Gangbang with Susan 4. – Cocks and pussies

She gripped his hands and pushed them off.
“No,” she said. “Here’s what you do. First slid your hands
around them. Just squeeze softly. A little harder. Good. Now let
your hands slide over them lightly. Stroke your hands over them on
either side of the nipples. Don’t touch the nipples.
He stroked her breasts on either side of her nipples, staring
down at the hard pink nubs eagerly. He knew this was strange, but
also knew that would she was showing him he would be able to use on
a lot of other girls.
Like any guy, he wanted to be a great cocksman, and who could
show him better than a girl? The guys and him were always talking
about what drove girls crazy, but Lannie KNEW what they liked.
So he followed her instructions, slowly kneading and massaging
and stroking her breasts, ignoring her nipples. Then he started in
on the nipples, rolling them between thumbs and fingers, pinching
and squeezing them, then starting in with his tongue and lips.
He trailed his tongue down her body in a zig zag pattern, then
began eating her pussy again as she offered additional
Then she stopped talking, groaning and moaning instead. He
forced her thighs wide with his arms as he sucked and licked and
mashed his face into her pussy, his mind filled with glee as she
grunted and jerked and shook beneath him.
He grinned down at her as she smiled up tiredly.
“Damn,” he laughed. “You are something else.”
“Maybe next week I’ll teach you more,” she smiled.
“Whatever you want, baby. You say it and I’ll do it. Just…”
“Uh, don’t tell anyone, okay?”
“I won’t if you won’t,” she giggled. Peter dropped her off at the apartment and she made her way
back upstairs. She wasn’t surprised at all to see the suspicion on
her mother’s face as she walked in.
“Hell-O,” she called.
“Hello,” her mother said. “Have a good time?”
“Pretty good.”
She looked her up and down, as if she could tell just from
looking, whether she had let Peter fuck her.
“Well, what?”
“You know what?”
Lannie moved her face in close to her mouth and opened her
mouth wide, then breathed on her.
“Smell any sperm on my breath?” she taunted.
“That’s not funny!”
Lannie kicked off her shoes as she walked away, then reached
down and pulled her dress up and over her shoulders.
“Darn,” she said, lookin down. “I forgot my panties in Peter’s
car. Oh well.”
She continued on to her room. Susan scowled at her then
stormed after her.
“Now you look here, young lady,” she growled. “First of all,
those were my God damn panties, not yours!”
“Oh, I’ll tell Peter to give them to you then,” Lannie
“Did you fuck him?”
“None of your business.”
“It is my business, damn it!”
“Oh, relax, Mother,” Lannie sighed. “He didn’t fuck me, all
“You’re sure?”
“Of course I’m sure! What kind of stupid question is that
anyway? All I did was suck his cock a couple of times, and show him
how to eat my pussy.”
“Show…you showed him how to…eat you?”
“Well, he was helpless. You should have seen him. So I showed
him what to do. He got really good, especially the second time. The
second time I hardly had to tell him anything. Boys can learn fast
if you teach them, mother. You should have tried harder when you
were a slut. Maybe you wouldn’t have had to turn to women.”
“Don’t be a smart ass! I turned to women because I’m a
“If you say so,” Lannie shrugged, falling back on the bed.
“What’s that mean!?”
Lannie sat up in bed, propping her back against the headboard.
“Just that maybe the reason men never satisfied you was because
they didn’t know what the fuck they were doing. Maybe if you’d
shown them what to do they would have made you come a few times,
and you wouldn’t have thought you were a lesbian.”
“That’s ridiculous!”
“Maybe after I show him how to fuck, he’ll give you a ride,
“Don’t be such a snotty little bitch!” Susan glared.
“Okay, maybe I am being kind of snotty.”
“You’re damned right you are! You have no idea what I feel
inside, so don’t try and tell me that I’ve lived my whole life
wrong, and that you, you little virgin, know more about how and
what excites a person sexually than I do.”
“Oh, I don’t know,” Lannie smirked. “I think I’m getting
pretty good at it.”
“You don’t know a fraction of what I know,” Susan glowered.
“You think you’re hot because you made a guy come off in your
“So twice, so big deal! I could’ve gotten him hard a third
time, maybe even a fourth.”
“Oh, come on.”
“He’s young and healthy, isn’t he? At the height of his sexual
potential? I can do things with my mouth you haven’t dreamed of.”
“Did you deep throat him?”
“You…deep throated guys?” Lannie gulped.
“Fucking right I did!”
“I never…I mean…how did you do that without throwing up?”
“You don’t know? Miss expert doesn’t know?”
“Okay, you know more than me. I admit it,” Lannie sighed. “Now
tell me how to deep throat.”
“Forget it.” Susan turned and marched out of the room.
She jumped up and hurried after her.
“Come on, mom,” she begged.
Susan halted in the middle of the living room and turned
around. Lannie stopped, eyes bright with interest.
“Why should I show you? So you can get snottier?”
“I’m sorry. I was just kidding! Come oooon!”
“Persuade me,” Susan sneered.
“Uhm, how?”
“How? You said you know how to turn someone on.”
“Come ooooon.”
“Take off my clothes.”
“Sure.” She reached for her blouse and Susan slapped her hand
“Not like that. Don’t you know how to remove a person’s
clothes in an erotic way, a way that will turn them on?”
Lannie sighed and shrugged helplessly.
“I admit it. You know more than me,” she said.
Susan smiled and slid her hand around behind Lannie’s head,
then pushed down, forcing her to her knees.
“And I always will,” she said.
Lannie 6 The next night, Susan decided to take Lannie out to one of her
favorite lesbian bars. She had in mind both showing her off, and
possibly increasing the girl’s attraction towards lesbianism.
“But I don’t have any leather pants,” Lannie said.
“Don’t I have to, like, shave my head or something and wear
combat boots.”
“Don’t be such a little bitch.”
“I’m not taking you to a leather bar, for God’s sake. These
are just women like me who enjoy each other’s company.”
“So I don’t have to wear big clunky boots?”
“No. Well, actually, you might wear cowboy boots. It’s western
night tonight.”
“Uhm, I don’t know if I want to go to a gay bar.”
“What are you afraid of? You think there’s going to be orgies
right there in the bar? It’s just a bar, Lannie. Maybe there’s a
little kissing and groping going on in quiet corners, but that’s
the most you’d have to worry about.”
“I’d have to dance with women?”
“You’ve danced with women before, Lannie.”
“I know, but not…gay women.”
“Yes you have.”
“You know what I mean,” she sighed.
“You don’t have to fuck anyone you don’t want to Lannie, any
more than you would in a normal bar.”
“What do I know about normal bars? I’m underage, remember?”
“Oh, so you haven’t ever been to a bar before, right?”
Lannie shrugged and smirked.
“Use whatever fake ID you usually use.”
“What if my friends see me?”
“If your friends are in there then they’re gay.”
“Don’t be so enthusiastic. It’s a nice place. Would I take you
anywhere you’d get hurt?”
“I guess not.”
“I guess not.”
Lannie was very nervous about going to a gay bar. She was also
excited. She’d really gotten off on sex with her mom, but really,
she was her mom. She’d much prefer having sex with someone else.
Maybe there was some girl there who she could have sex with,
someone her own age.
She wanted to have sex with Peter, of course, but she couldn’t
trust Peter to keep his big mouth shut, and anyway, it was like her
mom had said, Peter knew shit about sex. She’d have to teach him
how to fuck, something she didn’t know a lot about herself. Her
mother knew how to lick pussy and suck cock, but was no expert on
Probably more of an expert than Peter, though.
She spent a lot of time going over her wardrobe, trying to
find something sexy, but not too sexy. She didn’t want all those
old bull dykes licking their lips and drooling over her, after all.
She decided to wear pants, but then decided that if she wore pants
they’d all be staring at her ass. So she decided to wear a skirt,
but then worried they’d slide their hands up under it.
She finally settled on a nice white and green dress. It was
kind of western in tone, and had a short, flouncy skirt with lots
of pleats. She put on her white cowboy boots with it an examined
herself in the mirror. She looked cute, she thought.
She brushed her hair out so it was thick and silky, then
joined her mother, who was wearing jeans with cowboy boots, a
checkered shirt, and a western style jacket with a scarf.
