Gangbang with Susan 3. – The taboo orgy

Then she sank it in to the hilt, sliding forward onto Lannie,
crushing her swollen breasts against Lannie’s own hard, upturned
mounds. Their lips met and slid together in warm, carnal embrace as
their bodies rubbed against each other.
Lannie’s hands slid up around her mother, caressing her back
briefly, then sliding down onto her buttocks. She dug her fingers
into the soft flesh there, pulling on her mother, trying to pull
the dildo deeper into her pussy.
Susan ran her fingers through Lannie’s hair, and rubbed their
breasts back and forth together like four lumps of bread dough,
squeezing and rolling and mashing them around as their tongues
slithered together and the dildo ground into Lannie’s belly.
She began to stroke again, and the first hard stroke made
Lannie gasp in surprise and pleasure.
Susan giggled. She’d known that the girl would get much more
pleasure face to face than doggie style. Doggie style was a man’s
invention, made for his convenience. Fucking doggie style usually
caused the cock to rub against the bottom of a woman’s slit, not
the top where her clitty was.
Now, as she thrust into Lannie, the ridged rubber pushed
forcefully down on the girl’s clitty and sawed across it with every
“Oh! Oh! Oh yess! Ohh! Ooooo! Oh Mommy! Oohhh! Fuck meee! Fuck
meee! Ooohh!” Lannie cried, whimpering in delight as Susan began to
hump harder and faster.
“Oh yess! OhhhhhH! Harder! Harder! Oh my GOddddd!” Lannie
panted, jerking down on her mother’s ass to increase the force of
the thrusts.
She was in heaven, she thought. She pulled her knees up and
back, grunting in pleasure as the big rubber tube rasped across her
clitty and thrust deep into her belly. Her mother’s breasts were
soft, and heavy, and warm against her own as they rolled and mashed
She felt herself rising upwards towards another come. She
humped up instinctively. She slid her long less around her mother’s
body and rocked back with each thrust, grunting and panting and
moaning as her body began to tremble with a sexual heat that burned
like fire.
Then she came again. She jerked violently, then shuddered. Her
head bounced spastically as she rutted up against the big cock. Her
eyes rolled back and her vision faded. All her concentration
focused on the pleasure roaring through her body and mind, and that
big hard cock plunging again and again down into her belly.
She clutched her mother desperately, gurgling and moaning and
whimpering as a firestorm of sexual pleasure rippled through her
nervous system. Muscles spasmed and twitched as lightning flashed
through her overloaded body
“Oohhhhhhhhhhh!” she moaned finally, as the come slowly
receded. “Oooohhhhhhhhhhhhh! Soooo…soooooo gooooooooooodddd!”
Her legs flopped back to the bed and her arms fell limp. She
groaned weakly, chest heaving.
Susan continued to thrust into her, gnawing and licking at the
nape of her neck as she jammed the dildo up her crack repeatedly.
She too was hot and excited, and each thrust made the pad on the
base of the dildo grind deliciously against her clitty.
She was on the verge of coming herself, and threw her hips
down in a furious series of rutting strokes.
Then she came as well, gnashing her teeth as she felt the heat
blossom within her lower belly and then blast upwards into her
skull. She grunted again and again as she spiked the dildo up into
Lannie’s pussy, heedless of anything but her own pleasure.
But then her own orgasm faded, and she too fell limp, her body
laying full length down on Lannie as they both groaned and panted
for breath.
Susan pushed herself up on her elbows and smiled down into
Lannie’s face. She reached down and flipped some of her hair out of
her face, and Lannie smiled back up dreamily.
“So you got your pussy pumped,” Susan said.
“Yeaaaahhhh,” Lannie sighed.
“I take it you liked it.”
They both giggled, then Susan kissed her.
“Can we do it again?” Lannie groaned.
Susan laughed. “It’s kind of tiring, you know.”
“All right, but this time…” She rolled over on her back,
taking Lannie with her so she was no on top. “you be on top,” she
“How do I…”
Lannie licked her lips, then put her hands against the bed and
pushed herself up. The dildo was still buried up her snatch, and
she could feel its delicious movements every time she shifted her
body. She carefully pushed herself upright, drawing her legs in so
she was kneeling, straddling her mother’s hips.
She put her hands on her mother’s belly, gingerly sitting
back, taking the final few inches up into her belly. She groaned as
she sank fully onto the dildo and her soft buttocks pressed down
hard on her mother’s thighs.
She slid her hands down onto her own belly, stroking the
flesh, wondering if she could feel the hard rubber cock up inside
“It…must be wayyyy up here,” she panted, squeezing her
She gave a little hump up, and gasped as she fell back down.
She leaned forward and began to raise her ass, sliding her pussy up
the dildo. She slid back down again, then rose once more. She began
a steady up and down movement as she bent and kissed her mother.
