Kidnapped Housewife

My cunt was filled with ten inches of hot, throbbing cock. The fit was so tight I thought I would scream.

Inside, I was tense. In knots.

Repeatedly, I’d come to the brink of orgasm and then failed. The harder I was fucked, the more frustrating it was for me. This affair was turning out like all the others.

Fuck me harder, harder!” I forced myself to beg, even though the phallic jackhammer splitting my thighs was already killing me.

Despite my suffering, I was not yet ready to give up my quest for an orgasm. Through the agony, I wanted to come so bad I could taste it.

To emphasize my willingness to go to the limit no matter how much it hurt, I wrapped my legs around the hard-fucking owner of the hard-on splitting my guts, yanking him into me even deeper. I could feel his balls broiling against the lips of my pussy.

“Holy shit, Angie,” he cursed my name, “you’re twisting my Goddamn prick off!”

“Just shut up and fuck me, Dick Tracy,” I masked my inner turmoil and purred. “If I wreck your pistol, I’ll get you a new one. They’re doing wonderful things with vinyl these days.”

That brought a lopsided grin even to the craggy face of the lieutenant. Roy Parker had a reputation for being a no-nonsense cop, but he was just a big goofy kid once he got his cock in my pussy. Let’s face it, the most famous cop in the city — almost a cinch to be elected the next District Attorney — was just nuts about me.

And, in most ways, I was pretty crazy about him too. The only problem was that “most” does not, comprise 100% of the pie. At the bottom-line I had a glaring deficiency that warped my whole existence.

I couldn’t come when a man fucked me. Only masturbation could draw forth the squeal of ultimate release which otherwise eluded me.

Why beat around the bush about it? Frigid is what they call it. I was frigid.

But that wasn’t the entire story. Had I been just normally frigid, with no interest in sex, I might have cheerfully become an old maid building her own little empire in an upstairs library. Alas, things were not that simple.

To my utter dismay, I was a frigid woman who was constantly turned on by sex. When my husband, Tom, couldn’t satisfy me, I went out looking for other men in self-defense.

In the beginning, I’d been sure my lack of fulfillment was all Tom’s fault. However, after a series of affairs without a single orgasm, I was forced to sadly acknowledge the blame was mine.

Still, despite batting zero, I never stopped searching for the perfect fuck. Most of the time I could still psych myself up that the next man was going to be the one to make the difference in my life.

It wasn’t any lack of love for my husband that caused my many affairs. Truthfully, I loved him a great deal but, unfortunately, through no fault of his, just short of orgasm with him. Marriage could give me all the material comforts, but it couldn’t provide the climax I so desperately craved.

Of course, so far, adultery hadn’t been any more fruitful than monogamy. Even though a handful had brought me to the brink, no man’s plunging cock had ever succeeded in pushing me into the orgasmic abyss.

Frequently I wished that I could just turn my back on it all. Say, “What the hell, there’s more in life besides sex.”

But I could never make myself believe it.

The more I tried to get away from sex, the more I thought about it. My mind would become uncontrollably infested with explicit images of cocks and pussies. I’d get so horny that I’d have to masturbate. After I’d made myself come with my own hand, I’d optimistically convince myself that it was all friction and any man’s cock could bring the same result if I gave it a chance.

So, shamelessly, I gave tock after cock the chance to validate my theory. The fact that they always turned up losers had never stopped me from trying again.

Until now.

Yes, I was starting to wonder if this constant playing around was worth it. Not only was I getting no orgasm from it, if my husband found out I might lose the security of my marriage and home.

When I’d hooked up with Roy Parker, I thought more than with any of the others that he might be the one to finally light my fire. He was such a man’s man, as a woman I couldn’t resist him.

Roy was so dynamic — a man on the rise. Ruggedly handsome. A hard body. A cock the size of a stallion’s. If he couldn’t take me over the edge, what man could?

And to his everlasting credit, the lieutenant brought me close several times.

Did I say close? Teetering.

Please let me fall! I prayed over and over again to myself as Roy rammed his enormous cock to the depths of my pussy. Let me go down the big black hole!

But, right up to the present, it was all in vain. No matter how hard the lieutenant fucked me, I couldn’t come. The tense pain passed as I realized the obvious and I felt like I was hanging in mid-air.

On the top, Roy couldn’t have been any the wiser. He’d reached the point in fucking where the male thinks about nothing but turning his nuts inside out. There’s nothing in the universe but the cum he’s about to explode.

“Unnnnh… unnnnhhh… unnnnhhh,” he grunted in triplicate as he ground the tip of his dick into the farthest reaches of my pussy. His cock seemed like it had grown another inch in the last second.

Convinced I was never going to come, I felt like a robot, programmed to make all the right movements without emotion. When Roy made his ultimate thrust, I automatically responded by wiggling my ass.

My body had never felt more efficient. Or cold. “Come, you bastard,” I dutifully cried, “come in my cunt!”

“Abhhhhhhh!” he moaned like a speared whale. Suddenly he was coming a ton up my pussy. The excess was already dripping from my thighs.

“Oh, your cum is so hot,” I told him. And I wasn’t lying — it was. If only it had made any difference to me at this point. Chicken soup would have had the same effect.

“I know it, baby,” he arrogantly panted. “All of us cops shoot hot lead out of our pistols.”

“I thought you police sharpshooters were supposed to aim between the eyes,” I cracked, not between the lips.

Unfortunately, my joke did not divert him from asking the question I most dreaded. “How was it for you?” he murmured in my ear as he worked his dick around in the sloppy goo of my cunt.

“Terrific — it was terrific,” I lied. “You’ve got a marvelous cock.”

“Then why didn’t you moan?” he persisted with his unwanted inquiry. “I like the women I fuck to moan.”

“Then I’m not the first?” I tried to tease him out of it.

“Put a lid on that bullshit!” he barked like he was browbeating a suspect. “You didn’t come and you know it, Angie. Spill it.”

Sadly, I nodded my head. I was on the verge of admitting to him that I was frigid. But, then, when he said it first, I couldn’t go through with it.

“That’s it!” he exclaimed, like he had just solved the crime of the century. “It’s not my fault. It’s you — no man can satisfy you. You’re frigid!”

“Negative, it’s you. You just don’t know how to satisfy me,” I impulsively upped the ante in order to conceal my secret.

“What’re you talking about?” he replied with gruff defensiveness. I was getting to him.

“I’m surprised you haven’t thought of it yet,” I taunted him. The intrigued expression on his face told me that he had forgotten all about my alleged frigidity.

“What?” he blurted like a little boy trying to guess his birthday present.

“A woman has more than a single tight hole between her legs,” I met my own dare. With that, I grabbed his big dong out of my cunt and began rubbing it against the puckering knot of my anus.

“You want me to fuck you in the ass, Angie?” the normally hard-bitten cop gushed in awe like a kid confronted with all the ice cream he could eat.

“It’s the only thing that makes me come,” I lied, wishing that even such limited orgasmic privileges were mine to enjoy. Other than by my own hand, I was a washout.

“It’s gonna hurt,” he leeringly promised me.

“It better,” I shot back, too far in now to back out.

“Okay, then, lift your legs straight up in the air and spread your cheeks,” Roy got efficiently down to business now that I had burned my last bridge behind me in my attempt to save face.

Rocking back on my shoulders and neck, I did as he said. Practically in a head-stand, I parted my legs until the thighs ached. When I seized my buns and pried them open, my exposed asshole seemed to unzipper.

Looking through the exaggerated V of my legs, I had a perfect view of Roy’s assault on my second fuck-hole. It was scary imagining the taking of his full ten inches up my narrow shit-pit.

But even though I was frightened, my actions continued to be heedless of my safety and dignity. It was degrading, but I just couldn’t turn off the switch.

So, like an alien to my own ears, that’s me huskily sighing, “Hurry up and fuck me in the ass, Roy. Fill my tight asshole with your big, strong cock.”

His prick was as hard again as it had been prior to coming in my pussy. The prospect of getting a little chocolate cock had endowed the 35-year-old police lieutenant with the recuperative powers of the teenage punks he claimed were responsible for half the crime in the city.

He grunted like he was about to take a plunge into icy water, and then made his move. His thrusting hard-on was abruptly blotted out by the fringe of my pubic hair as it moved on target.

I gasped with pain as the barbed head of Roy’s prick stabbed into the center of my anus and achieved an inch of penetration. I didn’t need to see what was happening when I could feel it this acutely.

Besides, what my eyes didn’t provide, my runaway imagination had started to supply. As Roy steadily worked his huge cock up my asshole, my mind became uncontrollably engorged with the act’s mirror image.

Those were my inflamed anal ridges I was watching being roughly pulled back and forth so Roy could wriggle more and more of his brutal dick inside my tenderest hole. Without any special lubrication, the friction of his cock fucking my sass seemed to produce sparks.

There was no need for me to say anything further. I’d lured him inside my butt, and now that he had his prick in, he would stop for nothing. He was going to fuck me all ten inches in the ass, and then come like a river in my bowels.

When I felt the first drop of his cum in my colon, I’d have to remember to moan so he’d think I was, having an orgasm. I’d never get him off my back unless I satisfied his male pride by pretending that he had made me come. Then I could get him out of here, at last, and work on my problem by myself.

However, as Roy penetrated deeper and deeper, I started to lose all my confidence. I became convinced that I couldn’t successfully fake a climax and my secret would be out.

God, if only I could come, I lacerated myself.

Then, instinctively dropping my hand to my pussy, I realized that I could. It would just be masturbating, but Roy was so busy plowing a furrow up my ass that he would never notice I was playing with my cunt.

Although inch after inch of his cock buggered into me, I managed to shut Roy out of my consciousness and concentrate on my pussy. With two fingers squeezing my clitoris, I began the ascent of the orgasmic ladder the only way I knew how.

I didn’t even feel it by the time Roy had penetrated to the hilt. His balls squashing against my cheeks were the only way I had of knowing. By then, the good feelings pouring from my fingered cunt had made me all but oblivious to the bar of iron up my ass.

The brutal images of cornholing had been replaced in my consciousness by my slender fingers expertly giving my aching pussy what it wanted. My cunt glistened like a diamond as it triggered the flowing mechanisms within the interior.

Then came the spasms the expansions and contractions and I knew I was on the right road at last. I was going to come!

“Oooooooh, it feels so goooooood,” I moaningly congratulated myself. The uninformed Roy, of course, thought I was complimenting him.

“All in a night’s work, babe,” he grinned lopsidedly, certain from my long-awaited moan that he had finally made me come. As long as he didn’t notice my gouging hand at my cunt, nothing I would do would dissuade him.

I didn’t have to act now. I was really coming. My pussy was teeming with the chaotic release of bottled-up sexual energy.

Really showing off now that he was sure he’d made me come, Roy began operating his cock like a battering ram. Huge thuds boomed in my bowels as he brutally slammed away toward his conclusion.

“If you like it now,” he boasted, “wait until I come.”

Closing my eyes and gritting my teeth, I thrust my entire hand into my gaping pussy and held on for dear life. By the time Roy finally came, I was fist-fucking myself.

There wasn’t enough space between my rectum and my twat to keep Roy’s cock and my knuckles out of each other’s way. With the addition of about a pint of cum to the limited stricture of my anus, some kind of collision was inevitable.

When it happened, the result was even more extreme than I had anticipated. By chance, the striking surface of my knuckles slammed through the meaningless membrane against the withdrawing head of his dick. Roy’s shock was so great he instinctively jumped back. When his cock popped loudly out of my asshole, we both went flying backward like losers in a tug-of-war.

We landed on opposite sides of the bed, out of each other’s sight. On my side there was already a puddle forming on the floor from my cum-leaking anus.

“Roy,” I called, when I didn’t hear him stir, “are you all right?”

I could just see the scandal if he was found naked in my bedroom with a broken neck. I’d made up my mind that if I could just get him out of here this would be my last affair.

However, before I could call his name again, I was distracted. It was a noise — I dared not guess what it was.

I looked everywhere for the origin of the noise. Everywhere, that is, except for the source that could signal the direst of consequences.

Finally I had run out of possibilities. Having no alternative, I looked toward the door and anticipated the worst.

Yes, to my horror it was open. What I’d heard was the door opening. Suddenly a man filled up the space.

“Tom,” I called my husband’s name, certain I had been caught cheating, “I can explain everything.”

His response was to stride wordlessly toward me from the doorway. I didn’t have to confirm it was Tom’s face because I was too busy looking at the muzzle of the gun in his hand.

I opened my mouth to speak again, but the words were literally crammed back down my throat. The thick barrel of the gun suddenly engorged my mouth, penetrating so deeply it brought tears to my eyes.

Oh, Jesus, I hysterically thought, Tom’s gone crazy with jealousy! He’s going to blow my head off!

Fighting to see past the tears of pain, I looked up to beg with my eyes for mercy. I didn’t know whether to be relieved or terrified anew. The man I saw was not my husband.

“Just don’t make a move, bitch,” the burly bearded man with the gun in my mouth barked. “If you do it won’t bother me any to make minestrone out of your pretty little brains.”

I couldn’t believe this was happening to me. I was so tense I thought I would shatter, making that one false move that could cost me my life.

“Okay, now,” the guy said, “slowly — very slowly — I want you to get up on your knees.”

Agonizingly I tried to do as he said, but I was paralyzed.

“Come on,” he insisted. “Get on your knees and suck my Magnum like you were sucking my cock.”

Risking instant decapitation, I shook my head that I couldn’t do it. I was a helpless puddle on the floor.

“Calm down,” he surprised me by taking a more civil approach. “You behave yourself and you won’t get hurt. You’re not the one we want.”

I saw, what he was talking about when two guys came out of nowhere and swept to the side of the bed where Roy had fallen. Whatever these men wanted had to do with Roy.

“Parker’s not here!” one of them behind the bed yelled.

“But we all saw him land there,” another man reminded the others of their earlier eavesdropping. “He’s got to be around here someplace. Parker’s a slick cop, but he’s not magic.”

They started to form a more comprehensive search. However, it was aborted with dramatic suddenness.

“Don’t move, you bastards,” the voice of the search’s object filled the room like the hiss of a steam-pipe. “I can waste any one of you right from where I’m at.”

Looking down, I saw Roy lying on his belly under the bed, clutching his .38 Police Special in front of him. When he’d figured out we had visitors, he must have grabbed the pistol from his pants on the floor and then rolled under the bed until he could make his move.

“Who are these people, Roy?” I blurted the minute my bearded assailant thought his chances might improve if he removed his gun from my mouth.

“They’re kidnappers,” Roy informed me in a rapid-fire voice, the urgency of the situation raising it a pitch above its usual tone. “They’re trying to get me out of circulation so I can’t become District Attorney. Every criminal in town, from gangsters all the way down to punks, is scared shitless of what I’m going to do to the underworld.”

All of a sudden, one of the kidnappers got up enough nerve to make a move. Two shots fired out, one from across the room, one from under the bed. It was impossible for me to tell which was first.

My eyeballs were seared from the abrupt flash of the exploding gunpowder. For several seconds I was blinded. When I could see again, the scene had dramatically changed.

Blood seeped from under the bed like a miniature river, and Roy Parker was lying in it. He’d been hit. He wasn’t moving.

In the middle of the bedroom, the other half of the target was clutching his leg and hopping around. For the first time I noticed he was howling with pain. He’d been wounded, too, but looked like he’d gotten off a lot less seriously than his opponent in the shoot-out.

“Come on,” the bearded one hissed to his accomplices, “we’ve got to get out of here. Those shots must have woke up everybody for miles. The cops’ll be here before we know it.”

“What about Parker?” the one who had not been wounded said. “He looks like he’s had it.”

“Leave him here,” the beard said. “He’s dead-weight now. We’re going to have our hands full just getting Jack out of here all right with his leg all shot up like that. Anyway, it doesn’t look like the lieutenant’ll be bothering us any more.”

“But we’re fingered,” the guy with the bullet in his leg rasped between moans of pain.

“Jack’s right,” the guy in the middle said to tile beard. “The girl’s seen everything. We’ve either got to take her with us or kill her on the spot.”

“Tough talk, Grady,” was the beard’s succinct reply. “Which will it be?”

My heart lodged in my mouth and stayed there when I realized that my life was the stake in some brutal dare between psychopathic criminals. I could be rubbed out like a hapless insect trekking in a schoolboy’s path.

Grady walked over toward me and pointed his pistol at my head. The sound of the hammer cocking was the loudest noise I’d ever heard.

There was a long and dreadful silence as I stared transfixed at the muzzle of the gun. It seemed like a shark that was coming to devour me.

What was worse, the man holding it kept giggling.

“Okay, Grady,” the man with the beard broke the eerie spell, “stop showing your pistol off to the lady and let’s go. Keep her and Jack in the middle so she can hold him up and can’t run. We’ll decide what to do with her after we get out of here.”

It kept running through my mind, as they rousted me from the floor and made me support their wounded compatriot. However, they had railroaded me out of the house and dumped me in the back of their van before I openly admitted the truth to myself. In the process of being blindfolded and bound and gagged I could scarcely ignore it.

At the last possible moment, just before they put some tape across my mouth, I muttered the obvious: “I’ve been kidnapped.”

“What’d she say?” Jack asked.

“I don’t know,” the bearded one said impatiently, “but I’m sure as hell not going to take this tape off to find out. I can already hear a siren. Tell Grady to give this heap the gas.”

The next sound was the roar of an engine followed by the screech of rubber peeling beneath us. We were moving forward, and fast. I wondered if I had seen home and family for the last time.


The ride to their hideout seemed interminable. The last several miles of it were over bumpy unpaved roads and I thought my bowels and kidneys would burst.

When we got there, after a long discussion with their allies who were there to meet them, my abductors decided to lock me in a shed while they decided what to do. Since I was bound and gagged and blindfolded, it was like being thrown into a black hole.

I don’t know how long I stayed there because my senses were no longer reliable, nor in some cases available. In addition to being blind, mute and immobile, I was afflicted with limbs that were numb and a fogged-in brain. I felt like a useless piece of protoplasm taking up space someplace.

On the other hand, had I been alert I would have undoubtedly bedeviled myself by imagining my captors plotting my ransom. This way I was as nerveless as an amoeba.

When the door to the shed finally opened, I was so deadened that I didn’t even hear it. Any light, of course was cut off by my blindfold. I had no idea whether it was night or day.

It took somebody stroking me and cooing into my ear like I was a baby to finally attract my attention. “Oh, look, you’ve made a mess all over yourself,” a woman’s voice said as she surveyed the damage with her fingertips.

Reality jarred me with the truth of her observation. She was right the small enclosure was reeking with the stench of my own piss and shit. All of a sudden my nerve-endings tingled back to life, making my skin crawl under the slimy filth that coated my naked body.

“We’ve got to get you cleaned off,” she said, tugging me from the shack. “Nobody’ll pay a cent for you looking like this.”

It was the first hint of ransom. My kidnapping had apparently been placed on a pay-as-you-go basis while I’d beep languishing in bondage.

It seemed so odd being held like this. I was just an ordinary middle-class suburban housewife. My husband was a successful insurance agent, but our house was still heavily mortgaged. About all Tom could come up with in the way of ransom was a group life insurance policy for my kidnappers. They’d have to die to collect.

My involvement with the controversial Lieutenant Parker had been strictly a fluke. He’d answered my church’s women’s club about the spread of crime to the suburbs. I’d gone to the luncheon with adultery the last thing on my mind.

However, never underestimate the power of a bulge in a man’s pants on a woman’s imagination. By the time Roy’s talk to the ladies was through, my mind was engorged with a throbbing mental image of his unsheathed hard-on. When I got up from my seat, there would be a small puddle of dew from my leaking pussy.

I bolted toward him the minute he was finished speaking. Pushing the other women out of my way, I elbowed up next to him and boldly whispered in his ear, “Do you want to fuck me?”

He choked on the answer he was giving to somebody’s question. Then he gave my thigh a discreet squeeze. An hour later we were back at my place and screwing.

Just before everything went haywire, and I was kidnapped.

Well, I was back to the present again. I noted its futility by damning myself for being such a jerk about sex. If I hadn’t had hot pants looking for the orgasm-that-never-came, I’d have never gotten mixed up with somebody like Roy Parker.

How was I to know that he was a marked man? To me, he was another big cock that might make me come with a man at last.

Ah, sex. Damn you, sex, I vehemently thought. “Hey, you all right?” the woman who had liberated me from the shed asked concernedly. “You’re shaking like a leaf.”

She was right. I felt like a quivering ball of Jello. But, despite my chill, sweat was pouring from my naked body.

“Here, let me get you a blanket,” she said, and then left the room to find one.

I could feel try rump resting against the prickliness of a cheap rug, my back against a wall. I guessed I was propped up in a corner of the main hideout.

“Here you go,” she said on her return, placing a warm woolen blanket over my shaking shoulders.

Mentally, I profusely thanked her. I couldn’t help wondering what she looked like. Young or old? Fat or thin? Attractive?

“I guess it wasn’t easy,” she said, “being out there all night with no clothes on, wallowing in your own pee and shit. Sometimes the boys just don’t have any manners.”

Gradually I stopped trembling within the security of the blanket. As I calmed down, I started to become aware of how dirty and scummy my body was. All of a sudden I loathed myself. Stark fear had vanished but it had given way to degradation.

“I think you need a bath,” she read my mind.

She reached down and opened the blanket inspecting the filth of my nakedness with her caressing fingertips. Her touch was so gentle it made me tingle in the midst of so much sordidness.

“Oh, yes, you really do,” she giggled. “You smell just like a sewer.”

And then, miraculously, she was freeing my wrists and ankles. Then the tape from my mouth. “Sorry,” she apologized, “this is gonna sting your lips like the devil, but there’s no other way to do it.” As I yowled my first sound in hours from the painful accuracy of her prediction, only my blindfold remained as a symbol of my bondage.

That, as my benign guard quickly explained, had to stay on. “You get a good look at us and we’re fucked, let’s face it,” she matter-of-factly explained. Then she wistfully added: “No matter how pretty you are.”

It was absurd, but I felt deeply flattered that she admired my body. A sort of a glow lifted me to my feet efficiently and securely when I should have been wobbling after so long in bondage.

“Very good,” she clapped. “I was sure you’d fall on your ass on your first try at standing. I must say that your body really works for you.”

With a new dose of approval making me tingle, I was easily led across the room, down a hall, and into something which I guessed was the bathroom. “Here, I’ll help you into the tub,” she confirmed my judgment.

Taking me by the shoulders, she gently brought me to the edge of the tub, making sure my leg rubbed against it so I’d know where I was. “Just step over to your left,” she counseled. The successful maneuver found me with one foot in the tub and one, several inches away, on the floor.