“One thing,” Susan said. “It’d be best if you were my cousin
tonight, instead of my daughter.”
“Well, if some girl wants you, she might be afraid to say it
if she knew you were my daughter. But if they think you’re my
cousin they might ask me about what you like, and whether you’re
“Mother! I’m not available. I’m not gay.”
“So? You wouldn’t like a nice little lover you could sleep
with occasionally?”
Lannie shrugged. “Are you gonna tell them we’re kissin’
cousins?” she grinned.
“Come on,” Susan sighed, taking her hand and leading the way
out the door. She halted then and turned, lifting up Lannie’s
“Just wanted to see what you had on.”
“Just ordinary bikini panties.”
“What about a bra?”
“The same. I didn’t want to get your friends too excited.”
Susan frowned, then led her out of the apartment.
Half an hour later they were walking in through the door of a
small, windowless building on the west side. It had a small sign
overhead that said “Serena’s”.
It was dark inside, but that was nothing out of the ordinary
for a bar, Lannie knew. She tried to see before her eyes had
adjusted, difficult at best. She could see a long bar running along
the left wall. There was a stage facing it on the right wall.
between were round tables, like in most bars.
There were also some booths along the far wall, and the light
seemed especially dim there. A dance floor occupied the space
directly in front of the stage, and there were a dozen or so
couples…all women, dancing there, to some sort of country tune.
“I just remembered, I hate country music,” Lannie muttered, as
Susan led her into the bar.
It was bright enough to make out the people the were closest
to. Lannie was surprised at the youth of most of them. Also, though
most had fairly short hair, she didn’t see any with crewcuts or
shaved heads, and none wore leather jackets or pants.
Susan kept her close as they wound their way through the
crowded bar, her eyes scanning for people she knew. “This way,” she
She cut across the edge of the dance floor and over to a wide
table that appeared to have only two people sitting at it. As they
got closer she saw that there were drinks in front of two more
seats. Two seemed empty, though.
“Hi, Dara,” Susan said, smiling at a mannish looking woman in
her thirties. She had red hair and a rather long nose, and was
wearing a pair of red pants and white shirt with a scarf.
“Hi, Susan. Come sit down,” Dara smiled. They kissed briefly,
then Susan and Lannie sat.
“This is my cousin Lannie, from Chicago,” Susan said.
“Hi, Lannie,” Dara said, with no hint of anything but
“Uhm, hi,” Lannie said.
“This is my lover, Brandy,” Dara said, squeezing the shoulder
of slight, curly haired brunette in her late twenties.
“Hi,” Lannie said in a strangled tone. She’d know, of course,
but…to have her introduced as her lover was still a shock.
“Lannie’s never been to a gay bar,” Susan smiled at the other
“In the closet?” Brandy asked.
“No, I’m not gay,” Lannie said.
“She’s bi,” Susan said.
“Oh? One of those who likes to have her cake and eat it too?”
Dara said. Brandy giggled as if that were some kind of joke.
“I guess,” Lannie said uncomfortably.
“Who else is here?” Susan asked.
“Helen and Nicky.”
“Oh.” Susan said in a thoughtful tone.
“There they are,” Brandy said, pointing.
Lannie gazed out on the dance floor and saw a gorgeous young
woman, maybe girl, dressed in a black shirt and short black skirt.
She had long, flowing blonde hair that fell to the waist, and was
dancing with a taller blonde woman, this one with very short hair
and a very muscular build.
They finished the dance, then returned to the table. Lannie
saw the tall woman’s eyes focus on her mother briefly, then pass
over onto her and hold there. Now she saw the hunger and lust she’d
worried about, and her skin flushed a little.
“Hi,” Susan said.
“Hi, Susan,” the tall woman said.
“This is my cousin Lannie.”
“Hi, Lannie,” the woman said.
“Lannie, this is Helen.
Helen took her hand and squeezed it as she looked Lannie up
and down, then she sat down, giving her a seductive little smile as
she took her hand back.
“And this is Nicky,” Susan said.
“Hi,” Nicky said.
“Hi,” Lannie replied.
Nicky seemed about her age, and very pretty. She had a small,
fragile face, but a full, nubile body, chesty, Lannie thought,
gazing at the way her blouse bulged out. She was short, too, and
spoke softly and quietly. She seemed the timid sort, and gazed at
Helen with the adoration of a puppy.
The idea that these two were lovers was very, very odd. Lannie
had no difficulty guessing which one was in charge of the
relationship, however.
The other two women got up and danced, while Susan and Helen
talked, and to Lannie’s embarrassment, the talk soon began to turn
to sex, with very little camouflage over what the two older women
were saying.
“Little Lan was a novice only a few days ago,” Susan said.
“Oh? And you’ve opened her eyes on this visit?”
“Opened them wide, very, very wide.”
“Along with her legs,” Helen snickered, grinning at Lannie.
Lannie blushed.
“She’s very enthusiastic,” Susan said. “She’s not wearing out
any clothes when she’s in the apartment.”
“I don’t let Nicky wear a stick at home,” Helen said, turning
and looking fondly at the blonde girl.
“Well, sometimes I wish Lannie would put something on. She’s
wearing me out. I was trying to get some work in the living room
the other night when she comes crawling under the table, naked. Who
could work with that?”
“You poor dear,” Helen said in mock sympathy.
Again Lannie blushed.
“You haven’t managed to wean her off the poles, though?”
“I’m afraid not. I had to dig mine out of the closet and let
her play with it all day when I’m not home.”
Lannie didn’t know what poles were at first, but then she
realized they meant cocks, and that Susan meant the rubber dildo
she used. Again she was embarrassed as the tall, blonde woman gazed
at her through slitted eyes.
Yet she also felt a stab of excitement. She wasn’t attracted
to the woman. To the girl, maybe, but not to Helen. Yet, there was
something about her, something scary and seductive, something
dangerous and wild and…sensual. She wondered if Helen was one of
those weirdos into ropes and whips and shit like that.
She wondered if Helen would…hurt her.
She danced with her mother, then with Helen. It was scary
dancing with Helen, especially since it was a slow dance and they
were close to each other. She had such powerful, hypnotic eyes, and
they seemed to bore right through to Lannie’s soul.
When she pulled Lannie in against her Lannie felt the woman’s
hard breasts against her own and flushed violently. The woman’s
hand crept down onto her ass and squeezed it as they circled
around, but Lannie didn’t dare protest.
Then after they returned to the table, Helen invited them back
to her place for some drinks. Susan accepted, and Lannie’s pulse
began to speed up before they’d even gotten to their feet.
“Do you want us to follow you in our car?” Susan asked.
“We came with Brandy,” Helen said.
“Oh. Okay, we’ll use our car then,” Susan laughed.
She went to the front driver’s door and opened it. Lannie
waited at the rear door, figuring Helen would get in front with her
mother, but instead Helen pushed Nicky in the front when Susan
unlocked it.
“I’ll sit in back with you, honey,” she smiled at Lannie.
Lannie’s heart gave a lurch, but she smiled and got in. Helen
followed. She moved all the way over to the far door, but that
wasn’t far. It wasn’t a big car, after all.
And it didn’t help at all because Helen just shifted over and
laughing put her left arm around Lannie’s waist, pulling her body
in tight against her own. Her left hand was on the side of Lannie’s
chest, just inches from her breast.
“Now you and me can get acquainted, honey,” she smiled down at
the girl.
Lannie smiled up weakly.
Susan asked Nicky something about a computer and as she talked
Helen slid her left hand a few inches up and let her fingers stroke
the side of Lannie’s left breast. Lannie’s heart was pounding and
the tension was so hard inside her she felt her stomach turning and
twisting in knots.
Her throat and mouth felt dry, and her lower belly moist and
warm. She was both afraid of, and deeply aroused by the close
proximity to this tall, stern, dangerous woman.
“So tell me, honey, what do you do in Chicago?” Helen asked.
She was half turned towards Lannie, and her right hand brushed some
of the bangs out of the teenager’s eyes as she talked.
“Uhm, uh, not much,” Lannie gulped.
“Have a boyfriend?”
