With my cock head in her mouth I started to push in little by little

My name is John and my wife Kelly and we’ve have been
married for about 5 years (I’m 27 and she’s 25) and we
enjoy a pretty active and varied sex life.

We like to take pictures and videos of ourselves while
having sex and on occasion, we also like to use various
toys. We have a pretty good collection of toys
consisting of about 10 dildos/vibrators that vary in
size from a small finger sized vibrator to a giant 18″
black rubber dildo with a suction cup on the base. I am
open enough that I like to use these toys as much as my
wife does.

Well, this story is about me, my wife, and a girl friend
of hers. Jennifer is 24 and is really good looking.
She’s not married, but has a boyfriend that she’s been
seeing for about a year. Lately, she and her boyfriend
Jeff have been having some trouble, the details of which
I don’t know, but she often calls Kelly crying after her
and Jeff have had a fight.

Jennifer, like Kelly, is very sexual and open. She has
seen our pictures and toys and, although we have never
done it before, Kelly and I have talked about trying to
get Jennifer to join us for a threesome. We both think
she is open enough to consider it, but Kelly says that
the time has never been right to actually ask Jennifer
about it.

A few weeks ago, Jennifer called after fighting with
Jeff and told Kelly she wanted to go out bar hopping to
forget about her troubles. Kelly also told me that
Jennifer was thinking about leaving Jeff. I thought that
that sounded like good news for us. I told Kelly that
she should try to steer their conversation towards sex
during their night out and kind of feel Jennifer out
about a threesome if she could. She thought this was a
good opportunity too.

Kelly got ready and came down just as Jennifer rang the
doorbell. She looked great in a short skirt, tank top,
black stockings with garter, and high heels. Before she
opened the door, she lifted her skirt to show me that
she wasn’t wearing any underwear. I’m not one for the
bar scene, so I rarely go out with her and it doesn’t
bother me what she wears or even if she flirts and
dances with other guys.

Jennifer and Kelly dress a lot alike when they go out
and tonight was no different. Jennifer was wearing a
short, loose fitting skirt, spaghetti-strap top, and
high heels. They both looked very hot which caused me to
start to get a hard-on, something that I think Jennifer
noticed cause I was wearing an old pair of thin,
somewhat tight sweat cutoffs with no underwear and she
looked at my lap and then up at me and grinned. I like
wearing these shorts just for that reason.

Well, they didn’t stay long and I was soon alone so I
decided to spend the night in front of the computer. I
like to read sex stories and chat with women when I’m
home alone on the weekends. I hook the video camera up
to the computer and sometimes cuseeme with women. I have
a number of online women friends I talk to and flirt
with on a regular basis.

It was about 11:30 pm when Kelly called and said they
were on the way home. She said that Jennifer had drank a
bit too much and she was having to practically carry her
to the cab. They had also seen Jennifer’s boyfriend
there and since she was still pissed at him she wanted
to go. Kelly gets very horny when she drinks so I knew I
was in for some hot sex when she got home and doing it
with a guest in the house made it even more exciting.

At about midnight they stumbled in and I could tell they
were both pretty well wasted. I was on the couch
drinking some margaritas and watching TV at this point
and got up to help them in. Jennifer was worse off than
Kelly, so I held Jennifer’s arm to help her to the
couch. When we got in front of the couch she fell down
on the couch taking me with her. Trying to break her
fall, she put her hand right on my cock.

She didn’t seem to notice, but I swear she squeezed my
cock a little bit, which caused me to start getting
hard. I got up and sat back down in a chair while they
sat on the couch saying that they wanted to stay up for
a little bit and watch TV. After a few minutes, Kelly
said she was going to get into her night shirt. When she
got up, Jennifer asked if she had one she could wear.
Kelly said she did and said she would bring it to her.

I thought they were going to change right there in the
living room, but when Kelly got back, she handed
Jennifer a long shirt and said she could change in the
bathroom. Kelly helped her to the bathroom and closed
the door. She then started to undress there in the
living room and when she had everything off but her
stockings, garter belt, and high heels, she grinned and
walked over and stood in front of me.

I sat up and smiled at her, then I took my hand and
started to caress her smooth cunt mound. She spread her
feet apart some to allow me easier access as I slowly
slid my fingers between her lips and found out she was
soaking wet, so I started to fondle her hard little
clit. Her eyes closed and her head fell back while I
pumped two fingers in and out of her wet cunt while
fingering her clit with my thumb. After a few minutes of
this she was moaning louder and just about to cum when
we heard the door to the bathroom open, so I stopped.