Then she sat up and began to bounce up and down, laughing
gleefully as her pussy rode up and down on the hard rubber prick,
yelping with pleasure as she fell down, impaling herself
Susan just lay there with her hands behind her head, looking
up and smiling as Lannie rode her cock. It was only when the
gleeful yelps turned to groans of lust and desire, and her
movements showed a new desperation, that she reached out and
stroked Lannie’s clitty, then reached a hand up and squeezed one of
her breasts.
Lannie gurgled in delight, bouncing and twisting and grinding
herself on the big cock as the heat flashed into overload and her
mind spun under the massive assault of sexual ecstasy.
She arched her back, dropping her head far back as she jerked
convulsively. Susan raised her knees and Lannie fell back across
them, jerking and twitching and shaking as the orgasm ripped
through her.
Susan fucked up into her, using the spring of the mattress to
send the dildo thrusting up into Lannie’s pussy as the girl moaned
and whimpered and grunted in pleasure. She stroked the teenager’s
hard, taut breasts, then squeezed harshly as Lannie mewled in
mindless heat.
Susan couldn’t even see the girl’s face. Her shoulders and
head had fallen back across Susan’s knees, her arms at her sides
twitching and jerking fitfully as Susan ran the dildo up into her
She pulled her knees up, forcing Lannie’s upper body up as
well, then Lannie dropped forward atop her and she hugged the girl
lovingly, stroking her ass cheeks as the teenager’s chest heaved
and her overheated body quivered against her. Lannie 4 Susan finally got tired of the writhing, moaning, sweating girl and
took off the dildo. She put on a robe and left Lannie to play with
the toy herself.
Lannie stayed in bed, legs spread, pumping the dildo down into
her pussy as she came again and again. Faint cries of pleasure
drifted out into the living room, distracting Susan as she tried to
do a little work she’d taken home from the office.
Some time later Lannie straggled out into the living room. She
was naked, her face flushed and tired, her hair a bedraggled mess.
She fell back onto the sofa with a groan of exhaustion.
“Finally done?” Susan asked.
“Ooohhhhhh,” Lannie groaned.
“You know,” Susan felt obligated to say. “If you were with a
man he’d be finished after the first come, or maybe the second.
They can’t stay hard for hours like that rubber cock.”
“Maybe I’ll do gang-bangs, like you did,” Lannie said, smiling
Susan frowned in annoyance, then looked back down at her work.
“Why don’t you come back to bed?” Lannie sighed.
“I have work to do, honey. I can’t fuck all evening. Anyway,
I left you rubber man.”
“It’s not as much fun when I have to pump it myself,” Lannie
“It never is, dear,” Susan said, not looking up from her work.
Lannie slid off the couch, cat-like, and crawled across to the
coffee table. She eased underneath, sliding on her belly out the
other side. She gripped Susan’s ankle and nipped at it lightly with
her teeth.
“Lannie! I told you, I have work to do.”
“Come oooooonnnn,” Lannie whined.
She slid upwards, pulling herself out from under the table and
crawling up between her mother’s legs. She slid her tongue up and
down Susan’s thighs as she pulled her robe apart.
“Lannie!” Susan snapped.
Lannie slid her face up higher, her hands pulling the robe
wide, exposing her mother’s groin. She pushed her face into it as
Susan tried with less and less certainty to push her away.
She tongued her mother’s slit, sucking wetly as she gripped
her legs to hold herself in place. Susan pushed back, but feebly.
Then she sighed and sat back. She pulled her feet up onto the
coffee table, slouching down a little to expose more of her pussy.
Lannie pulled her robe wide open and slid her hands up her
mother’s body to her breasts. She kneaded them hotly as her tongue
slurped away at her mother’s cunt slit. She tongued her clitty and
then kissed and sucked on it as Susan stroked her hair and sighed
in pleasure. “Oohhhhh baaabyyyy,” she groaned, letting her head fall back
on the couch.
Lannie eagerly shoved her tongue up her mother’s pussy hole,
pumping it in and out as she rubbed her nose from side to side
across the exposed clitty. She ran her tongue up and down the wet
pink flesh as she thrust two fingers up her mother’s hole.
“Suck meee,” Susan moaned. “Dirtyyyy giiiirrllll.”
She slumped down more and drew her knees up and back,
spreading them apart as her cunt ignited and flared with a massive
sexual excitement. Her body began to jerk and tremble and soon she
was coming, coming on her daughter’s tongue, gripping Lannie’s hair
and jerking her face into her snatch as she moaned and grunted in
After that Lannie stood up and pulled her mother to her feet.
Then the two wandered back into the bedroom and went to bed.
They did not, however, go to sleep for some time.
Later on, as they lay together in the warm afterglow, side by
side, Susan caressed her daughter’s hair as Lannie suckled gently
on her nipple. She wondered if she’d made a big mistake trying to
expose her daughter to the pleasures of the body.
Maybe it was better if she hadn’t known. Susan didn’t
particularly approve of this new nymphet daughter. All Lannie
seemed to think or care about now was sex. Was that healthy? Was it
good for a teenage girl to have a dozen orgasms a day?