“She’s trying to get one here,” Susan called from the front
seat. “Yesterday she went out with some football type and used what
I’ve learned her to teach him pussy eating.”
“Oh, you did. How nice,” Helen said.
Lannie cursed her mother silently, terribly embarrassed.
“Maybe some day you’ll show me what you’ve learned,” Helen
smiled, eyes narrow.
Lannie shrugged helplessly.
Helen’s eyes moved down to her legs, most of which were bare
beneath the short skirt.
“This is a pretty thing,” Helen said, gripping the hem of the
skirt and rubbing her fingers on the material. She set it down,
slightly further back than it had been, then slid her hand onto
Lannie’s bare leg.
Lannie trembled as the woman began to stroke her leg. Her hand
left a searing heat everywhere it went, even though it was still
well below the hem of her skirt.
Then Helen leaned in and kissed her on the cheek. Lannie
gulped fearfully.
Helen shifted her lips onto Lannie’s own, kissing softly,
lightly. Lannie kissed back awkwardly, uncertainly. She let the
other woman press her head back against the back seat, her chest
fluttering like butterflies were in it.
Helen kissed a little harder, then drew her left hand upwards
and behind Lannie’s head. She slid it through her long hair,
letting her fingers slide through the tangles, then gripped her
head, twisting it slowly, but firmly back as Helen’s lips slid onto
her throat.
Lannie’s chest was heaving now, as she felt Helen’s hand slide
up under her skirt. She could hear her mother and Nicky talking
about something in the front seat, could hear Nicky laughing in
amusement at something, but she couldn’t make out what they were
Helen’s fingers slid up her thighs to her panties, then
stroked lightly against her crotch, running up and down her slit
through the panties.
Lannie felt her pussy burn. As Helen shifted her lips over her
throat, licking and suckling, and stroked her finger up and down
against her slit, she felt her moisture actually seeping into the
material, felt it getting warm and damp under Helen’s fingers.
Helen’s hand crept away from her head, but Lannie didn’t move.
She kept he head back, staring up at the roof of the car as Helen’s
mouth kissed her and licked and sucked on her throat and neck. She
felt the woman’s hand unbuttoning the front of her dress, pulling
it apart, felt her hand slide in, warm and soft, cupping her right
The others in front must have noticed, she thought. They must.
But they continued talking as if nothing was going on, ignoring
what was happening in the back seat.
She felt Helen’s hand slide along her ribs and move behind
her, felt her bra opened. At the same time her other hand tugged
the crotch of her panties aside, and then cupped Lannie’s bare
Lannie groaned loudly as she felt the woman’s bare hand
against her soft, mushy, hot pussy meat. She was panting hard and
fast, hardly able to catch a breath as the woman pulled her top
open further and slid her hand up onto Lannie’s bare breast.
She grunted as a finger slid up into her pussy hole, then a
second. She felt herself boiling inside, could feel her skin hot
and crackling with energy. She was sweating and overheated, dazed
by the force of the fear and sexuality gripping her.
Helen bent over and slid her lips over Lannie’s left nipple,
suckling on it as she squeezed and kneaded her right breast with
her hand. She began to pump her fingers up and down in Lannie’s
pussy pit as her thumb pressed down on the teenager’s clitoris.
Lannie gave a shocked cry of pleasure, her back arching
violently, her head smacking against the top of the seat back as a
massive blastwave of powerful sexual pleasure tore through her
guts. She bounced desperately on Helen’s fingers as the woman
ground her clitty between them and her thumb.
She trembled and shook, gasping for breath as her vision swam.
Her body flared with heat and she bucked helplessly under the
powerful orgasmic pleasure.
She felt the eyes of the others on her, saw Nicky turned
around in her seat, looking back, saw her mother’s eyes in the
mirror. She knew a terrible embarrassment, but it was overpowered
by the heat and pleasure.
She gave a hacking groan and collapsed wearily. Helen laughed
softly and pulled her lips from her hard nipple. She slid her
fingers out of Lannie’s slit, stroking her pussy lightly before
drawing back.
“She certainly is a responsive little dear,” she said.
“I’m sure I could lure her from men for good.”
“Give me time, Helen,” Susan said.
After she got her breath back Lannie self-consciously pulled
her skirt down and closed the front of her dress. She kept her head
down, too embarrassed to look at Helen or Nicky as they rode
through the dark streets.
They pulled into a driveway then, and again her heart started
pounding. She felt like getting out of the car and running away,
frightened of the way Helen seemed able to control her. She wanted,
at the very least, to get her mother alone and beg her not to leave
her alone with Helen.
But she couldn’t explain why…not exactly. The woman hadn’t
done anything mean or nasty or threatening, but she just seemed
so…so…dangerous, so…stern.
They walked into the house, and Susan made the obligatory
compliments about the place. They had a couple of drinks, then
without saying a word, Helen rose and took Susan by the hand. They
both walked out of the living room and into the bedroom, closing
the door.
Lannie blinked in shock, certain that Helen had wanted to be
with her instead. She was relieved, terribly relieved. She felt
like she could breath for the first time in an hour. And yet, she
also felt a strange disappointment she could not understand.
“Susan and Helen have been friends a long time,” Nicky said.
“Uhm, oh yeah?”
“Yeah. Susan’s nice.”
“Uh, yeah.”
Nicky shifted over to sit beside her, eyes bright and
“Your name really Nicky?” Lannie asked.
“Nicole, but Nicky’s sweeter.”
“I guess.”
Nicky slid a hand up over Lannie’s forehead, brushing her
bangs aside. Lannie jerked back in surprise.
“You’re kind of sweaty,” Nicky said.
“Well…well blame Helen,” Lannie glared.
Nicky giggled, it was a strange, girlish laugh.
“She makes me sweaty all the time,” she said, as if confiding
a secret.
“I bet,” Lannie said.
Nicky popped to her feet and then grabbed Lannie’s hand,
pulling her up after her.
“What…where are we going?” Lannie asked nervously.
“You’re all dirty. You need a bath,” Nicky said, dragging her
to the bathroom.
“I don’t…I mean…I’m not…”
“Don’t be shy,” Nicky smiled, closing the door behind her.
Lannie gulped nervously and looked around. The bathroom was
lavishly appointed, and the largest she’d ever seen. It included a
large square tub that had a wooden platform around it. There were
several steps up, and each was lined with plants.
“This is some bathroom,” she said.
“It’s big, isn’t it. It used to be another bedroom, but we
didn’t need another bedroom so Helen had it made into a big
Nicky went to the wall and turned some levers. Water gushed
into the big tub, which was, Lannie, saw, a whirlpool as well.
Nicky turned and smiled, then slowly unbuttoned the front of
her shirt. She smiled seductively, licking her tongue across her
lip in a teasing manner as she pulled the shirt open. She flung her
arms back and arched her back, and the shirt slid over her
shoulders and fell to the floor behind her.
She straightened, smiling again, undoing her bra and slipping
it off. Her breasts were very large, larger than Lannie, who was a
thirty-six-D. They weren’t as firm as Lannie’s though, and sagged
down a little under their own weight.
Nicky stepped out of her cowboy boots, then slid her skirt off
and finally removed her G-string. Lannie stared at her groin in
surprise. Nicky had no pussy hair at all. Her cunt had been shaved
totally bald. The little slit there was puffy and white and as
exposed as a little girl’s
Naked, and still smiling, Nicky stepped up to Lannie, who
hadn’t moved, and kissed her lightly on the lips. Lannie eased back
a little.
“Come on,” Nicky smiled.
She dropped to her knees in front of Lannie, who looked down
in surprise as the blonde girl gripped her left foot and lifted it.
She kissed the boot, then trailed her tongue along the sides as she
looked up at Lannie. Then she pulled the boot down and off.
Lannie swallowed in surprise as Nicky dropped onto all fours
and licked along the side of her other boot. She just stared as the
girl licked her boot, then lifted it and pulled it off.
Nicky slid her hands around Lannie’s ankles, then stroked up
and down up and down, always higher, raising herself up as she slid
her hands above Lannie’s knees, then up her thighs, applying gentle
pressure to ease Lannie’s legs apart.
