressed the delicate tip. His teeth gently gnawed on the most delicate of her tissues. He looped around and around with his tongue until she was passionately struggling on the floor. She was held captive by his lovely tongue, his probing tongue that would soon be sailing all the way up her twat.
She decided it was time to return the favor. His cock bounced inches from her face. Reaching up, she was able to pull it down into her mouth. Ruby lips closed over his purple crown. The man’s cock bucked as she lightly kissed the glans. Her tongue swirled and tormented the agitated rod until he was moaning as loudly as she had been when his tongue was on her clit.
She slowly sucked in another inch of his cock. Her gnawing an the rubbery arrowhead seemed to give the man intense pleasure. Her tongue continually laved the tip to make sure she didn’t chafe his flesh. Sucking harder, she drew another couple inches of cock into her face. His hips were bucking so, he was virtually face-fucking her now. She didn’t care. She let him do whatever he wanted.
It was sort of a consolation prize. A booby prize for a loser. He didn’t know it but his days at the station were numbered. The least she could do was give him a farewell blow job.
She shuddered when his tongue started working back along her slash. He was licking and lapping up all her juices. She had pursed her cunt lips tightly together. This didn’t keep the juices from leaking out. They oozed all over her crotch.
And the man was intent on making sure he captured each and every succulent drop. His tongue pried open her blood engorged labia. Working his tongue tip wider the outer cunt lips, he we able to send tremors of delight into her body. The lips were delicate and the lightest touch was sheer carnal electricity.
If he had touched her there with two live wires, the effect couldn’t have been much different.
When he got to her joy hole, she shuddered long and deep. Her spine arched so that she could get him to drive his tongue into her twat. He didn’t do it. He we more intent on moving back along her cunt lips and finding new fields to explore. He found the back section of her pussy lips. He diddled around there for a moment, then worked across her perineum. From there it was only a short trip into her asshole.
His tongue speared out and into her asshole with such speed she was completely unprepared for the invasion of her body.
She moaned out her pleasure at feeling the wet oral digit thrusting up her rear passage. Wiggling inside her, his tongue was a real turn-on. She felt her body tensing for orgasm. Trying to hoard the passions lurking in her belly, she denied how much his tongue-fucking of her ass was getting to her.
She almost succeeded.
When he began driving his tongue back and forth, cock hard, she came.
As she drifted down from her climax, she found his tongue working its way slowly back to her cunt. He started driving in and out of the slightly larger hole with his tongue.
Slurping, sucking, licking, he gave her an expert eating out. He didn’t miss a single section of her aroused cunt flesh with his tongue. He whipped around inside her velvet-hung pussy until she was hunching up to take his tongue even deeper into her body.
She needed it. She wanted to have his tongue all the way up into her belly. If she didn’t get it, she’d surely go mad.
In retaliation, she began sucking hard on his cock. Her tongue rimmed his dick faster and faster. She could feel the friction between her tongue and the hood of his glans. She knew he was getting turned on now. His cock was slowly expanding as more and more blood pumped into his shaft.
He was driving his hips down as hard as he could into her mouth. She valiantly took his cock and gave him the best head she could. It was an awkward position for her. She couldn’t move her head on the rug very well.
But it was good enough to bring him off.
The fiery white storm of his jism pouring into her mouth was ample reward for the mouthing she gave him. She sucked up every drop of his pearly cum. She licked and lapped his prick clean. She waited until his cock began to deflate before letting it fall limply from between her lips.
He continued working all up and down her cunt gash. He wasn’t going to forego the pleasures of her cunt simply because he’d already gotten off. He wanted more. He was going to give this upstart a tongue-lashing she would never forget.
His tongue probed far up into her cunt. He held her captive by that pink probe in her twat. The juices around his tongue coated it with a gleaming, oily sheath. The acrid taste of the slightly salty excretions turned him on. No wine could taste this good. He wasn’t much of a wine connoisseur but he knew what he liked.
He liked the cunt juice flooding from her excited interior better than anything from a squeezed grape.
His tongue became a tornado whirling around and around in her tight little pussy tunnel. He stroked and caressed the slightly rippling walls of her snatch until she wasn’t able to control, herself any longer.