Well, she was happy, that was the most important thing.
Besides, no stupid, clumsy boy would be able to tell her that it
was her fault if she didn’t enjoy sex with him. She would know
damned well it was the guy’s fault. Too many women never seemed to
learn that.
She held her face against her breasts and hummed her to sleep. Susan’s worries became more pronounced the next afternoon when
she got home. She’d half expected to find Lannie waiting naked for
her, but that wasn’t the case. Instead, when she called out, Lannie
gave a yell from her bedroom, then hurried out completely clothed,
but clutching two dresses.
“Which do you think?” she asked eagerly.
“Which should I wear? I have a date with Peter tonight. I want
to look hot.”
One was a skin-tight black sheath dress that Susan had never
approved of because it was too short. The other was one of her own
dresses, a green number that was low cut, too low cut for Lannie,
especially with her bigger chest.
“I don’t like either,” she said. “One’s too short, and the
other is too low cut. Why don’t you wear that pink dress I bought
you last month?”
“Oh, mother! That makes me look like a child!”
“You look sweet in it.”
“I don’t want to look sweet, I want to look sexy.”
No, Susan didn’t like this at all. She put away her things and
followed Lannie back to her bedroom, watching from just inside the
door as the girl compared herself in the mirror with one dress in
front of her, then the other.
“Who is this Peter?”
“Mother! You know Peter. He’s the blonde guy with the great
body who was over here last weekend. Remember we did homework?”
“Oh, him.”
“Well, don’t say it like that. He’s a nice guy.”
“If you say so. Where are you going?”
“To the drive-in.”
Susan’s eyes narrowed in suspicion. “Lannie, you aren’t
planning on doing anything…I might regret, are you?”
“You mean fuck him? Probably not.”
“Well, maybe. It depends on how I feel,” she shrugged.
“Just remember what I told you. It’ll probably take about
three minutes, then he’ll brag all over school tomorrow about what
a hot piece of ass you are, and how you screamed and yelled for
more when you came.”
“Mother!” she sighed, pushing past her.
“I know from experience, Lannie.”
“Just because boys treated you like shit doesn’t mean they’re
all bad,” Lannie sighed, getting a couple of towels from the hall
closet and going into the bathroom. She closed the door and Susan
glared at it for a long moment.
She was not at all happy. The way Lannie was behaving lately
she’d cum as soon as this Peter guy got his hands between her legs.
What was she going to do about this? What could she do about it. It
was her fault. Lannie hadn’t been so obsessed with sex before she’d
started in on her.
There wasn’t anything she could do, she realized. If Lannie
wanted to fuck the whole football team Susan would just have to let
Well, there wasn’t much she could do.
She could, maybe, take a little of the sexual heat out of the
girl before she found herself alone in a car with this Peter guy.
Maybe if Lannie came a few times before her date she’d have a
little more control of herself.
Susan went to her room and stripped, then started back for the
bathroom. She hesitated, then went back for her dildo. It wasn’t
there. She went into Lannie’s room and found it under her pillow.
Shaking her head, she went back to the bathroom and opened the
Lannie was in the shower. Susan could see her shadowy nude
outline against the glass doors. She slowly opened the door and
stepped inside.
She was behind the girl. Lannie was under the water, her face
turned upwards, soap washing down off her body. Susan put the dildo
down, then stepped forward and slid her arms around Lannie.
Lannie gasped in surprise and jerked away, but then settled
back against her mother’s body.
“I thought you might like someone to do your back,” Susan
whispered, nibbling at her ear.
She cupped Lannie’s warm, wet breasts, squeezing and kneading
them s her tongue and lips slid along the nape of her neck. She
pulled her back out of the water, then reached over and picked up
a bar of soap. She slid the bar over Lannie’s right breast, soaping
it up thoroughly as her other hand continued to knead the other
She transferred the soap then to her other hand, and soaped up
that breast.
“You’re making my breasts so clean,” Lannie teased. “Peter
will love sucking on them.”
Susan glared at the back of her head, then slid the bar down
her belly and in between the teenager’s legs. She rubbed it back
and forth over her pussy, then up and down her belly.
“I thought you were going to do my back,” Lannie smiled.
“Did you think that?”
She turned her around and handed the soap to Lannie. Lannie
grinned, then began to soap up her mother’s breasts, then her
belly, and finally, slid the soap in between her legs, soaping that
up nicely.
Susan gripped her wrist and took the soap from her, then
turned her around again. She slid her arms around her and pressed
her soapy body against Lannie’s back, then began to rub herself up
and down, working her fat, soapy breasts against her daughter’s
“Oohhhh, niiiiice,” Lannie smiled in pleasure.
Susan mashed her soapy hands down on Lannie’s soapy breasts,
massaging the soft flesh. She slid a hand downwards, down between
her legs, then began to saw her finger up and down with rapid
movements as she sucked and chewed on her neck.