She slid her hands up her thighs and under her skirt, then
followed it with her head. Lannie felt her tongue sliding up and
down against her inner thighs as Nicky’s hands slid up and cupped
her as cheeks through her panties.
She felt her tongue lick along the sides of her panties,
tickling her flesh. Then felt her fingers eased the panties aside
as Helen had done. She couldn’t see what Nicky was doing, since her
head was under her skirt, but she could sure feel it, as the blonde
began to run her tongue up and down Lannie’s slit.
She was already tingling with heat, and the girl was very
attractive. Nicky was also so…so eager and so…friendly, that
she felt sure it would hurt her feelings if she pushed her away.
Still, Lannie was consumed by doubts and worries and fears and
embarrassment. She’d never done anything like this with a virtual
stranger before. She knew nothing about Nicky, not even her last
But her tongue felt so wonderful as it slid between her pussy
lips that those worries and fears began to dissipate in the warm
and growing heat that was spreading through her body.
She unbuttoned the top of her dress, then reached down and
lifted the skirt, pulling the dress up over her shoulders and
dropping it on the counter. Her eyes met Nicky’s, alive with
enthusiasm and happiness, and she smiled back tentatively.
She pulled her bra off, then stepped out of her panties as
Nicky pulled them down.
Nicky slid her hands back up Lannie’s legs though, pushing
more forcefully to spread them apart. Lannie stood back, half
leaning against the wall, legs wide as Nicky slid her tongue up and
down her slit, then eased it inside.
Nicky’s hands stroked Lannie’s ass cheeks, then slid up her
hips, circled her belly, and moved up onto her breasts. She
squeezed them tightly, then worked her fingers into the soft flesh,
mashing her breasts around in a slow, circular motion. Her tongue
slid between Lannie’s cunt lips and drove amazingly deep into her
hole, flickering around like a snake inside her.
Lannie did nothing, just stood there absorbing the pleasure as
it throbbed inside her. She let her head fall back against the
wall, sighing softly as the blonde girl sucked expertly at her
clitty and worked her breasts over with a hard, but professional
massage that seemed to dig her fingers into every pore.
She arched her back, humping slowly out at the girl’s tongue
as it rasped across her clitty. Her eyes closed tightly and her
mouth went slack as she groaned in appreciation, the heat and lust
and desire building up inside her, settling a deep, sexual heat
over her body.
Lannie groaned passionately, pushing her tits and pussy out
against Nicky’s hands and tongue. She began grinding her ass
against the wall, then started helplessly humping into Nicky’s
face, her round ass cheeks slapping repeatedly against the plaster
as she grunted and moaned and whimpered.
She came, her insides turning over, an explosive release of
pleasure roaring through her like a tidal wave, blasting everything
in its path. Her body shook and heaved, jerking and undulating in
sexual delight as the orgasm washed through her.
And then she opened her eyes, panting for breath, and Nicky’s
smiling face was in front of her. Their arms slid around each other
and they hugged, their full, meaty breasts crushed together, their
soft skin rubbing and stroking as they held each other.
Lannie 7 Nicky’s hands slid through Lannie’s hair as their lips melded
together. Lannie put her arms around the girl, caressing her soft
ivory flesh. Nicky pushed her back. She mashed her lips up against
Lannie with insatiable hunger, grinding her body into Lannie’s,
squeezing her breasts, and groaning and panting for breath.
Lannie was confused by this, but didn’t pause to think about
it much. She slid her hands onto Nicky’s big breasts, mashing it up
and down. The thick, gelatinous meat bulged upwards as she dug her
fingers into it. She tore her lips off Nicky’s, then bent and
squeezed her left titty hard, making her big nipple stand out.
She pulled it into her mouth and sucked hard as she slid her
tongue over the hard, fat nipple. At the same time, she dug her
fingers into both breasts and kneaded them steadily.
She slid a hand down between the blonde’s legs, cupping her
bald pussy mound and squeezing it. She squeezed it repeatedly,
rubbing her hand up and down against the downy soft flesh, amazed
at how delightful it felt to the touch.
Nicky squeezed Lannie’s breasts as well, then slid a hand down
between her legs, planting a hard, bony little fist against
Lannie’s pussy mound. She ground herself against Lannie, grinding
both their pussies on her fist, then slid a finger up into Lannie’s
pussy, and another up into her own, hooking them together.
Their bodies moved together as they groped and fondled each
other. But then Nicky pulled away. She spun and bent over, pulling
open one of the cupboard doors below the counter. She pulled out
what Lannie first thought was a club.
Instead it turned out to be a gigantic dildo, shaped like a
cock, only…there were cockheads on both sides, and the thing was
about twenty inches long. She stared at it in surprise, then
watched, fascinated, as Nicky raised one of her legs and put her
foot on the edge of the counter.
Nicky grinned teasingly as she rubbed one end against her
slit, then slowly worked it up into her crack. She groaned and
whined in pleasure as she fed more and more of the shining rubber
cock up into her pussy.
Then she pulled her foot off the counter and moved against
Lannie again. Lannie saw her bend the thick dildo so the other
cockhead was pointing upwards, upwards towards her own slit. She
gasped in pleasure as she realized what Nicky’s intentions were.
She reached down and took the rubber cock, folding her fingers
around it, then pressed the cockhead against her own moist pussy.
She felt the tension in the rubber cock, as it tried to
straighten out. She and Nicky both gripped the thick rubber and
tried to get their cunts to swallow as much as possible.
They panted and groaned and whined as their pussies got closer
and closer together. The closer they got, the more they had to bend
the thick rubber, and the more tension there was in the long, fat
thing. They both felt the heads way up in their bellies pressing
hard against the back of their cunt tubes as it tried to straighten
Their bellies were pressed firmly together at last, the dildo
all but buried in their pussies. Only an inch or two, like a half
donut, stuck out between their tight pussy lips as they ground
themselves together.
Their tongues slid together wetly. Nicky stuck her tongue out
as far as it would go, and Lannie slid her own tongue up, licking
across it. She sucked on Nicky’s tongue and caressed the bottom
with her own tongue. Then Nicky pulled her mouth free to clamp her
lips against the nape of Lannie’s neck.
They sank slowly down to their knees, breasts and groins still
rubbing together as they kissed. Nicky pulled her ass back, letting
the rubber cock slide out. She turned around and bent over, then
looked around at Lannie.
“Turn around,” she panted.
Lannie turned and Nicky reached back between her own legs and
gripped the dildo dangling out from her pussy. She fed it into her
own pussy again, then the two of them backed up.
They started gasping and groaning as their asses got closer
together. By the time their rounded buttocks were touching the
dildos were high in their bellies, pressing against their cervixes.
They humped slowly against each other, trying to work their dildos
Then the last inches of rubber prick slid through their cunt
lips and their asses mashed together as their pussy lips touched.
Lannie felt the girl’s bald pussy lips rubbing against her own
and groaned in delight. They ground their asses and pussies
together for long seconds, then slowly began to hump against each
other once more.
Nicky, who had obviously had some experience at this, adjusted
their timing, then reached her arms straight back along her sides,
her fingers reaching for Lannie’s. Lannie took her hands, and the
two teenagers gasped and groaned as they rocked and humped in wild,
exultant carnal pleasure.
The bathroom door opened suddenly, and Helen and Susan stood
in the doorway.
“Children playing with toys,” Helen sighed, shaking her head.
“They seem to be enjoying themselves,” Susan smiled, watching
the two grunt and groan and yelp in heat and passion.
Helen stepped forward, then slid to her knees in front of
Lannie. She stroked her hair, then tangled it around her hand and
pulled her head up and back. Lannie gasped in pain, but with
Nicky’s hands clamped tightly around her own, could do nothing to
She found herself staring into Helen’s cunt, which was as bald
and bare as Nicky’s.
“Lick me, little toy,” Helen smiled.
Susan watched as her daughter began to lick at Helen’s bald
slit. Then she moved around and knelt in front of Nicky. Nicky
didn’t need to be told to raise her head and start licking.
The air was filled with the sound of wet slurping tongues and
softly slapping asses, groans and sighs and gasps of pleasure.
Helen ran her hands through Lannie’s long hair, then slid one
hand down below her jerking, humping body to squeeze her breast.