“Myyyyy,” she crooned, “you’re hung.”

That was what they always said to guys. But suddenly it occurred to me that she was talking about my cunt.

“Are your pussy lips always this big, or are they swollen?” she asked as she lightly fingered my labia.

I had no way of knowing. Her unexpected touch was so exciting that I temporarily lost all my sense of proportion. Turgid with sudden arousal, the petals of my twat seemed like velvet pillows.

As she continued to rub my cunt, she leaned over and turned on the water. Slowly I could feel it warmly ascending up my leg in the tub.

“Are you about ready for your bath?” she asked, still stroking.

“Mrnmmmmmm,” I murmured, still not sure of my power to speak even though the gag was off.

“Then put your other foot over the side and step over,” she said. “When your pussy hits the water it’ll feel divine.”

However, I didn’t move. She was obviously surprised by my reluctance, and asked what was wrong.

“I want you to go in with me!” I blurted my first complete sentence since my kidnapping. “After all that’s happened, your touch is the only thing that calms me down. I’d feel better if I could feel your body.”

“Why not?” she replied after a thoughtful pause. “Everybody else is in town, why shouldn’t little Emma have some fun?”

“Emma? Is that your name?”

“Emma, are you young or old?” I excitedly gargled. “Are you… you… attractive?”

“Find out for yourself,” she said through a quick unzippering. In a moment she was slipping down in the tub with me, and saucily advising: “Let your fingers do the walking.”

Blindly reaching out, I groped for her breasts. As our thighs rubbed together underwater, I found them.

They were small but hard. They seemed like the tits of a young woman. Excitedly, I found her nipples. They were sticking out like miniature hard-ons. When I tweaked them, she squealed with delight.

“I love your breasts,” I verbalized the obvious.

“Then lean forward and suck them,” she panted with excitement.

Ducking my head to my shoulder, I followed the path of my arms down to Emma’s tits. Once there, I squeezed them together and sucked both nipples at once.

While this was happening, my keeper started to rub my body with soap. Even though she was writhing and squealing from my oral caresses, she was still efficient enough to cover me with lather. The effect was that the more I sucked her tits, the cleaner I felt.

The water had been turned off so that its level was up to about our waists. It seemed to give us a buoyancy to maneuver we would not have ordinarily had in such a constricted space. We began to take full advantage of it.

No longer satisfied with merely mouthing her tits, I literally crawled up Emma’s body, sensing her full nakedness for the first time. She was all lithe sinew and curves, without an ounce of fat on her. I guessed she wasn’t over eighteen.

Estimating the location of her mouth, I successfully penetrated with my tongue and began a deep soul kiss. Underwater, my knee shot up into her crotch and rubbed her cunt.

Embracing me, Emma continued to lather my body. I felt like a naked woman who had popped out of a real birthday cake.

Eventually the foam was so thick that my body slipped against Emma’s. Gradually my knee fell out of her crotch, as my hips replaced it. Soon the points of our pelvises were scraping.

“Rub your pussy against mine,” Emma broke our kiss to fervently plead. “I can’t wait to feel those big lips against my cunt.”

Even though in my sheltered life I had never made love to another woman, I knew exactly what to do. Some basic instinct had taken over.

“Oooooooh, that’s it,” Emma moaned as I squirmed my cunt into the lower crux of her spread thighs. “Your pussy is so hot it’s going to make the water boil.”

I could only reply with a murmur of delight. The humid feel of her hairy snatch, sticky even under water, had tied my tongue into knots.

“Now fuck me,” Emma directed beneath me. “Move your hips like you were a guy fucking me — our cunts will do the rest.”

My murmuring changing to grunting, I began obediently pumping my loins between her spread thighs. Almost from the beginning, sparks seemed to fly from the incredible friction of our chafing twats.

“Fuck me harder, harder!” Emma implored. “Make me come with your hot cunt!”

I was so horny that it didn’t seem odd to me that I was ramming another woman with my pussy. I might as well have had a hard-on up her slit the way I was humping her.

Even though I was blindfolded, for the first time I got the male’s point of view in lovemaking. No wonder it was so easy for a guy to come — on top he was the master of all he surveyed. There was no need for self-doubt when you were in charge.

Throughout my marriage and all my affairs, I was always the one on the bottom pleading to be fucked harder and harder. Now that I was on top for the first time, I reveled in being begged by the person pinned beneath me to do the obvious.

Faster and faster I churned my hips between her legs. My breath was coming in pants as I tore my stiff cunt into the tenderest parts of her gaping pussy like a nail. She wrapped her legs around my waist and pulled me toward her. Soon we were both covered with my soapy lather.

“God, I’m coming,” she moaned. “My pussy’s on fire. I could feel it. Or were those my own flames?”

“Are you coming, too?” she urgently asked. “Its so much better if we both come at once.”

Automatically, I prepared to tell my usual orgasmic lie. However, when the single word “yes” popped from my mouth, I was astonished at its credibility.

Suddenly I dared to think the impossible. Could it actually be that another woman was about to make me come? Squashed against Emma’s rubbery fuck-hole, my pussy felt more vibrant than it ever had in my life.

No man had ever brought me to this point. Even teetering with Roy Parker wasn’t this close.

My cunt was ready to explode. Another woman was going to make me come!

Boom it happened, and I was soaring through space. “Yes, I’m coming,” I honestly advised my love-partner. “I can feel it everywhere!”

Our rubbing pussies foamed in each other. A steady stream of air bubbles crackled to the surface of the bath water from the heated action below. Then the escaping effluence of our cunts formed a miniature oil slick.

Awash in water, suds, and our own creamy discharge, Emma and I grappled passionately in the tub for a new position. Coming once had just made each of us want more.

This time, Emma wound up on top. Slipping so that I fell like a tortoise on my back, I was easy prey to her when she straddled my head and pressed her gooey cunt over my mouth.

Her smooth, full thighs clasped my head in a tight embrace. Her pussy had opened so widely that it was spread over my entire face. Its sweetness was indescribable.

I was overcome by hunger. The natural thing was to start eating.

Her gaping slit was cavernous when I first inserted my stiff tongue into it. However, it immediately tightened upon the first sign of meat. Abruptly tightening like a vise, Emma’s elastic twat started wringing my tongue like a washrag.

It was only after several seconds of cunt tasting that I realized my head had slipped under water. In order to breathe, I would have to slither to the surface between the rear of the tub and Emma’s pressing loins. As I did so, hacking in her crotch for air, Emma fell away from me.

Sprawling awkwardly across my reclining body, her head fortunately came to rest against the cushion of my thighs rather than the hard porcelain. Automatically I spread my legs. When she got over her shock at falling, the first thing she would notice would be my cunt.

“Mmmmmmmmm,” was her initial indication she had recovered her wits. “Your pussy is beautiful.”

Immediately she was eating it. To make it even better, the delightful invitation of her own twat was spreading through the cheeks of her ass just inches before me. Even though I was blindfolded, I could smell it, and thus envision it.

Then, craning my neck, I was tasting it. The flavor of pussy was even better when the person you were sucking was devouring your own.

Giving and receiving pleasure became so intense, gradually I couldn’t distinguish Emma’s cunt from my own. When her twat spasmed and gushed in my mouth, the same thing was happening between my legs. At times I felt I was drinking my own pussy juice coming in my own mouth.

I’d been on a continuous orgasm ever since I’d finally broken through the climactic barrier. Once I’d started coming, I couldn’t stop. It was divine torture.

Then, just as I decided nothing could surpass sixty-nining in the bathtub, something did. Somehow Emma managed to turn the water back on, causing me to notice for the first time that it was coming out of a rubber tube attached to the faucet. Taking that tube, she crammed it up my asshole without warning. Suddenly my bowels were bursting with hot water.

She was giving me an impromptu enema. The taut bloating of my colon went perfectly with the joy of sixty-nining. With stimulation in both holes, I felt I was orgasming in my ass and cunt separately but simultaneously.

Of course the growing pressure in my bowels couldn’t be held for long. With inevitable abruptness, the walls of my lower intestine collapsed and my colon was forcibly emptied.

The rubber tube came spurting out first, followed by a flood of stinking water. The force of my crap-thickened discharge drove Emma’s tongue from my pussy. I imagined her nude body was speckled brown with flying pieces of my splattering shit.

“Quick,” she said, passing the still-flowing rubber hose to me, “now it’s your turn to give me an enema.”

The splashing in front of me told me that she was getting into position for the act, opening her ass for me.

“Where is it?” I asked nervously, a complete neophyte at this. “Where is your asshole?”

“Just feel in front of you,” she directed. “You can’t miss it.”

She was right. It was gaping like a miniature tunnel between her severely spread buns. Kneeling in front of me, her open butt was right in my face.

Working expertly with the gushing hose, even though I couldn’t see, I moved the nozzle down the cleft of her spread cheeks. When the tip of the hose suddenly surged forward about an inch. I knew I had penetrated her asshole.

“Work it in!” she cried. “Really work it in!”

It was easy enough to do. The slick tube, about half an inch in diameter, was just made to fit up her narrow shit-chute. There was nothing to stop me from reaching the core of her being with it.

Inch after inch of elongated rubber slithered up her throbbing rectum. It was like fucking ass with a snake. In the meantime, the rushing water was stretching her bowels by the pint.

Then the explosion came. The first warning was the tubing recoiling from her ass like an electrocuted serpent. After that, all hell broke loose.

Emma’s shit came flying at me in loose chunks from her erupting asshole. I felt like the loser in a dirt-clod fight I was getting pelted so vigorously.

Writhing like we were trapped in a pit of molten lava, Emma and I fervently embraced each other. We wore both coming so hard, it seemed we were holding on to one another for dear life.

Finally, after things had slowed down a little and we were catching our breath, Emma spoke first. “Well, well,” she said slyly, “it looks like we’re going to have to start all over again on cleaning you up before the rest of them get back from town.”

“Good,” I whispered huskily. “I feel absolutely filthy.”

“I know,” Emma giggled. “That’s why I got you dirty all over again.”


Emma got me clean again. In fact, she did it several times. We just couldn’t keep our hands off each other.

Then, abruptly it all stopped. “It’s late. They’ll be back from town soon,” she said with an unmistakable trace of apprehension in her voice. “Got to get you back to the shed.”

I felt like I was awakening from a dream as she got down to the business of being the accomplice to a kidnapping. Reality was being gagged again — having my wrists and ankles bound so I couldn’t move.

“Sorry, honey,” Emma said as she closed the door of the shed, trapping me inside. “I’m just following orders.”

So there I was, back in solitary confinement again, frozen in nude contortion. Not only that, it occurred to me I hadn’t eaten since early last night whenever that was and I was starving.

Feeling my pretzeled body slowly growing numb, I listened to the angry symphony of my complaining stomach. In such a state, it was hard for me to believe that I’d just spent two or three hours in the continuous euphoria of orgasm.

Now I was just a lump of flesh. It seemed impossible to believe that such a useless organism could be capable of ever having come. After not very long in the shed, I began to regard myself as a bottom-dwelling slug.

I tried to wonder if Tom knew yet about my kidnapping. If he cared.

However, I couldn’t continue to focus on it. I was so depressed I didn’t see how he could want me back. After all, if Tom knew I was gone, Lieutenant Parker would have had to reveal he’d been in my bedroom. He might try and conceal some of the particulars, but I was certain it wouldn’t fool Tom.

I could envision him receiving a ransom note. Cursing me and then crumpling it before he flushed it down the toilet.

Finally, I purposely turned on the fog machine in my brain and mercifully retreated into oblivion. It was such an improvement that I soon fell asleep. I don’t know how long I dozed in a ball.

When the door opened again I had to be shook awake before I could acknowledge it. A cool breeze from the outside lapped against my naked body, making me abruptly aware of how sore I was.

“Come on,” a man’s gruff voice said, “we gotta get some food in you before you croak. Your family’s not gonna want a skinny corpse back after all the trouble you’re going to put them to.”

Slipping his forearm through the cleavage of my bound wrists, the man lifted me out of the shed and into the air with one powerful movement. Then he carried me against his broad back all the way to the main house. He was enormously strong, and I guessed about six-five.

“Hey, Tiny, whatcha got there?” somebody said to the giant as he carried me into the hideout.

“Something I found out in the shed,” he drawled, and then dropped me unceremoniously to the floor. Fortunately, the numbness had set in again and it didn’t even hurt. However, as I uncontrollably rolled into a corner, I felt like a bowling ball.

“What should we do with it?” a third voice said.

“Fuck it?”

“Naw, we’re supposed to feed it,” Tiny grunted stolidly.

His heavy feet walked over to me and then there was a sharp click. Bending down, he used the switchblade he’d just opened to sever the bonds on my wrists. Then he did the same to my ankles. I was free.

“Well, stand up, baby,” one of the voices said. “Let’s see what kind of taste those three who brought you back have.”

I tried, but I just couldn’t muster the strength. I felt like I was still hog-tied.

“Stand up!” the guy started shrieking excitedly.

Suddenly there was the smack of flesh against flesh, and the sound of somebody falling. “Jesus, Tiny,” the excitable guy wailed like a child who’d just been spanked, “you didn’t have to knock me down!”

“Shut up and get her some grub,” Tiny grunted.

“Christ, I think you broke my jaw,” the man on the floor continued to whine.

“Aw shit,” Tiny showed emotion for the first time, his thick voice tinged with exasperation. “You two get on outta here and I’ll handle it. I don’t need any help just to feed a helpless woman.”

Silently they trudged out of the house. I was glad to hear them go — but with their departure I still couldn’t forget about Tiny’s apt description of me as “helpless”, I couldn’t help but wonder if the behemoth was as placid as he seemed. If he wasn’t, he could easily have his way with me.

While I was still thinking about it, he picked me up and literally carried me into what I supposed was the kitchen. There, he sat me down in a chair like I was a child.

My lips seared as the tape around my mouth was removed with a jerk so I could eat. As before, only the blindfold remained.

Dinner wasn’t much — Cheetos, a can of warm beer, and a stale Twinky. However, in my emaciated state, the meager fare seemed like haute cuisine.

It was only after I finished ravenously gobbling that I realized Tiny must be watching me behave like a scavenger. All of a sudden I felt very self-conscious.

“Excuse me,” I apologized for the blush that overtook my bare body. “I feel so degraded. I’m just not myself.”

How incredible it was that I was sobbingly saying I was sorry to one of the gang who had put me through this torture. However, at the time, this irony whizzed right over my head. My mentality was totally that of a captive.

“Don’t cry, pretty lady.” Tiny spoke for the first time since he’d sat down at the table. His voice had become more mellow with the other two gone.

Reaching out, he touched my face with a massive forefinger and wiped away some tears. It seemed like the gentlest act anyone had ever bestowed on me.

“Oh, please help me,” I broke down. Too distraught to compensate for my blindness; I lurched forward to hug him. In my clumsy desperation for a sympathetic human touch, I spilled like a spastic from my chair to the hard floor.

My ass hit the hardest. Upon impact my legs flew uncontrollably apart. Immediately I was aware of the cool air on my abruptly exposed pussy.

Suddenly all I could think about was my cunt. I knew it was wide open — I could feel the rubbery lips stretching.

Was Tiny watching it? As he ogled it, was his dick rising in his pants?

I was sure something was going on when I heard his hard breathing. Then he coughed, and mumbled, “Guess I better pick you up.”

In a moment his huge hands were holding me and I was soaring through the air. Blindfolded, it was like being on an elevator with my eyes closed.

“Wait,” I blurted as he held me in mid-air before returning me to my chair. “Put me on the table instead.”

With a mild grunt, he shifted my weight from one hand to the other and hoisted me to the left instead of the right. In the sweeping process, the bottom of my ass brushed against his groin. There was something very hard in there.

And big! Tiny apparently had a cock as impressive as the rest of his massive physique.

Feeling enshrined on the table top, I left my legs as open as they had been on the floor and thrust my cunt in Tiny’s general direction. The scent of my own sudden sexual ripeness made my nostrils flare.

“Fuck me, Tiny!” I trampled over the last of my inhibitions. “My pussy is soaking wet!”

“I-I can’t,” his stammered reply shook me to my foundation.

“But I felt your cock on the way up,” I disputed his refusal. “It was hard as a rock. You could fuck me all day or night long — whichever it is.”

“It’s not that,” he actually whimpered. “It’s Chinga I’m afraid of.”

“What — or who — is that?”

“The leader,” Tiny shakily informed me. “He says nobody’s supposed to fool around with you. Anybody he catches, he’s gonna go heavy on.”

Immediately I wondered with concern about Emma. Recalling her marvelous body, I prayed that her indiscretion with me hadn’t been detected. Now I knew why she’d been so nervous about the others returning from town.

“We’re calling it the Emma Law,” he dashed my hopes. “When Chinga found all those pussy hairs clogging up the drain, and cunt-scum all over the bottom of the bathtub, he knew you two chicks had been making it.”

“What happened to her?” I blurted in fright.

“Chinga elected Grady to push her off Diablo Cliff,” he made my heart sink. “Chinga says losing a member will just make us leaner and tighter.”

Even though I was the victim of the kidnapping, I felt like I had been responsible for that girl’s death. I felt like I had been endowed with an evil power I’d never asked for.

On the other hand, now that I had it, the voice of practicality reminded me I might as well harness it to my own advantage. Who knew how many of the gang members I could get rid of by luring them into the kangaroo court of their own wrathful leader. Every one of them I got erased for paying too much attention to my body would be a further obstacle out of the way toward freedom.

“Forget about this Chinga,” A hissed sensuously to Tiny. “Think about my deep, tight pussy. How your big, strong cock would feel pumping inside my wet cunt. I’ll make you live forever, strong boy.”

“I-I-can’t,” he blubbered like a big baby.

“How big is your cock?” I ignored his whimpering negativism. “I’ll bet eight inches when it’s hard like it is now.” I’d purposely underestimated.

Just like any other man, that brought him around. “Twelve inches,” he protested. “My cock’s a foot long.”

“I don’t believe you I don’t believe you,” I sing-songed. His bull-like snorting told me that he was enraged with frustration.

“It is!” he thunderously insisted.

“I’ll bet it’s as puny as the rest of you is, big,” I taunted. “You guys with the biggest muscles always have the littlest pricks.”

“I ought to slam your teeth down your throat!” he bellowed, completely having lost his cool.

“Why don’t you just get your cock out of your pants and fuck me?” I calmly replied. “That’ll settle the argument fast enough.”

Realizing my objective, he lost all reason and turned all of his attention to proving what a real man he was. The rustle of his clothes falling to the floor occupied a few seconds, and then he was upon me. His hairy body was so huge that it smothered me like a mattress.

“Feel it?” he grunted in my ear. “Feel how big my cock is between your legs?”

“My cunt is where I do my measuring,” I replied saucily. “Stop bragging and start fucking.”

“I’ll show you, you bitch!” he snarled, as excited now as he’d been placid before. “I’m gonna ram your fucking guts out!”

“Is that a threat or a promise?” I hit the ball back into his court.

“Biiiiiittcchh!” he yelled as he charged forward like a whole army contained in one man. Draped over me to begin with, now he was steam rolling me.

“Mmmmmmmmmmmm,” I smacked my lips as his cock began to travel up my cunt. It seemed as thick as a normal person’s forearm.

“Do you think my dick is so puny now?” he rasped after penetrating with so many inches that I couldn’t count them.

“I’ll tell you when I feel your balls squashing against the outside of my pussy,” I continued to lead him on.

“I’m telling you right now, bitch,” he growled, “I’ve got at least four inches to go. Are you sure your delicate little pussy can take it?”

“Fuck you, fatso,” I pushed him over the edge. “I can take everything you’ve got.”

“Then take this!” he hissed.

He crashed his groin into mine so hard I thought my bones were snapping. At the juicy depths of the impact, his cock traveled its remaining inches up my fuck-hole. He was in me to the hilt.

Jesus, Tiny’s prick was every bit as big as he bragged it was and then some. It was by far the biggest hard-on I’d ever had engorging my cunt.

But I couldn’t let him know that. It might break the erotic web I’d woven with my teasing. A web in which I had my enormous prey trapped, if I knew anything about being a woman.

“I’ll bet you can’t make me scream,” I coolly challenged him. His masculinity couldn’t refuse a dare like that one.

He began pumping away with his enormous hard-on, trying to saw me in two. Frenzied, his huge body quaked like an incipient landslide. I estimated that I was buried under at least 300 pounds of sweating meat.

On the downward thrusts, the end of Tiny’s cock was reaching depths in my pussy that I hadn’t known existed. Never in my marriage or my affairs had these regions been explored. My loins were on fire.

That’s when I started thinking about coming for the first time. Up until now it had all been strategy. However, it was time to consider whether friction would take its toll. That big cock pistoning in my tight cunt seemed to be shooting off sparks.

I realized I had finally proved that another person could bring me to orgasm. But, I also realized, the other person was of my own sex.

In other words, I’d yet to prove that I could really make it all the way with a man. With over a foot of thick cock making depth charges in my pussy, I had the best chance at my life to finally make it.

“How do you like it?” Tiny sneered egotistically, impaling me with a particularly deep thrust.

“Just keep fucking me,” I breathlessly replied. And, then, retaining the bait of the tease: “I think I’m beginning to feel something.”

That set him to work even harder. His writhing body was so immense that I felt like a hapless victim of Haystacks Calhoun’s Big Splash. However, in all honesty Tiny’s best hold was his cock-lock.

If I’d been telling him the truth, I’d have been squealing about the divine agony his huge tool was causing in my overstuffed fuck-pit. I’d have been begging him to make me come rather than holding a lonely vigil on the subject in some tortured recess of my mind.

Then, with his balls squashed to my labia, Tiny’s prong actually stiffened a painfully extra half-inch. I’d been fucked too many times not to know what this meant.

Slamming together, his balls sent a cannonball of sperm racing up the barrel of his cock. Abruptly the cavity of my cunt was its recipient. After the first spurt, he was coming unstoppably.

His cum was so hot it sizzled against the tender walls of my pussy. I was more aware of it than any jizz that had ever filled my twat. Its velvet smoothness was even more stimulating than the hard dick from which it spewed.

His spunk acted like a catalyst in my cunt. Something was happening between my legs that had never occurred with a cock there.

I was coming!

The orgasmic shuddering became so intense that I was forced to bite into Tiny’s hairy shoulder to brace myself. It was like biting into bear meat.

My teeth seemed to have no effect on him. He just kept right on spurting cream into my grateful cunt without a hitch. Those balls of his must have been like cauldrons to store so much thick jism.