I looked her in the eyes and licked my hand clean, she
pouted cause she was so close, but then grabbed her
night shirt and pulled it on. Jennifer walked in just as
Kelly had got herself covered up. Jennifer smiled,
sniffed at the air, and said it smelled like she had
interrupted something. I leaned back in my chair and
Kelly finished removing her stockings, garter, and high

Kelly went to the bathroom to clean up a bit (and
probably finish herself off) while I went into the
kitchen to make some more margaritas. After making a
pitcher of margaritas I got a interesting idea. I took
the pitcher in one hand, pulled out my semi-hard cock,
and slowly stuck my cock into freezing mixture. Of
course, it was too cold to keep my cock in it for too
long, so I pulled out quickly and wiped my now shrunken
cock of with a towel.

Just as I put my cock back into my shorts, Jennifer
walked in. I thought, “oh shit!” I hope she didn’t see
what I had done. Luckily, she didn’t seem to react as
though she had. I was thinking about jerking off into
the mixture, good thing I didn’t, she would have seen
that for sure.

Anyway, Jennifer said she had come in to help get the
drinks. So I made three glasses and Jennifer and I
carried them in to the living room where Kelly was
sitting on the couch. I sat back down in the chair and
Jennifer sat next to Kelly and handed her drink to her.

We have a pretty good selection of movies so we decided
to watch Aliens. After about thirty minutes, we were all
on our second margarita when I noticed the girls had
drifted off. Jennifer was leaning back with her legs up
on the couch and spread apart slightly. I could see that
her shirt was just barely covering her butt and during
bright parts of the movie I could see up her shirt
enough to notice that she didn’t seem to be wearing any
panties. I got up and shook Kelly to wake her.

Then I whispered to her that Jennifer was asleep and
asked if she wanted to give me a blowjob there in front
of her. Kelly grinned at me and nodded. I slid my
shorts off and sat back down while Kelly kneeled in
front of me. Kelly grasped my cock and started to lick
and suck my balls. I spread my legs over the arms of the
chair to give her better access to the area under my
balls and my ass, which I love to have licked.

She was pumping my cock up and down while licking and
tonguing my asshole, causing me to breathe harder. I
tried to keep quite so I wouldn’t wake Jennifer. As
Kelly took my cock in her mouth I watched Jennifer in
case she woke up. She bobbed up and down on my cock for
a few minutes when I got an idea. I stopped her and
asked her if she wanted to see how heavy a sleeper
Jennifer was, especially with all the alcohol in her
system. She said she thought that was a great idea.

Kelly got off her knees and sat back down beside
Jennifer on the couch. She started by gently resting her
hand on Jennifer’s leg. When Jennifer didn’t seem to
notice, Kelly started to slowly rub her leg, moving her
hand towards Jennifer’s upper thigh. She then gently
pushed the bottom of Jennifer’s shirt up to her hips.
The shirt was baggy enough that she could do this
without pulling on the shirt.

Kelly kept watching Jennifer’s face for any signs of her
waking, but seemed to be out cold. When Jennifer’s pussy
was exposed, Kelly looked over at me and grinned,
noticing that I was slowly jerking off while watching.
We both saw that Jennifer also shaved all her pubic hair
and since there didn’t seem to be any stubble, I figured
she had just shaved today.

Kelly then slowly spread Jennifer’s legs a little
further apart. Jennifer was now leaning back on the
couch with her legs spread, her shirt up around her
waist, and her bald pussy exposed. I got up and mouthed
that I’d be right back. I went to our bedroom and got
some toys; a small 5″ vibrator, a big 11″ vibrator with
small bumps all over it, a 5″ vibrating butt plug, a
strap-on with a 9″ dildo, and some KY.

When I got back to the living room, Kelly saw what I had
and smirked. I put the toys and the KY on the floor in
front of the couch where she could get them easily, but
also where she could just push them under the couch in a
hurry if she needed to. I sat back down and continued to
watch my wife play with her sleeping friend.

Kelly licked one of her fingers, gently placed it in
Jennifer’s slit and started to gently rub her finger up
and down Jennifer’s slit. As she slowly circled
Jennifer’s clit with her finger, I noticed her other
hand was between her own legs. I could tell that
Jennifer was breathing hard now, but she was still dead
to the world.