She came amid a new flow of cunt juices. He simply sucked them all up until she was dry. Then he continued working with his tongue against her pussy lips until a new supply of the tasty fluid had replaced that which he’d already sucked up.
His tongue began driving in and out of her quim like a piston. It was a slender pink piston, true, but it did the job he intended. She was so worked up, every time he drove past her inner pussy lips, she quivered like a plucked string.
She came again.
This time, he looked up at his watch, then wiled free of the woman’s body. He looked down at her, his chin covered with her fuck fluids.
He said, “You’d better get ready far the newscast. Only ten minutes till air time.”
“Yesss,” she sighed. The feelings in her body were so warm, so nice, she knew she could go on for quite a while drifting on the currents of sex pouring through her cunt.
Then she remembered what he’d said. “Ten minutes! My God, I got to look presentable!”
He laughed at her. It was always like this. Or rather, he mentally corrected, it had always been like this. When he got rid of her and replaced her with that new chick, Roxanne, things would be different. That new piece of tail was, absolutely wanton. There wasn’t a thing she wouldn’t do.
There wasn’t anything he could think of that she hadn’t tried and liked. She could fuck all night long. She was an absolute nymphomaniac. Hell, hadn’t she begged him to fuck her when she was in her period? It had been a long time since he’d had a bloody fuck. It was so kinky, it turned him on in a big way. And she had promised a lot more. None of this holier-than-thou look Cheryl had. Her innocent act was wearing thin.
She’d been fun. But her time was about over. Roxanne would be a lot better for him in the long run. He was perpetually horny — and so was she. And he didn’t feel as if he’d just raped a virgin when he made it with her like he did with Cheryl.
Cheryl saw the look on Murray’s face. She wasn’t any mind reader but she didn’t have to be.
She knew her days were numbered unless she could get in to see Ed Morgan.
The owner couldn’t be any different from the rest of the men running this dipshit station.
She was wrong — very wrong.
“… and that’s it, folks, for the seven p.m. news. Goodnight.” She smiled sweetly and waited for the red light to fade. When it did, Cheryl sighed. It had been one hell of a newscast. She’d given her side of it perfectly. She always did.
But Roxanne had fucked up the weather — the Goddamn, stinking simple weather!
She’d misread the numbers, gotten tongue-tied, even given the same stuff over a couple times. It had been a disaster. But what the hell? Cheryl was going to make sure that the girl didn’t last very much longer.
As soon as she could see Ed Morgan…
She stood and decided she might as well strike while the iron was hot. The Boss Man was supposedly in his inner sanctum. She remembered then that she’d never even set eyes on the man. He could have been standing and watching the disaster with the weather the entire time. He might already know what she was going to tell him.
So much the better.
She got up and walked briskly down the corridor to the back door, went out and down the path to the isolated building where he had his private office. She never figured out why he insisted on such an isolated place for an office.
Cheryl would find out. Soon.
She knocked on the heavy door. A speaker beside the door blared, “Who is it?”
“It’s Cheryl. You know, the anchorman on the news. I’ve got a couple things I’d like to talk to you about, Mr. Morgan. It’s about the crew on the news.”
The electric lock buzzed open and let her in. She closed the door behind her and gasped at the opulence of the office. It was done in a decor that was more suited to a harem. Everything was done in plush velvets and mirrors and brass and…
“Come into my office, Cheryl.” The voice seemed to come from out of thin air.
She walked toward another door that mysteriously opened in front of her. She guessed he must be some sort of a privacy nut. He didn’t even have a secretary.
The carpeting under her feet didn’t allow a single creak of her shoes to echo in the room. In fact, that was something downright spooky. There was no sound at all in the perfectly soundproofed room.
Entering the office didn’t give her a better impression of the owner. He was dressed entirely in black. Silk or satin from the look of it, she thought. He was seated behind a desk made out of some black wood — or perhaps stained black. He had only one telephone on the desk. No papers, no indication he ever did any work.
Yet, there was something absolutely chilling about the man. He looked perfectly normal — except…
Cheryl couldn’t put her finger on it.
She started explaining her position: “… so I don’t think the news is going to be able to do very well in the ratings as long as Roxanne is giving the weather. She’s a complete bitch. You can look at the tapes of tonight’s show and see for yourself.”