Then, when he finally stopped shooting, my epileptic jerking stopped and I abruptly soared into space. With my cunt full of every drop of his cum, my climax had accelerated beyond the moon.

With the passion of my long-awaited release, I forgot all about my conniving plot to frame Tiny into breaking Emma’s Law. Finally coming with a man had blown the lid off my consciousness, and I was just another woman joyously getting her rocks off.

And I didn’t want it to end.

“Fuck me in the ass!” I begged as I reached down and grasped the slimy root of his cock. “I don’t want to stop coming.”

It never occurred to me that his dick might have gone soft after such a violent ejaculation. And, fortunately, it hadn’t. As I hauled it from my twat, it seemed stiff as a board and ready to fuck all over again.

With Tiny’s huge hard-on pulsing in my grip, I lowered its sights a notch and poked with the head for my throbbing asshole. I could feel my wide-open crack sweating with excitement.

Mmmmmm, there it was. There was my tight asshole. The flange of his cock-head was rubbing over the puckered ridges, lubricating the entrance to the orifice with leftover cum.

When he stuck it in, his cock would go in so easy. No matter how generously he was endowed, the grease of the old sperm would make the path of his prick up my ass a slick one.

“God, do it to me!” I shrieked, trying to jerk his hard cock into me. Fortunately, he cooperated by thrusting his pelvis. Suddenly I was being ass-fucked.

I’d been right about the lubricating properties of cum. It acted like ball-bearings, sending Tiny’s boner careening up the tunnel of my rectum. It wasn’t long before my bowels were stuffed with throbbing cock.

However, despite the slickness of the penetration, my ass was still tight. That was all to the good, though, considering the painfully blissful friction generated by so much prick in so little space.

As Tiny fucked me in the ass, my orgasmic center gradually shifted from my cunt to my rectum. My anus was starting to flutter the same way my pussy did during orgasm.

In my colon, there was no shit to gurgle because I’d lost it all to Emma’s enema. That meant there was nothing to obstruct the head of his prick as it noodled away in my intestinal depths. The various sphincters spasmed so that it seemed like he was fucking a second cunt I miraculously owned.

“Have you got it in all the way?” I gasped.

“Just another inch,” he answered, and then immediately grunted it in. The last increment of his penetration caused a stab in my colon that almost brought forth the scream I’d earlier dared Tiny to try and fuck out of me.

However, I held on, grabbing his balls to divert my attention with the searing agony of a foot of cock up my ass. They were hot and churning, searing with the rush-order manufacture of a new batch of thick cum for my tight ass.

Finally accustomed to the completeness of his insertion, I began instinctively wiggling my butt in the classic fucking motion. When the movement brought me more ecstasy than pain, I went even further by pulling back my legs until they were hooked over Tiny’s shoulders. I was as contorted as if I were lying bound and gagged in the shed, but now I was loving it.

I was coming even harder in the ass than I had in the cunt. And I still had another load of Tiny’s scalding jizz to look forward to. That might be the eventuality that would finally make me scream.

“Come in me,” I heard myself plead; my awareness splitting into two levels so that I was capable of monitoring my performance. “Come in my ass!”

His balls jumped from my hand in sudden constriction. At the same time his huge prick lurched the whole width and breadth of my shit-pit. Cum bolted up his tube.

“Yeeeeoooowwwww!” I gave in and screamed at last. There was no other physical alternative when I suddenly had the sensation of hot lead up my ass.

Orgasming in high-gear, I followed my senses on a roller coaster ride into infinity. Nothing had ever made me come like this.

“Oh, flood my ass,” I babbled insanely. “Keep filling my ass with your cum!”

Incredibly, he had more bullets to shoot this time than he had during the shoot-out in my pussy. The flow of his jizz seemed endless. Old sperm would be pooping out of my ass for days.

“Quick,” I seized upon a sudden inspiration, “pull out of my ass and finish coming in my mouth. I want to taste that cream before it’s all gone.”

With a loud, wet pop he was out of my butt, and running his huge, erupting cock up my body. Then it found my face and my lips were around it, mouth-fucking out the last globs of semen.

“Oh, suck my cock,” Tiny moaned with glee. “Suck my fucking cock.”

The sound of my slobbering smacking lips filled the kitchen as I rapidly ate his dong all the way down to the balls. All dozen inches of it. Its head was now leaking the last of its sperm directly into the pit of my stomach.

Kidnapped, naked and degraded — with one of my captors brutally force-feeding me a foot of cock — I’d never felt so alive. I was beginning to wonder if the life from which I’d been abducted back in the suburbs was worth missing. For the first time I pondered whether I had seduced Tiny to cause dissension in the ranks of the kidnappers, as I’d told myself till now, or just fucked him because I wanted a big prick inside me.

Unfortunately, I never got to make up my mind. An opening door and the scuffle of many footsteps completely changed my priorities. Even blindfolded I knew from my other senses that a small crowd had entered the room.

The rest of the gang — they had caught Tiny with his pants down — Emma’s Law!

“Freeze!” a voice I hadn’t heard before snapped like the jaws of a trap. Hearing it for the first time was a chilling experience.

I could feel Tiny’s big head turn around between my upraised knees. Then I could feel his massive body shudder as he saw something that made him suck in his breath.

“Tiny,” the intruder’s striking voice pronounced the big man’s name like the dashing keys of a typewriter, “you’re through.”

A quickly muffled hiss followed his words. Before it was over, Tiny screamed. Bits of liquid and hard matter sprayed my chest and face. There was a thunk in the wall only an inch or so from my face.

Then, in eerie silence, Tiny slid like a bag of sugar from the prop of my legs. His strength abruptly terminated, gravity was sucking his great weight toward the floor with a vengeance.

He was dead. Apparently shot in the head with a silencer-equipped gun. The peculiar debris splattering my face and chest must have been bone, brain and blood. The emerging bullet had just missed me, burying itself in the plaster next to my ear.

Sitting up on the table, I lowered my head between my spread thighs and violently puked. I hadn’t realized playing for keeps was going to be like this.


At least I didn’t have to go back into the shed. In getting Tiny executed, I’d become too much the center of attention for that kind of obscurity.

As somebody cleaned the vomit off me in the bathroom, I could hear the big man’s body being dragged from the house. I hoped they would at least bury him.

By the time I was led out of the bathroom, the gang had moved its deliberations into the main room of the hideout. There, I was shoved to a couch, and stuck between two male members.

Tiny’s chillingly-voiced assassin, whom I now realized was the gang-leader, Chinga, spoke angrily to the others. “This is the second of our people to have to be wasted in less than twenty-four hours,” he brought his followers up to date on the box-score of slaughter. “Let’s face it, we’re losing our discipline. Since we heisted this chick, we’ve been suffering more losses because of ourselves than we’ve ever taken from the cops.”

“What should we do with the bitch?” somebody asked. “After all that trouble with Parker, she’s all we have to show. What about the ransom for her we talked about?”

“We might be able to get some ransom out of her old man,” Chinga replied, accurately adding, “but it probably wouldn’t be worth the trouble. Parker was supposed to be our meal ticket, and the last time anyone saw him, he was dead.”

“Not so fast,” came a breathless female voice from the closing front door. “I was just getting the groceries out of the van and found this paper somebody bought and then was too illiterate to read.”

There was a quiet hush, wrinkled only by the rustle of the newspaper being passed across the room. “Here, Chinga,” the last link in the chain said to the leader.

The pause was deadly. Then it was shattered by the Lord’s name being taken in venomous vain.

“Chinga, what’s the matter?” several of the gang anxiously inquired.

“Read it yourself,” he spat. Then I could hear him stomp away, obviously in disgust.

There was an audible scuffle for the paper. A voice I recognized as Grady’s was the first to read it aloud.

“D-d-detective Survives Shoot Out,” he stammered the text of the headline in awe. “Christ, Jack, I thought you said the bastard wasn’t a magician. Goddamn it, Parker’s still alive! He wasn’t even seriously wounded.”

“Is he coming after us?” I recognized Jack’s voice through the strain which bent it.

“It says here he’ll be laid up a few days, but he’s already running the investigation from his hospital bed.”

“Who does he blame?” somebody wanted to know from the rear of the room.

“Organized crime,” Grady replied. “Parker says the mob is trying to take over the city.”

“We’re organized crime?” a woman blurted incredulously. “Look at us — we look like the Three Stooges in a house of mirrors. In the last day we haven’t been able to stop killing each other.”

“Shut up, Glenda,” Chinga’s piercing voice returned to dominate the discussion. “You shouldn’t run off at the mouth about things you don’t know from a hole in the ground.”

“Who do you think you’re kidding, Fearless Leader?” she surprisingly threw it back in his face. “We’re just a rag-tag bunch of misfits who’ll do anything for money.”

“And where do you think the money usually comes from when the job is especially dirty?” he sardonically asked. “The Council of Churches?”

“You mean,” Glenda seethed with mutinous outrage, “that we’ve been doing contract work for the syndicate? That we’ve been arsonists and hit men and kidnappers for the mob? The same outfit that puts dope in the arms of ten-year-olds?”

“Check, double-check, and triple-check,” Chinga replied with a slow drawl. He had dramatically changed his style now that the bottom-line had been established. He was meeting this challenge to his authority with cool. There was no doubt about it, the man had flair.

“Why didn’t you tell us?” Glenda wailed. “You were supposed to be our leader!”

“They’d kill me,” he responded with ironic smugness. “In fact, they’d kill us all. Once you’re in with those guys, you can’t retire — except involuntarily.”

“But we didn’t know anything about it…” someone protested.

“You do now,” Chinga reminded huh. “Besides, that makes no difference to them anyway. Once you’re on the inside they don’t care how you got there.”

“How did you get involved in the first place?” Glenda pertinently asked.

“We needed dough,” Chinga took them into the past. “As you’ll remember the muggings and purse-snatchings weren’t bringing in enough. When this guy I met in a bar offered the deal to burn down that laundry, the dollar signs were all I looked at. And, as I recall, none of you had any complaints about our change in fortune.”

“When did you find out?” the guy sitting to my left asked.

“When I tried to turn down the first murder they wanted us to do,” Chinga answered, “I said it was too heavy for us — they said it would be heavier for us not to. When I didn’t dig what the guy was getting at, he started raving at me in Sicilian. Then he said in English: ‘Now do you get my meaning?'”

“The mob,” several people gasped the obvious in unison. They sounded trapped.

“I never asked him any more questions after that,” Chinga continued. “From then on, any job he offered, I accepted for us. Since you were all so busy enjoying the money, I didn’t want to bug you with the details.”

“How did the Parker kidnapping come about?” Glenda asked in a much more sympathetic voice now that Chinga had partially exonerated himself for leading his pack of petty thieves into the deep waters of crime.

“Simple,” Chinga said. “They offered big money for a simple snatch. We were just supposed to deliver him to their people, and our hands would be clean. With the kind of dough they shoved in my face I knew it was something very big to them. Believe me, the worst thing we could’ve done was to fuck it up the way we did.”

“And now to top it off, we’re stuck with this fucking dame,” some hothead reminded everyone of my presence. “As if it wasn’t bad enough the mob will be after us, she’s got us killing each other.”

“Hey, cool it,” Chinga brought all the grumbling to a halt, proving he was still the leader. “Emma and Tiny had to go. They disobeyed our rules. Tell me this — if we couldn’t trust them with this chick, could we trust them with our lives?”

The last was a rhetorical question. Nobody had the nerve to interrupt him now anyway, he was so cranked up.

“Of course we couldn’t,” he answered himself. “On the other hand — I’m willing to agree that now we’re all hip to the problem, there’s no rule against changing an old rule.”

He was beginning to sound like a politician. I guess you had to have the same capacity for bullshit to rise in the underworld as you did in the straight world.

“You’re talking about the woman,” somebody said.

“I’m talking about the woman,” Chinga affirmed.

I knew all eyes were on me. I felt like I was on the meat rack. Sweat, seemed to pop from every pore in my body, I was so tense.

“What are you gonna do with her?” Glenda wanted to know.

“We’re going to divide her up equally,” Chinga sent a chill to my heart with his reply. “If this bitch is going to fuck around with our solidarity, then we’ll have to retaliate as a group. Give her back what she gave our comrades — and then roll over her with it. Nobody doing anything to her behind anybody’s back because we’ll all be doing it to her at once.”

I was freaking out. Christ, why all this torturous verbiage. Why didn’t he just come out and say what they were going to do to me.

I knew. Chinga knew. Every body in the place knew what my fate was going to be.

“We’re gonna gang-bang her,” Chinga finally heralded the obvious in a raw slur.

To my horror, the small crowd actually cheered. This was turning barbaric. I had never felt so defiled.

“Then after we’ve fucked and sucked the shit out of her, so we know she’ll behave,” Chinga rapidly continued, while he still had their attention, “we’ll play Let’s Make a Deal. Only I’m Monty Hall and our lieutenant pal, Parker, is dressed up like a turkey.”

He was a sharpie. I would have thought there would be a stampede when he sanctioned my gang-bang, but somehow Chinga kept them under control. He always had them guessing what he would do next. Even though he’d just ordered me raped, I couldn’t help but be impressed by the force of his charisma.

“My plan is really very simple,” he stalled the gang-rape to clue them in on his masterminding. “We get word to Parker that we’re willing to trade this broad for none other than himself. To help him make up his mind, we threaten to go to the newspapers with the whole story of how we kidnapped the wrong person. They’ll make it seem she never would have been kidnapped if it hadn’t been for all the enemies Parker’s made. That he’s responsible in a way for what happened to her. He’s got a moral obligation, and all that bullshit. Once the public reads that they’ll never vote for the bastard for anything. If Parker is serious about being elected D.A., he’ll agree to the switch and take his chances with us instead of the voters. Then we turn him over to the mob — as our end of the contract — and everything’s cool.”

It was a thrilling scenario. In fact, I became so involved with it that, blindfolded, I imagined I was seeing it on a screen. As victim and audience, I was a passive spectator at the unreeling of my fate as though I were watching it in a fast-paced B-movie.

However, it was only a matter of time before the film of my life became X-rated. Now that he had dazzled them with his latest scheme, Chinga felt free to turn his animals loose on me.

“Okay, troops, you can fall out,” was how he coyly put it. Then he nastily added: “And nobody bite off more than they can chew.”

Suddenly I had the grotesque fantasy of being chewed to death by their gnashing mouths and sucking pussies. I could see myself going under in a pile of gobbling orifices.

Then, the fantasy started to assume the dimensions of reality. The two people on either side of me leaned over and started attacking my tits with their rough tongues. Below, somebody had crawled between my legs, forced my thighs apart, and was sucking my cunt. Seconds later someone was doing the same to my asshole.

“Mmmmm, her pussy’s still wet with Tiny’s cum,” a voice I recognized as Glenda’s informed the others from my crotch.

“So is her ass!” the male tonguer from down there spat with disgust. “If I’d known I was going to get a mouthful of a dead man’s stale cum I’d have let another chick go first along with Glenda.”

“Oh, Tex, you’re such a chauvinist,” Glenda giggled in my box. “If cum tastes good for women, why shouldn’t it taste good for men?”

“Because it’s unnatural for man to drink of himself — I think that’s a quote from the Bible,” he defensively replied.

“So I suppose you’re going to do something natural to her — like fucking her in the ass with your ten-inch prick.”

“Right on!” he whooped, and suddenly I was pronged. He’d apparently been working his cock into position for penetration while he’d been talking to Glenda. Coming up at me from the floor, his loins powered his rigid cock straight up my asshole. It went two or three inches before it skidded to a temporary halt.

I hadn’t spoken since I had puked. Now — I didn’t speak, either — I screamed. The sound yowled from me like I was a cat being boiled alive.

There wasn’t an ounce of natural lubrication up my ass. To make it worse, Tiny’s leftover cum had started to harden. With a thick cock plugged up my butt, the nuggets of congealed jism started to resemble gravel against my tender rectal lining. If he really had a ten-inch cock the fun was just starting.

“God, Tex, you pig,” Glenda sputtered from my cunt. “I can feel your big, greedy dick all the way inside her pussy. You’re practically crowding me out.”

“Shut up and keep sucking,” he replied. “Your tongue feels good against the head of my cock through that thin wall.”

“Well, if you put it that way!” she laughed, and then went back to work. Soon her stiff tongue was filling my cunt as far as Tex was engorging my asshole with his prick.

Of course, she had reached her maximum, while he still had a long way to go. I guessed that Tex had about six inches remaining on his dick, and that I was going to have to sit on every one of them.

In the meantime, others had joined the feast of my naked body. Most particularly, as Tex reached the halfway point with his phallic insertion of my bunghole, somebody with a very big cock stuffed it down my throat.

Suddenly, just to breathe, I had to orally convulse enough to fuck him with my mouth. Unable to stop gagging, I could feel the friction taking hold that would eventually fill my belly with hot cum.

By now they were overlooking no useful part of me to satisfy their carnal desires. A hard-on materialized in each hand — I didn’t know whether they belonged to the two guys sucking my tits, or somebody new in the pile.

Down below, Tex had made continuing progress in my ass during the interval of my attention to other violations of my body. When my focus was wrenched back, he had painfully reached my bowels with the swiveling end of his cock. I felt like I was being roto rootered.

The hilt wasn’t far away. He made another thrust and he had it. His hairy balls scratched against the outer petals of my anal rosebud because all the cock in front of them was being squeezed by ass.

Then, just when I thought nothing could be as painful, something was. Suddenly, in a flash of pain, my awareness was transferred from my ass to my respiratory system.

The guy fucking my mouth had started to kill me with his jack-hammering cock. Literally kill me. I hadn’t breathed in so long I was certain I was turning blue. His cock was down my throat so far my teeth were tangled with his pubic hairs.

Abruptly, my senses wheeled back to my ass. Tex was pistoning away in it now, making his tool white-hot with the furious action. On the verge of coming, he was tearing my butt to pieces.

Boom, my attention returned to my distended gullet. The hard-on pumping away in it was getting ready to come, too.

I started to ride a sensory pendulum back and forth between my mouth and ass. The cocks fucking each of them competed for my attention like two boys showing off in a schoolyard. Only these were cruel boys — the kind who tear wings off flies.

Or fuck helpless women in the ass and mouth with human telephone poles.

Ass-mouth — ass-mouth, I wildly switched my focus back and forth. I couldn’t help but wonder which one would come first. It was nuts, but the foolish competition had hooked me as an avid spectator.





Mmmmmmm, a cock in each. Getting fucked in the ass and mouth at once by two big, thick cocks.

They were both in me all the way. Both big, strong cocks. Cocks!

It had turned from terrible to wonderful. For his final strokes up my ass, I was providing Tex’s cock with some natural lubrication. My anus was suddenly gooey with arousal. In my mouth, I was manufacturing so much gooey spit that my throat was wetter than a cunt.



Suddenly the contest was over. It was a dead heat. Both cocks came at once! Sperm was shooting up my ass pouring down my throat.

“Oh, look, they’ve both come all over her!” somebody yelled. “It’s gushing out of her ass like Tex’s cock ruptured a valve in there.” They all agreed I was a mess.

I just tuned them all out. Right now all I cared about was what I felt inside.

And that was ecstasy. Sheer ecstasy. It was a unique sensation I couldn’t help but savor.

Then both pricks softened and pulled out of me. Glenda dropped her tongue to my asshole and lapped up the goo leaking out. Above, I took care of every drop of the other cock’s ejaculation with my own hunger for cum.

Then, long forgotten, the two dicks I’d been automatically masturbating seized my attention. Coming, too, they splattered my body with a rich coating of creamy spunk.

A canopy of mouth fell on my torso to lick it off. My belly and tits felt rubbed raw from so many rough tongues.

When all the sperm was gone, signaling the completion of the first wave of the assault, new bodies took the places of the old. The only holdover from before was Glenda — sitting on my mouth with her wide-open pussy and urging me to fuck her with my tongue. I did.

The newcomers were doing such things as plugging my cunt with a bologna-sized cock and stuffing a fist up my ass. Some dude had hid his thick tool between my tits and then squeezed them together. Now he was fucking them.

It didn’t take long for even my arm pits to become attractive cock-receptacles. Two guys approached me from either side, clamped my arms down, and slipped their long pricks into the twin cleavages of rib and bicep.

In one hand a flowing muff had ensnarled my fingers with its curling tendrils. It was soggier than I thought a cunt could get. The clitoris was so supercharged, it felt like I was pushing the wrong end of a nail.

The other hand grasped a by-now standard model cock. Thick. At least ten inches long. Typical for this crowd.

The only place left was my navel. Yes, I’m not kidding, my Goddamn belly button.

Some guy had placed the head of his dick in my abdominal dimple. He got it so deep that, when he was really pressing, I could feel the flange at the rear of the three-inch phallic crown.

Now that all my possibilities were fully covered, it was time to start really rolling. I’d already lost count of the sex organs of others I was servicing — in such chaos the only sensible thing to do was relax and enjoy one’s mass rape.

The great thing of having Glenda’s twat in my mouth, rather than a cock down my throat, was that I could talk if I wanted to. That meant I could call instructions down to my abductors — telling them just where and how I wanted it. They always cooperated.

“Jam your knuckles tighter in my ass,” I would urge. “Shove that cock into my womb.”

Or: “Rub my titties raw with that smoking prick.”

And on, and on, and on. I was getting ripped apart in every direction and loving it.

Inside I was coming like crazy. Not only had I proved I could come with either men or women, now I was spectacularly getting my rocks off with a whole group of them at once. I knew it was degrading to be the plug hoard in gang sex, but I felt blessed.

The more cock I got up my pussy, the more I wanted. Same with the bruising knuckles in my asshole.

I prayed my sensitive tits would bleed from too much phallic scraping. My armpits were mentally projected for a similar fate.

My tongue was up Glenda’s gaping twat to the root. The tip could tickle parts within her so sensitively I treated myself to an oral lesson in vaginal anatomy.

My hands did the most they could for the genitalia at their command. I was fist-fucking the pussy now, jacking off the cock with piston-like strokes.

We were going to town. Ripping it up. There was no need any more for me to croak instructions. We had the act down perfect.

We were God knows how many people, fucking and sucking and jerking and feeling in perfect synchronization. We were a miracle — a perpetual motion machine of sex.

I felt orgasm everywhere. My whole body was an erogenous zone — every cell as sensitive as the juiciest depths of my cunt. It seemed as though my entire being were constructed of pussy tissue.

It was the Fourth of July, Christmas, New Year’s Eve, and World War III all rolled into one. I was going out of my mind with sexual excitement.

Where was the cum? There was no cum yet.

I wanted cum. Lots and lots of hot, rich cum.

