I share my wife with an African Company Director

Leanne squirmed in the arms of Osagyefo Kuntunkununko,
he was holding her too close and she was feeling
overpowered by his closeness. It was inappropriate! Her
hands sought his to pull them away from her
delightfully curvy bottom.

He was worse than a schoolboy, all groping hands and
hot breath. He had even been so crass as to stick a
cucumber or long carrot down his trousers and rub it
against her. This was the sort of behaviour she
expected from teenage boys in Watford, when she was 16
years old. Not the sort of behaviour she expected from
a mature man who held the post of Company Director in
her husband’s new company.

It had all started innocently enough. They had been
delighted to be invited to a welcoming party. Most of
the Company Director’s were present. All were African.
Not a surprise really. Most of the managers were white,
and they were here with their wives and those daughters
old enough to drink and socialise. Though some of the
girls looked too young to be drinking no one seemed to
care. The dancing had been wild and carefree, very

She had danced with all of the African Company
Director’s. It seemed to be the right thing to do. Mark
had been drinking heavily as was his style, but he had
not embarrassed her yet. After six years of marriage he
had responded to redundancy in the UK by
uncharacteristic drinking. Near the end of the evening
the music had switched to mood music and she had not
resisted when the African she had been dancing with had
pulled her close. It would have been rude. Now she
regretted not immediately returning to her husband.

The slow dance had turned into a wrestling match, with
an African with six, remarkably strong arms and the
libido of a teenage boy who has discovered sex for the
first time!

She glanced across the room for her husband seeking his
help. Mark was helping himself to another Pimm’s Nr 1.
She cringed inwardly. How many had he drunk tonight?
She had lost count of the number of pints of Pimm’s Nr
1 her husband had drunk since arriving at the party.

Ever since they had discovered this lovely brandy based
drink laced with lemonade, orange, banana and various
exotic fruits she still did not know the name of yet,
they had both fallen in love with it. Unfortunately it
was quite strong and Mark was not one for moderation.
He had probably already drank well beyond his limit.
Not that they worried too much. In the one month since
arriving in Zimbabwe they had only seen one police car,
and the driver of that had been clearly drunk himself.

It had given them both quite a fright trying to
negotiate around a police car weaving all over the


Her hand rose to slap Osagyefo’s face.

The grinning African had just squeezed one of her full
and jutting breasts!

Osagyefo received her slap with a grin and took
advantage of her waving arm to slide his arm around her
supple waist and urge her a few feet further to the
left. She pushed at his chest. It was like pushing a
brick wall. Her pushing seemed to have no effect on him
at all, while he had one arm around her waist. The
result of pushing away from him while her own waist was
pinned by his arm was to rub her hips against him.

Osagyefo grinned as she squirmed in his arms.

Osagyefo loved the feel of this young woman in his
arms. Taking a deep breath he relished her fresh smell,
a warm homely smell of fresh clean white womanhood.
White women smelt differently to African women and
Osagyefu loved that smell. She seemed devoid of any
scent, but her natural smell was delightful. He looked
down at her flowing tawny hair, which flowed across her
shoulders. His hands ran down her arms, stroking the
soft velvet seeming skin.

Leanne squirmed free of his wandering hands, but they
dropped to her waist.

Osagyefo’s large hands grasped her waist. With one hand
holding her firm, his other hand slipped under her top
caressing the soft flesh. He loved the way she twisted
and squirmed to free herself. This young white woman
was truly lovely. He pulled her forward and rubbed
himself against her softness. He watched her look of
annoyance and frustration. She was trying to be polite.

To avoid creating a scene with her husband’s employer.

He grinned. He enjoyed moments like this.

His hand slid lower. He cupped and held the tightly
packed derriere of the new engineer’s wife. Her bottom
was soft, and curvy.

Leanne squirmed free again, and his hand slid back to
her waist.

His cock was stiff and hard and he rubbed it against
her, delighting in the softness of her body and she
politely struggled against him.

Leanne could feel that cucumber, hot against her thigh,
rub slowly back and forth. Stupid boy! Did she really
think that teenage trick would work with her!