“I’ve seen them.” His voice was even, well modulated — and as cold as an iceberg.
“Then you agree that she’d got to go?”
He merely nodded.
“I, uh, don’t know quite how to phrase this…” Cheryl was ready for her big pitch. If she could convince this Ed Morgan that the station manager wasn’t doing his job, maybe she could wrangle the promotion and get some real power.
She was sure she could talk even this human iceberg into it. She hadn’t worn that ultra-short skirt for nothing. She made a big production of crossing her legs, making sure he could see all way up to her snatch. For some reason, he didn’t move a muscle. Not so much a facial muscle twitched at the sight which should have turned him into a raving sex fiend.
“I was thinking Murray might do better in some, uh, other job better suited to his temperament. I just don’t believe he’s capable of carrying on as station manager.”
“And you want the job.” He didn’t ask, he stated. “Yes.”
“There has been a replacement of that man in the back of my mind for some time. A variety of things, not just the reasons you cited. But I need someone in that position who will… cooperate with me. Indulge my whims. Are you that person?”
Cheryl smiled. It was the same old routine. Just like with Roger and Dave and Murray and all the others. Put out and get the job. “Sure. I think I can indulge you — if I’m guaranteed the job.”
Morgan picked up the phone and punched one button on the base. “Murray, this is Ed. I’m transferring you to the station up north. Yeah, the new one. I need someone with experience to get it to number one in the ratings. Leave tomorrow and get it going for me. Yes, of course. No, that’s too much. All right. Agreed.”
He hung up the phone and turned back to Cheryl, saying, “The job of station manager here is open. Shall we… indulging my whims?”
She started unbuttoning her blouse. She smiled innocently as she did so.
He held up his hand. “Not here. In my private room. In the back.”
On some silent command, the door opened. Cheryl walked into the room, making sure her ass was properly twitching to give the man the proper amount of arousal. For this job, she’d go through hell. And all she was being asked for was…
To go through hell.
The lights came on in the room. She could barely believe her eyes. The place looked more like a torture chamber than a bedroom. All sorts of odd gadgets hung on the walls. Whips and chains and devices so ghastly her mind refused to comprehend their use.
Strong arms scooped her up and carried her to the middle of the room. Two quick moves and she was chained, one arm hanging high ever her head. Another series of quick moves and her other arm was chained to a pillar five feet away. She was hung up by her arms, her feet barely able to stay on the ground.
Her legs were beginning to strain, the muscles to knot, and she had only been hung up for a few seconds. And the agony lancing down her arms and across her shoulders was almost unbearable.
“What’s going on?” she demanded.
Morgan didn’t say a word. He crossed the room and picked up a wicked-looking knife with a slightly curved blade. He approached her, reveling in the frightened look on her innocent, young features.
“No! NO! You can’t…”
He began cutting her clothes off. The knife was very sharp. It sliced through her clothing so easily there was hardly the sound of a thread tearing. He never once touched her skin. She emerged whole of body and badly shaken mentally.
What was he going to do to her?
“Look, forget the job. I… I’ll find something else!”
His hands were slowly working over her body. She recoiled but couldn’t move far. Yet, his hands were gentle. He didn’t grip and torture her. He was simply examining her body the way a USDA inspector might look at a side of beef hung in a freezer.
“Nice,” he commented. That was all.
He went behind her and picked up something that clicked hard and heavy.
She screamed in pain when a flat board smacked into her ass. It was a paddle designed strictly for spanking. It had a broad, flat surface with holes drilled in it. Air resistance wasn’t going to slow down this paddle.
And the holes caused her flesh to flow slightly into them. That left a red splotchy pattern on her rear end. Soon, the pain subsided and she found herself actually enjoying the scene. It was kinky. She couldn’t explain why it was turning her on so. But it was.
She cried out, “Yes, do it more! Go on and spank my ass!”
“Shut up,” was all he said.
He continued applying the hole-filled board to her rear end. When the flesh was a rosy red, he stopped. Placing his hand on her ass, he seemed to be checking the temperature. Then he started spanking her with the flat of his hand.