It took less than a minute for Lannie to begin to grind her
buttocks back into Susan’s groin, and to moan and sigh in pleasure.
A minute later she was jerking and spasming and whining in orgasmic
heat as she humped down on the hard, stroking fingers.
“You’re such a hot little piece of pussy meat,” Susan grunted.
She held her daughter against her as her trembling eased, then
half turned and gripped the strap-on dildo. She raised one foot and
stepped into the strap, then pulled it up. She put her foot down
and raised the other, then stepped away from Lannie long enough to
pull the thing up around her hips.
Lannie turned around and her eyes immediately slid down onto
the hard black prong.
“Ooh, look who’s here,” she said.
Susan pushed forward, pushing Lannie back into the corner of
the squared shower stall. She pressed her soapy body against
Lannie’s until the two were eye to eye, then she mashed her lips
down on her daughter’s with fierce passion.
Their tongues slid together as Susan forced her right knee in
between Lannie’s legs and jerked Lannie’s own left leg to one side.
She reached down and gripped her ass tightly, then lifted her leg
upwards, shoving it back against the tiles as Lannie gasped in
surprise and heat.
Susan held the girl’s leg up and back with one hand as she
pressed the dildo against her pussy with the other.She rubbed it
along the soapy slit, then found the hole and thrust in hard,
slapping her belly against Lannie’s as she buried the whole length
inside her.
Lannie jerked back against the tiles, crying out in surprise
and pain. Her mother ground her body forward, forcing her back hard
against the tiles. She held her left leg up as she began to pump
the dildo up into her body with hard, fast strokes.
Lannie grunted repeatedly, surprised at the suddenness and
force of the penetration, and by the speed and strength of the
hard, thrusting her mother was using. She pushed against her
briefly, but then fell into the sexual eroticism of the moment and
slid her arms around her instead.
The dildo…hurt, as it pounded into her, but it didn’t hurt
badly, and the fast friction as it sawed roughly over her clitty
was too delicious to want to halt or slow. She let her mother rut
into her, closing her eyes in acceptance as her mother’s hips
slapped hard into her thighs.
Her ass ground and slapped back against the tiles as her
mother pounded the dildo up into her body with enough force to
raise her on her toes. Her mother’s tongue and teeth and hands were
all over her, squeezing and kneading and stroking and fondling and
sucking and chewing and licking.
Lannie rode up and down against the wall, grunting and moaning
as her steamy cunt was pumped with furious speed. She let her head
jerk back against the tiles repeatedly, hardly able to think
straight as the level of sexual heat burned her up inside.
Then Susan jerked back, tearing the big dildo out of her
pussy. Lannie blinked her eyes and moaned unhappily.
Susan spun her around and pressed her face first against the
tiles, flattening her hard, swollen breasts against the immoveable
“If you’re going to fuck boys, honey, this is something you
should get used to too,” Susan said into her ear.
Lannie heard her, but didn’t understand. Her thoughts were too
confused and flustered by the clamouring sexual heat inside her.
She felt a pressure, but it was not against her pussy but
against…her asshole. She wondered at that, but was not concerned
by it, not at first. But as she began to regain some of her
awareness she blinked in surprise.
“Wha…what…mother! Unghhhh! What are
you…do…d…dooooinnnnng!?” she groaned, trying feebly to twist
The dildo pierced her round little asshole and slid up into
her with short, jerky movements. It was coated with a mixture of
cunt honey and soap, and very slippery. Her relaxed state made it
easier for the thing to push forward, as well, so there was not
that much pain, though it sure wasn’t comfortable, and the very
idea of taking something up the ass was shocking.
“Oohh! Doooon’t! Oohh! Noooo!” Lannie gasped. “S…stoooop!
“Get used to it, baby. Boys love to fuck pretty girls in the
ass,” Susan panted. “What did you think they were thinking about
when they stared at your ass in those tight pants you wear?”
“Oooohhh! Ungh! Ooooohh! Noooooo!”
The dildo drove higher and higher. Susan kept the girl’s body
pressed against the tiles, not allowing her to twist away. Lannie
squirmed and jerked, trying to reach behind her, trying to twist
away. Susan slid her arms around her, gripped her thighs in front,
jerked them apart, and then thrust up hard, burying the big dildo
in Lannie’s rectum.
Lannie gave a short cry and a strangled gasp of pain and
surprise, then trembled and halted her efforts to resist, she lay
flat against the tiles, whimpering in pain as she felt her ass
bloated out by the big rubber cock.
“There you go, honey. There you gooo,” Susan sighed, cupping
Lannie’s breasts again.
“Ohhh Goddd!” Lannie moaned.
“It’s way up your asshole now,” Susan panted. She bit down on
her daughter’s throat as she kneaded her breasts, then she slid a
hand down between her legs and began to saw her fingers over the
little soapy cunt button as she ground her hips into Lannie’s ass
She gave the teenager’s ass a little time to get used to the
invading rubber cock, then began to pump.