She pulled her hips back and wrestled with his arm.
Unfortunately, in pushing her hips away and trying to
wrench free, her upper body swung round and all of a
sudden she found her breasts crushed against his chest.
The hand that had squeezed her breast now circled her
shoulder and pulled her close. Squashing her full
breasts against his chest.

She slapped him again.

Osagyefo’s grin widened at the feisty response of this
lovely English wife and pulled her close.

She flushed!

This was impossible where was her husband?

Osagyefo relished the feel the white woman’s full,
rounded, breasts crushed against his chest. Not many
African women had the full, firm, jutting, roundness
owned by Mark’s lovely wife. The feel of them rubbing
against his chest excited him further, he looked
forward to holding and caressing them, kissing and
sucking them. Even through their clothes he could feel
the tell tale stiffness of her nipples. The woman was
aroused despite all her protests.

He would make her squeal when he squeezed and twisted
those taut buds.

He twirled her around while she was off balance, and
then edged her a few feet closer to the corridor
leading to the bedrooms.

The other dancers casually moved aside as he slowly
worked the unwitting female closer to the bedrooms.

All in the room knew what was intended.

Except Mark and Leanne.

Sarah, Tania, and Laura watched with envy and desire as
Leanne was coaxed and wrestled across the room.

Bob, John, and Gary watched with barely suppressed
excitement at the thought of what the African men were
going to do with Mark’s lovely wife. Bob, John and Gary
were very excited and aroused about what the Africans
were going to be doing tonight between those lovely
legs, and the tight cheeks of her rounded bottom.

The thought of that lovely head being held in place at
an African’s loins while a black cock was thrust
between her lips was steadily driving them wild. Leanne
was going to experience that which their own wives and
daughters had experienced. The ‘oh so clever’ Mark was
going to be cuckolded in typical African style, by
multiple African men between his wife’s legs. She may
resist now, that just added to the excitement.

Fifteen year old Susan, and sixteen year old Rebecca,
pouted in annoyance at the woman who was stealing the
attention of the African men from their own eager and
anxious young bodies.

They were both hot and excited and eager to be fucked

Leanne was lovely. At 26 she was in the full bloom of
her womanhood. Only five foot tall, but exceptionally
shapely, with long, wavy ash blond hair. Spectacularly
full and firm breasts enhanced by the tight tops Leanne
had worn since her womanhood had sprouted into being. A
supple waist, above a rounded peach like derriere that
had drawn hungry eyes and turning heads since she was
16. Full, shapely legs that give her bottom a
delightful and natural sway as she walked.

The African Company Directors supped their drinks and
cursed that it is was Osagyefo’s turn to break in the
new expat’s wife. His cock would be the first to
stretch open her undoubted tightness. They supped their
drinks, and eyed Sarah, Tania, Laura, Susan, and
Rebecca wondering which to spend time with before they
got their own chance with the lovely Leanne.

Now that bundle of delightful womanhood was in the arms
of a strong determined African who knew what he wanted,
and was going to get what he wanted.

Mark struggled to his feet. He could sense the
atmosphere in the room. Across the room he saw his wife
in the arms of the Production Director. She seemed to
be struggling with him. He shook his head to clear the
alcohol, and looked again. This time Leanne was held
close, and they seemed to be moving, dancing slowly.
All the other couples were dancing slow and close.

He took another drink, and looked across at his wife
and Osagyefo. Through a haze he watched Osagyefo’s
black hand move from his wife’s waist. Slide lower, and
cup and thoroughly caress his wife’s curvy derriere,
his black hand was starkly outlined on the bright
whiteness of the tightly fitting jeans.


That was out of order.

He moved to walk towards his wife and Osagyefo, but
paused as a wave of vertigo assaulted him. For once he
wished he had not drunk so much. Regaining control he
walked over to his wife and Osagyefo.

Only to discover they were no longer there!

Bemused he looked around.