“Come in me, you bastards!” I temporarily broke my seal with Glenda’s snatch to cry. “Drown me with your cum!”

Then it was back to eating pussy and waiting — waiting for cum.

“Oooooomph!” the guy in my pussy said. His prick was erupting in my fuck-hole. I was really getting it now.

The fist in my ass didn’t have access to any testicles, but its owner’s cock did. He’d been jacking off with one hand while he’d been anally fist-fucking me with the other.

Now he came all over my butt. The goo slid into my crack and glazed the outer rim of my asshole. I loved it.

On my face, Glenda was pouring pussy juice down my throat. Suddenly it was joined by the spurting of the cock that had been fucking my tits.

On a full thrust, its head was only inches from my chin. I was getting drenched.

Making just enough space between the lips of my mouth and Glenda’s labia, I sucked up the jizz. When I had it all, I shared it with my facial lover’s hungry pussy.

The cock in my hand went off. I caught the cream with my fingers and transferred it over to the cunt I was fist-fucking on the other side. Now somebody else’s twat was dripping with spunk.

My left armpit was suddenly squishing with cum — so was my right.

Then my navel was a miniature lagoon of hot stickiness. The excess from the spurting cock there was spewing dawn my belly and turning the crinkly forest of my pubic hair into a quagmire. I felt like I’d sat in honey.

Everybody was coming. The air around us was humid with the spray of male and female cum. I thought of it as a shining halo.

As masterpiece of erotic symmetry had been achieved. All of us had climbed the peak. But we remained there only a short while. Pretty soon, things started to get sloppy.

There was so much juice we were slipping and sliding like combatants in a mud-fight. All traction was lost as we slid around like raw egg yolks in a bowl.

We slipped off the couch like we were going over a waterfall. On the floor, we prowled all over each other’s bodies looking for meat.

Now everybody was doing everything to everybody. We were just a free-form mass of mindless fucking and sucking. Every cock seemed bigger than the last, every pussy sweeter than its predecessor.

It was an advantage that I was blindfolded. Limited by the confines of vision, I’d have missed out on seeing so much. This way, in the panorama of my tireless imagination, imagery provided me with a full view of every act in the room.

Every cock in an ass. And, of course, every one fucking a pussy.

Prick spurting in mouths. Beautiful girls drinking the turn, their bobbing tits speckled by somebody else’s jizz.

I was so delirious with joy I didn’t know which cocks and pussies were servicing me, and which were making it with other people. Stripped of my individuality by the power of raw sex, I felt like the integral part of an enormous, single organism. An organism that seemed to thrive, cannibalistically, on its own fluid. The fluid from its collection of constantly erupting loins.

Every time somebody came again, it just seemed to spur on the rest of us. We were junkies for our own sauce.

Who knows how long we went at it. Blindfolded, I had no idea of when we started and when we finally collapsed in a soggy mountain of human flesh.

Of course, the mundane concept of earthly time was the last thing concerning me as I slipped into an orgasmic sleep. Encapsulated in the afterglow of fucking, I was soaring through infinity.


It was only when I came to amid the slumbering bodies that I realized I had fucked my way into a perfect opportunity to escape. By crawling around and touching their sticky, inert anatomies, I was able to ascertain that everyone seemed zonko. Even those technically conscious seemed oblivious to their surroundings.

In other words, little Angie had humped a whole gang of kidnappers into submission.

There seemed nothing stopping me from removing my blindfold and taking my leave. Nobody would be the wiser, perhaps for hours.

I took the first big step there, the blindfold was off.

I could see them all for the first time. What an erotic mess. Crusted-over cocks and congealing pussies littered the room in carnal debris. It was hard to believe I’d actually had sex with all these people at once.

Naturally I wondered which one was their dynamic leader, Chinga. However, I didn’t have time to match identities with genitalia. If I was going to rush to freedom, I couldn’t allow myself to be distracted any longer.

Tripping through the pile of naked bodies, I was on my way to the door. Then, there, I discovered that it wasn’t locked, turned the knob, and was suddenly facing into the maw of the outside world.

It was pitch-black outside sometime in the middle of the night. There was no moon so I’d be without light in my flight. However, I decided that it was still a big improvement over being blindfolded.

Even in the dark I could ascertain that the hideout was out in the country somewhere — totally isolated. I might have to travel for miles to find help. In the meantime, I would be totally nude. All alone in the night, I felt like the last survivor on earth.

Choosing the hated shed in which I’d been imprisoned as the focal point for my escape, I began running in the opposite direction from it. Sprinting across a clearing, I had my eye on the sanctuary of a grove of trees a hundred yards ahead. I hadn’t run since high school PE, but I felt like a world-class miler.

However, the instant I hit the trees, my woeful lack of condition caught up with me. Falling to the ground, I heaved for air. My lungs were on fire.

Groveling on a bed of pine needles, I gradually reintroduced the wonder of oxygen to my system. Finally the dizziness stopped and I could concentrate on something besides the possibility of passing out.

Reasonably refreshed, I surveyed my surroundings. From the ground all I could see were the looming tops of trees, black and lurking against the night sky. Their company was so ominous I no longer felt alone.

And I wasn’t.

“Don’t bother to get up,” he said. “I like you just the way you are.”

Chinga! I’d have known that chilling voice anywhere.

“I thought you were back at the hideout with the others!” I blurted.

His reply was the screech of a descending zipper. Leveling my gaze, suddenly I was looking at the vertically leering head of an angry, red cock. It was hard, enormous, and twitching.

“Get up and suck it,” he ordered. “I want to fuck you in the mouth.”

Just like that, I got on my knees and did it. There was something about him that made refusal unnatural.

His prick was as sweet as it was long and thick. It was like sucking on a candied yam.

It was even better when he started moving his hips in the classic fucking motion. His dick swiveled further and further down my throat until I was eating it all. At the hilt, I hungrily nibbled his balls with my slobbering lips.

Choking on his root to the maximum, my nose was buried in his bristly crotch-hair. He smilled at me.

“Think you could bowl me over with your tits and ass?”

I shook my head no — I would never think such a thing. I didn’t know what the truth was any more all I knew was that I wanted to please this charismatically brutal man.

“Chinga doesn’t go to the trough with the animals,” he snarled. “He gets his meat special.”

“I’ll make my meat special for you,” I shamelessly interjected myself into his metaphor.

“Fucking me means suffering, bitch,” he hissed. “It means doing it my way.”

“Any way that gets your cock inside me,” I continued to degrade myself. “Go ahead and make me suffer any way you can. The more it hurts, the more I’ll come.”

He took me at my word and violently turned my head with a slap. The cum came flying from my mouth.

Reaching down, he picked me up and threw me against a tree. For an instant I thought he’d broken my spine.

“How do you like it so far, bitch?” he asked triumphantly.

My brain was reeling. My body was aching.

“I love it!” I declared. “I love being treated like shit by you!”

“Goooood,” he drawled, and then whacked me in the ribs with a stiff kick of his boot. “Now get up on your feet and stand against that tree.”

Drawing strength from my runaway libido, I pumped my muscles with sufficient power to wobble to my feet. I was uncertain, but I was upright.

“You follow orders well,” he assessed my performance. “I always like an obedient subject.”

Well, he had one. I did nothing when he produced the endless strip of rawhide from his black leather jacket and started winding it around me. He was binding me to the tree — the rows of thong biting into the tender flesh of my breasts — and I could think of nowhere else I’d rather be.

“Now your legs,” he said when he had finished incapacitating my torso. “Spread them apart as far as they’ll go.”

I did until my pussy ached. He smacked his lips at my effort.

Then, his brief display of appreciation over, he got down to the business of completing my bondage. Whipping out a switchblade, he cut off a length of thong and turned his attention toward my ankles.

Kneeling down, he tied a noose around one, and then looped the rawhide around the trunk of the tree. Coming around from the other side, he knotted the other ankle.

“You’re gonna love this,” he promised as he disappeared again around the tree.

To tease me, he jiggled the looped thong at first, tickling me with the vibrations. He wanted to be sure I figured out in advance what was going to happen so I could dread it. Apparently, Chinga wasn’t sexually happy unless he was inflicting mental or physical pain.

In other words, he was a sadist.

And I was his willing masochist. “Go ahead and pull the cord,” I challenged him. “I want it!”

He did. Yanking the loop, he violently pulled my feet and ankles behind the tree. My legs tightly straddled the rough bark of the wide trunk.

The pain was excruciating — and wonderful!

Eventually I realized that the only part of my body that was unencumbered was my cunt. It was throbbing in full flex between my splayed thighs. My ass must have been resting on a gnarl on the tree to make my pussy thrust out so.

“Nothing you can do to me can make me want anything but more,” I told him when he was around in front again.

“We’ll see,” he chuckled. “We’ll see.”

Instinctively, my eyes dropped to the region of his cock. Seeming to be suspended in mid-air because of the equally dark backgrounds of the night and Chinga’s black leather clothing, it hung flaccidly in its owner’s stroking hand.

I was disappointed. I’d expected it to be hard.

Then I discovered there was a reason for it. You can’t piss with a hard-on.

Suddenly Chinga was drenching me with urine. It came whizzing accurately from his cock at a distance of three feet to begin with. There was no part of me that was not saturated by the scalding discharge.

Then, gradually, as the pressure of his flow decreased, Chinga closed the space between us. By the time the head of his prick was just dribbling, he stuffed it into my mouth.

The last of his piss was delicious. Although thinner than sperm, it was as tangy as the other phallic substance is sweet. I wished I could have drunk the whole steaming load.

“You like my piss, huh?” he rasped. “Too bad I took a dump in the woods or I’d shit on you.”

“Just do something more to me with your cock,” I focused on the organ that was responsible for all this madness. “Piss on me, come in me, anything.”

“I’ll split your pussy,” he announced his selection. “Then, when I’m through coming in your cunt, I’ll ruin your ass.”

“No matter how hard you fuck me I won’t be able to do anything about it,” I embellished the litany of my degradation. “I’ll just have to suffer.”

“And love it,” he contracted the last of my obligations. “You’ve got to keep telling me how much you love it — even when I’m hurting you the worst.”

“The more pain, the more cock I want,” I emphasized my servitude. “Torture from you is better than anything from another man.”

Even as I tell it now, I can’t believe how completely I was under his spell. The mere presence of Chinga in this lonely forest had turned me into a mindless slave. All thought of escape was gone — all I could think of was pleasing this sadist by my suffering.

When he gripped my pussy lips and tore them to either side of my flanks, tears welled in my eyes and dribbled down my cheeks. There was no way of knowing whether they were tears of pain, or tears of joy.

With an opening about as big as a manhole in front of him, Chinga thrust his cock between my forcibly spread labia. Penetration was instantaneous and deep.

Then deeper.

Deepest. He was in me to the hilt. I felt like I was going to split in two, and hoped I did.

“Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck me!” I babbled. “Fuck me with your big, strong cock!”

“Mmmmmm, your pussy’s tight,” he informed me, as if I didn’t know. “I love the struggle a tight pussy makes.”

If he meant the constant spasming — the knotting contractions — he was right. My cunt was alive with rhythmic constriction. Even though I was bound to the tree down to the waist, I could still move my pelvis — I could still fuck back.

“Ooooooh,” I moaned deliriously, “I’m fucking you back aren’t I? Really giving your prick a run for the money. You can’t keep me down — I’ll fuck you until you drop.”

“Sassy bitch!” he spat, slapping me across the face as I’d hoped he would. It was exciting getting hit while I was fucking.

“If you like to beat up women, why don’t you hit me again?” I challenged his masculinity.

“Like this?” he sneered, spanking my cheek with another slinging slap.

“Yes! Now give me more — and make them hurt!”

Suddenly, I had my wish, and he was pummeling me. While his cock continued to piston within my cunt, he turned my face and neck and shoulders black and blue. With every lump he raised I felt my pussy getting a little wetter.

I was like a prizefighter caught against the ropes by a murderous opponent. No matter how much punishment I took, the restricting thongs kept me standing. I was a human punching bag.

However, to my euphoria, it was not just fists that were striking me so brutally. Throughout the violence, Chinga’s cock kept pounding away between my legs. By the time I was a bloody mess, he was ready to come.

My twat filled with goo as his surging tool exploded. He was putting more in my cunt than he’d spewed down my throat. Chinga had balls.

“Now your ass,” he said when he was through. “I always like to stick to my schedule.”

For this one he had to change the position of my legs. The way I was now, my ass was flattened against the trunk of the tree. He had to get them up somehow.

The rawhide connecting my ankles was halved at the loop behind the tree. Then, assembling both ends, Chinga came around in front of me and seized my legs before their ache would let me move them. Grasping my calves, he yanked the limbs upward until my ankles were pressing my ears.

At this point he took the two strands of rawhide from my ankles and wickedly bound my feet to my neck. If I moved too much, I’d strangle. When I came, I’d really feel it.

There was no problem with my asshole showing now. It was throbbing like a hot coal between the splayed cheeks of my upturned butt. My pulsing anus had become the focal point of my body.

“Fuck my ass!” I brayed for all the world to hear. “I want it so bad!”

Putting a finger to his lips, Chinga snared a glob of spit and then ceremoniously wiped it on the head of his dick. “That’s all the juices you’re gonna get on this trip, honey,” he cackled. “Your ass is gonna take my hard-on bone-dry. Anything wet you feel will be your own blood.”

Behind my lumpy mask of bruises, I chuckled to myself. Big, bad Chinga just wasn’t in full possession of the facts.

What he didn’t know was that my shit-pit, had become saturated with goo the instant my cheeks were spilt and my anus flashed into the open. I was so aroused that I was creaming in my asshole the same as I normally did in my pussy.

His hard-on would slide through my asshole like a knife through warm butter. My second fuck-hole was ready for him.

“Do whatever you can to me,” I prompted him. “Just be sure you stick your cock in my ass first.”

“It’s your funeral,” he chuckled like that was a happy prospect. “But I guarantee you it’s gonna be a screamer.”

“Try me.”

He sneered and struck. He had unerring accuracy with his prick, and proved it once again.

A perfect strike made the fun all the more intense. I laughed out loud as the sneer was wiped off Chinga’s face. Six inches of dick on the first pop up my ass changed it to astonishment.

“Your ass is wet!” he blurted incredulously.

“That’s what your cruelty does to me,” I laid bare the bottom-line of my emotions. “I want it to hurt when you’re fucking me, but I can’t make the juices stop flowing.”

He gritted his teeth and whammed away like he was going to show me, lubricated asshole or not. There was no further conversation — he’d started to do his talking with his dick.

And it was a jack-hammer. A bludgeon. A pile-driver.

In me to the hilt almost immediately because of the propelling grease of my anus, its head rammed into the pouch of my colon. My bowels were in an uproar — I could hear the shit gurgling inside me.

It was a lovely sound.

Through it all, Chinga kept grimacing. He seemed like an athlete with something to prove to his detractors.

My asshole became the symbol for all his frustrations as he banged away at it. In fucking my ass, Chinga seemed to be fucking the whole society from which he had rebelled.

“You’re one of those brainless middle-class housewives, aren’t you?” he confirmed my suspicion in a sneering aside. “I like to fuck you straight bitches in your lily-white asses so you can’t ever sit down again without thinking about me. You’re playing bridge, or some other Goddamn thing you people do, and you keep squirming in your chair. Everybody’s looking at you, but you can’t stop. It may be years later, but you just can’t stop thinking about Chinga’s cock all the way to the balls in your ass.”

The way he was talking about me playing bridge, it sounded like he was conceding my eventual release. It was the ray of light at the end of the tunnel, but I looked the other way.

The only tunnel in which I was currently interested was the narrow tunnel of my ass. The one with the big, thick cock fucking it.

“Come in my ass!” I wailed. “Come in my lily-white ass!”

With his prick in to the hilt, the first shot of cum came pouring into my bowels. The shit was pushed to the intestinal walls as I bloated with thick male cream.

The hot splash of spunk in the tactile reservoir of my colon sent me over the orgasmic edge. I had felt ripples all along, but now they became spastic jerks.

As I violently came in tandem with the male explosion within me, the leather thong around my neck began to manifest itself. Strangling was added to my climax. Every drop of his jizz seemed to be tightening the noose.

“Your cum is so hot,” I whimpered with shuddering delight. “So hot in my ass — what are you going to do to me next?”

Whatever it was, it didn’t include his cock. To my dismay, when he’d finished coming, he let it get soft and stuffed it into his pants.

However, it was immediately replaced by several thrusting inches of another kind of shaft. He’d hauled out his switchblade and was suddenly wielding it like a surgeon with a scalpel.

I thought be was going to carve me up. Maybe slice off one of my tits. For the first time I wondered if I was in this too far.

As gentle as an enraged bull up until now, Chinga completely surprised me with a sudden display of sensitivity. “It’s all over, baby,” he said, touching my face with the flat edge of his knife. “There’s nothing to be afraid of any more.”

I couldn’t believe the quirky turn of events. At first I was afraid his promised end to the cruelty was a sign I had exhausted my attractiveness to him. But then, when he started smothering my face with tender, nibbling kisses, I knew that everything was going to be all right.

As he bathed me with his lips, Chinga began cutting my bonds with his switchblade. My legs came down first, and then the thong around the tree began to unravel.

The trappings of violence faded as Chinga behaved as my savior rather than my defiler. When I was no longer plastered to the tree, he picked up my battered body like it was a toy and carried me into a clearing.

There, as I recuperated, he stroked my naked body with gentle, loving caresses. We were behaving like lovers in the afterglow of a perfect fuck.

And, strangely, I did feel as though I loved him. This brutal psychopath. This criminal. Sadist.

He was everything I had been conditioned to abhor in my middle-class existence. Yet, incredibly I couldn’t get enough of his leather-clad body, sweaty odor, and blue-veined cock. His rough ways seemed to light up my life.

I actually told him after thinking about it for several minutes that I loved him. He didn’t even blink — he must have been expecting it.

“Let’s fuck,” was his answer. This time we did it on a soft bed of pine needles, slow and easy and relaxed. I came harder than I ever had in my life.


Finally fucked into exhaustion, Chinga and I slept side-by-side in the forest. His hand was on my cunt, mine on his resting dick. Despite the bizarre nature of the circumstances, I’d never slept so restfully.

I guess that’s why I didn’t hear the shots until there were so many of them they could have awakened the dead. By that time, Chinga was up and around, having rushed to the edge of the trees so he could see what was going on back at the hideout.

“Jesus Christ,” I heard him thunder, “the bastards are shooting the place to pieces.”

“Who?” I called. “Who’s shooting?”

“The cops,” he replied. Then he paused and ominously added: “Or the mob.”

I could see what he was getting at. It could easily be either shooting up the hideout. Each had the incentive and means to track us down.

Everything had gone wrong for Chinga and his gang. They were just too small-time to deal with the threats of Roy Parker and the police and organized crime simultaneously. When they’d messed up kidnapping the star of the force, bungllng a contract from the mob, they’d written their own death warrants.

Now the shots were trailing off. As I got up to go join Chinga at the edge of the trees, they were replaced by slamming doors and gunned motors. By the time I’d caught up with him the sound of tires squealing filled the night.

When I looked across the clearing I could see several dark cars speeding away. Even though the sky was moonless it was possible to see them because of another source of illumination. The hideout was blazing with fire — rapidly burning to the ground.

“Where are you going?” I asked Chinga when he moved from my side.

“To try and save the others. They’re trapped inside.”

I didn’t want him to go. Not because I was afraid of being left alone, but because I was afraid for him.

“There could be a sniper down there to pick up strays,” I pointed out. “Besides, the hideout is a deathtrap by now. You could never get in — and, if you did, you could never get out.”

“But the others — I was their leader…”

“Correction,” I said evenly, “you were their leader. They’ve all been barbecued by now.”

I had become incredibly calm in the eye of the crisis. At the same time Chinga had swerved into irrationality. Our roles had been temporarily reversed and I was the dominant one.

“Come on,” I urged, “we’ve got to get out of here.”

“Whichever side it is — they’ll find us,” he cringed.

“Why should they?” I grinned sardonically. “As far as they know, we were lost in the fire. They won’t be looking for us if they think we’re dead.”

He got hold of himself and thought about it. “Yeah,” he rasped, his confidence reemerging in the huskiness of his voice, “dead men tell no tales. We could move around the country like we were invisible.”

“Then let’s get started,” I said, turning my back on my respectable past for a life of sex and crime. I had never felt so alive.

That night, we used what remained of the cover of darkness to work our way through the woods away from the smoldering hideout. By morning we reached the outskirts of a small town. It was then we both realized I was still stark naked.

“We gotta get you some clothes,” Chinga said, and then paused to screw up his face with perplexity. “Christ, here we are partners and I don’t even know your name.”

“Angie,” I told him. “Just plain Angie. Forget about the rest of it — I’m trying to. Now, you tell me, what’s this mysterious Chinga stand for?”

“Fuck you.”

“I beg your pardon?”

“Fuck you,” he broke up laughing. “It’s Spanish for fuck you.”

“How’d you get a nickname like that?” I giggled like a schoolgirl.

“My old man was a Mexican. And it was about all he ever said to me the whole time I was growing up. I heard ‘chinga’ so much I just gradually took it for my name.”

“What’s your real name?”

“Rodney, from my mother — I’m trying to forget that, too.”

“Good, so will I.” I batted my eyelashes at him. “I like Chinga. Now what about those clothes — it’s chilly out here.”

His plan was simple. He had a gun, so he was going to rob a clothing store. Then he was going to steal a car and drive around to the edge of town to pick me up. He assured me that the way he could drive nobody was going to catch us.

It sounded all right when he originally proposed it, but I started to have misgivings when I heard the shots, I hadn’t figured on Chinga shooting up the place.

The gunfire was followed by the rumble of commotion in the street. Chinga had succeeded in stirring a sleepy little rural community into a hornets’ nest. His style was definitely confrontationist.

More shots rang out and then an engine started. It was such a small town that the sounds were all distinct. With the screeching of tires, I figured Chinga had gotten his car.

Sure enough, it came squealing around the bend just a couple of minutes later. As I piled into the front seat of the Camaro. I noticed a pile of jeans and sweaters in the back.

“I got all different sizes,” he informed me as he gunned us away from the hysterical town. “Just find what fits you and toss the rest out the window.”

Later, after I was dressed, I asked the inevitable question. “What happened back there?” I put it to him directly. “Was anybody hurt?”

“Yeah,” he replied as he hunched over the wheel like a stock-car racer, tearing up country roads at over 80 miles an hour. “Had to waste a couple of guys who got in my way.”

“I thought murder was too heavy for you,” I said. “I overheard you tell that to the others when you were explaining how you got into the Parker mess.”