“Suck. That’s it, baby, suuuuuuck. Yeeesssss,” she groaned. “Lick
my pussy.”
She pulled Lannie’s face into her snatch and ground herself
against her, eyes drawn to the girls’ round ass cheeks slapping
together, and the barely sighed black dildo joining their twats.
She leaned over then and slapped Nicky’s ass, making the
blonde yelp in pain.
“I thought I got rid of all your dildos, you little slut,” she
said. She raised her eyes to Susan and shook her head, scowling.
“You’re right, you know. It’s hard to work them out of the habit of
wanting their pussy pumped.
“Oh, let her,” Susan sighed. “It doesn’t hurt.”
“I’ll make it hurt,” Helen muttered. “I don’t want the little
bitch developing a taste for cock, even if it is rubber.”
Nevertheless, she did nothing to stop the two girls slapping
and grinding their asses together. She watched and stroked Lannie’s
hair, grinding her snatch into her face as she let the girl lick
her off.
Lannie came, moaning and grunting and gasping for breath as
the pleasure coursed through her veins. Shortly after that Nicky
came, whimpering and groaning. Lannie came again, then Susan, and
finally Helen came. Helen nearly tore Lannie’s head off as she
humped and jerked and rutted against her, clamping down on her head
to keep her face pinned to her twat.
The two older women left then, though not before Helen tore
the big dildo out of Nicky’s twat and made off with it.
Nicky and Lannie slid into the hot, bubbling water of the tub
at last, and sat back together to relax.
“Why doesn’t Helen want you to have a dildo?” Lannie asked.
“Oh, she says women don’t need things like that. She says that
the inside of your pussy doesn’t really have many…uhm, senses?
She says that all you need to feel pleasure is to get your clitty
taken care of, and that getting something up inside you is just a
psychological need carried over from exploitive heterosexual
“Basically, if you’re lesbian you aren’t supposed to want
anything up inside you.”
“Well, I don’t see why that should be. I like having something
big up in my belly.”
“Me too,” Nicky whispered. “But I just know Helen is going to
spank me later.”
“Spank you?”
“For having the dildo.”
“You…uhm, she spanks you?”
“Oh, it’s not so bad. Sometimes it’s very sexy.”
“I wouldn’t like getting spanked. I mean, nobody’s spanked me
in a long time but I’m sure it hurts.”
“Oh, it stings all right. But after a while it just feels real
real hot, then it’s not so bad. It’s getting through the first part
that’s hard.”
“When did you meet Helen?”
“Oh, she used to be my gym teacher. She’s so strong! You
should see her lift weights.”
“She seems…scary.”
“Oh, she’s not. She’s nice. She’s just a little, uhm, bossy.
But that’s okay. I don’t mind. I don’t have to worry about
anything, cause Helen takes care of everything.”
“But you…both of you sleep with other women.”
“I don’t mind. Especially when we do it together, like now.
Sometimes she lends me out, though. I wish she wouldn’t do that.”
“Lends you?”
“You know, she lets one of her friends have sex with me.
Sometimes I even have to go and stay with them for the night. Once
she even loaned me to one of her friends for a week while she went
to Europe.”
“I don’t…”
“Here,” Nicky said, pulling Lannie over. “Move over here like
this. Now raise your knees and spread your legs.”
“Nice, eh?” Nicky laughed.
A jet of hot water was blowing right against Lannie’s pussy,
the bubbles tickling her clitty as the water boiled and churned.
“Sometimes I sit in here for hours letting it make me come
again and again.”
“I wish we had one of these at home,” Lannie said.
“If you have a vibrator it’s just about as good, and your skin
doesn’t get all wrinkled. Helen won’t let me have a vibrator
either, though.”
“OOooowww, that feels gooood.”
“Stand up,” Nicky said, getting up herself.
Water showered down into the water as she stood over Lannie
and pulled her to her feet. They kissed, and Lannie slid a hand
between Nicky’s thighs, rubbing her soft pussy.
Then Nicky had her sit on the edge of the tub and spread her
legs. Lannie thought she was going to lick her at first, but her
body was still soapy. Nicky didn’t bend over, though. Instead, she
lifted Lannie’s left leg up and out, pushing it way back. Lannie
had to grip the side of the tub to hold her balance as Nicky slid
her own leg under Lannie’s, then slid her pussy in.
Their cunts rubbed together, hot and wet, and they awkwardly
ground their pelvises.
“This feels better if you have no pussy hair,” Nicky panted.
“Want to shave it off?”
“I don’t knooooow,” Lannie sighed.
“It’s much easier to lick you when your pussy is bald.”
She pulled away and jumped out of the tub, then went to the
counter as Lannie turned around, still sitting on the edge of the
Nicky got a canister of foam and a shaver, then hurried back,
getting to her knees in front of Lannie.
“I don’t know, Nicky. Isn’t it itchy?” Lannie asked.
“A little, but not if you keep it really well shaved. It’s
worth it, though. Wait till you see.”
She sprayed foam over Lannie’s crotch as Lannie drew her knees
back. Then she began to carefully shave up and down along the sides
of her slit. She shaved off every last bit of hair, then washed
away the foam and smiled at Lannie as she cupped her pussy.
Lannie slid her own hand down between her legs and rubbed it.
Nicky went and got a mirror as Lannie stared down at her bald
little slit. Nicky came back and held a mirror to her slit and
Lannie shook her head anxiously.
“Oh, God. It looks so naked!”
“Feels naked too,” Nicky giggled, sliding her hand over
Lannie’s bald, puffy, red cunt mound.
She bent and began to run her tongue over the tight little
cleft, and Lannie sat back and watched, amazed at the greater
sensation now that all her pussy hair was gone. Nicky’s tongue
lapped all over her puffy cunt pad and then slithered into her
She straightened and gripped Lannie’s leg, then twisted her
around sideways and lifted her leg high. She slid her own puffy
puss in against Lannie’s and began to rub and grind them together.
“Ooooohhh,” Lannie shuddered.
“Isn’t it great?” Nicky panted, humping and grinding and
rubbing in delight.
Nicky’s pussy was unbelievably soft against her own shaved
pussy pad, and it felt delicious as they rubbed and ground
together. Nicky shoved Lannie’s leg up higher, stretching it
painfully, but was able to lean forward and press her lips against
Their tongues slid together as their hands groped and fondled
each other’s breasts. Nicky ground her pussy with a steady, expert
movement, sliding their soft, downy pussy pads back and forth until
their crotches were wet with each other’s cunt milk.
Lannie felt herself approaching another cum, and ground back
hard, panting for breath as her overloaded sensory system rippled
with pleasure. She gripped Nicky’s ass and jerked her in, mashing
their cunts harder together.
Nicky was breathing hard, too, but she stopped suddenly, and
reached down between her legs. She gripped her pussy lips and
slowly pulled them open, groaning as she stretched the tight
opening and revealed her glistening pink meat. Lannie quickly
reached down to her own cunt and peeled her pussy open, then the
two girls pressed their hot, pink flesh together hard and ground
furiously against each other.
Lannie came first, within seconds, the pressure building up
rapidly inside her skull and blasting out in a frothing explosion
of sexual exultation. She grunted repeatedly, unable to think or
breath, her body quivering with the release of powerful orgasmic
Nicky started squealing and whining as she too climaxed, and
their cunts soaked each other as their pussies spasmed and squeezed
and spurted juice against each other.
Wearily, the two slipped back into the warm water, groaning in
satisfaction. She got dressed afterwards, but Nicole didn’t bother. They
went out into the living room, where both Susan and Helen were all
dressed and having drinks.
“Well, I see you two have finished your little games,” Helen
“We had fun,” Nicole said brightly.
“And without any dildos, too. Fancy that,” Helen said.
Nicole shrugged and looked down at her feet.
“Come here, Nicole,” she said.
Lannie went over and sat next to her mother as Nicky went over
to Helen.
“Turn around and bend over.”
Nicole gulped, then obeyed.
Helen reached down beside her and produced the big double
headed dildo the two girls had used together. She prodded Nicky’s
pussy with one end, slowly screwing and pumping the dildo deep into
her pussy as the other two looked on. Nicky began to groan an gasp
in pain as Helen kept trying to shove more and more of the thing
into her slit.