The sharp ringing noise of his hand colliding with her tortured ass flesh filled the room — that and her pitiful cries. The pain had heightened her senses. She found herself totally alive now. But when was he going to get down and really fuck her?
Her arms were being pulled out of their sockets.
The pain across her shoulders was becoming unbearable. And her legs felt as if someone were sticking pins in them. They ached, and caused her more misery than she would have ever imagined possible simply by being forced to stand on her tiptoes.
She heard some sort of a pump running. She wondered what he was doing now. She tried to look over her shoulder and suddenly found her head brutally pulled back by the hair. He gripped her hair and said, his voice low and menacing, “Don’t get too nosy about what I’m going to do to your sweet little ass.”
He shoved a small rubber ball into her mouth before she could say a word. With two quick turns, he had wound enough adhesive tape over her mouth to prevent her from spitting the ball out.
She felt her jaw muscles crack with the pain of being pulled so far apart. She knew that what was coming wasn’t going to be pleasant. Not at all. She would just have to put up with it. She wanted the job as station manager. He had promised it to her if she would let him do whatever he wanted to do to her.
She could cope.
Besides, she was feeling sort of sexy in spite of all the horrible things he was doing to her. He was obviously a man she couldn’t intimidate or manipulate with sex. He was a dominant sort. He had to be to climb all the way up to owner of the station. She felt the same inner power seething into her guts that she had when she’d fucked Lane Slayton. He had political power. The power Ed Morgan wielded was that of money, money and the confidence it brings.
She felt his hands working all over her spanked ass. When he spread her ass cheeks, she moaned. The sound was absorbed by the rubber ball. A cold tube pressed into her asshole. She knew it wasn’t his cock. That would have been warm, pulsing.
She would have screamed as the glass tube entered her and went all the way up her rectum if it hadn’t been for the rubber ball in her mouth. She could only moan.
“I’m going to give you a little enema, chickie. Turpentine and some other stuff. Hot. And I’ll beat you to a bloody pulp if you don’t hold it all inside when I yank out the tube!”
She almost passed out from the agony of the hot enema burning into her bowels. She felt weak. Collapsing against the chains holding her arms, however, caused too much pain for her to bear. She had to take the entire enema, no matter how weak it made her feel.
She couldn’t even cry out. The ball clamped so firmly in her mouth made sure she was a silent prisoner. Morgan could do anything he wanted to her and no one would ever hear. They couldn’t. She wasn’t able to give voice to her agony.
The fiery liquid gushed into her bowels and totally filled her up. She felt like vomiting. She knew that if she puked, she would strangle to death. She valiantly held it down. As her innards filled with the burning, searing fluid, she started to cry.
This was so degrading, so humiliating, she couldn’t believe she was being subjected to something this brutal. He was almost sadistic in the way he administered the enema to her. It could have been sexy; it was torture.
She gasped when the tube was yanked out. He reminded her, “Keep all that in your guts! Or you’ll get a taste of this!” A whip descended and lightly flicked across her taut shoulders. The pain rocketing into her body was so intense she almost fainted.
He came around in front of her and started stroking her belly. “Hmm, a nice job. I think I want to fuck you now.”
He pulled open his trousers and revealed a raging hard-on. He stepped close and rammed his cock straight up into her cunt. The sudden impact of his cock into her pussy caused her to lose control of her bowels. The turpentine and other vile fluids came gushing out of her asshole.
He slapped her across the face. “Slut! Bitch! Filthy cunt! I told you to hold that in!”
She couldn’t protest. The rubber ball, even though she had almost bitten it in two, still kept her from speaking. She would have to take what he dished out. Maybe not like it, but she had to take it.
He got a pan and put it under her. “Go on, let it all out.” He stood watching the flood for a few minutes, then, satisfied all was out of her, he started a firehose. He hosed her down. The impact of the water on her spanked ass caused her to fly up into the air. The pain of the water was intense. He had turned the hose on full blast. She couldn’t do anything but swing back and forth in the full blast of the water due to the chains cruelly binding her wrists.
She was almost unconscious when she collapsed to the floor. He had let her down. But it wasn’t to remain that way for long. He quickly refastened the chains behind her back. Forcing her down to her knees, he told her, “I’m going to fuck you like the bitch you are!”