“That was business, Angie,” he replied. “This is survival. There are no more rules to obey. We’re free.”

“Free to run,” I sardonically abridged his estimation of our status. Each dusty mile melting by us was further proof of the fury of our flight. I couldn’t help wondering where it would all end.

The police roadblock that abruptly loomed on the horizon didn’t help my piece of mind, either. However, it didn’t bother Chinga a bit. Accepting it as a challenge, he rammed the accelerator to the floor and drove right through it.

It all happened so fast, it seemed like a dream. It seemed more as though I were watching it in a movie than participating in it.

However, several miles later, I discovered that the bullet holes in the windows were definitely real. “Christ, they were shooting at us!” I blurted.

“You better believe it,” he chuckled. “Those Highway Patrol dudes are always trigger-happy.”

“But we could have been hit!”

“But we weren’t. This is our trip, baby, and nothing’s gonna stop us.”

He was talking in that commanding tone of voice again. When Chinga turned on the charisma he was irresistible, no matter how outrageous.

“Danger’s the ultimate turn-on, baby, don’t you know that?” he leered. “Check your pussy — I’ll bet the excitement made it soaking wet.”

It was a dare I couldn’t resist. Unbuttoning my jeans, I pressed my hand against my panty-less crotch.

Chinga was right. It was a swamp down there!

“Well?” he awaited the results.

“My cunt is dripping,” I informed him through a Mona Lisa smile. “Pull the car over to the side of the road and fuck me.”

A bulge suddenly arose from his lap. At the same time, he slammed on the brakes, throwing the Camaro into a looping skid. By the time we came to rest, we were off the road, rutted beside a tree that we had narrowly missed.

By this time the pace of our impulsive relationship had me panting. “Get out your cock,” I hurriedly rasped. “Get out your big cock and fuck me with it.”

Fortunately I had not littered the highway with the clothes that hadn’t fit me. Still in the back, they provided a soft bed for us when we crawled back there to really get it on. By the time Chinga had his prick in working order, I was back there with my jeans off and legs spread and he dove over the seat to fuck me.

We were like teenage lovers, unable to keep from making love whenever the urge hit us. Humping away in the back seat of a Camaro, we could have been a couple of kids at a drive-in instead of outlaws.

“Mmmmm, wiggle your big prick around inside me,” I cooed when he was splitting me to the hilt. “It makes my cunt feel so good when you move.”

And, of course, he wanted me to squirm my ass as much as I wanted him to play tricks with his cock. Vigorously obliging, I shimmied so that it seemed I would twist his brittle joint off at the root.

All of the sadism and violence of the night before had disappeared. Locked in my embrace, pumping his dick into my pussy, Chinga was fucking me like a lover rather than an abductor.

“I love you,” I whimpered with joy as he speared me to the depths. “I love your big, strong cock.”

Already I was coming. Even though we had just begun screwing, orgasm was buzzing within me like a swarm of bees. This was the fastest I’d ever come while fucking a man. Even the symbolic rape of the night before hadn’t started me spasming this soon.

As I accepted surge after surge of Chinga’s thrill-producing hard-on, I couldn’t help but think about the way it had been in my old life. It all seemed so long ago — all that meaningless fucking to no orgasm. Sure, I had some misgivings about my life on the run with Chinga but with his stiff cock making my pussy come, they all seemed meaningless.

I wondered if I could ever go back to the suburbs. When Chinga began to pour sperm into my cunt, I guessed not.

“Your cum feels so hot in my pussy,” I congratulated him. “There’s so much I can already feel it leaking down my ass.”

“I’m really horny today,” he informed me of the obvious. “Close-calls do that to me.”

“You mean you weren’t sure you could get through that police barricade?” I asked incredulously, stroking his cock with my fingers to keep it hard.

“At the time I didn’t have a doubt in the world,” he said. “It’s only after these things are all over that I start to think about how close I came to getting wasted. Teetering on the edge does something to me — charges me up. Makes me think I’d better live for today because the next gamble might not work out.”

“Well, don’t turn philosopher on me, I’ll take your word for it,” said, squeezing his prick to make sure it was at full strength. “As a matter of fact, why don’t you just let your hard-on do your talking for you?”

“Where?” he eagerly asked.

“My tits,” I surprised him. “They’re the only part of me you haven’t put your cock to.”

After thinking about it for a few seconds; he seemed to like the idea. My naked body had a very persuasive effect on him.

“Oooooh, that’s it,” I moaned as he slipped his stiff tool between my heaving breasts. “I’ll squeeze them together and you fuck them like they’re a cunt.”

Gently he began his stroking. He was as tender now as he had been sadistic last night. It was clear that we shared something we had not had before. More and more I was choosing to think of it as love.

Then, as the head of his dick struck my chin on its furthest thrust between my tits, he told me what I had been waiting to hear. “Angie, I can’t be sure of this — because its never happened to me,” he said. “But I think I love you.”

My reply was the only sane thing for a woman to do under the circumstances. With the meaty end of my lover’s beautiful prick throbbing in my face, I opened my mouth and started sucking it.

Now when Chinga moved his cock to and fro in the constriction of my jugs, the knotty head pulled my lips back and forth. What I was doing with the pliant collar of his foreskin started to make him whimper with pleasure.

Eventually he was fucking my tits so fast that his prick was like a piston. I knew he was on the verge of coming because I could feel his balls rolling against the underside of my mammaries. This time when he exploded he would fill my mouth. I could hardly wait to drink my lover’s cum.

Interlacing my fingers in his, I helped him squeeze my breasts together even tighter. I wanted the pressure to be unbearable. My stomach was grumbling for jizz.

Within seconds, I had it. With all the friction I’d arranged, there was no way Chinga’s cock could do anything but explode. He may have been horny to begin with — but I had made him into Superman.

Despite having flowed only minutes before, his sperm was as thick and plentiful as before. Correction: more plentiful.

I fought for every drop, but of course I couldn’t swallow all of it. That which didn’t warm my belly backed up in my breathing passages and leaked from my mouth. Before long my face was oozing cum. I felt like I was melting.

Then it occurred to me to lean forward and spit what was left of the jismn in my mouth on my tits. After all, they deserved it after fucking Chinga’s cock so well.

When my jugs were blotched with lumps of spunk, I rubbed it in like body lotion. My throbbing nipples were a special point of attention.

The more I massaged myself, the better if felt. The tingling wouldn’t stop. Pretty soon it had increased to the point where I felt like I had an electric coil in each breast.

“Hey,” Chinga called for my attention, “stop playing with yourself and get back to my cock. It’s still hard.”

“Shhhhh,” I quieted him. “I think I’m about ready to have, an orgasm in my tits. I want to see if I can do it.”

“With my cum, you can do anything,” he laughed, and began to help me knead my slippery nipples.

Then, suddenly, I ran out of breath. It felt as though I had two hearts, and each was ensconced in a breast.

“God, I’m coming!” I gasped. “Really coming in my tits. I feel like I’m having two heart attacks at once.”

He just laughed. “Wait’ll you see what I’m gonna do to your ass. My cock’ll have you shitting the colors of the rainbow.”

“Only if you do it to me like I was a dog,” I quickly came around to his way of thinking. “I really want to feel your prick up my ass.”

I didn’t wait for his reply. In spite of the limitations of the back seat; I managed to turn over and get to my knees. Then, resting my face on the arm-rest, I hoisted my lily-white butt right under Chinga’s nose.

I mentally pictured his nostrils flaring. It had been a long time since I had bathed and I was sweaty and dirty. The scent from my scummy crotch must have been a mind-blower.

“Stop taking pictures and fuck me,” I teased him. “My ass is soaking wet for you. You can fuck me all the way on the first thrust if you really try.”

“Mmmmmmm, I can see it,” he drooled. I could hear his lips smack after he wiped off a leaking glob and noisily tasted it. “And it tastes even funkier than it looks. I love a woman with a wet ass.”

“Then I’m your girl,” I wiggled my specimen in his face. “My ass is wet for only one reason in the world — and that’s your cock. So fuck me with it.”

“It’s a pleasure,” he bit into his words. Then, jerking with laughter, he added: “Besides, it’s the only way to plug up the smell. Baby, you are funky!”

“Flattery will get you everywhere,” I replied. “But your cock up my ass will get yow even further.”

“I know,” he dead panned. Then he proceeded to show how much he knew.

As strong as a bull despite two recent ejaculation, Chinga ripped the cheeks of my ass even further apart than they already were and gored the horn of his prick into me. The tract of my anus jumped like a skipping rope from the impact of the assault. Even though the way was slick, obstacles of convulsing tissue abounded.

Quickly it hit me what was happening. Chinga was having trouble navigating my asshole because I was already coming there. Paradoxically, it was the rhythm of my anal orgasm that was keeping the hard-on I so desperately carved out of my shit-pit. I had gone all the way from being a frigid woman to being the female version of one of those premature ejaculators.

So I could temporarily stop coming, I purposely thought of something that was a total turn-off. Surprising even myself, I selected my life as a loyal housewife in the suburbs as my downer.

Yes, it was the pits tall right. Desperately trying to cool down my twisting asshole, I pictured my family assembled in the living room of our home. The dullness of their faces astonished me.

Tom’s expression was such a blank. He looked so much like a… like a… like an insurance salesman. He was so predictable. How had I ever allowed myself to become captive in his prison of boredom when there was so much excitement in the world?

And the kids. They were there, standing alongside Tom. God, I hadn’t given them a thought since I’d been kidnapped. Even now, as I mentally peered into their faces, I wasn’t sure I could tell one from the other. Although one was a twelve-year-old girl and the other an eleven-year-old boy, both Bobby and Anita had freckled, snub-nosed faces, braces on their teeth, and straight blond hair that went down to their shoulders. Since both their wardrobes consisted primarily of t-shirts and jeans, their identities remained constantly merged in my mind.

Bobby and Anita were nice kids, but they were like vanilla. It wasn’t that I didn’t love them — but they were so bland. They were turning into their father. Frankly, with Chinga trying to stuff his big prick up my ass, I was terribly bored by them all.

“Oooommmppphh!” my outlaw lover grunted as he lurched across my back. “You sure straightened yourself out quick. Your asshole just went soft and swallowed my prick whole. Never seen anything like it.”

“I know,” I smugly cooed. “It’s a little trick of mind over matter I brought into crime with me from my exotic past in the suburbs.”

“Like maybe thinking about your dullsville life back in the straight world so you could turn off the climax in your ass long enough to give my cock a clear path inside?” he brusquely read my mind.

“How did you know?” I bleated, impressed by his insight as I wriggled my buns atop his totally penetrating prick.

“I left a family behind, too,” he confessed. “Back in New Jersey.”

“Did you love them?”

“Of course,” he said. “But not as much as being on my own — doing what I wanted to. I realized I couldn’t have both. One had to go — and I couldn’t let it be my freedom.”

“And you call this freedom…” I challenged his reasoning, “being chased? Running for our lives?”

“Fucking in the ass all the way up to the balls in the back seat of a stolen Camaro,” he cut off my protest by flipping the discussion to the other side of the coin.

“Freedom is fucking me in the ass?”

“Why not? Can you think of anything better to do?”

“Not at the moment,” I assured him.

“Then let’s stop jiving and start fucking. I want to come in your ass some time before the sun goes down.”

“You won’t hear another peep out of me until I scream,” I guaranteed him.

Since Chinga’s hard-on was now buried in my rectal tunnel to the squashiness of his balls and the scratchiness of his pubic bush, the fucking movement we made had to be generated by the central muscles of our bodies. And not only was his cock in my ass a tight fit, so were he and I in the back seat of the Camaro.

On top, Chinga could move around a little bit with his hips. However, awkwardly kneeling, I found the best way to get my pelvis to actively twitch was to think dirty. Slamming shut the family album that had made my anus pliant, I delved into the sewer of my mind to get things going down there again.

In my mind I imagined what Chinga’s big cock must look like as it rammed endlessly into my butt. I wished I were double — jointed so I could twist around and lick it while it fucked my ass.

I got so hot that I automatically went in search of some added stimulation. When my wandering hand found my dripping pussy and began tweaking my clit, it was like pouring gasoline on an already raging fire.

I hadn’t played with myself like this since I was back home in the suburbs. It seemed so long ago that I had to masturbate to come. How much better to have it as the frosting on top of the damage a great big cock could do.

While Chinga kept cornholing me, I slipped my fingers into my gushing twat and began manipulating them in the goo. Finger-fucking my cunt in places that only I as its owner could know about, I made myself come in a second hole while I was stilt orgasming in the first.

By the time Chinga finally shot his wad up my ass, I had so much juice in my pussy that it felt like the jizz was leaking through the thin membrane separating the two love-chutes. I could swear there was no difference at all between my ass and cunt as my outlaw lover engorged the former with his huge cock, and I now used the cudgel of my clenched fist within the other.

As I fist-fucked my twat, time and again my knuckles came in collision with the head of Chinga’s cock. He was still ejaculating, and there was a lump in the dividing tissue every time he squeezed off a new glob of fresh jism.

It seemed like Chinga would keep coming in my ass forever. He only stopped his spurting when my tearing anal tissue reminded me of the scream I’d promised to him, and I delivered it with blood-curdling fury.

By the time his squirting had ended, my bowels seemed taut with the burden of his sperm. The constant sloshing when I moved made my equilibrium uncertain.

“Quick!” I finally blurted. “You’ve got to get off me — I’ve got to get out of the car!”

My voice was too frantic for him to question my intent. Reaching over the seat in the first place to get a hold of the front door, the recoil from Chinga’s cock popping from my ass sent me smacking face first into it.

Contrary to my original plan, my crashing chin rather than my hand succeeding in depressing the handle enough to open the door. With its latch no longer sustaining my weight, the metal panel sprang open, momentum depositing me in a heap on the ground.

Shaking my head, I got my wits just in time to squat and avoid making a mess. I had just balanced myself on my spread haunches when the pressure which had been building in my colon unleashed itself.

The gruel spewed out of my asshole just like the results of an enema. The only difference was that this enema had been done with male cum — the discharge was like defecating liquid velvet. With joy I watched the pool of lumpy whiteness spread on the ground before me, proud as a woman that I had been able to take so much.

“So what do we do for an encore?” I said a few moments later, arising from the now-muddy ground.

“Rob a bank,” he grinned as he handed me my clothes from the car. “We’ve got to get some money for gas so we don’t have to keep holding up filling station attendants.”

Seized by a desperate need for adventure, his convoluted logic appealed to me. “Rob a bank…” I repeated his proposal. “Why not?”


I guess I can confess at this point in the story that my perception of Chinga was almost entirely determined by my sexual and romantic attraction to him. Not being an experienced law-breaker, it took me perhaps longer than it would have a more objective person to realize that Chinga was not exactly a master criminal.

His intentions, of course, were always appropriately antisocial; however, his execution frequently left a lot to be desired. He was a hell of a stud, but a clumsy crook.

The main problem was that, whenever anything went wrong, Chinga put all his faith in his gun. This, needless to say, led to the most extreme kinds of situations.

All of which is by way of explaining how I crossed over the line from being a hostage to being a kidnapper myself. It happened as soon in my career of crime as my first bank job.

For the heist Chinga had suggested after our roadside ass-fuck, he selected a small branch office in a shopping center he found after miles of driving. We were in the suburbs somewhere it looked depressingly familiar to me, but what city we were on the outskirts of I did not know.

Chinga assured me that a shopping center bank was exactly what we wanted for our first job. “The only time it’ll be crowded is on Friday when people get paid,” he explained. “This is Wednesday.”

It sounded like a good enough plan to me. Even though I now realize that, crime-wise, Chinga was closer to Billy the Kid than Willie Sutton, even a master-criminal could not have anticipated the misfortune we ran into.

I mean, who could have possibly anticipated that the Goddamn bank would be full of a bunch of school kids on a field trip? The little bastards were all over the place.

“What are we going to do now?” I hissed to Chinga as we stood incredulously at the front of the bank.

Immediately I wished I hadn’t asked. Knowing Chinga’s propensity for resorting to violence in times of stress, I shouldn’t have applied any verbal pressure.

“All right, you little mother fuckers, up against the wall!” he suddenly shouted. In his twitching hand was the big gun he’d pulled from under his leather jacket. “No fucking class of dumb kids is gonna stop me from robbing this bank!”

At this point, there was nothing to do but go along with him. Any resistance I made would only cause further trouble. My lover had turned into a murderous beast right before my eyes.

Meanwhile, the kids were milling around all over the place, too frightened to follow Chinga’s orders. Realizing that if I didn’t do something quickly there was going to be terrible bloodshed, I took a chance and intervened.

“Come on, kids,” I said gently, taking over for their teacher who was cowering over in the corner, “let’s do what the nice man says. He loves children — it’s just adults he has a little trouble getting along with.”

Fortunately, that did it. Drawing on my experience mothering my own two, pretty soon I had all the kids rounded up and leaning with their palms against the wall, having turned the whole thing into a game for them. Some of them were actually giggling.

Chinga wasn’t, though. He seemed miffed that I had stolen his thunder. Apparently he planned to compensate for the perceived loss of prestige by being especially obnoxious.

“Get me the money, baldy,” he snarled to the whimpering tub of a man who was apparently the bank manager, “or I’ll shoot your balls off — if you’ve got any.”

The manager had made enough loans to be able to read a person’s eyes. He was smart enough to know that Chinga’s meant business, and quickly and efficiently excused himself into the vault. Once he had realized he could give up the bank’s money in lieu of his life, his spirits had improved remarkably.

Chinga, however, remained the same. While the manager was in the vault scooping up the loot, Chinga was busy terrorizing the school teacher. First he made her come out of her hiding place; then, at gunpoint, he forced her to strip.

It was a grotesque scene. The children couldn’t stop tittering as their teacher became nude. The novelty of her nakedness made them oblivious to her degrading and desperate plight forced to strip in public by a madman with a gun.

She was a real beauty, too. She hadn’t looked like much when she was dressed, but with her clothes off all that changed. To keep such a gorgeous body under wraps, I reasoned she must be a terribly modest, possibly religious, woman. This had to be a terribly excruciating experience for her.

“Look, Scott,” I overheard one kid say to another, “you can see Miss Turner’s bush.”

“You mean her cunt?”


“I don’t believe it.”

“Look over your shoulder.”

When he did he was joined by about ten other kids who had over heard the conversation. All of them looked straight at their teacher’s sleek beaver being probed by the barrel of a pistol. Yes, Chinga was sticking his gun into the frightened woman’s pussy.

Just when things really could have gotten ugly, the bank manager fortunately appeared with a dolly piled high with numerous canvas sacks of money. “There’s no more where this came from,” he cheerfully announced. “I’m afraid your withdrawal just about wipes us out.”

Although he sounded like a cowardly jerk, the little guy was really doing everybody else a big favor. The manager’s eagerness to turn over the bank’s money was the only thing keeping Chinga from going nuts and shooting up the place.

“All right, Angie,” he called to me, stupidly blurting my name in public, “you take the money out to the car.”

“What are you going to do?” I asked suspiciously.

“Listen, bitch,” he suddenly exploded, “who do you think is running this caper?”

When I saw his trigger finger twitch and the gun was still pointed at the school teacher’s snatch I shut up and did what he said. Anything could set him off now.

I tried to lift the sacks manually from the dolly, but couldn’t budge them. When Chinga hissed impatiently at me to hurry, I decided to steal the dolly along with the money and began wheeling our plunder toward the door. The last I looked, before I left the building, Chinga had the barrel of his gun back in the teacher’s crotch.

I had a tough time trying to get the money into the car. I couldn’t seem to budge a single sack without a great deal of effort.

Finally I got interested enough to look inside of one of them. It was filled with money all right, but it was made of copper and packaged fifty at a time in red wrappers instead of printed on green paper.

“Jesus, pennies!” I heedlessly blurted in the center of the parking lot. “We just stole the bank’s supply of pennies!”

Nobody heard me anyway. Because just as I finished speaking all attention in the shopping center was abruptly riveted to the gunfire reverberating from the bank.

I closed my eyes, imagining the potential carnage of innocent people. When I opened them here came Chinga, pushing in front of him a couple of the kids and the naked schoolteacher.

“Hostages!” he proudly informed me as his entourage reached the Camaro. “If we don’t get a clean getaway, we blow their fucking heads off. Got any objections?”

I wasn’t about to argue with him. I just hoped he didn’t ask me about the money.

He did, though. After he’d herded his captives into the back seat at prodding gunpoint, he noticed that the bank sacks were still piled on the dolly.

“What the hell is going on?” he thundered, actually pointing the gun at me in the blindness of frustration. “Why isn’t this shit in the car?”

“It’s pennies, Chinga, pennies,” I woefully informed him. “We robbed the bank of all its pennies.”

“I don’t believe you!” he shrieked. However, when he furiously kicked one, of the sacks, he changed his mind. He acknowledged over and over again, that they were “Goddamn fuckin’ pennies” all right, as he hopped in pain from his stubbed toe.

“Come on, let’s get out of here,” I finally took charge. “We can’t go back to the bank, and the pennies aren’t worth the trouble of loading into the car. The cops are probably already on their way, and they don’t care if we robbed pennies or millions.”

So he’d get the point, I got in behind the wheel and started the motor running. When he still hadn’t come, I gunned the engine like I was going to leave him hopping and swearing in the parking lot.

That brought him around, and he slipped into the passenger’s side just before the rubber of the rear tires bit into the pavement and we took off. As we careened onto the freeway at over 70, he protested that he wanted to drive, but I paid no attention to him. I wanted to see if I could hit a hundred.

The law enforcement in that area must have been even more inept than we were as crooks, because, with an inexperienced woman at the wheel, we completely eluded them. I didn’t even know in which direction we were headed — and didn’t care as long as I didn’t see any cops.

Our hostages had done a lot of screaming at first, but had finally settled down. The teacher put on some of the cum-stained jeans and an equally crusty sweater, and the concealment of her body seemed to improve her spirits from hysteria to merely glum. The kids — a boy and a girl about ten — had begun to play license plate games with the passing cars.

Finally, when everybody had to piss and was starving to death, we had to stop. Still rejecting Chinga’s advice, I decided on a nice, clean, out-of-the-way motel. “Even if we are on the run,” I told him, “I’m tired of sleeping on the ground.”

When we’d checked in, I sent Chinga out to a fast-food place I’d seen nearby for hamburgers and fries. He was still so stunned by the way I’d taken over that he was putty in my hands. “And bring back a lot of catsup,” I sort of rubbed it in. “You know how I love it.”