Over the shoulder of the Managing Director, Agboli
Agbo, who was standing in the doorway he suddenly
noticed Leanne and Osagyefo at the other end of the
corridor. Leanne was struggling and pushing against
him. Her lovely slim slightly tanned arms tight against
the African’s chest. He had his arms wrapped around her
and was urging her towards the far door.


He struggled to contain the sudden surge in his throat.
To curb the sickness he suddenly felt.

‘That’s my wife!’

He waved his arms, then struggled to overcome the
resulting dizziness.

‘Boss, stop him, he’s going to rape her!’

Agboli glanced behind him then down at the drunken
Englishman. He hoped he was not regularly drunk he
expected another 23 months of hard work from this expat
professional. He hoped he had not recruited a drunkard.
He expected a full hard working commitment from his
expat staff even if he and his friends were fucking
their wives and daughters.

‘Stop him…please?’

Agboli liked to hear white men beg. Not as much as he
liked to hear their wives and daughters beg, but it was
nice to see these so called professional experts
reduced to begging.

He always responded well to a woman’s begging pleas.

Mark was out of luck, however.

‘Don’t be silly Mark. You have had too much too drink.
Do not make a scene.’

‘But…but…’ he gestured and sought to move forward.
Agboli’s bulk blocked his way forward.


Tania, John’s wife, came forward and looked over
Agboli’s shoulder.

‘Are you OK Leanne?’

Leanne looked down the corridor, show could not see her
husband who was hidden behind Agboli’s bulk. She saw
Tania and rolled her eyes at her. She struggled to get
her arms free and wave to her. Breathless and panting
from her struggle, she was wordless.

Tania turned to Mark and laid her hand on his arm.

‘She’s OK.’

‘But he is forcing her into that room.’

‘No, not really, has she called out to you? Asked for
your help? She is not fighting, and kicking and
screaming! I think you have drunk too much and
misunderstood the situation.’

Mark looked over Agboli’s shoulder. Osagyefu had opened
the door at the end of the corridor. With a lightning
movement his left hand dived down over her bottom and
with a quick flick of the wrist he goosed her.

Mark watched as Leanne seemed to leap into the air and
bound into the room. Osagyefu grinned and followed her
into the room closing the door behind them

Agboli grinned at Tania and Mark. He slipped a hand
around Tania’s waist while his free hand dipped into
the front of Tania’s dress. Mark watched disbelieving
as her full, round white breast popped out of her
dress. He stared at the black hand holding and
caressing that white fullness.

Befuddled he turned to see Tania’s husband Richard
approach with a fresh Pimms. Mark took the drink
astonished that Richard showed no anger or concern at
Agboli’s open caress of Tania’s breast.

He was confused.


Leanne gasped as the breath was knocked from her body.
Osagyefo had slammed her back up against the wall then
pinned her against it. His hand reached for her long
tresses and jerked her head back.

Leanne squeal was smothered as his lips found hers.

Shocked by his fierce demanding mouth sought hers and
the pain from her hair. Almost without realising she
was doing it she was kissing him back. Their lips
crushed together, seeking pleasure. His hard demanding
mouth was electrifying.

She squealed again as his dark hand dove between her

The animal!

He was so rough!

So forceful!

The teenage boy had transformed into a demanding
lusting man and her knees were weak.

His hand jerked her hair again. She whimpered into his
mouth and kissed him fiercely. Her tongue darted into
his mouth.

Her hand feebly tried to push his hand from between her
legs with little effect.

He cupped her vulva and stroked and petted the pussy

She moaned into his mouth.

His hand rose from between her legs.

Strong fingers snapped free the button for her white

The sound of her zipper being lowered sent Leanne into
another frenzy of struggling.



She struggled thinking of her husband.

His dark hand slid inside the front of her jeans.

Slid deep inside her panties.

She struggled desperately to keep his hands from her
private parts, anxious that he should not discover her
excited state. It was so shameful that a man should
arouse her other than her beloved husband Mark.

Her struggles only delayed the inevitable.

A thick black finger slid through the wet aroused lips
of her feminine centre. It hooked through the soft
hair, and pushed up and in.

