Help! I’m anal fingered in the elevator

Dani stepped off the bus into the madness that comprised the
downtown business district at lunchtime. Class was over; now it
was time to keep her lunch date with Brent.

She turned many a male head as she made her way across the
courtyard toward the sixteen-story building in which Brent
worked. Dani was quite a looker; she was a twenty-year-old
college coed with a gorgeous fair complexion, long, flowing
blonde hair and expressive blue eyes. Five-foot-six with a figure
to die for, she had on a pink top and low-riding, hip-hugging
white pants, which left a substantial swath of midriff exposed.

Brent was twenty years her senior, and already quite successful
in the business world. Her mind wandered as she approached the
door leading to the lobby, and she nearly collided with a stout
middle-aged man who was scrambling to hold the door for her. “I’m
sorry,” she said sheepishly, well aware that she needn’t have
bothered to apologize. Dani knew that the old goat was just
hoping for a rear view as she crossed the lobby, and surely
relished the incidental body contact.

She pressed the “up” button next to the elevator. The car
arrived, and four others boarded with her. As a result, the
elevator was crowded, but there was still plenty of breathing
room and space to move about. “Eleven,” she said to the man near
the panel of buttons; Brent worked way up on the eleventh floor.
Dani, lost in thought, paid little mind to the others on board.

They hadn’t gone very far when every elevator rider’s worst
nightmare came to pass. The lights went out, a loud thud was
heard and the elevator quickly ground to a halt.

Shouts of confusion, and a few curses, were heard from Dani’s
fellow passengers. Dani, in a hurry too, called out into the
darkness, “The emergency phone. Someone find the emergency

“I’m one step ahead of you,” came a woman’s voice. “But the damn
thing is dead as a doornail.”

Resigned to their temporary fate, the five passengers made small
talk, which soon evolved into humor derived from their
predicament. Ten minutes passed, with no sign of power returning;
the conversations started to drag, and the group grew quiet.

What happened next took only a few seconds. But for Dani, the
sensation surrounding the whole episode made it seem like
minutes, if not longer.

Dani had positioned herself near the door, facing sideways; she
began to sense a presence lurking directly behind her.. She was
startled to feel a hand touch her lower back, on the bare skin
around her midriff. She drew back instinctively, then became
aware of a cool draft diffusing downward between her ass cheeks.
She realized that someone had hooked the back of her pants and
her thong underwear with a finger, and had pulled them slightly
away from her body. It was as if someone wanted to give her a
wedgie, but somehow, Dani knew that this individual’s intent
wasn’t quite so innocuous.

She became paralyzed; she wanted to scream or run away, but
couldn’t. The mysterious stranger’s hand burrowed its way
downward, spreading her round, firm cheeks apart as it went. She
felt a thumb pressing against the inside of one cheek, and a ring
finger and pinky against the other, spreading them apart, leaving
her asshole vulnerable.

Any questions Dani may have had as to the whereabouts of those
remaining two fingers would be quickly answered, in the blink of
an eyelash. Like a scorpion delivering a fatal sting to its
insect prey, or a wet towel being playfully slapped against bare
skin, that duo of digits was about to deliver a vicious assault
on Dani’s poor exposed pucker.

It happened with lightning speed. An arm snaked around her torso
and ensnared her; she could feel breathing on her neck. The
intruder’s index and middle fingers pressed forcefully against
her anus, which despite the absence of lubrication, admitted them
both without a fight. Her inner sphincter put up more of a
struggle; but it, too, was no match for the tremendous pressure
emanating from the hand and arm of this anonymous assailant. The
pain was intense; she tried to scream, but could only muster a
feeble yelp, still plainly audible in the silent darkness. The
fingers continued their way inward and upward, now penetrating
deep within Dani’s bowels, until she felt a set of knuckles
pressing firmly into her bottom. The assault had been deftly
executed with deadly accuracy, and the violation was crass,
brazen and total.

And then, just as quickly, the trespassing appendages were
withdrawn. Dani emitted another cry, this one in relief, as the
fingers slid back out through her anal cavity, giving her the
sensation of having an involuntary bowel movement.

In the pitch darkness, the perceived movement around Dani told
her that the encroacher had moved away. The quiet that now
pervaded the elevator also informed her that all the occupants
were aware that something had just transpired. Her cries, though
subdued, had tipped them off. She wondered what was going through
their minds.

Dani tried to regain her composure; her ass felt as though it was
on fire. She straightened up her pants, and became aware of a
different sensation, as well… this one pleasurable, and quite
inexplicable. She felt her nipples harden; she felt her pussy
getting ever so slightly damp. Sexual arousal, like when she and
Brent made love, or when he went down on her. Dani felt as if her
body was betraying her. How could she enjoy being treated like
that? How could she?

And just like that, the electrical power returned. The motor
whirred into action, the lights came on, and the car once again
lurched upward.

As Dani squinted to allow her eyes to adjust to the light, she
gazed intently at the four other riders, who were also looking
inquisitively at one another. There was a well-built, casually
dressed man of medium height who looked to be about forty, with
short graying hair. There was a tall, slender, serious-looking
middle-aged woman with long dark hair, in a white ruffled blouse
and a gray skirt with matching blazer. There was a short, stocky,
thirtysomething Asian man in an expensive business suit. And the
final occupant appeared to be a building maintenance worker; she
was a chunky, older Latina in a light blue and white striped
uniform dress. None of the four, by appearance, jumped out as the
perpetrator; but Dani knew that beyond question, one of them

She was tempted to scream out, “Which one of you just fingered my
ass?” But she couldn’t muster up the gumption, and as the
elevator door opened and her four companions scattered, Dani
realized that she’d never know who did it.

And to her further surprise, not knowing the identity, or even
the gender, of the guilty party turned Dani on even more. By the
time she greeted Brent near his office, her panties were soaked.

“Hiya, gorgeous,” said Brent. “We had a power failure, and I
wasn’t sure you’d be able to find your way up here.”

“I did, and I have an idea,” came her response. “Let’s forget
lunch, and head back to my dorm room instead.”