Alone in the motel room with the hostages, I tried to get acquainted with them so they’d be less likely to panic. “I’m Angie,” I said, “and believe me, I don’t want to hurt you. I’m your friend now, what are your names?”

There was a pause, and then the little girl went first. “My name is Robin and I’m ten.” With a lithe, young body that had not yet turned into adolescent gawkiness, and an angelic fate, she was an adorable child.

“And I’m Chuck,” the boy said. He was a rugged specimen, but still young enough to have a face full of freckles.

The teacher just stood there. Drooping in the baggy sweater and jeans, she was back to being homely again.

“And I already know your name, of course, Miss Turner,” I tried to alleviate the damper she put on the situation.

It was no use. The sound of her name had apparently triggered a relapse, and she was back in hysteria. Without Chinga’s gun monitoring everything, I responded to her grief by softly embracing her.

“Don’t worry,” I soothed her as I put her weeping head on my shoulder. “Everything’s going to be all right.”

“But that man is such a beast!” she wailed.

“Don’t worry, I won’t let him hurt you,” I assured her.

“I feel so degraded,” she sobbed. “So so ugly.”

“No,” I blurted. “You mustn’t think that. You’re beautiful. I’ve seen you.”

Of course I immediately realized that I’d just reminded her in so many words of how I, and everyone else, had seen her naked. At once her body began to shake. Even through our clothing I could feel it moving against mine.

All of a sudden I felt like I was magnetized to her. Couldn’t have gotten away if I’d wanted to.

And I didn’t want to. Even under the baggy jeans and sweater and possessed by fright, Miss Turner’s body was a total turn-on.

“Calm down,” I urged. When she didn’t I kissed her.

Since her mouth was open to begin with, it was a deep kiss. A soul kiss. My tongue hardened and shot all the way down her throat.

Below, my knee showed similar reflexes, and hoisted itself into the young school teacher’s crotch. My right hand automatically slid under her sweater and clasped her warm, firm breasts.

“What are you doing?” she gasped when we broke the kiss for air.

“Calming you down,” I smiled, trying to communicate as an aroused woman rather than as a sinister captor.

“Well, don’t stop,” she grinned back through her tears. “I’ll take a gentle touch any place I can get it at this stage of the game, just so long as that animal isn’t here.”

As though we were waltzing, I guided her over to one of the double beds in the room. Laying her down, I smiled warmly, asking in my expression for an invitation to join her.

“Make love to me,” she gave it. “Make me forget where I am and everything else that’s happening.”

“Are you going to undress Miss Turner, Angie?”

Robin asked.

The kids. In my concentration on their teacher I had forgotten all about them.

“Yes,” I admitted, dumbfounded by the realization of their presence. They were of the age that they almost could have been my own children watching me behave this way.

“Can we watch?” Chuck asked.

I didn’t know what to say or do. I’d been so apathetic to my own children recently, that I’d forgotten how to deal with pesky kids.

“I have an idea, children,” the teacher said from the bed. “Why don’t you two help Angie. We’ll have fun.”

Christ, she talked to them like she was trying to get them to stay after school and clean the erasers. One would hardly guess she was essentially inviting them to join an orgy of adults and children.

“Oh,” squealed Robin, “you mean like we did at the fifth grade picnic with you and Miss Stewart?”

“Yes, dear,” Miss Turner replied. “I’d hoped you hadn’t forgotten.”

So — things were not as innocent as they seemed. This had all happened before. The three R’s weren’t all this teacher taught her students.

The two kids were standing by the bed now, hurriedly stripping. Since they were both wearing jeans and t-shirts, just like my kids, it was impossible if you got your eyes crossed to remember which crotch was going to come up pronged and which one slitted.

Chuck’s prick was the first to show. He had a hard-on, and even at ten he could get it to a full five inches.

Then Robin’s pussy came into view. It was a hairless delight, with pouting, pink pussy lips oozing from her fully exposed vaginal, crack.

Of course one child’s chest was as flat as the other, but what they had between their legs more than made up for any deficiency in secondary sexual characteristics. Their attitudes weren’t bad either.

Leaping nakedly onto the bed, the two kids clawed at their teacher’s clothing, baring her considerable charms within seconds. As a nice touch, Miss Turner had her legs spread apart so her gorgeous pussy was gaping by the time they finished.

“Oh, somebody eat my cunt while Chuck fucks me in the mouth,” the spread eagled school teacher moaned excitedly. “I want it so bad!”

To my dismay, I lost the race to Miss Turner’s honey-pot to the speed of youth. Robin’s narrow little butt was poling up in my face almost before I had a chance to move.

Then, stepping back a couple of spaces for perspective, I realized that I may have come up a winner by losing. Why not give Robin her teacher’s pussy when it put her in a position to offer her even more tender twat to me?

Yes, the succulent crevice was protruding from between the bottom of the splayed cheeks of her ass. A notch above, her anus winked at me like an impish rosebud.

“Go ahead and suck her cunt,” Chuck said from Miss Turner’s head, where he was expertly stuffing his young cock in her mouth. “Robin loves to have adults go down on her.”

And a child shall lead them, I mentally recounted the old Biblical passage with appropriate irony. Then, the benediction aside, I got down to the business at hand. The delicious business at hand of a ten-year-old pussy.

Getting on my knees at the end of the bed, I shoved my face into Robin’s spread ass. My lips found her labia immediately, and we began an oral-genital kiss.

I had eaten pussy more than once since my kidnapping, but sucking on a horny child’s was something else. With no hair to get in the way, every taste was sweet and meaty.

And wet. The kid was producing as much juice from her cunt as a grown woman. I swallowed every drop I could.

Her clit was small but hard when I found it. In a few moments it was even harder more like a miniature spike than the bodily organ of a young girl.

Then, I moved my tongue up a notch to her sugary asshole. It was hard to believe that such a sweet hole had ever been used to transmit anything as disgusting as shit.

Penetrating her tight rectum was a tough assignment, but my tongue was more than up to it. Twisting like a screwdriver, it found her slot and swiveled inside. To my astonishment, her young ass was almost as wet as her pussy. I couldn’t get enough of its succulent goo.

Meanwhile, I wasn’t the only one in action by a long shot. All four of us were getting either our figurative or literal licks in.

Chuck was pumping away down the teacher’s throat, fucking her mouth with all five inches of his ten-year-old cock. At the same time, he played with her boobs, eventually lowering his head and biting the long, stiff nipples.

Robin, between Miss Turner’s wide-open legs, was noisily eating pussy. She went after it like normal kids her age went after ice-cream.

As the only passive member of our group, Miss Turner writhed and moaned in ecstasy. It was clear her two pupils already had her climaxing.

Chuck was getting especially active now, and soon proclaimed he was cumming. I left Robin’s ass and cunt and went around to the side to see what ten-year-old boy-cum looked like.

I didn’t have to wait long. His dick lurched in the teacher’s mouth, her cheeks swelled, she gulped and then what wasn’t swallowed came dribbling out.

It was gorgeous white gold. The liquid velvet from a pair of hairless balls.

I fell across Miss Turner, and kissed her to get at the cum. Plumbing the depths of her throat with my long tongue, I robbed her of glob after glob of her wet treasure.

Then, when I had sucked her dry, I broke the kiss and returned my attention to the boy’s cock. I wondered if what they said was true about the sexual endurance of the young.

Yes, his prick was still up. Harder than ever, it actually seemed to have grown an extra inch. In addition, for the first time I noticed thick blue veins bulging along its shaft. The only thing that kept him from being a man was the lack of hair between his legs.

“Will you fuck me?” I put it to him directly. “My cunt is burning for your cock.”

“Right on!” he whooped, and threw his strong young body toward me. The impetus threw me back until I landed against the second bed. There, I fell on my back, wriggled from my clothes, and spread my legs so my cunt was showing.

“Come on and fuck me,” I bit the words off with determination to get laid at all costs. “Fuck my big, old pussy with your ten-year-old cock.”

Just under five feet tall, he inserted himself between my thighs and aimed his wonderful young prick at the dark slot of my gaping twat. “I might get lost in there,” he giggled.

“Don’t bet, on it, kiddo,” I undauntedly rejoined. I may have been three times his age, but I still had a lot of faith in the essential tightness of my cunt. When it came time to give the little whippersnapper’s cock a good squeezing, I’d make him know he was being fucked by a real woman.

“Okay, here goes,” he said, and pitched forward. Like a dagger his slim, curving boner slipped between the folds of my snatch, and zipped up my greasy fuck-hole.

I waited until I could feel his pebbly balls burning against my crotch before I did anything rash. At that point, having him thoroughly trapped, I squeezed dawn with my pussy muscles with all my might. My cunt was turned into an erotic vise.

“Now do you think my pussy is loose?” I teased him, while he whimpered with pain.

He was too embarrassed to answer. Instead he did something better he just started fucking me. Even at ten, moving his hips in the classic motions came naturally to him. His technique seemed to add yet another inch to the length of his cock.

Feeling like I was in a sexual duel with his strange of effort, I retaliated by wrapping my legs around his slender waist. When I jerked him toward me, he whimpered with glee.

“Stick your finger up my asshole,” he recovered his composure enough to request. “Miss Turner and her friends always do it to me when we fuck in the boiler room at school.”

Lowering my hand to the meeting of our loins, I rubbed my fingers under his tight scrotum and then made a wedge up the crack of his ass. When my pinkie rubbed its cuticle against his anal ridges, I immediately poked it inside the adjacent orifice. He shuddered with appreciation.

Now there was nothing else to do but keep fucking and wait for my pre-teen lover to come. As he did the necessary stroking, he sucked my tits, blistering the tender nipples with his boyishly eager tongue.

Finally I could wait no longer. “Do it to me,” I begged. “Fill my pussy with your beautiful cum!”

Like a hook, I pulled the crooked finger from his ass. When it popped I hoped I was pulling the plug on his balls.

“I’ve got cream!” he screamed and he did. My fuck hole was abruptly swamped by the boiling flood from his erupting cock. “Whoopee, I’m shootin’ the jizz!”

He was so boyish, I just adored him. He couldn’t help but remind me of my own son, Bobby, during some of our better moments.

When he was finally finished coming, I topped off the orgasm we had just shared by taking his head from my tits and giving him a big, wet, motherly kiss. “That was a wonderful fuck, Bobby — er, Chuck,” I congratulated him with a revealing confusion of names.

“You’re welcome,” he said politely, proving he was a basically well-brought-up boy like my own son.

“Are you going to have sex with your sister?” I asked when he’d pull his prick out of my pussy and it was still rock hard.

“She’s not my sister,” he winced. “Robin’s just in my class.”

“I’m sorry,” I said. “I was just thinking about my own kids.”

“Do you have sex with them — when you’re not out robbing banks?” he earnestly asked.

“No — never.”

“Why not? You seem to like it well enough with us.”

“Shhhhh,” I said, before I could think of an answer to that one. “I think I hear somebody driving into the parking lot. It could be Chinga with the food. If he finds us like this, he’ll go crazy with his gun.”

“What should we do?” Miss Turner called from the other bed where she had been busily sixty-nining with ten-year-old Robin.

“Get under the covers and turn out the lights,” I improvised. “We’ll pretend we got tired waiting and went to sleep.”

“What about the hamburgers?” Robin protested. “I’m starved!”

“Be quiet,” her teacher said sharply. “Angie is right, we’ve got no time to lose. Quick, Chuck you get into bed with Angie, Robin with me. I’ll turn out the lights.”

Mission accomplished, we waited silently in the dark as Chinga entered the motel room. When he saw what had apparently happened, all he did was grumble, “Shit, now what the hell am I supposed to do with all these fucking burgers and fries? Not to mention Angie’s fucking catsup.” He’d been fooled.


I guess before he finally turned in, Chinga watched a little television and gorged himself on hamburgers. The onion on his breath woke me up when he crawled into bed long after I had gone to sleep with Chuck curled around my backside.

I tell you this because it was only by the chance of this occurrence that I was a witness to what happened next. I still get squirmy thinking about it.

It started innocently enough when Robin snuck out of Miss Turner’s bed and whispered, “Mr. Chinga, do you have any of those hamburgers left? I’m sure hungry.”

“Well, well,” he rumbled gruffly, obviously half-lit on some beer he’d brought back, “look what we’ve got here. What’ll you give me for a hamburger, little girl?”

He’d picked the wrong kid to try and intimidate. “I’ll suck your cock for a burger, and swallow the jizz for some fries,” she informed him in a business like fashion. “The only catch is that I get the food up front.”

“You little runt,” he blustered drunkenly. “What makes you think a twerp like you can tell a grown man what to do?”

“Because I’ve got a ten-year-old mouth to suck your cock with,” she matter-of-factly informed him. “And after that, the youngest pussy you’ve ever fucked if you play your cards right. Just reach in the sack and get me the burger and fries, and get your prick ready while I’m eating.”

I could feel Chinga straining over the side of the bed, then I heard a paper bag rustling. He handed the child her greasy fee.

She unwrapped the sandwich and started eating. “Mmmmm, a cheeseburger,” she mumbled between bites. Then, turning her attention toward the potatoes, she asked: “Where’s the catsup for the fries?”

“In the sack. I brought back a ton of it for Angie.”

As children always do, Robin smeared the catsup all over the container of french fries, making an unholy mess. Then, as she picked up each potato and stuck it in her mouth, she noisily sucked off the gloppy coating of catsup. Had my eyes been closed, I’d have sworn she was already sucking a cock.

It apparently reminded Chinga of the same. And since his would have been the prick receiving her oral attention, he understandably became hot and bothered. Pretending to be asleep, with one eye opened I watched him pull back the covers and reveal his cock standing almost a foot in the air. He was sweating so hard that the T-shirt, which was the only thing he wore to bed, clung to his muscular torso like a second skin.

“My dick’s hard for you, little girl,” he whispered roughly. “Do you think your little pussy can take my great big cock?”

Even though she had a mouthful of food, she laughed at him. “You’re getting ahead of yourself,” she said after swallowing. “You’ve got to fuck me in the mouth before you ever look at my cookie. I need something to wash down this burger and these fries with — and a grownup’s fresh cum is just like a milkshake. You just beat your meat while I finish eating and melt the ice cream in your balls.”

It was clear Chinga didn’t like being pushed around by a ten-year-old. However, it was even clearer that her slim, little girl’s body and saucy ways were irresistible to him. He grumbled discontentedly, but he was nevertheless masturbating within seconds.

Observing him like an experienced sexologist rather than a pre-pubescent child, Robin took her time about finishing her meal. From her languid pace, I assumed she was biding her time waiting for something.

Then, suddenly, she jumped to attention. Gulping down her last morsel, she threw down the litter and dove for Chinga’s flexing crotch. She’d gotten the signal she wanted from his straining hard-on.

Now, instead of junk food, Robin’s mouth was full of hot, throbbing, adult cock. She had waited until Chinga was on the brink of orgasm before she started to give him head, and now it was obvious she fully intended to suck his nuts inside out.

I could see the whole thing with crystal clarity. Despite the dark room, I had a luminescent background to highlight the slurping action for me. Chinga had drunk so muck beer he’d forgotten to turn off the television set before he went to bed. Every detail of what was happening was spectacularly evident from my vantage point.

Not only was the little kid sucking Chinga’s overgrown hard-on, she was deep-throating it. Linda Lovelace couldn’t have done any better than this innocent-looking ten-year-old.

“Oh, suck my cock,” Chinga was moaning in writhing pleasure. “Suck my cock, you little bitch.”

Now her mouth fucking was getting more varied. She was actually stroking him with her lips now, moving them up and down his shaft in a pink blur. I expected his foreskin must be taking a beating — she was probably ensnaring it with her teeth as it rode back and forth along his column.

“I’m gonna come,” Chinga hissed as though it were a threat. “I’m gonna come in your mouth, you little bitch.”

He hoisted his loins at least six inches from the bed in a mighty pelvic thrust. She coolly responded by finding his asshole from nowhere and sticking a finger up it. When she pulled it out like a plug, his cock visibly lurched down her throat and it was obvious he was coming in her like a geyser.

But I didn’t see a drop. Never saw a drop. The little glutton swallowed every molecule of Chinga’s cum. It was a neat performance by a beautiful little girl.

Needless to say, I couldn’t wait to see what she would do next. Being a spectator at something like this was almost as big a turn-on as participating in kinky sex myself. I was a voyeur, and it felt delicious.

“Wow, you are a little cocksucker, aren’t you?” Chinga said in awe when she’d downed the last glob of jizz. “I can’t wait to get inside your tight, young pussy. I’ve never fucked anybody with no hair around their cunt.”

“Well, come and get it,” she said from the end of the bed, leering like an experienced call girl from between her widely spread legs.

When I automatically looked toward her exposed cunt, I realized I was still in luck. Robin had situated herself in such a way that the television screen continued to provide an illuminating background for my one-eyed peeping. I wouldn’t miss a single stroke or drop of juice when they started fucking.

In the meantime, as Chinga maneuvered toward her, I gazed at the wondrous simplicity of Robin’s bare pussy. Without any hair in the way, it appeared as a crimson cleft that rose from the vee of her thighs. It was only when it opened that it was possible to see the broiling inferno inside telling the true story of its nature.

Even though Robin had the physique of a ten-year-old girl, inside she was a lush, ripe woman. I knew, just from having sucked her cunt earlier in the evening, that once Chinga got his cock between her legs he’d forget all about age and just concentrate on the meat.

By the time Chinga brought his cock-head to the mouth of Robin’s pussy, she was dripping with arousal. Consequently, his prick slid easily inside a couple of inches. It was only after penetration was achieved that the tightness developed.

She was wriggling her ass, making the muscles tight on purpose. Obviously she wanted the insertion of his cock up her cunt to be slow and grueling. I guess she was trying to wear the old man out.

Chinga fought her. A grown man fighting a ten-year-old girl. Weapons: prick and pussy. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have moaned after every stab of his cock.

With my view of the action virtually televised, I was a witness to every increment of penetration. Chinga was forcibly stuffing his huge tool down Robin’s ten-year-old pussy, and she loved it. Her ultimate response was to wrap her spindly legs around his waist and yank him forward even further.

I hadn’t thought it possible, but after several minutes of fucking, all I could see of Chinga’s equipment were his balls. His prick was buried to the hilt in Robin’s cunt. He was fucking the little girl all the way.

“Do it to me, Mr. Chinga,” she groaned. “Fuck me as hard as you can with your big, strong cock.”

He powered away inside of her, as heedless of her tender age as I had earlier predicted. She must have felt like the head of his dick was going to come out her throat he was lancing her small body so deeply.

“Come in me!” she unabashedly implored. “Let me feel your cumin my pussy!”

No man could resist an invitation like that.

He lurched forward, and came with even more fury than he had in her mouth. This time, without a belly to contain it all, excess jizz began welling at the engorged rim of her orifice almost immediately.

Pretty soon her girlish thighs were wet with adult sperm.

When Chinga pulled his cock out, it was silhouetted against the glow of the television screen. Two fucks hadn’t taken a thing out of it — it was still long and hard, twitching for more action. He was like a horny teenager.

Robin noticed it too, of course. “So you’ve still got it up,” she teased. “I suppose you want to fuck me in the ass now.”

“Where did a young girl like you learn all this?” Chinga blurted in awe.

So, her sexual precocity had even rattled the rough, tough outlaw. The little tart had the big lug falling all over himself.

“I have good teachers in school,” the kid answered his question.

“You’re kidding,” he replied in a hush. “You mean like the bitch who took you kids to the bank?”

Robin nodded her head. “Miss Turner’s the one who introduced me to the black janitor with the eleven-inch cock. She was there for my first ass-job.”

“Then why don’t we just get her up and ask good old Miss Turner to help you out again?” Chinga was seized with sudden inspiration. He was such a borderline pyschopath all of his misgivings had vanished the instant he sensed the possibility of adding some fresh meat to the stew.

Robin went for it. Crawling over to the other bed, she straddled her teacher’s face with her cum-dripping loins and shoved her sloppy cunt in Miss Turner’s mouth and nose. It was an unusual way of waking somebody up, but it worked quicker than smelling salts.

“Mmmmmm, Robin,” Miss Turner murmured dreamily, “I thought I could taste your pussy. Why are you sitting on my face? Do you want sex, darling?”

“I’ve been fucking the dude that kidnapped us,” Robin replied from atop her cuntsucking mentor. “He wants you to help us get his big cock in my ass — you know, like you did with Willie the janitor.”

“You told?” Miss Turner blurted out beneath Robin’s smearing crotch, rapidly coming to life.

“Who cares?” Robin shrugged. “He’s a kidnapper — nobody’d believe anything he said.”

“Well, I don’t know,” the teacher replied, slipping her mouth out from under Robin’s snatch so she could talk more easily. “How big is his cock?”

“It’s a monster,” Robin answered gleefully. “I just know it’ll split my ass in two — but first somebody’s got to grease it up for me.”

“Okay, I’ll do it,” the teacher finally agreed. “I’m still responsible for you, and I want to see that you don’t get hurt.”

I was impressed. However, it quickly became obvious that Miss Turner wasn’t acting out of a sense of duty alone when she slipped out from under the covers.

Nude, she had a blush across her firm breasts that could only come from sexual arousal. However, the real tip-off to her horniness was her gushing cunt. When she leaned over in front of the television screen, a perfect rear-view of her pussy showed its thick juice to be streaming down her thighs.

Now, Miss Turner turned to the business of inspecting the fitness of Chinga’s cock for her young charge’s narrow ass. She stroked and licked it, going over every inch with her fingertips and tongue. From the way she smacked her lips it passed the test.

“Your prick is so big,” Miss Turner proclaimed the obvious. “What have you got for lubrication? A grown woman couldn’t take this one without something — and, remember, despite her advanced ways, Robin is still a child.”

“Catsup!” the child in question interrupted with youthful enthusiasm. “Mr. Chinga brought back tons of catsup for his girl friend’s burgers and fries. You can smear it all over his cock and my butt and everything will be groovy.”

“Unnnnh, it’s such a disgusting idea,” the teacher made a show of screwing up her pretty face. “But I can’t resist it.”

“Goodie!” Robin whooped. “I’ll get the catsup out of the sack while you keep getting acquainted with Mr. Chinga’s cock.”

She was back in a minute with a whole handful of individual plastic pouches of catsup. While Miss Turner slowly stroked Chinga’s prick, and kissed the head, Robin gleefully ripped the top off packet after packet of fast-food catsup with her gnashing teeth.

“There, all finished,” she finally announced. “Stop playing with the dude’s pecker and get busy greasing my ass. God, I’m hotter for a prick in my butt than I was that day down in the boiler room with you and Willie the janitor and that grape jelly from the sandwich in my lunch we used to grease his big, black cock.”