Finally, Helen seemed satisfied that she had the thing as deep
inside the younger blonde as it was going to get. She bent the
thing in two and shoved the other head against Nicole’s asshole.
Nicole moaned weakly, but didn’t resist or try to move away.
Helen forced the thick cockhead through Nicole’s sphincter and
jabbed it forward, forcing it deeper.
“You better hope she doesn’t learn to like that, Helen,” Susan
smiled. “I fucked this one in the asshole earlier and she came like
a real little whore.”
Lannie turned and glared at her in embarrassment.
“I bet you couldn’t keep your hands off her clitty while you
were doing it,” Helen snorted, twisting the dildo deeper.
“True,” Susan admitted.
Helen shoved the thing deep, until there was only a small
tightly bent portion of dildo running from Nicky’s asshole to her
“Straighten up,” she said, slapping the girl on the ass.
Nicole straightened, gasping and holding her belly as the
dildos shifted inside her. Helen stood up too, and put her right
hand down under Nicole’s buttocks, then slid her left down under
her pussy. She linked her fingers together under the girl’s crotch
and jerked up harshly.
Nicole yelped, then groaned as Helen did it again. Helen
jerked up a final time, actually lifting the little blonde off her
feet briefly. Nicole’s mouth was wide an she was trembling weakly
and whimpering, as Helen pulled her hands away.
The giant dildo was buried inside Nicky now, all twenty inches
of it. The only sign remaining outside her was a tiny curved bar of
rubber that stuck out between her pussy crack and asshole.
Helen reached down to the table an picked up a pair of leather
shorts, which she had Nicky step into, then she pulled them up her
legs. She had to stand behind the girl and jerk up hard several
times to get the leather shorts up around her hips.
She fastened them together and belted them in place. Lannie
had never seen anyone wearing shorts or pants so tight. It would be
a wonder if Nicole would even be able to sit down in them. She
could clearly see the outline of the dildo, as well as Nicole’s
pussy lips.
“You’ll wear that for the next couple of days,” Helen said.
“If you like having your pussy full of rubber cock, you should
enjoy it.”
Susan got up to leave then, and Lannie hurriedly joined her.
Helen said a gracious goodbye, and even Nicole waved goodbye, a
strained smile on her lips. She gasped and winced every time she
moved, though.
“So how did you like your first gay bar?” Susan asked as they
drove home.
“It was okay. It’s a little weird dancing with only women
“And how was Nicole?”
“Pretty good,” Lannie smiled. “Not quite as good as you,
though. I’d like to get one of those big double dildos, though and
try it out with you.”
“I don’t really like dildos, Lannie. If you want to take one
up your pussy, that’s fine, but I’d just as soon not.”
“How was Helen?” Lannie asked.
“That’s not very communicative.”
“I wasn’t trying to be communicative.”
“Does she have, like, a collection of whips and chains in her
“No,” Susan laughed. “I don’t think she’d want to mark up her
lovers like that.”
“She seemed a little…I don’t know…”
“She’s okay. She’s…very confident of herself. She knows what
she wants and she is kind of insistent.”
“Nicky acts like she’s her slave or something.”
“Well, maybe she is, in a way. Nicky, you have to understand,
is a very weak willed person. Whoever she was in a relationship
with would call all the shots anyway.”
“If she wants a dildo why shouldn’t she have one?”
“Well, she’s got one now, doesn’t she?” Susan grinned.
“Is she really going to have to keep that thing inside her for
two days?”
“Probably not. Helen will let her beg for a few hours I
suspect, then, maybe after Nicky has eaten her out half a dozen
times she’ll have mercy and let her take them out.”
“Does she go to school? I mean, would Helen send Nicky to
school like that?”
“Don’t be silly.”
“Well, I mean, if she wore a skirt over it nobody would
“Nicky doesn’t go to school.”
“Oh. Why do I have to go then?”
“If your ambition in life is to become someone’s sex toy then I
guess you don’t. If you ever want a job then you have to go.”
“It wouldn’t be so bad being a sex toy,” Lannie grinned.
“So long as you didn’t mind someone bossing you around all the
“Like you?”
“Yup, like me. But she’d still be bossing you around when you
were thirty. I doubt you’d like that much.”
“No. I wouldn’t mind being a…sex toy for a little while,
“Well, don’t worry, dear, you’re my sex toy.”
“Funny.” Lannie 8 The next day Lannie was surprised when she got home to find
Nicky waiting for her.
“Hi,” Nicky said.
“Hi. What are you doing here?”
“I figured, since your cousin and Helen both work you’d be
bored like I am and maybe we could, uhm, play together.”
“Sure, come on up.”
They went up to the apartment, where Nicky almost casually
stripped naked in the living room as she looked around the
“This is a nice place,” she said.
“It has a nice view, anyway.”
“Do you have any dildos?”
“I think so, yeah,” Lannie smiled. She went to her room, then
slipped off her own clothes and got the strap on dildo. She put it
on herself and walked back into the living room. Nicole squealed in
pleasure when she saw it.
“Oh goody!” she cried. “I love those kinds.”
She turned and dropped to all fours and Lannie adjusted the
thing around her hips as she knelt behind her. She’d never used the
dildo from this side before, and her pussy was humming with
anticipation as she looked down at Nicky’s smooth, white ass and
the sharp little slit underneath.
“I thought Helen was going to make you wear that double dildo
and the leather shorts for two days.”
“Oh, well, she let me take it out. I had to pee, for one
“Do you like being a sex toy, Nicky?” Lannie asked as she
rubbed the head of the dildo up and down the girl’s slit.
“Kinda. Ooooh. I like that,” she sighed.
“Where’s your parents?”
“They threw me out,” she sighed.
“Because you’re a lesbian?”
“Well, kinda. I think if I broke it to them better maybe they
wouldn’t have been so upset. Put it in meeee.”
Lannie eased forward, pressing the dildo against her crack and
slowly forcing it open.
“How did you tell them?” she asked curiously.
“I…I didn’t…ahhhhh. They…caught me and…my
girlfriend…on the couch…uhmmmmmmm.”
“God. You were making out on the couch?”
“We were naked and eating each other.”
“That must have been embarrassing.”
“I’ll say. My father nearly had a heart attack. Harder. Push
it in real hard, Lannie!”
Lannie thrust forward and Nicole moaned in pleasure as the big
dildo slid into her. Soon Lannie was fucking steadily as Nicky
humped back. Instead of being on all fours Nicky had dropped her
chest down onto the rug and was grinding her fat breasts against
the floor, rolling them beneath her weight like bread dough as she
gurgled in pleasure.
She came within minutes, and soon afterwards Lannie did too.
“I’m surprised you aren’t fucking boys since you like this so
much,” Lannie said.
“Want to know a secret?”
“Promise not to tell.”
“I do fuck boys, lots.”
“If you like boys then…”
“I like Helen too. I like boys and girls. But I live with
Helen, see, so I have to do what she says and I have to pretend I
don’t like boys. If she caught me with a boy she’d kill me.”
“Where do you meet boys if you live with Helen and don’t go to
“You can always meet boys, Lannie,” Nicky laughed. She looked
around carefully, then turned back to Lannie. “Want to know
another secret?”
Lannie nodded.
“Every Friday afternoon I go to this guy’s basement and him
and a bunch of other guys fuck me.”
“Yeah. You can come too. I’m going tomorrow. There’s always
lots of guys to go around.”
“Who are these guys?”
“I dunno. Who cares?”
“They all fuck you at the same time?”
“No. Usually one at a time. Sometimes if there’s a lot they’ll
do it two or even three at a time. One time they did it five at a
“How did they do it five at a time?”
“One up the ass. One up the pussy. One in my mouth, one in my
hand, and one in my titties.”
“With two of us there they probably wouldn’t need to do it
five at a time.”
“Uhm, I guess.”
They fucked and sucked for another couple of hours, then
Nicole had to be getting home. Lannie spent all evening, and a
long, sleepless night trying to decide whether to go with the
blonde girl tomorrow afternoon or not.
The idea of fucking a lot of guys was sure attractive,
especially if they didn’t know her and wouldn’t be able to tell
anyone about it. According to Nicole, the guy was in college, and
most of his friends were also from college. Lannie figured it
wasn’t likely any of them would know her.