She felt his turgid cock enter her from behind. She was weak, drained. Yet she felt a thrill go through her body when his cock started driving back and forth in her pussy. Much to her surprise, she was already wet and willing.
All she had gone through had turned her on! She had needed to be used, abused! He was such a forceful man, not like the namby-pamby men she had found before. He couldn’t be pushed around. She couldn’t use sex as a weapon against him.
He knew what he wanted — and took it.
She was sobbing through the gag as she felt his fuck stick driving hard in and out of her cunt. She was being warmed again, this time by his prick. The friction on her tightly contracted match set off an orgasm.
She knew he was still buried full length in her when her cunt walls collapsed around his dick like the walls of a mineshaft caving in. His pulsating prong was vibrant, alive. It pushed her even higher in her enjoyment of her orgasm.
As she came down, he was still fucking her hot and heavy. His hands brutally smashed her ass into a pulp. The spanked flesh was rosy red. He used his hand-hold to pull himself forcefully into her body. His groin rubbed and pound into her ass. The hair of his bush felt like steel wool. She was sobbing, whether from pain or pleasure she couldn’t honestly say.
All she knew for sure was that he was giving her what she wanted. She would have begged him for his cock if he hadn’t started fucking her. He wasn’t any virtuoso. He didn’t have to be. He had prepared her well for this.
He knew women.
He knew what turned them on. And he had sized up Cheryl the instant she had walked into the room. He could humiliate her and make her love every second of it.
Continuing he reamed her out. She came again. Suddenly, her cunt was empty. His cock was no longer inside her. She managed to look back over her shoulder and saw him holding his cock in his hand.
“Your cunt no longer interests me.” He kept jacking himself off until he spurted a white arc of jizz into the air. It splattered into the girl’s face. He continued ejaculating until he was drained. His balls empty, he had pumped all his cum over her face.
“Lick it off,” he ordered.
“Waaa-gahh!” She tried to tell him that the rubber ball wouldn’t let her.
“Oh, very well, whore.” He ripped the adhesive tape off. She spat out the rubber ball and screamed.
“Shut up!” he snarled. He slapped her several times. She fell over onto her back, pinning her arms painfully under her body. She couldn’t move for a second. Then, using his short riding crop, he spurred her to action. He began whipping her across the tits. Each lash left an ugly red mark.
His aim was good. Each one hit her directly across her aroused nipples. He continued until her tongue snaked out and started working on the cum splattered all over her face.
“That’s better.”
He watched in silence as she worked to get the gooey white spunk off her face.
“Faster, do it faster!”
She tried. Her jaw muscles ached terribly. She was still trying to get back the full use of her tongue after it had been cruelly smashed under the rubber ball in her mouth. She was doing the best she could under the circumstances.
He urged her on with his riding crop.
She finally blurted, “Stop it! Damn you, stop! I can’t take any more of this!”
“So, all right, I’ll clean off your face for you.” Cheryl almost smiled. She thought it would be sort of neat having the man lick it off her face, getting it out of her hair where she couldn’t possibly reach with her own tongue.
Then she looked up and saw what was going to happen. She shrieked out, “No, please… aieee!” He began pissing on her face. She struggled. She tried to roll away. Wherever she turned, his golden shower cascaded down on her. In a few minutes, he was drained.
“Maybe you’ll do what you’re told now.”
“Please, please,” she sobbed over and over. She was a smelly mess. Her guts ached horribly from the turpentine enema that had seared her delicate inner membranes. She was humiliated, degraded, made to feel less than human.
He was using her.
Just like she had used all the other men to get to this point.
And the hell of it was, she enjoyed it!
She needed to be abused, to be humiliated. The pain heightened her senses all the way to where she could enjoy the pleasure. It gave her a good contrast of how good the pleasure actually was in comparison.
Most of all, she needed a man who was a man. Not the sniveling turds who could be wrapped around her little finger. Morgan wasn’t like that. She knew she would never be able to wrap him around her little finger — not now, not ever.
And she loved him for it.
When the firehose spray hit her again, it sent her rolling across the cold gray concrete floor. He held her pinned in the corner for five minutes, although it seemed like an eternity to the girl. The force of the water bruised her, beat her against the stone walls. Her ass was further scraped on the rough floor.