Miss Turner left Chinga’s cock and grabbed a fistful of the scarlet drooling catsup packets. With Robin now kneeling on all fours in front of her, opening her narrow flanks like an immature bitch in heat, it was only natural for Miss Turner to begin spreading the red goop in the crack of the little girl’s ass.

“Get it inside my hole,” Robin directed. “Get it way down deep so he can slip his cock in all the way. I want to really feel this.”

Miss Turner stuck one, then two, fingers inside the child’s tight anus, using them as prongs to push in a clotted glob of catsup. When she had the digits in past the second knuckle, she began wriggling them.

“Mmmmmmm,” Robin cooed, “that feels good. The catsup is so wet and runny. Now do his cock.”

Transferring her attention back to Chinga’s twitching dong, Miss Turner began pouring the contents of packet after packet along its expanse. By the time she had emptied them all, his cock was dripping with catsup.

He was ready to go, but Miss Turner delayed him long enough to rub some of the gloppy moisture into the sensitive penile skin. There must have been a little hot sauce mixed in because after about a minute of rubbing he complained his cock was burning up.

“When you’re using catsup for fuck-grease, I guess that means you’re ready,” Miss Turner decided. “Okay, follow me on your knees while I guide your prick to her asshole.”

As I watched every move, they completed the maneuver. Now the head of Chinga’s cock was actually nestled between the cheeks of the girl’s ass, dripping red goo. When Miss Turner centered his phallic tip in the puckering rim of Robin’s anus all he had to do was buck his pelvis to achieve penetration.

“Go ahead and fuck her,” Miss Turner turned him loose. “All systems are go.”

“Oooooomph,” he grunted as he cracked his loins forward. His cock jabbed like a dagger.

Transfixed, I watched the knotty head somehow enter that tight little hole. Catsup splurted out from the sides as Chinga plugged her butt with at least two inches of thick dick.

“Now, work it in slowly,” the teacher advised. “The child can’t take sudden thrusts from here on in. If you want to fuck her to the balls, you’ll have to do it gently.”

Knowing Chinga the way I did, that seemed almost an impossibility. However, to my surprise, he seemed as sappy as a teenager in love. The idea of fucking this little girl in the ass with her school teacher helping had really gotten to him.

The first time he’d pronged me in the ass he’d used all the restraint of Godzilla with a hard-on. However, with little Robin he was a pussycat, jiggling his prick in her ass a bit at a time. Once, incredibly, he even apologized for his dick being so hard.

I was starting to wonder if I approved of this development. Chinga needed to be wild and irrational and mean if we were going to survive on the run. His anger was his driving force — the thing that gave him his identity. If he was tamed his charisma would be lost. God knows he wasn’t perfect, but I cherished him as my barbarian. I didn’t want to lose his fierceness to some ten-year-old on the make.

“She’s laughing at you, Chinga!” I bolted straight up in bed and hissed. “They’re trying to wear you out so they can escape!”

I don’t know to this day why the words came out that way. I had surprised myself with my powerful attachment to Chinga. Only a couple of hours before I had been considering throwing in with the kids and the teacher and planning an escape from his irrational tyranny.

I liked the kids and Miss Turner a lot. But now I realized that I couldn’t permit them to turn out to be the instruments that would lead me back into the constipation of the real world.

If went back with them, I was sure I could beat any rap. They would readily testify I was a hostage and innocent of any wrongdoing. The only problem was that I loved the thrill of being guilty.

I hated to do it, but I had to cut them loose. I felt like I was turning my back on my own kids but I was forced to do it. When the chips were down, my future was with Chinga.

So I had to make the bastard mad as hell to turn him into his old, reliable psychotic self.

Of course, by now, all three of them were looking at me. I’d put quite a damper on their little party.

“You’re nuts, Angie,” Chinga finally broke the time pause, “this is a sweet kid. She couldn’t do anything wrong like that. She just wants my big cock in her tight little ass. Right, honey?”

“Shut up, turkey,” the kid snapped at Chinga. “I wanna have a word with Angie.”

“Yes?” I gulped knowing it was going to be tough to take.

“You sure didn’t talk that way earlier tonight when you were eating me out, and fucking Chuck, and mixing us up with your own two kids,” she accurately charged.

I couldn’t deny it. However, fortunately for my strategy. I didn’t have to. What she said stirred up Chinga more than anything I could have contrived. With her childish candor, she had inadvertently unleashed the monster I knew and loved.

“Double-crossers!” he wailed as though the hostages were as much a part of his gang as myself and the roasted corpses back at the hideout. “Mr. Nice Guy goes out for burgers, and everybody fucks behind his back. Then they pretend to be asleep and don’t tell me anything. No wonder the little girl was horny, you perverts.”

“Says he, while he fucks the child in the ass,” Miss Turner sardonically observed. I couldn’t help but laugh.

Needless to say, people making fun of him and laughing in his face made Chinga ever testier. As an index, his stiff cock was vibrating in Robin’s ass like a tuning fork.

“Are you gonna fuck me or fight?” Robin called impatiently from up front. “I don’t know whose side Angie is on, but she can’t stop me from getting what I want!”

“Oh, my goodness,” Miss Turner said concernedly, “the child is close to having a tantrum. We’d better let her do what she wants.”

“Chinga’s steamed up enough to fuck her to death,” I assured her.

“Fantastic!” the child interrupted. “I’ll twist this old fart’s cock off.” This steamed Chinga like a clam.

It was incredible how they were all inadvertently cooperating with me.

“I’ll show you what an old man’s balls’ve got in ’em!” he thundered. “I’ll make your ass bleed with real blood instead of catsup, you mouthy little slit.”

“Teach her to respect her elders,” I encouraged him to Miss Turner’s dismay. She could see the scene was starting to turn ugly, and was beginning to cover her race with her hands.

Bellowing with a grunt, Chinga slammed his loins forward. Robin jerked almost a foot in the air, shrieking at the top of her lungs. The piercing sound of her blood-curdling wail woke Chuck up from beside me.

The thrust was so brutal he could not have failed to succeed. When Robin settled moaningly down there were at least five inches of adult cock engorging her girlish shit-pit.

“Oooooh, it hurts!” she cried. “It hurts so gooooood! Go ahead and slam me again.”

As a psychopath, Chinga’s natural competitive urge veered off into vengeance. When somebody challenged him he was ready to nail their ass to the wall.

Even when they were ten-year-old girls and he was fucking them in said orifice.

As for myself, I didn’t care whether Robin enjoyed what was happening as long as it made smoke come out of Chinga’s ears. As long as the nasty edge of his personality that made him dangerous was honed, I was satisfied. Let the little whore have her ass-fuck it was fun to watch.

Who knew? When I thought the situation was under control I might even join in. I’d just rubbed my thighs together and my pussy was squishing.

“What’s going on, Angie?” the awakened Chuck asked.

“Chinga’s fucking Robin in the ass. She already took him in the mouth and pussy,” I brought him up to date.

“I knew there was something in the offing,” he declared. “I was having wet dreams, and I woke up with a hard-on.”

“Let me see it,” I impulsively requested.

He readily pulled it out from under the covers. Obviously proud of it, he had a right to be — even if it didn’t have a strand of hair, his cock was long and hard and straight.

“Mmmmmmm,” I said, tenderly stroking it. “Why don’t you fuck your sister in the cunt while she’s getting it in the ass from my old man?”

“She’s not my sister!” he complained. “I just know her, that’s all.”

“Excuse me,” I apologized. Damn it, I just couldn’t stop confusing Robin and Chuck with my own kids, Anita and Bobby.

“Now what is it you want me to do?” he asked sulkily.

“Fuck Anita — I mean Robin — fuck Robin in the pussy while Chinga’s cornholing her,” I blundered through another Freudian slip. “I’ve never seen what your cock looks like in her hairless cunt.”

“Wait until he’s in her to his balls,” the kid answered like he’d shared his classmate’s two most intimate holes with a grown man before. “It’s easier to slip inside that way.”

I didn’t dispute him. In spite of my age, a marriage of several years, and several messy affairs, I suspected that at ten little Chuck may have been around far more than I.

So I temporarily turned my attention from his slender hard-on and reunited my gaze with the sight of Robin’s ass being filled with inch after inch of Chinga’s ramming phallic pile-driver.

During my interlude with Chuck, Chinga had made brutal progress. The child he was cornholing was sobbing with pain.

But, of course, she never told him to stop. Pain and pleasure were synonymous with this little sex-machine.

“Get the rest of it in,” she pleaded through her tears. “Shove the rest of your cock inside my ass.”

Chinga did it with a fiendish cackle. The son of a bitch was really looking to fuck the kid to death if he could.

When he lunged, his cock spurted forward in her catsup-rimmed hole. I could hear the head skid all the way from the depths.

When he lunged again, it was gone. His cock was no longer in view. He was fucking the ten-year-old girl’s ass to the hilt.

“Now,” I urged Chuck. “Slide under there and slip your prick into her pussy.”

He did it immediately. Slipping between Robin’s knees, Chuck ignored the half-hearted swats from Chinga and worked his slim cock up against her hairless pussy. Then it was in, she squealed with delight, and he was fucking her.

The sight of Robin double-humping was too much for my libido. Miss Turner’s, too. We grabbed each other and started sixty-nining between the beds.

Up above, Chinga yowled as his cum started to flow. Then Chuck squealed as his cream began to spurt.

Although I wasn’t up there on the bed to see it, I’m sure that Robin’s fuck-holes overflowed immediately. There was no other explanation for the steady stream of jism that now trickled from the bed onto the sixty-nining bodies of Miss Turner and I. Naturally we licked up every drop.

Chinga was through ass-fucking his nymphet and was now proclaiming the availability of his still-stiff cock to the rest of us. “Hell,” he recklessly babbled, “I’ll even fuck the boy. I don’t guess that at that age there’s much difference between assholes.”

I looked up and saw the silhouette of his cum-dripping hard-on. It looked eerie against the flickering light of Johnny Carson’s face.

Then, a split-second after I heard the sharp explosion, the light cracked and shattered into a smoky rectangle of darkness. A flying bullet had obliterated the television screen.

“We’ve been fired on!” I shrieked. “Everybody find cover in case they shoot up the place and ask questions later!”

We scurried like rats under the beds. Even Chinga seemed scared shitless.

While we were scrambling to safety, a few more shots ruined a few more items of motel furniture. Then there was ominous silence.

“Come on out with your hands up,” a familiar voice abruptly shattered the dangerous calm from a loudspeaker outside. Even over the tinny amplifier I recognized the pompous inflection.

“Roy Parker!” I blurted aloud.

“We’ve got you surrounded,” he continued. “There’s no way out. If you’re not out in a minute, we’re shooting to kill.”


I figured it all out in a painful flash. We had made an enormous circle and we were back in my home county. The reason the suburbs surrounding the bank had been so familiar was that they, were undoubtedly the ones I used to live in.

“Which side do you think it is?” Chinga whispered to me from under the other bed.

“The cops,” I glumly replied without even thinking about any alternative. “Roy Parker’s the one with the bull-horn.”

“That doesn’t mean anything,” Chinga insisted.

“What are you talking about?” I hissed impatiently. “The last seconds of our lives may be ticking away and you’re arguing about whether Roy Parker is a cop.”

“I know he’s a cop,” Chinga hissed back, “but he could also be moonlighting.”

“You’re getting paranoid,” I dismissed his contention, unwilling to ponder such incongruities when I was on the verge of being ventilated by bullets. “Come on, stop fantasizing, and let’s decide what we’re going to do. We don’t have much time yet before we give up or die.”

“Makes no difference to me,” he breezily flipped, “I was born dead.”

“Put a lid on that psycho bullshit,” I snapped. “There are innocent kids and a schoolteacher in this death-chamber along with us, and I’m sure they’re not impressed with your outlaw fatalism.”

“What difference does it make?” Miss Turner undermined me. “Let the big gorilla do his macho thing in peace. We’re all going to be killed, anyway.”

“Then I plan being the last to die,” I retaliated at their apathy.

“Then you’re going to wave the white flag at the pigs just to save your skin?” Chinga asked incredulously.

“No, you jerk!” I spat. “But I’m not going to just lie here waiting to become a Swiss cheese either.”

“We could shoot our way out!” he enthusiastically suggested, his voice brimming with characteristic instability.

“I like your spirit, hon, but right now what we need on our side is brains not bullets,” I gently put him down. “I’m going to try and make a deal.”

“You’ve got just over ten seconds left,” Roy Parker droned over the loudspeaker. “I’m going to go into the final countdown. If we don’t hear from you, you’re dead.”

Jesus, the bastard actually sounded bored. Could it be that our bloody demise was such an inevitability?

“Ten…” Roy began to count, “nine… eight…”

I was beginning to wonder if there was any use in even making the effort. Parker sounded like he already had us buried.

But, then, when ten-year-old Robin became so frightened that she called for her mommy; I recaptured my resolve to do something. Paradoxically, I would have to save the lives of Miss Turner and the children by pretending to threaten them.

Scooting out from under the bed, I interrupted Roy Parker at two; two seconds from oblivion.

“Stop!” I screamed. “Don’t shoot!”

“Are you giving up?”

“No, I want to talk. Give us some time.”

There was a long pause as they apparently conferred. Finally he agreed. “But,” he warned, “it better be good.”

“We’ll murder these kids and their teacher if you don’t let us go,” I took the boldest of gambles.

“Who’re they?” he asked with obvious sincerity.

Jesus, just how dumb were the cops, anyway?

Then, of course, it occurred to me they weren’t cops at all — just like Chinga had said. But why would Parker be contracting his services to the very people who’d started all this by paying to have him kidnapped in the first place?

I didn’t have time to answer that question because now Roy was using the bullhorn again. Most belligerently.

“We don’t care about anybody else you’ve got in there. This is a vendetta not a courtroom.”

Vendetta! Mob talk. The son of a bitch was in with the gangsters. Whatever his price was, they’d met it.

Then our time ran out and the shots started to fly. The cold-hearted mother fucker didn’t even warn us.

I was standing right in the middle of the room so I was the prime candidate to get blasted. Miraculously, I wasn’t hit — but I seemed the only thing in the room with this distinction.

As fusillade after fusillade of bullets penetrated the building, the motel room became a splintering trash pile. The mirror, the knick-knacks, the skeleton of the television set everything — became rubble.

To make it all worse, the kids and Miss Turner were screaming at the tops of their lungs. As for Chinga, he could have been shitting in his pants for all I knew.

In the meantime, I had somehow made it safely to the bathroom, where I cowered in the tub. The precious seconds of comparative safety the porcelain fortress gave me seemed like a blessed eternity after the fire power I’d just weathered.

Gradually the bullets stopped zinging around, and then stopped altogether. So had the screaming of the teacher and the children. Had they been hit? And Chinga was nowhere in evidence. Meanwhile, the beds were charred with bullet holes.

I didn’t have to be too smart to know what was going to happen next. They assumed we were all dead or wounded. In moments they’d come in to finish off the survivors.

I had to keep them out.

Recalling the holocaust of the original hideout, I decided to start a fire as a diversion. Leaving the bathtub and running into the main room. I discovered the quickest way was to put cigarette lighter to the chintzy drapes.

It was an inspired scheme. The place seemed to suddenly erupt in flames — fortunately, right at the window where Parker and his goons could get a good look.

“Shit, the dump is on fire!” I heard somebody cry from outdoors. “I’m not goin’ in there.”

“You don’t have to,” I overheard Parker’s voice inadvertently carry over the bullhorn as he snapped at the man. “The fire will do your cleaning up for you. We don’t have to do anything but let it keep us warm and watch it burn. By the time the fire department shows up, everybody inside will be dead.”

I scooted down between the beds and rapidly whispered, “Come on, this is our only chance. They’re sitting around on their asses waiting for us to burn up.”

Then I took a better look at the people I was supposed to be talking to and shut up. All four of them were without signs of life. There were rivers of blood. All of a sudden I realized I was kneeling in it.

It was no use. Even if some of them were alive, they were wounded so gravely I’d never be able to haul them out before the fire got us. At this moment the blaze I’d set had spread across the front of the room and was enclosing its way around the sides. The air was engorged with acrid smoke.

Reluctantly I concluded that the only one I could save was myself. It was like abandoning my own family, but I had no choice.

Returning to the bathroom, where the fire had not yet reached, I went to work on the small window. Fortunately it was of the usual shlocky construction you find in such places, and the whole frame came out like a piece of a cheap puzzle.

Standing up on the toilet, I hoisted myself through the opening. As I fell to the ground outside, I hadn’t any illusions about being home free.

However, luck was with me, because the fire was acting hypnotically on the gunmen. Apparently, there was nothing like a human barbecue to grab their attention.

The torpedoes supposedly guarding the back had drifted around to the front to witness the action. Slipping right between their deserted flanks, I sprinted in a crouching gait to an extension of the parking lot away from the fire. I ran right into the Camaro.

Since Chinga had hot-wired it in the first place, there was no key to worry about. By now I was enough of a thief to start it myself.

With the motor purring, I stole as inconspicuously as I could toward the furthest exit from Parker and his men. It was only when I saw the street that I slammed the accelerator and took off like a bat out of hell.

Switching onto the nearest freeway, I drove until I found an exit I recognized. Wheeling into a residential area, I was only a couple of miles from home.

“My kids — I’ve got to see my kids,” I suddenly broke down and admitted to myself. Too much had happened lately to remind me of them to pretend any more that they weren’t a part of my life.

Damn the risk! I wanted to see them — hold them — feel their young bodies next to mine. As I pointed the car toward our house, I’d never felt so completely a mother.

Our house was the same as I’d left it. As I pulled into the driveway, I knew that nothing could ever change the suburbs.

Stealing inside with the key from under the doormat, I immediately tiptoed upstairs to the bedrooms. The house was dark and Anita and Bobby were sleeping — I’d surprise them.

Without even bothering to check on Tom, who was about the furthest thing from my mind, I slipped into Bobby’s room first. Yes, there the little darling was, sound asleep.

Gently pulling the covers off to get a better look at him, I noticed how small his pajamas were for him. He seemed to have grown since I’d last seen him.

The buttons seemed to pop. But, most interestingly, the fly was stretched too tautly to completely close. Bobby’s eleven-year-old cock and balls were hanging out.

I was fascinated. Especially when I noticed the wispy fringe of curly hair poking out from the top. My little boy was growing hair on his crotch.

I couldn’t help feeling as I had when he taken his first step. My son was growing up.

“Your prick is beautiful,” I congratulated my slumbering man-child. Then, I couldn’t resist stroking it.

It was like touching silk. The skin of his cock was as soft as his bottom had been when he was a baby.

Overpowered by maternal instincts, I leaned forward and kissed it. Once I’d tasted it, I couldn’t stop sucking.

Suddenly my sleeping son’s prick was beginning to swell inside my mouth. Every inch he stiffened made my pussy wetter.

There was no longer any doubt that one of the reasons I’d come back was to get it on with my son. The minute I had his dick in my mouth I knew it. After all I had been through, I now desperately needed the love of my children.

And I would go to any lengths to get it.

Sucking Bobby’s cock more and more seemed the most natural thing for a loving mother to do to her son. I guess the fact that it kept getting harder accounted for a lot of that.

Even at eleven the kid was made to fuck. He’d been built with a prick that penetrated like a knife through butter. By the time his hard-on was complete the throbbing head was engorging my windpipe.

Playing with his hairless balls, I began suctioning my oral cavity around his cock to make him come. My anticipation was that that would wake him up, and then we could get down to the business of fucking. God, how I wanted my son’s smooth cock in my hairy pussy.

Using my trump, I slid my hand under his nuts and plugged his asshole with my forefinger. Inside his tight shit-pit, I found the lump of his prostate and gave it a shove. When his prick grew another inch down my throat, I knew he was ready to come.

“Oooooooooh, Jimmy Crickets!” he boyishly moaned one of his favorite sayings in his sleep.

His sweet jizz swept down my throat in a torrent. It was intoxicating, making me drunk with passion. If I’d had any doubts about having sex with my son up until now, the divine reality of Bobby’s cum had dashed them.

Finally he started to groggily awaken. Nobody could have stayed asleep with the center of their body exploding as his was. After several seconds, the spunk was still shooting from his cock.

“Wha-what’s happening?” he mumbled, rubbing his eyes even as his prick still oozed in my mouth.

I looked up from his lap at him. His first sight of the mom he had probably assumed was dead was her ghost sucking his cock.

“I’m seein’ things!” he blurted. Now he was wide awake.

“No, I’m real,” I assured him, pulling away from his prick so the cum ran down my face, “if you don’t believe me, ask your cock. It wasn’t a phantom that fucked you with its mouth and then swallowed every drop of your sperm. It was your mother.”

“I don’t b-believe this is happening,” he muttered uncertainly.

“Then don’t,” I said. “Just pretend you’re still dreaming if it’ll make it easier for you to do it.”

“Do what?”

“Fuck me,” I laid my desires on the line to my flesh and blood. “I want you to fuck your mother with your beautiful young cock. And I won’t take no for an answer.”

I was, of course, still nude from my frantic escape. Before Bobby could be overcome by bewilderment, I got on the bed and spread my legs in his face. “That’s my cunt,” I pointed to the drooling cleft at the gaping crux of my thighs. “That’s where I want you to shove your prick.”

I knew my lewd pose and gutter language were getting to him, despite the boyish astonishment that still distorted his freckled face. For one thing, his dick had never gone down since I’d mouth-fucked it. For another, he was sweating like a pig. A million dirty thoughts were going through his head.

“Now!” I put on the pressure. “Fuck Mama with your man-sized cock. Get between my legs and fuck my hairy cunt.”

He couldn’t stand it any more. Even though he was crying, Bobby was led inexorably by his burgeoning male instincts to my succulent honey-pot.

“Stick it in, son,” I firmly directed him. In a second he had automatically penetrated and we were fucking. With his youthful hard-on slipping up my fuck-hole, I decided there was something worth coming home to, after all.

“Mommy, your cunt is so tight,” he gasped as he slid inside all the way to his balls. “I always thought it was loose.”

“Then you’ve thought about fucking me?” I maternally inferred.

“Only in my dreams,” he confessed. “For the past year or so — since the hair started to grow around my thing — I’ve had these nasty dreams.”

“And I’m in them?” I queried excitedly.

“Yes,” he declared. “I’m fucking you in most of them. But your cunt is loose. No matter how hard I try, my prick isn’t big enough to feel anything.”

“What happens?” I asked with fascination about this side of my little boy.

The side that lusted after his mother wanted to fuck her. But felt so guilty about his desires that he was psychologically blocked from creaming in her pussy.