The idea was incredibly exciting, and incredibly scary. She’d
have to show her naked body to maybe a dozen guys, if what Nicky
said was right. On the other hand, her mother claimed one of the
biggest problems with guys was that they didn’t last long enough.
Surely if she had, maybe five guys fucking her in a row that would
be plenty long enough for her to come.
She couldn’t ask her mom, of course, so she pondered the
decision for herself. In the morning she called Nicole and told her
she would go. Nicole gave her the address and said she’d meet her
Lannie skipped school and stayed home. She paced a lot, with
butterflies in her belly, and tried to decide what to wear. She
finally decided against wearing anything like sexy lingerie, since
it might get torn. She wore a simply jockey style halter and string
bikini shorts, and over them a short denim dress that zipped all
the way up the middle from neck to hem.
She also wore her cowboy boots, wanting a kind of cocky look.
She went to the address Nicole had given her, but didn’t see any
sign of the girl. She looked at the place, wondering if the ditzy
blonde had gone in ahead.
She went around the back, and saw a stairwell leading down to
the basement. She was anxious, worried, and even maybe a little
frightened, but she would be tremendously disappointed if after all
this effort she went to sleep tonight still a virgin.
Okay, so her mother had ripped her cherry with a dildo.
Technically she was still a virgin, since she’d never had a real
cock inside her.
She went down the stairs and stopped at the door, then put her
face against it, trying to see inside.
The door opened suddenly and she staggered back in surprise as a
tall man stuck his head out.
“Who are you?” he asked.
“Uhm, uhm, I was…uhm…looking for Nicky.”
“You a friend of Nicky’s?” he asked, looking her up and down.
“Uhm, yeah.”
“Come on in,” he said, pushing the door wide.
Lannie licked her lips worriedly, but then braced herself and
passed by, going into the basement. She found herself in a small
enclosed area, a washer and dryer on one side and a bunch of hooks
with clothes hanging from them on the other.
The man led her around the corner, and along set of stairs
that led up to the first floor. Then around the stairs to the main
area of the basement.
It was a finished basement, with a carpet on the floor. There
was a TV in one corner and a pool table that occupied much of the
floor. A long low black leather couch ran along one wall, and there
were several stuffed chairs scattered along the walls.
Three guys were sitting on the couch, and four others were
gathered around the pool table with sticks in their hands. Four
others were watching TV, and a couple of others were playing cards
in the corner, near a small table.
All of them turned and looked at her as she came forward. She
halted, her heart pounding and her pulse racing as she looked
around. Her face flushed and turned read and she licked her lips
“Uhm…where’s Nicky?” she gulped, her voice high and
“She hasn’t shown up yet,” the guy behind her said, draping
his arm across her shoulder. “My name’s Mike.”
“H…hi,” she breathed.
“What’s your name?”
“Uhm, uhm, Lannie,” she said.
“Lannie. That’s a nice name. Isn’t it, guys?” Mike said,
stroking her shoulder.
“Yeah,” several guys said. A couple of them came forward and
stood a few feet in front of Lannie as she looked around nervously.
“How long have you known Nicky?” Mike asked.
“UHm, not long.”
“You know why she comes here on Fridays?”
“Uhmmm…I’m not sure,” she gulped.
“Why did she tell you to come here?”
“I…I was…supposed to meet…her.”
“Uhmm…she…I…I’m not sure,” she stuttered, unable to
admit out loud that she’d come to get fucked.
“Nicky’s a real friendly girl,” one of the guys said. “Are you
a friendly girl, Lannie?”
“I’m…uhm, I…I guess,” she squeaked.
He stepped forward, a big guy with broad shoulders and short
blonde hair. “How about giving me a kiss then?” he grinned.
He leaned in and put his hands on Lannie’s shoulders, then
kissed her. She kissed back hesitantly.
He pulled back, his eyes flicking down her body. Then he
reached out and gripped the zipper. More guys had come up then, and
Lannie looked around desperately to see herself surrounded by them.
The guy slowly, slowly eased the zipper down. Lannie’s hands
flittered and jerked as she fought the natural instinct to stop
him. The zipper went down to her belly, then down further,
revealing her panties.
Then it reached the bottom and the dress was open all the way.
Someone behind her reached around and pulled the dress back and
off, leaving her in the panties and halter. The guys licked their
lips as a red faced Lannie half cowered back.
“Let’s get these off. They must be real uncomfortable,” Mike
said from behind her.
She felt his hands grip the bottom of her halter, then pull it
upwards. She let her arms raise as he pulled it upwards. She heard
a whoop and several appreciative comments as her breasts were
bared. She was temporarily blinded by the halter, and didn’t even
see who gripped her panties and tugged them down.
Then the panties and halter were gone and she was standing
there in her cowboy boots naked, a dozen or more hungry, staring
guys surrounding her. Her face was beet red and she was trembling
fearfully. She looked around her at the rows of glittering eyes and
licking tongues, almost dazed at the enormity of what was
“Nice body.”
“Nice tits.”
“Nicky’s got bigger ones.”
“These are better.”
“Lookit her slit.”
“Shaved just like Nicky.”
“Another slut.”
“Nice ass.”
“Who goes first?”
“Let’s fuck this whore!”
“I want to suck those titties.”
“Nice little nipples.”
The comments came from all around her as she stood still,
trembling and uncertain.
“Now don’t scare the little lady on her first visit,” Mike
said, sliding his hand around her waist. He pulled her back and led
her across the room to the leather couch. Everyone followed, and a
couple skipped ahead, going to the couch.
They pulled it outwards, and the back of the couch folded
down, turning the couch into a low leather bed.
She felt a little push, and Lannie sprawled forward on the
bed, then hurriedly turned around. A wall of sweaty, eager faces
confronted her. Then one guy stepped forward, short, but stocky,
with a crewcut. He dropped his pants and knelt on the bed.
He slid forward atop her without introducing himself, pushing
her back on the bed. His naked flesh pressed against her as his
hands slid over her body in eager exploration. He kissed her hard
and excitedly as his hands groped and squeezed her breasts tightly.
His hard organ was squeezed between her abdomen and his, but
not for long, as he reached down and took it in his hands. He
nudged her legs further open, then pressed the head of his
cock…his real cock…against her tight, virgin hole.
He pressed down hard, boring through her tight cunt opening
and forcing the hard prick deep into her pussy with one shove.
Lannie groaned and spread her legs more to ease the tightness in
her slit. The guys murmured in appreciation at this sign of
The stocky guys’ cock drove into her to the balls and Lannie
lay back and spread her arms and legs, submissively letting him
have his way with her. He sucked on her right nipple as he began to
hump into her. His cock pumped back and forth in her opening as she
looked around at the crowd of watchers, still scared, still
embarrassed, and still too anxious to really enjoy her first ever
The guy didn’t seem to particularly care what she did. He
humped steadily, his hips rolling back and forth against her thighs
as his weight crushed her down into the sofa bed. His hands
squeezed her breasts as his teeth gnawed at her throat.
His heavy body never left her as he fucked steadily and
casually down into her tight hole. He used the springs to good
advantage, fucking with a slow short stroke. Before long he picked
up the pace, grinding faster and faster as he gripped her hair and
jerked her face up so he could crush his lips down on hers.
She didn’t even know when he’d come except that he groaned and
then slowed down. After a few moments he got off and the next guy
got onto the bed. He too knelt between her splayed legs and fitted
his cock against her bare little slit, then shoved his cock deep.
This one, taller and more slender, fucked with more energy.
His ass rose and fell as he fucked his cock into her with deep,
powerful strokes.
The first few guys were like a blur to Lannie, because she was
too dazed, and too stunned and embarrassed to pay much attention to
But then as the embarrassment wore off and the shock and
anxiety with it, and the fucking started to become almost routine,
she started to try and get into things, to enjoy herself. She
thought of how slutty and nasty this was, and told herself, with
considerable wonder, that she was being gang banged.
She was being gang banged!
She looked around at the faces and felt the first hot flash of
lust since she’d entered the basement. All these
guys…guys…staring at her, watching her being fucked, waiting
their turns.