Lannie was grunting and moaning and whimpering, but not making
any efforts to pull away now as the dildo began to pump in her ass.
It didn’t hurt as much s it had when she’d driven it up so hard,
but she still felt cramps deep in her gut as the head of the dildo
ground against something, some…thing, way up at the end of her
anal tube.
As her asshole adjusted to it, the last of the pain faded and
left behind only a kind of bloated, rasping sensation as her mother
fucked the dildo up her asshole. She began to pay attention to the
way her mother was grinding her little cunt button between her
fingers now, and the combination of sensations was not at all
She relaxed, still breathing hard from the shock, but starting
to get into this new and kinky thing. She marvelled at her ability
to take that big thick cock up into her asshole. She would have
thought it would split her apart.
Of course, she’d thought that before her mother had fucked it
up her pussy too.
She took a deep breath and shuddered as a hot wave of pleasure
washed over her body. Her breasts were squashed against the tiles
and rolled from side to side and up and down as her body was jerked
forward and back by her mother.
She thought that taking a big cock up the asshole was an
awesome thing to do, very kinky and hot. True, it was only a dildo,
but it felt soooo…strange, bizarre.
It was not as nice as taking one up the pussy, though, but in
combination with her mother’s hard, steady fingering of her clitty
and slit, the steady slapping of her hips against Lannie’s
buttocks, and the steady thrusting of the dildo up inside her
belly, Lannie was starting to build up towards another orgasm.
That wasn’t really what Susan wanted, or it was, but it
wasn’t. She couldn’t’ decide any more. She gripped Lannie’s long
hair and jerked her head back, making her whimper and groan, then
bit down on the front side of her throat as she ground the girl’s
swollen, straining titties into the wall, and fucked the hard dildo
up her ass.
“Slut,” she panted. “Dirty slut! I’m…ungh…I’m
gonna…Ungh….gonna ream out your asshole!”
“OoohH! Fuck me! Fuck me! Fuck my ass!”
“Dirty girl!”
“Fuck my asshole, mommy! Oh fuck my asshole!”
She spread her arms wide, raising them and slapping them
against the wall as though she could climb upwards. Susan pumped
faster and harder, rubbing at Lannie’s clitty with her right hand,
and squeezing her left breast with harsh movements of her right.
The dildo pounded up into Lannie’s little round asshole,
driving her upwards against the wall again and again, jerking her
up on her toes each time the hard, knob of the cockhead spiked up
into her guts.
She came then, grunting and gurgling and moaning as she
trembled and shook and bounced against the wall.
Susan thrust in harder still, then came herself, biting down
on Lannie’s shoulder to keep from screaming as the pad at the base
of the dildo mashed her clitty down and turned it into a white hot
fiery coal. Despite a sore ass, Lannie decided to carry on with her date.
Susan sighed and paced up and down in the living room as the
teenager finished doing her hair and then put on makeup. There
seemed nothing she could do to keep her hot young body away from
The thought of Lannie grunting as some foul boy rutted into
her was disgusting. She was too sweet to be dirtied by big male
cocks and their foul tasting sperm.
And the truth was, from what Lannie had said even before the
two of them had started having sex together, she was already far
along that path. Why, even if she didn’t let this Peter punk fuck
her, she would probably come home with sperm on her lips.
“So how do I look?” Lannie asked excitedly.
Susan turned and forced a smile as the girl twirled in front
of her. She was wearing the black sheath dress. It hugged her
nubile body like a second skin, and was only inches below the
cheeks of her soft young buttocks.
“Very sexy,” she said reluctantly.
“Maybe Peter’ll get a hard-on just looking at me,” she
“I wouldn’t be at all surprised,” Susan frowned.
“Oh, don’t worry, Mother. I probably won’t fuck him,” she
“You’re not wearing a bra,” Susan frowned.
“Oh, Motheeeer!”
“You’re too big to go around without a bra, Lannie.”
“Do you see anything sagging here?” Lannie demanded, standing
straight and pulling her shoulders back.
Susan had to admit that her breasts were standing up hard and
firm on their own.
The buzzer sounded and Lannie skipped across to the intercom.
“Hello?” she called.
“Hey, Lannie. It’s me,” a male voice said.
“I’ll be right down,” Lannie said.
“He’s not coming up?” Susan scowled.
“I think it’s best if you two don’t meet just yet,” Lannie
smiled. “You’re far too suspicious.”
“I’m not…suspicious. It’s not him I’m worried about. I know
what he’s going to do. It’s you I’m wondering about.”
“Well, don’t worry. I’ll do whatever feels right. You yourself
said that if it feels good there was no reason not to do it.”
“Me and my big mouth.”
“Good bye, mother,” Lannie smiled. She kissed her lightly on
the cheek, then went to the door. Susan followed, then stood behind
her as Lannie turned and examined herself one last time in the
mirror beside the door.
“Mother!” she gasped, as Susan slid a hand around her and in
between her legs.
Susan pulled the skirt up and slid her hand into her panties.
“Who said you could wear these?” she teased.