She moaned into his mouth. As his lips broke free from
hers, she looked up into his eyes. Grinning, laughing
eyes that look down into hers.

With a little thrust his finger slipped further up
inside her past the first knuckle, and in to the second

‘So wet.’

Leanne struggled not to slide down the wall. Her knees

The finger circled inside her.



The words shocked her.


His finger circled and his thumb found her clitoris.




He grinned and nodded at her as his finger aroused and
excited her.

‘You love it you lovely English slut.’

Leanne was shocked to be talked too like this!

What right had this man to call her such names?

To treat her like this?

Then his finger circled deeper and she nearly swooned
at the pleasure.

His finger slipped out and Leanne found herself wishing
it back in.

His hands were at her waist pushing down her jeans, She
wriggled her hips to help the process, her panties
falling with them.

She was pinned back against the wall in his arms again,
as he again kissed. Now his hands had slid up inside
her top. She offered no resistance as his large,
calloused hands seized and caressed the full, jutting

She was startled that his hands were rough, calloused,
the hands of labourer, who had worked hard. Not the
soft professional hands of her husband, or those she
would expect from a Company Director. She felt a pang
of guilt at that comparison. She pulled free, and he
slapped her. Shocked she looked at him.

He slapped her again.

‘No more games.’

He reached for her top and pulled her closer.

In a moment he had shredded her top.

Leanne was appalled.

Mark had bought that top in Paris on their first
wedding anniversary.

She was naked.

Osagyefo reached out for her hair twirling it into his

Roughly he pulled it tight, twisting her around and
using his grip on her hair hurled her onto the bed.

She shrieked in pain and surprise.

She stumbled across the room, collapsing onto the bed.

The animal!

To treat her so!

She rolled onto her back and looked up at him.

He stood there above her.


Incredible, she thought. Here is a man who has stripped
her, aroused her, and hurled her onto the bed, and
there he stands still immaculate dressed.

She made no effort to get up from the bed…

She watched as he unfastened his tie.

Removed his jacket and took off his shirt.

She watched as he unfastened his belt and laid it

He unfastened and removed his trousers.

She stared.

The cucumber… it… it was not a cucumber… it was
for real!

She edged backwards on the bed, suddenly afraid.

He laughed and grabbed her slim white ankles in his
large black hands and pulled her closer.

He stretched her.

Stretched her unbelievably… but it felt good.

It felt more than good.

It was terrific.

She writhed and squirmed beneath him.

His black body above hers rose and fell.

Humped and thrust.

She clasped him tight and thrust herself back at him.

Loving the incredible sensation his black cucumber was
giving her. She had never dreamed a cock could be as
big as this. Could be so long and so thick. That such a
size could fit inside her. That it could feel so
incredibly good. This was much better than sex with her
loving caring husband!

She squealed and gasped.

Panted and groaned.

She urged him deeper.

When he came inside her it was like a hot geyser
shooting up into the sky.

She nearly fainted from the pleasure and orgasm it gave


She lay sated and satisfied on the bed as he dressed.

She would have been shocked and horrified to discover
that today Osagyefo was celebrating his sixtieth
birthday. Though later when she discovered his age. She
still found herself helpless to resist his advances.

As he left the room. Another Company Director, Samuel
Osabu, entered the room.

Embarrassed, Leanne reached for her clothes and sought
to get dressed. Samuel grinned and pulled the clothes
out of her hand. She looked at him confused. She backed
away as he advanced on her. His dark hands grasped her
shoulders and pushed her backwards onto the bed.

Shocked she looked up at him, as he started to undress.

Her eyes fell unconsciously to his trousers.

Her eyes widened at the large bulge in his trousers.

She lay back on the bed resting on her elbows as he

As he climbed onto the bed she spread her lovely legs
for him.

It was incredible that two men should have such large

There were three more Company Directors at that party.

Leanne was not disappointed with the size of any of

Nor were they with her performance and response.


Mark woke up the next day with a huge hangover, and
very little memory of the night before. What memory he
did have he suppressed…

Until the next party….