Kelly started to put two of her fingers in Jennifer’s
pussy while rubbing her clit with her thumb. I couldn’t
believe that Jennifer was sleeping through this, thank
god I made those margaritas so strong. Jennifer was also
starting to move her hips a little and make small
moaning sounds. This encouraged Kelly to pump her
fingers in and out of Jennifer faster. Jennifer was
breathing harder and making small whimpering noises, she
really seemed to be enjoying Kelly’s fingers even though
she was asleep. After a few minutes, Kelly pulled her
fingers out of Jennifer’s pussy, they were glistening
with Jennifer’s juices.

Kelly sniffed at her fingers a little, looked at me with
a little grin, and then licked and sucked her fingers

Kelly got up and then knelt on the floor in front of
Jennifer. She looked at me and patted the spot on the
couch next to Jennifer where she had just been sitting.
I got up and went to sit down on next to Jennifer, while
Kelly proceeded to spread Jennifer’s pussy lips and
gently began to tongue her clit. I pumped up and down on
my cock while watching my wife taste her first pussy.
Kelly was fingering herself while she licked and sucked
Jennifer’s clit and pussy.

After just a minute or so, I could see Kelly shutter and
I knew she had just cum. Meanwhile, Jennifer looked like
she was also getting close. I didn’t know if she could
cum while sleeping or not, but she was breathing hard
and moving her hips as Kelly licked and sucked her.
Suddenly, Jennifer sucked in her breath and went still.
Knowing she was cumming, Kelly kept licking and sucking
until Jennifer stopped moving altogether.

Kelly stopped and got up to come to me and kiss me with
Jennifer’s delicious juices still in and around her
mouth. She then bent down in front of me and sucked my
cock a few times before getting up and getting the 5″
vibrator on the floor. Then she kneeled in front of
Jennifer, turned on the vibrator, and started rubbing it
over Jennifer’s clit.

I got up and walked around to the end of the couch where
Jennifer’s mouth was. I rubbed the head of my cock on
her lips while pushing trying to get her to open her
mouth. Just then, Kelly pushed the vibrator into
Jennifer’s pussy and started to fuck her with it. This
caused Jennifer to gasp a bit and open her mouth. I took
the opportunity to push the head of my cock in to her

With my cock head in her mouth I started to push in
little by little. Now I’m not huge, but I’m at least
average, about 7″ and with a good thickness. So I
started to slowly fuck her mouth, going deeper with each
thrust until I there was just a couple of inches left. I
didn’t want to put too much in fearing that I would
choke her and wake her up.

Kelly was getting close to another orgasm by fingering
herself while fucking Jennifer with the vibrator. She
stopped fingering herself and watched me fuck Jennifer’s
mouth while she licked her own fingers clean, then she
picked up the larger studded vibrator and lubricated it
a little by licking it all over. Then she turn it on and
started rubbing her wet slit with it, slowly working it
in and out of her hot pussy.

She started fucking Jennifer at the same pace she was
fucking herself and after a few minutes she started to
cum again. This time she moaned pretty load and
shuddered while cumming hard. Seeing this sent me over
the edge and I pulled out of Jennifer’s mouth thinking
that if I came in her mouth, that that would wake her
for sure.

After pulling out of her mouth, I moved over so the tip
of my cock was pointing towards Jennifer’s wet pussy
while Kelly continued to fuck her with the vibrator. I
fisted my cock faster and faster and after a few more
seconds, erupted what seemed like a pint of cum all over
Jennifer’s cunt and belly.

Kelly held her legs together keeping the studded
vibrator buried in her cunt, while using her free hand
to rub my cum in Jennifer’s skin and her clit. When I
was done cumming, Kelly pulled the vibrators out and set
them on the floor. She then reached for the strap-on
and I knew what she wanted to do next.

I went back to sit next to Jennifer on the couch while
Kelly put the strap-on on herself. This strap-on has a
6″ dildo on the inside to pleasure whoever is wearing it
and an 9″ dildo on the outside for the one they are
fucking. She kneeled in front of Jennifer’s spread legs
and took some of the KY and rubbed it on the 6″ dildo
that was on the inside of the strap-on and the 9″ dildo
that was attached to the outside of it. She pushed the
6″ dildo inside herself and then started to rub the tip
of the 9″ dildo along Jennifer’s slick cunt.