“I just…borrowed them,” Lannie gasped. “Stop it, mom! Peter
is right downstairs.”
“I know.”
Susan rubbed her fingers up and down the girl’s slit, expertly
manipulating her little cunt button.
“Think he knows what you’re doing now?” she whispered into
Lannie’s ear.
Lannie’s eyes opened and she felt a blast of sex-heat. Her
mother was right. Peter was sitting around downstairs and here she
was being jerked off by her mother. Wouldn’t he be stunned!
“Ooohhhh! Mooothhheeeeer!”
She humped back against her mother as Susan dug her fingers
into the soft pussy meat. She thrust two fingers up the girls cunt
tunnel and squeezed her clitty between them and her thumb.
Lannie grunted and jerked spastically against her, then came,
humping and moaning and whimpering in delight as her body flared
with lust and sexual pleasure.
“Ohhhh! OhhhhhhhH!”
Susan kissed the side of her neck, then slipped her hand out
of the pink lace panties. She pulled Lannie’s skirt down and
smoothed it against her quivering ass cheeks.
“Have fun tonight, dear,” she said.
Lannie stood there against the low table below the mirror, her
legs trembling as she panted and shook her head.
“Jesus,” she groaned. Lannie 5
Lannie knew damn well what her mother was trying to
accomplish, knew that as a lesbian, she didn’t want Lannie screwing
around with guys. She also knew that jerking her off like that was
intended to diminish her sex drive, which lately had been into
Well, it hadn’t worked. All it had done was drain her of
energy, an act that was temporary at best. As she hopped into
Peter’s car, she was breathing a little heavily, but her sex drive
had been blunted only slightly.
In fact, when she apologised for taking so long to get down,
saying she’d broken a heel and had to change shoes, she’d felt a
stab of lust at the memory of what she’d really been doing.
It was the belief that she was so wicked, so carnal, so lewd
and sinful, that excited her and made her insides quiver with lust.
She liked being a wanton slut…just so long as nobody knew it but
As far as everyone at school knew she was a pure, chaste girl,
and she felt gloriously naughty knowing otherwise. She felt like a
wolf masquerading as a sheep.
And if Peter saw her giving him a sly smile, he had no way of
knowing what it meant, that she was feeling smug and sexy in the
knowledge that her real sex life would shock him, and probably make
him shoot off in his pants.
What would he think, she wondered, if he knew that only a
little more than an hour ago her mother was sodomizing her in the
shower with a big dildo, fucking it up her ass to make her cum? His
eyes would bug out of his head and his cock would rip his zipper
“What are you grinning at?” he smiled.
“That’s a nice dress.”
“Oh, this ol’ thing?” she shrugged.
“You got nice legs.”
“That’s not all I got that’s nice.”
“I know,” he grinned.
“But that’s all you’re gonna see,” she giggled.
“Ahhh, don’t say things like that.”
“A guy’s gotta have hope.”
“He does, huh?”
“Yeah, guy’s gotta have his dreams,” he grinned.
“Do you dream about me, Peter?” she asked coyly.
“Oh yeah,” he laughed.
“And what am I doing in these dreams?”
“Oh, things.”
“Things? Dirty things?”
“Depends on what you’d call dirty.”
“Guys are all such perverts.”
“Yeah, that’s true, but we can’t help it.”
“You’re all cheap, too. You’re all sluts.”
“That’s not very nice.”
“So who says I’m a nice girl?”
He eyed her sideways. “Maybe I don’t want you to be a nice
“No, huh?”
Half an hour later they were ignoring the movie and exchanging
hot, passionate kisses. Peter was groping her breast through the
thin sheath dress as she sighed in pleasure. She kept her legs
closed, though, and every time he got a hand under her short skirt
she pushed it away.
“Come ooooonn,” he whined, sucking on her throat and mashing
her breast with his hand.
“I’m a…a virgin,” she gulped.
“I can take care of that,” he groaned.
“No, Peter.”
“You’ll like it,” he promised.
“What does that mean?” he demanded, pushing back and glaring
at her.
“What does what mean?” she blinked.
“You don’t think you’d like it?”
“I…heard…that guys our age mostly don’t know how to have
“Of course I know how to have sex!”
“I mean, they don’t know how to do it very well.”
“Well, I sure as shit do!”
“How many girls have you had sex with?”
“I’m just wondering.”
“I’ve had lots of sex, okay.”
“I mean with girls.”
“Ha, ha.”
“What I mean issssss…”
She tsked unhappily. “Well, from what I’ve read and heard,
most teenage guys don’t know how to make a girl…enjoy sex. They
just kind of…hump away for a few minutes…then finish and roll
“Where the fuck did you read that?”
“Well, it’s true, isn’t it?”
“I’ve read books about sex, you know, and they tell you a lot
about what to do and how to enjoy it, and they warn you that if the
guy is too impatient and doesn’t know what to do…that a girl
won’t have any fun.”