And she loved it.
“I think that will do. Now to make sure you don’t leave here unsatisfied,” he said, going to a cabinet.
He pulled out the longest vibrator Cheryl had ever seen. She wondered if he intended using that on her — all the way up into her delicate, sensitive snatch.
He did.
She screamed when he rammed it in. He didn’t try for finesse. He just crammed it straight up her twat. Once there, he flicked on the switch in the base of the plastic dildo. The gentle buzzing quieted her, made her feel sexy again.
She sighed and relaxed even more.
When the riding crop smacked across her tits one more time, she came.
With the buzzing contrivance in her, she seemed to be filled with a million little butterflies all gently stroking their soft wings against her pussy walls. It was pleasant, it was stimulating. She loved it.
Then he landed another blow with his riding crop. The wicked little whip left only a tiny red splotch. But the major effect was the pain it sent arcing into her body. He was a master with accomplishing the most with only a little effort.
He kept up the steady, light beating until she was convulsed with one orgasm after another.
“You like this, huh?” he asked in his flat voice.
“Yes, damn you, yesss!”
“Don’t swear.”
He let her have the whip across her well spanked butt. The pain sailing into her body sent every nerve on edge. She was completely aroused now. Her being was one giant, raw, pulsing nerve ending. The lightest touch was all it took to set off another orgasm in her ravaged body.
The vibrator churned mindlessly inside her cunt. She worked the plastic rod even further up into her juicy quim. It felt so snug, so secure, so nice there. It made her know she was totally alive for the first time in her life.
She needed this kind of rough stuff. She needed it like a man dying of thirst needs water.
She had never known it before. It had been a hidden urge locked up behind her contempt for all men. But when Morgan showed her that a man could make her do whatever he wanted, she found her true self. She needed to be used by this man in whatever fashion his mind could conjure up. It was necessary for her.
“I’m tired of you.” He turned and left her on the floor with the vibrator chugging merrily away in her cunt.
She didn’t know how long she lay there, her arms chained behind her back, her ass burning from the spanking, her insides aching from the enema. It was long enough for the batteries to run down in the vibrator. She thought it must have been at least two hours.
Then he came back.
“Please, I need more! Do it all to me again! Please!”
He looked bored. “Never mind that. Come into my office.” He turned and went back through the door into his plush office.
She struggled to her feet. She was a bit unsteady. But she managed to follow Morgan. She wanted more from him. She needed his abuse to show her that she couldn’t use a man like a paper towel, then discard him.
“Sit down,” he said, indicating a straight-backed wooden chair.
She screamed when she sat down. The seat of the chair was filled with thousands of sharp little needles.
“Shut up and sit!” he barked.
She sat.
The prickles going into her tortured ass reminded her of his complete dominance over her. She would do anything she could to please him. The brief sensation of his cock fucking her was worth all the humiliation he dished out. She would do anything to get more of it.
“Here’s a one-year contract. I provide food and board. Nothing else for the entire period. And, if you successfully finish the year, you collect ten percent of the station’s gross. Not net, gross. It’s doing well. And if you push up the revenue with better ratings, you stand to make a couple hundred thousand. But only at the end of a year.”
“B-but what if you fire me?”
“You get nothing.”
“You’ll just have to make sure you continue to please me. Your continued employment will be predicted on all sorts of duties. Your air time, of course, plus the station manager’s usual job. And, uh, whenever I require your presence here, I’ll buzz.”
“I… I have to sign the contract before I get the job?”
“Of course.”
Cheryl furiously thought about what she should do. It would be pure hell going through an entire year, not getting one cent. But the carrot dangled at the end of the stick — at the end of the year — was enticing. A quarter of a million dollars, maybe more!
And all she had to do was sign — and let herself be used in whatever fashion this man chose. For a year. Three hundred and sixty-five days.
She decided. The pain in her ass decided her. The way her insides ached from the corrosive enema decided her. The whip marks, the spanked ass, the bruises from her chains, all decided her.
This was a man she could worship. “Where do I sign?”
He had to unlock her chains for her to sign the contract, then he used her again. All night long.
And she loved him for it.