Kelly then started to slowly push the head of the dildo
in and out of Jennifer’s pussy. After a minute or so,
Kelly was fucking Jennifer with all 9″ of the dildo. She
held Jennifer’s legs up with her knees spread apart
while she started fucking her faster and faster.
Watching this I started to get hard again, I couldn’t
believe Jennifer wasn’t waking up, but thank god she

As Kelly was fucking Jennifer, I reached over and
started to rub Jennifer’s hard clit while starting to
stroke my hard cock again. Jennifer started to respond
again by moving her hips and moaning and biting her lip.

After a minute of this I decided to finish what I had
started before, so I got up and when in front of
Jennifer’s face. I rubbed the head of my cock against
her lips again and this time they parted easily, seeming
to want my cock inside her mouth again. I pushed almost
all of my 7″ into her mouth and started fucking her
warm, wet mouth harder and deeper. My balls were soon
slapping against her face as I somehow pushed past her
throat with the tip of my cock. Noticing that she didn’t
gag or wake up, I held the back of head with my hands
and started fucking her face really hard.

Kelly saw that I was fucking her friend’s face hard and
also started fucking her harder with 9″ dildo attached
to the strap-on. I grabbed Jennifer’s knees from Kelly
and pulled them back even more, spreading Jennifer’s
bald pussy lips even further allowing Kelly to fuck her
even deeper. Kelly was really fucking Jennifer hard when
she pushed her shirt up to her neck, revealing
Jennifer’s tits.

Kelly started to rub Jennifer’s tits and pinching her
nipples, when she leaned over and started to lick and
suck them. Kelly stopped and looked up at me and said,
“Jennifer has told me a number of times that she really
likes her nipples sucked and bitten… she also told me
about something else she like a lot.” Kelly then grinned
at me and lifted one of her legs and put her foot on the
couch next to Jennifer’s leg, straddling her legs
between Jennifer’s.

Kelly then reached down and grabbed the 5″ vibrator and
sucked it into her mouth to make sure it was clean. Then
she took the vibrator and reached under herself between
their legs and slowly started to push it into Jennifer’s

Well this blew me away, here I was fucking face of an
unconscious woman while my wife fucked her with a strap-
on and now she was starting to fuck her ass with a
vibrator. I was getting very close and I could tell that
not only was Kelly getting close to cumming too, but the
unconscious Jennifer seemed to also getting close to
cumming for a third time, and she was STILL passed out.

Kelly closed her eyes and was starting to cum again
while she fucked her friend while also fucking her
friend’s ass with a vibrator. I held Jennifer’s legs far
apart while I fucked her mouth so hard and deep I
couldn’t believe she was still breathing, but at this
point, I don’t think I cared if she was, so long as I
came in her hot, wet mouth.

Kelly started moaning louder signaling that she was
close to cumming. Jennifer, although still dead to the
world, was also moaning and thrusting her hips to fuck
my wife back, while I was fucking her face harder and
harder. Kelly and I both started fucking harder and
harder, approaching our orgasms. We looked into each
other’s eyes as we pumped our cocks into Jennifer.

We both started to cum as we fucked Jennifer, Kelly her
cunt and I her mouth. Kelly screamed that she was
cumming as I pushed as far as I could into Jennifer’s
mouth, unloading what seemed like a pint of cum directly
into her throat. Kelly thrust into her a few more times
as did I, draining my balls of their semen into
Jennifer’s stomach. As Kelly and I both came, we watched
Jennifer’s body as she too came, arching her back and
then freezing. Jennifer moaned around my cumming cock
and then fell silent and still.

Kelly and I looked at each other in disbelief, both of
us not believing that Jennifer had endured so much
without waking, but she just laid there as Kelly pulled
the 9″ dildo out of her wet, stretched cunt and I pulled
my softening penis out of her mouth. As soon as I pulled
out of her mouth, Jennifer seemed to swallow and suck a
little more, getting all the cum she could out of her
mouth and throat. She even had a little smile on her
face, seemingly content with what I had just fed her.

Kelly fell back on her butt on the floor, exhausted. She
looked up and me and grinned. I walked over to her and
gave her a long, deep kiss, and then bent down and
cleaned off the 9″ dildo sticking out in front of her.

She got up and removed the strap-on and threw all the
toys on the ground and then pushed then under the couch
with her foot. She then pulled Jennifer’s shirt back
down and covered her with a blanket, letting her sleep
on the couch with a slight smile on her face.

I turned off the TV and Kelly and I went to our bedroom
to get some sleep.