“I’m not impatient,” he scowled. “and I know damn well what to
“I bet you’ve never even eaten a girl.”
He stared at her in surprise. “I have too,” he glared.
“None of your business. You want me to prove it?”
“I would but I don’t trust you.”
“What’s to trust?”
“I don’t want to lose my virginity in the back of your dumb
“So? I can eat you without popping your cherry.”
“Okay, let’s see,” she gulped.
She peeled her panties down and off, then spread her legs and
lifted her skirt up. He stared down at her pussy with sudden lust
and excitement.
“Jesus,” he sighed, sliding his hand in between her legs. He
squeezed her pussy, sliding his hand up and down against the soft
folds of flesh and the tangled brown hair.
He bent over, then reached back and pulled the lever on the
front seat, shoving it back to give himself room. He slid onto his
knees on the floor, swallowing excitedly s he gazed into her pussy.
“Let’s see if you know what you’re doing,” Lannie said,
pulling her legs apart, raising her knees and slumping down a
little. “Just don’t try to fuck me.”
Peter stroked her pussy nervously. He had, in fact, never
eaten a girl out before. He had had a couple of hurried couplings
which were pretty much as Lannie had described them. The girls sure
hadn’t complained, so he thought he must be doing things right.
On the other hand, Lannie had read some kind of damned sex
book. She thought she was some kind of damned expert now, the dumb
little virgin. Well, hell, how hard could it be anyway? Hadn’t he
jerked her off last week? Hadn’t he jerked off Meghan Sumner a
couple of weeks before?
He knew where to get his fingers, and maybe when she was hot
enough he’d show her just how good his cock was too.
He stroked her crotch with his fingers, smoothing her pussy
hair aside, away from her crack. He rubbed his fingers up and down
her slit, then slid them inside, slowly wriggling two fingers up
into her hole. He pumped them in and out as she sat there.
Her clitty. He knew that was the thing he was supposed to get
ahold of. He knew where it was, generally, so he pulled her cunt
open and felt around at the top of her hole for it. He took a deep
breath, then pushed his face in and began to lick at her pussy,
around where her clitty was.
He licked hard for a long couple of minutes.
“You think that’s ice cream?” Lannie said finally.
“What?” he growled.
“You lick like a dog, man.”
“Do dogs lick your pussy a lot?” he snapped.
“I read how you’re supposed to give head, is all, and you’re
not doing it right.”
“Well, suppose you tell me, if you’re some kind of Goddam
expert!” he snarled. He could hardly believe he had a girl’s pussy
right in front of him, and instead of being horny he was mad.
She took his finger and pushed it against a small ridged area.
“This is my clitty,” she said.
“I know that,” he glared.
“Rub it with your fingers, roll it between them, then bend in
and lick it.
“I was.”
“Lick it with fast little swirling movements. Don’t lap at it
like a dog eating an ice cream cone. And don’t do it for a long
time. Do it for a few seconds, then try and suck on it. Get your
lips around it and suck, work your tongue on it real fast while
you’re sucking.”
He had half a mind to tell her to get lost. But he didn’t. He
followed her instructions, licking fast and hard at her clitty,
then sliding his lips over it and sucking, trying to pull it into
his mouth and work his tongue on it again.
Slide your fingers into me, pump them in and out,” she sighed.
“Yeahhhhh. Press them up. No. Up, up against the top of my pussy.
Yeah, rub there.
She laid her head back for a minute enjoying what he was
doing, then blinked her eyes and looked down again.
“Try…try pressing your thumb down on it,” she panted.
“You…you roll it between your thumb and your fingers. OOohhhh,
yeaaahahhh. Keep licking. Yeahhhhh!”
She bounced her head lightly against the back of the seat as
her pussy got hotter and hotter. She was breathing faster, and
wanted to just lay there and enjoy things, but also wanted to make
him a really good pussy eater. What had her mother said, something
about, every woman he fucks will thank her for showing him how?
She took a deep breath. “Okay, now slide your tongue into the
hole,” she panted. “Shove it in as deep as you can. Mash your face
into my pussy and flick your tongue around in there. Ooooooo,
yeahhhh. Like thaaatttt. YEsssssssss. Rub my clitty too. Yeah.
Yeah. Now…now lick at my clitty again. Push your fingers back in
me and lick….oohhhhhhhh. Yeahhhh. Suck it now. Suck it!
This was, without a doubt, the weirdest date he’d ever been
on. He was having a lot of fun now, though. His earlier resentment
and embarrassment had faded completely as Lannie had started
moaning in pleasure. He was obviously doing things right here, and
she was really getting off on it.
Okay, so she was showing him. What was wrong with that? He was
glad to learn. Wait until the guys heard about…
Fuck no. No way he was going to tell them that Lannie had
shown him how to eat pussy. They’d laugh at him. Those lying
bastards probably couldn’t eat pussy themselves, but they’d pretend
they could. “She had to show you how to do it?” they’d snicker.
“I’m surprised she didn’t boot your ass out the door?”