She paid more attention now on the guy fucking her. He was
bouncing painfully atop her, but his cock was rutting in and out of
her pussy with little contact with her clitty. She shifted her body
a little downwards and felt his cock beginning to saw across her
She raised her legs at last, raised her knees anyway, and put
her hands up on his shoulders. She began to push back at him, began
to grind her hips to maximize the contact between his pumping shaft
and her clitty.
Her body began to heat up, starting with the bubbling cauldron
between her legs. The warmth spread to her every nerve and muscle
and burned along her spine as the guy continued to rut into her.
Then he finished and shuffled off. For a long moment she was
naked, legs spread wide, all those guys staring at her. Her lust
blasted upwards. Then a guy climbed atop and settled between her
knees. He slid his cock into her and started fucking.
She fucked back at once, her arms going around him, her hands
sliding down onto his ass and jerking him harder against her as she
drew her knees back and rocked in time to his strokes.
His cock rasped across her clitty and she felt waves of
pleasure surging through her blood and bones. She grunted and
groaned, mewling in pleasure as her body began to flare with the
prelude to a sexual explosion.
Then she came, grunting and moaning and whining as he rocked
back and forth under the guy’s steady fucking stroke. She trembled,
and clung to him as he drove his cock deep into her belly.
She went limp for a minute as the guy finished, then another
guy got on her. He lifted her legs up and shoved her knees back
against her chest, holding them there with one hand as he pushed
the nose of his cock against her hole.
He shoved it in, then pressed her legs back further, using his
own weight to fold her in two beneath him. His hands came down on
either side of her head as he began to thrust with the hardest
stroke she’d yet felt, his big cock pistoning inside her fuck
channel as he drove it into her with savage excitement.
She began to heat up again, groaning in bliss as he rode her
pussy. His hips smashed down painfully hard against her upturned
buttocks, but she didn’t care. All she cared about was the cock
churning up her belly.
He finished and she felt some disappointment, but then the
next guy came forward. He turned her onto her belly and his hands
slid under her and raised her ass in the air. She knelt there on
all fours as the guy knelt behind her and then sent his steely cock
deep into her belly.
He pounded his cock into her, making her body jerk back and
forth in front of him. Her breasts swung violently as the other men
watched and she groaned and sighed in delight. The more time that
passed the less embarrassed she was, and the hotter and less
inhibited she got.
Another guy got on the bed in front of her, hard cock pointed
at her face. He pressed it against her mouth and she eased her lips
open slowly, letting him force his cock into her mouth, where her
waiting tongue began to lick eagerly.
She licked and sucked on his cock, working her lips up and
down its length, then felt his hand go behind her head a second
before he started fucking her face. She had an inkling what was
coming, considering that it was Nicky they were used to, and braced
herself like her mother had said.
His cock punched through and down her throat. She fought hard
to keep from panicking and throwing up. Her mother had warned her
that it was really a psychological problem more than anything else.
There were some cheers from the guys watching as they saw her
lips slide right down to the base of the guy’s cock. Lannie hardly
heard them. She was concentrating on the very strange and new
sensation of having her throat completely and totally blocked, top
to bottom.
It didn’t hurt, exactly, though it didn’t feel especially good
either. It made her want to grab her throat and cough hard.
The guy fucked her face slowly, at least, so it wasn’t too
bad. The guy behind was fucking much harder, and she was jerking
and shaking on the bed as he rammed his hips into her buttocks.
Then he came and slowed his strokes. He pulled back, and she
felt a new weight on the bed. She paid it little heed,
concentrating on the cock in her throat, and on the air that was
starting to run out.
She felt the guy’s cock slide into her pussy and start
pumping. The guy in front pulled his cock straight up her throat
and it popped free into her mouth. He pulled it free of her mouth
as she panted for breath and drew in great lungfuls of air.
He rubbed the wet cock over her face as she got her breath
back, then impatiently pressed it against her mouth again and
shoved it back down her throat.
Meanwhile the guy behind slowed his strokes and pulled his
cock out. Lannie thought for a moment that he had finished, but
then he pressed his cock against her asshole instead. No, it was
his finger. His finger probed against her asshole, then slid
He fucked his finger in her asshole several times, and she
felt something very slippery on it. It slid out, and then she felt
something much thicker pressing against the little round hole.
She couldn’t do or say anything, though, since her throat and
mouth were both full of cock.
The guy worked his slippery prick down deep into her anus and
she felt a shocked wave of pleasure at the realization that he was
sodomizing her…right here…in front of all these guys. She was
being fucked in the ass while a crowd of men watched.
Within seconds she came again, his hips pounding heavily
against her buttocks as she jerked and shook and trembled through
a silent orgasm.
The guy fucking her throat drew his prick back up so the head
was in her mouth, then blew his cork as she sucked on it. She drank
down his sperm instinctively, still mind blasted from her cum.
She felt herself turned onto her side, then someone grabbed
her hair and pulled her head back. Another cock was pushed into her
mouth as she felt something at her pussy. A cock slid into her cunt
and then it and the one in her asshole fucked steadily in tandem,
one sliding in as the other slid out.
Her leg was raised high into the air and held there by strong
hands as her crotch holes were fully used. She sucked as best she
could at the cock pumping in her throat, but mostly all she did was
lie there as the male meat slid up and down in her throat.
She wondered if she would be fucked by five guys at once like
Nicky had described. Sure enough, she felt hands squeezing her tits
together around a cock. She couldn’t see it since her head was
pulled back, but she felt the cock sliding between her tits as
hands mashed them down hard around it.
The guys were all saying things, yelling and laughing and
joking to each other as they watched her getting pumped, but she
didn’t listen and hardly heard.
Cock after cock pushed into her, one following the other so
fast she couldn’t keep track.
They dragged her out of the bed then, and held her upside
down. A guy slid under her, laying on his back on the floor, and
tilting her head back. They lowered her so her lips slid right down
his cock to the base.
Then cocks slid into her pussy and down her asshole as guys
pressed forward on either side. Another guy knelt in front of her
and fucked her tits as the other guy there spread his legs wide to
give him room, still fucking down into her pussy without pause.
She felt her arms lifted up and out to either side, and cocks
were placed in her hands. She squeezed them uncertainly for a
moment, then began to jerk them off. She was, she thought dazedly,
being fucked by six guys at once, not five.
Then she came, shaking and writhing and jerking in their grasp
as the ecstasy rushed over her. Nothing, she thought, with one of
her last clear thoughts, could be as good as this. Sucking pussy
was great, certainly, and getting her pussy sucked was even better.
But this…this was what she was made for, what her body was
designed for.
She came again, thrashing wildly, her body convulsing under
the massive, crackling sexual electricity that rode up and down her
Cocks spilled their juice inside her, then more cocks thrust
into her. They came, and more cocks replaced them. She came and
came, falling unconscious through exhaustion several times, only to
wake to cocks, cocks fucking her tits, cocks fucking her pussy,
cocks pounding up her asshole.
She didn’t know how many guys there were, or how many times
they fucked her, all she knew was pleasure, and deep, soul stirring
Her legs were wide, cocks pounding inside her. She groaned and
came again.
On the other side of a wall, peering through one way glass,
three women stood watching.
“Too bad,” Helen sighed. “Such a pretty one too.”
“Cock hungry slut,” Susan glared.
“She sure does like it,” Nicky said.
They watched the girl’s back arch violently, jerking and
shaking as a guy fucked her furiously. Her head was pulled back and
a cock was down her throat.
“Give it up, Susan,” Helen said. “She’s already taken…by a
rough count maybe fifty cocks and she’s still acting like a bitch
in heat.”
Susan nodded disappointedly. She watched her daughter pushed
onto her side yet again, watched two guys kneel between her legs
and thrust their cocks into her gaping pussy and asshole, then
begin fucking with savage strokes.
“Let’s go to the bar and have a few drinks,” Helen said.
Susan nodded. She took a last look through the little window,
then followed the other two out of the room.
On the other side, the glass that was a mirror here, reflected
a lewd, carnal scene as the brunette was fucked and sodomized again
and again. Her cries of pleasure grew weaker and weaker as more
cocks pushed in against her, but they didn’t stop until she lost
consciousness entirely.