“You get me off in your mouth,” he told me. “You take my hard dick in your mouth and fuck it like you were doing with your cunt. Only you’re really sucking, so it’s tighter.”

“Does it work?”

“Yes,” he admitted. “But when I wake up I’m always jerking off. I never thought I’d wake up and actually find you sucking my cock.”

“It’s a pleasure to make your dreams come true,” I gently teased. “That’s what mothers are for.”

“I wish your cunt had been this tight when I was having those dreams,” he swelled my heart with pride.

Between our legs, he was showing his appreciation by pumping faster and faster in my spasming twat. His balls were slapping against my labia in the accelerating fucking action.

“Is Mommy’s pussy as tight as your sister’s?” I led him into a new area of eroticism. I was breathless waiting for his answer.

“I don’t know,” he replied, while squirming on top of me. “I spied on her undressing one day, but all I saw was some curly brown hair between her skinny legs.”

For some reason my heart sang, knowing my little girl had pussy hair.

“Then you’ve never fucked her,” I concluded.

He quickly shook his head on my chest, letting go of the nipple he had been sucking like a hungry baby. The heat of his cheeks against my sensitive tit-flesh told me that he was blushing with embarrassment.

“Would you like to, Bobby?” I helped him through the crisis. “Would you like to fuck your sister — with Mommy helping?”

“Could I?” he gasped in wonder.

“After you finish creaming in my pussy, young man, and not before,” I affectionately mocked sternness. “I don’t want to turn you loose on your sister’s delicate little snatch without being sure first you know how to work the standard model.”

With the incentive of following up with his sister’s twelve-year-old pussy for dessert, Bobby tore into me with his cock like a two-hundred pound truck driver rather than a mere boy. His hard-on constantly surprised me with how deeply it could bury its knotty head in the pit of my fuck-hole.

“Is this your first time?” I gasped, just as the end of his cock seemed to enter my womb — the womb in which I’d carried him for nine months.

“Yes,” he admitted after a pause, then blurted: “Do I fuck good!”

“Like a stallion,” I reassured him, smoothing his brow while, below, he machine-gunned me with his young cock. “I’m so glad I came back home to get your cherry.”

“So am I, Mom,” he broke down and blubbered. “I missed you something awful while you were gone. I guess I realized I love you lots.”

“Then come in my cunt, you little darling,” I kissed his cheek. “Show Mommy you love her by filling her pussy with your hot boy-cream.”

“I love you, Mommy!” he reiterated in a wheezing verbal surge. Then his prick jerked in the tunnel of my twat and its head seemed to fly into a million pieces.

It was wonderful. I couldn’t believe it. My own son was discharging millions of sperm cells into the same canal that had brought him into the world. It was an event that could not help but cause me to question all of my previous assumptions about life.

The instant Bobby’s jism had hit my pussy tissue, I started to come apart with blinding sexual release. All of a sudden, I was having the most intense orgasm of my life, courtesy of my eleven-year-old son’s prick.

What all this meant was clear. Love transcended everything.

All of my problems seemed infinitesimal compared to the magnitude of this revelation. As long as I had love, I knew I could somehow survive, no matter how tough the going.

“Come on, darling,” I said when we had both drifted down from our orgasmic highs. “Let’s go fuck your sister. From the hardness of your prick there’s no reason why she should have to wait any longer to share our love.” Anita was sleeping with her arms around her teddy bear. She looked as precious as she had when I’d brought her home from the hospital.

“Take the covers off,” Bobby urged at my side. “I want to see her body.”

“So do I,” I chuckled, and pulled back the bedding. A delightful sight awaited our eyes.

Anita must have had trouble getting to sleep. Sometime during her restless tossing and turning, her flannel Snoopy nightgown had ridden all the way up to her chest. From her budding breasts on down we could see everything — including her fuzzy little cunt.

“I’ll pull her legs apart and you get on the bed,” I suggested. “I can’t wait to see your prick inside your sister’s beautiful young pussy.”

As I pried, he clambered up. Her cunt was literally yawning begging for a fuck.

Then I had an inspiration. “Wait,” I restrained the randy Bobby at the last instant. “I want to get her ready in case she’s cherry.”

Leaning down between the slender legs I had so thoroughly splayed, I began to prepare my daughter’s cunt for fucking with my wet tongue. Then, after I had bathed her twat with spit, I poked inside.

My daughter’s pussy was sweeter than anything I had ever tasted. And wet with more than my saliva.

Anita’s honey-pot was dripping. My lubrication was irrelevant, but I wouldn’t have missed applying it for the world.

“Okay, now you can fuck her,” I pulled out of her crotch and gave my son the green light. “Her little pussy’s greased up like a whore’s.”

Getting out of the way, I watched him go at it. The kid was a tiger, ramming inch after inch of his solid rod into his sister on the first thrust. Two surges more and he was fucking her to the hilt.

Now that Bobby was solidly screwing Anita, I got down on my knees and began whispering in her ear. “Wake up,” I urged. “Your brother is fucking you. You don’t want to miss it when he fills your cunt with his hot cum.”

My words didn’t wake her up, but they apparently triggered a wet dream that perfectly mirrored life. “Oh, Bobby,” Anita moaned, her eyes still closed, “your cock is so big in my cunt. How did you know I wanted you to fuck me?”

Bobby was too busy screwing to talk, so I acted as his surrogate. “Your brother saw your cunt when you were undressing,” I told her. “He’s been thinking about fucking you ever since.”

She seemed satisfied with that explanation for a moment, then, without warning, blurted, “Mom, what are you doing here?” However, she still was not awake.

“I’m helping Bobby fuck you, dear,” I soothed, running my lips along her smooth cheek. “It’s a mother’s duty to see that you aren’t hurt the first time.”

Okay, so I was fishing. But I just couldn’t help finding out before we were all covered with blood whether my little girl was a virgin.

It didn’t work, though. Instead of responding to my comment, Anita turned her head and moaned about the size of her brother’s big cock in her tight pussy. Even in her sleep, she was too enamored with Bobby’s hard-on to be worried about her virginity.

Finally giving up the question-and-answer gambit, I decided to drop to the joined groins of my children and help smooth their fucking. I was certain my wet tongue could do some good down there.

As it turned out, I arrived at the junction of their loins just in time for the fireworks. I had no sooner shot my tongue out of my mouth than I was met with a torrential discharge. It seemed impossible to believe that a mere child, no matter how horny, could put out so much pussy juice.

When the flood of gunk kept coming, I decided to take a better look. Even in the dark I could see now that the discharge wasn’t the creamy mucous of normal cunt-flow. Whatever was spilling from my daughter’s cock-engorged snatch was dark red.

Swiping my tongue across my face, I tasted it for the first time. It was salty — nothing like pussy juice.

It was blood.

“Bobby!” I called excitedly from below. “You’ve popped Anita’s cherry. You’ve popped your sister’s cherry!”

“My cherry!” Anita bolted up from the waist and screamed. “It feels like I’m being torn to pieces.” This time she was awake.

She started screaming so loud I was afraid she’d wake up the neighborhood. To shut her up — and do something I wanted to do anyway — I straddled her head with my knees, pushed her back, and sat on her face.

The hairy mat of my dripping pussy shut her up quick. The more she tried to scream, the more her tongue shot up my sucking slit.

Then, pretty soon, Anita stopped protesting. Instead, she was eating my twat because she wanted to.

With the acquiescence of my daughter’s mouth, I was in a position to sit on my oral perch and survey the wonder of what I had wrought. I felt like a queen — a queen of sex.

My machinations had yielded a breathtaking scene. It put me more in touch with my maternal instincts than anything I had ever experienced since I’d started my own family.

There, within perfect view, my son’s stiff cock coursed in and out of my daughter’s pussy. Irrevocably ruptured, her maidenhead spewed a steady flood of fresh blood. Anita’s crotch looked like she had sat in a crate of rotten tomatoes.

She was losing her cherry, and I was present at the deflowering to make certain everything went okay for my little girl. What better place for a mother to be than at her only daughter’s first fuck?

For her first cock, I had carefully selected her younger brother’s eager young specimen, as previously innocent an organ as her cunt. It was such a wise choice. God, you can’t imagine how ecstatic I felt as their mother to bring my kids so beautifully together in this act of total love.

I felt like I was really part of something for the first time in my life. In the bosom of my family I felt totally free unmindful of the fact I had been dodging bullets for days.

I started to come just from sentiment. I was coming on a high of pure, sweet love.

Of course, that’s not to say that the more traditional means of stimulation weren’t efficiently casting their spells. Even if Bobby and Anita hadn’t been my beloved offspring, the sight of his cock in her cunt and the sensation of her rigid tongue squirming inside my spasming pussy would have turned me on. It was just that the power of love made the whole event transcendent.

“Come in her cunt!” I blurted with overflowing joy. “Bobby, fill your sister’s pussy with cream!”

He grunted and did just that. I could actually hear the hose of his prick hissing inside Anita’s box as it spewed its sudden discharge.

With my eyes on the rims of my little girl’s cunt, I watched the red secretion that had been pure blood gradually turn pink from mixing with Bobby’s sperm. Eventually the flow was as white as snow; and that’s when I leaned down and licked it up.

I could taste everything at once. My son’s cock. My daughter’s cunt. Sperm. Pussy juice. Cherry blood.

Beneath Bobby and me, Anita was writhing in the throes of her first real orgasm. She manifested her excitement by moaning, “Fuck… fuck… fuck… fuck.” It seemed like the most natural thing for a twelve-year-old girl to do when her pussy was freshly dripping with her brother’s spunk.

And so did Bobby’s suggestion minutes later when we were all lying on the bed catching our breath. “Go see Dad,” he said. “We want you back home.”

Basking in the afterglow of perfect sex, I experienced none of the tension that would have led me to refuse under less extraordinary circumstances. I was so high on love that I really believed that all I had to do was walk into Tom’s bedroom and all the problems that had haunted our years of marriage would be gone, just like that.

So I told the kids, yes, I would do it. I’d try and patch things up with their dad.

Tiptoeing down the hall, I imagined how I would slip naked into bed with him. Play with his cock and make it hard.

Slip it into my cunt and fuck him. Wiggle my ass and really suck the cum from his balls.

Halfway to the room I realized that my thighs were freshly wet. Looking down I saw that my twat was soaking anew.

I was horny all over again. And, incredibly, from the prospect of making it with my own husband.

If just thinking about it could make me this hot, what would happen when Tom and I finally fucked? Needless to say, I was banking on that long-sought orgasm from my husband.


The bedroom was so dark that I couldn’t actually see the bed. However, from having slept here for so long, I knew right where it was. Wasting no time, I made my way to its side and then slipped under the covers. By this time I was so turned on my pussy was boiling.

Feeling around for the masculine body I craved, my fingers found the special warmth of cock and balls on the first try. What’s more, the cock was as hard as a rock and the balls were churning.

At first I couldn’t believe my luck. I could fuck without waiting.

But then, upon further exploration, I realized that things were not so simple. Instead of achieving immediate gratification, I’d have to go to the end of the line. I was not alone in bed with Tom!

Jumping backward from the bed like I had just received a severe electrical shock, I crashed into a bedside table and knocked its contents on top of me. When the heavy thing gouging into my tits turned out to be a lamp, I turned it on.

Holding the light in front of me, I got up and walked toward the bed. Without its shade, the lamp cast a yellow bubble over the activity there. I could see every disgusting detail.

It wasn’t even Tom I’d been lying next to. It was Roy Parker. Sometime when I’d been making love to the kids, he’d come here from the motel fire. He probably thought I was ashes.

Oh, my husband was present all right. He was the guy sucking Roy’s cock. Undoubtedly he was doing so with the knowledge of my reported incineration.

I couldn’t believe it. My husband and my lover were having a homosexual affair. Even in my loathing, I couldn’t help but marvel at how the lieutenant got around.

It even occurred to me that Tom might have been responsible for Parker trying to destroy me rather than the syndicate. It was increasingly clear that anything was possible.

Tom looked up first and blurted my name. It was clear from the bewildered expression on his face that he regarded me as a ghost. Maybe he really had paid to have me murdered.

In disgust. I replied, “You lousy fag! All those years I let you fuck me and you were really interested in sucking cocks. What a joke on both of us I never came, and you wished you were somewhere else.”

But, even though my voice was hard, inside I felt like a fool. How could I have been so naive as to think Tom could ever make me come?

It occurred to me that even if Parker hadn’t been there, I still would have been thwarted. The fact that my husband turned out to be queer was just a crunching metaphor for the frustrating reality of the world, as closed to the cloud nine illusion. I’d been idealistically nurturing since making love to the children.

I knew now that this was the way life always worked. No matter which way you turned, sooner or later you got it in the back. What, an idiot I’d been to believe I could find real love in the midst of such chronic treachery.

I even started to wonder if the kids were in on it.

If they sent me into their father’s bedroom as a humiliating practical joke, knowing in advance what I’d find there.

“I’ve got to get out of this hell!” I suddenly shrieked, hysterical with anxiety. The familiar walls of the bedroom I’d been able to negotiate in total darkness turned hostile and started to close in on me.

“Don’t move!” Parker contradicted me. He’d pulled his gun from under the pillow and was pointing it at me.

The minute the light flashed from the muzzle, I instinctively threw the lamp to the floor. In the darkness, the shot, that rang out whizzed wildly over my head. I had no alternative but to turn and run.

The chase was on again.

Racing down the hall, I could hear the children buzzing in their room. It was impossible to tell whether they knew what was going on, and I hadn’t the time to investigate any dark suspicions I might have.

There was another wild shot and I was scrambling down the stairs. Sprinting across the living room, I thrust open the door and sprang from the dreaded house.

Just when I got to the Camaro there was trouble. A shot more accurate than the others. Parker had spotted me going to my car from an upstairs window and fired. I hadn’t been hit, but the right rear tire of the Camaro was mortally wounded.

Then there were more shots. Again I was unscathed, but the Camaro had just been rendered into a useless hunk of metal. Three tires were flat and the gas-tank was leaking all over the driveway the front windshield was shattered.

So I had to keep running. Literally running. Fleeing on foot from the nightmare of my middle-class existence. I couldn’t go back; I couldn’t look back.

My life from now on would be devoted strictly to survival. I’d live by my wits forgetting about yesterday, and not being sure if tomorrow would ever come.

With this kind of attitude, it wasn’t difficult for me to muscle my way into a battered pick-up truck that was waiting for the light to change on the street I happened to be running down. It didn’t even occur to me that I was nude when I forced my way inside the cab — all I knew was that I needed transportation to get out of the suburbs.

As I jumped into the truck, the first thing that greeted me was the bark of a dog who was pissed off I’d shoved him out of his place. “You a sleepwalker, lady?” the driver drawled unperturbedly from the other side of the large animal.

Realizing for the first time I was naked, I replied somewhat defensively, “Why do you ask?”

“You don’t often see a woman runnin’ around naked in the middle of the night,” he laughed, just before he spit a big wad of tobacco out the window.

I’d gotten a better look at him now and could see that he was unshaven and grubby, dressed in cast offs. He seemed to be a vagrant on wheels.

“The only other thing I can think of,” he resumed talking with a big glob of black spittle running down his scroungy chin, “is that you’re horny. Out lookin’ for sex.”

Now I could see that he had several teeth missing, even some in front. The insinuating words that came out of the ugly mouth seemed the filthiest items imaginable. However, as I told myself when I was ready to puke, beggars can’t be choosers.

“Well, since you’re so smart,” I suppressed a gag and teased, “what are you doing cruising around in this old rattletrap at this time of night?”

“Maybe I’m lookin’ for a horny woman walkin’ the streets,” he replied, just before spurting off another missile of tobacco juice out the window.

“That’s funny,” I said, looking at the lax crotch of his threadbare pants, “you don’t seem ready for any action.”

“No, but he is,” the man cackled, a grimy hand leaving the wheel to point between the dog’s haunches.

My breath was taken away as I saw what he was talking about. The dog had a hard-on as big as a horse’s.

“You’re not kidding, are you?” I asked incredulously.

“No sirree,” he permitted himself a mild whoop, spraying the windshield with soggy flecks from his chaw. “I ain’t kiddin’, so help me Jesus.”

“But how can you count on something this bizarre happening?” I wanted to know. This was all too incredible to be happening.

“I drive all over the city after midnight lookin’ for them teenage runaways,” he explained. “When you find one on the street that’s broke, they’ll pretty near do anything you want for a free meal.”

“And you force them to have sex with your dog?”

“Yep,” he nodded. “Course, they’re usually a lot younger than you, and have their clothes on at first. You’re the first naked grownup lady runaway I ever got for Old Blue.”

“Do you really expect me to do what you’re saying?” I reiterated my disbelief.

“Why not?” he shrugged. “You must a wanted something from me or you wouldn’t a got in my truck in the first place.”

“Well, yes, a ride,” I admitted.

“Then sucking Old Blue’s cock is the price,” he ginned. “Either you meet it, or I’m deliverin’ you to the station house and handin’ you over to the cops.”

“For what?” I blurted, having the cold, sinking feeling inside that it didn’t make any difference anyway. My predicament would stand no exposure to the police no matter how unfairly it was arranged.

When he reminded me that breaking into a person’s vehicle at a stoplight with no clothes on was undoubtedly in violation of several laws, I mentally threw in the towel and admitted to myself there was no way out. Either I got the ride I needed out of town through sucking the dog’s prick, or I was through.

It was really a fairly simple decision to make. A few minutes of a dog’s stiff cock in my mouth seemed a small enough price to pay to keep from being returned to the world of the Toms and the Roys.

“Okay, I’ll give your pooch head for a ride,” I formally contracted. “In fact, I’ll even swallow his cum and let him fuck my pussy if you get me some clothes.”

“I’ll do more than that,” he surprised me with his generosity after so much haggling. “If you’re on the run, I’ll even give you a place to stay. I’ve got squatter’s rights on a shack out at the edge of the county-dump — whoever is chasin’ you’ll never look there.”

“What do I have to do for it?” I couldn’t stifle my suspicion.

“I’ve gotta lotta dogs,” he grinned his mottled leer. “Friends of mine who hang around the dump; live on garbage. They’ll keep you busy as a bitch in heat.”

The proposition chilled me with its perversity, but I knew I had to accept it if I valued my freedom. This yahoo was right, it did sound like the perfect hideout — and that was the one thing in the world I needed more than anything else at the moment.

“Okay, take me there,” I said, “you’ve got yourself a new roommate.”

“Then start suckin’ Old Blue’s cock on the way there,” he shrewdly answered. “I got to be sure you ain’t woofin’ me before I let you into my own.”

“Sure,” I calmly agreed. “I can see your point. I’ll get busy right away.”

Sucking a dog’s prick? I found it easy enough to do when I realized my survival might depend on it. In fact, it was such a thick and hardy specimen that it wasn’t long before I was actually enjoying it.

The driver’s dick finally got hard when he saw me going down on his dog. By the time Old Blue’s hard-on was fucking my mouth to the hilt, Leonard, as he told me he was called, had his stiff prick out of his raggedy pants and was driving with one hand and beating his meat with the other.

Seeing his master’s tool unsheathed, the dog reacted with an excited bark. Then he started vigorously pumping his loins while he fed me his prick. It was as though they were in a race to see who could come first — the mouth-fucker or the masturbator the dog or the man.

Since Old Blue was a mixture of German shepherd and something else big, the physicality of his excitement was intense. His claws buried into the bare flesh of my back as I kneeled from the floor and ate his cock. As we headed for the sanctuary of the dump, his actions had the cab of the truck actually shaking independent of the vibrations from the ancient motor under the hood.

As it was, both master and dog came at the same time. Just as I felt my mouth awash with the hot spurts of animal cum, Leonard’s spunk splattered all over the dashboard. In seconds it was dripping down on my naked body while I drank the dog’s equally generous supply of male gruel.

When they were finished ejaculating I noticed that neither dick was wilting, so I did the logical thing and switched places. The only difference from the previous arrangement was that, while I sucked one cock I had to personally beat the meat of the other Old Blue couldn’t jack off with his paws.

Continuing to drive, Leonard opened his legs so my face could fit easily against his musky-smelling crotch. His cock was long enough to make me forget how filthy it was. At the same time, Old Blue had rolled over on the seat, giving my pumping hand easy access to his equally elongated maleness.

Since they had both just shot their wads, it was naturally harder to get the master and his dog to come a second time. Several minutes of sucking and stroking would be required, but I had nothing better to do.

In fact, I was so wrapped up in attending to their pricks, I wasn’t even aware that we were out of the suburbs and progressing down the dead-end road whose only function was to lead to the dump. I guess I figured I’d have plenty of time to ponder my fate later. Right now, the imminence of two loads of cum seemed a far more attractive focal point than my future.

After all, that’s what life on the run was all about. The freedom in being an outlaw was being able to get your kicks while they were there. The instant gratification that could only come from being responsible to nothing or no one but yourself.

This was what life was all about. Doing it — doing whatever turned you on — with no regard to the consequences. God I wished I could broadcast my message to the rest of the bored housewives continuing to rot away in the suburbs I had left behind.

But, of course, right now I had to finish with my two cocks. Make them come in my mouth and my hand. Make my stomach even fuller and the cab of the truck even sloppier with fresh semen.

Dog and man I jacked one off and mouth fucked the other. Almost by design they came simultaneously just as we pulled into the dump. By the time Leonard had stopped the truck and was pointing proudly out the window at his miserable shack, both my throat and the upholstery were sticky with male slime.

With man-cum running down my face, and dog-cum running down my arm, I sat up and looked at my new home. When Leonard honked his horn an army of dogs materialized in front of it, looking like a canine army to protect the dilapidated structure of boards, cardboard and tin cans from a county bulldozer. When I looked between their legs, I saw that every one of them was a male.

“You’re going to have to fuck all of them,” Leonard promised, “or I’ll turn you in. In the ass, too.”

“Tell me this,” I said. “Will I also have to cook for you? Clean for you? Do your laundry? Sleep with you?”

“You mean act like my wife?” Leonard scoffed. “You gotta be kidding. I started living like this to escape an old bitch in Texas. No, sirree, the last thing this ol’ boy wants is a Goddamn wife.”

He was filthy. Dirty. Perverse. A man who lived in a dump and scrounged from garbage. But suddenly Leonard seemed like a knight in shining armor to me. A kindred spirit.

“Listen, little lady,” he continued, apparently determined to set me straight I’d hit such a nerve. “I don’t need or want no wife. If you wanna stay with ol’ Leonard, all you gotta do is mind your own business and fuck his dogs.”

It sounded like the best proposition I’d heard in a long time. I said yes and asked him when I could get started earning my keep.