Yeah, right, like they’d be able to do what he was doing, the
stupid pricks. They’d probably lap at a girl like…like a dog
eating ice cream.
“Oohhhhhhh,” Lannie groaned, writhing excitedly.
Peter’s cock bulged as the sound of her moaning made his pulse
race. He fought the urge to jerk his pants down and ram his cock up
her pussy. She was in no position to resist. But no, he’d promised.
Shit. He licked at her clitty and spiked his fingers up her pussy
hole as she whimpered and groaned and sighed happily.
“Lick me! Lick meeeeee!” she groaned.
He opened his mouth as wide as he could and mashed it against
her cunt opening, gnawing his teeth and flicking out his tongue. He
sucked and munched excitedly as she squealed in pleasure, her legs
bouncing up and down.
He sucked frenziedly at her clitty and thrust three fingers
deep into her hole, pumping them furiously as her ass jerked and
bounced wildly on the seat.
“Yes! Yes! OOHhhhhhhHH!” she groaned. Her hands came down on
his head and pulled his face into her snatch as she bounced up and
down and closed her thighs against him.
Lannie’s head bounced back against the seat as she came. Her
body jerked and shook with crackling sexual electricity as Peter’s
tongue rasped across her clitty and his lips and teeth crushed it
from either side.
She sagged weakly, panting for breath as she came out of her
“Ooohh,” she groaned. “Niiicee.”
“Not bad, huh?” he asked, grinning eagerly up at her.
She ran her hand through his hair and smiled down.
“Very good,” she said. “Now would you like to see what else
I’ve learned?”
“Anything,” he grinned, eyes hot and wild.
“Change places.”
She slid down on her knees as he got on the seat and undid his
pants. She pulled his pants down and his cock sprang up hot and
“Well, look at thiiiiis,” she said in a surprised tone.
She slid her fingers around his cock, squeezing it. Then she
brought it up against her lips. She rubbed it over her face and
lips, moaning sensuously, rolling her head and closing her eyes to
“Oh fuck!” he gulped. “Shit! Lannie! Ooohh!”
She opened her mouth wide and slipped her lips around his
prick just as a thick wad of sperm shot out and splattered against
the back of her mouth. She sucked hurriedly, bobbing her lips up
and down as she squeezed his shaft. His come pumped up into her
mouth as he held her head and groaned excitedly.
“You didn’t give me much chance to show you,” she pouted.
“Shiiiiit,” he groaned. “I…eating your pussy made me too hot
to hold out.”
“Well, that’s all right. I like a challenge.
She tried to remember everything her mother had said about how
to get a guy hard. She massaged his limp dick with her fingers,
then held it up and pulled, stretching it out. She ran her tongue
slowly up and down from the base to the head, then back again,
sliding her tongue around and around it.
She slid her mouth in under his balls, licking at him. She
gripped his balls in her hands and tugged down softly and
repeatedly as she licked all over his cock. Then she sucked on his
soft head, working her tongue over it.
She continued massaging his balls, continued tugging on them,
and sucked his soft cock into her mouth. She easily got the whole
thing in, bending and folding it in her mouth, then let her cheeks
and tongue give it a good working over.
It started hardening rapidly. She pulled her head back,
keeping her lips tight so it squeezed down on his cock as it pulled
free. She grabbed it in her hands again and rubbed the now semi-
flaccid cock over her face, sighing in heat and pleasure.
She pulled her lips free and held it in her fist, pumping her
hand up and down the spit-wet shaft as she reached over and picked
up the cup of warm coke he’d gotten her an hour ago. She sucked in
a mouthful of cola, then bent over his cock again.
It was now almost hard. She looked up at him, her cheeks
bulging like a chipmunk, then pressed her puckered lips against his
cockhead. She slowly sank down, letting his cock force its way
through her tight lips and into her mouth.
“Shiiiiiiiit!” he gasped.
His cock slid deeper, and she began to swish the liquid around
in her mouth as she licked at his head. Some of the liquid trickled
out and down his shaft, but he neither knew nor cared. He was on
the verge of coming again, his cock throbbing like a rocket ready
to explode.
She cupped his balls again, squeezing them with he hands,
massaging them and yanking downwards softly but insistently. She
swallowed the cola then, and began bobbing her lips rapidly up and
down his shaft as her tongue whipped across the underside of the
“Fuck! ohhhhhHH!” he gasped.
He came, his cock blasting off into a tremendous orgasm. He
clutched her head and humped up, shoving his cock into her mouth as
she drank his come and yanked on his balls.
“Ung! Ung! Ung! Ung! Ung!” he gasped. “Oooohh fuuuuuckkk!”
“Not bad, huh?” she gasped.
“Jesus Christ!”
“Want to learn more?”
Lannie grinned, then looked around them. She didn’t think
anyone could see. She reached down and peeled her dress up and off,
tossing it on the seat, then climbed on the seat and lay back. He
slid his hands onto her breasts immediately, kneading them